Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Playing Gay.

Congrats to Jason Collins for revealing to the world that he is Gay. He is not the first man in one of the major sports to do this, and his announcement is not even the biggest personal revelation in the history of his sport. But at this particular time in our nation's history it is an important one. Of course it would be nice if we lived in a world where these types of pronouncements were no longer necessary, but sadly, we know that this will not be the case for awhile.

Mr. Collins goes to work in an environment where a lot of his co-workers and colleagues are homophobic and ignorant when it comes to such matters. Some of you reading this can relate to the locker room culture among athletes. It is a culture that encourages a certain amount of exaggerated machismo that we all must wear in order to fit in. Laddish behavior is accepted and embraced. And somehow our athletic prowess is associated with these types of particular traits.

Hopefully, the coming out of Jason Collins (and let's not forget Brittney Griner) will let kids know that it's cool to be different, no matter what profession they choose to pursue.

Finally, almost 3,000 people died on September 11, 2001, and 3 people died at the Boston Marathon bombing. And yet, winguts are falling over themselves to politicize this issue by comparing the two.

Folks, the next time you hear someone say that George Bush kept us safe; just remember to tell them that the September 11 terrorist attacks happened on HIS WATCH. 


  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I am not homophobic, but why are most of the men in America gay and Black? I mean, "I just don't understand it", as a Dolphins wide receiver once said. And please don't accuse me of being racist for I am Black.

    Could there be something in our genes from the days of slavery from the way our ancestors were fed back in those days to be stronger so we could work harder? Could it be just now showing up generations later?...just asking.

  2. I do not hate lesbian, gay, homosexual or transvestite people. Nor do I discriminate against them in any manner. However, I do believe that this life style is in fact a sin. Levitcus 20:13 (NIV) is overwhelmingly clear:

    “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.”

    These people may do what they like with their life and engage in whatever activity that may bring pleasure to them while still on this earth. However, just don’t be surprised when your day of reckoning is upon you and your permission to walk through God’s pearly gates, is emphatically denied by HIM! The laws of men will not be able to save you folks at that time, if ever again.

    CHEERS,…. for now!

  3. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Field, "Mr. Collins goes to work in an environment where a lot of his co-workers and colleagues are homophobic and ignorant when it comes to such matters."

    Chris Broussard is not 'ignorant', Brotha Field. He is a devout Christian who follows what the Bible says and his faith says. What's wrong with that?

    You show your ignorance of Christianity by calling him ignorant.

    And if he is homophobic, so what?
    Homosexuals claim: "it's not their fault" that they are gay...

    The 'same' applies to heterosexual men: "It's not their fault" that they are homophobic.

    You obviously don't relate to straight men's homophobia. Let me tell you that it's a yucky feeling because homosexuality is an unnatural dirty act for a heterosexual to do. GET IT?

    FYI: Heterosexuals are human beings as described in the Judeo-Christian Bible.

  4. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Brotha Field said, "Folks, the next time you hear someone say that George Bush kept us safe; just remember to tell them that the September 11 terrorist attacks happened on HIS WATCH."

    My good brotha, when are you going to let this 'Bush' thing go? Enough already...you are the only one still talking about Bush to justify Obama's mistakes. It's not working.

  5. False alarm, the wife traded her trip to Philly so you guys are safe from the X man for now. I'll hit up The Field next time.

    As far as terrorism goes the wing nuts forget the LAX incident, the Arkansas shooting and a few others I can't remember off he top of my head. Convenient amnesia and hypocrisy are trademarks of the right.

  6. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Am I the only one on FN who feels the end is near because of homosexuality that is overwhelming America?

    "Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." 18:22 NLT

    "The penalty for homosexual acts is death to both parties. They have committed a detestable act and are guilty of a capital offense." Leviticus 20:13 NLT

  7. Anonymous10:07 PM

    PilotX, "False alarm, the wife traded her trip to Philly so you guys are safe from the X man for now. I'll hit up The Field next time."

    No problem. I knew you weren't going to follow through. You did a similar thing before with Field. I don't know why he puts up with your bullshit. I go to Philly regularly and I post on FN regularly but brotha Field won't even have a pretzel with me....TNB...Go figure.

  8. I could care less about who this man sleeps with.

    My problem with him and Black men like him is that they feign being heterosexual while trying to figure out who they want to love and sleep with. And given the high levels of heterosexual HIV in the Black community, that's just a damn shame!

  9. I'm sure that somewhere in this huge diverse country there's a gym in which the straight men aren't either out-buffed or out-numbered by the gay men, but I haven't seen it. And pro athletics? Gimme a break, I doubt there's an entirely straight locker room in any league. Just like there were & are damm few entirely straight platoons, squadrens or divisions in our armed forces or watches in police & fire departments. It's always been that way too; sorry to burst your bubble if you thought different.

  10. Jamie Gorelick10:42 PM

    "Folks, the next time you hear someone say that George Bush kept us safe; just remember to tell them that the September 11 terrorist attacks happened on HIS WATCH.

    Less than eight months after he was inaugurated, masterminded by a terrorist Bill Clinton had passed on taking out several times. In fact Clinton fumbled the situation so badly he had to send Sandy Berger in to steal documents from the National Archives to cover his tracks.

    But after more than five years in office, Obama is still not responsible for the underperforming economy - that's still somebody else's fault.

    Nice how that works, right Field?

