Friday, May 17, 2013

"A Confederacy of Dunces", and now comes umbrellagate.

It looks like the feeding frenzy around the faux scandal in Washington is causing journalists down there to turn on each other. I swear you just don't know who to trust anymore.

"One day after The White House released 100 pages of Benghazi emails, a report has surfaced alleging that Republicans released a set with altered text.

CBS News reported Thursday that leaked versions sent out by the GOP last Friday had visible differences than Wednesday's official batch. Two correspondences that were singled out in the report came from National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes and State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.

The GOP version of Rhodes' comment, according to CBS News: "We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don't want to undermine the FBI investigation."
The White House email: "We need to resolve this in a way that respects all of the relevant equities, particularly the investigation."

The GOP version of Nuland's comment, according to CBS News: The penultimate point is a paragraph talking about all the previous warnings provided by the Agency (CIA) about al-Qaeda's presence and activities of al-Qaeda."
The White House email: "The penultimate point could be abused by members to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings."

The news parallels a Tuesday CNN report which initially introduced the contradiction between what was revealed in a White House Benghazi email version, versus what was reported in media outlets. On Monday, Mother Jones noted that the Republicans' interim report included the correct version of the emails, signaling that more malice and less incompetence may have been at play with the alleged alterations."

Of course we now know that republican operatives fed folks like Jon Karl phony information and he ran with it. How is this for irony? ABC went looking for a scandal and found themselves trying to fend off one of their own.

Only in America.

"What did they know and when they did they know it? That question has been posed to the White House a lot this week — but it should also be put to ABC News, which has been caught reporting as fact emails about the Benghazi controversy that, it turns out, were doctored by Republican aides. There’s no indication that ABC and its reporter, Jonathan Karl, knew the emails were manipulated before reporting them, of course. But the network may run into trouble for overplaying its hand in claiming it had “obtained” emails that, we learn today from CBS News, were actually notes taken by GOP aides being briefed on the emails."

Don't worry Jonathan, there will be a job waiting for you over at FOX NEWS when this is all over. You seem like just their type.

Speaking of the FOX NEWS type, I see that Sarah Palin has denounced the N****r in the White House for daring to ask a Marine (and a white one to boot) to hold an umbrella for him while it rained on his press conference.

O, you are one uppity N****r. No wonder some of these folks hate you.

"The conservative Daily Caller wrote up the incident with the headline, “Obama breaches Marine umbrella protocol.”

“Mr. President, when it rains it pours, but most Americans hold their own umbrellas,” former Alaska governor Sarah Palin tweeted.

“These guys aren’t valets,” one conservative blogger wrote, though he also guessed that previous presidents had done the same thing “because the optics are sufficiently bad that Team O wouldn’t have tried it without precedent to cite in its defense.” Another wrote, “This is the nuclear version of bad optics.” The conservative Move America Forward PAC put out a fundraising e-mail on the subject:

They are right about one thing, when certain people are looking, it is "bad optics."

This is what is known in certain quarters as pure "hateration". Consider the fact that Sarah Palin herself had someone holding an umbrella for her not too long ago.

Honestly, we knew that there was a serious short in her brain cells, but we didn't think that she had a short memory as well.


  1. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Field, how do you know the WH didn't doctor those emails? I mean, Obama has lied so much it's hard to tell.

    But let me say this as a long devoted Democrat and a long time commenter on FN: I must take issue with those emails out of the WH.

    As you know, I am the honest anon you have praised, who has always spoken the truth, and have been on your blog for years. I have always been pro Democrat, pro Liberal, and pro NAACP. In fact, I have always stood up for justice and equality for all, regardless of color.

    But these emails out of the WH smell fishy. Again, I am Democrat, Liberal, and Black. I just want to get at the truth, and I think the REpubs have it this 'one' time.

  2. the end11:02 PM

    The GOP version is correct. Obama and his house of lies are about to collapse.

  3. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Obama's abuse of the military is emblematic of his abuse of America. This abuse must end.

