Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sarah is not laughing, but Adam certainly is.

I saw a little of  president Obama channeling his inner Richard Pryor last night. His timing was good, and his joke writers, as they do with most presidents, gave him some good material to work with. Of course some would argue that this is no time for folks in Washington to be telling jokes and having a gala. There are people suffering out here. And, as we all know, if you are not an air traveler they are not going to do anything for you.

Still, jokes aside, it was interesting to see a skirt chasing blowhard and a member of the highest court in the land treating each other as if they were going to go home together.

I know one person who is not a fan. That would be one Sarah Palin. She thinks that they are all a bunch of "ass- clowns".

"Sarah Palin,never one to shy away from the use of unconventional words, has embraced a new one — “a--clowns.”

Just hours after the yearly White House Correspondents’ Dinner ended Saturday night, the former vice presidential candidate unloaded a scathing critique of the black-tie party on Twitter in characteristically unusual language.

“That #WHCD was pathetic,” Palin tweeted. “The rest of America is out there working our asses off while these DC assclowns throw themselves a #nerdprom.”

Palin has never attended the famous gathering herself, but she has partaken in the related festivities in recent years." [Source]

Of course this is not news. Sarah, like most people in her party, is somewhat of a hypocrite.

"Obama peppered his speech with pop-culture references, beginning by calling attention to his new entrance music: DJ Khaled's "All I Do Is Win." "Rush Limbaugh warned you about this – second term, baby?" he said. "We're changing things around here a little bit."

Now that might have been the funniest joke of the night. Because the last time I checked things in Washington were pretty much the same.

Finally, here is something for all of you pro gun nuts folks to consider:

"Even al-Qaida gloats about what's possible under U.S. gun laws. In June 2011, a senior al-Qaida operative, Adam Gadahn, released a video message rallying people to take advantage of opportunities those laws provide.

"America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms," Gadahn says, explaining that "you can go down to a gun show at the local convention center" and buy a gun without a background check.

Then a faint smile crosses Gadahn's face. "So what are you waiting for?" he asks.

Under current laws, if a background check reveals that your name is on the national terrorism watch list, you're still free to walk out of a gun dealership with a firearm in your hands — as long as you don't have a criminal or mental health record.

Data from the Government Accountability Office show that between 2004 and 2010, people on terrorism watch lists tried to buy guns and explosives more than 1,400 times. They succeeded in more than 90 percent of those cases, or 1,321 times.

"It's absurd that we allow people to buy unlimited AK-47s, AR-15s and Uzis, even if we feel they are too dangerous to be allowed on a plane, even after they've gone through a security check," says Jon Lowy, a lawyer for the Brady Campaign, a gun control group." [Source]

Come on now Mr. Lowy! There you people go again taking us down that "slippery slope".  


  1. Hubris in a leader is an obnoxious thing.

    We've probably had spoiled brats in the office before, I just don't recall one who was this in love with himself and I recall Bill Clinton so that's sayin' something.

    Part of my respect for GWB despite the many times he bugged the hell out of me was that I really believe his humility is genuine. I do respect that.

    This President, I don't think he has the ability. He was the out of wedlock spawn of a coddled, rebellious teen who always knew her mommy, daddy, and uncle sugar would bail out her stupid choices. His whole life has bee dominated by things being given to him, for no reason other than that he is useful to his handlers.

    And now, with so many out of work, with the Boston bombing victims still in the hospital, as he punishes the country with phony sequester stunts, he has time to yuck it up with celebrities and his fawning media.


  2. President Obama was hilarious and shows us that the BEST was to deal with the deeply rooted racist elements in the US, is with humor!

  3. Dr. Ray Sissellements8:14 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    President Obama was hilarious and shows us that the BEST was to deal with the deeply rooted racist elements in the US, is with humor!

    You are right, your comments are always good for a laugh, starting with your name.

    You will never be a doctor.

  4. Woh there President A....., who has had more handed to him than the clown who was just in office for the previous 8 years?

  5. Frustrated Negro8:34 PM

    who has had more handed to him than the clown who was just in office for the previous 8 years?

    Damm.. do you ever get tired of using the "Bush" defense... ??

