Sunday, April 21, 2013

If a bomb goes off and a Muslim didn't plant it, did it make a sound?

I am not a fan of Adam Carolla but....

"Comedian and frequent O’Reilly Factor guest Adam Carolla was one of the few media voices this week to stand up and say that the Boston Marathon bombings were getting too much attention from the press. On his popular podcast Friday, Carolla said he couldn’t believe how much more the media was covering the Boston attacks than they were the Texas fertilizer plant explosion, given that the death toll appeared to be much higher in Texas.

“Boston is three people dead, and quite a few injured,” Carolla said, “but it’s three people dead. There’s that many people during the course of this podcast, that many people times ten that die out on the highways.” Meanwhile, he pointed out, the death toll in the Texas explosion was up to 15 or higher.
“That’s the whole thing” about this country, Carolla explained. “We’re not really into math, we’re into feelings. We don’t do math when it comes to solving whatever ills our society has, and we’re not really into it when it comes to body counts.”

After a brief and confusing detour about second-hand smoke and AIDS, Carolla got it his main point: “Every time we spend 10 minutes talking about something that isn’t a real problem, we take 10 minutes away from talking about something that is a problem.” Bringing it back to “the Boston thing,” he said, “that somehow struck a nerve” whereas the believes people are chalking up the Texas explosion to “shit happens.”

“But if a terrorist touched off that plant,” he concluded, “then now we’ve got an issue.” [Source]

Welcome to my world Mr. Carolla. Why is it that hundreds of black children being murdered every year doesn't cause an eyebrow to be raised, but the murder of any white child does? Why is it that when a woman of color goes missing we never hear about it from anyone other than her own family members? "Feelings"? I think not.

Anyway, now that I know that Caucasians are being profiled and that they are worried about being judged by "the actions of a few", maybe I will suspend my racism chase for awhile. Maybe.

"Since the identification and apprehension (both dead and alive) of Boston Marathon bombing suspects Tamerlan Tsarnaev (reportedly shot and run over with explosives strapped to him, amid unconfirmed reports he was clutching an “ACME Co.” receipt) and Dzokhar Tsarnaev (apprehended as a result of history’s first heroic nicotine fit), there has been a rush to triumphantly point and laugh at liberal commentator David Sirota‘s preference that the bombers turn out to be like the cheese on his ham sandwich: white and American. As it happens, both of them turned out to be Caucasian, and one of them was American, but we can’t allow their actions to define all Caucasian-Americans

Lucky for white Americans, Sirota was at least half-right: when perpetrators of horrific acts turn out to be white, there is some phenomenon that causes their whiteness to become completely irrelevant, even if they are actually from the place where whiteness gets its name. Until Friday, I always thought “caucasian” was just a name that some fancy racist thought up to make white people sound better than “negroids” and “mongoloids,” but it turns out there’s a real place called Caucasia, and the Boston bombing suspects are from it.

Despite that fact, and despite the fact that their region of origin has been heavily reported as “the Caucasas,” you would never know that these guys were Caucasian, let alone white, from the way cable news has been reporting on them. With the exception of Sunday morning’s Melissa Harris-Perry show, the only cable news description of the suspects as “Caucasian” came from Massachusetts State Police Col. Tim Alben, during a press conference.

That’s because David Sirota didn’t count on the one possibility that could nullify a white American bomber: a white American Muslim bomber. Whatever you think of Sirota’s expression of his premise, or the timing of it, the results support it: white privilege means never having to say you’re sorry for what other white people did. Not now, not ever. The skin color that was so relevant early in the week disappeared like a white rabbit in a hat, replaced by a Muslim rabbit with no discernible coloration. Ta-daaa!

The flipside of the white privilege that Sirota described was discussed concisely and effectively by Melissa Harris-Perry‘s panel Sunday morning. Muslim-American researcher Zaheer Ali pointed out that “Many Muslims around the country, before the identities of the suspects were known, said ‘Please don’t let them be Muslim,’” and recalled, similarly, “growing up, we said please don’t be black, right?”

“You had a case that at the Boston Marathon where a young 20-year-old Saudi was running like everybody else from the bombing, and he was tackled because he was suspected as being one of the bombers,” he added, “so being Muslim in America post 9/11 is being both being a victim of terror, and also being afraid of being a suspect of terror.”

