Monday, April 22, 2013

Some rights are more important than others.

I find it interesting how right wingers in this country are concerned with the rest of us normal people sending the 2nd Amendment down a "slippery slope" but they could care less about the 5th and 14th Amendments.

"No background checks for assault weapons purchases!" they scream, because, in their minds, that slope is too slippery and too steep.

But don't you dare give that American citizen his Miranda warnings or afford him the due process that the Constitution affords him when he comes into contact with the criminal justice system. (I see you Lindsey Graham)

Unless Lindsey can show me that this Tsarnaev fellow was "palling around" with Al-Qaeda or that he supported them, the very act that Senator Graham supported prohibits us from prosecuting him militarily. I know that Lindsey is an old JAG lawyer, but he is wrong on this one. Just because young Mr. Tsarnaev shares the same ethnicity and religion with those evil Mooslims, that doesn't make him anymore of an "enemy combatant" than Dylan Klebold.

"You can't hold every person who commits a terrorist attack as an enemy combatant, I agree with that. But you have a right, with his radical Islamist ties and the fact that Chechens are all over the world fighting with Al Qaeda—I think you have a reasonable belief to go down that road, and it would be a big mistake not to go down that road. If we didn't hold him for intelligence-gathering purposes, that would be unconscionable."'

No Senator, the speed with which we are heading down the slope is what's "unconscionable."


  1. Wesley R8:53 PM

    Tsarnaev doesn't share the same ethnicity as the people Graham and the other Warhawks are at war with. Tsarnaey is a White Boy. His religion is different and he took it to the extreme, anyway, I bet both of those guys got their guns without having a background check.

  2. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Mr Field, I was expecting you to at least mention what happened on Monday with Mr Beck? YOU wrongly accussed and many of your FN Negroes mocked him.

    I swear. some of your leftist Negroes and YOU are unmerciful racists who pick on the weak. Yet you folks talk about the KKK and other toothless organizations that are so weak they can barely doesn't even pay to mention them.

  3. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Field-Mouse hates the 2nd amendment simply because white people use it to buy guns. Blacks use guns much more frequently than whites though. This is a problem because, as a politically correct society, we wish this weren't so. But alas, whites let their guns sit polished in cases, and blacks use them on each other, and some whites, browns, yellows, etc. This is why he hates "gun nuts" so much; because they are white and they are not living up to the narrative.

  4. Anonymous10:15 PM

    By the way Field-Mouse, it turns out there was no scary 'Aryan' Texas whatevers that killed that public official after all, did you not see that story? Shame, these evil whites so rarely live up to the narrative.

  5. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Desert, I have been reading your comments in the previous thread. They are pretty aggressive. You have even resorted to name calling just like Field, Black Sage and ManatazaGV.

    My God, woman...You used to be so sweet and gentle and Christian-like. Now you have become just like some of the Negroes on FN. Please, don't do this to yourself. Stop hanging out with these losers. Black Sage, and ManatazasGV probably don't even have a job.

    Listen to me. I am just trying to look out for you. I know you don't want to go down that black rabbit hole with Field and the rest of those clowns. SAVE YOURSELF, DESERT....Rehabilitate yourself before it's too late!

  6. Never mind Lizzy Graham (yet again) predictably getting the vapors over ANY Obama Admin. move. What about Bekkker and his promised explosive disclosure about the "Saudi connection" due today? I know it's been 3 days, which is 3 days longer than his fans' remembered that today's the day, but I expect better follow through from you Field.

  7. Fields Quote ie Sen Racist Graham

    "You can't hold every person who commits a terrorist attack as an enemy combatant, I agree with that. But you have a right, with his radical Islamist ties and the fact that Chechens are all over the world fighting with Al Qaeda—I think you have a reasonable belief to go down that road, and it would be a big mistake not to go down that road. If we didn't hold him for intelligence-gathering purposes, that would be unconscionable."'

    No Senator, the speed with which we are heading down the slope is what's "unconscionable."


    Milagros thoughts:
    Now, who will dare defend the uscntn?
    The GOV has "like the billys from the hillys say *shi* its draws

    And there is NADA that they can do to stop what the Temps' says is like a snowball rolling down the side of a snow covered hill.
    The chickens have come home to roost.