  11. Whitey's Ballsack10:45 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I'm sure that somewhere in this huge diverse country there's a gym in which the straight men aren't either out-buffed or out-numbered by the gay men, but I haven't seen it

    I'll bet you haven't.

  12. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Let's face it. Homosexuality is dead wrong, esp around straight men. there should be segregation in sports when it comes to straights and gays.

    How can straight men be comfortable around gay men? It can't be done. Let's segregate them where there can be gay sports and straight sports. That way, straight men can have their rights to live too. They won't have to suppress their 'natural' response to 'unnatural' homosexuality.

  13. PoppyCock10:50 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    I'm sure that somewhere in this huge diverse country there's a gym in which the straight men aren't either out-buffed or out-numbered by the gay men, but I haven't seen it. And pro athletics? Gimme a break, I doubt there's an entirely straight locker room in any league. Just like there were & are damm few entirely straight platoons, squadrens or divisions in our armed forces or watches in police & fire departments. It's always been that way too; sorry to burst your bubble if you thought different.

    Get out of the Gay circuit and you might see something. Surely you aren't thinking the only buffed ripped men are gay? you fantasize too much, put down the gay porn and get out once in awhile.

  14. "Congrats to Jason Collins for revealing to the world that he is Gay."

    How incredibly brave of Mr. Collins, who, following his announcement, has had to endure being put on the cover of Sports Illustrated, being the focus of glowing news coverage on all the major networks, having ex-President Clinton deliver a prepared statement extolling his courage, hearing NBA commissioner David Stern read an official statement of support, receiving supporting Tweets from, among others, Kobe Bryant and the First Lady, and getting a congratulatory phone call from President Obama himself.

    How he holds up under such ostracism for his bold and controversial stance is beyond comprehension.

    Such courage and forbearance under adversity has been exhibited by few men in all of history. Jason Collins is the living definition of hero.

  15. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Perhaps it is because here on the island there exists a fairly laissez-faire attitude towards homosexuality, is that I really don't place that much importance on the 'coming out' publicly aspect.

    My thoughts have always been that ones sexuality has naught to do with the kind of person that one is.

    Friends and family usually know anyway,even though it may not be discussed publicly. In the same way that heterosexuality isn't really discussed publicly either.

    I realize though that in the states there are actual unfair restrictions and prohibitions placed on gay partners, that do not exist here. Such as accompanying ones partner in or during a hospital stay.

    In hospitals here, except for the intensive and some isolation units, it is required/encouraged that a friend or family member accompany the patient at night, and also during the day if they require assistance.It does not matter who. No questions are asked especially of such intimate matters.

    As for inheritances and other legality, there is no problem if you have made a legal will.

    Over here the health i9nsurance plans offer very little and often charge exorbitant rates for the coverage of children and wives/husbands. So it really doesn't matter much to either hets or gays.

    As for domestic abuse 911 calls, they do include same sex partners in that category.

    If a person is of a certain age and hasn't married, it's pretty obvious to everybody, and people look at who you are, not who you bed.

    We have gay persons in all walks of life and so what! Everybody loves them so it's like, who cares? Nobody.

    Hate crimes don't really exist here. there have been some cases of domestic violence with murders between gays but that's the same as between hets.

    I guess it's more important to come out in the states and there are more benefits to be gained than here.

    Thank God we don't have all that homophobic hatred here so I think it's easier on gays.

  16. Jason Collins11:23 PM

    Love me, America, for I love penis.

  17. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Desert, "Thank God we don't have all that homophobic hatred here so I think it's easier on gays."

    Why is it that nobody on FN cares about the homophobic suffering brought on hets by gays? Do you not relate to homophobia? It is real and quite painful.

    Does anyone give a damn about hets men? Oh I get it. This is ALL for homosexuals.

  18. Anonymous12:58 AM

    And what about Christianity and Judaism where the Bible calls homosexuality a grave sin? Does that mean anything?

    Where are the so-called devout Christians who follow the Bible, Jesus Christ, and God? Why are you silent? Did God tell you to shut up or did Satan?

  19. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Well, I suppose screwing an a-hole is just as clean as screwing a vagina. Isn't it? And if it is, what's the point in the bible about homosexuals? NOTHING. The bible is meaningless and religion means nothing. There is no such thing as spirit.

  20. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Field, "Some of you reading this can relate to the locker room culture among athletes. It is a culture that encourages a certain amount of exaggerated machismo that we all must wear in order to fit in. Laddish behavior is accepted and embraced. And somehow our athletic prowess is associated with these types of particular traits."

    Yes I can relate to the locker room culture where straight men will be straight men. Laddish behavior is called fun among straight men. And athletic prowess is associated with masculinity...ever hear of that word and quality, Mr Field? You gay?

  21. Black Angus1:56 AM

    Jamie Gorelick said...
    "Folks, the next time you hear someone say that George Bush kept us safe; just remember to tell them that the September 11 terrorist attacks happened on HIS WATCH.

    Less than eight months after he was inaugurated, masterminded by a terrorist Bill Clinton had passed on taking out several times. In fact Clinton fumbled the situation so badly he had to send Sandy Berger in to steal documents from the National Archives to cover his tracks.

    But after more than five years in office, Obama is still not responsible for the underperforming economy - that's still somebody else's fault.

    Nice how that works, right Field?

