Monday, April 08, 2013

Being duped in Philly.

Oh my goodness, it looks like the Philly Mag folks have been duped by one of these "stolen valor" clowns. I guess that they were too busy "being white in Philly" to spot a hoax.

As someone who lost a close friend and a family member because of the Iraq war, I would like to say for the record that these people sicken me.

Taking credit for the work of the brave men and women who put their lives on the line in service to their country when you did nothing to earn it is as low as you can get in my book.

I wish I could feel sorry for the author of the piece, Anthony Gargano (a likable bloke who has a popular sports talk show here in town), but I can't. He should have done more, and his editors, instead of wondering how white folks in Philly feel about living here, should have been doing their due diligence and checking on the legitimacy of this alleged "Marine sniper."

"And that’s when I set out to write an intimate portrait of a haunted man. I wanted the piece to be strictly through his eyes and from his vantage point. Some stories are best told that way—from the inside-out, as opposed to the outside-in, working a circle around the subject. In hindsight, I had already committed a terrible sin. I had let my guard down and decided that everything that John Boudreau told me was gospel, when in fact it was bad fiction. I didn’t verify his stories, and I’m ashamed to say the thought never even crossed my mind that he concocted most of what he told me. I will tell you that I had countless correspondence with this man, and I sit here stunned. "

So are we Anthony. So are we.

Finally, conservatives confuse me. They whine over and over again that liberals are too hung up on race, and yet they complain about the new anchor on MSNBC, a Negro, being "too light".

First of all, as some of my Negro friends like to say: "stay out of black folks business." This is for us to decide,not you.

We know that you only play the race card when it suits you politically, and that you could care less if this talking head is red blue or green.

We have some issues with some of these talking heads on television claiming to be black (I see you Soledad) but this is not something that you conservatives need to concern yourselves about. We will work out our own "colorism" issues without help from the wingnut peanut gallery.



  1. SpartacusLaw8:11 PM

    Field, you know the fear. Some of those "mo prejudiced" types fear the attractive light skinned sister. Might get fooled and take her home to mama.

  2. Race is an artificial construction; you are what you believe yourself to be. It's easy if your person conforms to common stereotype, much tougher if you're just more generically human. Throw in how the genes reflected in features were acquired and cultural conformation and it gets really complicated. I'd advise anyone setting out to judge another's "race" to proceed cautiously and with great humility.

  3. The whole stupid story:

    Even a moron should have known the story -- as told by "tree pruner" -- was a cartoon adventure told by a reader of Sergeant Rock comics.

    If that bonehead Gargano looks around, he'll probably find some pulp fiction novel in a supermarket that supplied the wacky story-teller with his tale.

    The least Gargano should do is reveal the guy's name and let him deal with blowback.

  4. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Field, do you know that the majority of Republicans are Southerners? Well, southern Whites know A LOT about Negroes. There was time and, even to some extent today, where Negroes success were determined by the color of their skin and the texture of their hair.

    White Republicans know what they are talking about. I happen to agree. With the exception of no talking one foot in the grave Al Sharpton, MSNBC picks very light skin Blacks ALL the time.

    So don't fool yourself about what Whites know or don't know about us, or what MSNBC is doing. This is America where racism runs deep in the national psyche. People know about Blacks just like Blacks know about Whites. There are no secrets about being light skinned, although no one wants to talk about that big funky ugly elephant in the living room.

  5. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Thank God for Republicans. I hope they investigate whether Beyonce and Jay-Z had visited Cuba legally. If not, I hope they throw the book at them.

    Also, NO REPUBLICAN journalist would have fallen for a fake story of a marine sniper. Republicans know a phony soldier when they see one. Only leftists would fall for it because they are ignoramuses when it comes to the military.

  6. control+halt+delete2:51 AM

    Excuse me while I have a willie lynch moment...............ok, I'm back.

    I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Blanks have stolen everything else so I guess they said, why not?

    Why I bet 'ol Jeff Davis must be spinning in his grave. It took about 100 years for the Italians and Irish. So why not, it's 2013, and she's not really black so, let's let some of those light ones in.
    Let's see, at this rate it will probably take another 800 years before they get to me, hell, I'm chocolate brown #9. I guess some things just take a little time to get used to.

    When will they learn? "Can't we all just get along?"

    The thing I miss most about "The American Dream," is that some are still stuck at the "color line."

    Have to go now. I've got to go find my notes on the Kerner Commission Report.

  7. afqt, the guy's name is Bourdeau. I think it's in the story.

  8. The comments made by RepubMafias get more hollow and rancid by the day. What’s next, a skin litmus exam immediately prior to an employment interview?

  9. I don't think it will ever occur to them that there was no more truth to their "White in Philly" story, than there was in the sniper story.

    Just the same manufactured grievances and stereotypes that you can always expect when you dig just the tiniest bit deeper into white thinking.

  10. Marcus Welby, M.D.1:03 PM

    Hey field, why don't you post a blog about this fine Philadelphean, and give us your comments?

    Funny how the MSM won't touch this story, huh?

    Dude ain't nothing but a serial killer with a license to practice "medicine".

  11. Another conservative hypocrisy trait. Take for example Limbaugh, he talks about being color blind and how we should all be "Americans" but never misses an opportunity to mention race in a demeaning fashion. I recall when he first learned of Sherrod Brown running for the senate seat in Ohio he called him sher-ODD, and said he was obviously an African-American but guess what? Never apologized or mentioned his mistake but it just showed how race aroused conservatives really are. No wonder they need to be taught how to not be called a racist when you're really not. Ha!

  12. 1 imbecile said:

    "Even a moron should have known the story -- as told by "tree pruner" -- was a cartoon adventure told by a reader of Sergeant Rock comics."

    While most of my troops in the 1st Gulf War became either cops, firemen or truck drivers, one went home to Brockton Mass & opened a Tree Service.

    Another one hypothesizes that:

    "Only leftists would fall for it because they are ignoramuses when it comes to the military."

    Oh please, those chickenhawks? It's been standard Republiklan practice to skip military service since Viet Nam. Democrats never stopped sending vets to high office the way that Klanners did in the '80s.

    1. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Interesting. White, conservative, former veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan wars are the biggest domestic threat to the U.S.. at least according to the leftists, and black folk. Then you go saying it ain't so cause no YT is going to fight in wars. Which is it Chumpy?

  13. I hear that my old friends in my Godfather's neighborhood in Brixton, where I spent the Summers of '78 & 79, spent last night mourning Maggie with beer toasts of "ding dong the witch is dead." I second.

  14. Anonymous1:59 PM

    "First of all, as some of my Negro friends like to say: "stay out of black folks business." This is for us to decide,not you."

    We'd love to but, you need to reciprocate. Also, when you can't settle y'allz bidness you keep trying to involve whitey, and them whine about whitey being all up in yo bidness. And then the demands for mo' money.

  15. Anonymous6:41 PM

    "First of all, as some of my Negro friends like to say: "stay out of black folks business." This is for us to decide,not you."

    We'd love to but, you need to reciprocate. Also, when you can't settle y'allz bidness you keep trying to involve whitey, and them whine about whitey being all up in yo bidness. And then the demands for mo' money.

    1:59 PM
    As a bm, I must say you have a point, a most lucid and truthful point. However, this FN where Negroes look outside themselves at the faults of others. You see, ever since slavery, we HAD to look outside ourselves. It was just too shamefully painful to look at our predicament as slaves then, and it is still too painful to look at our poor economic and educational situation today. We are getting poorer and more illiterate and that is too painful to look at. Hence, our comfort comes from looking at the culprit who started this racist evil mess.

    If I were you, I'd pray that there is no God. Good luck.

  16. "If I were you, I'd pray that there is no God. Good luck."

    I am trying to figure this out:

    Pray to "God" and hope that there is no "God". Okaaay.

  17. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Agreed. It's a black thing. I don't give a damn

  18. alpha tango8:32 PM

    Blogger Field Negro said ...
    "I would like to say for the record that these people sicken me.

    Taking credit for the work of the brave men and women who put their lives on the line in service to their country when you did nothing to earn it is as low as you can get in my book."

    I agree, the lowest of the low is Barack Obama, who stole the valor from Seal Team Six and the efforts of hundreds of people over ten years time by parading Osama's body around in order to get reelected.

    Absolute scum.

  19. Anon 6:41pm said ………. It was just too shamefully painful to look at our predicament as slaves then, and it is still too painful to look at our poor economic and educational situation today. We are getting poorer and more illiterate and that is too painful to look at. Hence, our comfort comes from looking at the culprit who started this racist evil mess.

    Anon, it’s good to see thay you at least your own opinion. And since you have your own opinion, you should also feel free to speak for yourself as well. Personally, I do not have a problem peering back through the annals of black history, therfore, it not at all shameful to me. Granted, it may be quite painful at some historical junctures more than others, but never shameful for me. If annyone should be obsequious about our atrocious history in Amerikkka, it’s should be the white man. Why? Because collectively, they were the willing perpetrators of one of the most inhumane crime this planet has ever witnessed. Moreover, it’s a crime that’s still in progress as I write, in various forms.

    Even further, the plight of the black man in this country shouldn’t be shameful at all about our economic and educational plight. Amerikka’s entire economic system is designed to keep blacks locked out. Amerikkka’s educational system is designed to fail our kids because they don’t want our kids educated. Hell, …… the problem of education stretches back to slavery. The reason why slave masters made it a crime to teach a slave to write and read is because you cannot control an educated man. When he’s educated, he becomes inquisitive, he begins to ponder why things are the way they are. Then he begins conspire rebellion at some point. I hope you’re beginning to see the full picture. In the timeless words of Frederick Douglass: "Knowledge Makes a Man Unfit To Be a Slave".

    Again, you’re looking at things from an obscured angle. WAKE UP BLACK MAN!