    Cant your "She-ro" stand on his own weak willed stances...??

    You have to feel like a public defender assigned to a catholic priest molestation trial.... LOL

    Good grief who are you defending "O-Bomber" from now...??

    Sarah Palin......

    Your pathetic STEPHEN.......

  6. field negro said...
    Woh there President A....., who has had more handed to him than the clown who was just in office for the previous 8 years?

    Barak Hussein Obama, that's who.

    George W. Bush would have never been President had he not been the son of a President, but his lack of achievement pales before Obama's colossal record of nothing. At least Bush competently ran a state, learned to fly a fighter jet, and worked in the business world before becoming a legacy hire. Obama did absolutely nothing before he became President.

  7. "At least Bush competently ran a state, learned to fly a fighter jet, and worked in the business world before becoming a legacy hire."

    ONLY a white man in America could have gotten away with being as incompetent as Baby Bush was.

  8. And it's NO coincidence that the first Black President is a graduate of the best University in the world!

  9. Dr. Eli9:09 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    And it's NO coincidence that the first Black President is a graduate of the best University in the world!

    Affirmative Action means all black achievement is suspect and ultimately meaningless. Just like some idiot whose seven useless degrees and habit of calling herself "doctor" equals true success.

    And Harvard isn't even in the top five anymore.

    You will never be a doctor.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dr. Eli humorisly said, .... "Affirmative Action means all black achievement is suspect and ultimately meaningless."

    Hahaha, you truly are clueless. Affirmative Action is suspect and meaningless only in the feeble minds of white folks that mirror your dwarf minded thinking. At bottom, AF is a half-hearted attempt to address the psychotic legacy of this empire's slaveocracy and the continuing adverse affects of white supremacy. PERIOD!

  12. Frank Wright9:47 PM

    Right....because all of us "gun nuts" think terrorists should be able to walk in a gun store and buy whatever they want.

    I am sure the progressives genius idea of background checks would have prevented this....oh wait, they passed background checks. But still....background checks are definitely the answer

    Oh and George W. got a bachelor's degree from Yale and then an MBA from the "best university in the world" too (it is arguably not even in the top 7 or 8 in our own country, let alone the world, just fyi). So according to your argument that our dear leader's intelligence and amazing blackness is proven by his graduation from Harvard, you would rightly admit that Georgie Boy is an equal genius to Obummer (just without all the radical, militant black pride stuff).

  13. Frank Wright9:52 PM

    "Hahaha, you truly are clueless. Affirmative Action is suspect and meaningless only in the feeble minds of white folks that mirror your dwarf minded thinking. At bottom, AF is a half-hearted attempt to address the psychotic legacy of this empire's slaveocracy and the continuing adverse affects of white supremacy. PERIOD!"

    You are utterly delusional....I am not sure you got the memo, but slavery ended roughly 200 years ago. And it seems like these racist, black blogs like this one are 10 times more prevalent than any "white supremacy" movement. Not sure where you are hallucinating all of these fictional, KKK guys running around owning plantation full of slaves at.....


  14. A slaveocracy run by castratiing pedophiles!

  15. Frank Wright said the following while in his comedian mode, ….. “You are utterly delusional....I am not sure you got the memo, but slavery ended roughly 200 years ago.”

    Oh, I got the memo, unlike the slaves in Texas that received word of the Emancipation Proclamation 2 ½ years later. However, the memo that I received stated in essence that I have a right to dispose of idiots akin to your ilk, just as soon as you attempt to enforce your will upon me in any manner, shape or form.

  16. If anyone should know what's pathetic it's Sarah Palin; she's far & away the most pathetic choice made by an aspirant to high office in a living memory that saw Harriat Myers nominated to the Supreme Court and Alberto Gonzolaz confirmed as Attorney General.

  17. Question for Black America: Is Hank Johnson some kind of joke you are playing on the rest of the country, or is there some other reason a barely functioning retard is a member of congress?:

    Congressman Johnson is the one who previously asked an admiral if relocating more Marines to Guam might cause the island to capsize.

    Yes, he did.

    Maybe we should ship helium to Guam, to help it float.

  18. The Prez doesn't give a thought to Sarah Palin. It's clear he doesn't like a sitting member of Congress named Michelle Bachmann.

  19. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Congrats to Michael Jordan, who got married to a white woman this weekend. The sisters lost another one, but hey, he deserves an upgrade.

  20. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Bob said...
    The Prez doesn't give a thought to Sarah Palin. It's clear he doesn't like a sitting member of Congress named Michelle Bachmann.

    He's about the only brother who doesn't like white women. It's probably because he's gay.

    Personally, I'd be all over both of them.

  21. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Dear Mr Field, I have been to Philly dozens of times and have asked to meet you at a vendor on Broad St for lunch. You either don't respond or you say "no".

    Yet you tell PilotX to 'holla at you" when he gets to Philly. WTF? I have maintained that you are NOT a racist, but it sure looks like it.

    Can you explain 'why' you won't have lunch with me, or at least 'holla' at me when I'm in Philly? After ALL I have done for this blog in attracting posters, the least you can do is have a pretzel with mustard with me.

  22. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Dr Nuwang, I know you are busy in Med School, but do you have time to tutor a minority student who is having trouble with Organic Chemistry and really needs to make an "A"? I know you are brilliant and I thought maybe you could show me how to make a good grade. If so, please let me know asap. When do you finish Med School? I know you will be one of the best, if not "the" best in the country.

  23. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Sarah Palin is politically savvy. Believe me she knows what she is doing. She will be a candidate in 2016 and just might win!

    I love Sarah. She used to not know much but she has made 180 degree turn and is now known for being smart.

  24. Anonymous1:01 AM

    It's final! Michael Jordan is married. And what a wedding it was. He married his beautiful wife in the biggest tent ever made! I know they will be happy.

    Field, please give Michael Jordan and wife some Field Negro recognition in your sidebar. Have you seen his wife? She is White. Whoa! How did he do that?

  25. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Tiger Woods girlfriend and future wife looks better than Jordan's wife.

    When are the sisters like Dr Nuwang going to show off their white boyfriends and husbands? As smart as Dr Nuwang is I am sure there is a line of white men waiting for a chance with her. I mean, she is brilliant and white men like brilliant black women. I believe there are white anons on FN who want a date with the future brilliant Doctor. Right?

  26. Frank Wright1:31 AM

    "Oh, I got the memo, unlike the slaves in Texas that received word of the Emancipation Proclamation 2 ½ years later. However, the memo that I received stated in essence that I have a right to dispose of idiots akin to your ilk, just as soon as you attempt to enforce your will upon me in any manner, shape or form."

    Ummm.....that's my point. Who exactly is trying to enforce their will on you? Are you a slave? Do you have to fend off all the white supremacists on a daily basis or, for that matter, ever?

    Or is it just that you hate white people for something that happened 2 centuries ago and didn't involve you, or your parents, or their parents, or even their parents. I am of Scottish descent....maybe I should start filling up with deep seated rage and hate for all of the English people that have been out to get me since king Edward's persecution against my people in 13th century?

    Or maybe, just maybe I can realize that it is not rational to use that as an excuse to hate a group of people that had absolutely nothing to do with something someone did hundreds of years ago. but keep up your little racist charade and rationalizing it as acceptable behavior just because you are "a poor, helpless, and perpetually persecuted black man" constantly being beat down by their evil white owners....

    Remembering history is important, so as not to repeat it. but using it as an excuse to be a hateful racist is somewhat counterproductive I would say.

  27. Sorry Anon@12:32 I don't like your taste in food. I don't eat pretzel with mustard. :)

    I know Frank Wright, every group can use history to remind us of where we have been and might end up again except dem Negroes. *shaking head*

    Michael Jordan's wife is white? I thought she was a Latino woman. Oh well, she will be looking for a check from that insecure brotha (see Tiger) real soon.

  28. Barbbf6:37 AM

    Black men marry white women..because black men marry down.. When white men marry black women..white men marry up.

  29. Field Negro said, …. I know Frank Wright, every group can use history to remind us of where we have been and might end up again except dem Negroes. *shaking head*

    Nope, the operative word(s) here should’ve been either “some” or “House” negroes not them or all negroes.

