Tuesday, March 05, 2013

The fear of a black planet defense, and one less despot to kick around.

"The family of murder-accused paralympian Oscar Pistorius has claimed it needs guns because the ANC government fails to protect white people, it was reported on Tuesday.

The athlete’s father Henke Pistorius told British newspaper The Daily Mirror that his family could not rely on the police for protection and owned guns for their own safety.

“Some of the guns are for hunting and some are for protection, the handguns. It speaks to the ANC government, look at white crime levels, why protection is so poor in this country, it’s an aspect of our society,” Pistorius sen. was quoted saying.

“You can’t rely on the police, not because they are inefficient always, but because crime is so rife.” [Source]

But....but...he killed a white woman.

Anyway, don't get mad at Mr. Pistorius, he is only saying what I am sure many white South Africans say in private. I mean an older South African being accused of racism is hardly news.

Mr. Pistorius, what your country needs is an NRA type of organization that will try to make sure that your country's white population will stay strapped to the hilt.

You can learn a lot from your white brothers and sisters here in America. The NRA is the public face of what many of them think privately: If we don't have our guns we could be overrun by our black population one day.

In South Africa there is black majority rule of a white minority, and this has been the norm for almost 20 years. Here in America, even though blacks are still in the minority, most Americans believe that they are living under black rule.  If you replace "ANC government" for Obama administration you get an idea of where I am coming from and where we are in America.

This is why we have a rush to buy assault weapons and an irrational fear of a government "gun grab" among certain segments of the population. And why, no matter what, guns will never be put under control in this country.

Finally, Hugo Chavez died today, and most of the people in Venezuela will miss him.

I know that he was demonized here in America, but Chavez did some good things for the Venezuelan people.

Under Chavez education and health care for poorer Venezuelans improved. (The government gave away two million lap tops to school aged children.) Enrollment in primary schools "jumped 50% and university attendance tripled." And after registering "one of the world's worst economic declines between 1970 and 1998", the government made great economic strides with unemployment being cut in half and the infant mortality rate falling dramatically. And then there was that whole cheap oil for the poor thing with Joe Kennedy.What's not to like about that? Only [right] wingnuts and big oil companies hated the idea.

 Venezuela has a ton of oil, and they are right in our back yard. We didn't like the last guy because he didn't think like us, but let's see what happens now.

One thing we do know is that the folks at Langley are going to be working overtime for the next few months.


  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Everyone should fear a black planet, especially black people.

  2. Chavez's policies kept the Venezuelan people poor despite the vast oil wealth of the country. No one should mourn his passing.

  3. Had South African whites been interested in an honest, competent and trusted police force they had decades to build one when they were in power, but instead they hired bully-boys sadists and psychopaths to terrorize the blacks. It's not much of a stretch to say that until 1996 South Africa itself was a nothing more than a vast criminal conspiracy. Mass criminalism, confined to its black occupied cantons of course, was subsidized by the state to derail political equality. Such police capacity as was not directed toward oppression of the black population, particularly it's aspirational cadre, was dedicated to the safety of whites and whites only. South African whites sowed the wind.....

  4. Anonymous10:28 PM

    He also came to Puerto Rico for the inauguration of Gov.Sila Calderon (Democratic Party)many years ago.

    I also heard that he wanted to sell Puerto Rico cheap oil, but I think the US didn't allow it, but I'm not sure if the deal went down or not. (and too lazy to Google it, as usual:p)


    I don't believe how fast he went. Unless he'd been battling this in silence for a while.

