Thursday, May 30, 2013

Police shootings, and shooting off at the mouth.

Every now and then I have to remind you Negroes in America that it's not a good idea to put yourselves in a dangerous situation with the po po.

Here in Philly our Commissioner actually asked the feds to step in because of all the police involved shootings taking place of late.

"With shootings by Philadelphia police rising to the highest level in over a decade, Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey has asked the Department of Justice to review the department's use of deadly force.

The request follows a story published May 14 documenting a 50-percent increase in the number of police shootings in 2012.
Police in Philadelphia shot 52 suspects last year. Of those, 15 people died. In 2011, police wounded or killed 35 people.

"When you have as many as we've had, it gets people wondering if they were all justified," Ramsey said. "We've been looking at this issue since December. The Civil Rights Division of the DOJ knows and agrees this is a good course of action." [Source]

Well at least Philly's finest is being proactive, which is more than we can say for other police departments.

Take, for instance, the city of St. Louis.

"Protesters rallied in St. Louis, MO on Wednesday over the death of 25-year-old Cary Ball Jr, who was shot 25 times by police officers last month. Police say Ball refused to pull over for a traffic stop, eventually crashed into a parked car, and started running. According to police, Ball pointed a semi-automatic handgun at the officers, prompting them to open fire.

Several witnesses who spoke to the family, however, say Ball threw his gun on the ground and was walking toward police with his hands up to surrender when he was shot. Some unverified reports say 7 of the 25 shots hit him in the back. Police say there was no surveillance video in the area to verify exactly what happened.

Ball was an honor student with a 3.86 GPA, majoring in human services at Forest Park Community College, where he had been celebrated as an “emerging scholar.” According to family and friends, Ball was working to reform his life after being convicted of armed robbery when he was 17. His older brother, Carlos Ball, said Cary probably ran from the police because, as an ex-convict, it was illegal for him to possess a gun.

The two officers have been placed on administrative leave as homicide detectives investigate the shooting, but this is hardly the first time questions have been raised over the St. Louis Police Department’s conduct. In February, a city cop was accused of choking a man in a wheelchair, who was then arrested immediately after testifying at the officer’s disciplinary hearing. A video showing a cop beating and pepper-spraying a man went viral in 2011, revealing that the cop had stayed on the force despite multiple lawsuits alleging brutality." [Source]

I know what some of you are thinking, so let me say it for you: What was he doing with a gun? It's a fair question. But is it a crime punishable by death to be in possession of an illegal firearm?

Well, it might be, if you are poor or a Negro in America.

How about a knife?

"STERLING, Va. (AP) — A female worker at a northern Virginia Costco store who authorities say went at two sheriff’s deputies with a knife and scissors has been fatally shot.

The shooting occurred about 3 p.m. Wednesday. Two Loudoun County deputies had been called to respond to a disorderly conduct complaint at the Sterling-area Costco. Police said the woman was threatening store employees.
Officials say the deputies ordered the woman to drop the weapons, but she advanced on them. Authorities say one deputy used a stun gun on the woman, but it was ineffective.

Police say the second deputy fired several shots, killing the woman. She was identified as 38-year-old Mhai Scott of Sterling.

Authorities say Scott worked for Club Demonstration Services, which provides services to Costco. The Washington Post reports Scott had been serving pizza.
One deputy was injured. He was treated and released at a local hospital." [Source]

Injured? From what? Slipping on a loose pepperoni?

Finally, it seems as if male wingnuts really don't like women that much.

Let's start with that loud mouth and mentally challenged FOX News host, Eric Bolling.

"Following the release of a Pew study that states 40% of women are now the sole breadwinner for their family, and Fox contributor Erick Erickson‘s subsequent controversial comments on the matter, another Fox personality named Eric said something on The Five today that may raise some eyebrows among those who view more women in the workplace as a good thing.

During a discussion about the study and its implications for American society, Eric Bolling said that if you dig into the research done by Pew, you find out that the reason 4 out of 10 women are the primary provider for their families is “the breakdown of the American family.” He continued, saying, “Women are forced to go out and be the breadwinners for the families and that is why the numbers are higher now — single moms.”

But it was the question Bolling asked next that really made a leap to new territory. “If you are a single mom, breadwinner of the family, and you get pregnant, aren’t we pushing towards more abortions? It seems like we are.”

Ok Mr. Bolling, I am sure that your barefoot wife who spends all of her days in the kitchen will appreciate those comments.

And then there is the other Erick.

"Fox News contributor Erick Erickson must be feeling the heat today over comments his made last night on Fox Business Network as he took to his Red State blog this afternoon to defend himself against the “feminist and emo lefties” who “have their panties in a wad over my statements.”

The conservative commentator was reacting to a recent Pew study that claims mothers are now the primary source of income in 40 percent of American households, when he went off on a tangent, suggesting it’s “anti-science” for liberals to reject the idea that men should take on the “dominant” role in the household.

In his defiant response today, titled “The Truth May Hurt, But Is Not Mean,” Erickson reiterated his point that “more women being the primary or sole breadwinners in families is harmful to raising children.” He also used the opportunity to express his disapproval of gay parents..." [Source]

It got so bad that their fellow FOX colleague had to chastise the wingnut boys club.

She wanted to know if they have "lost their minds". Yes Greta, they have. But they are winguts; their minds were not all there to begin with.


  1. If your only tools are hammers, you tend to treat all of your problems as nails.

  2. Anonymous10:07 PM

    "She wanted to know if they have "lost their minds". Yes Greta, they have. But they are winguts; their minds were not all there to begin with."

    Field, this right wing bashing has got to stop. It makes you look prejudiced against Whites. That is not good because you are making us Blacks seem as though we are against Whites, esp GOP. And that is simply not true! Many of us admire the direct honest approach of the GOP.

    There is a great concern regarding 40% of breadwinners are women. Think about that: 40%!!! That is a detriment to the family and it proves that women are out of control.

    Even Desert has become mouthy. I guess because she is a big time baker, she feels she can talk shit. Field, this shit has got to stop.

  3. Anonymous10:15 PM

    This IRS scandal is coming to a head. Field, stop posting detours and distractions like today:

  4. Anonymous10:23 PM

    More bad news for Holder and Obama:

  5. St. Louis Lou10:29 PM

    "Several witnesses who spoke to the family, however, say Ball threw his gun on the ground and was walking toward police with his hands up to surrender when he was shot."

    They lied.

    No one with any sense pulls a gun on the police.

    End of story.

  6. Only on a conservative "news" station can a bozo like Erikson get a job. Conservatives like their stupid.

  7. Malcolm Little10:32 PM

    "Erickson reiterated his point that “more women being the primary or sole breadwinners in families is harmful to raising children.”

    He's right.

    It may be good for your business Field, but it has been absolute hell on the black community.

    You are a parasite living off black dysfunction.

  8. Triplewide10:35 PM

    PilotIgnorant said..
    "Conservatives like their stupid."

    Liberals love their lies.

  9. Anonymous10:45 PM

    This clarifies who are the ones providing the leaks. The WH is in serious trouble:

  10. Kersey10:54 PM

    PilotX said...
    You are really not from Chicago. Check the history of white "working class" whites. Their murder rate was historically higher than us blah folks and many were looked down upon because they immigrated from such exotic locales as West Virginia. There was a good story about the trailer park type invasion of Chicago in the Reader a while back and how dangerous their neighborhoods were. More white ignorance of history.
    Ignorance of negro fantasy is more like it. There is a "hillbilly" murder problem in Chicago? Whites account for a third of Chicago's population, yet commit less than 5% of all murders. No one comes to close to "blah" people.

    Chicago is on the road to being Detroited. The Great Migration of blacks to the northern cities has been the most devastating event in American history, more fittingly called "Manifest Destruction".