  4. Anonymous11:22 PM

    funny thing anonymous, I am seeing the same apologetic crap on other blogs; ie, I am liberal, black, always speak the truth etc. ... are there a bunch of disingenuous trolls out there all of a sudden? Give us a break and go find another bridge to lurk about.

  5. If the GOP doctored the emails somebody needs to be punished.

  6. Yes, I have to agree with anon@11:22 pm; I smell a fraud. :)

  7. I guess invading a country and starting a war under false pretenses IS NOT an abuse of the military. Hundreds dead and thousands wounded but we all know the biggest scandal is a Marine who has the best post holds an umbrella for his boss. Yep, we have our priorities straight.

  8. Anonymous11:33 PM

    anon11:22p, who are YOU to tell me I am not Black? As I have said, I have been on FN blog for years! I was here when it first opened. Were you? Hell no. So you need to STFU, Negro.

  9. Anonymous11:33 PM

    anon11:22p, who are YOU to tell me I am not Black? As I have said, I have been on FN blog for years! I was here when it first opened. Were you? Hell no. So you need to STFU, Negro.

  10. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Yes, I have to agree with anon@11:22 pm; I smell a fraud. :)

    11:28 PM

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. PilotX said...
    I guess invading a country and starting a war under false pretenses IS NOT an abuse of the military

    Never happened, unless of course you are referring to Libya.

  13. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Dear FN and Tiger Woods fans, it looks like Tiger is ready to settle down with Lindsay Vonn. I am so happy for him but she is negotiating for half his money if there is a divorce! And get this...she wants 20$million each time he cheats on her. That leads to my big question: "What the hell is wrong with women these days?" Don't do it Tiger. I hope Tiger doesn't do it but he has already bought a ring...Don't do it, Tiger.

    “During a heart-to-heart about their future in early May, Tiger swore he’s a changed man and told Lindsey that he wants to buy her a ring this summer,” The Enquirer’s source said. “Tiger also casually mentioned that he’d already contacted his lawyers about drawing up a prenup to protect his assets.”

    Woods is still worth about $600 million despite losing all those sponsorships after his sex scandal exploded.

    The 28-year-old Vonn reportedly wants half of those assets if their marriage goes belly up. She even wants a cash payout for each affair.

    “Lindsey told Tiger that she’d marry him, but said that she wants half of his $600 million fortune if they divorce,” said the source. “And as insurance against him straying, Lindsey warned Tiger that he’ll also have to sign an agreement to give her a lump sum of $20 million for every incidence of cheating.”

    Vonn’s idea of a cheaters payment program would be better than winning the lottery."

    “Lindsey is a smart cookie, and she’s making Tiger put his money where his mouth is,” the source said.---Fox Sports

  14. The US invaded Libya? Fox makes people dumb.

  15. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "she’s making Tiger put his money where his mouth is,”
    Well, I wouldn't exactly say his "mouth" hehehe...

    But,I did read that Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michael Douglas current wife made him sign the same type of agreement. To pay her millions when he cheated. It's worked so far! He hasn't cheated.

  16. PilotX said...
    The US invaded Libya? Fox makes people dumb.

    Just ask Gaadafi.

  17. Fats Williamson1:05 AM

    Hey Field: I've been trying to find out some real information about the murder of Malcolm X's grandson down in Mexico City. Are Mexican authorities investigating whether this may have been a racially-motivated attack, or is that not something they do down there?

  18. Looks like the chickens have come home to roost for young master Malcolm.

    I wonder what Malcolm X would have thought of his thugling grandson.

  19. Anonymous1:21 AM

    I've now seen the mug shots of the guys who were arrested for beating Malcolm's grandson to death. They are about the same shade as Zimmerman so I think we can declare them "white Hispanics". Another dirty deed by greedy white men.

    Meanwhile, back in reality land, of the 3 members of Shabazz's family who were murdered, all 3 were done in by non-whites (Malcolm - other Black Muslims, Betty - by Malcolm Jr., Jr. by Mescins). So maybe Malcolm Sr. picked the wrong race to demonize.

