Sunday, April 07, 2013

"Viva Havana".

I just read an article by conservative writer, A.J. Delgado, who was quite upset to hear that two African American entertainers had the nerve to visit Cuba.

Jay -Z and Beyoncé chose to spend their 5th wedding anniversary in the land of sugar cane and cigars, and it has some folks in certain quarters quite upset. 

Delgado let the couple have it for, as he (she) wrote,  visiting a country with a history of racism and "relegating its black population to second class status." I need a break! This is the equivalent to a bank robber lecturing a cat burglar for stealing at night. How an American could lecture anyone about another country and their history of racism is beyond me.

I look at the Cubans who made their way to South Florida as opposed to those who are still there, and it is obvious that the haves in that country- prior to the revolution-looked a certain way, and the have-nots looked a little different. (See darker.)

I remember a country that gave other predominantly black countries in the region things such as doctors, teachers, experts to help and teach new and unique ways of farming (micro dams) , and aid to help build the infrastructure of those countries. A country that was instrumental in moving these poorer countries from a state of dependent capitalism to self sufficiency.

I remember a country with a leader (Fidel) who embraced Nelson Mandela when our government was still supporting the regime that imprisoned him. A man who President Mandela personally thanked for helping to "topple apartheid."

But folks like Delgado will never get it.

"While dining, partying, and enjoying the best Havana has to offer, Beyoncé and Jay-Z not only legitimize and support the repressive regime, with both their presence and their cash, but turn a blind eye, cruelly, to the perils and languishing of the Cuban people.

Both stars are proud African-Americans — yet, curiously, chose to vacation in a country notorious for relegating its black population to second-class status, or worse." [Source]

I think A.J. Delgado is delusional if he (she) thinks Cuba is "notorious" for relegating black folks in Cuba to second-class status. A.J. might want to look around in the country that he (she) is living in.

Jigga, light up another cigar, find a nice restaurant on Obispo Street, order some good Cuban food, and just enjoy the view.

Conservative writers with a bogus agenda should be the furthest thing from your mind.



  1. Besides our Cuba policy being stuck on stupid, sports, artistic and scholarly exchanges have always been exempt from the Cuba travel restrictions. These (J&B) are two of the preeminent artists of the early 21st century; their visit is per se an artistic exchange; just as if any other artist, or scholar or athlete who didn't happen to be black &/or friendly with this president visited Cuba. Blow it out yer asses on so many levels GOP to the KKK.

  2. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Don't know much about this but as I understand it Castro, who himself came from the upper ruling class elite, when he was sent abroad to study (as was the custom of the rich), he embraced socialism and himself revolted against all of the injustice he saw heaped upon the poor (insert African here).

    He went back to Cuba and the rest is history, but he implemented mandatory education for all,assuring that he poor were also able to attain professional degrees.

    The rich that left when he took over were mad because he confiscated their unused lands so that the poor could have land also.

    I don't see how that qualifies as relegating blacks to second class citizens, on the contrary.

  3. humberto10:06 PM

    "How an American could lecture anyone about another country and their history of racism is beyond me."

    America is the least racist country on earth. America invented Civil Rights for minorities.

    Cuba is a dictatorship that has routinely killed tens of thousands of its own people for decades.

    There is no affirmative action in Cuba. Blacks are today and always have been on the bottom of Cuban society. Che Guevara quotes on black people:

    "We’re going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the revolution. By which I mean: nothing."

    "The Negro is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent."

    But folks like you will never get it. You are either morally vacuous or just plain stupid.

    Keep defending the right of rich people like Jay Z to do whatever they want.

  4. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Another thing I don't understand is why the news says that tourism is restricted in Cuba. An acquaintance of mine from New York and her husband went there a couple of years ago,took hundreds of pics and had a great time. They even posted the pics on Facebook.

    The cars on the road there are like from the 1950's and such and they are kept in tip top condition and run like new!

  5. Wesley R10:54 PM

    If the politicians and those who control them, can't control something and someone in this case, then they will try to bring them down.