    The so-called ‘black middle-class’ is a mish-mash of government employees and corporate affirmative action flunkies, whose ability to practice a tad higher amount of impulse control than Koman Willis gave them the opportunity to be employed as a US Postal Service worker or to fulfill diversity requirements at a Fortune 500 company.

    It’s hard for most people - born into a world where every minor achievement of black people is inflated to be incontrovertible proof against the notion of racial inequality – to conceive of a world where their elected representatives actually have the communities best interest at heart, instead of basing every legislative and judicial decision on how it will best improve the conditions of the black community.

    White America owes black America nothing – nothing.

    But even mentioning that a collective known as ‘white America’ exists is tantamount to heresy against the God of Equality, which watches over not just Chicago, but all of the territory Black-Run America (BRA) governs.

    Like Aztecs of old, who sacrificed their own people to their Gods, we have sacrificed our major cities on the altar of equality – when a city like Detroit, Birmingham, Memphis, or Baltimore collapses under black-rule, we are told to cling ever-more-tightly to the illusion of equality.

    No matter what happens to your Leetema's, Jonylah's, Koman's, and the Chicago Public School system, our faith in equality must never waver – no matter if the community they helped create is the apocalyptic vision come-to-life of that long ago displaced white, working class...

  11. Anonymous11:04 PM

    This video proves people don't know what Obamacare is. And, they are all Black and White Democrats who, like Field, don't know shit

  12. Anonymous12:06 AM can't fix stupid.

  13. A breadown in the family, perhaps. But my mom was "forced" to get a job in 1957, as she & my dad took on a mortgage & would soon send the oldest of their four kids off to college. There were aspects of working she appreciated, but she told me years later she wished she could have delayed it until I, the youngest, had entered high school in the Sixties. Mom was typical of middle class woman in that time. Many of them had held really responsible jobs during WWII - men's jobs. They believed one income ought to support a family. It didn't. They also didn't want their husbands to work 80 hours a week & beccme absent, exhausted dads.

  14. Anonymous1:32 AM

    "Ball was an honor student with a 3.86 GPA, majoring in human services at Forest Park Community College, where he had been celebrated as an “emerging scholar.” According to family and friends, Ball was working to reform his life after being convicted of armed robbery when he was 17. His older brother, Carlos Ball, said Cary probably ran from the police because, as an ex-convict, it was illegal for him to possess a gun."

    What a bunch of nonsense you negroes believe. He was fleeing police in a car, hit parked cars, did have a gun but no
    he was a good boy; an honor student and the cops were wrong...uh-huuuuuhhhh.....

  15. Pooper Scooper3:28 AM

    Does the SPLC know about this racialist hate site?

  16. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Kersey, you have stunned me with the truth about us. The cities are proof of what equality means. However, I think when we finally reach the truth of what equality means and what it doesn't mean, then we can get on with the business of rebuilding. Let us pray that it will not be too late for America.

  17. NSangoma5:39 AM


    25-year-old Cary Ball Jr, is a scholar because has a 3.86 GPA at the Saint Louis Community College at Forest Park!

    Junior College is high school all over again. Have you Negroes no shame, no standards, no honor?

    Saint Louis MO is cleaning up the city and is moving its Negroes north and out of the city, to Riverview Gardens MO. Negroes carry guns in Riverview Gardens; 25-year-old Cary Ball Jr, should have joined that Negroe exodus.

    Did you attend a Junior College field booty? Are you proud of your Junior College AA degree, field negro?


  18. NSangoma6:02 AM


    What do you think of this Negroe, field booty?:

    Olufunmilayo I. Olopade, MD, FACP

    Walter L. Palmer Distinguished Service Professor of Medicine and Human Genetics

    Associate Dean, Global Health
    Director, Center for Clinical Cancer Genetics

    MotherFcuk!!, 25-year-old Cary Ball Jr.


  19. NSangoma6:05 AM


    Anonymous NSangoma said...


    Hmmm, the one drop rule applies in Australia too, I see.

    Adam Goodes, looks like an Afghan to me. But then, there are some Australoid looking Afghans too, darker than Adam Goodes.


    5:51 AM



    1 Why are people worried about the home we built on 1600 PA ave NW? And the impeachment of Pres Obama?
    2 Why is there so much penis envy
    3 And why is there not any conversation about why a beige brother is so hated (really)
    Is it really penis envy or plain old racism?

    Now, i do not expect any response So just keep quiet and THINK and remember " To thine own self be true..

    Does anyone here really think that Pres Obama the KING is going anywhere? Even if he is guilty and charged that will not happen.
    Bottom line, I know (not think) that its time for a Glen beck miracle.

  21. George Zimmerman11:04 AM

    "Is it really penis envy or plain old racism?"

    In MazdaGT's world, everything comes down to one of these two things.


    How did you get into my country?

  22. And why is there not any conversation about why a beige brother is so hated (really)
    Is it really penis envy or plain old racism?

    Seriously....your here at 7:56 AM talking about penis envy??

    Find the one that makes you happy , and stick with it...

    No one cares about O-bombers penis size except maybe you, and Reggie Love...LOL

    I personally think he might have a lil sugar in his tank the way he has shamelessly promoted the LGBT agenda, but I digress....

    Moving right along....

    Field seems to actually be posting as a Field Negro on this one..

    Not too much O-bomber defending on this one...

    Good Job... Field... Dont go back to the STEPHEN crap...

  23. Anonymous11:34 AM

    cc the blackish hobama/the new hoover/global kkkop...

    cc hobama's dna arrests/PIC funds/NDAA/africom/martial law/fema camps/dhs ammo/assata/kkkiller gz/global drones...


  24. Anonymous11:54 AM

    That last police murder in Virginia reminds me of the Eleanor Bumpers murder in New York City by the NYPD back in the 80s.

    Mrs Bumpers allegedly had a knife when police went to evict her from her apartment. So they shot her twice with a shotgun.

    Police are nothing but thugs.


  25. Anonymous11:59 AM

    as long as fox news continues to be the ONLY msm network that tells ANY TRUTHS AT ALL about that global warlord bankster hobama,

    hobama nazis will continue to hate and harp about fox news...


    kudos to rebel news at FOX!!!

  26. Anonymous12:23 PM

    hobama is a liar!!!!!!!

    hobamacare = one more HUGE lie!!!!

  27. Anonymous12:47 PM

    today, the msm are helping hobama once again

    as that bankster hobama is pimping students
    to mask his own role in HUGE student loan interest rate hikes

    cc hobamacare


  28. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Frustrated Negro said, "Field seems to actually be posting as a Field Negro on this one..

    Not too much O-bomber defending on this one...

    Good Job... Field... Dont go back to the STEPHEN crap..."

    11:28 AM
    IMHO, Field screwed up with unintended outcome. You see, STEPHEN is embedded deep in his soul. In fact, I bet he apologized to you for his mistake.LOL

  29. Anonymous1:44 PM

    What's with all the penis envy comments? There are too many Blacks on this blog trying to feel better because deep inside their souls they feel less than the wm.

    FYI: The men with the biggest penis in the world have always been White. Just check out the history of porn stars and you will see. Hence, maybe some of you Negroes ought to give up the penis BS and develop some brains, I.E. the one that sits on your shoulders. That way, you'll be able to compete in a global world, as Obama said at Morehouse.

  30. Braulio1:56 PM

    Talking about penises is MatanzasGV's way of admitting she has no substance to her arguments.

    Likewise, when an Obama supporter cannot defend their hero, they resort to accusations of racism.

  31. "White America owes black America nothing – nothing."

    What could you poor folks give me that I don't already have?

