Monday, April 29, 2013

Who is really supporting the American family?

I was thinking about how republicans like to claim that progressives want to control every aspect of their lives with everything from health care reform to laws that make it harder for us to kill our children.

"Leave us alone", they scream. "This is a nanny state". "Keep your hands off of my money and my guns". 

Then I read a wonderful article by a colleague of mine who happens to be a fine family lawyer who has tried cases before me in the past. She wrote it over a year ago for the Huffington Post, but I think that given the social climate in our country it is worth revisiting.

"Rick Santorum and his tea-partying cohorts have their knickers all in a knot about the government telling people what to do with their money. As in the government making them pay for health insurance. Or making them pay more income tax. Or using their tax dollars to educate other people's children.

At the same time, they're all pumped up about the sanctity of marriage and family. Marriage and family meaning mom, dad and kids, everyone neatly organized in a hierarchy, with dad at the helm, providing for the flock. And sanctity meaning no outside intrusion, no government telling them that their children have to learn about sex or birth control or gay people or evolution.

So how would Rick and the tea-partiers feel if the government told them exactly how much money they had to spend on their children every month? And wage-attached their pay checks and deposited those funds in their ex-wives' bank accounts? What if the government took a 401(k) titled in a tea-partier's name and gave part of it to his ex-wife without his consent? Or worse yet, took his real estate and made him pay his wife half the value of it? Talk about the heavy hand of the state invading the innermost sanctum of the family -- it's a tea-partier's worst nightmare.

But these are, in fact, our society's actual family values. We collectively agreed, sometime in the latter part of the twentieth century, to empower the government to re-distribute wealth within the family. We routinely force one parent to pay the other parent. It's called child support. In those fabled "one in two marriages," we frequently take property paid for by one spouse and give it to the other spouse. It's called divorce. And we're very comfortable with this re-distribution. We think it protects the young, the weak and the vulnerable. We believe it creates, to quote my state's divorce code, economic justice.
Wouldn't Newt Gingrich cry socialism? And wouldn't he be right? Let's be honest -- this is the best of Karl Marx, pure and unadulterated. "From each {parent} according to his ability, to each {child} according to his need" is a pitch-perfect summary of the policy underlying child support laws. 
Just imagine if these laws came up for vote in today's legislatures. Picture the outrage, the denouncements, the fiery speeches about keeping the government out of our living rooms and our bank accounts. But if we count on parents to provide for their children, and spouses to share nicely after they split, what are we supposed to do when they don't? Doesn't it become all of our problem? And isn't that the point? Just like the homeless, the sick and the poor -- the extended family that is our community.

Let's be thankful that Rick, Newt and their brethren haven't started deconstructing family law yet, because if they do, it could be just like contraception: we could be about to witness the implosion of a social policy that we haven't given even a second thought to for decades. And we'll be caught unawares -- us women, that is -- hurtling back through time, casting off divorce laws along with birth control pills, in our race to a darker, earlier era where we will eventually land, barefoot, pregnant, and without access to the bank account." [Source]

In the world of Rick, Newt, and all of his quixotic dreamers, there will be no need for things like child support. This social contract that we have all collectively signed on to is no longer needed. Because, in their world, all marriages will be perfect. Inconveniences like divorce and single parenthood is not even considered. We have churches for that. Can we try universal and affordable health care? Nope.Who needs it? All we have to do is pray. 



  1. What a maddeningly eloquent article. She captures the absolutism of the conservative right wing extremists who don't want government telling us what to do until it encompasses a woman's right to choose or who may legally marry; and never mind if the "people" support background checks prior to gun purchases. What the hell do we matter any way? Decency and empathy are no longer part of the conversation.

  2. Black Angus9:25 PM

    Family law is the worst kind of socialism - it's social engineering. The current state of our legal system is that it confers all reproductive rights to females and all responsibilities to males. This mandated injustice has wreaked havoc on our families and has been a disaster for our children.

  3. Mayor Jewberg9:28 PM

    Conservatives want to restrict choice on abortion; progressives want to restrict choice on everything but abortion.

  4. A woman's right to "choose" is a temporary historical anomaly. Human societies do not survive more than a few generations of young women being permitted to choose to kill her babies or even to choose their own spouses.