  20. just mexicans doing the jobs americans won't do.

  21. Making a comment in regards to Brother Malcolm X...sure he would have been disappointed with his grandson....but knowing the man and knowing the order the grandson chances of having gone far asunder would have been minimal. Trying to emulate a live father/grandfather is tough, doing the emulating when this person no longer exist is rather impossible. Let us all be thankful for the role models in our lives and pray/hope for more in the lives of the next male you meet. As for President is a man that has not a dedicated crew. He only been in "big time" politics prior to his being placed in office a short period of time. He was the convenient fall guy. A political "newby" winning the highest office in the land. Now that smells fishy! But he can hold a pep rally, Boy... can he hold a rally.

  22. jody, that was clever, did u spend all day yesterday trying to think of that? Or did the light go off in your head while feeding the pigs? (Not your kids, the real ones.)

    "Hey, you know what, I am going to post something really stupid on an African American themed blog tonight. I know I look like a total moron, but how else am I going to get attention in my pathetic life?"

  23. Anonymous8:45 AM

    "jody, that was clever, did u spend all day yesterday trying to think of that? Or did the light go off in your head while feeding the pigs? (Not your kids, the real ones.)"

    Field, now see? There you go again, reacting. And please, leave people's kids out of this. They are innocent and you have cried foul when someone attacked Obama's kids. So be the example you want others to be.

    Your comment to Jody was inappropriate and mean-spirited. You can't go around the blogosphere retaliating and reacting.

    FYI: Jody is Mexican.

  24. Field, they still don't get it lmao Brother, is there an award for satire if so " YOU GET IT! I love it

    Welcome to my classroom:

    Last eve we watched " Make it plain. and we both agreed that it will be the FIRE next time.

    Having said that, while watching the film we were taken back to those yrs when we both had exp Malcolm in the flesh. And how his words, actions and thoughts aided and assisted, not only us as a young team, but the elders who today still remember and have also derived via self help.

    When EM, said that the "white man was a devil", like many we overstood exactly the context in which Malcolm spoke.
    .Elder Michaux, Jarvis knew it knew it, the po po knew it and all of the Afrikans who were sick and tired of being sick and tired overstood it/ and the context of Malcolms words

    Thinking about those times we remember that my paternal grandfather Garcia Garcia, was a Garveyite,who would have loved Malcolm. i remember how we used to hear him speak about Marcus, and his trips to Cuba. This past weekend we visited a few elders in Matanzas, who were also Garvey supporters whose roots are in Afrika/Jamaica as well.

    They pulled out the photos of Marcus, and photos of the blackstar line ship which is still docked in Cuba.
    We went to the Museo de esclavo in my home city and looked at the old Garvey newspapers and thought WHAT IF?

    Field, what some read as the language of hate i read as the language of truth..I am never a whisperer nor am i confrontational unless and until someone puts their hands on me..WORDS? please!
    I ask, like Malcolm asked "Who is the white man to be looked up to and copied?
    Sadly in retrospect,we no longer have to ask why many Afrikans are still stuck up under the white mans obsession and hateful rhetoric.

    Like Malcolm said, stop sweet talking white folks and tell it like it is.
    Afrikans, would do well to stop kissing white buttocks, licking white chochas and, stop believing that our people should integrate into the white mans shi%strem
    Rather tell that stale and old pale face that his house is about to catch on fire and burn down.

    Now people, Field is not going to remove me from this venue so forget about it..Why? because i am spkntruth2power and there is nothing anyone other than FN can say to me about what i say OR anything that i will respond to

    Question: Who are white people other than a race of satanic hell raising, sons of slave owners, christian fakes to respond to? Please, rolling my eyes and agitating.."THINK PEOPLE" look at his..story and learn yours.
    Bottom line,The white man is an oppressor, a liar and a thug terrorist, and if the pale man was who he thinks he is, he would be doing what is right for all mankind.