    "The so-called ‘black middle-class’ is a mish-mash of government employees and corporate affirmative action flunkies, whose ability to practice a tad higher amount of impulse control than Koman Willis gave them the opportunity to be employed as a US Postal Service worker or to fulfill diversity requirements at a Fortune 500 company"

    So called middle class? Have you ever even been to Chicago? We have several established blah neighborhoods that are full of doctors, lawyers, business owners, ect. It sounds like you are one of those jealous whites who are undereducated and have a nowhere job and think all blah people who are more prosperous than yourself are somehow unqualified to be there. I know your type. Tell you what, I'll stay in my so called middle class hood and stay out of your trailer park and things should be ok right? Just make sure my fries are hot when I pull into your drive through ok sparky?

  32. Anonymous2:36 PM

    PilotX, "Tell you what, I'll stay in my so called middle class hood and stay out of your trailer park and things should be ok right? Just make sure my fries are hot when I pull into your drive through ok sparky?"

    Negroes like you dream a lot. You are truly a fantasy addict. Poor fellow.

  33. Prosecuting Attorney2:47 PM

    MatanzasGV said...


    What is a prosecuting atty? Please help me As we say in the bay Who says that?

    7:43 AM
    Help her Field, she doesn't understand de eenglish.

    But she jus like dis "craphole country"

    Hey MazdaGT, you not in Cuba anymore, you can leave on a plane you know, no jumping on a tire in the dead of night while dodging bullets and sharks either LOL

    We don't roll like that in this, and I quote u, "craphole of a country"

  34. poor white folks3:01 PM

    PilotX said...
    "White America owes black America nothing – nothing."

    What could you poor folks give me that I don't already have?

    What's this? A black man who says white America has given him enough?

    How long we have waited for this day!

    Now we just need to convince the other 40 million negroes to put their hands back in their own pockets.

    It's a start.

    Props to PilotX!

  35. Bullworthshit3:36 PM

    Obama talks as if he's not president. For example, in his Major Foreign Policy Distraction, he complained that force-feeding hunger-striking jihadis at Guantanamo didn't represent us at our best. He seems to have forgotten that with a single phone call he could order the force-feeding to stop.

    The liberals have internalized this bizarre narrative, and always omit Obama from negative stories, as if it is literally, physically impossible that Obama might be part of the problem.

    A few weeks ago, Obama told the Washington Post that he often daydreams that he'd like to go "Full Bullworth" on the country. Now, Bullworth was a movie about a suicidal politician who decided to just Tell The People The Truth before he died. His truth, you won't be surprised to learn, was all left-wing cant that of course are obviously true but no one ever says. (Except the left, constantly.)

    Consider all that is admitted there:

    1. Obama is confessing he's not telling the people "The Truth" at the moment.

    2. Obama is virtually confessing that his idea of the truth -- long hidden from the people -- is a series of left-wing "Truth Bombs" that he'd like to drop on us but of course he can't.

    Um, why not? Oh right, because it would hurt him politically and that's the only thing that matters.

  36. Make it plain:

    Field: I just love this place. it makes me strong thank you son!

    Time to educate the masses AGAIN! Esp the little penis caveman/house negros who creep around sucking mama tits, with their little fingers in their boxers seeking their little cojones Don't let me call you out!

    Or blaming others, yet afraid to mention my name...,hmmmmm lets get down and dirty in the dirty south

    People welcome to my class
    Sit down and lets speak Spanglish

    1. No one answered the ? wtheck is a prosecuting atty? number one lesson

    A prosecutor is person, .a public/ gov official, who institutes authoritative canonical and legal proceedings against someone.
    He she is a "LAWYER' who conducts the case against a defendant in a criminal court. So that person is a n ATTY!

    2 Now tell moi what is the difference between an Attorney Barrister Abrogado a lawyer and prosecutor? STOP MILAGROS!! hehehehe

    Now, anyone who wishes to debate this i welcome you BRING IT PLEASE..
    But before anyone makes that effort, please tell me, is calling a prosecutor a prosecuting atty old skool, ignorance, lack of knowledge. or is it that someone just likes to use that term because it makes them sound good.

    Now don't get me wrong the term is clear however, so isn't read and read

    So far i have captured your pawns )))) lol

    Please don't take this as anger i am funny, kind and serious at the same time..i speak in riddles a lot in order to make people THINK
    " i am a pure Afrikan born in Angola, raised in Cuba and still a AfroCuban citizen NOT" an amerikkkn. So frankly there is nada that anyone here can do with me ;) other than keep reading and be very careful.

    My thinking is revolutionary my memory is long and i never back off
    I love to piss people off, and make them think so when insults are thrown my way i stand up spktruth2power and challenge them to debates.

    i am quick on my feet and spend my time reading law books, doing research, traveling and learning from my peers My King is the cit and we are ONE LOVE"

    i am not afraid of anyone/thing least of all name calling..i have watched men die in amerikkkas death houses so there is nothing words can affect in this QUEENS realm Are u clear?/ Good

    Now, there are small penises here who have felt my sting and have been put in their places never to return (unless they are using someone name like a coward) To them i say welcome, would you like a glass ofKuba libre with your viagra?

    Lo que es un apoderado de procesamiento y quien dice esto en 2013

    ps i love this, now your confused huh!

    PPs When you take time to curse defame debase and spew hate you get what you deserve..Bring it

  37. People

    Here i am, don't talk about me Talk to me bring some proof and some substance MEET me debate me CALL ME OUT! call my name

    Lets talk about the PENIS! why? because that is the problem cave men have with pres Obama His PENIS vs thiers DEBATE ME!

  38. No don't ask field to help me YOU HELP ME what is the answer? duh!

    Ps take your hand off of that little penis and debate me

  39. frustrated negro said
    Seriously....your here at 7:56 AM talking about penis envy??


    La reina Matanzas said:
    Frustrated house negro you stepped in this!
    yes! i am here but not on your time Plus i see why u are frustrated can't rise intime?
    Besides SHORT ONE i speak about PENIS cojones chocha et/al any time i want to what???>
    Why does it bother you, have i hit a short space?
    Well suggestion youngin get over it and pull up your boxing pantalones, be a man and meet me and debate me about the PENIS

    Ps What did you do have a wet dream we are not on your time son! ::: Checkmate

    BRING IT bring a better more concise argument as to why i should not speak PENIS!
    I dare you

    Ps son you can call me names but just don't call me ;late for dinner And if you make the move i suspect you will i will have you removed from here TRUST ME

    I will be here with my posse Sat


  40. Why is amerikka crumbling and falling apart Why is everything touched by white rogue politrikshuns unsucessful in the age of Barak My Man!

    )))))) 0::::::: :::::))))))) WHY!

    Little penis need not answer i seek brains

    ps call me anything you want but not late for dinner HA!

  41. prosecuting attorney4:44 PM

    Ooooooh Jeeeeeeez! what a diatribe! Get a blog will ya!

    C'mon! Waddayawant?

    Debate about penise size??? Really?
    Oh well whatever floats yer boat sis

  42. "Now we just need to convince the other 40 million negroes to put their hands back in their own pockets."

    Work on your own peeps son. More of your types on getting my tax dollars but shhhhhhh, son't want to mess up your white hooded fantasies.

  43. El Guapo4:52 PM

    MazdaGT said...

    Here i am, don't talk about me Talk to me bring some proof and some substance MEET me debate me CALL ME OUT! call my name

    Remember, people, it is wise not to look a raving crazy person in the eye, or engage them in any way.

  44. PilotX said...
    "Now we just need to convince the other 40 million negroes to put their hands back in their own pockets."

    >Work on your own peeps son.<

    My peeps have never taken a dime of someone else's money.

  45. Frustrated Negro5:01 PM

    MatanzasGV said..

    I know you would love to see what your missing in your home life...

    However... to debate you on Penis Size , and not the quality of the "So Called" leader would serve NO purpose..

    Your funny.... Will you use Penis Envy as the excuse for him continuing Bush policys left , and right ??

    Why pray tell does he handicap his addministration with Bush Holdovers at every Juncture??

    If they arent Bush Hold Overs theey used to work for Wall St...