    My old friends say that i am cold and unfeeling and i tell them " "stop the drama" and that perhaps i compartmentalize better than others.

    Thank you colleague:

    I share with family that this is not merely about missing limbs, or the death of a few people its about.. more than those ugly incidences. I tell my grands that
    its about due process ie the 5th/14th amendments and why i refuse to accept that the" LAW" should change simply because the right thinks it should, and because of a few.

    I tell them that " in reality the GOV could care less about the 5th and /or 14th Amendments or about missing limbs as they are about appeasing Bostonians and the pale stale right.
    I remind my family and assoc that the one true ideal is that the pale stale right/white annihilate every Afrikan off of the face of the earth..

    I remind them that fast and furious, & death and destruction are in their DNA and that they must remain vigilant free and defend their right to bear arms

    I tell them that i am also saddened that people have been injured, and that there has been a loss of life however, i am not surprised.

    We have a 25 yr old 3rd yr law student as a grandson who made a comment at dinner last eve(family together that ever since the UStates went into Iraq there has been havoc and drama ever since Why is that?
    The Orisha! loosing the chickens
    "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
    The 14th amendment to the US Constitution was ratified on July 9,
    State and federal citizenship for all persons regardless of race both born or NATURALIZED" in the United States was reaffirmed.
    No state would be allowed to abridge the "privileges and immunities" of citizens.
    No person was allowed to be deprived of life, liberty,or property without "due process of law."
    They are known as The Reconstruction amendments."
    So every conscious Afrikan who fought and died for freedom in amerikkka should be thanked every day and Sen Gray..ham should kiss our feet if not our bootays

    Now deal with it

    Milagros spkntruth2power

  8. Field Colleague:

    I just couldn't wait to post this after sending it to you LMAO

    Why Can't Negroes Understand How Awesome the GOP is?

    You right, Rush. Negroes should totally learn how awesome the party that seems to keep insulting us is. So what if you speak to us in a condescending, patronizing, uber-arrogant tone, WE NEED TO LEARN HOW AWESOME YOU ARE FOR US!
    Today on #TWiBRadio, I'm left alone to my own devices with the rest of the team off receiving government handouts (i.e. taking a German exam and finalizing a dissertation) I opened up the phone lines and we discussed the Republican outreach plan, the ridiculousness of its execution and what could actually work.

    You know, [Twitter is] like spin the wheel! Find someone to say something to you! And if it wasn’t 2011 and it didn’t exist, it’s not like I would have gone out cruising bars or something like that.

    It was just something that technology made possible and it became possible for me to do stupid things. I mean, the thing I did, and the damage that I did, not only hadn’t it been done before, but it wasn’t possible to do it before.

    DAMN YOU TWITTER FOR EXISTING!!! Then L.Joy and the crew discuss the treacherous chicks manipulating parents, Ben Carson backed out of Johns Hopkins convocation, and what you should know about Obama's budget proposal.


    How awesome it is to be pale stale old and male repugnut with a small penis. Checkmate

  9. "Lizzy Graham". Classic!

    Matanzas... U are welcome.

  10. I LOVE IT Ave Maria conjo

    PEOPLE "anyone bold enuff to challenge my drift Be clear. I do not read the comments of certain people So do not waste your time

    Now i often rothfl when peeps cannot get others to do as they want them to.. Say what they want them to or act like they want people to act
    Why is that?
    My ? is why don't they spktruth as they see it? Why does Field have to drop science all of the time?

    Is it fear of being booted or simply the lack of knowledge?
    AGAIN" house lackeys and small penis thinkers "think small
    Go figure NEXT?

    Ps I told ya'll little heads that beck was a BS'R and that he needed attn
    At this stage Beck does not have the support to swat a fly and if he does come up with cojones they will be smashed


  11. To whomever is bold enough to read"MY LIFE" MY CHOICE"

    Be clear I am no weeping woman no cry baby or bleeding heart I am an defense Atty and as such i seek JUSTICE

    This AM at the gym my youngest son and i spoke about why i work with the IP /ACLU to save lives
    Since my fam knows my politic ;) lol
    he asked me about white boys and how i felt about defending their lives post conviction.