    I find it quite remarkable that in the short span of 5 years we have evolved as a country from the era of presidents steering hurricanes to minority neighborhoods with Halliburton-controlled weather machines to the highest office in the land just being too darn complex for any one man to influence inconsequential subtleties like national security and intelligence gathering or job creation.

  22. Quote Peter-Colon-the closet-homosexual

    "And you didn't say female to male transmission was only 10%, you said it was "the single most common cause of HIV infection in the world today."

    It is. Here's the weird thing Peter, medical researchers consider women to be human beings too.

    Strange huh?

  23. Quote Anonymous

    "Chris Broussard is not 'ignorant', Brotha Field. He is a devout Christian who follows what the Bible says and his faith says. What's wrong with that?

    You show your ignorance of Christianity by calling him ignorant."

    Riiiiiiight, so you're saying that it's Christianity that's the problem. Thanks for clearing that up.

    If we could just rid the world of religion, just think how much better the old place would be. All that hatred, all that bigotry - gone for ever.


  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. When Sue Wicks was asked how many women in the WNBA were lesbians she said, "I can't say how many players are gay ... but it would be easier to count the straight ones." It's no big deal.

    Unfortunately, Collins' timing may confuse the matter. His NBA career is naturally ending because he's old & slow & not very useful, & managed to stretch out his career. We need a pro athlete in the prime of his career coming out.

  26. Lots of sexual insecurities out there. I bet Michele Bachmann's husband can relate. :)

    Anon9:41 pm, i think that the American people are a little smarter than u are. Pssst, they just elected the beige one for a second time. Sorry.

  27. Field said

    A lot of insecurities here


    I said

    WOW thank you This is what i have been saying What conscious Black man or other continues to focus on the BUTT of other men?
    Come out of those doorways for gosh sake.
    i am about to capture your castle ;0
    And i will not not be em bare assed! Noone can shame me NOONE!
    Bring your best shot speak to me like the MAN! you want to be not like the door stop you are


  28. It’s weird, in Amerikkka, quite a few consider a man that strategically place his penis in another man’s rectum or a woman eating another woman as a delicay as a sign of progress. Simply put, these are all signs of the end being closer than most people would like to contemplate. Rebellion and acts of abomination against God’s word are the purest of sinning. They always have been and always will be, just like with what’s happening right now.

    When God caused the last great flood, HE didn’t do it because humanity was obeying His words and people were devoutly pious. Nahh bro, He caused the great flood because evil, corruption, back sliding and sinning ruled people’s behavior to the core!

  29. Black Sage, this god of yours sounds like a mean-spirited spiteful little twat, to me.

    You can keep him. He's all yours.

  30. It saddens me that the prevailing thought of those posting have a festering hatred towards homosexuals. How ironic that these posts are in a forum of a blogger's ethnicity is also targeted by "haters." I only hope that someday humanity would show the level of tolerance that Jesus Christ showed during biblical times. I think in modern times that if Christ did return he would be written off as being a nutcase.

  31. @The Purple Cow,

    Nope, He's not a spiteful God at all. However, you may keep Jason Collins. As for myself, I'll pass!

  32. Rahm Ammandeep10:00 AM

    Bob said...
    Unfortunately, Collins' timing may confuse the matter. His NBA career is naturally ending because he's old & slow & not very useful, & managed to stretch out his career. We need a pro athlete in the prime of his career coming out.

    If LeBron James was a decent, caring, human being, he'd take a penis in the ass for Gay America.

    This will not truly be a free and equal society until we are all sucking each other's dicks in public.

  33. " I think in modern times that if Christ did return he would be written off as being a nutcase."

    He thought he could feed 5000 people with a couple of loaves and half a dozen fish.

    The prosecution rests its case.


    Black Sage, sending a tsunami to drown an entire school full of Japanese kids seems pretty spiteful to me.

  34. @Purple Cow,

    You're proposing these questions and acts of God to the wrong person. You must question Him for a succint answer. Nice try though!

  35. Frustrated Negro11:30 AM

    Leave it up to STEPHEN to speak on the social wedge issue of the day...

    The borg has pre decided what kind of response you will have regarding peoples sexual preference...

    On a more serious note however... There was no need to congratulate this player from the white house.. O-bomber is always on the correct side of things after the tide has shifted... Hes a perpetual "Fence Sitter"

  36. And as for all of you who believe that they are not free until you are allowed to sucks penis's in public try this

    Suffice that, if its not long or large enough to meet the conditions at the entrance to the temple of the familiar, why bother?

    Ps they do see pumps

  37. BARBBF12:38 PM

    OOOoopppsss...a basketball player announces he's gay..and gets a congrats call from Obama. STRANGE..BUT MAYBE NOT. Am starting to wonder if all the stuff that Larry Sinclair claimed about him and Obama might just be true.


    Over the following months until December, 2007 he was contacted several times by Donald Young who appeared to be Obama’s emissary. He was the choir master at the Trinity Church of Christ which was under the direction of Pastor Jeremiah Wright and where Barack Obama is a member of the congregation. Donald Young informed Larry Sinclair that he, too, had a sex and drugs relationship with Barack Obama similar to his.

    At first he suggested that Obama was seeking the assistance of Jeremiah Wright in making a statement acknowledging his use of crack cocaine as recently as 1999. But he had second thoughts in early December 2007. Donald Young was murdered in his apartment at Christmas 2007.

    Larry Sinclair notified the Chicago police of his contacts with him but received no acknowledgment. Subsequently he has submitted a sworn affidavit which has so far not been acknowledged by the Chicago Police.

