Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Stopping Negro children before they become terrorist, and when your "first rifle" takes its first life.

As Chris Tucker likes to say:"Pissed off maaan!!!" They rip our kids because they don't want to get involved with the sciences, and finally, when they do, Mr. Charlie gives them the business.
"A Florida teen with an exemplary record is facing federal charges after conducting what a classmate calls “a science project gone bad.”

16-year-old Kiera Wilmot is accused of mixing housing chemicals in a small water bottle at Bartow High School, causing the cap to fly off and produce a bit of smoke. The experiment was conducted outdoors, no property was damaged, and no one was injured.

Not long after Wilmot’s experiment, authorities arrested her and charged her with “possession/discharge of a weapon on school property and discharging a destructive device,” according to WTSP-TV. The school district proceeded to expel Wilmot for handling the “dangerous weapon,” also known as a water bottle. She will have to complete her high school education through an expulsion program.

Friends and staffers, including the school principal, came to Wilmot’s defense, telling media that authorities arrested an upstanding student who meant no harm.

"She is a good kid," principal Ron Richard told WTSP-TV. "She has never been in trouble before. Ever."

"She just wanted to see what happened to those chemicals in the bottle," a classmate added. "Now, look what happened."

Polk County Schools stands by its decision to expel Wilmot, asserting in a statement, “there are consequences to actions,” and calling Wilmot’s experiment a “serious breach of conduct.” [Source]

Take those little Negro children off the street now. One minute they are doing science experiments and the next minute they could be making bombs to blow up "normal" Americans.

Speaking of "normal" Americans, I see that some of my Second Amendment loving friends have still not learned their lesson:

"A Kentucky toddler was accidentally shot dead by her own brother as he played with a gun he'd been given as a gift, police said.

Caroline Starks, 2, was killed after her 5-year-old sibling fired the .22-caliber rifle at their Burkesville home at 1 p.m. Tuesday.

She was rushed to Cumberland County Hospital but pronounced dead.
The Lexington Herald-Leader reports the weapon — a Crickett branded by makers Keystone Sporting Arms as "My First Rifle" — was given to the boy last year.

Crickett rifles from the “My First Rifle" collection for kids on the website of Keystone Sporting Arms

Promotional material on KSA's website says the gun aims to "instill safety in the minds of youth shooters."

Cumberland County Coroner Gary White said the family had not realized a shell was left inside the gun, which was kept in a corner of the house.
The pair's mom was at home when the shot was fired, he added.

Revealing the shooting would be ruled accidental, White added: "It's just one of those crazy accidents." [Source]

Coming to a car dealership near you, Audi R8 sports cars with five year old friendly instrument control panels and pedals. *shaking head*

Those Cricket folks are geniuses. I bet they have a field day (no pun intended) in places like Burkesville, Kentucky.



  1. Or how about Easy Bake (TM) Ovens powered by arc welders?

  2. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Groooaan1 only in Florida!

    5 year old handling a rifle? I've never heard of anything like that. Pretty crazy

  3. All you gun-grabbers know that this was a 1 in a million thing, that no one could have predicted, but you just want to exploit the accident. I mean, a loaded rifle leaned in a corner where toddlers play? Who could see this tragedy coming from that?

  4. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Field, I noticed you didn't answer a very important question about this Negro 16-year old girl: "Is she a Muslim?" I bet she is.

    You's better watch out. When us Negroes learn how to make bombs in our homes all hell is going to break loose...i.e. in our homes. I hope we'll be able to make bombs better than we can shoot.:)

    Can you shoot straight, Mr Field? I hear there is not 'one' Jamaican in Jamaica who can shoot straight.

  5. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Anon@10:31 said, "Can you shoot straight, Mr Field? I hear there is not 'one' Jamaican in Jamaica who can shoot straight."

    Hell no, Jamaicans cannot shoot straight. That's why so many of those dred-lock wearing clowns get around on crutches because they continually shoot themselves in the foot.

  6. Well Desert, remember the game Germany or Florida? But seriously is somebody investigating the parents? Who in their right everloving minds thinks its a good idea to a kid that just finished potty training? These hicks are insane.
    Kicking kids out of school for science experiments huh? It's time to move.

  7. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Why does so much outrageous severe shit happen to Blacks in Florida? Hell, I might have to change my mind about Texas and Oklahoma.

  8. Ritardo Tubbs11:58 PM

    Kiera Wilmot is just the latest victim of our progressive-run public school system's "zero tolerance" policies that allows these government drones to make this kind of idiotic decision.

  9. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Well, I guess schools are now officially part of the prison industrial complex.

    An expulsion is going to ruin her school record. As for college, hopefully an HBCU will come to her rescue.


  10. I would imagine that this young budding scientist also be alert and abreast of ALL the rules of her school and the general public. Wrong timing for any display of the ability to create any device that can be construed as harmful....Society is now functioning in the extremes. Methink that this position allows this society to bolster our fears thereby negating common sense. I pray that this young child has someone or a body of educators come back to their center and excuse this young child with education of this new society and a stern warning. My sermons to my children were always ended by ; "It's easy to get in the (WM's) system....but oh so hard to get out". I now believe in prayer because man and his directions are very tenuous. About the young child using a weapon to bring sorrow to this family...again I pray for some comfort for this family as time moves forward.

  11. And I have no doubt that this young lady will get in a HBCU in a hot minute. These school understand the way of the WM. He takes the best of all categories and then want to compare.

  12. A Black Panther....u are a wise man.

    Anon@10:59pm, u must be from Kentucky. :)

  13. Field This excellent scholar who lives 60 miles from our home and as such Bartow is lucky to have her. (She is a diamond in a sea of shells

    Albeit i admit that i hope she migrates to Cuba someday to share her expertise ( what are you grinning about lol)
    I know that in her excitement and irregardless of the mindset in amerikkka today that her last thought was to injure others

    Here is a 16 yr? old hoping to do what many do IMPRESS others with her knowledge and skill. The only thing she failed to do was THINK" and perhaps ask for help with her idea?

    ps at least she did not use a CRICKET RIFLE

    All will be well we have asked the Orisha for a pardon

  14. Anonymous8:49 AM

    A Black Panther Forever, "I now believe in prayer because man and his directions are very tenuous. About the young child using a weapon to bring sorrow to this family...again I pray for some comfort for this family as time moves forward."

    2:56 AM
    You believe in prayer? WHO do you pray to? I hope it's not God because Purple Cow and Field are going to tear you a new one.:)

  15. Kiera Wilmot was just using the skills she learned as young, enthusiastic Scientist. Does't true learning take place by application? As usual, let's demonize her curiosity. The Hard Sciences fields are severely lacking in female scientists. Political correctness is becoming a knee jerk response for the Status quo.

  16. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Field, "Anon@10:59pm, u must be from Kentucky. :)"

    Just what the hell is that suppose to mean? What are you insinuating? It just so happens that I AM from KY.

    I'm going to drop a note to the National Board of Bloggers about you. Now how do you like them weasels?

    I swear. Some of you folks on FN just can't handle stress. If you stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  17. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Field says, "As Chris Tucker likes to say:"Pissed off maaan!!!" They rip our kids because they don't want to get involved with the sciences, and finally, when they do, Mr. Charlie gives them the business."

    Why is it that Blacks can't stop being so self-destructive and an endangerment to others?

    Some of you FN Negroes claim that this 16-yr old is a bright, "budding" student is bullshit. Any student with the brain of a moron would know better than to do what she did.

    You FN Negroes always seem to go in the opposite way of American culture, yet you think it's being smart. That's perverse thinking. And what's scary about it is you don't even know or notice how twisted that thinking is.

    That teen did a stupid thing that no one else would do, except maybe 'another one' of us. And don't give me that cry song of Negroes:

    "She should be given another chance. It's racism." Yes it's probably racism... It's Florida! But that dumb ass teenager opened the door to it... Any Black living in Florida "ought" to know that. Hell, that state specializes in denying Blacks the right to vote. I know what they'll do to some Black who goes around experimenting with explosives!

  18. Anonymous9:34 AM

    It matters not what is done to our child
    The slavers son cannot destroy us we are FOREVER people and we are NOT negros or BLACK Do u see any?

  19. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Just what the hell is that suppose to mean? What are you insinuating? It just so happens that I AM from KY.

    Field thought you had a homie from Jamaica lmao how can you treat a homie like that ROTHFL checkmating lies

  20. "That teen did a stupid thing that no one else would do, except maybe 'another one' of us. And don't give me that cry song of Negroes:"

    Isn't it astonishing that after all this time white anonymous posters are still trying to pass themselves off as African Americans?

    Don;t they have anything more interesting to do with their lives?

  21. The reason Kiera Wilmot is being treated so poorly is not a racial thing, it's a moron thing:

    Eagle Scout Cole Withrow was just a few weeks from graduating with honors from his North Carolina high school, but now the active church member is facing a felony weapons charge and a precarious future after accidentally leaving a shotgun in his pickup truck in the school parking lot.

    The kid went hunting over the weekend. When he got to school on Monday, he realized, "Oh snap, I left my gun in the truck". So he went to the office and called his mom, to ask her to come get his gun. An assistant in the office overheard his conversation with his mother, and called the police who came and arrested the kid before his mother could get there.

    Now he has been charged with a felony, expelled, and will not graduate high school.

    Progressive "zero tolerance" is killing this country.

  22. "Why is it that Blacks can't stop being so self-destructive and an endangerment to others?"

    I guess this fool didn't bother to read the second story. White folks are scared of a negro with a pop bottle but we can shoot 2 year olds with rifles all day long. White people are strange.

  23. Hell, at five I don't think I was allowed to have a TOY gun.

  24. "PC, you and Field keep trying to use your tiny logical and rational and supposedly factual minds to argue with the Transcendent. God is Trans-logical, and Trans-rational. GET IT?

    In other words, you are trying to use your little rational minds on something that is Transcendent. It's apples and oranges, you fools. If there weren't you'd be able to tear down faith with your boring spiritless minds. But you can't."

    O.K. I get it now. God sends a tsunami to kill an entire school-full of Japanese kids or a tornado to rip a baby out of his mother's arms but his reasons for doing so are "Trans-Logical" and "Trans-Rational".


    Should I ever end up wrong side of the law, I'm gonna use this new 'God Defence'.

    Prosecutor: "T.P.C. you are charged with robbing a bank on the Fifth Day of May 2017. How do you plead?"

    Me: "Dude, I got so many reasons for robbing that bank, it's just incredible, but unfortunately they are all just way too trans-rational and trans-logical, and just way too fuckin' transcendental for you to understand, so I ain;t gonna say anythin'."

    I'll let you know how I get on.....

    .....from my prison cell.

  25. Purple Cow. Thanks for being a realist and making me laugh.
    -Adrian Fernandez
    PS. We all have many reasons to rob a bank in these pressing, economic times.

  26. Anon@9:13 said, .... "you FN always seem to go the way opposite of Amercan culture."

    You're tweaking already this morning, the nature of the Field Negro is to always rebel against the system. Sorry, I believe you're looking for a blog that caters to House Negroes. They are the ones that always find an excuse to go in the direction of the system.

  27. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Purple what I find funny is that he has so many socks that pretends to be black all the while dogging black people ..I think he has a mental problem & he has a obsession with field ...strange indeed.....


  28. Anonymous1:42 PM

    PilotX said...
    Hell, at five I don't think I was allowed to have a TOY gun.

    It's a cracka' thang, you wouldn't understand, LOL!!


  29. Tank LeBlanc1:44 PM

    Adrian Fernandez said...
    We all have many reasons to rob a bank in these pressing, economic

    Stop voting for democrats then if you don't want the economy to suck.

  30. Blue Balls1:46 PM

    You should rename this blog, "Raping The English Language".

    Purple Cow might be an exception. Probably, because he never attended Public Shools in the U.S.

  31. R. Stimson3:40 PM

    Anonymous said...
    PilotX said...
    Hell, at five I don't think I was allowed to have a TOY gun.

    It's a cracka' thang, you wouldn't understand, LOL!!


    I'm glad you can laugh at such a tragedy. It must be a real strength of yours.

    May God watch over us all.

  32. Tank LeBlanc said, ... "Stop voting for Democrats if you don"t want the economy to suck."

    What in the world are you talking about. The economy sucked under Reagan and Bush 1 and even more so under Bush 2. Don't you get it, it doesn't matter what party is in office because they both cave in to the economic interests of the elites in this country. In short. they both SUCK!

  33. Enquiring Minds Want To Know5:32 PM

    So....where was this girl's science teacher when she was performing her little "science" experiment?

    Or, was this just a little science "on the side"?

  34. Cow, leave them alone. If they want to play with their invisible friends who's it gonna hurt?

  35. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Blue Balls said...
    You should rename this blog, "Raping The English Language".

    Purple Cow might be an exception. Probably, because he never attended Public Shools in the U.S.

    1:46 PM
    Please list some examples of poor English and grammar on FN. You can't because most are grammatically correct.

    As far as Purple Cow is concerned, the man is an idiot. Are you insinuating that they speak better English in the UK? No way.

  36. Anonymous11:22 AM

    If you want to be treated fairly, come to the town where the little girl was shot. You all can sit here comparing these two stories, but they were in different places. If both of these events had been in Burkesville, we would have stood up for her, just like we are for the Sparks family. Say what you will about Burkesville Ky, but rest assure, Keira would be loved and taken care of by our community. We are all family here, regardless of your color.