    And if i ever had refused to do so given our fam story and the fact that most of the people esp (cave men) crimes are too perverted to even think about ( in walks my Afrikan bullet proof vest)

    Field, I can only assume that perhaps you have been there and perhaps have had to ask yourself a few questions as well albeit from a different perspective

    Akinyele, my hus is also an Atty/prof and he listened as i tried to bring the LAW home such as it is

    To quote Tim Wise in his piece
    Race, Class, Violence and Denial: Mass Murder and the Pathologies of Privilege

    The senselessness alone would have been sufficient.
    So too the sheer horror.
    The devastated families, the tapestry of their lives ripped apart, would have been more than enough to make the events at Sandy Hook Elementary almost too weighty to bear.


    My son and i have a strong relationship one that is clear and self-sustaining. However, he is a dreamer as well as a thinker who goes beyond the call of duty to friend all..Not a bad thing! He makes me proud..

    As a plain speaking woman with an accent (still) i made it clear as to why i am a foe of murder esp the dp. And why i MUST" defend those facing the ultimate penalty irregardless of their alleged crimes.

    Field, we (you and i) know that the indigent do not get the best counsel, and that the system is stacked against many based often on RACE/Religion alone to say nothing of $$$
    Case in point the caucus kid in my home town of Boston whats his face? jock tauk

    Moving right along

    I explained that the states of Fla Ala and Ga (11th circuit) provides free legal counsel to indigents accused of committing a crime up to the time of their conviction albeit minimal.

    After that, they're are on their own. Enter Milagros et/al
    I suggested that not only are these defendants left without counsel, and eve if attorneys volunteer, they don't have the training. I have it from Northwestern
    My alma mater is Havana school of law and the old Antioch law school now called David Clarke in DC
    I grad from both and sought a Phd in urban refugee studies but left for a Masters in forensics

    i told my son that i was not talking the pro/cons/merits of the death system. and that even though he may be for or against it
    what i was talking about is the legal profession's ethical, professional and social obligation to ensure adequate legal representation is provided an individual sentenced to die.

    I told him that the GOV system of murder was and is whack and that who decides is criminal in itself 1

    However beyond that foes like myself are behind the pack even though there is progress, however we are closing the gap
    Coupled with this fact is my last hurrah and the idea that for years Afrikans and white men have been wrongfully imprisoned and possibly killed erroneously.

    Also we keep in mind that STATS are key to changing minds albeit most GOP wingnuts resist

    Bottom line..The GOV must not be allowed to kill people or deny citizens their rights
    Ps I say what i like when i choose to with respect Get over it this is not about you!

  12. HOLD IT!!!!

    People. Just so you know

    I do not open URLS and many know why.
    I suggest that you do the same esp if what is said is not loved! Or if others think you have no right? duh!

    HEHEHE This is why it is always best to know your stuff
    Now for those who like URLS i have posted a few knock yourselves out

    PS to whom it may concern be careful of Eche

  13. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Anonymous10:20 PM
    Desert, I have been reading your comments in the previous thread. They are pretty aggressive."
    I know right? Omg! Even I don't recognize myself! :)) No really, I agree with you! Ugh too much!

    Ugh, and all that vitriol, sorta poisons you right? I mean me. So much so I just had to disconnect myself, i unplugged the TV, don't wanna hear any bad stuff any more!

    I baked a cake to celebrate that. A lovely vanilla sponge with Italian merengue frosting. It is delish!

    Promise, promise, promise, I will be my sweet old self again from now on! And I usually don't break my promises's to life and love, cheers!

  14. The World's most famous Yawdie broke a world record today, Field.

    Fastest century of all time, 100 runs scored off 30 balls faced, 175 in total off 66 balls faced batting for the Royal Chargers Bangalore in the Indian Premier League.

    Chris Gayle - legend...

  15. parvenu12:50 PM

    Senator Grassley's idea of equality: "No background checks whatsoever required in order to buy a gun" - is 100% equal to - "A required MANDITORY background check for each and every immigrant and green card holder coming to America!

    My question to Senator Grassley and his ilk is: "Do you have any remote idea just how many Chinese people are in this country illegally?"

  16. Lt. Commander Johnson1:05 PM

    MatanzasGV said:

    "Field, we (you and i) know that the indigent do not get the best counsel, and that the system is stacked against many based often on RACE/Religion alone to say nothing of $$$
    Case in point the caucus kid in my home town of Boston whats his face? jock tauk

    Moving right along

    I explained that the states of Fla Ala and Ga (11th circuit) provides free legal counsel to indigents accused of committing a crime up to the time of their conviction albeit minimal.

    After that, they're are on their own. Enter Milagros et/al
    I suggested that not only are these defendants left without counsel, and eve if attorneys volunteer, they don't have the training. I have it from Northwestern
    My alma mater is Havana school of law and the old Antioch law school now called David Clarke in DC
    I grad from both and sought a Phd in urban refugee studies but left for a Masters in forensics"

    Woman, if the indigent are gettig you for counsel, I'll have to agree: their legal representation sucks. Hell, you can barely speak English!

    As for as all those degrees you "claim" to have, I'll wager the only way you ever got a high school diploma was through Affirmitive Action!

    It's embarrassing to even read your comments. Yeah, I'd like to see you present a legal brief.

  17. I can't take credit for it Field, it's been his nickname among Savannah's old-moneyed libertine (though still republiklan) set for years. I heard it during the 2008 campaign from a friend who married into one such old Tidewater family.

  18. Oh yeah, Bekkker's “Big Monday Reveal” turned out to be "a letter from four congressmen" requesting more information about a Saudi “person of interest.” He's as shameless a liar as walks upright.

  19. Yep. These hypocrites were all for the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. act but when any gun legislation is proposed the government is turning into a tyranical power.

  20. Anon@10:11, 10:13, 10:15 and 10:20 responded to Desertflower and said: :Stop hanging out with Black Sage and MantanzasGV, they probably don't even have a job."

    Hahaha, for someone who claim to be gainfully employed, you seem to have a plethora of time on your hand and nothing better to do than post vacuous comments on Field Negroe"s blog.

    For goodness' sake, go and get a job at Walmart and do something with your life for a change.

  21. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy, "Oh yeah, Bekkker's “Big Monday Reveal” turned out to be "a letter from four congressmen" requesting more information about a Saudi “person of interest.” He's as shameless a liar as walks upright."

    2:12 PM
    You are selling Mr Beck short. Why would you folks do this? Let me answer that for you: You Lefties are jealous and insecure when it comes to Beck.

    YOU FN folks are afraid of Beck, plain and simple. You know he is about to expose something big. That is why Field failed miserably to follow through on Monday which should have been FN's big story. Instead, Field talked about other things totally unrelated. It's you folks who bluff.

  22. "That is why Field failed miserably to follow through on Monday which should have been FN's big story. Instead, Field talked about other things totally unrelated.."

    Ahhhm, Beck had nothing, and I knew he wouldn't. It's a dog bites man situation.

  23. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Black Sage, "Hahaha, for someone who claim to be gainfully employed, you seem to have a plethora of time on your hand and nothing better to do than post vacuous comments on Field Negroe"s blog."

    I am a multi-millionaire. I think you and your FN pals know that. You can surmise that I have a big time job and will make more in a year than you will in a lifetime. You are nothing but small frye. However, the real problem is that you are a jealous Negro, jealous of any Negro who makes you look bad. You are like most Negroes on this blog. Hell, Field even refuses to accept me as a black brotha--and I'm from Jamaica!

  24. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Guess what? My good friend Bob Beckel hit the nail on the head today when he said, "We should no longer accept Muslim studentss into our country."

    Now I know some of you leftist Negroes are going to be against America doing 'anything' to protect itself. You folks will call it "profiling" and "racism". You Lefty Negroes are really sick people. You are my peeps but you are crazy.

    You really ought to start attending some conservative conferences that will make you a little smarter.

  25. Anon@6:46 pm, where in Jamaica are u from?

  26. Frustrated Negro9:24 PM

    NOW... you want to take up defending due process...rule of law??

    While shilling and, grandstanding for the infamous "Drone Bomber" himself .....

    You want Miranda Rights for the Boston Bomber ,and Gitmo is still Open...??

    You just luvvvv rolling around , and frolicking in hypocrisy....

    Once again your pic should be affixed to the House Negro of the day poster.....

  27. John King admits that he's embarrassed.
    Makes sense; I'd be embarrassed to be John King too.

  28. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Anon@6:46 pm, where in Jamaica are u from?