    Please lets debate politics ..
    Not Penis size..

    Its irrelevant to any of the subjects at hand.

    Even though youll lose on both ends...

    Especially if you want to compare penis sizes...

    We have reached a new low... Penis Size as the defense...

  46. There is a house negro here named frustrated negro whom i challenged to a debate
    i am not spking (my spelling) to anyone but him..At least he thinks and has a brain So sit down OTHERS and pay attn This will be fun!

    So unless and until he meets me and brings his cojones all of the rest of you small heads can just keep reading ENJOY

    Debate me stop the excuses i do not care about politricks
    i know more about it than anyone here (along with field)


    Everything about Barak is about PENIS ENVY prove me wrong and i will cease and desist talking i promise you..Bring your proof that it is not and i will challenge and prove my point or hush!


  47. Larry Sinclair5:19 PM

    "Everything about Barak is about PENIS ENVY prove me wrong and i will cease and desist talking i promise you.."

    You are wrong. Barack has tiny penis. Michelle has said so several times, and I can vouch for this personally.

    Now go away.

  48. PSSSS

    The reason why everyone wants a piece of me is because they have a small brain and think that GANGING me will stop me NOT!

    i challenged ONE man(?) to tell me why i should cease and desist saying PENIS"
    i asked a question so if there are big PENISES here why challenge? can't stand up when needed?

    @ Penis envy is not the size of the bone WTHECK? rather its about what a cave man cannot fanthom neither can a emasculated house negro with hat in hand.

    Field knows that i have made my bones! and i will stand my ground So,unless i call you out sit down and learn!
    i did and Field laid the ground work ( didn't know that did ya?)

    Ps I do not have to curse debase or devalue I WIN! and i play dirty!

  49. NO frustrated negro we will debate PENIS this is the word you say i should not speak WHY?
    Politriks penis's difference?
    Son you challenged me you stuck your head in this BRING IT

    I never lose WHY should i cease and desist speaking about PENIS envy?

  50. "My peeps have never taken a dime of someone else's money."

    Riiight. Your peeps benefited from the free labor of others.

  51. field negro said...
    "My peeps have never taken a dime of someone else's money."

    Riiight. Your peeps benefited from the free labor of others.

    Nope. My peeps never owned slaves.

  52. Kersey5:36 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Now we just need to convince the other 40 million negroes to put their hands back in their own pockets."

    Work on your own peeps son. More of your types on getting my tax dollars but shhhhhhh, son't want to mess up your white hooded fantasies.
    What the "American Dream" means to your peeps is illustrated by the story of ghetto-dwelling blacks in Chicago, seeking a better life 90 miles away in Milwaukee. Angie, a black welfare mother, has been told by her cousin Opal that the city of Milwaukee gives much better benefits than Chicago.

    Off she went:

    “Where Have all the Houses Gone?” the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel would ask, over an aerial shot of the vernal decay. Toward the ghetto’s western edge, the padlocked factories on 35th Street formed an industrial mausoleum. Three miles east, 3rd Street had died in the fifties and burned in the sixties; renamed Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, it now ran past a black holocaust museum. Between the district’s rough borders, 35th Street to a bit past 3rd, stretched the state’s welfare belt; nine square miles, two shuttered breweries, and about 15,000 families drawing checks.

    Angie harrumphed at the weedy vista, but it offered something that Chicago did not, an apartment of her own. From the Family Crisis Center, a shelter just off King Drive, she followed a lead to a “raggerly mansion “a few blocks east. The landlady, Rosalie Allen, had nine units in an old Victorian complex that were newly painted and by Chicago standards unbelievably cheap. Angie took one. Jewell took another. A friend from the shelter took a third. In Chicago, rent alone was $250 more than Angie’s monthly check. In Milwaukee, Angie’s check rose by two-thirds (to $617), while her rent fell in half. Now, she could pay the rent with $250 to spare. Proportionally, Jewell’s welfare check rose even more, by almost three-quarters. She was sufficiently impressed that she called Chicago and told her friend Shon, who was pregnant with her third child and chafing at her mother’s. Shon brought her cousin Lisa, who had just delivered her third child and was eager to escape the projects. Until Mrs. Allen could get the apartments ready, everyone slept at Jewell’s: four women with nine kids and two more on the way. Jewell’s brother Robert moved in. Robert’s friend Lucky came, too. In time, the de facto economics grew even better than they appeared, since elderly Mrs. Allen forgot to collect the rent. While a strange new city might seem foreboding, the house on First Street felt like a freshman dorm: hardly anyone worked; everyone drank; and there were more people stirring at midnight than noon. “We just partied on First Street,” Angie said. “Everybody partied.”

    Chicago and Milwaukee: two cities devastated by the sons and daughters of black slaves from the South. Could this have been a long-term strategy of the defeated Confederates?

    No -- the unprecedented destructive capabilities of the black race would have even offended avowed white supremacists still clinging to the hopes of a rise of the Confederacy: you couldn't write a fictional book in the mid-1880s - 1920s that would have been as absurd as the actual history that has unfolded in places like Detroit, Gary (Indiana), Rochester, Chicago, and Milwaukee, courtesy of the black population.

    Manifest Destruction,

  53. Frustrated negro said
    Even though youll lose on both ends...

    Especially if you want to compare penis sizes...

    We have reached a new low... Penis Size as the defense...

    Milagros Garcia villamil said:
    No son i do not have a penis MY KING has a penis so there is nothing to compare between u and i other than i can look up longer than u can look up or down

    Do not bait and switch! YOU WILL LOSE

    Stoop to a new low? NOT!
    A new low? what is low about PENIS or penis envy other than it hangs low in mans pantalones and in the minds of cavemen with edifices(especially one of imposing appearance or size.) )))))
    NEXT son:
    There is no defense i never made any defense other than saying PENIS envy which is not a defense rather a fact?
    Lets be clear, I am not happy with all of the issues with Baraks pres however i was never happy about any white man pres either, penis envy or not NOW WHAT?

    lets not sparse words son lets not flip the script YOU suggested that i should cease and desist spking about the almighty PENIS WHY?

    bring your case and quit faking the funk!

    PS trust me some like the word IMAGINATE :))) Just a debate son don't lose your focus

  54. Field: Gracias

    Making it plain

    It matter not if your people never owned slaves your people now benefit from slavery STILL

    For those who are afraid of urls GOOGLE it

    A Long History of Racial Preferences

    Many middle-class white people, especially those of us who grew up in the suburbs, like to think that we got to where we are today by virtue of our merit - hard work, intelligence, pluck, and maybe a little luck. And while we may be sympathetic to the plight of others, we close down when we hear the words "affirmative action" or "racial preferences." We worked hard, we made it on our own, the thinking goes, why don't 'they'? After all, it's been almost 40 years now since the Civil Rights Act was passed.

    What we don't readily acknowledge is that racial preferences have a long, institutional history in this country - a white history. Here are a few ways in which government programs and practices have channeled wealth and opportunities to white people at the expense of others.

    Early Racial Preferences

    We all know the old history, but it's still worth reminding ourselves of its scale and scope. Affirmative action in the American "workplace" first began in the late 17th century when European indentured servants - the original source of unfree labor on the new tobacco plantations of Virginia and Maryland - were replaced by African slaves. In exchange for their support and their policing of the growing slave population, lower-class Europeans won new rights, entitlements, and opportunities from the planter elite.

    White Americans were also given a head start with the help of the U.S. Army. The 1830 Indian Removal Act, for example, forcibly relocated Cherokee, Creeks and other eastern Indians to west of the Mississippi River to make room for white settlers. The 1862 Homestead Act followed suit, giving away millions of acres - for free - of what had been Indian Territory west of the Mississippi. Ultimately, 270 million acres, or 10% of the total land area of the United States, was converted to private hands, overwhelmingly white, under Homestead Act provisions.