    Ps we are getting ready for Trayvon Martins, case so i will be in Miami, this weekend helping with research and playing chess with a brother atty from Jamaica whom i have never defeated. ITS on again! lol

    Lacubanadematanzas free and clear! Unbowed and unbent

  25. Louis ex machina10:41 AM

    Lesson: a Mexican recently deported from the U.S. might not be your best tour guide in Mexico. Like most liberal Americans, he'll bring his naivete when interacting with his (now) foreign environment. A whorehouse near Plaza Garibaldi? What could go wrong?

    Liberals should stick to Europe. Save "the developing world" to we conservative realists.

  26. Field senor

    While i am at it

    Now, it you listen and pay attn you will know why i will never back off EVER! Also i do not care who slept with who in the NOI
    All penis's whether large or small stand up at one point or another! Like my sistah in the mvmt Gloria R says get real

    Today, i think exactly like Malcolm did when alive and for eye", all of those liars in the repub party and the house negros that support them deserve nothing but condemnation.

    No one can prove anything because no one here was there, and all that the media and the wanna be prolific bloggers can do is fake the funk under the guise of seeking truth.

    Dick Cheney, has no credibility he faked the biggest misjustice of all when he and house negress Condi Rice et/al orchestrated 9/11

    When the IRS investigated the NAACP who asked for people to be fired?
    The bottom line issue is that the POTUS is an Afrikan, and to this end the right wing nuts cannot deal with an Afrikan leading a country which has exploited and terrorized his people for 500 yrs

    There was never any IRS" bull that Pres O shielded, there was never any Benghazi trap other than what the right 8 made up to cover what they are doing to the poor. And which gen patreus used and exploited to get himself off the hook with a woman from my home area..duh!

    This is exactly like COINTELPRO and every other made up lie that the low down pale face scoundrels have orchestrated.

    Being, a person who refuses to kiss butt i owe my life to being aligned with a comm and a fam which says NEVER AGAIN.. Screw Kennedy!

  27. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Latinos aren't bad, they're just stunningly mediocre. Half a billion people, one big "meh."

  28. As for people going where they go Afrikans stay away fro EUROPE WHY? their rope becomes UR ROPE!
    Trust me been there done that
    Bottom line, euros want nothing to do with any Afrikans other than what is below the belt..And this makes no difference sex or sexuality as long as the light fantastic is an Afrikan beecho or chocha, even short sticks give it a whirl

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson11:34 AM

    You can't even speak or write English, Matta-booie. Shut up.

    Obama is going.....DOWN....(and not for the first time.) LOL

    Moochelee will have to learn to get on the bus again......(much less flying coach on Air Force 1 with all her homies)

    Nixon was a rookie compared to Obama.

    The Powers That Be, have decided to throw him in the fire.

    He's toast. Never should have been there in the first.

  30. Captain Crunk11:42 AM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    You can't even speak or write English, Matta-booie. Shut up.

    She has accomplished the impossible: Make AB seem rational and coherent in contrast.

  31. Lt. Commander Johnson11:49 AM

    And, here Purple Bovine & Pilot dumbX:

    "It is becoming gradually clear, even to the True Believers in the Scientific Consensus, that the Global Warming Fairy isn't arriving after all:

    The Economist, which (despite a recent decline) remains probably the best news magazine in the English language, now admits that (a) global average temperature has been flat for 15 years even as CO2 levels have been rising rapidly, (b) surface temperatures are at the lowest edge of the range predicted by IPCC climate models, (c) on current trends, they will soon fall clean outside and below the model predictions, (c) estimates of climate sensitivity need revising downwards, and (d) something, probably multiple things, is badly wrong with AGW climate models.
    Something is badly wrong with AGW climate models? You don't say. It won't be long before they'll be similarly admitting that there is something badly wrong with the TENS models... or at least, they would if such models even existed.

    Talk of "global warming" and even "climate change" has become so sparse these days that I actually had to dust off the post label.

    Yeah. There is a Bell Curve. And we know the way the bell tolls.


