Monday, May 13, 2013

Just a "flaw" in our history, Washington's real scandal, and hide your peacocks in Illinois.

It is always interesting to hear how some people in the majority population want to whitewash (pun intended) history when they talk about slavery.
Take for instance the conservative gentleman on Bill Maher's HBO program on Friday. He dismissed Joy Reid calling out the imperfections of the America Revolution because slavery was just "a flaw" in a grand experiment.
Now if you happen to be black or a descendant of one of these slaves, I dare say that you think that the atrocities committed against slaves was a bit more than just "a flaw". It was a crime against humanity, and it should never be forgotten, or white washed and minimized by 21st Century talking heads and pseudo historians.
"Republicans love talking about slavery if they can somehow accuse President Obama of being worse than it, but when it comes to recognizing the historical significance of actual slavery… well, not so much. On Friday’s Real Time with Bill Maher, a great example of this was on display when MSNBC contributor and Managing Editor for Joy Reid mentioned slavery to refute the argument that the American Revolution was somehow exemplary, in comparison to the Arab Spring, and National Review writer Charles Cooke called the reference a “cheap shot,” opining that slavery was a “flaw” that rendered the Revolution “imperfect.”
Host Bill Maher was arguing that the Middle-Eastern dictatorships that have been overthrown during the Arab Spring are being replaced by Muslim theocracies, which, he argued, “are dictatorships themselves, aren’t they?”
Cooke responded that Americans “have a problem thinking about this” because “the revolution that happened here was great, and very rarely is that the case in the world.” 

Cooke responded that Americans “have a problem thinking about this” because “the revolution that happened here was great, and very rarely is that the case in the world.”

He explained, “You have this revolution in America in which the British fight the British, and then they codify classical liberal values in a constitution, and it’s great,” adding that in “normal” revolutions, “there’s bloodshed, and it’s horrible.”

Joy Reid countered that “The revolution in the U.S. was great, unless you were a slave, and there was a war in which 600,000 Americans had to die to make it better.”

“So, revolution isn’t always great,” Joy continued, “in the French Revolution, you had beheadings. Revolutions are messy, so if you want people to have democracy, it can be messy, right?”

“The slavery point, I think, is cheap,” Cooke responded.

“You mean the revolution in the United States that produced a government that included slaves, that included enslaved Africans, its a cheap shot, to include that in the narrative?” Reid asked. “Í mean, that is part of the narrative.”

“No,” Cooke replied, “the point is that of you’re looking for perfection in the 18th Century, you’re not going to find it. What the Americans did was a massive step forward, it wasn’t perfect, it was resolved in a civil war that was bloody and awful, but if we’re going to write off the greatest revolution, the greatest constitution in world history because it was imperfect and it was flawed.." [Source] 

Come on now Ms. Reid. That's only a part of the "narrative" if you happen to be one of those black racist troublemakers. Remember, as my twitter fam Jaru said, here in America "we never use historical facts in an argument".

Speaking of facts, that is something that is not too popular in Washington these days. But there are a lot of so called "scandals" swirling around that town. We all know about Benghazi, and the Tea Party IRS beef (I am still trying to figure out why the lamestream media didn't jump on the IRS when W and his crew were targeting the NAACP), but sadly,the biggest scandal of all in Washington has been ignored by the willfully blind and ignorant here in America.

"Want a real Washington scandal — one worse than the (phony) Benghazi scandal and the (apparently real, but apparently limited) IRS scandals combined? Try the continuing, and possibly accelerating, obstruction of executive branch nominees by Senate Republicans.

Don’t think it’s a scandal? It’s pretty basic: Republicans, by abusing their Constitutional powers, are — deliberately, in several cases — preventing the government from carrying out duly passed laws.

The New York Times yesterday highlighted two of the more recent ways that Republicans have manipulated loopholes in Senate rules to delay confirmation of Secretary of Labor nominee Thomas Perez and Environmental Protection Agency nominee Gina McCarthy. It’s worth stepping back and realizing: what’s happening here is that Republicans are delaying these nominations beyond their eventual insistence that almost all nominees must get 60 votes. In other words, they’re filibustering on top of their own filibusters. 

That’s just two examples. There are numerous others; again, with virtually all nominees required to have 60 votes, one can accurately say that Republicans are filibustering every nomination. But perhaps the worst are the “nullification” filibusters, in which Republicans simply refuse to approve any nominee at all for some positions — the National Labor Relations Board, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — because they don’t want those agencies to carry out their statutory obligations.