    Women are dynamic. They follow the strong horse, they do not lead. Case in point the young woman who married the Muslim who bombed the Boston Marathon, she is simply following the lead of the most forthright influence with whom she is in contact. If she lived in Victorian Britain, she'd be a prudish Christian. If she lived in Saudi Arabia, she'd wear hijab. In modern secular America, most women piously put a priority on all the St. Gays of her acquaintance and imagines that homogamy is an issue of genuine, rather than symbolic, import

    Demographic patterns make it perfectly clear that societies where women are not only permitted, but encouraged, to make their own mating choices are not sustainable. I find it deeply ironic that so many people who claim to firmly believe in evolution by natural selection demonstrate that they do not understand the basic concept of fitness as soon as the issue of societal demographics is raised.

    One of two things will happen. The society will collapse or be overrun, or the government will pass laws to prevent the demographic collapse from taking place. There are no other alternatives; if California Girl or anyone else should like to suggest one, I'm quite willing to add it to the list. It should be kept in mind that a government which has the power to conscript men to die for the security of the nation quite clearly has the power to force women to marry and bear children for the same purpose.

    But I don't believe that laws are the answer to undesirable human behavior, not because they are wrong or evil, but because they are ineffective. Customs and traditions are much more powerful; laws only tend to function if they are reasonably in line with them. Laws don't shape society, they tend to follow it instead.

  5. Anonymous10:04 PM

    "As the evidence of Gosnell’s operation shows, those clinics can be dirty, scary and staffed by employees unqualified to practice medicine. Patients have been drugged and then labor induced. African-American women patients were separated and their treatment was worse. Those in charge are – and this is wildly understating it—doing harm. These facilities are a modern-day “back alley” housed in a building"--MSNBC

    So true. Mr Field, you should take notice. And BTW, you have removed your post regarding Gosnell. Why? Can't stand to be wrong? Or are you afraid of looking like, as Sarah Palin would say, "an assClown?"

  6. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Today an NBA player came out and announced that he is gay. This is going to have a huge impact on basketball. How in the world will his teammates and other opposing teams play against a player who is gay?

    I mean, there is body to body contact ALL the time. It's not like tennis or golf. Is there no where on earth where straight men can go to be with each other to do manly things? Hell, even the boy scouts are catching hell for not letting Homosexuals into their organization. WTF? The military, the boy scouts and now the NBA? Does anybody care about straight men? Where's THEIR rights?

  7. Victoria Toensing: Administration Officials Are Threatening Benghazi Witnesses & Whistleblowers Into Keeping Quiet

    Toensing disclosed that her client has pertinent information on all three time periods investigators consider relevant to the attacks: the months that led up to September 11, when pleas by the ambassador and his staff for enhanced security in Benghazi were mostly rejected by senior officers at the State Department; the eight-hour time frame in which the attacks unfolded; and the eight-day period that followed the attacks, when Obama administration officials falsely described them as the result of a spontaneous protest over a video.

    “It’s frightening and they’re doing some very despicable threats to people,” she said. “Not ‘We’re going to kill you,’ or not ‘We’re going to prosecute you tomorrow,’ but they’re taking career people and making them well aware that their careers will be over [if they cooperate with congressional investigators].”

    If the media was really interested in being the Watchdog of Democracy, they might start looking into a hot little story: The Obama administration's threats against, and retaliation against, and prosecutions of, people who would be considered protected by Whistleblower statutes in any other administration.

    But the "watchdogs" have given the foxes free reign in the coop.

    Keep speaking power to truth....

  8. Anonymous11:03 PM

    I believe in FAITH, FAMILY AND MORAL VALUES. However, due to Democrats who believe in NO MORAL VALUES, abortions(killing of helpless babies), allowing terrorist Muslims into America, and many more inhumane things, I have nothing more to say about the matter. You have won, Mr Field...your lack of marality, abortions and immigration laws have won. America is now finished. We will soon follow Detroit.

  9. Anonymous11:10 PM

    I can't believe there is a gay NBA player. He has a lot of balls to come out. This is going to put a damper on the NBA.

  10. Anonymous11:19 PM

    anon, Chris Broussard of ESPN calls Collins a sinner:

  11. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Dear Field,

    I am amazed at your ability to remain calm and take the comments of your trolls in jest because they are just complete filth. Kudos to you for your ability to take all of it in stride.