  33. "It is becoming gradually clear, even to the True Believers in the Scientific Consensus, that the Global Warming Fairy isn't arriving after all:"

    and which climate scientist made this claim? This is probably another srticle written by a non-scientist, you conservatives seem to love non experts in certain fields, atmospheric science especially. We all know you have no training in atmospheric science there Johnson so whatever bs you post from some non-scientific rag is meaningless son. Maybe you should spend some of your free time working on your GED so maybe one day you can go to college and take a real science course, yeah right who am I kidding?


    There ya go buddy. Try a real site that contains actual climate information and not a conservative rag that has a biased view with articles written by non-scientists. It may be a bit hard for conservatives to understand because it contains real data but at least try.

  35. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I sees O.J.--he lookin' nervous !

  36. Colonel Corn12:50 PM

    PilotX said...
    "This is probably another srticle written by a non-scientist,

    One thing I've learned about black people: They are utter credentialists. They are like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, they think it's the piece of paper that makes you smart.

    Of course a degree or a position does often mean a level of expertise in a field, however it does not, as PilotX typically believes, automatically confer complete authority and shield one from any criticism or dissent with one's opinion.

    It never occurs to someone like PilotX that people who depend on government grants and the approval of 'right thinking' gatekeepers for a living might tell the grant givers exactly what they want to hear.

    Government money is doing to science what is has done to education and the arts - twisting it into a tool to get people to do what it wants them to do.

    PilotX gets to think he is smart and a rebel by parroting the official government line, when he is actually a deluded conformist.


  37. If only we could point to some difference between Mr. Obama and all past presidents that could explain this visceral attack on his every assumption of the dignity of the office even more forcefully than their unprecedentedly strident opposition to his policies. Anyone got anything?

  38. The extreme vitriol experienced by George Bush blows away any personal animus directed toward Barack Obama.

  39. Having known a few previously stable families shattered for generations by the violent loss of a loved one, I cannot help but see Mr. Shabbaz' murder as an echo of that much more notorious one of his grandfather half a century ago.

  40. Hey PilotX, how do you like this science?:

    Men who are strong are more likely to take a right-wing stance, while weaker men support the welfare state, researchers claim.

    Their study discovered a link between a man’s upper-body strength and their political views.

    Scientists from Aarhus University in Denmark collected data on bicep size, socio-economic status and support for economic redistribution from hundreds in America, Argentina and Denmark.

    The figures revealed that men with higher upper-body strength were less likely to support left-wing policies on the redistribution of wealth.

    Take heart, moonbats. Maybe there is hope. Rigorous exercise might help you strengthen your bodies to the point that you no longer feel so powerless and pathetic as to need to identify with authoritarian government. Then your character might become strong as well

    Hit the gym, X. It will make a man out of you.

  41. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Having known a few previously stable families shattered for generations by the violent loss of a loved one, I cannot help but see Mr. Shabbaz' murder as an echo of that much more notorious one of his grandfather half a century ago...

    ... by negroes.

  42. A non said...

    "The extreme vitriol experienced by George Bush blows away any personal animus directed toward Barack Obama."

    Oh please. If Mr. Obama had won the presidency by a party-line vote in the Supreme Court after his governor-brother's state impossibly botched it's vote-count in his favor, there would have been blood in the streets.

  43. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    A non said...

    "The extreme vitriol experienced by George Bush blows away any personal animus directed toward Barack Obama."

    Oh please. If Mr. Obama had won the presidency by a party-line vote in the Supreme Court after his governor-brother's state impossibly botched it's vote-count in his favor, there would have been blood in the streets.

    Instead he won it by rampant voter fraud and lying to a complicit press willing to hide his crimes.

    Thank God Gore was prevented from stealing the election, although in the end it only bought America 8 years until it was "changed" into a Banana Republic.

  44. Dick Holder2:11 PM

    It isn’t only AP reporters the Injustice Department likes to keep illicit tabs on. From an interview yesterday of Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) by Hugh Hewitt:

    DN: I don’t think people are focusing on the right thing when they talk about going after the AP reporters. The big problem that I see is that they actually tapped right where I’m sitting right now, the Cloak Room.