    Larry’ Sinclair’s original video on YouTube has received more than 800,000 hits and his blog is in the top ten percentile on WordPress. Links to all his radio interviews can be found at his blog together will all contact details for the media.

  38. BARBBF,I actually.thought you were smarter than that.

  39. field negro said...
    BARBBF,I actually.thought you were smarter than that.

    Obama DID live as gay man until he met Michelle. That's one reason his past is so shielded.

    Not that there is anything wrong with that, but let's be real.


  40. Call our names spktruth2power

    i am an Afrikan and i submit that noone who is an Afrikan is without a name nor have any caucasoids ever seen one such person. i haven't and i was BORN in Afrika?
    Better still
    Case in point no one defines us but us
    And unless and until we learn to do so the Caucasoid will always define us In Angola we are colorado in Cuba we are called prieto, negro, negrazho, mulatto, quadroon, octoroon and maroon and Black!
    These are names the ghost gave humans the people they enslaved and denigrated fro their own appeasement,.Why should we continue to allow others to rename us> Has anyone listened to Malcolm? How long will Afrikans people remain ignorant backwards and pathetic?

    Had i been here i would have addressed this long ago... It is time for Afrikans and our desc to stop accepting the labels others put on you..Who taught you to hate yourself..What Caucasoid has the nerve to define our people in 2013?




  41. Oye Chica! MantanzasGV. You should know that “negro" is a term of endearment in Cuba. Cono.

    Cuban Born. Left Cuba in 1967. Just wondering when did you leave?
    By the way my father was imprisoned in Presidio Modelo in Isla de Pinos for speaking up for a friend who disappeared under Castro's regime.

  42. Anonymous2:25 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Black Sage, this god of yours sounds like a mean-spirited spiteful little twat, to me.

    You can keep him. He's all yours.

    9:02 AM
    Your idea of GOD tells more about you than it does about HIM. However, through your eyes it's understandable how you come to such a conclusion that GOD is mean-spirited. You mirror yourself and think it's GOD, when it's actually YOU. You poor poor little angry man.

    You are funny, though. All one has to do is mention GOD, religion, Christianity, or faith and you go crazy like a demon who is fearful of the Father....You should be... LOL

  43. Anonymous2:38 PM

    To All FN fans....FYI...this video is very important information for the survival of our country, our families, and our society. Please let Field know:


  44. Interesting that with all of the obfuscation about domestic terrorism and Christian terrorism and Jewish and Lutheran and Episcopalian and Amish terrorism, 30 of 31 on the FBI most wanted terrorist list are Muslim:


    The one guy who isn't is a Hispanic animal rights activist.

    Funny how there are no Tea Party types on the list, despite their being the focus of DHS warnings and training material.

    Why would the government do that?

  45. Anonymous4:15 PM

    He isn't 'gay'. He's a miserable pervert.

  46. Roam, because you tea party types terrorize us in Washington.

  47. You and every other gun-control fascist have been played again, Field:

    Democratic leaders are wooing staunchly pro-gun candidates to run in pivotal Senate races at the same time they are discussing a strategy for bringing gun control legislation back up for debate.

    The two-pronged effort has prompted Republicans to accuse the Senate Democratic leadership of hypocrisy, but Democrats say it is simply smart politics.The question is whether two of the Democrats’ most promising potential candidates in Montana and South Dakota will pay a price for the leadership’s political maneuverings in Washington. Or will recruiting candidates who do not support President Obama’s gun control agenda have any effect on Democratic fundraising efforts?

    Probably not, to both of those questions. It sure is easy to get away with this shit when you control the media.

  48. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Brotha Field, since you won't have a pretzel with mustard with me, how about a couple of those delicious vender dogs when I come to town? I'm buying. And unlike PilotX, I WILL show up!

  49. "Your idea of GOD tells more about you than it does about HIM. However, through your eyes it's understandable how you come to such a conclusion that GOD is mean-spirited. You mirror yourself and think it's GOD, when it's actually YOU. You poor poor little angry man. "

    It's funny isn;t it? You can always count on the God-botherers to come up with a long-winded answer that means nothing at all. I note that you haven't even attempted to argue on any point of fact or logic.

  50. "I note that you haven't even attempted to argue on any point of fact or logic."

    PC, it's a feelings thing with the "God Patrol".

  51. Anonymous8:02 PM

    PC, "It's funny isn;t it? You can always count on the God-botherers to come up with a long-winded answer that means nothing at all. I note that you haven't even attempted to argue on any point of fact or logic."

    6:34 PM
    PC, you and Field keep trying to use your tiny logical and rational and supposedly factual minds to argue with the Transcendent. God is Trans-logical, and Trans-rational. GET IT?

    In other words, you are trying to use your little rational minds on something that is Transcendent. It's apples and oranges, you fools. If there weren't you'd be able to tear down faith with your boring spiritless minds. But you can't.

    You see, God is a matter of the human heart. That's something that is missing from your stupid so-called rational minds. However, I have noted that your judgments of religion and God are loaded with your emotions. How do you explain your rational factual minds doing that? You guys are a bunch of morons...trying to debunk the Infinite with your finite intellect. Even an idiot would know better.

  52. Anon. Would agree that the basis of God's will and his gift to man is giving us free thought and will. Isn't that the point of Faith?
    Was not Jesus the total representation of Love and Tolerance? Wasn't Jesus original congregations were the lepers, whores, and other "undesirables?"

