Friday, May 31, 2013

Bullseye on their backs, and a bold move from Cheerios.

Just a brief follow up on my post from last night. I will not write too much about it because of professional reasons. But the beat (literally speaking) still goes on for you young black men in America.

"A PROFESSIONAL photographer with a lengthy rap sheet died last week in a Philadelphia jail cell, and some people close to him are raising questions about the official account of his death.

The man, Zakee Vaughn, 29, of Willow Grove, Montgomery County, was shot May 12 by a Philadelphia Police officer on Oxford Avenue near Summerdale, in Northeast Philly's Summerdale section.

It was Mother's Day and Vaughn was with the mother of one of his two children. Lt. John Stanford, a police spokesman, said he was shot because he had tried to grab the gun from an officer's holster after cops, responding to the report of a domestic dispute, chased him on foot.

After eight days at Albert Einstein Medical Center, Vaughn was moved to the Detention Center on State Road, where authorities say he committed suicide by asphyxiation the first night....

Vaughn was a photography student at the Community College of Philadelphia and worked for a photo studio in Port Richmond. He had six arrests dating to 2003.

On the morning of May 21, having been released from Einstein the night before, Vaughn was found dead in his cell by workers in the Prison Health Services Wing at the Detention Center, a drawstring plastic bag wrapped around his head, according to Shawn Hawes, a prison spokeswoman. The Medical Examiner's Office ruled the death a suicide.

Hawes would not say how Vaughn had obtained the bag. She said the investigation into his death had ended.

Vaughn's mother, Carol Vaughn, said that prison officials had told her nothing and that she was unable to inquire further. She said she was looking for a lawyer.

In 2011, Vaughn was convicted on three counts of driving under the influence and was sentenced to 90 to 180 days in prison, but was put on immediate parole with credit for time served. He had been arrested three other times between 2008 and 2010 on charges ranging from assault to drug offenses and a DUI.

Still, friends say, Vaughn had changed.

"He was definitely a different person," said Shadeed Bradley, 29, a friend of Vaughn's since middle school, who disputed the official account of his death. "He was doing big things for himself."

Vaughn's employer, Calvin Childs of Aperture Studios in Port Richmond, said that he knew about Vaughn's criminal record when he hired him as an assistant in early March, but that he found him to be an honest, hard worker to whom he often entrusted the keys to his shop holding thousands of dollars worth of photographic equipment." [Story]

Remember young black men, you can catch a beat down from the po po for just a stare. (h/t Tia)

BTW, you white folks are not immune from cops behaving badly, so before you go thinking that it's just those Negroes; think again.

I never thought that I would think of a breakfast cereal maker as being courageous. But here I am pouring high praise on the makers of Cheerios for their commercial featuring an interracial family with a...gasp, black man as the head of the household.

Madison Avenue always gives me the one black friend, the one who is always smiling with the group. I have even seen Gay couples and other interracial couples  before, but I have never seen the black and white couple with the male being black.

Still, this is America, and given the nature of some of our fellow countrymen we know that the "post-racial" buzz was just an illusion.   

The reality is quite different, and Cheerios had to disable the comments under the You Tube video because of all the vile racist comments that were being left.

And, speaking of comments, I found the following one under the New York Daily News article on the subject quite interesting.

"I just posted a  comment on another story of a white woman having various sex acts with a dog and recording these acts on her phone. I was lamenting the fact that it was the fourth story within the last nine or so months where animals were so savagely assaulted and the responses to such atrocities by the public were largely tepid.

I turned to this story about the cheerios ad which features a fictional mixed race family and all hell has broken loose. well,well, well... Those of you who like to claim that racism is over or non-existent, here is your empirical answer. The racist savages in this country are so sick and twisted that they believe that it is okay if a white person rapes a dog. But showing a fictional interracial family with a black man as the head -- it's heresy. That is why any time a black person alleges an act of racism against them I almost always believe. Because racism , even though it is dying, is still very much alive and still is a potent force in this country. There is an unnatural fear of the Black man. Whatever stereotypes that the racists have in their minds about black masculinity, it stimulates this dread that the black man and the white would get together and that would leave the white man out. This is not likely to happen; but fear is not a rational thing. In societies where races freely mix only a certain percentage of each race would mix. Most races and cultures would stay within.

The problem with racism is that the leaders of this country from the very outset embarked on demonizing and dehumanizing the black man. Not only was he enslaved, but the white power structure, spent many millions of dollars and hundreds of years to create a false and negative image of the Black man. The power structure also expended resources to make sure that blacks were poor and powerless and thus without the wherewithal to pull themselves up from the valley of oppression. Whites upon seeing the condition of blacks and hearing from the white power structure that they were superior to blacks , believed it. Because humans love praise. People enjoy hearing that they are better than others. That is why, even today, if a racist hears any spectacular story of black success they would either try to deny it or downplay it. It is not easy hearing all your life that you are something special then wake up one day to the reality that you are not. You would fight violently against that. For example if someone were to come up with proof that God does not exist, most believers would fight violently against that truth. They may even try to kill the messenger. Long held beliefs, whether right or wrong, are not easily discarded. They have been unquestioningly held for too long.

So what we are seeing is the racist violently spinning out of control because he is beholding a new world which he does not understand. He does not understand it because he believes he is losing control of it. He longs for the time when he could just go out there and kill a non-white person with impunity. He misses the days when he could rape a non-white woman and nobody would care. The racist long for the days when nobody would take the word of a non-white person over his -- no matter his reputation. He had absolute power then. But they say absolute power corrupts absolutely. The white racist is absolutely corrupt. And he is fighting to keep it that way."

I think I will have Cheerios for breakfast tomorrow.




  1. This New York Daily News article is crazy. I'm white and I've never met this raving white racist lunatic they describe. I believe most white people voted for a black president in two elections. There's your actual evidence.

    "So what we are seeing is the racist violently spinning out of control..." LOL! Where exactly?

    The left, like yourself, and Obama and his administration, are so full of bigotry, racism and hate that they we on the right are considered monsters. And in fighting these fanciful monsters you have no qualms against using any tactics whatsoever. There is nothing the left won't stoop to.
    Now, if I was fighting a monster it would be "no holds barred also", but that's just it I didn't think you were a monster.

  2. Anonymous7:08 PM

    "Still, this is America, and given the nature of some of our fellow countrymen we know that the "post-racial" buzz was just an illusion.