    HH: Wait a minute, this is news to me.

    DN: The Cloak Room in the House of Representatives.

    That is to say,

    the Justice Department wiretapped telephones in the House of Representative’s Cloak Room, an exclusive part of the Capitol where members are able to privately interact with one another.

    The Executive Branch is completely out of control. This situation was created by the press not holding democrats to any standard of accountability. This can only end in impeachment.

  45. Oh cry me a river wingnuts, and try again in 2016. The beige dude kicked your asses, twice.

    Honestly, I don't think it's going to be getting any better for u from here on out.

  46. field negro said...
    Oh cry me a river wingnuts, and try again in 2016. The beige dude kicked your asses, twice.

    Payback's a bitch.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. *yawn*

    See u again in 2016

  49. Obama's not gonna last that long

  50. YOU GUYS LOST! Twice!!

    When are you finally going to get that simple fact through to your simple hillbilly brains?

    Get used to it. You guys need to climb down from bullshit mountain and live in the real world for once.

  51. still no mention of ndaa etc....still???


    herein lies the difference:

    hobama is a global warlord bankster/war prez

    sarah has never been prez

    hobama has always been a dick


    cc ndaa/wwiii/africom etc!!!

    shame on the adoring snoring deaf blind fooled fleeced sheeple!

  52. global drones trump goofy sarcasm

    hobama's real record speaks for itself...

    ditto for his bloody failed legacy

    we all know why u skipped over the BULK of hobama's evil deeds!


    cc ndaa/cispa/benghazi/africom/wwiii/jobless/homeless/cbc/etc

    still no mention of ndaa etc....still???

  53. You seriously want us to believe a private citizen holding an umbrella for a woman is the same as a marine in dress uniform holding an umbrella for a man who doesn't even like the military? Really?
    LOL! U R shameless! God bles U.

  54. When I first saw this picture above a regular news story, I knew some one who thinks he/she is an Uber Patriot would complain. These folks are so predictable.

  55. Here u go 1%r


    Now the real question: Why is this president any different?

    Don't attempt to answer that, it was purely rhetorical. Of course we all know why. :)

  56. The Purple Cow said...
    YOU GUYS LOST! Twice!!

    The game ain't over.

  57. Chairman Soetoro6:20 PM

    field negro said...
    "Now the real question: Why is this president any different?"

    Because he is an alien communist who hates the country he leads.

    That is different.


  58. "Of course a degree or a position does often mean a level of expertise in a field"

    should have stopped posting then. Right wingers typically believe individuals who have no formal education in the field in which they are pontificating. Just keep listening to college dropouts Beck and Limbaugh, I'm sure your life will get better.

    "PilotX gets to think he is smart and a rebel by parroting the official government line"

    uh no, the X man actually knows individuals who conduct the studies and understand the science. Or maybe I should be like you who reads the manipulated results from oil companies? That's better? SMDH. Conservatives are morons.

  59. "Because he is an alien communist who hates the country he leads."

    Well, if the GOP had offered a serious candidate who wasn't a complete clownshow maybe there could have been a different character in the WH. As Herman Cain said "blame yoself".

  60. Quote Cletus-The-Slack-Jawed-Yokel

    "The Purple Cow said...
    YOU GUYS LOST! Twice!!

    The game ain't over."

    Believe me, it is.

    You lost.

    All this Impeachment talk is just you guys masturbating.

  61. Shhhhhh PC, let them have their little impeachment fantasies. It's all they have since everything their grandaddy/uncle taught them was wrong. Give them a break, a n@gger is in the WH and they're still in a trailer.

  62. Anonymous7:27 PM

    whatever gets you through your insecurities, X.

    Someday soon reality is going to crash run right over your fantasies.

  63. Gee let's see, the Dems control the senate. How many Dems are gonna vote for impeachment because of these manufactered "scandals"? Probably the same number that began proceeding when the last "scandal" rocked 1600, Fast and Furious anyone? Conservatives are so predictable and dumb.