  55. making it plain in keeping it n your face PENIS ENVY

    The 1790 Naturalization Act permitted only "free white persons" to become naturalized citizens, thus opening the doors to European immigrants but not others. Only citizens could vote, serve on juries, hold office, and in some cases, even hold property. In this century, Alien Land Laws passed in California and other states, reserved farm land for white growers by preventing Asian immigrants, ineligible to become citizens, from owning or leasing land. Immigration restrictions further limited opportunities for nonwhite groups. Racial barriers to naturalized U.S. citizenship weren't removed until the McCarran-Walter Act in 1952, and white racial preferences in immigration remained until 1965.

    In the South, the federal government never followed through on General Sherman's Civil War plan to divide up plantations and give each freed slave "40 acres and a mule" as reparations. Only once was monetary compensation made for slavery, in Washington, D.C. There, government officials paid up to $300 per slave upon emancipation - not to the slaves, but to local slaveholders as compensation for loss of property.

    When slavery ended, its legacy lived on not only in the impoverished condition of Black people but in the wealth and prosperity that accrued to white slaveowners and their descendents. Economists who try to place a dollar value on how much white Americans have profited from 200 years of unpaid slave labor, including interest, begin their estimates at $1 trillion.

  56. Anonymous5:55 PM

    White Privilege is code for Black Failure.

  57. White still benefit from slavery Making it plain and keeping it real GOOGLE it i will not leave any url SUE ME

    Jim Crow laws, instituted in the late 19th and early 20th century and not overturned in many states until the 1960s, reserved the best jobs, neighborhoods, schools and hospitals for white people.

    The Advantages Grow, Generation to Generation

    Less known are more recent government racial preferences, first enacted during the New Deal, that directed wealth to white families and continue to shape life opportunities and chances today.

    The landmark Social Security Act of 1935 provided a safety net for millions of workers, guaranteeing them an income after retirement. But the act specifically excluded two occupations: agricultural workers and domestic servants, who were predominately African American, Mexican, and Asian. As low-income workers, they also had the least opportunity to save for their retirement. They couldn't pass wealth on to their children. Just the opposite. Their children had to support them.

    Like Social Security, the 1935 Wagner Act helped establish an important new right for white people. By granting unions the power of collective bargaining, it helped millions of white workers gain entry into the middle class over the next 30 years. But the Wagner Act permitted unions to exclude non-whites and deny them access to better paid jobs and union protections and benefits such as health care, job security, and pensions. Many craft unions remained nearly all-white well into the 1970s. In 1972, for example, every single one of the 3,000 members of Los Angeles Steam Fitters Local #250 was still white.

    But it was another racialized New Deal program, the Federal Housing Administration, that helped generate much of the wealth that so many white families enjoy today. These revolutionary programs made it possible for millions of average white Americans - but not others - to own a home for the first time. The government set up a national neighborhood appraisal system, explicitly tying mortgage eligibility to race. Integrated communities were ipso facto deemed a financial risk and made ineligible for home loans, a policy known today as "redlining." Between 1934 and 1962, the federal government backed $120 billion of home loans. More than 98% went to whites. Of the 350,000 new homes built with federal support in northern California between 1946 and 1960, fewer than 100 went to African Americans.

    These government programs made possible the new segregated white suburbs that sprang up around the country after World War II. Government subsidies for municipal services helped develop and enhance these suburbs further, in turn fueling commercial investments. Freeways tied the new suburbs to central business districts, but they often cut through and destroyed the vitality of non-white neighborhoods in the central city.

  58. Anonymous5:58 PM

    "Economists who try to place a dollar value on how much white Americans have profited from 200 years of unpaid slave labor, including interest, begin their estimates at $1 trillion."

    Well if that is true, the whole slavery thing hasn't been much of a bargain, as estimates of transfer payments to the descendants of slaves start at $15 trillion.

  59. Making it plain WE ARE STILL HERE and the Afrikan PENIS is still king

    Today, Black and Latino mortgage applicants are still 60% more likely than whites to be turned down for a loan, even after controlling for employment, financial, and neighborhood factors. According to the Census, whites are more likely to be segregated than any other group. As recently as 1993, 86% of suburban whites still lived in neighborhoods with a black population of less than 1%.

    Reaping the Rewards of Racial Preference

    One result of the generations of preferential treatment for whites is that a typical white family today has on average eight times the assets, or net worth, of a typical African American family, according to New York University economist Edward Wolff. Even when families of the same income are compared, white families have more than twice the wealth of Black families. Much of that wealth difference can be attributed to the value of one's home, and how much one inherited from parents.

    But a family's net worth is not simply the finish line, it's also the starting point for the next generation. Those with wealth pass their assets on to their children - by financing a college education, lending a hand during hard times, or assisting with the down payment for a home. Some economists estimate that up to 80 percent of lifetime wealth accumulation depends on these intergenerational transfers. White advantage is passed down, from parent to child to grand-child. As a result, the racial wealth gap - and the head start enjoyed by whites - appears to have grown since the civil rights days.

    In 1865, just after Emancipation, it is not surprising that African Americans owned only 0.5 percent of the total worth of the United States. But by 1990, a full 135 years after the abolition of slavery, Black Americans still possessed only a meager 1 percent of national wealth. As legal scholar john powell (sic) says in the documentary series Race - The Power of an Illusion, "The slick thing about whiteness is that whites are getting the spoils of a racist system even if they are not personally racist."

    But rather than recognize how "racial preferences" have tilted the playing field and given us a head start in life, many whites continue to believe that race does not affect our lives. Instead, we chastise others for not achieving what we have; we even invert the situation and accuse non-whites of using "the race card" to advance themselves.

    AND?> Penis envy? perhaps and probaby

  60. Anonymous6:01 PM

    "Jim Crow laws, instituted in the late 19th and early 20th century and not overturned in many states until the 1960s, reserved the best jobs, neighborhoods, schools and hospitals for white people."

    Once Jim Crow laws were overturned, the best jobs, neighborhoods, schools and hospitals were destroyed.

    Maybe there was reason for Jim Crow laws...

  61. Field They still don't get it
    Field still making it plain
    Bottom line there is no dollar figure i have been part and member sec of the reparations committee which began in DC (chapter) and am still involved There is no dollar figure "Never has been

    Again cave men faking the funk trying to get me off of PENIS envy NOT! lol
    Penis envy is one of the reasons for keeping Afrikans enslaved


  62. Anonymous6:05 PM

    "Today, Black and Latino mortgage applicants are still 60% more likely than whites to be turned down for a loan"

    Maybe because they are more than 60% more likely to default on a loan!


    Lenders are in business to make money - they will lend to whoever can pay their mortgage.

    The government forced lenders to make more loans to blacks and Hispanics, and caused to financial crisis of 2008. (To be fair to blacks, the bulk of the defaults were to Hispanics.)

    Pay your damn bills and you will become credit worthy!

  63. Field as we both know

    In the dirty south Afrikans owned land had beautiful comm and in Tulsa the same What happened? white mans PENIS ENVY destroyed them all
    There were cities with majority Afrikans who ran businesses all over NC VA GA Ala etc which were destroyed by envious small penis cave men
    One or two not far from where i make my home today

    PENIS ENVY please make my case! THANK U

  64. Anonymous6:09 PM

    "In 1865, just after Emancipation, it is not surprising that African Americans owned only 0.5 percent of the total worth of the United States. But by 1990, a full 135 years after the abolition of slavery, Black Americans still possessed only a meager 1 percent of national wealth."

    Maybe an obsession with penises might interfere with making rational choices in life, leading to low net worth.

    Is that your theory, Penis-woman?.

  65. Making it plain Penis envy

    Google it!

    History's Lost Black Towns
    Black Americans have played a vital role in building this nation. Eager to live and prosper as free people, we have established our own towns since Colonial times. Many of these communities were destroyed by racial violence or injustice, while some just died out.