  6. Anonymous12:10 AM

    nice to see your morals are as always like your clothes. Change on a whim. Cuba does practice apartheid but yeah some conservative said it and Jaz Z and beyonce are obamas fam right now.

    then you compare cuba to the us....fool. you should have went there to be lawyer instead of philly - you know that is a city in the us right?

  7. Hunter12:39 AM

    Gun control: No.

    Negro Control: Yes

    This comparison of crime in Birmingham (AL) versus Boise (ID) and similar sized cities illustrates that gun control should be for black people only:

    Birmingham, Alabama – population 212,413, 21.1% White, 54 murders per 100,000
    Montgomery, Alabama – population 208,182, 36.1% White, 31 murders per 100,000
    Mobile, Alabama – population, 194,914, 43.9% White, 30 murders per 100,000

    Boise, Idaho – population 210,145, 89% White, 1 murders per 100,000
    Des Moines, Iowa – population 206,599, 70.5% White, 8 murders per 100,000
    Gilbert, Arizona – population, 211,951, 72.9% White, 0 murders per 100,000
    Spokane, Washington – population 210,103, 84% White, 4 murders per 100,000

    Note: In 1964, there were 16.42 homicides per 100,000 in Birmingham when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed.

    Freedom has failed.

  8. NSangoma12:41 AM


    Jay -Z and Beyoncé, have a couple of big helpings of moros y cristianos for me.

    MotherFcuk A.J. Delgado.


  9. Cuba’s tourism industry is wholly state-controlled; therefore, U.S. dollars spent on Cuban tourism directly fund the machinery of oppression that brutally represses the Cuban people. - Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, both Republicans from Florida of Cuban descent.

    Huh, the Amerikkkan gubberment is within the throes of committing genocide against African Americans as we speak through mass incarceration. These two duopoly, bobble head RepubMafias are literally hollering about NOTHING. I’m not really a fan of either one of these artists, however, neither one of them are officials representing the U.S. gubberment in any capacity, so there shouldn’t be anyone within this Mickey Mouse gubberment of ours attempting to denounce how a private citizen spend their hard earned money.

    Hell, …. I don’t hear any one of these RepubMafias of Cuban descent speaking of how this country still have black Americans essentially in a state servitude for the most part. Sssshhh, both of the nincompoops could go to hell for all I care!

    Yup, this is exactly how you could differentiate a concerned citizen from a roboticized RepubMafia or DemoMob: They are are always in a faux uproar about something that lend credence to their bullshit concern of blacks Americans. Puhleeeeze!

  10. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Field, the Cubans are the biggest racists of ALL the island people in the Caribbean. Hell, they can't stand PRs. They say PRs are shiftless and have no goals in life. I have heard this out of the mouths of several Cubans. In Florida, they add considerable racism to the mix in Miami and other parts of the state.

    They are so prejudiced against Blacks that they believe they have the right to shoot them on sight. It'll be interesting to see how J-Z and Beyonce will handle the racism. Ignorance will ruin a wedding anniversary!

    Of course, I understand that you are ALL for Blacks going to Cuba despite the racism because of the racism in America, right? Yeah, good thinking. With your kind of logic, they might as well go hang out in a country dead set on apartheid.

    Field, you need Divine therapy...forget about human therapy, your sickness is beyond any earthly remedy.

  11. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Dear Mr Field, I am sick and tired of Beyonce and JayZ. In addition, I am sick and tired of hearing about Cuba.

    WTF? Don't you have some better material to post? This post sucks.

    Please get yourself together.

  12. Hunter, how long ago did your black girlfriend leave u?

    Your obsession with crime in the black community is noted, but try to stick to the topic of the post.

    Desert, unfortunately tourisism is still restricted to Cuba from the mainland of the US. But folks still get around it. You can visit with certain religious groups etc.

  13. Humberto said …….. There is no affirmative action in Cuba. Blacks are today and always have been on the bottom of Cuban society. Che Guevara quotes on black people: We’re going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the revolution. By which I mean: nothing."

    F*kk Che Guevara, I hope his bitch-ass cried while he was in his casket on the way to hell. Much respect for Hugo Chavez, rest in peace!

  14. Thank You Field for this post
    Ave Maria Gracias Thank you

    Field posted Delgado said:

    While dining, partying, and enjoying the best Havana has to offer, Beyoncé and Jay-Z not only legitimize and support the repressive regime, with both their presence and their cash, but turn a blind eye, cruelly, to the perils and languishing of the Cuban people.

    Lets be clear Jay and his Mrs did not spend amerikkkn cash here because its not avail HELO! its the embargo stupid! We use the CUC.

    Be aware that Delgado lies or lets say he skirts the truth..Here are the facts I abide by them and Jay z as well

    There is no cruelty in Cuba there are rules and laws and if you violate them? Oh well
    When speaking to people who can leave but choose not to they ask WHY? La tierra tienes nuestros corazon( home is where the heart is)
    The Peso (CUC) was circulated in order to remove the circulation of foreign currencies. Previously, US dollars could be used by tourists in Cuba, but now the CUC forms an alternative as the new tourist currency..Are there dollars YES! and even i carry them when i am home because of their value to my gente!

    All anyone has to do is stop and think! And perhaps reason and come to the conclusion as to why Jay and his Mrs took that op!

    Educators can visit, Medical prof can visit and everyday joe blow can visit if they know how and have courage, basically ANYONE can travel to Cuba!

    Fidel has done more for the Afrikan than any other leader in the world ever! And the problem with Delgado and with other Criollas is that his family may have lost all that they acquired via the enslavement of the Afrikan when Fidel took power And i doubt if little boy Delgado is as old as my youngest?
    Often we will read and hear about FIDEL yada yada yada and yet they have never even visited Cuba. Most people get info and wrong info from the internet and then they use it as knowledgeand fact about what goes on here?????

    My father is 89 Fidel 87 and both are living out their lives as Senor caballeros My father fought alongside Fidel, and was one of his body guards Still alive and well!

    Also, those who yell the loudest are often the Miami, wanna be Mafia Cubans, whose people were slavers abusers and racists. And who accepted the Meyer Lansky, El lindo mulatto (Batista) and Bugsy Siegel way of life for their own countrymen

    Those are the people who hate any AfroCuban whether in or outside of Cuba. I live here in Fla and as a professiona i can testify to the lack of support for those of my hue.
    This is why i am such a supporter of knowledge and education and doing for self

    Now, FYI in Cuba the Afrikan is the majority(all over the world) albeit when one watches the TV its the others who are made visible. Moreover,it is very rare that tourists come to my area (Matanzas) or Santiago de Cuba etc unless they are like Jayz et/al
    He did not get to my home we came to him

    Now, to those who really want to know about Cuba and to see my countries beauty let me ask Tienes cojones? Come on down but do it right!

  15. NSangoma8:15 AM


    Margaret Thatcher was a racist whidte MotherFcuking dog.


  16. Frustrated Negro10:31 AM

    You should just name this the ...

    "Its ALL Racist" blog

    Here comes STEPHEN to save the day from the racist conservative writers....

    LOL you become more amusing by the day....

    Just two more days until O pretends he has to GUT Social Security to fight off EVIL Republicans...

    Yet somehow the hurt feelings of a multi millionaire , and his trashy wife...who also happens to be a multi millionaire ...

    Who just last week told everyone to "Bow Down Bitches" is supposed to matter...

    When people are reduced to eating catfood to supplement SSI... because of chained CPI over time reducing their benefit...

    We should all remember how Jay , and Bey were the victims of a RACIST conservative writer....

    When are you gonna hang your picture on the Wall of Shame... ???

  17. Black Super Genius11:41 AM

    Black Sage said...
    Huh, the Amerikkkan gubberment is within the throes of committing genocide against African Americans as we speak through mass incarceration.

    This is the kind of lunacy that illustrates how unserious liberalism is and just how much some people can embrace ridiculous beliefs.

    And you call Glenn Beck wacked...

    Thanks for the laugh, Sage.

  18. MatanzasGV said...
    There is no cruelty in Cuba there are rules and laws and if you violate them? Oh well

    Spoken like a true Stalinist.

    Imprisoned for 50 years on a whim? Oh well.

    Bullet in the head for not being sufficiently socialist? Oh well.

    Living like a prisoner on an island where basic material needs are not met and you have no real freedoms? Oh well.

    Fidel may have been a monster, but at least he is the enemy of America, so it's okay to look the other way and say "Oh well".

    Cruelty always appeals to hateful people of marginal intelligence. People like you have always been the scourge of the rest of us.

    Someday, a real rain will come.

  19. NTacoma12:14 PM

    NSangoma said...

    Margaret Thatcher was a racist whidte MotherFcuking dog.

    In you stunted mind, competence = racist.

    Motherfuck you.

  20. humberto12:19 PM

    Desertflower said...
    "The rich that left when he took over were mad because he confiscated their unused lands so that the poor could have land also"

    So why is everyone still poor?

    When you see your neighbor not using something, do you just take it?

    What Fidel took, Fidel kept. That is the way of socialism. No more rich, middle class, and poor. Just poor. And Fidel.

  21. Socialism is based on resentment.

    How else can you explain people who lionize a murderous dictator like Fidel Castro, who has impoverished his nation for 50 years, and demonize a woman like Margaret Thatcher who was duly elected, served 11 years, and completely turned around a moribund economy, making life substantially better for all of her citizens?

    Freedom makes everyone richer, but increases economic equality.

    Socialism makes everyone poorer, but increases economic equality.

    Socialists would rather everyone be poorer if that would reduce the relative difference in wealth That's what Obama means when he says "fairness" is more important than economic growth.

    Do you socialists really believe that? How dumb, and ultimately evil.

    Here's Maggie on socialism:

  22. I agree with you about Cuba, the government that Castro over turned as I read history was the MAFA , gambling and all there for the rich and famous around the world to enjoy and that is why Castro was considered a bad boy by our country.

  23. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Field, here's some 'recent' info about how America is ignoring the poverty crisis in America. It's a damn shame:

  24. Yes wingnuts, I guess right wingnut dictators like Somoza, Franco, Pinochet, Botha, and Trujillo were all sweathearts. I guess as long as we embrace them they are cool.

    As for the "Iron Lady", well....

    Does iron rot?

  25. Bravo, Mr. Field!

  26. Bravo, Mr. Field!

  27. Wingnuts R' Us2:27 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Yes wingnuts, I guess right wingnut dictators like Somoza, Franco, Pinochet, Botha, and Trujillo were all sweathearts. I guess as long as we embrace them they are cool.

    Who is singing the praises of "right wingnut dictators"?

    No one.

    However the left never met a butcher it didn't like, as long as he was a socialist (except Hitler, the national socialist).

  28. Anonymous3:41 PM

    humberto said...
    "So why is everyone still poor?

    When you see your neighbor not using something, do you just take it?"
    I'm not an expert on this but I think he took over lands that they would not sell and they had huge expanses of land and the poor had nothing. There wasn't much of a "middle class" it was rich and poor.

    Anyway you might want to Google all this history, but as far as I know he gave everyone land and animals, sort of a bootstrap that they could pull themselves up by.

    It seems to be an agricultural society without much of the techy stuff because of the embargoes,also not much chemical pollution which accounts for the long lives of the citizens.

    Also he did place a great deal of emphasis on medicine, opening many free medical schools for all.

    Just facts. As with any government, opponents were punished. I suppose maybe he called them "homeland terrorists" (ring a bell?) ;) I'm just saying, just facts. Like it or not, this is what he envisioned for his country,his vision of equality for all.

    MatanzasGV explained it pretty well, and she should know, that is her country.

  29. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Field as per your sidebar on Ray J,! Kudos to you sir! What a piece of trash that guy is!

    What a time to come out with that old news when she's expecting. Man oh man! Ray J the CREEP!

  30. "Who is singing the praises of "right wingnut dictators"?"

    Not long ago the right was crowing about the economic success of Peru. Was her name Kathy the righty that used to post here?

    "But folks like you will never get it. You are either morally vacuous or just plain stupid."

    Um Humbert, you are aware the majority of Cubans are blah right?

  31. Frustrated does have a point. While crazy, lazy or just dumb past Republican presidents have proposed cutting SSI it may just be a Dem, a brotha no less, who actually cuts it.
    The Dems are getting their asses handed to them regularly. The conservatives are controlling the conversation and the direction of this country shows this. There is NO talk about cutting military spending or closing foreign bases but the conversation about cutting spending centers on a popular program that has existed longer than all of us have been here. Why vote Democratic if the cons get everything they want anyway? I may have to post as Another Frustrated Negro. Ha!

  32. dead chavez9:18 PM

    field writes:

    I remember a country that gave other predominantly black countries in the region things such as doctors, teachers, experts to help and teach new and unique ways of farming (micro dams) , and aid to help build the infrastructure of those countries.

    Yeah, we know how wildly the countries associated with Cuba have succeeded.

    A country that was instrumental in moving these poorer countries from a state of dependent capitalism to self sufficiency.

    Name one.

    I remember a country with a leader (Fidel) who embraced Nelson Mandela when our government was still supporting the regime that imprisoned him. A man who President Mandela personally thanked for helping to "topple apartheid."

    You must have been delirious with a fever when that "memory" surfaced.

  33. Field,

    I think Beyonce and Jay can go whereever the heck they want for vacation. Frankly, its only being talked about because they are famous.

    So when you defend them on that score, I'm with you. But you're off base in suggesting when you make Cuba sound like some great place. Reality of course is always more complicated than just a black and white approach to things, but the the reality is that you would not choose to be a citizen of that country and if you were, this blog you write could land you in prison. This is a country which effectively holds its people hostage and does not permit them to freely travel to and from without great cost and at risk of separation from their families or loss of citizenship (which includes losing any land, money or possessions you have).

    Some CBC members took a trip to Cuba a while back and returned singing the praises of Castro and the country, shamelessly and ignorantly shilling for that regime. You're a smart guy, don't practice a similar level of intellectual dishonesty.

  34. Here [brain] dead chavez, knock yourself out.

    Aaron,that's a good point, politics can be complicated. But we cannot deny that there are Cubans who live in Cuba who are very patriotic towards that country and their former leader.

  35. 11:41 AM
    Travis said...
    MatanzasGV said...
    There is no cruelty in Cuba there are rules and laws and if you violate them? Oh well
    Natukae Travis

    Yes Son Oh well!

    Now lest be clear, I will not spend anymore time debating you about what you cannot possibly know, due to the fact that you are not Afrikan Cuban, not old enough, wise enough or politically astute enough to know Cubas story vs His..myth

    Like I said, there is no cruelty in Cuba and as far as those in prison for violating Cuban laws and RULES Get over it!

    What i would suggest is that you pick up a book and research your own amerikkkn story because you son are out of your league.

    Ps Stop reading WIKI and watching faux news..Your problem is not with Cyuba its with your amerikkka

    With respect i leave you with another thought

    For every lie there is an even better reason to tell the truth

    Peace baby boy

  36. BARBBF9:56 AM

    Having that Black face in the White House really has made a difference in the US Cuban policy. NO!!!!! But nothing compares to the betrayal by Mr. Hope and Change than the plan to cut Social Security..recalculating using the CPI so that Seniors will get less to live off of every year!

    MR.FN..where do you stand on this?

  37. Its amazing and almost pitiful that because of fear freedom has been kicked to the curb in amerikkka.

    And then some have the nerve to become angry with FIDEL when the topic was JayZ, Beyonce and the fact that they followed the laws of merika (not A) and chose to visit?

    One cannot get in their face and say anything nor can anyone speak truth to power about Cuba..So what does one do malign, assassinate the land and the leaders and act as if without proof.
    Who does that, what educ or intelligent person does that?

    It is indeed true " some Afrikans are dying for lack of knowledge and fear
    So why not just pack ya bags and fly down, a visit may save your life and educ you about Cuba

    As a world cit who has been educated in Cuba Afrika and the US does anyone really believe that i would applaude my adopted country( I am born in Afrika raised in Cuba) had Cuba not done more for the Afrikan than any leader anywhere in the world? I know how and when to throw down the guantlet

    I am no silly person, i know how to draw a line in the sand. I know that all is not well here, albeit, its better to live in Cuba for those who wish to, than suffer the indignities of DWB WWB or living while black in the hooded cities of the united snakes.

    oh crap ya'll don't get it!!

    What i am sharing is that NO! things are not perfect albeit they are better than before 1959.
    Fidel Ruiz freed our country from a dictator supported by amerikkka. And as a matter of history when the civil war ended , amerikkkn owned companies ITT (now At&T) in Cuba refused to cooperate with the government, so El Commandante nationalized those companies or ran them out

    FYI Because of that JFK blocked the island, which is why our countrymen nearly starved and why today I/or one of my fam members fly home at least once a month

    And today we still cannot export any goods, had it now been for SA ( Venezuela et/al China/ we would have perished
    All because of a white man whose daddy was a drunk, and who would no longer be allowed to hide in exotica!

    However, under Fidel and the leaders, Cuba became self-sustainable, and its economy even grew. This is why the US and amerikans hate him. Because he stood up against US tyranny and had success

    Fidels main achievement gave all Cuban land to the people, starting with his family land and house. However, the Cuban Revolution did not end with Cuba, because Fidel helped many other countries fight off oppressors. In South Africa, Castro sent troops to help Mandela fight off the racist British, again supported by United snakes
    And again in my birth country Angola

    i Notice that only ignorant slave amerikkns or Miami mafia Cubans speak negative about Fidel, yet they rarely state any facts.

    Yes Fidel and El Che killed all of the rogues and US snitches and well they should have. OH WELL!

    Winnie M, ( Harriet T threatened the same) did the same Either your part of freedom or your not!

    Moreover, there is one true fact that cannot be denied.
    When an Afrikan MAN" regardless of his hue cannot claim his freedom he is indeed the wretched of the earth (Fanon)

    And while i am at it, living here or visiting is a MUST" i /we are obligated to show up! We have in this family elders and others who depend on this unity after yrs of being treated as second class humans in amerikka
    Or in Europe and anywhere the white supremacist possum rests his nasty head

    I remain an unbent and unbowed field negress Not a hata!

    This is not debatable FIELD WHATS NEXT!

  38. Field, I agree with you, thank you for laying it out. Good or bad Fidel, people need to learn the history regarding Cuba and why certain "white" Cubans choose to flee. Fidel and his regime was not the enemy of the many poor black Cubans.

    In fact today, a black tourist might be treated with more respect visiting Cuba oppose to visiting "Miami", which is where the descendants of the many disgruntled "white" Cubans infested.

    This Delgado person is either woefully ignorant or deceivingly trying to tug on the racial strings of those who don't know any better. I wouldn't be surprised if he/she is hoping to detour other rich blacks from Cuba, we all know certain people can't wait to get in there to plunder and exploit for themselves [as usual].

    As the children say... silly Rabbit, trix are for kids.

  39. Anonymous9:17 PM

    @ La♥audiobooks
    Girla! Wher you been??? Was thinking a bout you the other day, or wondering I should say:))

  40. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Man I was just starting to like your blog. Then you have to call Cuba"the land of sugar cane". Sugar cane as the Cuban cash ceop went away with the U.S.S.R. more than 20 years ago.
    Go back to your "I hate YT" rant. So much more enjoyable.


    Celia cruz called it AZUCAR!

    Ahora let me have some fun hehehehe ;)

    Sugar cane is still the second largests harvest after tobacco we have in nuestras KUBA And how many of you know that the US pays us for AZUCAR!
    Why do you amerikkns think your teeth are rotten, you have diabetes in record numbers and your health sucks?

    I keep telling you STOP READING WIKI and allowing people with itty bitty bones and WISH bone heads to educate you

    Todavia la field negress

    Ps Hey itty bitty wishbone head When are you going to learn to play chess?


    Ya'll over it yet? Hope someone here tienes cojones ahora

  43. Aaron Laramore said

    But you're off base in suggesting when you make Cuba sound like some great place. Reality of course is always more complicated than just a black and white approach to things, but the the reality is that you would not choose to be a citizen of that country and if you were, this blog you write could land you in prison. This is a country which effectively holds its people hostage and does not permit them to freely travel to and from without great cost and at risk of separation from their families or loss of citizenship (which includes losing any land, money or possessions you have).

    11:32 PM

    Land money and resources HMMM

    Yes Senor, Fidel took back what was taken from the Afrikan get over it! And get the truth
    As for intel;ectual dishonesty how dare you call the Field negro a house negro while you sit down and tell lies and share WIKI myth..

    Just what makes you think that you know more than anyone who lives here?

    With respect Mr Laramore YOU are off and with the same respect you do not know what you are discussing. And i challenge you to PROVE your case
    It is appearent that perhaps you are reading WIKI google or listening to a Cuban criolla discuss his/her issues and now you have a bleeding heart? Jealous much?

    Let me be clear you are not free in the US, you as an Afrikan are a slave and no less than a house negro if what you have written here is what you believe Why do I say this? YOU DO NOT KNOW and unless you walk in my shoes or an Cubans zapato and live here at least for a yr you cannot not possibly know.

    Where it is true that my country has problems the only hostage takers is the amerikkkn gov against this an effort to continue a 50+ yr embargo which nearly starved us to death including 4 million children

    Otherwise senor, " NO ONE IS"nor have they ever been held hostage without reason..
    Moreover, the same does not apply where you live ( Mumia abu jamal, veronza Bowers, H rap Brown, Pete O'neal and i can go on and on.

    Again Senor, it is obvious that you have not kept up with the new rules instituted here in Kuba last yr in Oct
    So let me open your eyes
    in 2012..

    The Gov allowed Cuban nationals like myself to leave the country without obtaining an exit permit for the first time since Fidel came to power in the 1959, as the nation's leadership realizes the economic potential of allowing its people to travel more freely.

    Also Cubans will now only need a passport and visa to travel overseas, although those who work in high-demand professions, such as doctors, may find it more difficult to leave due to the government's perceived need to protect our most needed peoples But not myself

    Further, Cubans will be allowed to stay overseas for 24 months, instead of the usual 11.

    This authorization took effect after Cuba and the United States signed a migration pact and emigrants will be allowed to return for visits once eight years have elapsed since their illegal departure.

    Suffice Senor, it takes longer now than that for a emigrant to becom e a US cit?
    Also health professionals and athletes who defected during missions abroad after 1990 can likewise visit Cuba, again subject to the eight-year requirement

    Now before you make yourself appear uninformed go to Reflections of which is where you can read this change

    Peace and much respect

    ps We blog all day in Cuba do not believe the hype Yoani Sanchez and myself prove that
    Only i am an Atty who travels back and forth Thanks to Barak!

  44. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Wherever Jay-Z and Beyonce went, she should have left that 150 ton hair hat the hell home. She looks ridiculous. All the "black" women wearing this Yak hair are starting to look like human mares. All of you wearing the blonde ones, there are no words. How about being yourselves, with whatever attributes you were born with? Human horses is not a good look. You look like Black women white women wannabes. Fools!!!!!!!


    Hey Anonymous @6:39, MOTHER F*CK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Shove it, you stupid honky Republikkkracker guttersnipe!!!

    I know it must gall you to see free black people enjoying themselves minding their own business;

    But no one needs YOUR permission
    you paternalistic ghost-face glass-eyed asshole!

    Tell me about being yourself the next time you're lying in the sun
    frying like a pork sausage, risking melanoma trying to get a "suntan"!


    "The White boy is the whelp of Satan"
    --H "Rap" Brown


  46. trouble in warlock paradise

    2 glodbal celebutantes beef

    illuminati trumps illiteracy

    jay z is the newest bloody lump under hobama's demonic amoral bus

    what an evil gd shame

  47. Now this is old and my thoughts are "why not just ignore him?

    My people STOP! do not let anyone provoke you! Where i feel this person WOW!!
    Maybe he can enter my classroom where i teach CHESS!


    6:39 PM
    DIE, WHITE DEVIL said...
    Hey Anonymous @6:39, MOTHER F*CK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Shove it, you stupid honky Republikkkracker guttersnipe!!!

    I know it must gall you to see free black people enjoying themselves minding their own business;

    But no one needs YOUR permission
    you paternalistic ghost-face glass-eyed asshole!

    Tell me about being yourself the next time you're lying in the sun
    frying like a pork sausage, risking melanoma trying to get a "suntan"!