  64. We lost?
    Who the Hell cares who's in the Whitehouse. Winning a popularity contest, not really so sure about that second one actually, isn't worth a bucket a warm spit.
    I saw two fools wasting two billion dollars on an ego trip.
    That money should have went to the poor or medical research.

    Field? Purple Cow? How are women supposed to defend themselves against men without a gun?

  65. John Edwards10:08 PM

    PilotX said...
    Gee let's see, the Dems control the senate. How many Dems are gonna vote for impeachment

    You are right: Dems have no principles and will always place party above country.

  66. Sandy24811:19 PM

    Well SP is a few brain cells short because she's from Wasilla and that is a meth infested town so . . . .

  67. "You are right: Dems have no principles and will always place party above country."

    Because we all know Repubs would NEVER do that. Hilarious.

  68. Field :

    i am putting out a challenge to anyone who tells me to stop writing and stop participating here.
    As you are aware, there is one sure thing about me which will never change.
    I am unafraid to say what is on my mind without fear
    And i notice here that those with the smallest penis's always tell me to stop speaking.

    To them i say MAKE ME?> or debate me. Stop hiding and address any issue i speak about " I DARE YOU"! step up like a man/woman and debate me but your fingers where they should be and take them off your little penis and BRING IT

    ps Also i speak Portuguese Spanish as well and spanglish You choose and lets do it


  70. field negro said...
    Here u go 1%r


    Now the real question: Why is this president any different?

    Don't attempt to answer that, it was purely rhetorical. Of course we all know why. :)

    YES he is an AFRIKAN KING! now Field u know better than that! You know that this QUEEN will never let that go by ))))))))

  71. WOMEN hatas

    Pres Obama prob has the kind of Big Penis most women have never seen or wish they had Stop hatin! tell ya man to get a pump!


  72. Since becoming president, Barack Obama has:

    Signed NDAA into law, making it legal to assassinate Americans w/o charge or trial.
    Initiated, and personally oversees a 'Secret Kill List'.
    Waged war on Libya without congressional approval.
    Started a covert, drone war in Yemen.
    Escalated the proxy war in Somalia.
    Escalated the CIA drone war in Pakistan.
    Maintained a presence in Iraq even after "ending" the war.
    Sharply escalated the war in Afghanistan.
    Secretly deployed US special forces to 75 countries.
    Increased the use of predatory drones by the hundreds.

  73. Field negro said...

    See u again in 2016

    2:36 PM

    Bottom line the ghost is done and done, cooked, fried and tossed to the side..Enter eshe!

    He/she cannot reproduce, the white women are cutting off their TITS(Angelina Jolie), their genes are mutated, and most cannot reproduce without an Afrikan, or a pale stale with Afrika in his DNA hmmmm SO!! hehehehhe YES mamma made us all

    White women travel to Afrika and other brown countrys to adopt OUR children after tragedies (or kidnap them as in Haiti) and like i witnessed while in Haiti to use as sex toys.
    I was a guest on WPFW in feb of 2010 on freedom sounds and i spoke of this(google it)

    So i suggest that the right wing nuts are in a panic"THEY ARE A MINORITY" which is why they are courting the Spanish speaker.

    What the plan is, is to establish a plan so that they can legitimately rape the Afrikan/brown and control the birthrate..rolling my eyes. Not knowing that the child produced will still be an AFRIKAN duh!
    Bottom line, the pale and stale cannot reproduce anything but themselves WE MAKE ALL RACES!

    The following URL is what the pale, stale incompetent, non productive white male would do best to pay attention to vs Baraks big penis or his demise which will not happen!

    The pale stale old white boy cannot remove Barak Obama, no matter what lies and myth they come up with ..WHY U ASK?
    The house on 1600 Pa Ave is the ORISHA house,11793179

    ps Clean up your own trailer park of those rabid viagra taking small penis's The Afrikan has ya woman!



    LMAO oh my goodness White boys have no shame they PEEK!)))))

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