  30. Frank Wright said, …. Remembering history is important, so as not to repeat it. but using it as an excuse to be a hateful racist is somewhat counterproductive I would say.

    Darn it Frank, you are correct, this vignette above does the most good,…only when you announce it to the people that needs to HEAR IT the most, like House Negroes. Individuals like C.L. Bryant and Dr. Ben Carson for example.

  31. Anonymous7:52 AM

    "Michael Jordan's wife is white? I thought she was a Latino woman."

    She's Cuban which means that right after she meets the terms of the prenup, she's going to call him a n*gga', and drop his a$$.


  32. BARBBF8:41 AM


    ‘Lie down with dogs and get up with fleas’

  33. BARBBF9:01 AM

    No..Sarah isn't laughing..neither are the 170 children in the Middle East and Africa murdered by Obama's US predatory drones.

  34. Field wrote:
    I know one person who is not a fan. That would be one Sarah Palin. She thinks that they are all a bunch of "ass- clowns".

    "Sarah Palin,never one to shy away from the use of unconventional words, has embraced a new one — “a--clowns.”

    Just hours after the yearly White House Correspondents’ Dinner ended Saturday night, the former vice presidential candidate unloaded a scathing critique of the black-tie party on Twitter in characteristically unusual language.

    “That #WHCD was pathetic,” Palin tweeted. “The rest of America is out there working our asses off while these DC assclowns throw themselves a #nerdprom.

    This is simple not requiring a lot of words She did not get invited.Must be in between ABORTIONS"

  35. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Field, "Sorry Anon@12:32 I don't like your taste in food. I don't eat pretzel with mustard. :)"

    This really hurts. You are discriminating against me. RACIST!

  36. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Dr Nuwang, why won't you answer my question? I really need your help. I thought you were down with helping minorities do well in school?


  37. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Sarah Palin SHOULD have been invited to the WH. That proves that Obama carries grudges. A party without Sarah is sorely lacking in entertainment, beauty, AND intellect.

    The Dems just want to exclude the Repubs who might show the President up at his own party. Cowards.

  38. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Field, why do you call Michael Jordan 'an insecure brotha'? Why can't you 'honor' a man who was one of the greatest, if not "the" greatest NBA player of all time?

    So what if his wife is Latino? And if she is Cuban, then she is in a class of her own, and doesn't consider herself on the level of other Latinos...She is the best Latinos have to offer, which is White.

    Also, Cubans aren't fond of Negroes. I don't know of one famous Negro who has 'been able' to marry into a Cuban family. Do I have to tell you what the Cubans in Florida call AAs? Take a wild guess.

    So, my point is Michael Jordan has done something and gone where no bm has ever gone. He is breaking barriers and you SHOULD be proud of him. Instead, you call him "insecure". Brotha Field, I sometimes don't understand your thinking.

  39. Field, what does it mean to be on a "terrorist watch list"? Who puts you on? How can you get off?

    You don't have a constitutional right to travel by aircraft but you do have a right to buy a gun. Short of being adjudicated insane or having been convicted of a crime I don't think we should be using secret lists to prevent law abiding people from buying guns. I feel the same way about secret lists in general. Charge someone with a crime or leave them alone is my view.

  40. Winston Smith1:20 PM

    "Charge someone with a crime or leave them alone is my view."

    Progressivism is all about not leaving people alone. Everything that is not forbidden is mandatory.

  41. can't be serious. This from folks who want to tell people what to do in their bedrooms and with their bodies.

    Now that was rich.

  42. Winston Smith6:03 PM

    field negro said... can't be serious. This from folks who want to tell people what to do in their bedrooms and with their bodies.

    Now that was rich.

    Who censors the news coverage?

    Who mandates health insurance coverage?

    Who enforces ideological conformity on college campuses?

    Who relentlessly pushes propaganda in the schools, in government and in the media?

    Who desires to disarm the citizenry?

    Who demands the property of others?

    Who shouts down dissenting views?

    Who attacks institutions that don't bow to their ideology?

    Who defends their lies by declaring that the "science is settled" and the "debate is over"?