    Are you saying as Christians we should follow him out of fear of his potential wrath?

  53. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Anon@8:02pm, I'm in agreement with you!

    Field and PC, you are two of the most ignorant Ni**as I KNOW OF to to share my skin tone. It’s obvious that you’re both God haters like Nietzsche. If you are both aethists, well then, say so, but don’t knock another person for their beliefs in a higher power.

    Gargoyle features, dumb asses!

  54. http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/01/us/kentucky-accidential-shooting/index.html

    NRA advocates are going to have a hard time rationalizing this.

  55. Anonymous11:12 PM

    i just thought it was interesting that his former girlfriend was a blond white woman ..talk about camoflage...and trying to fit in ...good for him to rebel..from a yardie

  56. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Chris Broussard is a real field negro because he's telling the truth.

  57. Adrian Fernadez said:

    Oye Chica! MantanzasGV. You should know that “negro" is a term of endearment in Cuba. Cono.
    Milagros said PROVE IT!

    What are you talking about cono? Conjo! (soy Mujer) Chica? & Endearment?

    Let me sit you down at the table of enlightment
    Enter all who settle!

    Also, i am not discussing Conjo Chicas or endearment i am discussing Afrikans, ignorance labels and truth. This is no bait and switch subject FOCUS and bring your attention to the classroom. (got a pencil) Good because WIKI will not have this
    And if they do its LIES!

    Here is a bit of how i THINK!

    la palabre negro, sometimes metaphorically referred to as a label of endearment reminds me of something close to the n word.
    Lets be clear, thus it is not now, never has been, and never will be a term of dignity, favor or reverence, let alone endearment.

    There have been many words used to describe Afrikans desc since our kidnapping from our mother, and i know that negro and its derivatives are some of the worst.

    When i was born , the race assignment was la negra. ( the Portuguese colonized my country)
    Albeit, because i was born at home i was given a name. It was only after liberation came to Angola that i received a birth cert And this happened in Cuba. Way to go Cuba Go figure!

    I know that the n word was the answer Malcolm X asked about when he said "What does a White man call a Black man with a PhD? (his quote) google,it i do not leave URLS if i choose not to

    And, bottom line i could not resist thinking of Malcolm, when Henry Louis Gates had his so called fiasco with the BostonPD.

    IWO: Black is a color, it’s dangerous to some , and its very intimidating to others or some of a lighter hue. Albeit in amerikkka, to assuage and conciliate the european the labels strewn about have gone from negro to colored brownskinned, light skinned, red bone, teasing tan cafe yada yada

    Anything the euroman chooses Afrikans have accepted? Why is that? i refuse to ever accept any label. My dignity will accept no less than Afrikan

    Moving along
    Afrikan on the other hand unites us with all people of African descent, wherever we are and we are EVERYWHERE"

    Of course, another thing black does, it takes a word that once was used as a positive and turns it into a negative. it is also what the n word defenders say about the n word duh!
    .Suffice, there is one more big difference, black has always been a word that has both negative and positive connotations, depending on ambiance. EG the economy is in the black vs the red)

    negro on the other hand ( never capitalize hate) always had negative essence and undertones, and for many Afrikans who are conscious, it always will.

    Adrian, i am an Afrikan and have had seen a lot of native born Africans and our descendants but i never see a n or negro prieto mulatto yada yada.

    To you and others i may seem to be an Afrikan who was born before dignity and consciousness came to this generation and or before Afrikans woke up.NOT! The court cannot help you!

    Be that as it may, i say CRIOLLA! prieto mulatto negro negrahzo spic wetback kicks etc black white rad and green are not, were not, and never will be a term of endearment or respect.

    Where is yours? And if you are not an Afrikan desc how would you know what we like or think?

    Call me by my name

    Ps Bottom line, when a Afrikan man was lynched, this yr 2013, in Delaware, that hateful n word may have been the last word he heard before he was murdered
    .Endearment? lets ask his mother and his children.
    Also my Cuban, Puerto Rican Dominicans Mexicans bredren etc do not walk around calling themselves spics, & wetbacks and Jews bredren do not accept Kike nor do Asians accept chink or any other so called ENDEARMENT So why should the Afrikan?

    Do u play chess? if so you just lost you castle next?

    " THINK "

  58. Field

    Question if someone is not a homophobic why do they have to explain their reasons fro comments it..Is this a case of protesteth much or is it just an excuse to remain ignorant of the fact that no one can change anyone and regardless of which GOD one claims it ain't happening

    ..It has been said that ADAM brought trauma to the world because he failed to keep, his woman in check or was it his small headed penis?
    get over it

  59. "la palabre negro, sometimes metaphorically referred to as a label of endearment reminds me of something close to the n word."
    MantanzasGV, You seem to be filled with contradictions. While I agree that the N word is despicable since if you are well versed in history is usually the last thing a black person would hear before he/she was lynched. Labels do serve their purpose good or bad. I find it ironic that you speak of the Honorable Malcolm X who fought the good fight and revere Fidel who oppresses his own people. I'm sure as a true communist Fidel has also rationed his food and personal items. Also, Fidel has told his young youths to study the hard sciences and not law. I guess your Papi would be proud of how Cubans on the Isla are treated now You seem to know your history and yet, fail to learn from it. I use Cono not the dominicanize version of conjo. Backgammon is my game by the way. I find it more challenging. You may seem to thim I am a pawn. However, pawns can take a Queen or King.