    1 of 15
    Fort Mose, Fla.: The First 'Emancipation Proclamation'
    Founded in 1738, Fort Mose, located just north of St. Augustine, is the United States' first free black settlement. Amid the fight for control of the New World, Great Britain, Spain and other European nations relied on African slave labor. The king of Spain issued an edict: Any male slave of the British colonies who escaped PENIS ENVY


    AP Documents Land Taken From Blacks Through Trickery, Violence and Murder

    google it it has nada to do with paying bills Afrikan need reparations and then maybe we will talk about paying bills PAY US! and leave our mens pkgs alone

    Henry Espy on his land in Vero Beach, Fla., before it was taken by the federal government

    For generations, black families passed down the tales in uneasy whispers: ''They stole our land.''
    These were family secrets shared after the children fell asleep, after neighbors turned down the lamps - old stories locked in fear and shame.

    Some of those whispered bits of oral history, it turns out, are true.

    In an 18-month investigation, The Associated Press documented a pattern in which black Americans were cheated out of their land or driven from it through intimidation, violence and even murder.

    In some cases, government officials approved the land takings; in others, they took part in them. The earliest occurred before the Civil War; others are being litigated today.
    Some of the land taken from black families has become a country club in Virginia, oil fields in Mississippi, a major-league baseball spring training facility in Florida.
    2 be continued

  67. Anonymous6:16 PM

    "AP Documents Land Taken From Blacks Through Trickery, Violence and Murder"

    Did they steal the titles to their penises?

    This is a fascinating penis-centric view of history.

  68. making it plain PENIS ENVY is at the root of Afrikas destruction until 2day

    The United States has a long history of bitter, often violent land disputes, from claim jumping in the gold fields to range wars in the old West to broken treaties with American Indians. Poor white landowners, too, were sometimes treated unfairly, pressured to sell out at rock-bottom prices by railroads and lumber and mining companies.
    The fate of black landowners has been an overlooked part of this story.

    in an investigation that included interviews with more than 1,000 people and the examination of tens of thousands of public records in county courthouses and state and federal archives - documented 107 land takings in 13 Southern and border states.
    In those cases alone, 406 black landowners lost more than 24,000 acres of farm and timber land plus 85 smaller properties, including stores and city lots. Today, virtually all of this property, valued at tens of millions of dollars, is owned by whites or by corporations.

    Properties taken from blacks were often small - a 40-acre farm, a general store, a modest house. But the losses were devastating to families struggling to overcome the legacy of slavery. In the agrarian South, landownership was the ladder to respect and prosperity - the means to building economic security and passing wealth on to the next generation. When black families lost their land, they lost all of this.

    Besides the 107 cases the AP documented, reporters found evidence of scores of other land takings that could not be fully verified because of gaps or inconsistencies in the public record. Thousands of additional reports of land takings from black families remain uninvestigated.

    to be continued

  69. Anonymous6:19 PM

    "Some of those whispered bits of oral history, it turns out, are true."

    But some are just old family bullshit.

  70. Make it plain PENIS ENVY

    Field: some will always be in denial esp after looking down? STOP Milagros your mean :))

    Two thousand have been collected in recent years by the Penn Center on St. Helena Island, S.C., an educational institution established for freed slaves during the Civil War. The Land Loss Prevention Project, a group of lawyers in Durham, N.C., who represent blacks in land disputes, said it receives new reports daily. And Heather Gray of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives in Atlanta said her organization has ''file cabinets full of complaints.''

    AP's findings ''are just the tip of one of the biggest crimes of this country's history,'' said Ray Winbush, director of Fisk University's Institute of Race Relations

    •After midnight on Oct. 4, 1908, 50 hooded white men surrounded the home of a black farmer in Hickman, Ky., and ordered him to come out for a whipping. When David Walker refused and shot at them instead, the mob poured coal oil on his house and set it afire, according to contemporary newspaper accounts. Pleading for mercy, Walker ran out the front door, followed by four screaming children and his wife, carrying a baby in her arms. The mob shot them all, wounding three children and killing the others. Walker's oldest son never escaped the burning house. No one was ever charged with the killings, and the surviving children were deprived of the farm their father died defending. Land records show that Walker's 2 1/2-acre farm was simply folded into the property of a white neighbor. The neighbor soon sold it to another man, whose daughter owns the undeveloped land today.

    PENIS ENVY to be continued

  71. Making it plain: Like it or not i will only interact and share exchanges with Afrikans who respect me and have large cojones
    i will not share any comments with disrespectful cavemen small cojones or house negros AND there is nothing to be done about it Checkmate moving along

    • In the 1950s and 1960s, a Chevrolet dealer in Holmes County, Miss., acquired hundreds of acres from black farmers by foreclosing on small loans for farm equipment and pickup trucks. Norman Weathersby, then the only dealer in the area, required the farmers to put up their land as security for the loans, county residents who dealt with him said. And the equipment he sold them, they said, often broke down shortly thereafter. Weathersby's friend, William E. Strider, ran the local Farmers Home Administration - the credit lifeline for many Southern farmers. Area residents, including Erma Russell, 81, said Strider, now dead, was often slow in releasing farm operating loans to blacks. When cash-poor farmers missed payments owed to Weathersby, he took their land. The AP documented eight cases in which Weathersby acquired black-owned farms this way. When he died in 1973, he left more than 700 acres of this land to his family, according to estate papers, deeds and court records.

    In 1964, the state of Alabama sued Lemon Williams and Lawrence Hudson, claiming the cousins had no right to two 40-acre farms their family had worked in Sweet Water, Ala., for nearly a century. The land, officials contended, belonged to the state. Circuit Judge Emmett F. Hildreth urged the state to drop its suit, declaring it would result in ''a severe injustice.'' But when the state refused, saying it wanted income from timber on the land, the judge ruled against the family. Today, the land lies empty; the state recently opened some of it to logging. The state's internal memos and letters on the case are peppered with references to the family's race.

    to be continued

  72. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Dear Field, first let me say that we both want the best for our peeps. Unfortunately we disagree on how things should be done. I am for us taking 'responsibility' for ourselves with no more blaming the wm. In other words, I believe there should be no more excuses for us not getting ahead. Even Obama has said so. For the first time in his Presidential career, he has been right. BTW, that is a pitiful record to hold.

    On the other hand, YOU continue with this absurd R chasing when we are moving toward a post-racial era. My brother, you are behind the times and so are some of your FN Negroes who thinks it cool to be extreme leftists. That is not cool, it is stupid. Anyway, it is time that you and some of your followers wake up to reality and leave that ancient slave mentality behind.

  73. Anonymous6:29 PM

    "''are just the tip of one of the biggest crimes of this country's history,"

    Ha, just the "tip" - I get it!

  74. Anonymous6:31 PM

    " When cash-poor farmers missed payments owed to Weathersby, he took their land. "

    That's how it works, Penis-woman. You have to pay your damn bills!

  75. Making it plain Sundown towns and PENIS envy

    google it use your small cojones and do the work

    Between 1890 and 1968, thousands of towns across the United States drove out their black populations or took steps to forbid African Americans from living in them. Thus were created “sundown towns,” so named because many marked their city limits with signs typically reading, “N___, Don't Let The Sun Go Down On You In Alix”—an Arkansas town in Franklin County that had such a sign around 1970. By 1970, when sundown towns were at their peak, more than half of all incorporated communities outside the traditional South probably excluded African Americans, including probably more than a hundred towns in the northwestern two-thirds of Arkansas. White residents of the traditional South rarely engaged in the practice; they kept African Americans down but hardly drove them out. Accordingly, no sundown town has yet been confirmed in the southeastern third of Arkansas that lies east of a line from Brightstar (Miller County) to Blytheville (Mississippi County), and only three likely suspects have emerged.

    Sundown towns in Arkansas range from hamlets like Alix to larger towns like Paragould (Greene County) and Springdale (Washington County). Entire counties went sundown, such as Boone, Clay, and Polk. Some multi-county areas also kept out African Americans.

    PENIS ENVY hate and racism How dare the caveman

  76. Anonymous6:34 PM

    At least they still had their penises.

  77. Making it plain and not blaming the victims

    After the Civil War, former slaves sought jobs, and planters sought laborers. The absence of cash or an independent credit system led to the creation of sharecropping.

    Sharecropping is a system where the landlord/planter allows a tenant to use the land in exchange for a share of the crop. This encouraged tenants to work to produce the biggest harvest that they could, and ensured they would remain tied to the land and unlikely to leave for other opportunities. In the South, after the Civil War, many black families rented land from white owners and raised cash crops such as cotton, tobacco, and rice. In many cases, the landlords or nearby merchants would lease equipment to the renters, and offer seed, fertilizer, food, and other items on credit until the harvest season. At that time, the tenant and landlord or merchant would settle up, figuring out who owed whom and how much.

    High interest rates, unpredictable harvests, and unscrupulous landlords and merchants often kept tenant farm families severely indebted, requiring the debt to be carried over until the next year or the next. Laws favoring landowners made it difficult or even illegal for sharecroppers to sell their crops to others besides their landlord, or prevented sharecroppers from moving if they were indebted to their landlord.

    Approximately two-thirds of all sharecroppers were white, and one third were black. Though both groups were at the bottom of the social ladder, sharecroppers began to organize for better working rights, and the integrated Southern Tenant Farmers Union began to gain power in the 1930s. The Great Depression, mechanization, and other factors lead sharecropping to fade away in the 1940s.

    keeping it real PENIS ENVY

  78. Anonymous6:36 PM

    "Between 1890 and 1968, thousands of towns across the United States drove out their black populations or took steps to forbid African Americans from living in them"

    Can you blame them?

  79. Anonymous6:36 PM

    MantanzasGV, do you realize that you are reporting very old news? So what's your point?

  80. Anonymous6:37 PM

    "Sharecropping is a system where the landlord/planter allows a tenant to use the land in exchange for a share of the crop"

    Then what is "peniscropping"?

  81. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Anonymous said...
    MantanzasGV, do you realize that you are reporting very old news? So what's your point?


  82. From my library

    Making it plain
    Slavery by another name

    People and esp those who cannot prove their case or whether you chose to call me names i am making it plain and there is no defense

    Now my colleague is in MSNBC with Al Sharpton Ben Crump i will return with more HA! PENIS ENVY

    ps children don't have debt duh!

  83. "White Privilege is code for Black Failure"

    Affirmative action is code for White "Failure".

  84. Anonymous6:46 PM

    "i will return with more HA! PENIS ENVY"

    I bet you will.

  85. Anonymous6:49 PM

    field negro said...
    "White Privilege is code for Black Failure"

    Affirmative action is code for White "Failure".

    Because giving preference to blacks is indicative of white's inability to succeed?

    You are a riddle wrapped in an enigma, FN.

  86. Making it plain spknmypeace!

    FEAR and PENIS envy kept slavery alive

    The Reconstruction era is always a challenge to teach. First, it was a period of tremendous political complexity and far-reaching consequences. A cursory survey of Reconstruction is never satisfying, but a fuller treatment of Reconstruction can be like quick sand—easy to get into but impossible to get out of. Second, to the extent that students may have any preconceptions about Reconstruction, The Big Questions of Reconstruction

    Who was an American?
    What rights should all Americans enjoy?
    What rights would only some Americans possess?
    On what terms would the nation be reunited?
    What was the status of the former Confederate states?
    How would citizenship be defined?
    Were the former slaves American citizens?
    When and how would former Confederates regain their citizenship?
    What form of labor would replace slavery?
    they are often an obstacle to a deeper understanding of the period. Given these challenges, I have gradually settled on an approach to the period that avoids much of the complex chronology of the era and instead focuses on the “big questions” of Reconstruction.
    However important a command of the chronology of Reconstruction may be, it is equally important that students understand that Reconstruction was a period when American waged a sustained debate over who was an American, what rights should all Americans enjoy, and what rights would only some Americans possess. In short, Americans engaged in a strenuous debate about the nature of freedom and equality.

    With the surrender of Confederate armies and the capture of Jefferson Davis in the spring of 1865, pressing questions demanded immediate answers. On what terms would the nation be reunited? What was the status of the former Confederate states? How would citizenship be defined in the postwar nation? Were the former slaves American citizens now? When and how would former Confederates regain their American citizenship? What form of labor would replace slavery?

    PENIS ENVY is as old as methuselah And i will continue to teach and share
    People GET OVER IT! stop looking at your fingers

  87. Anonymous7:04 PM

    "What form of labor would replace slavery?"

    Penis power.

  88. Making it plain GIVE ME MY $$$ Then we can talk!

    This info is never OLD its always KEY to being free! sharing my story and his myth from Kongo to kuba

    With the southern economy in disarray after the abolition of slavery and the devastation of the Civil War, conflict arose between many white landowners attempting to reestablish a labor force and freed blacks seeking economic independence and autonomy. Many former slaves expected the federal government to give them a certain amount of land as compensation for all the work they had done during the slavery era. Union General William T. Sherman had encouraged this expectation in early 1865 by granting a number of freed men 40 acres each of the abandoned land left in the wake of his army. During Reconstruction, however, the conflict over labor resulted in the sharecropping system, in which black families would rent small plots of land in return for a portion of their crop, to be given to the landowner at the end of each year.

    PS OKIE being hit! TORNADO

  89. Making it plain GIVE ME MY $$$ Then we can talk!

    This info is never OLD its always KEY to being free! sharing my story and his myth from Kongo to kuba

    With the southern economy in disarray after the abolition of slavery and the devastation of the Civil War, conflict arose between many white landowners attempting to reestablish a labor force and freed blacks seeking economic independence and autonomy. Many former slaves expected the federal government to give them a certain amount of land as compensation for all the work they had done during the slavery era. Union General William T. Sherman had encouraged this expectation in early 1865 by granting a number of freed men 40 acres each of the abandoned land left in the wake of his army. During Reconstruction, however, the conflict over labor resulted in the sharecropping system, in which black families would rent small plots of land in return for a portion of their crop, to be given to the landowner at the end of each year. PENIS ENVY

    PS OKIE being hit! TORNADO

  90. Making it plain keeping it real PENIS ENVY

    Who really owes who? Ask Randall Robinson

    The Union victory in the Civil War may have given some 4 million slaves their freedom, but African Americans faced a new onslaught of obstacles and injustices during the Reconstruction era (1865-1877). By late 1865, when the 13th Amendment officially outlawed the institution of slavery, the question of freed blacks' status in the postwar South was still very much unresolved. Under the lenient Reconstruction policies of President Andrew Johnson, white southerners reestablished civil authority in the former Confederate states in 1865 and 1866. They enacted a series of restrictive laws known as "black codes," which were designed to restrict freed blacks' activity and ensure their availability as a labor force now that slavery had been abolished. For instance, many states required blacks to sign yearly labor contracts; if they refused, they risked being arrested as vagrants and fined or forced into unpaid labor. Northern outrage over the black codes helped undermine support for Johnson's policies, and by late 1866 control over Reconstruction had shifted to the more radical wing of the Republican Party in Congress.

    Black codes and penis envy

  91. Making it plain murdered for wanting to be free

    The Fort Pillow Massacre in Tennessee on April 12, 1864, in which more than 300 African-American soldiers were killed, was one of the most controversial events of the American Civil War (1861-65). Though most of the Union garrison surrendered, and thus should have been taken as prisoners of war, the soldiers were killed. The Confederate refusal to treat these troops as traditional prisoners of war infuriated the North, and led to the Union's refusal to participate in prisoner exchanges.

    pay back is a beeeitch
    Oklahoma city can share this well Any PICS missin yet!? smh!