Sikh-American activist and film-maker Valarie Kaur pointed out another example of the double-standard that Sirota described. “Let’s remember that the Oak Creek mass shooting was actually the last incident of domestic terrorism in this country,” she said. “It was committed by a white supremacist who walked into a Sikh house of worship. We did not hear calls for white people to be profiled, we did not hear Christianity denigrated, or Christians living in fear. The way that our country diagnoses a problem when it’s a white perpetrator, it’s an individual problem.”

Professor Michael Eric Dyson summed it up best, saying that “This is what it means to be black in America, as well as many other religious minorities. The evil stuff, the bad stuff we do is seen as representative. The great stuff we do is seen as exceptional. The exceptional people can never be representative of the group, and the evil people are the only representatives, or the people who do bad things are the only representatives. White Americans don’t — if Tom Cruise goes down, you got Brad Pitt. If Denzel goes down, we’re done.” [Source]

Well Dr. Dyson, if you put it that way, I guess my racism chase will continue after all.


  1. Eyes wide open8:57 PM

    "Welcome to my world Mr. Carolla. Why is it that hundreds of black children being murdered every year doesn't cause an eyebrow to be raised, but the murder of any white child does? Why is it that when a woman of color goes missing we never hear about it from anyone other than her own family members? "Feelings"? I think not."

    It's because other black people are doing the murdering. The feelings that have to be protected are black people's feelings. You can't point out the horrific criminal toll paid by black victims without touching on the horrific criminality of black perpetrators. This is a truth that cannot be spoken in contemporary America.

  2. Anonymous9:14 PM

    "Professor Michael Eric Dyson summed it up best, saying that “This is what it means to be black in America, as well as many other religious minorities. The evil stuff, the bad stuff we do is seen as representative. The great stuff we do is seen as exceptional. The exceptional people can never be representative of the group, and the evil people are the only representatives, or the people who do bad things are the only representatives."

    Such bullshit.

    Exceptional blacks are all that is permitted to be seen in movies, TV and advertisements. TV is an endless parade of black doctors, lawyers, magic negroes selling insurance, and celebrated athletes. Whenever Hollywood depicts terrorists or gang members, they are always white. God is always a negro, usually Morgan Freeman.

    The media does is best to keep Americans ignorant about what is "representative" of black people or muslims.

    Dyson is absofuckinglutely clueless.

  3. Anonymous9:38 PM

    “But if a terrorist touched off that plant,” he concluded, “then now we’ve got an issue.” [Source]
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lLol! Excuse me for living but, I've heard ridiculous things before but this really takes the cake.

    Are we comparing an accident in a probably shoddily maintained fertilizer plant, that while granted it's pretty horrific in and of itself, and of course merits mourning, attention and sanction, to two people who harbored hatred for the home and neighbors that innocently harbored them, to the point of making bombs to purposely, purposely and with intent, not accidentally,like the fertilizer plant, but with all the evil, and premeditated intention in the world, to kill and maim and destroy,

    Is he equating them? Are they the same thing?

    So maybe we just have to go a merry way and make like nothing has happened. Yes, maybe that would be best.

    Welcome back to America Mr and Mrs Tsarnaev. Hey, maybe you'll stay this time? Hope so....

    Oh my now lets go back to stopping those f&()/#€ illegal wetbacks at the border! Remember, Shoot to kill!

  4. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Brotha Field, you got it all wrong. There is no racism in this event...At all. You have got to get over your own prejudices which are 'coloring' your thoughts and reasons. They are totally illogical.

    May I suggest you watch Glenn Beck tomorrow? His show should clear up some things for you and show how your racism chasing is more of an illusion than a mirage in a desert.

    Please brother. Stop making us look bad. We can't afford to be sent back in time because Negroes like you forced the white man's hand. Don't you remember what happened to the Black Panthers in the 60's? Ask brother Panther 2. He'll tell you about those regrets and wished at that time that the Panthers had STFU. Get it, bro?

    Please. Please. I'd like to see you keep your blog. I mean, what would we do if the man shuts down your blog? Many of us just wouldn't make it without FN.

  5. Wesley R10:24 PM

    When I think about the bombers I remember what the great comic Paul Mooney has said for years " what a waste of white skin".

    As far as reporting on issues concerning Black Folks, we have enough media. We need to get off of the Willie Lynch curse and support each other, so we can stop asking others to do the work for us.

  6. This is "Merica Field, EVERYTHING gets too much attention. Remember all of the reporters sniffing Chandra Levey & Gary Condit's sheets 24/7 before the ultimate too-much-attention-paid incident of all time, the 9/11 attacks, blew that "important" story away like a fart in the wind. We "Merkins have to have this saturation coverage to give us a common experience that we can all vibrate to at the same frequency; like bees in a hive incorporating the news of a new flower into the hive, or the firelight storytellers who transmitted the meanings and means of life for a million years of human history before we invented any other arts.

  7. Yeah, keep your running kicks on Field, racism doesn't take holidays. But, I think that the difference in media reaction between a predictively explosive ammonium-nitrateplant in the middle of a village in the middle of Randian wet-dream free-for-all corporate-capitalist Texas, and the unpredictability of a couple of heavily armed nihilist if precocious youths holding a major city within driving distance of NYC hostage to political terror down to ongoing dramatic value and the proximity of most of our story-tellers. Industrial disasters in the largely unregulated Chemical Corridor in the Gulf are as reliably perennial as tornados in Kansas; live action ongoing terror ala Boston or Mumbai, are one-offs.

  8. Anonymous11:36 PM

    If a bomb goes of and the (long defunt) ku klux klan isn't responsible, does it matter?

  9. In the words of Dr. Cornell West, Amerikka has been "niggerized" once again! So tell me, how does it feel white Amerikkka to be constantly viewed as a suspect simply because of your skin color? How does it feel Amerikkka to feel unprotected and proned to be a subject of violence at any given moment? How does it feel to be racially profiled merely because your phenotype is akin to a criminal's skin tone? How does it feel Amerikka to essentially be placed under a state of gubberment martial law?

    In sum, how does it feel Amerikka, to walk in a black man's shoes, even it's only for a short period of time?

    As a friend, I'm here for your white Amerikkka, to answer these questions for you if your finding having difficulty doing so.

  10. Anonymous1:48 AM

    "..Bringing it back to “the Boston thing,” he said, “that somehow struck a nerve” whereas the believes people are chalking up the Texas explosion to “shit happens.”

    There is another aspect Carolla failed to mention about the people of our country: The people of Boston are, consciously or unconsciously, considered far more important than the folks down near Waco, Texas. I am sure Carolla thought it but would not dare say it.

  11. Anonymous2:03 AM

    “That’s the whole thing” about this country, Carolla explained. “We’re not really into math, we’re into feelings. We don’t do math when it comes to solving whatever ills our society has, and we’re not really into it when it comes to body counts.”

    Brotha Field, what Carolla fails to realize is that the human heart is far more powerful than the so-called rational and logical mind.

    Maybe you because you an FN Leftist, or Maybe you aren't old enough to know that:

    Every human judgment, no matter how logical and reasonable, is loaded with human emotions, and human prejudices.

    That's why our justice system is so very flawed because it runs on human judgment.

  12. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Field commented, "Welcome to my world Mr. Carolla. Why is it that hundreds of black children being murdered every year doesn't cause an eyebrow to be raised, but the murder of any white child does? Why is it that when a woman of color goes missing we never hear about it from anyone other than her own family members? "Feelings"? I think not."

    Field, there is a saying in the mental and emotional health field: "Without feelings, nothing matters. With feelings 'anything' can matter."

    From that true statement, you can discern that feelings of empathy for Blacks in our country is very low. But the feelings for Whites is very high.

  13. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Professor Michael Eric Dyson summed it up best, saying that “This is what it means to be black in America, as well as many other religious minorities. The evil stuff, the bad stuff we do is seen as representative. The great stuff we do is seen as exceptional. The exceptional people can never be representative of the group, and the evil people are the only representatives, or the people who do bad things are the only representatives. White Americans don’t — if Tom Cruise goes down, you got Brad Pitt. If Denzel goes down, we’re done.” [Source]

    Field said, "Well Dr. Dyson, if you put it that way, I guess my racism chase will continue after all."

    Yeah, yeah. Any excuse to keep the big R going. The last time you posted anything about Dyson, it was pretty darn negative. You said he was full of BS, remember? So now you see him in a positive light? Get Real. You are as full of shit as Dyson.

  14. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Dear Mr Field, Whites are in power. They earned the right to this country because they conquered the inhabitants of North America. FYI: people are conquering people all over the planet. It's for survival and for "power".

    So it stands for reason that Whites won't go through what Blacks and other minorities will go through. That's because there is a 'difference' in position, status and race. The sooner you and your FN fans learn to face reality, the happier you will be.

  15. The corporate media has a job to do, namely keep us in the dark and feed us crap aka "the mushroom treatment". They won't report on the fertilizer plant disaster because it resulted from lack of regulatory oversight. Remember, all regulations are bad, bad, bad. They are part of evil government. Government is evil except when you use it to bail out a private company that doesn't follow regulations. Privatize the profit and socialize the risks. This is what out government has been reduced to under 30 years of crooked chicanery.

  16. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Until Friday, I always thought “caucasian” was just a name that some fancy racist thought up to make white people sound better than “negroids” and “mongoloids,”----that was funny....made me laugh....

    Since humanity emerged from Africa---we are really all Africans.....

    Anyway as a Muslim---I thank you for highlighting a problem of perception that not many people seem to be aware of.....thanks

  17. NSangoma3:57 AM


    field, you house Negroe!!

    Only commies and democrat plantation dwelling house Negroes, like you field, want the OSHA and the EPA dipping in Texas' business', business.

    There are three federal government agencies that I am going to immediately get rid of when I am elected president of the USA, said the true American, right thinking American, presidential candidate from Tejas.

    Leave the democrat federul gubmint plantation field; and become a fo' reel field Negroe.

    Though field, the EPA is the result of a Nixon (republican) administration executive order.

    tee hee


  18. Anonymous6:58 AM

    "That’s because David Sirota didn’t count on the one possibility that could nullify a white American bomber: a white American Muslim bomber."

    and the Zionist controlled US mass media will continue to ram this fact down your throats because they want all the US voters to be anti Muslim. Israel will bomb Iran and then create a false flag operation to expand the size of present day Israel and there will be no popular condemnation.


  19. Field shared and i have always called them out as CAUCASOIDS

    Field shared

    Lucky for white Americans, Sirota was at least half-right: when perpetrators of horrific acts turn out to be white, there is some phenomenon that causes their whiteness to become completely irrelevant, even if they are actually from the place where whiteness gets its name. Until Friday, I always thought “caucasian” was just a name that some fancy racist thought up to make white people sound better than “negroids” and “mongoloids,” but it turns out there’s a real place called Caucasia, and the Boston bombing suspects are from it.
    lol Field this is Milagros and as you know i called them as they are from the beginning. And i know u know where caucus is LMAO

    We went on a world cruise a group of ATTYS etc which included the Black sea area two yrs ago for our anniversary. And i can tell you that area of the old USSR is a beauty.

    We are scheduled to do it again this yr with a visit to the Chech republic

    Even more mind boggling is the fact that here in Hyde Park where fam resides Caucasoid is a word used by many euros who come from the Caucus mtn area So what is the big deal?

    All over the blue collar working comm of Mattapan, Dorchester, JP and the bury Afrikans and Spanish speakers were batting down waiting for the po po to kick their doors in

    Had they perps been anything other than what was suspected Carolla would have suffered a major heart attack already. And after more than 7 days he is JUST now complaining Why is that?

    Lets not be mesmerized by another white man fakin the funk and complaining remember the 9/11 bombing?

    This is what took place after Charles "WHITE BOY" Stuart murdered his PREGNANT wife and told the BPD that it was an Afrikan .
    Field, i/we lived through that as a Attys and to date some are still feeling those pings.

    YES, its always too much when Caucasoids are tagged however he better get ready for the next throw down because whoever it is it will be talked about

    Como dices

  20. Afrikans are Afrikans but it takes more than birth to make an Afrikan!

    Anyone? I didn't think so


  21. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    This is "Merica Field, EVERYTHING gets too much attention. Remember all of the reporters sniffing Chandra Levey & Gary Condit's sheets 24/7

    Remember who eventually got convicted for killing Levy? An illegal immigrant, Ingmar Guandique.

    Democrats got you coming or going.


    just so you know

  23. Anonymous12:54 PM

    My adopted Iranian Kurdish brother, who is a Zoroastrian, said "Please don't let it be a Muslim. Effing Muslims are always blowing things up...and I'll never get a visa" :) Yeah. He said that.

  24. Exactly Field. You see it here. When I do something good or bad every pilot at my airline, hell every blah pilot, is assigned the action but if Bob does something it is attributed to Bob. Dr. King's dream is not quite fulfilled. It's a small beef but my beef nonetheless. I hope mu kids getto be held for their own actions and not the actions of others. We still have a ways to go.

  25. BTW, wasn't Glenn beck supposed to have info today that would topple Barack's administration? Tick tock. Typical conservative.

  26. Anonymous1:38 PM

    My, my, my, I do believe that effing political correctness will effing rule again! Over logic, reasoning, and yes, even good old math!

    These SOBs are now believed to have murdered, slashed to death, three college clasmates. Which is why Tammy boy fled to Russia for six months! He wasn't even investigated. Profiling in reverse!

    It matters not whether they are Muslims ot Christians or any other denomination.

    What they did is NOT a religious action, or a Muslim behavior. It is not a Godly action. And nowhere in the Quran is this prescribed to bomb your friends, your neighbors, where you have CHOSEN ti live and breathe.

    On the other hand nowhere does it say to shoot and kill African AMERICANS who have toiled Nd built this country with blood, sweat and tears, for no reason in the streets, Or shoot and kill and detain Mexicans that are
    crossing the border into a land that was once theirs anyway, to work there butts off here.

    Does anyone else see the dichotomy, or is it just me????

  27. Field

    Remember this case? do we always thought that there were lies lies and more lies now we know or at least suspect that a deal was made with a convicted felon

    Chandra Levy was not killed by any illegal anyone. WHY?

    Simple No people are illegal in this world . Every human has a right to be here there and anywhere..That is an Orisha right not a man made right And as far as UNDOCUMENTED what human has the right to document another?

    Moving along:
    Now what is key are the rights Afrikans were forced to give up when cave men crawled out of those euro caves and took our land (meaning my people all over the Afrikan diaspora) Or what the indigenous peoples suffered on the forced trails.

    Chandra Levy was a ghostbuster whose lust for a bone caught her off guard

    Key Witness in Levy Case Could Be Discredited

    Boston Globe April 12, 2013
    A judge says a key witness against the man convicted of murdering Washington intern Chandra Levy in 2001 could be discredited by new information.

    Judge Gerald Fisher was speaking Thursday at the end of a hearing in the case, one of several recent hearings largely conducted out of earshot of the public and press. That pattern continued as government lawyers and lawyers for Ingmar Guandique spent about an hour and a half in private conversation.

    Fisher says prosecutors provided him information in November that could be used to discredit the testimony former Guandique cellmate convicted rapist Armando Morales. Morales testified that Guandique confided he was responsible for Levy's death.

    Oh really?

    The disappearance of the 24-year-old became international news after she was romantically linked with then-California Rep. Gary Condit.

    As an atty i smell a lie and i would smell this same lie even if the perp were a white boy!

    With me its about justice Not just us or them.. Get it right or dig deeper


    If those who do not know, this body was not there all of the time for some time yes but not the entire time Condit may very well be a part of this cover up and falsehood runs from truth

  29. PilotX said...
    BTW, wasn't Glenn beck supposed to have info today that would topple Barack's administration? Tick tock. Typical conservative.

    1:14 PM

    Still LOL

  30. As long as the small bones cave boys are the target of any given issue, the issues will always be in denied

    Some short/bones suggest that euros are in control but fail to realize that no one is in control of anyone. That was proven when the city here was bombed and people were hurt.

    Dixircrats run for office scalawags run for office and suckers vote who is in control?

    Also when a so called sage and educator tries to illucidate and discusses their "SUPPOSED" people in the 3rd party (they, you people, them. black people etc )that should make one THINK..
    Just who is in control..It cannot be people who are afraid envious or ashamed that their lives are complete failures..That is sad

    And i am Milagros Garcia Villamil

    Ps Also what is control and is $$ the final curtsy?

    Playing chess and agitating hehehehehe

  31. PilotX said...
    Exactly Field. You see it here. When I do something good or bad every pilot at my airline, hell every blah pilot, is assigned the action but if Bob does something it is attributed to Bob

    That is because whites go through life as individuals, while blacks insist on being part of a collective. Stop demanding racial quotas and race-based preferences if you want to be judged on your own merits.

  32. Mohammed Atta in Hell2:25 PM

    Desertflower said...
    "It matters not whether they are Muslims ot Christians or any other denomination."

    Because Christians or any other denominations are blowing up what in the name of their religion?

  33. You understand, of course, that "feelings" is real man code for squishy female stuff.

  34. Desertflower said...
    On the other hand nowhere does it say to shoot and kill African "AMERICANS who have toiled Nd built this country with blood, sweat and tears, for no reason in the streets, Or shoot and kill and detain Mexicans that are
    crossing the border into a land that was once theirs anyway, to work there butts off here.

    Does anyone else see the dichotomy, or is it just me???? "

    Lot's of people see it, but they are as confused as you are by false relevancy girded by false beliefs.

    I guess your inference is that white America is shooting and killing African Americans and Mexicans crossing the border. That is a ridiculous slander.

    And North American does not belong to Mexicans for all eternity.

  35. Anonymous3:47 PM

    @Black Sage

    You really need to update your rhetoric son, that is straight 70's emotional-porn.

  36. Perhaps you'll hear some compassion from everyone if YOU STOP KILLING EACH OTHER. Meanwhile, we're tired of your whining. You people make your should lie in it and accept responsibility for the fact that you are ethnically and percentage wise more apt to commit violent crimes than any other face.

  37. "That is because whites go through life as individuals, while blacks insist on being part of a collective. Stop demanding racial quotas and race-based preferences if you want to be judged on your own merits."

    The problem is, of course, that you and idiots like "Old Girl" [Loonie] see blacks as a collective group regardless.

  38. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Mohammed Atta in Hell said:
    Because Christians or any other denominations are blowing up what in the name of their religion?
    The etremist faction of any religion is violent. The extremist faction.

    The example that comes to mind is when Christians blow up abortion clinics
    In the name of Christianity. Hate crimes against gays, all religions have an extremist, violent faction.
    Raul said...
    "I guess your inference is that white America is shooting and killing African Americans and Mexicans crossing the border."
    And they're not? Lol read the papers son!

  39. OldGirl Tweety said...
    Perhaps you'll hear some compassion from everyone if YOU STOP KILLING EACH OTHER. Meanwhile, we're tired of your whining. You people make your should lie in it and accept responsibility for the fact that you are ethnically and percentage wise more apt to commit violent crimes than any other face.

    LEAVE" ole girl! no one is stopping you.. why come here? Noone is seeking your pity? You get none here pull up your draws and be the change you want to see.. here we pour down FIYAH!

    Are you lonely, frustrated, angry or hungry or are you hoping someone will have PITY!

    Welcome to my world! Sit down and take notes
    At the same time and out of the same breathe what Afrikan bone rejected you?

    Also if you look at more than WIKI you will come across this fact"
    let me break it down for the yahoo gal from the hilly.

    Why Most Mass Murderers Are Privileged White Men
    ( Boston just proved that AGAIN)

    1 Are white men particularly prone to carrying out the all too familiar mass killings of which the Connecticut mass assassination of 20 babies is just one of the latest iterations?

    2 Is there something about the stale pale, male, middle-class experience that makes it easier for troubled young men to turn schools and movie theaters into killing fields? In a word, yes.

    3 Not every mass murder in recent years has been committed by a middle-class white guy. But as others have pointed out in the hours after the Colorado theater massacre, in those rare instances where a man of color is responsible for a shooting spree (as in the 2007 Virginia Tech killings or the 2009 Fort Hood rampage (An Asian/ Arab), The difference, as some have made clear , is that when white men commit mass murder we don't hear how their skin color, their maleness, or their social class were contributing factors to their acts.

    4 People see pale males as individuals whose moral state reflects their individual will. In other words, white men kill simply because they are "sick" or "evil."

    5 Now hill gal
    Perhaps the greatest asset that unearned privilege conveys is the sense that public spaces "belong" to your ilk.
    If you are €” like James Holmes , or Charles Whitman, who killed 16 people on the University of Texas, Austin campus in 1966 a an American-born, college-educated white man from a prosperous family, you don't have a sense that any place worth being is off-limits to the likes of you.

    6 White men from upper middle-class backgrounds expect to be both welcomed and heard wherever they go. When that sense of entitlement gets frustrated, as it can for a host of complex psychological reasons, it is those same hyper-privileged men who are the most likely to react with violent, rage filled indignation.

    7 For white male murderers from nice families, the fact that they chose public spaces like schools, university campuses, or movie theaters as their targets suggests that they saw these places as legitimately theirs. ITS called White supremacy vs sex drugs or money NEXT???

    I am Milagros Garcia Villamil

    ps do you play chess? ;)

    Pps if you bring it i will entertain you bring your debate not your disrespect!

  40. Field;

    We are taking a break for a ride NORTH to Canada this eve for the wkend we are worn out.
    So before i go let me agitate and piss off the house negros little bones, and uncle thom/asinas AGAIN!

    See, i would never have to tell anyone to shut up or call a writer here any names, WHY? because i am respectful and know who i am vs trying to decide if i am a caucasoid today, or an Afrikan manana.

    ield negro said...
    "That is because whites go through life as individuals, while blacks insist on being part of a collective. Stop demanding racial quotas and race-based preferences if you want to be judged on your own merits."

    The problem is, of course, that you and idiots like "Old Girl" [Loonie] see blacks as a collective group regardless.

    6:59 PM
    My comment
    Murder and mayhem are in the DNA of the cave man he/she cannot help it.
    However, even though i say that the only agenda or the primary agenda of the ghost boy is to wipe the Afrikan off of the face of the earth, i believe in the Orisha and before that happens most POWERLESS cavemen will suffer a massive
    myocardial infarction and be replaced. The earth remains abeit Slavery by another name

    PS good book and DVD Don't ya'll just hate me?;)

    PPS Hubby says no ipads no laptop tablets no techie eeeee hawww i see a big bone cumin!!! lmao The queen always gets her man

    Que te vayas bien y la familia


  41. Field said

    if Tom Cruise goes down, you got Brad Pitt. If Denzel goes down, we’re done.”

    Well Dr. Dyson, if you put it that way, I guess my racism chase will continue after all.
    Milagros said:

    Well said and like always enter Slavery by another name but this time fighting till death

    Hubby rolling his eyes ;)) do i want a spanking hehehehehe

  42. Most bombers are either Caucasian or Middle Eastern males. I believe this country has begun assuming that every bombing in this country is done by a Middle Eastern Muslim because of the events of 9/11. Before that bombings in this country were usually perpetrated by "lone wolf" Caucasians. However this time it was a pair of Caucasian Muslims of Russian decent. If this had been a few decades ago everyone in this country would of assumed right off that it was Russians because of the cold war & what was happening between Communist Russia & the U.S.

  43. Anonymous7:09 PM

    White people might be all snowflakey and stuff, but when that oldest brother's dead face was placed on the internet, he was the combination of black, blue and purple in colors. In death, the white took flight and almost made him black as the ace of spades. He truly became the dark-skinned dude John King dreamed about, plus.

  44. Hope and Change 20186:39 AM

    Oh look....more black people playing the race card and blaming everyone but themselves. weren't slaves, your parents weren't slaves, hell your great, great grandparents weren't slaves. You would think after 200 years you would get over it and move on.

    You aren't African Americans, you are just black. Just like I do not go around calling myself a Irish-Scottish American and crying about King Henry's persecution of my ancestors and demanding entitlements because of it. I am just white. We are all just Americans and I would bet most of you (like most Americans, white included) could not even name 6 countries in Africa, let alone ever set foot there.

    Many of you have no problem labeling all white people together as racists and say they are to blame for all mass shootings and then being so bold as to gloat "how does it feel"....but yet scream racism if anyone brings up the fact that almost all black violent crime victims are caused by fellow blacks. Or the fact that the per capita homicide rate for blacks is nearly 8 times the level of white offenders.

    But I am sure you have some reason to blame white people and slavery for that too.....when are you going to take responsibility for the facts and stop blaming everyone but the people committing these crimes? And when are you going to realize that "community leaders" such as Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and Farakhan are hurting you way more than helping? They get rich off perpetuating this cycle of entitlement and racism? Just think if a white politician or figure head made anything close to the comments they make.

    Oh and Denzel sucks ass anyways....we are better off without him lol. But seriously, alot of you guys are just as bad as any KKK member and constantly playing the race/slavery card is just the most ignorant thing you could possibly do. If you want an example, just look at Sheila Jackson. How anyone would listen to her and think "damn, thats who should be running our country" is mind numbing. Elect some Thomas Sowell's, instead of these ignorant racists like Sheila. My coffee table is Albert Einstein compared to that cow.

  45. cc the real bombers

    hobama and craft international

    also cc
    dhs ammo/fema camps/wwiii/osama etc

    this is only hobama's newest false flag

    shame on the fooled fleeced deaf blind doomed sheeple!!!!!!!