  60. By the way I find the term Hispanic offensive as well. MantanzasGV, Read up on Jose Marti who I know in my heart would have had his hands around the throat of Fidel. Also, read up on the later part of Hon. Malcolm X's life when he left the Nation of Islam. Don't let me get started on the romanticizing of Ernesto "Che" Guevara who despised blacks as well. -Respectfully, Adrian.

  61. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Poor Glenn Burke...died homeless and alone of AIDS on the streets of Oakland.

  62. Anonymous10:14 AM

    a palabre negro, sometimes metaphorically referred to as a label of endearment reminds me of something close to the n word."
    I find it ironic that you speak of the Honorable Malcolm X who fought the good fight and revere Fidel who oppresses his own people. I'm sure as a true communist Fidel has also rationed his food and personal items. Also, Fidel has told his young youths to study the hard sciences and not law. I guess your Papi would be proud of how Cubans on the Isla are treated now You seem to know your history and yet, fail to learn from it. I use Cono not the dominicanize version of conjo. Backgammon is my game by the way. I find it more challenging. You may seem to thim I am a pawn. However, pawns can take a Queen or King.
    Milagros said:

    No senor you do not have the killer skills to capture this QUEEN plus i have nbeen married to a conscious KING for decades
    Nothing you say here moves me i am not here to play fair, and i do play backgammon, chess, dominoes and anything on a board OR ground
    So what is your point?

    I said and i repeat and you copied and pasted THERE ARE NO LABELS i respect and no people who use LABELS that i will respect as well. RE READ what i said and get it and stop trying to cut out words or put them in my mouth

    So child do not try to make a compadre of me, i am not buying so stop selling me BULL This is not about nothing but respect and dignity pride and what EYE refuse to allow myself to be called period
    Its not about Malcom i knew Malcolm and overstood what he stood for nand what WIKI will never tell you

    Also Cubans say CONJO and spell it like that so it is apparent from your writing that you do not know anything about nuestros linjuage de calle.. lets be clear as well
    Malcolm was dead when you came to this dump in 67 (did u say)? So you son are not aware of the man just the myth

    Also son it is obvious that you either are confused by my words or like most who hate only read what they want and believe what they are told by others

    Now warranted i do not follow any guidelines i write how i like and what i want and leave it to those who are conscious to overstand

    Where did i lose you? Did you know that Malcolm loved Cuba and traveled to Cuba more than once?
    Did you know that Malcolm supported a back to Afrika movement of the hon Marcus Garvey and that Malcolm was a nationalist

    Its obvious that you only wiki ed what you wanted to read Its obvious that you took out major comments i wrote and added your own LOL good try but like i said i am no pushover crybaby or wimp i stand my ground

    ps See, i know who you are Your the group who left Cuba after being hoodwinked bamboozled and tricked by the US GOV

    Ever heard of the Pedro pan

    Ps The city is called MATANZAS! check your spelling

  63. Anonymous10:24 AM

    PEOPLE the only way any conscious MAN would know that the POTUS has had sex with a homosexual man is if they were there and saw it Hmmm lol

    And if they were there why?
    Were they seeking a bump from behind as well or are they creeping out of the closet on the QT hoping to change Fields blog to a homo meeting place or dating site ? NOT happening get your own!

    There is plenty of space on the WWW for gay people

    ps IMO its time to dust off the dissention

    Just saying

  64. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Adrian fernadez mentioned

    MantanzasGV, Read up on Jose Marti who I know in my heart would have had his hands around the throat of Fidel. Also, read up on the later part of Hon. Malcolm X's life when he left the Nation of Islam. Don't let me get started on the romanticizing of Ernesto "Che" Guevara who despised blacks as well. -Respectfully, Adrian.

    No senor u read up on Jose!
    Again Adrian you are no competiton for me..Trust me and NO sir/ma'm you and i will not be bring politrics to this converation in any way Albeit had i started a political conv about CUBA perhaps but since i did not NO!

    This is about labels NEGRO and other inane foolish junk not anything else.
    So go find someone you can talk to and who will listen and believe the hype your failing to start with me

    lol, You cannot switch gears to dance me into a discussion about mi Cuba WHY? i am awake and YOU do not know where i have come from and u would not have the tenacity to go there

    So please take Wiki pack it up and shove it
    U get no game here been there done that and you cannot open this door..You cannot handle the heat.
    Adios Senor que te vayas bien

    ps captured your Queen the house is falling End of discussion


  65. Wow. You are by all means an angry hypocrite. You call the US a dump. However, where do you choose to reside?
    Use your "lawyering" skills in Cuba and see how far that will go. Also, I notice that you have proven to me that you are selective of history to suit your needs (rhetoric) and skirting simple questions. Cubans came up with "Afro" and Afrocentric. Show some intelligence in this forum. You hypocritical "comemeirda." Pedro Pan. Please. You can’t see the trees before the forest. Wiki that.

  66. hoodwinked bamboozled Spike Lee refrences. wonderful.
    Hoodwinked, bamboozled by choosing freedom over communism? Yes, you did lose me.
    sit down.
    Knocks over queen. clink.

  67. Autobiography of Malcom X. Well read and worn in my house. Siddartha and so forth. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass read that. Teaching in an urban setting and for over 23 years having the privilage of working with students who are primarily African American. So please don't have the audacity to suggest that I have been bamboozled.