    The reality is quite different, and Cheerios had to disable the comments under the You Tube video because of all the vile racist comments that were being left."

    Isn't it interesting that proof of racists spinning out of control is DENIED by Whites like 1%? It reminds me of the Rodney King beating by policemen. Blacks had been complaining for decades about police abuse but Whites never believed it. So when it was caught on tape, Whites STILL refused to believe it. Now, that's what racism is and how it is maintained by the perpetrators of the white race, supported by Whites like 1%.

    Racists in America are very much a fabric of American society and always will be. It is a persistent 'evil' driven by Whites like 1% who want it to be that way. Nevertheless, bm need to accept that it IS that way, but not let that keep them down in business, relationships or marriages.

  3. Good one, Field. Pick up the torch for a loser with a "lengthy rap sheet", two bastard children, no real job ("photography student"), who got shot trying to grab a cop's gun, then killed himself with a plastic bag.

    Yep, what a tragedy. Somebody gonna pay.

  4. I. B. Real7:13 PM

    "Remember young black men, you can catch a beat down from the po po for just a stare."

    Or grabbing at a policeman's gun.

    Just sayin'

  5. "There is an unnatural fear of the Black man"

    What is unnatural about fearing a population that is, on average, 75 times more likely to commit a violent crime?

    That is rational.

  6. Realist7:23 PM

    "is why, even today, if a racist hears any spectacular story of black success they would either try to deny it or downplay it."

    A racist would.

    A realist would also deny it or downplay it because of affirmative action.

    AA cast doubts even on real achievements by blacks, because you can never know if they earned it on their own or not.

    In this case, there is no difference between racism and realism.

    Stop taking AA, and then you'll know that only racists deny or downplay black achievement.

  7. George Orwell7:26 PM

    "He longs for the time when he could just go out there and kill a non-white person with impunity."

    When exactly was that?

    This kind of nonsense view of history causes so much anguish.

  8. 1%'r, I notice that as a wingnut you assume that you are being painted as the racist. You are being very defensive. Interesting.

    Anyway, it looks like the folks who were commenting under that Cheerios video are coming here.

    Man these redneck trolls sure get around. :)

  9. "He longs for the time when he could just go out there and kill a non-white person with impunity."

    "When exactly was that?"

    Learn your history.

  10. McDoublestuff7:38 PM

    We need an Oreo commercial featuring an interracial family with a white man as the head of the household.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      There have been commercials and movies with white men as the heads of interracial households. Predictably, there wasn't any uproar. The point stands.

  11. "Learn your history."

    There was never a time in this country where one could kill non-whites without facing prosecution. White men were hung for killing slaves.

  12. Nehemiah, do u have a link to back up your claim?

    Take all the time you need.

    I will wait..........

  13. This actually a good post Field...

    Im somewhat surprised your reporting on the cheerio incident. It just goes to show that America still has a ton of racial hatred..

    Its insane a cheerios commercial with a bi-racial family would attract that many negative comments.

    Good Job Field...It looks like you left STEPHEN over there on the islands...

  14. field negro said...
    Nehemiah, do u have a link to back up your claim?

    Take all the time you need.

    I will wait..........

    From, A South-Side View of Slavery, 1854:

    "It is sometimes asserted that the killing a negro is considered a comparatively light offense at the south. In Georgia it is much safer to kill a white man than a negro; and if either is done in South Carolina, the law is exceedingly apt to be put in force. In Georgia I have witnessed a strong purpose among lawyers to prevent the murderer of a negro from escaping justice.

    A slave had recently set fire to a cotton house, after the crop was in, and the loss was great. He was arraigned, and plead guilty. The judge asked who was his master. He pointed to him. The judge inquired if he had provided counsel for him. The master honestly replied that as the slave was to plead guilty, and there was no question in any mind of his guilt, he had not thought it necessary.

    The judge told the clerk not to enter the negro’s plea, and informed the master, that unless he preferred to provide counsel, he would do it, as the law allowed him to do, at the master’s expense. The master brought forward two young lawyers. The judge said, with due respect to the young gentlemen, that the master knew how grave was the offense, and that experienced men ought to manage the case. He appointed two of the ablest men at the bar to defend the negro.

    But the evidence, as all knew it would be, was overwhelming, and the jury convicted the prisoner. Whereupon one of the counsel rose, and reminded the judge at what disadvantage the defense had been conducted, and moved for a new trial. It was granted. The case was pending at my last information."


    Not long since, two men were convicted of worrying a negro with dogs, and killing him. They were confined in Charleston jail. The people of their own district meditated a rescue; but the governor, without changing the ordinary course of proceeding in such cases, conveyed them, under military guard, to the district where the murder was committed, and they were executed in sight of their neighbors.

  16. Now I am convinced trolls are idiots.

    You link a book by some nut case who wrote that he thought slaves were treated well when he visited the South for a couple of months?

    I see you even took his name for your handle. Ok that explains a lot.

  17. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Field, I am not surprised by racist comments about that Cheerios Commercial. In fact, I really don't believe ANYONE in America is surprised, esp Cheerios. They had to know that there would be a racial backlash.

    Blacks are not considered acceptable when it comes to marrying Whites. If they do, there is going to be some shit whether they live in a wealthy community or middle-class community and most definitely in a poor community like a trailor park.

    I really don't understand why people are so surprised about the reaction to this commercial. I mean, Cheerios was asking for it. I hope the commercial didn't cost a lot of money because they are going to have to pull this one off of the air..

  18. So were back on this old chestnut, that the White man is afraid the Black man will take all his women because of his larger cock or something. It's a myth guys, not the cock, the fear. There's a lot more to sex than upper body musculature and penis size.

  19. "Whites upon seeing the condition of blacks and hearing from the white power structure that they were superior to blacks , believed it."
    Since you opened this line of discussion, What exactly are Blacks doing better at than Whites?
    Out of wedlock children?
    High School graduation?
    College graduation?
    Percentage committing crime?
    Percentage incarcerated?
    Proportion of scientists or engineers?
    Dunking a basketball?
    Ok, White man can't jump.

    Hey, you went there, field, not me. Don't cry now.

  20. "Stop taking AA, and then you'll know that only racists deny or downplay black achievement."

    Funny how when white males are the recipients of AA their achievements are never questioned. Oh well, when you're white you're right.

  21. "He longs for the time when he could just go out there and kill a non-white person with impunity."

    When exactly was that?

    Whan was that??? So they really don't teach history in teabaggistan. I thought that was an exaggeration.