  12. Peter Colonrooter12:08 AM

    "I can't believe there is a gay NBA player. He has a lot of balls to come out. This is going to put a damper on the NBA."

    What? This is news? Didn't Magic Johnson "come out" 20 years ago when he said he had AIDS?

  13. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Anon11:46pm which comments are you calling filth? Who made you judge and jury?

  14. Anonymous1:30 AM

    "What? This is news? Didn't Magic Johnson "come out" 20 years ago when he said he had AIDS?"

    Magic Johnson is not gay. And even if he were, he is a good man and so is Collins. Let us be good Christians like the both of them.

  15. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Dear Field,

    I am amazed at your ability to remain calm and take the comments of your trolls in jest because they are just complete filth. Kudos to you for your ability to take all of it in stride.

    11:46 PM
    Please Anon, don't get Field all riled up. You are such an instigator.

    FYI, Field is a very mature man who rarely lets anything, or anyone bother him. He has thick skin.

    But you sir, are a crybaby and a wimp.

  16. Vox, those were some interesting comments. But remember, our society is shaped by the government. I also disagree with your premise that women do not lead. That kind of thinking is what got the republican party in the mess they are in now.

    And good for Mr. Collins. Hopefully more Gay players in all major team sports will have the courage to come out now as well.

  17. "A woman's right to "choose" is a temporary historical anomaly. Human societies do not survive more than a few generations of young women being permitted to choose to kill her babies or even to choose their own spouses."


    You ARE Theodore Beale and I claim my five pounds.

  18. Anonymous8:39 AM

    That Dr. Gosnell is a true crime fighter.

  19. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    "A woman's right to "choose" is a temporary historical anomaly. Human societies do not survive more than a few generations of young women being permitted to choose to kill her babies or even to choose their own spouses."


    You ARE Theodore Beale and I claim my five pounds.

    stand up reach into your shorts, no no in the rear. There you go there are your five pounds.

  20. Peter Colonrooter9:30 AM

    "Magic Johnson is not gay. And even if he were, he is a good man and so is Collins"

    Sure Magic is a good guy. But if he isn't gay, how did he get AIDS? I'm pretty sure he wasn't shooting smack with dirty needles in some alley.

  21. Frustrated Negro12:02 PM

    The entirety of your post as about Social Wedge issues that serve absolutely no purpose but political fodder for the masses...

    and you rail on , and on about who.?? Rick Santorum...LOL

    Wildly.. flawed, failed candidate...

    It must sure feel GOOD beatin up on LOSERS like Rick Santorum, and Sarah Palin....

    Oh.. I forgot you mentioned Newt Ginrich,another Failed LOSER....

    You forgot the other wedge issue...
    Jason Collins.....

    Your So predictable STEPHEN....

  22. Hey Field

    Do you think anyone ever heard of UNPROTECTED sex with FEMALE hoodies on the NBA trail?
    And i wonder if anyone ever thought that each time they pull down their draws in back seat, or alley for a ho /hoodie or a scrub that maybe?
    I suggest that some simply stop faking the funk and put their little penis's down and find another eraser..Get real any man who worries about another man with HIV makes me wanna HOLLA! dayum Who does that?

  23. Questions asked and unanswered

    How did the neocons end up overreaching to such an extent that they risk undermining their own goals?

    The Bush administration's first term foreign policy did not flow ineluctably from the views of earlier generations of people who considered themselves neocons, since those views were themselves complex and subject to differing interpretations.

    Four common principles or threads ran through much of this thought up through the end of the cold war: a concern with democracy, human rights and, more generally, the internal politics of states a belief that amerikkkn power can be used for moral purposes; a skepticism about the ability of international law and institutions to solve serious security problems and finally a view that ambitious social engineering often leads to unexpected consequences and thereby undermines its own ends.

    The problem was that two of these principles were in potential collision. The skeptical stance toward ambitious social engineering which in earlier years had been applied mostly to domestic policies like affirmative action, busing and welfare suggested a cautious approach toward remaking the world and an awareness that ambitious initiatives always have unanticipated consequences.

    The belief in the potential moral uses of amerikkkn power, on the other hand, implied that activism could reshape the structure of global politics. By the time of the Iraq war, the belief in the transformational uses of power had prevailed over the doubts about social engineering.