  68. You call the US a dump. However, where do you choose to reside?
    Use your "lawyering" skills in Cuba and see how far that will go.

    How about LEGAL skills vs Lawyering dayum your dumb
    I prefer living in Cuba and it will happen soon.
    My fam is established and we have the resources NEXT!
    FYI have used my skills in Cuba to some success i was taught there law school and med school i grad from law school there as well as the US NEXT still jealous?

    Adrian Fernandez said...
    hoodwinked bamboozled Spike Lee refrences. wonderful.
    Hoodwinked, bamboozled by choosing freedom over communism? Yes, you did lose me.
    sit down.
    Knocks over queen. clink.

    11:12 AM
    Adrian Fernandez said...
    Autobiography of Malcom X. Well read and worn in my house. Siddartha and so forth. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass read that. Teaching in an urban setting and for over 23 years having the privilage of working with students who are primarily African American. So please don't have the audacity to suggest that I have been bamboozled.
    Milagros the chess player said:

    You have been bamboozled brainwashed and tricked by the US GOV but not unlike many suckers

    Malcolm said those words YRS before Spoke used them in the movie duh!
    Also i wonder if those students you claim to teach had the benefit of homeschooling before you got your hands of them by force vs choice
    Who do you think your debating with here aunt jemima?

    Hmmm white boys racist Cubans and Afrikan children dangerous mix is there an agenda? Sure,
    your a nobody a phony and a fake who thought that because i am easy and never engage i would not BITE cha!

    LMAO now you know from where the fiyah cometh

    Cojones is the same in Cuba as in the Drepublic Your Spanish is as bad as your thinking and like me your spelling needs a refresher course (reread your articles) However, Unlike you i do not give a dayum!

    Now, leave me alone i am no longer willing to engage in anymore debates with disrespectful men/women who have no knowledge of what they try to discuss
    i am light yrs beyond your Siddartha BS but you need the Miseduc of the negro QUICK!

    PS Here is a refresher course for your students

    pps do not worry about my educ law degrees etc i have made my bones, make yours and do it right
    your a pathetic nobody who cannot agree with racial labels So how many times have you said the n word ;( Also You are not free unless you are dead



  69. ALERT! from Milagrosgv la cubanadematanzas

    Field i am putting Adrian Fernandez on notice i do not want him to use my name or engage me at all again. he is disrepectfull and you know me He is now basura i am very disappointed in the level of overstanding here BUT i am going nowhere There are very astute bloggers here and u have a quality site Where the F did he come from?..

    Adrian Fernandez pray to your GOD because the GODDESS has respectfully asked you to not engage me again
    ..I am putting you on notice
    LEAVE ME ALONE Do not mention my name

  70. Desertflower said...
    Perhaps it is because here on the island there exists a fairly laissez-faire attitude towards homosexuality, is that I really don't place that much importance on the 'coming out' publicly aspect.

    My thoughts have always been that ones sexuality has naught to do with the kind of person that one is.

    Bravo desert! This

    is what i call spktruth2power

  71. Obviously your laws degrees from Cuba do merit some worth considering the toliet paper shortage there. I suggest you use it to wipe your ass or mouth since I can't differentiate between the feces that eminates. Seems like your ego is just as bloated and myoptic as your vision.

  72. As a gentlemen. I will do as you wish. MTG. I'll leave you alone. I Guess it's getting hot in the kitchen.

  73. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s8qvEYLeGg
    Malcolms words Spike MOVIE


    Do not allow anyone to LIE and tell untruths

  74. As a woman My man cooks! i am his Quuen

  75. Plus he is a better cook strong thoughtful and RESPECTFUL intelligent and need i say a KEEPER.
    And at least we are not lying faking and begging for attn spreading misinfo

  76. By the way there were plenty of "House Negroes" in Cuban neighborhoods as I was growing up in Havana. Funny how a revolution can bring out the worse in people. I reflect on this as I think of the thousands who lost their lives in makeshift rafts in shark infestive waters over the years. Viva Fidel! Jesus.

  77. Obviously your laws degrees from Cuba do merit some worth considering the toliet paper shortage there. I suggest you use it to wipe your ass or mouth since I can't differentiate between the feces that eminates. Seems like your ego is just as bloated and myoptic as your vision.
    Jealous much you could not wipe my behind with someone else;s small penis
    You ..disrespectfulnasty white boy or wanna be Cuban you call yourself a man!
    you should be ashamed of yourself I have never disrespected you but its on now NEXT

  78. I do all the cooking too as well. Plus I make a mean flan and you would kill for my vaca frita y frijoles negro. 8)

  79. Disrespected me? Your assumptions is what beguiles me. I'll stop the trolling. But, please don't insult my heritage. As far as where I come from it's Havana Cuba. Stop your self-hatin.

  80. Its the embargo stupid
    That is the reason i continue to love my people Those who do not care to migrate but can and those who CHOOSE to stay. We make enough $$ to help them i do not run we did not escape we came legally out of force after 1980 We owe this to our people to turn around and help vs sit back and whine..Some people,just like whining and sucking US GOV tits

    There is no shortage of toilet paper in my communitys Do not believe the hype
    However there are plenty of short penis's in the US schools most owed by teachers And they are as short as the brains
    BAMBOOZLED thanks Malcolm!


  81. Disrespected ME YES! intelligence left with BAMBOOZLED and when confronted with facts
    some people get mad when caught in lies. or a woman confronts them and pulls coves off..