  5. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Mutants---save for the precious few, like Sean Penn, Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, etc., who fiercely attempt to be human---generally swallow U.S. propaganda and rail against Hugo, but he'll always be a hero because he avoided U.S. coup attempts by Bush, Condi (who, with Prick Cheney, successfully had Benazir Bhutto assassinated, but I digress), and company and who will ever forget him waving away the smell of sulfur coming behind Dubya at a podium before the U.N.? The arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court at the Hague, Netherlands, for the ENTIRE Bush Cabinet (just like Joseph Kony of Kony 2012 infamy) for Aggression and War Crimes (more or less) resulting in the deaths of 1.45 million Iraqis MORE than validated Chavez's histrionics. When you query the numerous mutants celebrating Chavez's demise and ask them whether he has all the deaths, all the blood on his hands, they fall silent. When I think of all those mutant expats, back in '05, attempting to vote him out of office by absentia in Coconut Grove, FL., and failing to do so, it brings a smile to my face. Vjva Chavez! "¡Hasta la vida siempre! - ¡Hasta la victoria siempre. QuĂ© viva la patria!"

  6. Wesley R11:49 PM

    Yes Sir there's planes of wingnuts heading to Venezuela as we speak trying to find politicians to bride.

  7. Anonymous11:51 PM


    If you observe the mutants celebrating, it makes anyone understand in this society that if you hail from a subjugated group, that mutants are the enemy, pure and simple. Thanks for the info on him providing the laptops. Could you imagine this empire doing likewise? Could you imagine living in a country, like China, Brazil, or Venezuela, where leaders actually sought to help the poor?

  8. R.I.P. Hugo Chavez!

    Political pundits in this United Empire of ours railed against what Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez refers to as “Socialism for the 21st century.” Moreover, Socialism appears to be quite a dirty word in this country. Under a Socialist system, Pres. Chavez, who is of mixed heritage and this biological known fact is frowned upon by the lighter skin Venezuelan elites. However, Pres. Chavez decreased the poverty rate, stabilized the wealth distribution, provided more access to higher education, where the PEOPLE decide how firms are ran and how to further serve his fellow citizens and has place his trust in the common PEOPLE as opposed to a few thousand light skin technocrats as they do within this Empire of ours. Hell ….., you’d think that after 300 years, we as a nation would’ve already evolved into a fantastic utopia if we were in fact a true democracy.

    Democracy, the supposed form of government we have here, nor the sociopathic, corporate, thug culture of Wall Street or any US President actually has worked towards the goal of eradicating homelessness, poverty and simply leveling the playing for the common PEOPLE in Amerikkka.

    Personally, I believe that the time has arrived quite some time ago for a fresh look at Socialist policies. I sincerely hope and pray that the PEOPLE of this country quit slumbering towards a fascist society with White folks at the helm, willing and ready to intentionally steer the entire country into another economic ditch, simply because the glitterati elites thought it would be fun to do so.

  9. Anonymous1:33 AM


    Ishmael Reed has an excellent piece at Counterpunch.org entitled, "It's Not the Deer, It's the Brothers
    Guns, Race and America’s Collective Psychosis," wherein he makes a parallel argument regarding the Oscar's gun excuse. Peep this excerpt:

    "Once in awhile, the truth sneaks through despite the efforts of Chuck, Chris, Chris, David, and Dan, Luke and Joe to obfuscate. Michael Moore told Piers Morgan that the nation is armed because whites with guns want to use them on black people. Morgan interrupted him. Morgan must have read the memo from CNN executives, one of whom told Rick Sanchez that “Race sells.” These armed whites have a fantasy that was portrayed in Robert Crumb’s brilliant though offensive cartoon “When The Ni--ers Take Over America.”

  10. YES all white people should fear BLACK PLANET esp those who remain anonymous timid and afraid of their own shadows..
    As a native born Afrikan who came to adulthood and sanity in Cuba after Fidel gave my fam asylum from the Belgian rapist murderers l I can tell you that its past time for the Afrikan to take back ever inch of our land property and people wolrdwide.
    .No matter whom it hurts, disenfranchises or leaves in the dust AND! this is especially true of the house negros and aunt jemimas..

    Either you are part of the prob/solution..The white man world wide has never wanted anything other than to exterminate the Afrikan from the face of the earth..And I am not anonymous I am Milagros!

  11. Anonymous8:47 AM


    If you observe the mutants celebrating, it makes anyone understand in this society that if you hail from a subjugated group, that mutants are the enemy, pure and simple. Thanks for the info on him providing the laptops. Could you imagi

    Can this empire doing likewise? Could you imagine living in a country, like China, Brazil, or Venezuela, where leaders actually sought to help the poor?

    I guess when you don't have the tools to think; you imagine.

    Chavez turned a prosperous Venezuala into a hellhole for the poor.

    There were shortages of food, power outages daily for hours at a time. The poor took to building houses out of cardboard on the side of the roads.

    You have no idea what you are talking about being lured by the thought of free stuff. I lived in and out of Venezuala during Chavez's reign. Like any socialist/communist he took a country that was one of the wealthist and rising in Latin America and turned it into a cesspool filled crime haven where the elite got very rich and fat and the poor got decimated.

    You are absolutely clueless, but then again that is why you are who you are.

    Imagine a country with one of the worlds largest oil supplies if not he largest that couldn't even provide basic electricity for its wealthiest citizens.

    You like China, Brazil, Venezuela and claim people over there have it good? Fool.

  12. Anonymous8:47 AM


    If you observe the mutants celebrating, it makes anyone understand in this society that if you hail from a subjugated group, that mutants are the enemy, pure and simple. Thanks for the info on him providing the laptops. Could you imagi

    Can this empire doing likewise? Could you imagine living in a country, like China, Brazil, or Venezuela, where leaders actually sought to help the poor?

    I guess when you don't have the tools to think; you imagine.

    Chavez turned a prosperous Venezuala into a hellhole for the poor.

    There were shortages of food, power outages daily for hours at a time. The poor took to building houses out of cardboard on the side of the roads.

    You have no idea what you are talking about being lured by the thought of free stuff. I lived in and out of Venezuala during Chavez's reign. Like any socialist/communist he took a country that was one of the wealthist and rising in Latin America and turned it into a cesspool filled crime haven where the elite got very rich and fat and the poor got decimated.

    You are absolutely clueless, but then again that is why you are who you are.

    Imagine a country with one of the worlds largest oil supplies if not he largest that couldn't even provide basic electricity for its wealthiest citizens.

    You like China, Brazil, Venezuela and claim people over there have it good? Fool.

  13. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Field your slipping. Got your talking points mixed up today. Think Progress has to tell you collective socialist Marxists be careful about idealizing despicable characters like Chavez. Funny how they had to warn you about this despot. If they have to warn you about loving you some bigoted dictators, might be something wrong with you.


  14. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Blogger Black Sage said...

    R.I.P. Hugo Chavez!

    Political pundits in this United Empire of ours railed against what Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez refers to as “Socialism for the 21st century.” Moreover, Socialism appears to be quite a dirty word in this country. Under a Socialist system, Pres. Chavez, who is of mixed heritage and this biological known fact is frowned upon by the lighter skin Venezuelan elites. However, Pres. Chavez decreased the poverty rate, stabilized the wealth distribution, provided more access to higher education, where the PEOPLE decide how firms are ran and how to further serve his fellow citizens and has place his trust in the common PEOPLE as opposed to a few thousand light skin technocrats as they do within this Empire of ours. Hell ….., you’d think that after 300 years, we as a nation would’ve already evolved into a fantastic utopia if we were in fact a true democracy.

    Democracy, the supposed form of government we have here, nor the sociopathic, corporate, thug culture of Wall Street or any US President actually has worked towards the goal of eradicating homelessness, poverty and simply leveling the playing for the common PEOPLE in Amerikkka.

    Personally, I believe that the time has arrived quite some time ago for a fresh look at Socialist policies. I sincerely hope and pray that the PEOPLE of this country quit slumbering towards a fascist society with White folks at the helm, willing and ready to intentionally steer the entire country into another economic ditch, simply because the glitterati elites thought it would be fun to do so.

    Which Black Socialist Society do you admire most? Tell us why it's so good? Haiti perhaps?

    How about we start with any Black city in the U.S? Which Black city with a Majority Black population and politicians do you think we should model America after? Why?

  15. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Blacks fear a black planet more than anyone. Whites actually want themselves to evaporate so that there can be a black planet. This blog needs to update it's rhetoric, the 50's are over son.


  16. "Racism is very characteristic of imperialism and capitalism. Hate against me has a lot to do with racism. Because of my big mouth and curly hair. And I'm so proud to have this mouth and this hair, because it is African." - Hugo Chavez, September 21, 2005

  17. Purple Drank3:22 PM

    I know I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you!:


  18. Bicko5:05 PM

    Whitey the Jew said...
    "South African whites sowed the wind....."

    Just like Obama can excuse his own failures by blaming Bush FOREVER, so apparently can the blacks of South Africa justify outright genocide because of Apartheid.

    You remember Apartheid, right? The system that made South Africa the richest country in Africa and the one where the black population had the highest standard of living and safest living conditions?

    How is black rule working in South Africa?

    Freedom has failed.

  19. "You remember Apartheid, right? The system that made South Africa the richest country in Africa and the one where the black population had the highest standard of living and safest living conditions?"

    Huh? Link please.

    I swear the Stormfront library must have an account with The Onion.:)

    "Field your slipping. Got your talking points mixed up today. Think Progress has to tell you collective socialist Marxists be careful about idealizing despicable characters like Chavez. "

    The folks at "Think Progress" get their talking points from me.

    I am not beholden to anyone -left or right- in this country.

  20. Manfred5:32 PM

    "field negro said...
    I swear the Stormfront library must have an account with The Onion.:)"

    Yeah, but our librarian is HOT! Not many women can look so bootylicious in combat boots!

  21. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Black Sage said...

    "Racism is very characteristic of imperialism and capitalism. Hate against me has a lot to do with racism. Because of my big mouth and curly hair. And I'm so proud to have this mouth and this hair, because it is African." - Hugo Chavez, September 21, 2005

    All it takes to get something like you to align is some ridiculous platitudes.

    Is your name an attempt at irony?

  22. Anonymous7:48 PM

    A black planet would last a few minutes after the last whitey is gone. The yellows and browns probably don't think much of this black planet idea. Good luck homies.


  23. Afrikaners- much like their white brethren in the USA- display a remarkable degree of amnesia and denial where domestic law enforcement is concerned. Apartheid Storm Troopers never had to learn (and cannot apply) even the most fundamental precepts of criminal justice. They know nothing of evidence collection, basic investigative procedures or testifying in an official capacity...Abduction, torture, wrongful imprisonment and assassination worked just fine. Until it didn't.

  24. Anonymous9:54 PM

    DESERT, "...(and too lazy to Google it, as usual:p)"

    Now see? You are one of the reasons they call Blacks lazy.

  25. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Many of the comments on the death of Pres. Hugo Chavez demonstrates that many of the authors regurgitate the vomit of the corporate MSM. Their knowledge of (esp. non-English speaking)Caribbean countries appears to be limited to what one might learn during a Princess Cruise port-of-call to a tourist trap. Chavez was the first President to put an African hero (Pedro Camejo) on the Venezuelan currency.

  26. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Anonymous said...

    DESERT, "...(and too lazy to Google it, as usual:p)"

    Now see? You are one of the reasons they call Blacks lazy.
    Noooo,you know I'm not really lazyy :p

    It's just my eyes are bad,and they get tired fast...you wanna know how many times I have to change those darn 'prove you're not a robot' letters and numbers before I can see them clearly to post the comment? Many, sometimes as many as 7 or 8 times. :(

    and I'm old, so anyway I've earned my right to be lazy! So there! *sticking tongue out at you*

    (Leave me alone, I'm watching the Jodi Arias trial, don't anybody bother meeee :)))

  27. Anonymous1:24 PM

    There's a reason we all have to go back to the nothingness from which we all emerged; it's because we don't know what to do with life the few days we have it. Insanity overrules us all. We're just humans; no different from the bugs that crawl all over the earth.

  28. "There's a reason we all have to go back to the nothingness from which we all emerged; it's because we don't know what to do with life the few days we have it. Insanity overrules us all. We're just humans; no different from the bugs that crawl all over the earth."

    Yeah but some bugs are worse than others.