In doing so, Republicans are not breaking the rules of the Senate. They are, however, breaking the Senate itself, and harming the government." [Source]

Yes, but nobody cares about "harming the government" if the Socialist with the Kenyan father is in charge of it.

Finally, there are some truly sick people in the world. As a social Libertarian I strongly believe that folks should be able to do whatever they want to do in the privacy of their own homes. Especially if they are two consenting adults. But a bird????!!!!

I mean I agree that a peacock is a beautiful animal, but I am not looking at a peacock and thinking I want to get my freak on.
" A Roselle, Ill., man was charged with animal cruelty after police investigating another crime discovered that he had sexually abused his pet peacock.
David Beckmann, 64, was booked at DuPage County jail on Wednesday on separate charges of battery and attempted indecent solicitation of a child, the Daily Herald reported."
Lord have mercy! Not even our Peacocks are safe in society from these sickos. [Story]



  1. The American Revolution must be examined through the lens of slavery and race. Simon Schama's book Rough Crossing completely changed my point of view. I was cheering the British by the time the chapters on the revolution ended.

    The American Revolution also featured a huge slave revolt. Half of Washington's and Jefferson's slaves ran away. Thousands of black Americans fought for freedom under the British flag. If the British had not offered slaves freedom in return for their support, the British most likely would have won the war in the South, thus dooming the revolution.

    People of the right and LEFT can oversimplify history. The American Revolution was a bloody messy civil war.

    (Rough Crossing and dozens of other well documented books will show that the vast majority of slaves and American Indians supported the British. You can read the American Revolution as war fought by European Americans to control their economy and the continents people of color (seizing land and labor) w/o British interference).

  2. Boss Hogg10:02 PM

    There was nothing wrong with slavery in the 1700's. It was legal everywhere on earth, as it had been for thousands of years.

    It was Anglo culture that put an end to slavery across the world.

    And black Americans should get down on their knees and thank the black slavers that sold their ancestors to the white man. Otherwise, your black ass would still be living in some shithole African country.

    Instead, American blacks are the richest, most free, and best educated negroes on the planet.

    You can thank slavery for that.

  3. Anonymous10:22 PM

    "Take for instance the conservative gentleman on Bill Maher's HBO program on Friday. He dismissed Joy Reid calling out the imperfections of the America Revolution because slavery was just "a flaw" in a grand experiment."

    As Field always say, "Link please, take your time I'll wait."

  4. Anonymous10:32 PM

    "And black Americans should get down on their knees and thank the black slavers that sold their ancestors to the white man. Otherwise, your black ass would still be living in some shithole African country.

    Instead, American blacks are the richest, most free, and best educated negroes on the planet.

    You can thank slavery for that."

    You are right. I hadn't thought of it that way. I used to think that Jesse Lee Peterson was nuts when he said similar statements. But now I see just how lucky I am.

    Even though it is depressing to be a bm in America, it's a hell of a lot better than Africa! Rev JLP is right: we should go on our knees and thank God, the white man, and our African relatives, for without them we would have never made it here. This is truly AMAZING GRACE.

    Mr Whitey, thank you. I love you. Pay no mind to some of these FN Negroes like Field or Black Sage, or PC. They are troublemakers and quite embarrassing to the black community.

  5. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Field, "I mean I agree that a peacock is a beautiful animal, but I am not looking at a peacock and thinking I want to get my freak on."

    That's because you have no taste.

  6. Anonymous10:37 PM

    " A Roselle, Ill., man was charged with animal cruelty after police investigating another crime discovered that he had sexually abused his pet peacock."

    Field, how did the cops prove this abuse? Was there an undercover agent with the man when he did it?

  7. "The New York Times yesterday highlighted two of the more recent ways that Republicans have manipulated loopholes in Senate rules to delay confirmation of Secretary of Labor nominee Thomas Perez and Environmental Protection Agency nominee Gina McCarthy.

    Really, did they? I wonder did they highlight the way the Democrats manipulated loopholes in Senate rules (in a much more outrageous manner) to get Obamacare passed against the wishes of a majority of Americans?

    And Thomas Perez should be kept out of government. He is a racist, communist nut who has spent his career undermining the Constitution. He is unfit for public office.

  8. Anonymous10:53 PM

    "That’s just two examples. There are numerous others; again, with virtually all nominees required to have 60 votes, one can accurately say that Republicans are filibustering every nomination. But perhaps the worst are the “nullification” filibusters, in which Republicans simply refuse to approve any nominee at all for some positions — the National Labor Relations Board, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — because they don’t want those agencies to carry out their statutory obligations."

    Well, Obama hasn't said a word about those nominations being obstructed by the GOP. Therefore, one can only conclude that it's not that important. Besides, if it were true the WH would have said something because it is the President's RESPONSIBILITY to keep the American people informed.

  9. Anonymous10:59 PM

    David Beckmann is a rather stunning looking, real sharp.

  10. "I mean I agree that a peacock is a beautiful animal, but I am not looking at a peacock and thinking I want to get my freak on.

    Don't knock it until you've tried it. What are you, a peacophobe? This man should have the right to marry his peacock and live in peace just like the rest of us. It's a civil rights issue.

  11. Field Said...

    "I am still trying to figure out why the lamestream media didn't jump on the IRS when W and his crew were targeting the NAACP"

    Strange how that happens isn't it. If only there were a common factor that we could point to........

  12. My sister keeps Pea fowl because they kill & eat rattle snakes around the house. In fact they take care of small rodents & bugs too. With kitchen scraps they pretty much keep themselves fed.

  13. Anonymous12:11 AM

    WC, "My sister keeps Pea fowl because they kill & eat rattle snakes around the house. In fact they take care of small rodents & bugs too. With kitchen scraps they pretty much keep themselves fed".

    11:42 PM
    My God, Whitey..rattle snakes, rodents, bugs...where the hell do you live, in Death Valley?

    I thought Cali was the "Golden State" nicely paved highways, Hollywood, movie stars, Beverly Hills, San Diego, LA, beaches, Lindsay Lohen, etc and San Francisco and Oakland for Blacks.

    What happened? As a lawyer, did you miss out on the gold rush?

  14. William Pecker12:14 AM

    White man said...
    "Strange how that happens isn't it. If only there were a common factor that we could point to........"

    Um, the difference was that W and his crew were not targeting the NAACP for harassment; the NAACP had violated their tax exempt status by conducting widespread overt political participation. They were funneling tax exempt funds that they were supposed to be using to advance colored people over to the Democratic Party.

    They broke the law and then they were investigated.

    Obama's IRS harassed conservative groups that had broken no laws.

  15. Anonymous12:21 AM

    William Pecker said, "Obama's IRS harassed conservative groups that had broken no laws."

    Do you think the IRS harassed conservative groups because they are all White and racist?

  16. Anonymous2:03 AM

    Just another made-up conspiracy theory blaming mythical white “racists” for everyone else’s failure.

  17. Quote Boss Hogg

    "There was nothing wrong with slavery in the 1700's. It was legal everywhere on earth, as it had been for thousands of years."

    Ummmmm, do you not see the fault in your logic there?

  18. PC, I am sure he did not.

    Amazing how folks say that black folks should be grateful for being brought to America, when it's America that should be grateful that their free labor was brought here.

    *shaking head*

    I know I raped her, but look at the beautiful child we produced together.

    Racists are really stupid people.

  19. Anon@10:22 pm, proved my point.

    The link is right where that word SOURCE is at the end of the quote.

    *shaking head and wondering to myself why I even bother*

  20. William Pecker, if they "broke the law" why weren't thy charged with anything? And I suspect that some us those "patriot" groups that were targeted might have broken the law as well.

    See how that works?


    Ok, that was funny.

  21. The first African slaves were working in America 81 years before Jamestown was founded and 94 years before the Mayflower set sale.

    This is the all part of America's forgotten history.

  22. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Field, "Amazing how folks say that black folks should be grateful for being brought to America, when it's America that should be grateful that their free labor was brought here.

    *shaking head*"

    4:13 AM
    Ok, ok. I follow Rev Jesse Lee Peterson and I listen to every word the Reverend says. He knows what he is talking about. And he has said right on FOX NEWS and on his radio program that Blacks should be grateful for slavery because we wouldn't be here.

    Therefore, let's both agree that we should be grateful to be an American.

  23. Anonymous5:04 AM

    PC, you LIE. Why must you bs so much? Do you think in your wildest imagination that anyone believes that shit? Get real, mon.

    Tell me, do you have a college degree? Oh, never mind. I'm going to bed. Trying to talk to you and Mr Field is a waste of time...SMH..

  24. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Field, at least be grateful for people, period. You really need to go to church and get some religion because your comments sound angry and depressed.

    Get some religion, Field. Learn to love and forgive your white too, PC.

  25. "PC, you LIE. Why must you bs so much? Do you think in your wildest imagination that anyone believes that shit? Get real, mon."

    Nope, no B.S.

    Afrikans were working down in what is now known as Sapelo Island in Georgia in 1526, where they built the colony of San Miguel de Gualdape for their owner Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón.

    They soon got tired of being slaves, so they rose up killed off the owners and disappeared into the hinterland. They were never found, It's widely believed that they lived amongst and married into the local Native American population. Without the slaves the colony collapsed. That was the very first of many slave revolts in the USA.

    All this happened when the crew of the Mayfair were nothing more than an itching in their Great Grand Daddy's scrotum.

    Shit man, I know more about your country's history than you do, and I live 5000 km away. How dumb must you be?

    Certainly too dumb at attain Degrees in Diagnostic Imaging, Marketing and an M.B.A. - that's for sure.

  26. Jumbalaya Jones7:31 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    The first African slaves were working in America 81 years before Jamestown was founded and 94 years before the Mayflower set sale.

    This is the all part of America's forgotten history.

    Learn from history but stop living it. No one else will join you.

    Thats the key.

  27. Quote Jumbalaya Jones

    "Learn from history but stop living it. No one else will join you. Thats the key."

    You sir, are an imbecile of the very highest order.

  28. It’s amazing. I don't understand how an enslavement of an entire race can be justified in any way or manner. Those partaking in those thoughts are just showing their ignorance. As far as Africa being a "shithole"; Africa was the cradle of human civilization. From Homo Sapiens developing tools in the Great Rift Valley of Africa, the Great Library of Alexandria formed in Egypt, advances in agriculture along the Nile River, Astronomical Devices (circular cromlechs) in the Nabta Playa basin that pre-date Stonehenge by a 1000 years. The list goes on...
    Those trolling this forum make as much sense as the gentlemen seeking the desires of a Peacock. NBC executives are probably pursuing civil damages for defamation of their esteemed mascot.

  29. Geographically challenged A-Non said:

    "My God, Whitey..rattle snakes, rodents, bugs...where the hell do you live, in Death Valley?"

    1/2 of California is North of San Francisco. 95% of California is East of the coastal population centers. On top of the best beaches in the world, we have low desert, high desert, mountains, valleys, canyons, grasslands, woodlands, sage lands, wetlands, lakes (fresh and salt) rivers, bays, a huge inland delta. We have every climactic zone from tropical to alpine, every average rainfall average from none to rainforest. I myself live about an hour from San Francisco, my sister's ranch is about 8 miles from me in one of our canyons.

  30. Boss Hogg11:01 AM

    Adrian Fernandez said...
    It’s amazing. I don't understand how an enslavement of an entire race can be justified in any way or manner.

    An "entire race" was not enslaved; just the ones that were sold by their relatives to the Arabs and Europeans.

    The irony is, the ones who were sold turned out to be the lucky ones.

    1. The ones sold were lucky? How so? Beaten, raped and treated as anything but a human being? Have to go with PC on this one as far as your logic.

  31. The Purple Cow said...
    "That was the very first of many slave revolts in the USA."

    The really interesting thing is that over the 300 years of New World slavery, how few slave revolts their were.

    In America, that was probably due to slavery being a relatively benign institution. Despite the picture now painted of brutal beatings and deprivations, slaves in the Old South actually fared pretty well:

  32. The typical slave field hand was not lazy, inept, and unproductive. On average he was harder working and more efficient than his white counterpart.

    The belief that slave breeding, sexual exploitation, and promiscuity destroyed the black family is a myth. The family was the basic unit of social organization under slavery. It was to the economic interests of planters to encourage the stability of slave families and most of them did so. Most slave sales were either of whole families or of individuals who were at an age when it would have been normal for them to have left the family.

    The material (not psychological) conditions of the lives of slaves compared favorably with those of free industrial workers. This is not to say they were good by modern standards. It merely emphasizes the hard lot of all workers, free or slave, during the first half of the nineteenth century.

    Slaves were exploited in the sense that part of the income which they produced was expropriated by their owners. However, the rate of expropriation was much lower than has generally been presumed. Over the course of his lifetime, the typical slave field hand received about 90 percent of the income he produced.

  33. Feeemam, I am guessing u are a republican.Hey,at least the umemployment numbers were low in those slave states. Right feeeman?

    And I bet those women they just rescued in Ohio didn't think it was so bad living with that monster.

  34. Facts, please provide a link.

  35. Frustrated Negro12:24 PM

    Really STEPHEN??!!

    The White House is embroiled in several different breaking scandals, and your over here re-visiting slavery, and why racists think the way that they do....

    In your attempt to phsyco analyze the crazies in our society.. Russia just detained a U.S. diplomat on spy charges....
    The IRS is targeting groups based on political affiliation, and The White House is covering up the Arms/Weapons Depot they were running in Benghazi....,0,3145996.column

  36. Lt. Commander Johnson12:39 PM

    Yeah. We'll "remember Trayvon":

  37. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Here’s the average life expectancy at birth for American slaves in 1850 compared to the life expectancy of various “free” populations around the world:

    U.S. White – 40
    England and Wales, 1838-1856 – 40
    Holland, 1850-1860 – 36
    France, 1854-58 – 36
    U.S. Slave – 36
    Italy, 1885 – 35
    Austria, 1875 – 31
    Chile, 1920 – 31
    Manchester, England, 1831 – 24
    New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, 1830 – 24

    What do you suppose the average life expectancy for a negro was in malaria-infested, yellow fever-infested, river blindness-infested West Africa and Central Africa in 1850? What do you suppose the healthcare system was like in, say, the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1850?

  38. Anonymous1:07 PM

    “They’d made her go out and lay on a table and two or three white men would have sex with her before they let her up. She was just a small girl. She died when she was still a girl”~~Sterling, pg. 25~~

    Do you think this enslaved child was grateful to be here?

  39. "What do you suppose the average life expectancy for a negro was in malaria-infested, yellow fever-infested, river blindness-infested West Africa and Central Africa in 1850?"

    About 33 for men and 35 for women according to Assa Okoth's 'History of Africa.' (Which compares rather well with working class males in Manchester who could expect to live just 17 years.)

    The point you are missing of course is that it is infinitely better to live 35 years as a free man than 36 years as a slave.

  40. Oh by the way "Anonymous 19:47" are you actually Hunter Wallace, or did you steal his words without attribution because you are a disingenuous lying little shit?

    Because your post bears a remarkable resemblance to this one...

  41. PC, they are too ignorant to get it.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Jeez, as horrifically ugly as that dude is, I truly feel sorry for the peacock. As far as slavery and such, there's something wrong with the people who would want to OWN people. That's some crazy ish right there. We might be different colors in life, but we'll all be the same bone color in death. All of us!!!!!

  44. Reuben the Cuban1:53 PM

    Slavery in the United States was nothing compared to the intensity of Cuban slavery where slaves commonly spent as much as 20 hours a day harvesting and processing sugarcane.

  45. Anonymous2:14 PM

    No we won't be the same color in death. This life cycle is an evolutionary one and people are born certain colors to mark the level they are on. There is no question that if you are born White, you die White in a race that is in power and honors the color as deserving of the highest honors. The next level are Asians followed by Browns and Blacks. I am always amazed how nature marked everyone. Sorry PC and Field..we humans don't get to make the rules of nature, we just live them.

    Hey, don't attack me, I don't control Karma, the Laws of the Universe, or write the Judeo-Christian Bible..."It is what it is."

  46. Anonymous2:25 PM

    PC, "Oh by the way "Anonymous 19:47" are you actually Hunter Wallace, or did you steal his words without attribution because you are a disingenuous lying little shit?"

    Dear Mr 'Purple', are you trying to use military time? Well, there is no 19:47(7:47pm). You shouldn't try to operate out of your's too much for you. Some of you so-called educated Leftist FN Negroes make me laugh out loud. LOL. When you get to the level of Brother J. C. Watts, Allen West, or Rev Peterson, let me know. However, you have such a long way to go, I doubt you will make it in this lifetime...LOL

  47. Don't tell me sorry. I love this life. I am.going to ride this black thing out.

    You, on the other hand, will be forever miserable in your ignorance.

  48. Funny how racists point to the entire continent of Africa as being a "hell hole" but have never left their trailer park. I've been to the western coast of the continent and it is a popular destination for many Europeans. The middle class areas in the places I visited would rival those of any other country. Anyhoo, what's the old quote "a wise man who travels is better for it, a fool is worse". I'll find the exact quote.

    As far as the nomination process for government officials the Republicans should be eliminated entirely. How can a party that is outrightly hostile to the workings of government and want to destroy it be trusted to seriously and honestly take part? We all know they despise the EPA and are doing their best to descimate it so why not just admit such and eliminate themselves from the vetting process and save us all the tomfoolery? You have to question the sanity of Republicans who vote for people to run the government who hate it and want to destroy it.

  49. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Field, your ignorance lies primarily in DENIAL. That is your denial about Obama's lies and corruption. I am sure you have heard about the AP incident? the Benghazi incident? the IRS incident?

    Mr Field, the mounting evidence about this brown/black man in the WH is becoming clear: He just doesn't have what it takes to be President. He is morally corrupt and lacks the skills of running a nation.

    Mr Field, I know it hurts but try to feel the pain instead of "covering up" for Obama. Surely by now you know that Obama is headed for big-time-historical problems as the first black President? What will you say when he goes down in flames?

  50. Turns out that the political appointee in charge of the division of the IRS who "improperly" investigated Tbagger organizations, and then apparently failed to report it up, is a W Bush appointee to the position.

    Upon learning of this development, Lizzy Graham clutched his skirts and fainted with the vapors while croaking out a barely audible ".......Ben.....Gazi...uhh!"

  51. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Field, "Don't tell me sorry. I love this life. I am.going to ride this black thing out.

    You, on the other hand, will be forever miserable in your ignorance."

    2:29 PM
    Oh Field! You don't sound happy riding this black thing out. In fact, you sound like a Depressed Negro trying to give himself a pep talk. It's not working is it?

    Don't worry. You and PC will get your chance in another lifetime to be on top. Just be patient and grateful for what you have now. Hell, it could be much worse...You could have ended up in Africa in one of those genocidal countries.

  52. I saw that episode of Real Time, and when he said it (British guy, right?), I thought who in the hell does he think he is? But you're right that they downplay slavery or outright distort its cruelties whenever possible. But really, a guy from Great Britain? Do we need to import conservatives now? Great Britain's acceptance of the conservative route, btw, has done its economy no favors.

  53. Arnold Ziffel3:21 PM

    Looks like the pigs might not be safe from you negroes, either:

    I guess the brutha thought he might get a little pig booty, and have a pork rib dinner afterwards.

  54. Anonymous3:22 PM

    The British guy was right, according to PC who claimed Brits know more about American history than Americans do.

    Nevertheless, Whites don't feel what Blacks feel. It's an impossibility because we come from different sides of the track, so to speak. If you are White you connot imagine the pain of Blacks and if you are Black you can't imagine the lack of empathy Whites have for Blacks. It is a never-ending human conundrum in America or Britain, for that matter. The Whites will minimize the barbaric cruelty of slavery and Blacks will magnify it to the nth degree. This Black/White tension will never end. Too much of a river of blame, mistrust, and hatred flowing between the races. All that is left to do is PRAY about it because our little minds and wretched hearts can't solve this problem.

  55. Aw man PC, this anon says you're not in the same league as Allen West or Jesse Lee. That's kind of a stretch because there are 5 week old puppies smarter and probably better potty trained than those two bimbos. J C can occasionally find his ass with both hands and a detective but the other two.......

  56. Arnold, why would u talk about your family members.(the pigs) like that?

  57. PilotX, u give these moonshie drinkers way too.much credit. Forget the trailer park, I don't.even think they leave the trailer. :)

  58. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Arnold Ziffel@3:21pm, that link revealing the famous pig rapist makes the Peacock rapist look harmless. Of course, it makes sense because one was White and the other was Black.

    Hmmm. Brother Field, or Mr PC: any comment or defense? They say this bm was "subterranean" compared to other rapists. I mean, the brother gave all four pigs "vaginal" infections.

    Brother Field, I am worried that Whites might put all black men in the same category as that brother with the STD 'squeal' stick.

  59. paulo4:09 PM

    PilotX said...
    Funny how racists point to the entire continent of Africa as being a "hell hole" but have never left their trailer park. I've been to the western coast of the continent and it is a popular destination for many Europeans. The middle class areas in the places I visited would rival those of any other country.

    Ha! Your are either a liar or a fool. I bet you never left the airport.

    I have been to Nigeria, Guinea, Botswana, Zambia, and South Africa. And I went out of the airport. Way out. While there are pockets of wealth that would seem nice to tourists, to describe it as a place where nice "middle class" areas exist is simply wrong. South Africa used to have such areas, but things have definitely "changed" now.

  60. clarice4:21 PM

    Obama is going to be impeached over all these scandals. He will probably survive in office, but his presidency is finished and his legacy is ruined.

  61. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I would like to suggest that an excellent companion piece to this discussion would be to investigate the utterly unbelievably enlightening 1930s WPA (Work Progress Administration) Slave Narratives, which were conducted between 1936 and 1938 as par of FDR’s efforts to get people back to work.

    Essentially, the Slaves Narratives (available in the Library of Congress) consisted of about 6,000 white college kids, mostly from up north, coming down south on Government dough to interview aging former slaves.

    Where it is interesting, is that in the thousands of accounts — for which the white college kids did their best to replicate negro speech phonetically — nearly 100% of the ex-slaves interviewed express fond memories of their slavery days. I shit thee not.

    - Arturo

  62. @ clarice: I thought Obama would be different, instead we got the most corrupt administration ever. Where can we turn to now?

  63. Arturo, please provide a link.

    Paulo, you are lying. You have never left Kentucky.

    Dream on clarice. :)

    1. Arturo isn't very good at math or history. He must have taken tea bagger history and math. Texas or Tennessee public school.
      Paulo named a few nations on the continent, that's like me going to Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and S.Carolina and thinking the whole country is like those places.
      Such deep thinkers these tbaggers are. Then again what do you expect from people who thought SP would make a good veep?

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Beats the pilot's lounge in Lagos.

      You need to drop the know-it-all schtick, you can't pull it off.

  64. "The British guy was right, according to PC who claimed Brits know more about American history than Americans do."

    That's absolutely not what I said.

  65. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Field, Field, Field-It is in the news that the GOP Sharks and the Killer Whales(Dems and Reporters), smell beige blood and are circling the WH. Lord have mercy. ...what is going to happen to our dear Negro in the WH?

    What should we do, brother?

  66. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Obama never should have fucked with the AP. All those scandals the press have been covering for him are going to start leaking out. Obama has a free ride from the press and he is even going to fuck that up....classic.

    He's done. Toast.

  67. Anonymous7:12 PM

    "What should we do, brother?" Do what Obama would do if it were not him...throw him under the bus.

  68. Anonymous7:20 PM

    After the AP mess, the MSM will join forces with FOX against Obama to bring him down. This is so sad. Why o why, did Obama betray his greatest supporters, the press. That was political suicide. Even OJ would have known better.

  69. Is Barack's demise being predicted by the same people who assured us a President Romney? Skewed polls anyone?

  70. Bogolyubski7:25 PM

    Your link was very informative — even myth exploding. Looks like Oscar Wilde basically had it figured out. The parallels between the abolitionists of the 19th century and the DWL/anti-racist crowd of today are really striking. The question is: Why? The ceaseless agitation and actions of the abolitionists – who like today’s anti-racist gang framed their entire argument in moralistic terms (though the 19th century gang did so in explicitly Christian terms) resulted in a four-year war which essentially destroyed an entire region and left about 700,000 dead in its immediate wake, not to mention those who died of injuries later or were physically debilitated. Was the practice, which was historically widespread, so outrageously poisonous that it was worth this cost? As with all wars, the question must be asked: cui bono?

    I do wonder how many of the abolitionist reverends and their congregations — many from the New England elite — ended up making considerable fortunes from the war itself and its even more horrific aftermath (carpetbaggers, reconstruction, etc.). Were they in debt to the usual suspects (the folks who mastered the fine art of fictional-reserve banksterism)? There are other interesting areas to explore from a historical background to this whole era also. Why is it that ending the practice of slavery required a horrific war, lawless usurpation and mass destruction in the USA while it was ended with relatively little mayhem in Brazil 23 years later? Brazil had a much larger system of slavery — and had nothing approaching the restraint and rule-of-law found in 19th century America. What Brazil lacked was a professional class of agitators and propagandists, who managed to create storm of chaos which continues down to the present day.

    1. Northern agitators? Is that you grand dragon? Stormfront not keeping your attention today? Just keep in mind the civil war, or as your people called it "the wah of nothun aggreshun" could have been avoided if the southern states treated people of color as human beings. Oh well we all know how the movie ended.

  71. Anonymous7:30 PM

    PilotX, "Is Barack's demise being predicted by the same people who assured us a President Romney? Skewed polls anyone?"

    7:24 PM
    No you fool. This time there are Blacks who have had it with Obama.

  72. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Dear Mr Field, why have you made Rush and Hannity Honorary Field Negroes of the Day? I find this absolutely unacceptable. This is an insult.

  73. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Whites didn't beat their slaves. They couldn't work if they were beaten. Whites treated their slaves as if they were their children. Blacks need to stop whining. Whites have been taking care of them for hundreds of years. Your black nations never progressed past the stone age and mud huts. Blacks need to be grateful for living in the best country of the world where poverty is non-existant.

  74. "What should we do, brother?"

    Relax. It's the GOP, they will find a way to screw it all up. ;)

    "Dear Mr Field, why have you made Rush and Hannity Honorary Field Negroes of the Day? I find this absolutely unacceptable. This is an insult."

    You should learn to read.

  75. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Anonymous @9:08 PM

    Are you a Democrat? Your paternalistic attitude towards blacks suggests that you are.

  76. Anonymous11:19 PM

    facts said, "It was to the economic interests of planters to encourage the stability of slave families and most of them did so. Most slave sales were either of whole families or of individuals who were at an age when it would have been normal for them to have left the family."

    That's not true! Some of them were sold as infants and adolescents. The younger the better was the mindset of slave owners. Btw, I know you would like to believe that all slave owners were all rich men and owning big plantations, but that is not true either. Most of them were small farmers.

    1. "Adolescent females of mixed race were sold as “virgins” ~~Guillory, pg 82~~

    2. "He promised to free Eliza and her children. Instead of receiving her manumission papers, a bill of sale was issued to a slave trader who at once separated Eliza from her two children and sold all into slavery”~~White, pg 86~~

    3. Babies was snatched from their mother's breast and sold to speculators.~~Neal, pg 119~~

    4."Broder's money! Broder's money! Oh, then I understood it all! I said to mistress McKinley, "Have you sold my boy?" Without looking up from counting her money, she drawled out, "Yes, Charity; I got a great price for him!" ~~Neal, pg 121~~

    5. "She knew that some of them would be taken from her; but they all. The children were sold to a slave trader, and their mother boughtmy a man in her town."~~Neal,pg.120~~

    6. "Sojouner Truth's siblings ages five and three were sold."~~Neal, pg.122~~

    Yep, it was to their economic interest all right to make as much as they could off of selling infants and adolescents away from their mothers and family.

  77. Anonymous1:24 PM

    OK, one black dude raped a pig; one white dude raped a peacock. Men are putting their hardened weapons in everything circular, everywhere. All men should be classified as Weapons of Mass Destruction. You've all lost your damn minds forever as we travel this path called life. Every time a baby boy is born, we should all just sit down and CRY, because give him time and trouble will be a BREWING!!!!!

  78. BARBBF9:47 AM

    Yes, but nobody cares about "harming the government" if the Socialist with the Kenyan father is in charge of it.

    Socialist do not use attack drones to incinerate thousands of innocent persons...including hundreds of children. Nor do they maintain their own personal kill list.

  79. Anonymous5:00 PM


    And while we are at it

    Notice, little penis Pierce, never tells the truth about why the Afrikan leader chose AFRIKA and why we (Afrikans) chose to run the devils out of Zimbabwe.
    They took my continent by trickery and like Pres Obama, we came to learn that we must never sleep or negotiate with our slaver..We must never accept the ghost as an equal

    Afrika is my land, and yes it was a place to raise our seed UNTIL the white man came and plundered, raped, robbed and destroyed the land! Why were were only alloowed subsistance farming on our own land?

    The white man tried to kill my people and we are supposed to forgive and love him? NOT!

    My beautiful colour is my badge of courage, and to date i will never ever laydown my burden and pray to any false GOD or hippie on a stick name jesus!

    We in this tribe will never beg borrow or steal in order to placate the white man

    We will never dance, prance or clown as in HOUSE NEGROS in order to live and have the right to do so or to beg some GOD for what we already have via birth

    This, and other attempts to destroy my people are the reason why i am forever going to speak truth to power here, there and everywhere..Get over it
    Get up off your small head and be the change you want to see

    Last, as Pierce speaks of the terror, exacted against the caveman, he is speaking about what the white man has done all over the diaspora to my people and others
    Chickens came home to roost! white THUGS get no respect.

  80. MazdaGT12:36 AM

    Time for some fried chicken.

  81. Time for some boiled and dead white chicken/or ass kicking Afrikans to get the job done

    ps All chicken are wimps though and deserve to have their necks wrung

  82. Communist negro Cubans sure are violent. Someday a real rain will come....