    The real sadness is most people like the nobodies will transfer feelings and that makes me believe that they are DSM candidates in the wrong field cannot stay focused and when there is a disagreement they blame.duh

    Obatala have mercy on the children if there are any and forgive me..for what i am going to say should short penis continue to talk oooops maybe he is talking to self ;0 lmao

  82. Jeolous, woman abuser, ie misogynistic short bone, hater, low self worth, histrionic, pathetic angry and possibly a child abuser ( when children are miseduc they are abused)

  83. I would not kill anyone for food. I would rather steal to eat like" Don jean Valjean in Les Miserables" perhaps thats the style of some..I had to do it i had to do it for the children and the elderly

    As jeanvaljean said
    The truth that once was spoken To love another person Is to see the face of God.

    i can claim it AND never in Cuba was mi or we ever hungry


  84. Since men cook are they house negros while making flan LMAO watch it

  85. Wow. Your Cuban temper slows your wit. So they stopped the rations in Cuba? No more bread pudding being sold on the black markets? Cubans are able to patronage the business that serves the Europeans? Wow. Prostitution is down? I must be wrong about communist Cuba. So my father who has been wrong sending his monies to his relatives every month since 1967 until late into his 80's was misguided? Who is the phony? Wow. i expected so much more from someone who emigrated during the Mariel Bay boatlift crisis.

  86. The majority of educators are predominately white females; particular in urban setting so again your comment: "However there are plenty of short penis's in the US schools most owed by teachers And they are as short as the brains." shows your lack of intelligence. Your soiled slip is showing.
    So put me on "notice." Report that to your commandante. By the way this is US. So much for free speech. Even ambulance chasing lawyers know that.

  87. Wow, this exchange was.facinating and enlightening. I miss those e-fight days.

    I know you both deeply.disagree.on many issues, but I think we were all learning from both of you.

  88. Please don't tell me that you practice Santeria. My old catholic abuela will pray to the saints for you.

  89. Thank you. I'll stop the trolling since out of respect for your forum.
    Discourse is the bedrock of liberty.

  90. Field, no disrespectful intentions with the “ambulance chasing” remark to your profession by the way. –Adrian. Which is my name and I don’t hide behind any pseudonyms

  91. Embargo? Do you have any idea how much European and Canadian monies flows into Cuba? The embargo is a joke. Who profits from this tourism? Certainly the "child abusers" who prey on the young girls of MalecĂłn highyway do. Are any of the monies shared with the island inhabitants? Love Cuba? Do you not tear up with current pictures of Cubans’ plight. Ram shackled homes depilated school yards? Pride? Que Pena ! I'll stop.

  92. "Field, no disrespectful intentions with the “ambulance chasing” remark to your profession by the way. –Adrian. Which is my name and I don’t hide behind any pseudonyms"

    Given that there are racist trailer dwellers on this blog that call the jobs of "disobedient minorities", might I suggest you reconsider your position on this.

    Unless you wouldn't mind your Supv being given a copy of what you've written here.

    Just sayin'

  93. drian Fernandez said...
    Embargo? Do you not tear up with current pictures of Cubans’ plight. Ram shackled homes depilated school yards? Pride? Que Pena ! I'll stop.

    3:48 PM

    YES you stop there is nothing for,you to do but stop

    Noone disrespects me and thinks they can bounce without me dragging thier little dick thru the fiyah
    You senor thought you had a B*&^%&* that you could over talk and overwhelm me with lies However you are a phony and i proved that not only are you a fake you have been bamboozled by the US GOV and don't know it NOW ya do!
    NEXT !

    As for your GOD keep him/her

    FYI i am Afrikan Cuban and wear 6 inch heels. and love to look up at my man what are you doing still bent over and on your knees Yodling in a canyon?

  94. Perhaps if you had the COURAGE to go HOME? you would know that the doors are open and the food is there
    And that your GOV supplies most of it!
    Wake the fck up how long can you stay brainwashed and stuck on the lies the GOV drips

    No Cuba is not perfect however before i and mine will allow SLAVERY by another name dripped in the US flag overtake our we would die for freedom And this is your country not Cuba

    There will be no more rapes cutting off of dicks and faking the funk!..you wanted fiyah NEXT!


  95. i am from Angola emigrated to Cuba as a child Thanks to the UK i came to the US on a plane after and before Mariel

    Next you do not know what i know but FYI i make Cuba a history project and know far more than u do, about MY country i am there monthly!

    Noone is screaming but wimp limp penis Criollas who are esp pay back after all that was done to my people

    Moreover,its sure easy to see that you do not read and your focus is as bad if not worse than both our writings in this venue Your issue is make yourself look good and make a Afrikan sistah look bad BUT guess what you look bad!

    Second i do not give a peros ass what you daddy did he did what he chose and we do what we chose

    No one made us leave or tried to stop us And we certainly did not run..u calim this and that and you LIE and if it was bad what the fck are you doing to help the lesser of your bredren STOP fakin your a wimp

    ..FYI my father is a Grammy winner and after you google him be careful where your mind goes!
    My parents both taught me to stand up and never bend over..

    Last if ya didn't know ya know now i do not take any caca from uninformed wanna be tit likkers pull up ya pants and stand up what u did is done but do not condemn me condemn your funky GOV..

  96. "However there are plenty of short penis's
    So put me on "notice."

    put u on notice for what? