Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The big overreach.

You [right]wingnuts might want to hold off on the impeachment party for the "Socialist" in the White House. I mean just when you think that you will finally get to see that Negro hold a press conference, put up a peace sign, and ride off into the sunset; it turns out that lady luck is smiling on him once again.

Anyway, it looks like the man in charge of allegedly targeting those Tea Party groups at the IRS was a W appointee. (Oh, and memo to Marco Rubio: there is no IRS Commissioner, that position has been vacant since November.)

"Oh Field, there you guys go blaming Bush for everything again"

Yes, and he makes it so easy for me.

But again, this all begs the question: Why is this even a scandal when W and his people were targeting the NAACP and other liberal groups with the heavy hand of the IRS when he was holding the hammer? The Tea Party apparently rejected an apology from the IRS; I would like to know why they (the IRS) even apologized to them in the first place. I certainly don't think the NAACP or Greenpeace got any when W was slapping his political enemies around.

Here is something you wingnuts and your friends might need to understand. If you are a political action group (such as the Tea Party)you cannot get 501(c)(4) tax-exemption status for your group. The IRS will target you if they believe that you are breaking these guidelines. These wingnuts crying a river over the government targeting should take a ticket and stand in line.

"Reuters has obtained part of a yet to be released report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) that confirms that the IRS was targeting groups on the left and right who focused their activities on advocating for expanding or limiting of the size of the government. The report also states that the screening process was not influenced by the Obama administration, and that none of the groups screened were denied tax exempt status.
Without the claims of a partisan witch hunt against conservative groups, this latest Republican fueled Obama scandal is set to lose all of its sizzle.
The real reason why Republicans are desperately trying to drum up a scandal here is because they don’t want the IRS forcing their dark money groups to pay taxes. The IRS is threatening their Citizens United fueled political slush fund, and Republicans want it to stop. Republicans are trying to bully the IRS into backing off.

It turns out that Obama isn’t Richard Nixon after all. He wasn’t using the IRS to attack his enemies. In their own bungling way, the IRS was trying to deal with the problems caused by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. First, Benghazi crashes and burns, and now the IRS scandal could be fading fast."

Oh yes, Benghazi, the places where almost half of you black helicopter tin foil clowns can't find on  a map. Well, as it turns out, those leaked e-mails were apparently edited to make the Socialist in Chief look bad.

"Turns out the press got played again by Republicans. Jake Tapper has the smoking gun of the original email from the Obama administration which differs significantly from the “leaked emails” ABC ran with.

In an exclusive for CNN, Tapper reveals that CNN has the original email sent by a top Obama aide, regarding the administration’s reaction to the Benghazi attacks. Tapper reported, “The actual email differs from how sources characterized it to two different media organizations.” [Source]

I bet republicans all have very long arms.

Finally, on to a more serious subject: The urban terrorist terrorizing the hard working people of New Orleans.

19 people were shot at a Mother's Day parade, and the national press treated it as if it was just another one of those unruly young Negroes living out his gangsta fantasies here in America.

Two monsters cause death and mayhem at the Boston Marathon and they shut down a major American city and there is 24 hours cable news coverage about the incident. This was "terrorism", what happened in New Orleans was not.

Tell that to the poor people who live in that neighborhood or who went to that parade.

The FBI quickly issued a statement saying that this was not a terrorist act, and we could all just get on with our lives now. Nothing to see here America. Just Negroes in the hood being Negroes. You can all go back to pursuing happiness.  That is until the real terrorists strike again. (Shout out to Greg Fuller for this story.)

Melissa Harris Perry lives in that neighborhood, and along with the wonky Chris Hayes she tried to bring attention to the double standard when it comes to the mainstream media.

"You know, I thought that line, I want to ask you what you make of that line,” Hayes said. “This was street violence. I saw this on social media. Shooting in New Orleans. And then it was like, oh, oh, oh. That’s just, you know, gang-bangers in New Orleans, probably a black neighborhood, you know, that’s just life in the big city. Street violence isn’t terrorism, it’s not terrifying, it’s not terror that is being visited on people every day.” [Source]

Wrong Chris. "Street violence" is terror, and it's being visited on people every day. Maybe not the people in America that most Americans care about, but they are people, and they are Americans, and when they are terrorized it needs to be highlighted just like it is with the people of Boston.


  1. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Anon respectfully asked, "Dear Mr Field, why have you made Rush and Hannity Honorary Field Negroes of the Day? I find this absolutely unacceptable. This is an insult."

    Field replied, "You should learn to read."

    ????? Yes but what about Rush and Hannity as Honorary Field Negroes? Can't you address the question directly?

  2. Anonymous10:40 PM

    "Anyway, it looks like the man in charge of allegedly targeting those Tea Party groups at the IRS was a W appointee. (Oh, and memo to Marco Rubio: there is no IRS Commissioner, that position has been vacant since November.)"

    So what!? Who gives a shit whether the man in charge was appointed by W or Obama or even Carter or Nixon? WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? Let me answer that for you, Mr Field: "NONE!"

    And so what Marc Rubio made another boo-boo? Who gives a shit? I swear. You deal in such mickey mouse triviality that has nothing to do with what the IRS is doing-it is down right disgusting.

    Field, you have lost your damn mind. Have you ever considered retiring like Obama and Hillary have?

  3. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Mr Field, you need to watch this video. It will help you to better deal with facts:


  4. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Here's what a true Conservative and true Christian(they are synonymous) looks like:


  5. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Stopped reading after the childish nonsense the crooked guy was a Bush Appointee.

    Feel better now?
    Don't you wish Bush could have had another term so you could keep being anti government; instead you got stuck with Obama and now have to keep talking about the old days.
    You will give this guy a pass no matter what.

  6. Silly Field, you know full well that it's not terror when it involves black people on the receiving end of it.

    Why if the Boston Marathon had been the Boston Swap Meet or the Boston Freaknik, those two strapping gents would have been praised by some for "doing America a favor."

  7. Anon@10:47pm, I saw the word Fox in your comments. Sorry, u lost me at hello.

  8. Anon said, "Here's what a true Conservative and true Christian(they are synonymous) looks like". Sorry, I can't let this one pass. First, not all conservative Christians are ex-Victoria Secret models even though I would hope that that isn't what you meant by "looks like" If you had any sense of history you would know that the religious right has monopolized the term conservative in recent years. For sake of argument lets say since Nixon's "Southern Strategy" Using your logic I could easily say Conservative and Christian are synonymous with stupid.

  9. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Field, "Anon@10:47pm, I saw the word Fox in your comments. Sorry, u lost me at hello."

    5:07 AM
    LIAR. Everyone on this blog know that you watch FOX, listen to Rush Limbaugh and links to any aspect of FOX. Your posts are full of info about FOX.

    Like Obama, you LIE big-time.

  10. Anonymous1:25 PM

    OGD, you missed the point. However, the point is obvious for true Conservatives and true Christians. NO true Conservative Christians can continue working for Victoria Secrets, or abortions that kill babies. You see, their CONSCIENCE just won't allow it.

    However, I understand that someone like you would miss the point-when it comes to ethics and morality- completely.

  11. "However, I understand that someone like you would miss the point-when it comes to ethics and morality- completely."

    Do you christians have to go to special lessons to learn how to be even more self-righteous than you already were?

    Pass me a vomit bowl somebody...

  12. Oliver Wendell Douglas2:39 PM

    Just use your bedpan, Purple Cow Patty.

  13. Crimes Committed by Terrorist Groups:
    Theory, Research, and Prevention

    Mark S. Hamm
    Criminology Department
    Indiana State University
    Terre Haute, IN 47809
    Final Final Report
    Submitted: June 1, 2005


    "Historically, terrorism in the United States has taken two forms: Vigilante terrorism and
    insurgent terrorism. Vigilante groups have attempted to defend the status quo by using terrorist
    tactics on a local level. The Ku Klux Klan’s reign of terror following the Civil War is a prime
    example. Insurgent groups, on the other hand, have attempted to change public policies by taking
    direct action against the state. Groups like the Black Panthers and the Weathermen of the late
    1960s were the antithesis of vigilantism because they aimed to destroy the status quo.
    This trend began to shift in the early 1980s due to the criminal activities of a secret
    collective of paramilitary survivalists, tax protestors, bankrupt farmers, skinheads, and ex-convicts
    motivated by an extreme right-wing political ideology. Rather than maintaining the
    status quo or influencing government policies, their sole objective was mass murder."
    Terrorism on American Soil occurs in myriad forms. The point of Terrorism as I understand it is a disruption of American Life. Parades and public celebrations in New Orleans is as common place as apple pie for dessert. It’s a way of life there and it’s tragic that what occurred has been overlooked. Victims at the receiving end of a terrorist bullet should have no lesser value because of a specific location.

  14. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Useless site. Low class postings. Terrible grammar. Leftist wingnut. This site is the usual black news site. Full of nonsense. No truth at all. Just the rantings of a typical leftist know-nothing whose family are probably criminals. Blacks love their criminals. They even vote them into office.

  15. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Anon2:42pm, If you have a problem with the way things are, take it up with the Creator. I am sure He will listen to your judgments and suggestions.:) Then again, He just might send your 'smart, sophisticated ass' to Hell. Satan will be glad to see ya.

    How's that?

  16. Isn't FoxNews an oxymoron like driveway or parkway? Just an observation.

  17. Frustrated Negro4:23 PM


  18. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Frustrated Negro, thank you so much for that link. It is so true! Yet, it seems only a few Blacks are talking about it. Field is totally silent about it. I don't trust him.

  19. field, if you or the Socialist Sideshow Barry actually want improvement you need to stop the bigotry and agenda of "payback".
    It's not gonna work.

  20. "Anyway, it looks like the man in charge of allegedly targeting those Tea Party groups at the IRS was a W appointee."
    You really don't see how silly you sound when you say this?

    Anyway, Obamacare is the very definition of socialism. That would make Sideshow Barry a socialist. See how that works?

  21. Anonymous6:06 PM

    "Isn't FoxNews an oxymoron like driveway or parkway? Just an observation."

    Yes, good observation. FOX and NEWS are one and the same. If we say, "FOX" we mean #1NEWS.

  22. 1%'r and that's a bad thing because.....

  23. Frustrated Negro7:13 PM

    Field is totally silent about it.

    Field..LOL u mean STEPHEN... is totally silent about it; because those types of news sources aren't allowed by the Demo-bloods (Democrats)

    The official talking point is "Benghazi is to be ignored... Its just the Republicans trying to hurt Hillary, and they dont like Obama"

    Now you will see this in various forms across the net, but none will delve into the matter seriously.....

    STEPHEN will be here shortly to run another round of Kool-Aide out for the masses.....

    Luckily for the ones who view this as theatre...This guy has like 7 scandals to attend to...

    Its mind boggling to watch STEPHEN defend O-bomber on all fronts....

    For those true info seekers... Copy paste , and go....




  24. Anonymous said...
    "Isn't FoxNews an oxymoron like driveway or parkway? Just an observation."

    Yes, good observation. FOX and NEWS are one and the same. If we say, "FOX" we mean #1NEWS.

    6:06 PM
    Just to clarify: an oxymoron is
    a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect.
    So Anon @6:06 p.m. is a prime example of FOXNEWS audience. 'Nuff said. 8)

  25. "The official talking point is "Benghazi is to be ignored... Its just the Republicans trying to hurt Hillary, and they dont like Obama"

    Yes, how is that bring Hillary down thing working out for ya?


  26. Anonymous9:20 PM

    "Just to clarify: an oxymoron is
    a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect.
    So Anon @6:06 p.m. is a prime example of FOXNEWS audience. 'Nuff said. 8)"

    7:37 PM
    So NOW you want to degrade the excellent news FOX delivers? Ok, have it your way, but people won't believe you. They will assume you inadvertently made a human mistake and meant the opposite.

  27. Frustrated Negro9:43 PM

    Yes, how is that bring Hillary down thing working out for ya?

    First of all.. Ive mentioned several times "The tarnishing of Hillary" is the greatest extent that they will venture into this fiasco.
    This is so the investigation goes NO further; because Republicans as well as Democrats have filthy hands regarding supplying Arms to Syrian rebels... Covertly....WITHOUT Congressional Approval....

    Republicans would PREFER to take down O-bomber without implicating themselves...

    Now run along and carry another bucket of water for your Boss...

    Ohh I see youve posted about the AP scandal....

  28. Anonymous10:11 AM

    "Street violence isn't terrorism, it's not terrifying, it's not terror that is being visited on people every day". Correct! It is African men in America who have gone murderously insane and will affect, hurt and kill anyone who is caught up in the path of their bullets. It makes the men who own the private prisons, the criminal justice systemm, police departments and the undertakers fabulously wealthy. Sends most of the killers to their graves and makes WHITE MEN rich, which is what this is alllll about. MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!!! African women in America just crying and crying every single day. In America, there's no _____r like a DEAD _____r. African men keep those "fires" burning. Dumb flucks.

  29. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Yo Field....riddle me this...how's come all y'all progress types wait until you been done soaked by the shit hitting the Obama fan and then want to cry out about W doing something to the NAACP back when. Fool!! Clean the mess off yaself!! You think talking about some mess in the past is gonna make today's mess less visible? Let's not talk about the mess right here in front of us...oooh, look at that cute squirrel. That's chump talk. If there was something going on in the past, THAT was the time to talk about it. Let's worry about what's going on today.