  22. "What exactly are Blacks doing better at than Whites?"

    Do you mean as a whole or in specific circumstances? I know the blah folks on this blog do MUCH better than you in every way. Your Walmart paycheck doesn't stretch as far as a blah professional's. That's the problem with racists, they think their white skin immediately and eternally gives them superior status but then again they wouldn't eb racists if they didn't believe such nonsense.

    "Now I am convinced trolls are idiots.

    You link a book by some nut case who wrote that he thought slaves were treated well when he visited the South for a couple of months?"

    Now Field, you know everything you read on the internet is true. You also see why teabaggers want to rewrite history.

  23. parvenu9:29 PM

    Field, I just went down to the kitchen, pulled out my family size box of Cheerios and hugged it....

  24. Realist9:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Funny how when white males are the recipients of AA their achievements are never questioned"

    Never questioned because it never happens.

    White males are the only group that does not get AA.

  25. Mae West9:41 PM

    Anonymous 1%'r said...
    There's a lot more to sex than upper body musculature and penis size.

    8:41 PM
    REALLY? Does it for me every time! Specially the latter. Don't need much of anything else

  26. Reuben the Cuban9:43 PM

    Mae West said...
    REALLY? Does it for me every time! Specially the latter. Don't need much of anything else

    You should get yourself a donkey then, you'd really be happy.

  27. McDoublestuff9:43 PM

    parvenu said...
    Field, I just went down to the kitchen, pulled out my family size box of Cheerios and hugged it....

    I just pulled out my interracial family-sized package of Oreos and fucked it.

  28. Grasshopper9:49 PM

    PilotX said...
    "He longs for the time when he could just go out there and kill a non-white person with impunity."

    When exactly was that?

    Whan was that??? So they really don't teach history in teabaggistan. I thought that was an exaggeration.

    The answer, my fact challenged friend, is never.

    It was never in any way acceptable to murder anyone of any race in America.

    You cannot cite any legal code that says differently.

    You are a bullshitter.

  29. field negro said...
    You link a book by some nut case who wrote that he thought slaves were treated well when he visited the South for a couple of months?

    That's a couple of months more experience than anyone alive today.

    I prefer original source material and first person accounts when trying to get a handle on the past. So much of the scholarship of the past 50 years has been deeply flawed and has exaggerated the evils of slavery for political reasons.

    Now if you raise objections to these depictions, you are put in the indelicate position, especially for a white man, of defending slavery, which of course is not in any way morally defensible.

    However it is clear to me that the reality was closer to what was depicted in "Gone with the Wind" and "Huckleberry Finn" than what was portrayed in "Roots" or "Django Unchained".

    If one does not have real sense of the past, one is setting the stage for a troubled future.

  30. control+halt+delete9:59 PM

    1%her asked..."What exactly are Blacks doing better at than Whites?"

    That's easy. Fighting racism.

    Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that Pale Males cause Cancer, Hypertension, Diabetes and Distortions of the Truth.

    1. Bubblegum10:22 PM

      Whites ended slavery. Try again?

  31. escape10:03 PM

    control+halt+delete said...
    1%her asked..."What exactly are Blacks doing better at than Whites?"

    That's easy. Fighting racism.

    Why would blacks fight their meal ticket?

    They need racism. Without it, they would have to become accountable for their actions and choices.

  32. control+halt+delete10:18 PM

    escApe said "They need racism."

    I see you've got your red nose and long shoes on to go with your white face. Is it more than a coincidence that racists have a penchant for telling us what "we" need? If blanks spent as much time trying to correct the wrongs of this racist society as they do stroking their "egos" then america...just forget it. Bland people refuse to accept the truth. 1% her that's another thing Blacks are better at than you.

  33. control+halt+delete10:30 PM

    "Whites ended slavery"

    Here we go again...I suppose they did it all by themselves out of the goodness of their (holding my laugh back) hearts?

  34. NSangoma10:35 PM


    Nehemiah Adams said...

    "Learn your history."

    There was never a time in this country where one could kill non-whites without facing prosecution. White men were hung for killing slaves.

    7:43 PM

    Those whidte men were hung for destroying property.
    The could lynch Black freemen with impunity.


  35. control+halt+delete said...
    "Whites ended slavery"

    Here we go again...I suppose they did it all by themselves out of the goodness of their (holding my laugh back) hearts?

    Why yes they did.

    How else did slavery end except by the hand of the white man?

  36. NTacoma11:20 PM

    NSangoma said...
    Those whidte men were hung for destroying property. The could lynch Black freemen with impunity.

    Not true.

    The penalty for destroying property was restitution.

  37. escape11:26 PM

    control+halt+delete said...
    Is it more than a coincidence that racists have a penchant for telling us what "we" need?

    If you are going to tell me you need my money, I have a right to an opinion on the matter.

    It would be better for you in the long run if you stopped blaming racism for your troubles. Because in 2013 Affirmative Action America, that is a ridiculous excuse.

  38. Anonymous2:15 AM


    And i will join you for bkfst but not cherrios OATMEAL lol

    Now professionalism does not apply to me, i can say what i want and will within via 3850:)))))) rules

    Trust me Field, you and you alone are the only reason person i owe respect here..or anywhere else outside of my castle
    i know what you mean though my brother, i am clear and read between lines Gracias

    My king is like you he has a reason to be PROFESSIONAL and never shares here or anywhere. Not eye so i will continue making it plain.

    Back to PENIS ENVY oh hush you love to read this! FAKERS

    Penis envy and making it plain
    Now there may be a few here who will blame the victim and agree that the first slaveowner in amerikkka, slave owning Arab et/al committed those acts against another man because of rape etc but those of us who know the 411 know the real reasons PENIS ENVY THEY LOOKED at those large packages and said DAYUM!!! my woman might like that OH WELL cut that mutha off

    Why does one think that the first thing the dirty low life caveman did after capture was touch the Afrikan mans penis, look in his a hole and play with his scrotum?

    The same applies to the Afrikan woman the game was to suck her breasts finger her vagina and anus and then lick his fingers smh

    Now moving right along No wonder stupid Angelina whacked her breasts off

    Castration is the removal of testicles. This process was one of a myriad of brutal ways in which whites inflicted violence upon blacks from slavery to the early twentieth century. Unlike other forms of racial violence such as burning, rioting, and beatings, castration was a distinctly male phenomenon in which white men were the attackers and black men were the victims. In fact, more black men than any other racial group were castrated as a form of punishment for numerous reasons of which alleged crimes against white women were the most common.