  92. Anonymous7:13 PM

    MantanzasGV, you are a filthy bm who is a sinner. You will regret this day when you go to meet your maker.

  93. Making it plain murdered for wanting to be free

    The Fort Pillow Massacre in Tennessee on April 12, 1864, in which more than 300 African-American soldiers were killed, was one of the most controversial events of the American Civil War (1861-65). Though most of the Union garrison surrendered, and thus should have been taken as prisoners of war, the soldiers were killed. The Confederate refusal to treat these troops as traditional prisoners of war infuriated the North, and led to the Union's refusal to participate in prisoner exchanges.

    pay back is a beeeitch
    Oklahoma city can share this well Any PICS missin yet!? smh!

  94. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Field, I read your blog daily and really enjoy it. I am white, working class, and live in Oklahoma. I don't think I'm racist, I got black friends, I hang out at their houses and they at mine. And I know people who are racist always come off with " Some of my best friends are black". I don't agree with you all the time,but I respect your views. I don't troll your site, I occasionally leave a comment, and always try to be respectful to you and your readers. I just have to say that mantanzas person seems very hate filled, and perhaps a little unbalanced. But despite her saying how much you respect her I notice you never say how much you agree with her.personally I think she's hijacking your blog. So respectfully do any of you African American readers really believe that all racism stems from penis envy? With her taunts of penis envy and calling white people cave men, she seems pretty racist to me. Just curious as to the black perspective. " Country Boy"

  95. Making it plain

    This will be the last offering tonight Conscious Afrikans take this info and share it with your children et/al It is never old only needed Info is power

    Its not about the talented tenth as much as it is about the FIELD NEGRO! Even tho we are BOTH!

    OUCH )) Field don't hit me no mo! OUCH!!!

    Why euro, the pale stale caucasoids and cave men still benefit from my peoples slavery

    The legacy of slavery has benefited every white person in this country–directly and personally. In a very gross analogy, if you run a series of foot races over 300 years but prevent 13 percent of the participants from learning how to run for 180 years and then give them concrete sneakers for another 80 years–but allow them full access for 40 years, it will take the 13 percent quite a few races to be competitive because the other 87 percent advanced their skills by practice and repetition.

    Life is not a foot race, but it is a fact that the average white person would not economically benefit from switching places with an average black person (black households average one-tenth the household wealth of white households). If you believe all people are created equal, there has to be a reason for this–and there is: racism.

    The first slaves were brought to this country in the 1600s. After slavery ended in 1865 (the Emancipation Proclamation did not free slaves in the North) and until the 1960s, African Americans lived under laws that overtly discriminated against them. In 1960, most African Americans could not vote and had practically no access to higher education. Although the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts (1964 and 1965, respectively) addressed the legal issues, and legislation like the CRA opened banking to red-lined areas, programs to eliminate disparities have proved to not be adequate.

    google it do the work i will not put an url here sue me


  96. Still benefitting from slavery?

    Thank you Field

    YES! Making it plain

    There were.are companies that were founded on the backs of slaves they won,t admit it because it would hurt their business,that sounds like they are still benefiting from slavery

    It is important that we begin to explore the complicity of corporate America in slavery in the same sense it is important to discover the role of corporations in Nazi slave labor schemes. Current lawsuits under way on behalf of imprisoned Jews and their families have highlighted the often sinister role played by such prominent companies as Krupp, Siemens, Bayer, Volkswagen, and even American companies like Ford. We should not be so selective in our indignation as to only feel outraged when foreign companies commit atrocities. We need to see to what extent the current American economy has been built upon an infrastructure of slave labor. We need to come to terms with the role the business community has historically played in profiting off others’ misery and loss of liberty.

    Next i will get into the medical and legal field and how it benefits Trust me this is equal opp! smh! i will leave no stone unturned

    penis envy hatas!

  97. field negro said...
    "White Privilege is code for Black Failure"

    Affirmative action is code for White "Failure".
    ------------------------------------------Milagros said


    Gracias good eve looking at the tornado Wonder who is looking for PICS? smh

  98. Affirmative action is also a code for CONTROL THE PENIS

    i will explain later

  99. Anonymous7:34 PM

    "Life is not a foot race, but it is a fact that the average white person would not economically benefit from switching places with an average black person (black households average one-tenth the household wealth of white households)."

    If you made that switch, and ended all racial set-asides and preferences, within two generations it would flip back exactly to the way it is today.

    No one is preventing black people from accumulating wealth except black people.

    Let go of that penis and pick up a book.

  100. Frustrated Negro7:42 PM

    You dare bring up Reparations???

    O-Bomber would NEVER bring up reparations...

    So what is with all the fantasizing about it now...

    I know you want correlate Penis Envy to the way blacks are treated...


    Now after you've proved your point in a convoluted semi rational 90 page diatribe...

    This does What for us now that O-bomber is in the House??

    This is a somewhat old point that any conscious black man or woman has realized since becoming conscious or shortly there after...


    I could've proved this point in one small sentence maybe two..


    "The evidence of Penis Envy within the white male race can be seen within the documented cases of castration before or after hanging during slavery,and continued well after 1865. "

    So...Go ahead talk about Penis until your fingers fall off ..I could care less...

    It just doesnt give O-Bomber the EXCUSE to take in Bush Holdovers.. Roll over for Republicans at every turn, and coddle , and placate Wall St to no end..

    Penis Envy or not... Its an excuse, and a horrible one to boot.

    Debate me on the issues or politricks...

    I dont have the time for the High School Foolishness that your displaying here.

    If you dont come with some meaningful discussion about the current issues.

    I will not respond to you after this.

  101. Look, Bollings a bit of a caveman, no doubt. But the rest of the crew on "The Five" do not agree with everything he says.

  102. Oklahoma guy9:44 PM

    MatanzasGV said...
    looking at the tornado Wonder who is looking for PICS? smh
    sentimental people maybe?

  103. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Matanazi made fun of the kids who were killed in the last tornado.

    She is hoping for pics of more dead white children.

    She is an insanely vile human being, but you probably knew that.

  104. frustrated negro

    son you challenged me and i refused to back down NOW what is your excuse? I suspect that you are an Afeikan and to this end oi TRY hard not to disrespect my bredren..However, if your not get over it
    Don' t give me that BULL about foolishness you should have kept your mouth shut if you did not want to deal with me
    Why mess with me now, i was not addressing you unless you have a little, penis which you claimed you did not?

    i will not debate you about anything other than what you SAID! its my way or the hwy you stepped in this
    i will use your own words below

    YOUR WORDS my thoughts:

    I dont have the time for the high school foolishness that your displaying here. nor denial!

    More than that son you are not on my level trust me.. I do not back off regardless ! i do not give in or UP! peoples lives depend on it
    And this blog is a release from tons of bull from amerikkkn game players like you
    You sit here thinking that blogging will save your ashes NOT! get up off your culo and be the change you want to see! This is merely a release genre for all of us so don't pretend that you are changing anything@ in this amerikkka you love and honor

    last flip flop all you want you know the deal. WHY should i not discuss PENIS envy? denial will get you nowhere


  105. Field:

    We were sipping a few Cuba libre and dancing RUMBA i am back online my king is looking at me like WTF hehe
    Field They still don't get it
    I piss off everyone and ignore most small cojones

    Buenas dias 5:30 am going to bed with big bone! NIGHTY!!!! )))))

    ps morning There will be no oatmeal

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I'm getting really tired of blaming single parent households on the destruction of the family unit. EVEN if that's the case, it isn't a woman's fault that she's a single mother. It takes two to make a child..maybe conservative should support an initiative for men to stick with their families and make it work...