    In retrospect, things did not have to develop this way. The roots of neocons lie in a remarkable group of largely Jewish intellectuals who attened college in the mid- to late 1930's and early 1940's, a group that included Kristol, Daniel Bell, and Howe,and, a bit later, Daniel Patrick Moynihan. The story of this group has been told in a number of places, most notably in a documentary film called 'Arguing the World." The most important inheritance from the C.C.N.Y. group was an idealistic belief in social progress and the universality of rights, coupled with intense anti-Communism.

    Neoconservatives would not have taken this turn but for the peculiar way that the cold war ended.
    Need i share more?

  24. Family values A revisit

    n politics we hear a lot about family values. That is hardly surprising, because the family is fundamental to our sense of social being and well being (Esp in some cultures.) Albeit trends in divorce rates or in numbers of single-parent families are serious causes of concern and also sources of heated political rhetoric. The well-being of the family is so basic that it is a good not reducible to impact on gross national product, though our economistic rhetoric today sometimes tries to make it one.

    As a young Atty and a magistrate i was also shocked by a report on N P R in which the harm done by abusive husbands beating wives was measured by the dollars lost to the economy. i would have thought that the harm done by spousal violence cannot be captured in dollars at least, the ancients would never have dreamed of applying such a measure. The value of historical knowledge is that it gives us a sense of perspective to understand and assess our own condition and values.
    Case in point
    A historical perspective is especially useful in thinking about the family and the moral values that contribute to our ideals of family life. In ideas about the sad state of the contemporary family, there is almost always some explicit or implicit historical narrative. When we lament the fact that families today are falling apart, it is generally understood that this represents a deterioration from a better past when families were healthy and whole--the image of the Abbysinian family in or even a Leave it to Beaver, with a gentle father, a wise housewife mother and two basically decent but mischievous sons.

    The politics of such an image of the family are powerful. In the conservative view, if families were healthy and whole again, government wouldn't have to have as many social support programs. In the feminist (my view), this image of the family idealizes a subordinate role for women as housewives.

    i have no intention of entering these contemporary political debates. My point is that these debates, and the social issues underlying them, look different depending on your historical perspective ie that is, whether you believe that history is a long struggle against patriarchy or a development toward fragmentation of the family, or whether you believe women have always been in the home until the aberration of the last few decades.

    Now, i am not a sociologist, able to comment authoritatively on trends in family life over the past three decades. Rather, as a an Afrikan educ attorney and former magistrate , i take a longer historical perspective. Though 2,000 years distant in time, ancient Rome is still relevant to our debates and assumptions today, because it was a formative period in euro history; it was the time when Christianity emerged with a set of moral doctrines that are still with us today. The Romans also developed a body of law from which important elements of family law in the United States and Europe are descended. Furthermore, Rome was the starting point for some of the standard historical narratives about the evolution of the family and state that inform our modern assumptions. Et Tu Brutus?

  25. Great Post. I just ran across your blog today. Thanks for your honesty and bringing pertinent issues to the forefront. It's refreshing to come across a blog that causes me to pause, think, and reflect.

  26. Lt. Commander Johnson1:12 PM

    Well, MatanzasBobanzas....

    As soon as your comment above began to look as if someone who actually understood English had written it, I knew you had to be plagiarizing.

    And sure enough, I found this article, written by Francis Fukuyama, in the New York Times, dated February 16, 2006:

    How much did you have to plagiarize to get through school?

    Fine example you're setting for the young field hands out there.

  27. Lt. Commander Johnson1:21 PM

    Amazing. You plagiarized again in your very next comment:

  28. Peter Colonrooter1:28 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Quote anonymous

    "stand up reach into your shorts, no no in the rear. There you go there are your five pounds."

    Well I dunno about you freaks, but I keep my money in my wallet.

  30. Quote Peter Colon

    "Female to male transmission of HIV is incredibly rare."

    Bullshit. It is the single most common cause of HIV infection in the world today.

    Any other "facts" you feel like pulling out of your fat wobbly ass today?

  31. Peter Colonrooter2:00 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Peter Colon

    "Female to male transmission of HIV is incredibly rare."

    Bullshit. It is the single most common cause of HIV infection in the world today.

    Any other "facts" you feel like pulling out of your fat wobbly ass today?

    I will now metaphorically pull my fat dick out of your black ass and spray "facts" all over your back:

    HIV infections acquired through heterosexual intercourse within the United Kingdom represent less than 10% of all HIV infections amongst heterosexuals diagnosed in the UK, according to a paper published in the March 12thon-line edition of the British Medical Journal. The authors, from the UK’s Health Protection Agency, emphasise that HIV transmission amongst gay men accounts for over 80% of HIV infections acquired in the UK.

    From the Lancet:

    The authors found that, overall, female-to-male (.04% per act or, in theory, about 4 cases of HIV transmission per every 10,000 acts of vaginal sex with a woman who is HIV positive) and male-to-female (.08% per act or 8 cases of HIV transmission per every 10,000 acts of vaginal sex with a man who is HIV positive) transmission estimates in high-income countries show a low risk of infection even when the person with HIV is not on antiretroviral treatments.

    Other findings showed that there were higher estimates of HIV transmission during receptive anal sex (1.7% per act or 17 cases of HIV transmission per every 1,000 acts of anal sex in which the "top" is HIV positive) as opposed to other sexual acts. There also were larger estimated risks of HIV transmission for sexual acts during the early (9.2 to times greater) and late phases (7.3 times greater) of a partner's HIV infection than for sexual acts during the asymptomatic phase of HIV disease. Finally, the authors state that commercial sex exposure and/or genital ulcers in either sexual party increased per-act risk of infection 5.3 times in comparison to the same acts in which sex partners did not have an STI.

    I'm done. You can leave.

  32. Try Preparation H2:14 PM

    Purple Cow's butthole is gonna hurt for a long time after that cornholing the Colonrooter just put on his Black Angus ass.

  33. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Anonymous said "What? This is news? Didn't Magic Johnson "come out" 20 years ago when he said he had AIDS?"

    Magic Johnson is not gay. And even if he were, he is a good man and so is Collins. Let us be good Christians like the both of them."

    Those last three lines are hilarious. Johnson cannot be a Christian and be a homosexual. But, he was exposed for having sex with an AIDs infested homosexual. They weren't specific. The talk was that he got it from an blood transfusion. HAhahahaha. He got it for practing his perversion.

  34. Can we progressives agree among ourselves that the radical neo-confedrate political right currently en vougue with white Americans of a certain age or geography are anything but "conservative?" That their mainstreem seek a more radical reconstruction of America in their chosen image than even our most ardent advocates propose? Because the only public value that I see them "conserving" (by enhancing) is white privilege, the great moral corrosive of our society that rots our foundations so that nothing that we build is really secure.

  35. One man's progress is another man's regression4:35 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Can we progressives agree among ourselves that the radical neo-confedrate political right currently en vougue with white Americans of a certain age or geography are anything but "conservative?" That their mainstreem seek a more radical reconstruction of America in their chosen image than even our most ardent advocates propose?


    It is 'we progressives' that seek a more radical deconstruction of America through the forced imposition of "fundamental Change".

    Conservatives seek to conserve the fundamental cultural and legal institutions that have made America the most prosperous and free country on earth. Change comes through reasoned and necessary reforms, not through radical revisions of economic rights and social institutions that are rammed down the country's throat against the will of the majority.

    And can you name one cultural or legal institution that enforces "white privilege"?

  36. The Rain In Spain4:59 PM

    This is what being 'progressive" will get you:

    field, you all better elect that pretty white girl, (Dana Spain), as your Mayor, 'cause Philly is headed down the same road as Detroit.

  37. "And can you name one cultural or legal institution that enforces "white privilege"?"

    Yeah, America.

  38. A non said'

    "can you name one cultural or legal institution that enforces "white privilege"? "

    With due deference to the good doctor's macro answer A non, here's 1: the NYPDs stop n frisk young black n brown men policy. That's one that even the most wilfully blind or bigoted can still see & understand.

  39. One man's progresss.... Was that a trick question?

  40. "HIV infections acquired through heterosexual intercourse within the United Kingdom represent less than 10% of all HIV infections amongst heterosexuals diagnosed in the UK"

    In the UK yes, but even then does <10% really constitute "incredibly rare"?? - I don;t think so.

    In America 16% of all HIV men and 78% of all HIV women became positive as a result of heterosexual sex.

    In Africa 80% of all HIV infections are caused by heterosexual contact.

    So as usual you are full of shit.

    BTW, people who appear to be as obsessed with denigrating homosexual sex as you are, are usually compensating for something - if you know what I mean.

    Methinks you doth protest too much.

  41. Peter Colonrooter7:24 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "HIV infections acquired through heterosexual intercourse within the United Kingdom represent less than 10% of all HIV infections amongst heterosexuals diagnosed in the UK"

    In the UK yes, but even then does <10% really constitute "incredibly rare"?? - I don;t think so.

    In America 16% of all HIV men and 78% of all HIV women became positive as a result of heterosexual sex.

    In Africa 80% of all HIV infections are caused by heterosexual contact.

    No, in Africa men lie about taking it in the backside and then give to women in the backside.

    It's anal sex that is the transmission vector. And it's pretty much a one way street.

    And you didn't say female to male transmission was only 10%, you said it was "the single most common cause of HIV infection in the world today."

    I protest not one bit about what people want to do with their bodies, but I will call out bullshit when I see it. The only real ways you can contract HIV is by sharing needles or being on the receiving end of anal sex.

    Facts on your back, Jack.

  42. One man's progress is another man's regression7:31 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    A non said'

    "can you name one cultural or legal institution that enforces "white privilege"? "

    1: the NYPDs stop n frisk young black n brown men policy.

    That's Jewish privilege; only New York City could get away with stop and frisk. It is the policy of the Bloomberg administration, perhaps the most "progressive" mayor's office in the country. The ACLU doesn't seem to have a problem with it in this case. And since "black n brown men" account for 95% of the crime in NYC, it's a pretty effective program. Who would you focus your interdiction efforts on in New York?

  43. Affirmative Action Jackson7:37 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    "And can you name one cultural or legal institution that enforces "white privilege"?"

    Yeah, America.

    Really? America accords white people legal privilege in employment law? America mandates preferential college admissions for white students? America makes scholarships and grants available exclusively for white people?

    Where's the privilege, "Doctor"?

  44. Anonymous7:50 PM

    "I protest not one bit about what people want to do with their bodies, but I will call out bullshit when I see it. The only real ways you can contract HIV is by sharing needles or being on the receiving end of anal sex."

    Well, it sounds like HIV could be contracted if you have homosexuals playing in a contact sport like the NBA. Why isn't anyone talking about this? Are we going to remain silent until all of the NBA players test positive with HIV?

  45. "BTW, people who appear to be as obsessed with denigrating homosexual sex as you are, are usually compensating for something - if you know what I mean.

    Methinks you doth protest too much."

    Methinks so right along with you. :)

  46. One man's progress said, ... And can you name one cultural or legal institution that enforces "white privilege"?

    The Amerikkkan judicial systems at the local, state and federal levels! White privileg is further reinforced by neo-confederates that occupy the benches.

  47. Question for all

    Like i asked before what MAN with any self love or consciousness continues to FOCUS on another mans sexuality ie his penis size, his HIV status and his decision to COME out?

    I ask this not expecting an answer because there is no answer. What perhaps may be the/an answer is the fact that homosexuals for years have not been GAY' or happy they have been in the hiding

    And perhaps some of the unconscious who FOCUS on the issue need to look in the mirror and consider coming out up from the down low.

    Issues like homosexuality only bother those who are secretive, blaming, clueless and hateful.

    Last ask your peones or yourselves which of the 12 GODS made you/them a judge?

    Ps no one has the power to move me or anything i say from this blog other than Field it has not happened So far so good NEXT?

  48. Sistahs! conscious Afrikans

    As you all know i do not debate anyone or try to discourage anyone. WHY? I am secure, dignified and know my stuff. Plus i know that the best way to get KICKED off is to disrespect others

    Suffice that i am also am unafraid. This blog is a HOUSE NEGROS BLOG not a caucasoids But i will not be muzzled or made to keep my mind closed

    Note, to be fair i never read /seldom comments because i am the kind of Afrikan who dislikes disrespect name calling(of participants here) and the need to control others

    Also i prefer to follow Field and respond to his offering ie staying on focus/
    So in light of that i refuse to allow anyone to make me silent.

    i am back and with a purpose "DROP SCIENCE no matter where it come from as long as it does not come from the slave master ignorant sons/

    HIV and STDS

    Anyone who allows the any GOV foreign or other duh! to influence their thinking is like supporting the GOV lie about the Tuskegee study.
    Case in point
    The near 600 men did not have syphilis the GOV gave them syphilis
    its like the Guatemalans who were also given syphilis and only told later that it was a study? (google it )

    In the Tuskegee archives at the UN Ala ( my court covers Ala) You will find the truth about this study YET! your GOV continues to lie.

    Some say that 9/11 could not have been an inside job because it would not be possible to keep it covered up; someone with inside knowledge would blow the whistle on such a horrible and criminal operation. The Tuskegee Syphilis experiment is one example of policy and decision makers in US GOV/state and local governments conspiring to commit and cover up crimes against humanity; the experiment was in progress, and kept quiet, for 80 years. not forty and began right after reconstruction
    So my people( Afrikans)
    WIKI nor any white scientist (very few) will tell the truth.. Only the survivors (still alive) will)

    So the uninformed need to move on with the stagnant attempts to create mis info here
    Bottom line
    Cease and desist trying to build wedges as you will find a stalwart strong and dedicted Afrikans who will continue to speak truth2power and there is nothing anyone can do.

    let it be known
    i for one am not ever going to agree with anything said here by racist cavemen/ Afrikan house negros or uncles with small bones and smaller heads..Move on to your next trailer

    Afrikans do not accept the white mans lies. Use your brain and remember a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
    Also remember what a colleague of mine said yrs ago in his book BLACK ROBES WHITE JUSTICE

    ps i will return to share about HIV and female to male transmission And i will do it from my perspective NOT anyone else's Got it!?

    pps call me racist PROVE IT! ;)

    love ya;) i just took your KING checkmate

  49. OH! Lacubanadematanzas hurt your feelings poor baby ;)

    I suggest that you pull up tu pantalones take the nipple out of your mouth and stand up and be the change you want to see
    No one here can change me nor should they try to blame the youth. most are fielding BB or FB

    Besides to be honest most do not care what youth read like i do Most only try to make others look bad to make themselves look prolific

    Who does that? Ghosts who are afraid and those who come to conquer. OR house negros still jigging like stepin fetchit

    OYE Ave maria bendito! ;)
    Come get it i am back! Approxima?

    i feel like agitating

    However, like most i make errors in spelling etc grammar, i am not always top and for this i regret. But as many have read i am a survivor .

    Bottom line for some its not who i am its what i am bold enough to say, perhaps coupled with the fact that i am Afrikan Cuban and in ya face.

    Thus, the only way to shut people up is to denounce them, assassinate style and call names.. But in this effort the short penis always loses;) Now you have lost your Queen.

    Last, i am not here to make friends/assoc i say what i want when i want to whom i choose No one bothers me. There are no big i's or small u's
    For those who do not like it STOP reading and stalking my linguage! Move on to someone who will give you an inch

    Milagros GV

    Afrikans/ people
    I am not one to simply sit down and try to make others look bad ( the youth are reading (LMAO ya right) or serve myself up gratuitous delusions of grandular
    i prefer to spktrut2power educmacate, (my spelling) and drop science..its not healthy to simply push misinfo without fact.
    So moving right along:

    PEOPLE do not believe the hype or anything the British/or JAMA med journals tell you..RESEARCH your story vs His..story /myth)

    EG" The green monkey never infected anyone with HIV/et/al And the others are OLD and outdated and so nothing is truth!
    My info comes from Cuba!

    Also, single/married women trust your selves and be tested ( you can do this yourself if you do not have a trusted MD) just be careful of what you purchase.

    Suffice, for now i recommend the MD and a sec opinion, also You have time. Just because you suspect that your infected does not mean you will die today or tomorrow

    Lets be clear In the Afrikan comm ( i do not know what the ghosts teaches do not care they will never get this coochie))

    Men, many so called conscious men will try to tell you that HIV is manmade and i for one accept that premise as well. My point however. is "ITS HERE" and if Afrikans and other poor people do not get on the circuito de verdad, (truth circuit) they must prepare to remain ignorant.

    However, who made it. Was it Who (World health org) CDC , NIH, Ft Detrick Md? or all of the above?

    Since some choose to share false info lets go there..
    There are those who prefer to disrespect women with their displays of short scientific anomalies vs an intelligent manner of sharing pertinent info..Are they seeking guffaws or are they just "short" ended viagra takers.
    What self respecting man regardless of race does that?

    My thoughts about this
    1. Penis envy
    2 low self worth
    3 fear
    4 Control of anyone who speaks out

    Moving along

    Women you are my main subjects for this piece..
    The majority" of HIV infections are transmitted sexually and so most of the transmission occurs through the genital or reproductive systems of men and women. There are specific biological factors in women that make it more or less likely that HIV can be sexually transmitted. To know this one must prepare to study and know her body and the one she sleeps with esp if he has a short fat bone( will discuss later)

    Why are women at greater risk of HIV?
    The risk of transmitting HIV from men to women is much higher than from women to men. This is in part because of the much larger surface area of the vagina and cervix compared to the areas of the penis where transmission can happen (foreskin, and small tears on the head of the penis)

    Women are exposed to considerable amounts of seminal fluid during sex, if ejaculation occurs.

    The vagina is particularly vulnerable to invasion by bacteria, viruses and other germs. It is an ideal place for bacteria to grow, as it is warm and moist. It also provides an easy entrance into the body.

    Women with low levels of the hormone estrogen may be at increased risk for transmission of HIV because low estrogen levels directly affect the vaginal wall, making it thinner so HIV can more easily pass through the wall.

    Ps And i leave no URL sue me!

    to be continued

  51. HIV transmission between men asd women 2012

    Eighty-six HIV transmissions occur each 26 seconds ( Cuba med journal ) 2012
    Men were about twice as likely to transmit HIV to women as women were to men. This increased risk of transmission could be attributed to higher virus concentrations in the blood of men compared with women, according to the study. In addition, women were more likely to have genital herpes, which increases susceptibility to HIV.

    Condoms were reported to be used in 90+ percent of sexual acts, but Cuban researchers suspect their use was over reported. Therefore, condoms actually may be even more effective at preventing HIV transmission than the 78 percent reduction that the researchers estimated

    In the Cuban med journal pub Cuban med prof share about the risk factor vs how large a penis should be and what a small head will/can do.. hehehehe
    i go home every month and occassionaly attend classes with med prof forensic scientists et/al and i trust the Cuban MDs they have proven my belief.

    WOMEN seldom transmit HIV to men

    Now to be fair i submit that in Cuba we control anyone who tests positive and rightfully so! I disagree with allowing any foreigner to come to Cuba spread the virus or for any Cuban to do likewise
    YES, there are rights but there are also HUMAN RIGHTS

    Go figure

    nuff said, get over it because i will not back off. No one has the cojones to get me off of this blog other than Field.
    Plus No one who disrespects a woman gets any response albeit i bet they read mine ;) play chess
    I am at your mercy Field lol

    ps next time little big man bring a bigger package and your self respect
    Leave your little penis in your boxers where your pinky finger has some competion

    This is done NEXT!

  52. Afenhamu in the house
    Hello Senor Field:

    It is good to see that all that i/mom have shared remains. Why is that? it is also good to know that regardless of how many errors in grammar, or errors in spelling she or I make that most GET IT!

    My concern is why HATE? Each of us come here with info or seeking info, and regardless of whether we can agree, it is what it is.. So its time grow up stop sucking titties and bopping small bananas.

    I am a MAN" talk to me as a man or move over I am not my mother she does not engage I do!

    PS I use a capital I remembering that no one is larger than I or smaller than U

  53. 1:12 PM
    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    Amazing. You plagiarized again in your very next comment:

    Hey Private:
    i never ever did that. you did and tried to blame me to make yourself look good And to try to cause dissention Also may i add your a LIAR
    Also nothing i ever wrote has been removed but yours have I print them all!
    Now whats your next hating issue?


    i keep fakes and liars like you in check and do so while making typos using poor grammar and speaking my mind

    Perhaps if you spent more time worrying about your next meal vs your small penis and what you would like to do with that pinky you would do better and learn more.

    Trust me, i am no pushover, i am here because FIELD keeps me here and to this end i go no where.
    The comments here are not removed by any one who is a rotorooter :0 try again