    In America, castration was first inflicted upon black men during slavery times. The first known African slaves in America arrived at Jamestown in 1619. During the Colonial period, castration was made into law to punish slaves accused of crimes such as running away, stealing, striking a white person, and rape. This law also applied to free blacks. White men, even if accused of raping a white woman, were rarely castrated.

    Castration was also used as a form of punishment in the antebellum South, although severe whippings were more common. Capital punishment was extremely rare and was generally reserved for slaves who participated in uprisings. White slave owners often showed reluctance in castrating black slaves, because they depended upon black men to produce offspring. In fact, black male slaves were prized for this ability and were even referred to as studs, stallions, and bucks. Surprisingly, blacks were also rarely punished when accused of rape by white women as such women were often from the poorer classes. Such accusations were sometimes legit­imate and sometimes made up to punish a black man who spurned a woman's advances or to cover up an illicit relationship with, or an actual rape committed by, a white man.
    2 b continued

  39. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Making it plain

    "Whack of the manhood its too big and thus begins PENIS ENVY"

    Affluent whites, who dominated the social, economic, and political life in the South, looked down on any group in any class lower than their own and considered poor white women pro­miscuous and immoral. Nonetheless, there were incidences where castra­tion was performed on black slaves in the South who exhibited aggressive tendencies. In this way, slaves were treated in the same manner as their slave owner's animals.

    White violence against blacks intensified in the wake of the Civil War. White vigilante organizations, which had previously targeted whites, roamed about the South randomly attacking blacks and castrating some. fre­quently, whites created rumors about black attacks to justify their cruelty. They also targeted any person who advocated black empowerment, suf­frage, equality, and civil rights. Anti-black violence subsided briefly during Reconstruction, only to be resuscitated by racist whites looking to regain their social, economic, and political power in the South
    My thoughts>
    (And figure out how to get a bigger package pre viagra and cialis)


    ps all of you men? with a large penis have no reason to defend himself OR do u? just sayin

    Oh google it i am not leaving any urls DIG!

  40. I am quite sure this commenter with the questions may be aware of America's history or he is on a mission to hi-jack this thread. How can we begin to compare one against another when one participant was totally occluded from the playing field. Even today this occlusion exist by destroying a race's base of strength---be it family or his ability to see himself as worthy. As usual I again base my comments as a living witness in this game of racial dominance. The Black man must excise his awe of whiteness. I say we are uniquely able to have a duel mindset in America and master both. After all, one is critical for your/our survival. Something to think about- The Black man has never homicide intra-racially prior to full integration here in America. The last two generations of Blacks here in America had one thing in common and that is a need to be dysfunctional. Pretty soon I too might look at the Black race thru the lens of that character on this blog that I hope he is only trying to "pull our chains". Not-not. Be strong Black-men....but more importantly, be smart. Damn, America is not hard to flow through, that why it is so tiring to continue to hear about these situations whereby a policemen shoot another Black..Did not his father or some Black man told him/them that the policeman's PRIMARY JOB IS TO GO HOME ALIVE EACH AND EVERY DAY? StillaPanther

  41. Making it plain keeping it in ya face

    Afrikan Queens and cave men with small heads

    When the Afrikan man was being castrated for ALLEGEDLY raping white women who begged for a larger pkg, her husband was spending nights in the quarter roaming like eche seeking to rape and abuse the Afrikans women and her children

    Sit down and read
    Roll, Jordan, Roll written by an Italian man named Eugene Genovese, who was a Brooklyn-born Marxist historian. He is a man who argues that it was not as bad as black people think: How would he know? smh

    When you think of white men and black women back in slave days in America the thing that springs to mind is the rape of black slave women by white slavemasters. It is an image so striking and terrible that it is hard to get it out of your mind. In fact, the Mammy stereotype was pushed by the South to counteract it.

    google it if your not afraid

    Your pres TJefferson was a rapist pedophile and a child abuser whose slave Sally Hemings family (Descendants) is known by myself and others in DC and Ohio
    And from their lips i heard her story.We know what TJ did and how he lived regardless of what the caveman historians allege. There was no love affair Jefferson like all slave owners was a RAPIST pedophile and he gets no glory Would your mothers sisters or dawtas rapist get high fives? smh

    Looking for my debate PENIS ENVY HOLLA!! ya right i didn't think so

  42. Field shared

    On the morning of May 21, having been released from Einstein the night before, Vaughn was found dead in his cell by workers in the Prison Health Services Wing at the Detention Center, a drawstring plastic bag wrapped around his head, according to Shawn Hawes, a prison spokeswoman. The Medical Examiner's Office ruled the death a suicide.
    Milagros said:
    Field let me hold my breathe NOT!

    This incident is not shocking its just another case of PURE penis envy
    Here is an Afrikan demonized for being handsome, having a bomb body and maybe a pink woman. This is irregardless of what the popo and the media say.
    Moreover, his possible murder is the result of fear, envy and hate

    Field, my husband and i walk our talk and do things for our community
    We know that spitting on a sidewalk or jaywalking has the potential for death when it involves the popo an Afrikan youth or man
    Field my king and i share manhood training with community activists in Tbay, and we do this because of the high rates of police brutality, as well as bad behavior by some youth.
    We know that providing our comm with knowledge and a way out is the only way..We are also employers and we do not employ thugs or droopy pants

    IMO, if what i suspect is true, the only excuse for his death is his past, which is assumed that because of he is a nobody, and that perhaps no one will care.
    After all the idea is, he is just a thug.
    i will never believe he killed himself this is funky and king agrees after reading it online.

    Field, this is like killing a white woman and telling the po po a black man did it..
    Its also almost like a clique thing where no police or guard is willing to go against the tide and bring out their own humanity.
    There are no Serpicos, but plenty of outlaws called Josie Wales here. Today its more like go along to get along, stay alive but hang em high (thanks Clint)

    After all how many Afrikan police have been murdered by their coworkers in blue? Or like the story u shared previous
    St. Louis Police Shoot Black Honor Student 25 Times

    Bottom line, In the age of Pres Obama, life is scary, however, i am stillstanding trying to be the change i want to see


  44. Field said:

    "He longs for the time when he could just go out there and kill a non-white person with impunity."

    "When exactly was that?"
    Matanzas said
    Learn your history? i say learn your story and his myth
    Field, my brother, colleague and son they still don't get it and i suggest that our story is never too old to be shared. In fact its a must if not US then who?
    I acknowledge Afrikans that
    i neglected to realize that there were Afrikans here who deserve to know, and in my discourse i chose to not put an url here for the many many issues i have brought up . And to my people i apologize
    On nthe other side
    Lets be clear. i do not give a dayum about what white people know, think they know or want to know.. We must know it like the Afrikans we are..This is our story not his story smh

    just sayin


  45. There was never a time in this country where one could kill non-whites without facing prosecution. White men were hung for killing slaves.

    The only time that myth happened was when they were caught raping a slave owners slave cave men put anything on paper PROVE IT

    and wiki is unacceptable proof

  46. Stillapanther said

    Not-not. Be strong Black-men....but more importantly, be smart. Damn, America is not hard to flow through, that why it is so tiring to continue to hear about these situations whereby a policemen shoot another Black..Did not his father or some Black man told him/them that the policeman's PRIMARY JOB IS TO GO HOME ALIVE EACH AND EVERY DAY? StillaPanther

    Panther thanks i recieved your Email
    Good post clear concise and stillinstruggle ''Gracias from the home of Assata

  47. The vanguard of the modern day CR movement

    Enter the panther

  48. 100 yrs of lynching WHO SHOULD FORGET? making it plain
    hang em high The story vs the myth

    Separate is not equal


    nothing has changed but the date making it plain
    O, yes,
    I say it plain,
    America never was America to me.
    And yet I swear this oath–
    America will be!–Langston Hughes

  50. Making it plain Lincoln the racist, and Afrikans and other house negros breaking down movie doors to see it smh

  51. Making it palin

    Just think of the many uninformed unclear and unconcerned people who put rent on hold to see this bullshit

    Its like going to Afrikan to see Goree or one of the other slave dungeons that disenfranchised thier roots and taking photos
    Anyone going to Oklahoma to see the disaster there?

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. NSangoma9:30 AM


    African-American husband white wife interracial child in commercials.

    Asian husband African-American wife interracial child in commercials.

    What next, interracial punk couples and their adopted children in commercials; interracial lesbian couples and adopted children in commercials?

    If you say (see) it often enough it becomes (ok) true.

    Those evangelicals need to stop, too:



  54. Yeah, who knew Cheerios would be so controversial.

    Before this commercial, there was also a big stink over the one that shows a black family. Big brother comes and grabs some Cheerios from baby brothers high chair. The message Cheerios thought they were sending is "Never Outgrown". That even though big brother is now a big kid, he still loves Cheerios.

    The message Cheerios unwittingly sent is that even the youngest of black children have a natural inclination to steal. And it's approved of and encouraged by a black male parent who only laughs and says, "The Cheerios bandit got you again, huh?"

    It should be a funny and endearing moment. Instead it turns out to be an unintended racist screed. I think Cheerios tried to make up for the first commercial with the second but the backlash is even worse.

    The second commercial is beautiful. The first is lovely as well, but it took me over a dozen viewings before it finally dawned on me that a lot of white people would not see a black kid "taking" anything as adorable but would see a black kid stealing, no matter how young.

    Of course I googled it and the racist commentary I found on that commercial made me physically ill.

    It's so hard for me to talk to white people in real life after being on the internet where they express themselves without reservation

  55. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Africans were forced here on the slave ships free of charge; line up the rickety Carnival Cruise ships, gather all 43 million million of your African relatives, prison inhabitants included and send us back, free of charge. Racism ended. We all hate each other racially, so it should be no problem. Africa, here we come!!!! The cotton's picked!!!!! We're through!!!!!! Bye Whitey!!!!!!!!

  56. "White males are the only group that does not get AA."

    I call bull shit. White males were the recipients of AA for centuries. How many decades were people of color kept out of certain schools and jobs? You trolls are TOTALLY ignorant of history. Rememeber a governor of a state stood in at the doorsteps of a certain university and loudly proclaimed the school would be segregated forever? Or is the Disney version of history of only good white folks and happy slaves the meme of the day? We can go on for days of how white males got AA. Hell, in my industry white males with virtually no flight experience were hired exclusively by airlines as pilots while military trained blah men weren't even given a damned chance. I know white men don't like to call their advantages AA but it is what it is. AA was supposed to correct the centuries of white male privilege but they cry so much even trying to right wrongs is bad in their eyes. Sad.


  58. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Anonymous said...
    There have been commercials and movies with white men as the heads of interracial households

    Name one commercial with a white guy/black female..

    And there is no "controversey" over the Cheerios commercial. No one ever even heard of it until this phony racism chasing blog post.

  59. PilotX said...
    "I call bull shit. White males were the recipients of AA for centuries."

    Who was giving them AA?

    You don't even know what AA is.

    Do black men dominate the NBA because someone is giving them AA? No, they occupy most of the positions because they play better ball. You can call this "black privilege" if you want, but it's just way the NBA sorts out.

    In your mind, if blacks dominate some field, it's just natural. If whites dominate some field, it's because of some secret racist thing called "white privilege".

    White men ran most things because that's how it sorted out. We should stop with the social engineering and let America be run like the NBA again - everyone can try out, and the best men get the ball.

    I'm not a white supremacist, I think white success is due to white culture. Black Americans live in a majority white culture, but reject the norms of that culture. You can either adapt to the majority culture, or cling to your own culture and continue to bang up against the rest of the society until something breaks.

    White privilege is going to school, showing up for work, keeping your nose clean, and taking care of your family.

    You want "white privilege"? Then live like a white man. You seem to have figured that out in your own life, and that's the message you should be spreading to your people.

  60. SickupandFed1:04 PM

    The man smothered himself.

    yeah, sure. I believe that.

  61. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Field......I swear you really have earned your Masters In Wingnut Cultivation.....some of the comments here are so off base it's hard to believe.....(facepalm) :-)


  62. Gaz, from your comments to my eyes. :)

  63. Anonymous1:47 PM

    gaz: "some of the comments here are so off base it's hard to believe"

    Sometimes the truth is difficult.

    It is not easy to have an open mind, but you do yourself a disservice by not occasionally questioning your assumptions (or Field's agenda).

  64. Anonymous1:58 PM

    dr. j said...
    "White privilege is going to school, showing up for work, keeping your nose clean, and taking care of your family."
    Isn't that what Dr. Gates was living and didn't be still get arrested at his own front door??

    Negro puheeeze!!!

  65. Eric Holder2:00 PM

    Dr. Gates is an Ivy League professor.

    Negro puhleeeze!!!

  66. Making it plain"

    There is always reasonable doubt, and in my career
    whether its a tv movie, a theatrical play or other one must PROVE thier charge.
    Now, someone prove that any white man was killed for murdering an Afrikan from 1492-reconstruction
    IMO If you did not see it it did not happen, moreover as Afrikans we can prove our condition with a look in the mirror

    ps Now there are those who are not allowed in MY ARENA You know who u are
    Pick your poison

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Making it plain

    Dr Gates is house negro who never once opened his mouth or took his lips off of that white womans chocha long enough to help the Afrikans in Boston..
    i know this because we lived there forever and my King grad law school there
    The racial sell out s such who will make a door when there is no door and the cavemaster tells him to enter through the back one which does not exist

    He is also a liar and a racially insensitive old stale coot who does not have the skills of a first year law student knows that you do not exit your home when asked by the police without a warrant

    He needs a refresher course on law 101
    He should have taken Malcolms course! or study the Cuban Orisha

  69. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Eric Holder2:00 PM
    Dr. Gates is an Ivy League professor.

    Negro puhleeeze!!!
    Yes indeed! AND he still got arrested even though he showed his identification!!!
    Negro double puhleeeeeeeeze!

  70. The Deborah girl said:

    It's so hard for me to talk to white people in real life after being on the internet where they express themselves without reservation
    Matanzas said

    This is why no matter who you are or whom you are connected to you must stand your ground and spktruth2power..
    Never deny what you believe or what you THINK stand your ground and spk your peace

    Let me be clear i am appalled at the level of ignorance and attempts here to debase the Afrikan without any clear rebuttal..

    When i come here its usually with doubt that i will read anything by any Afrikan other than Field and two others that make any sense.
    This tells me that my people are ignorant and need to do better..

    Who passed it on?

  71. People

    Everyone should questions Fields agenda? When law or reasoning say a person cannot question an agenda?
    case in point
    i asked a blogger here why i should not be using Penis Envy or Penis in my submissions here..Of course i received no answer BUTT???
    So was i wrong to question his/her agenda? NO!


  72. Making it plain AGAIN

    Fear of the PENIS 2009

    People i retrieved this from my Kings files huff post and decided to beat my drums again))
    ) Don't you just love me, have i pissed you off yet ?
    OF COURSE and the smallest Penis will somehow find a way 2 flap his jaw

    If you saw Politico's Jonathan Martin's metaphorical mugging of President Obama yrs ago you saw this piece by Ron Robinson
    on Thursday and then read his and Carrie Budoff Brown's hit piece on him, perhaps you're as offended as I am.

    Watch Martin's body language and face from about 2 min 50 seconds into the above clip. After the President is finally able to move past him, Martin repeatedly looks Obama up and down. What I see on his face is the look of contempt especially given the disrespect he had just shown the new President on his second day on the job.

    In fact, a cameraman had to verbally intervene to remind Martin of whom he was trying to mug: "I'd like to say it one more time: 'Mr. President.'" Hopefully the MSNBC clip of this scene will soon appear. It shows much more clearly than the above clip or CNN's just how physically confrontational Martin was. You can see him essentially blocking the President from getting past. This still picture at least captures the block.


  73. Making it plain

    NOT JUST 5 OMG snickle

    five reasons why white men hate Afrikans LMAO only 5?

  74. Making it plain

    My grandson wants to get online here but he is not going to open himself up to any BULL i can handle this This is my baby and i intend to wear it out!

    But he sent me this via blackberry
    We own this book and it is quite a eyeopener

    Cose, and friend Haki Madhubuti are two of my fav, esp Haki and his lit about Afrikan boys/men.
    Check him out, he was writing about this dilemma long before Michelle Alexander who holds her own as well in the age of Pres Obama. see everything come back full circle

    Like i always say i do not come here to debate, debate what? Pres Obama, Barakabrella, IRS, sex scandals, homosexuality abortion immigration the magical 8 cherrios WHAT! rolling my eyes L@@K<..>
    i come to drop science old and new
    And people if its not CUBA, sociology, history the death penalty or law it ain't happening So keep reading, ya know ya love it::::))))

  75. Making it Plain and to be fair
    Let me show you the other CUBANA!

    What happened to the money?

    One of my Kings first question 2 yrs later was what happened to the money?

    Dr Clark is was a friend and a mentor to myself and my king. We agonized over this and other renditions and comments and to date ATONEMENT has never been accomplished or even sought IOP

    Just sharing

    Karenga is next

  76. Making it plain and delivering the other Cubana

    I love this sister she is my friend and no matter what is said I KNOW THE TRUTH I LIVED IT!

    Pass it on


  77. Making it plain for all who think they know me

    In my life i have always been suspect of men/women who claim to be activists and supporters of AL, yet who never defend themselves via PROOF when confronted
    No, i do not demand or require that any one become a FF off the top, however, what i do look for is consistency and backbone

    i am plain, i speak plain, dress in ASfrikan attire have long nappy hair and YES i do not make sense to many here.
    And that ism okay too because i do not expect certain cultures to DIG IT
    Albeit, some of the greatest attys activist comm organizers et/al i know are also plain speakers ie Pres Obama, Malcolm, Assata Dr Clarke, Dr Diop and Dr Frances Cress Welsing

    One never hears them reaching for lofty language while speaking tro the masses..(a credit i also give my colleague FN)

    Moreover being such a person keeps me FREE free from the need to compete or pretend and deny who i am. Sabes entiendes?

    Suffice that, if it looks like a duck and quacks cockles like hen? And the more educ some have the dumber they become? lol


    Hold on to your doo rags

  78. Dr Welsing keep it real making it plain
    like it or not be yourself!

  79. Anonymous4:11 PM

    MatanzasGV2:27 PM
    "Dr Gates is house negro who never once opened his mouth or took his lips off of that white womans chocha long enough to help the Afrikans in Boston..
    i know this because we lived there forever and my King grad law school there
    The racial sell out s such who will make a door when there is no door and the cavemaster tells him to enter through the back one which does not exist

    He is also a liar and a racially insensitive old stale coot who does not have the skills of a first year law student knows that you do not exit your home when asked by the police without a warrant
    He needs a refresher course on law 101
    He should have taken Malcolms course! or study the Cuban Orisha"
    Lol, I don't think we're referring to the same Dr. Gates...but I could be wrong...

  80. Making it plain"

    Afrikans Wake the fup keep it in front of u you cannot wear this out
    Spktruth2power and be the change you want to see This is why i always say to FN they do not get it!

    PENIS has nothing to do with your DICKS" THINK my people THINK!
    All of this BULL about pres Obama is what needs to be researched THINK and cease and desist being led by cavemen

    Now, i always win why? i think and set up my chess game..And for me its not about hate or who doesn't like me its simply my DUTY to spktruth2power

  81. Making it plain

    Institute of white supremacy
    People who are in my circle, people who influenced me
    The reasons why i am, who i am and why i will never give in or up 'i am obligated never humbled by fear or shame

    It is what it is and we know why media control and lack of knowledge

  82. Spkntruth sharing truth and making it plain

    King thought he could change men All of,our people thought they could change the minds of Mr hate NOT! This time its the fiyah

    Did he say living is not a bargaining exp OH well! what happened
    Perhaps bargaining helped in his demise ?
    One cannot bargain and negotiate with hate Pres Obama needs to study this


  83. As an Afrikan raised in Cuba and saved by a revolutionar father and leader i remember that day in Matanzas and these words by NM However, in Cuba many are no longer impressed WHY is that?
    hmmmm No! your not ready yet for truth

  84. Anonymous4:45 PM

    "i am plain, i speak plain, dress in ASfrikan attire have long nappy hair and YES i do not make sense to many here"

    So, what you are saying is that you an ugly crazy person.

    Thanks for sharing.

  85. Anonymous4:47 PM

    "Now, i always win why? i think and set up my chess game..And for me its not about hate or who doesn't like me its simply my DUTY to spktruth2power"

    Truth = Penis.

    Speak it.

  86. Desert said:

    Lol, I don't think we're referring to the same Dr. Gates...but I could be wrong

    Matanzas said:
    ...YOU ARE

    Yes my sister i am speaking of henry louis gates whom my father bumped head with in Cuba and who had the nerve to come out of his home and get arrested YES my sister i have the right one we lived there then and know him well smh



    Is bush dead? There are no Masdelas in Iraq stupid mfker
    This is the silliness that comes from a drunk in recovery


    And i love him

  89. Making it plain The story od another short penis racist
    Cecil Rhodes

    Information is power

  90. Making it plain NO BEGGING! another puppet
    The UN

  91. Making it plain The UN and GB used Indians to control the Afrikans
    From our archives

  92. Making it plain Europe and its thirst for drugs

  93. Making it plain

    And bloggers are concerned about the IRS Barakabrella and whtf?

    What about the children? thus video is free Nowe i over why some of FN people here do not get it!

    The psychiatry an industry of death

  94. And FYI
    No! Dr welsing does not dabble in White Psychiartry She tries to reverse it

    amerikkka bought into the euro philosophy of treatment with help from the CFL TLC and the illuminati And if you take the time to research and pay attn AND think you will find out why i am here

    Over it yet? Good i thought so
    And please do not tell me ALL people know this because i will gladly refute you with proof ..YOUR OWN words

  95. Anonymous5:21 PM

    This tape of EW Jackson and what he stands for. He is a lawyer, a Professor, a Pastor, and speaks the truth without any malice or bias about our situation as Negroes. He is smart and not at all what Field tries to make him be.

    The problem doesn't lie with Jackson, it lies with Blacks like Field and his devoted so-called FN progressive plantation-Dem Negroes. Mr Jackson will easily WIN the Lt. Gov of VA position.

  96. Philly and its horror brought on by who? Please do not ask or do u need a lifestyle lift?

  97. "White privilege is going to school, showing up for work, keeping your nose clean, and taking care of your family"

    Once again, I call bullshit. There are millions of no good whites who live off the government, don't show up for a day of work and are no god parents. You ARE a white supremacist if you believe all positive traits are white and all negative traits are blah.
    If you want examples of AA lets take 2 of the last 3 GOP presidential candidates. John McCain was a screw up as a student who in no way should have been accepted to the Naval Academy but guess what because his daddy was an Admiral he got in. While at the Academy Johnny was still a screw up and graduated near the bottom of his class but guess what , because of daddy he went to flight training. While in flight training......and on it goes. Bush Jr. was a screw up as a student who in no way should have been accepted to Yale but because of his daddy......white male AA. Own it son, just because you have a notion of white supremacy doesn't make it so. I work with your types eveyday and I know for damn sure you are not superior in any manner.

    . "You can either adapt to the majority culture, or cling to your own culture and continue to bang up against the rest of the society until something breaks."

    Or I can do whatever the hell I want to do. I embrace my culture and I'm still successful. Please don't associate whiteness with success or competence because like I said I fly with your type everyday and I know your failings. The biggest failing among white men is their inherent arrogance and feelings of superiority. To bad this society gives you guys so much respect because it actually harms you as you believe you are always right even when you're wrong.
    BTW if working hard, showing up for work and being a good family man is somehow "white privilege then by definition it nust be "blah privilege" when I do it.
    I also notice no comment on historical white male AA.

  98. Whites did end slavery here and across the world. Who do you think did it?
    And I never hear any thank you here. Well, you're welcome anyway.

    The British Navy had an anti slavery squadron with many ships. The white nations were in charge, still are, and therefore would of had to.
    The ending of slavery began in the white nations like Denmark and France.
    Twist it how you wish but it was done since it was the right thing to do.
    Who fought to keep it? The Muslim countries. Go figure.

    I seemed to have stumped the peanut gallery here with my question, What exactly are blacks doing better than Whtes? Tough one, huh?

    Yeah, the Great Black Navy of Africa stopped the slave ships. And Cleopatra was African too.

  99. Making it plain:

    As a parent and a great grdparent i am not about to allow any Villamil to be misdiag by any med prof as ADD ADHD or other

    This is why i added a med degree to my resume( forensics)
    Its is time to pay attn and it makes no difference race, color, creed religion or lack thereof CHILDREN are the most important being in the world Even u don't count as much
    Listen to this teen he is important

    You have the floor i will be away in Miami for a few days with Ben Crump


  100. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Matanzas said:
    ."..YOU ARE
    Yes my sister i am speaking of henry louis gates whom my father bumped head with in Cuba and who had the nerve to come out of his home and get arrested YES my sister i have the right one we lived there then and know him well smh
    Oh okay :) I really wasn't aware that there was any controversy as to the honesty and authenticity of his works on African history or his persona , and it saddens me too hear this.

    I also enjoy his filmography. In particular his 'Blacks In Latin America" series which I thought addressed and enlightened the topic very well.

    Always open to ideas and opinions so if you can offer more info or links on his misconduct I'd love to read. Thanks!

  101. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Pilot x I didn't figure pilots would be redneck racists,I figured they would be classy and wordly like you. But I wouldn't know personally, I'm just a hard working country boy.

  102. dr. j6:24 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I embrace my culture and I'm still successful."

    You hang out on the corner drinking, father kids out of wedlock that you don't support, steal whatever you can, jump a white dude every time you get the chance, don't pay your taxes but take your benefits, and shoot anyone who pisses you off?

    I thought not.

    You live like a white man. Congratulations.

  103. "I also notice no comment on historical white male AA."

    Because there never was any.


    George W. Bush got into Yale because he father went to Yale and was rich, not because he was white.

    Poor whites (the vast majority) never got anything because they were white. Today, they are the most underrepresented demographic in college admissions. Based on SAT scores, Jews are found in numbers four times what they should be in elite institutions; blacks about 10 times as many as there should be if based strictly on merit.

    White Christians make up 70% of the 95th and higher percentile in test scores, yet less comprise less than 40% of Ivy league students.

    How can you talk about whites getting AA?

  104. "You hang out on the corner drinking, father kids out of wedlock that you don't support, steal whatever you can, jump a white dude every time you get the chance, don't pay your taxes but take your benefits, and shoot anyone who pisses you off?"

    Uh no, I'm not a white dude in the south. Geez you are slow, you must be a white dude in the south.

  105. "How can you talk about whites getting AA?"

    Trust me, I know how ignorant your type is but let me go slowly so even you can follow. Remember a thingy called Jim Crow that existed for decades? If you learned teabagger history google it and then try to understand how peopel of color were kept out of certain jobs and schools and THEN you can get how it was white male AA.

    "Because there never was any."

    Get it now? Probably not. I fly with ignoramouses like you all the time. When I tell them I had a great uncle who was a Tuskegee Airman they always ask if he became an airline pilot and of course I tell them no but them these brain warriors ask "why, didn't he want to?". Yes, most whites are ignorant of history so I get how I have to lead you step by step but it's ok I know the little bus crowd.


  107. Through much of American history, especially prior to the Civil Rights Movement that peaked in the 1960s, African Americans held secondary positions in nearly every walk of life. In education, housing, business and employment, if not always by public policy then by practice, opportunities were restricted. In aviation, they were no more welcome than in the rest of society. Hiring in commercial aviation was almost non-existent prior to 1960. Those few pioneers who became aviators prior to the Civil Rights Movement did so under circumstances that are hard to imagine today.

  108. X,are u giving out diplomas to these trolls u are schooling?

  109. dr. j1:40 AM

    field negro said...
    X,are u giving out diplomas to these trolls u are schooling?

    A BS in BS.

    Jim Crow was before you or I was born.

    AA wasn't created until the 1960's, and is was always designed to help everyone else at the expense of the white man.

    White privilege flows from white ability.

  110. Honey Nutt2:09 AM

    A white mom in the kitchen serving up Cheerios to a turdler while the baby daddy is passed out on the couch after chipping some heroin or killing a couple of 40's isn't necessarily a positive image.

  111. Yes indeed! AND he still got arrested even though he showed his identification!!!
    Negro double puhleeeeeeeeze!

    And he should have been under the jail Henry L gates is a fake and a liar and his only issue is his Penis is short to box with Barak so he chose a 40? smh

    i love chess and i play hard to win ;)

  112. Honey Nutt said...
    A white mom in the kitchen serving up Cheerios to a turdler while the baby daddy is passed out on the couch after chipping some heroin or killing a couple of 40's isn't necessarily a positive image.
    But its typical of white women They choose men who have BIG penises and do not worry about anything else AND who like many women are often left alone to handle their fcked up mixed up children
    Now before you lose you teeth What makes him lazy the sofa? And how do you know he was sipping forties and toking? Or are you only seeing what your colored eyes see?
    just saying

    ps Do u play chess?

    if so bring your game lets mix this up and nalk ASSUMPTION! bet?

    Ok i will be here later call me Milagros

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. MatanzasGV said...
    Making it plain Classroom assignment for the brightest! not the wanna be's

    May i ask a simple question What is AA and can anyone tell,me and prove what it denotes or their PROOF as to when using the initials AA began? I am seeking a clear answer ANYONE?

    i have some science to drop and would appreciate your proof

    Ps Now there are some who will not know the answer and some who wil, but please do not make it up an answer DO THE WORK
    And there is someone here who i will not respond to for any reason and truth because they don't have the skills to draw me out
    Besides i don't have time for small heads and little penis's and they just love seeing the word go figure lmao

  115. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Affirmative Action is awarding blacks (or browns or females, or whatever isn't a white male) achievement they have not earned just because they are not a white male.

  116. Anonymous6:05 PM

    MatanzasGV10:01 AM
    "And he should have been under the jail Henry L gates is a fake and a liar and his only issue is his Penis is short to box with Barak so he chose a 40? smh
    I love chess and i play hard to win ;)
    I was under the impression that he was a scholar and a gentleman.

  117. Desertflower said...
    MatanzasGV10:01 AM
    "And he should have been under the jail Henry L gates is a fake and a liar and his only issue is his Penis is short to box with Barak so he chose a 40? smh
    I love chess and i play hard to win ;)
    I was under the impression that he was a scholar and a gentleman.


    many were esp since he had an ole stale cave woman smh!

  118. Anonymous3:22 PM

    MatanzasGV9:27 AM
    "And he should have been under the jail Henry L gates is a fake and a liar and his only issue is his Penis is short to box with Barak so he chose a 40? smh

    esp since he had an ole stale cave woman smh!

    Oh it's the white woman that has your panties in a bunch huh? Lol!

  119. mslaroy12:25 PM

    This article is something to consider (Re: Cheerios) but its interesting Field that you say that you have NEVER seen an interracial couple on tv with a black man and white woman... I charge you to really look again... and then I charge you to look for interracial couples with a white man and black woman (and i mean a dark skinned woman)... to me, they are close to non existent.. (I say this because it is part of my job to look for these things, and the trends for black women in the media)

  120. Are you fantasized about interracial dating? Do you want to have a partner from another race or ethnic group? If yes, then you have come to the right place.

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