    7:26 PM
    Now see? You want to get all personal so you can use it against me. I am not falling for it. I'm on to you liberal lefty brothers. I saw what you so-called progressive FN Negroes did to Constructive Feedback. That was so wrong and you Negroes were as shameless as an alley cat.

  29. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Desert, "I baked a cake to celebrate that. A lovely vanilla sponge with Italian merengue frosting. It is delish!"

    Now you make me want to go to the bakery and get a cake with merengue frosting!

  30. Huh, …. John King is now embarassed; he’s been in the news business for over thirty; he admits that “we” were wrong. Nahhh John, you’ve got it all wrong, again. YOU was wrong, YOU have yet to take responsibility for your lack of good judgment and YOU still haven’t apologized to black America, it’s us, who you’ve so greatly disparaged!

  31. Anonymous10:34 PM

    I just finished reading about the 5 slowest growing cities in America. I am ecstatic to report that Detroit was not #1.

    #1 was Cleveland. This proves that not all cities like Detroit run by Blacks end up in last place. This should dispel the popular white myth that Detroit is the worse city because Blacks run it. Not true. Cleveland is worse. Hence, white theory that Blacks ruin cities is false and unwarranted.

  32. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Black Sage, John King IS embarrassed. I swear. You are ONE unmerciful Negro. Are you a racist?

  33. Anonymous11:05 PM

    John King has to be 'publicly embarrassed. And accept the backlash like a man.

    He has to apologize to all dark skinned men. Nothing less will do.

    But of course he'll say that he's going into some rehab or other and that'll be the end of it.

    Hows he going to show his fresh face on tv again.

  34. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Now you make me want to go to the bakery and get a cake with merengue frosting!
    Awwwww! Do they have them in the bakeries near you? And I can't mail you one either cuz that's very delicate, don't think it's mailable.

    I can tell you how it tastes though..... No... It's indescribably delicious! It's all gone now! :)

  35. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I wish Graham and McCain would take arms and disappear off the planet. Sick of seeing, listening, hearing anything from either of them. Seems they've been holding office since I was born which was in the 40's.

  36. Hope and Change...that is funny5:40 AM

    Bwahahaha you do understand that it was King Obama's decision to forgo due process and invoke the special rule which allows questioning without being afforded miranda rights correct?

    I wonder why you didn't mention that and instead blamed a Republican Senator who was siding with the majority of the ignorant population (many of which were liberals from what I read and was hearing locally). 95% of the conservative I know (not necessarily all Republicans by any means) were steadfast in arguing that he was a US citizen and did not qualify as an enemy combatant by any stretch of the definition and that he should be afforded every right in the US constitution.

    And which president was the one who renewed the Patriot Act that the liberals were all crying about when W implemented the same thing? Just FYI, I believe the Patriot Act is one of the largest violations of the constitution in the history of this country.....but you libs only seem to care about such things when it's a Repub who does it.

    oh and how many thousands of innocent people have been killed by your kings drone strikes in the last 5 years? How about the ATF and Attorney General illegally trafficking guns to the Mexican drug cartels under our dear leader and yet, not only is he not prosecuted, but is asked to come back for another 4 years at his job? How about Benghazi? Or the socialization of healthcare? Or The creation of almost 30 new top level positions to run every department of govt which already has the same job headed by cabinet members? Hmmm...could this be because these new "czars" have no oversight or senate confirmation process and didn't have to answer to Congress?

    Or maybe the fact that the King and Queen went around the country chastising and denouncing "beltway politics" and the corporate involvement in politics (queenie even went so far as to tell young people to become nurses and social workers instead of pursuing high level corporate jobs), but yet both of these tools come from the well oiled Chicago machine who wrote the book on pay-to-play politics? Why did literally every one of his cabinet nominations in 2008 suddenly pay their huge tax bills and always have the same "well I forgot to pay that" excuse? What about your dear leader's incestuous relationship with big labor and the vast amounts of crony capitalism that got your boy elected?

    But's definitely been 5 years of hope and change in Washington hasn't it? I hated Bush, but this guy has surpassed 8 years of him in the 5 years he has been there. I didn't even think that was possible. But I don't expect most of you to be able to logically and rationally understand most of these concepts (hell maybe not even a single one, from the lib ignorance I have seen lately)