    Who is unsatisfied with tolerance for their beliefs, demands acceptance, and seeks to mandate approval?

    Who declares that children belong to the state?

    Who outlaws 20 ounce sodas?

    It is a lie that conservatives would use the power of the state to dictate what people do in their bedrooms. Progressives are in fact using the power of the state to force people to change their definitions of fundamental cultural institutions.

    Progressivism is not interested in the Truth. The Truth is only necessary if you are interested in discerning what is Right from what is Wrong. Progressives aren't interested in what is Right, they are only concerned with what is Correct. And they will make damn sure you will be Correct.

    Thus Truth becomes relative and any facts that conflict with the Narrative must be suppressed, lest people use those facts to make incorrect conclusions.

    Your blog serves in the effort to further the Narrative by suppressing the Truth, and you call yourself a field negro. Now that's rich.

  43. Black Ink6:08 PM

    Your silence is deafening as the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell enters its 2nd month. I'm sure you're aware that he is the South Philly MD abortion provider who was charged with killing a patient and seven babies right in your backyard Field, WTF?

    It seems when a brother exterminates little brown babies in wholesale fashion all is good and your blog is silent; but when Sara Palin coins a new term "assclowns"...... well that is blog worthy?

    N***a Puleeze!!!!!

  44. Anonymous6:58 PM

    "Sorry Anon@12:32 I don't like your taste in food. I don't eat pretzel with mustard. :)"

    Then have a hot dog...or one of those Italian Ice cones. Those Philly venders sell more than just pretzels. Stop acting so damn uppity. It's Negroes like you that we can't get anywhere with the GOP or FOX NEWS.

    Republicans like Rush or Hannity hate uppity 'folks' who won't have a pretzel or hot dog with their fellow man, esp with their own kind. That is pure arrogance. I bet Jesse Lee Peterson would have a pretzel with me and even enjoy it.

  45. Wack Ink,I am well aware of the Gosnell trial, and have even been in the court room where he is being tried. Blogged about it as well.

    What's your point?

    Are u looking for something in particular?

  46. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Field, re: Gosnell: I remember when you blogged about him. YOU, brotha Field was complaining about how the media has ignored Goswell and his "innocence".

    So, Yeah, FN fans are looking for something in particular: "How does Field about Gosnell now?". You have never been one to admit a mistake. It's always been one of your glaring character defects.....


    I hope they lock his murderous ass up and throw away the key!

  47. "YOU, brotha Field was complaining about how the media has ignored Goswell and his "innocence"."

    Link please.

    I am pretty sure that I wrote that he is a poster boy for why we need more laws protecting a woman's right to choose and that he is a HN.

    But don't let the facts get in the way of your argument.

    Carry on.

    BTW, it doesn't seem like I admit to mistakes because I rarely make them. ;)

  48. Sarah Palin has failed at everything she's tried: As governor, as VP candidate, as TV commentator, even at child-rearing. Her bus your last year flopped. She won't go away - she still has to earn a living, but she's done.

  49. If Sarah Palin had half a brain, she'd be dangerous. They wouldn't let her walk the streets. I've seen some pretty dumb politicians in my day, but she's the queen of that crowd.

  50. Field

    Please do not write about Michael and mi hermana let me mess with peeps heheehe

    For the unknowing MJ's wife is not a white Cuban, her family is cafe brown like me with curly kinky nappy hair And she like eye can trace her roots to the slave trade DEEPLY and DARKLY.

    And yes he did pick the best Andale mi hermana sigue comla nappy LOL

    Ps ya'll over it yet Not so mean am i Just captured your rook!

  51. Has anyone ever thought that its time for a vacation/ That is may be time to clear the mind of the trivial personal issues, Or that this country needs THINKERS vs wanna be;s with small penis's

    Take some time and regurgitate what has been said and THINK! Quit hatin because haters here are not running anything but their heels over and the fingernails down while exhibiting their low self worth and disrespect..

    Send me the tired, the misinformed, the cave man, uncle thom and the huddled clowns so i can take their castles

  52. Anonymous11:55 AM

    70 or 80 years from now, people will be praising President Obama along side Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jackie Robinson.

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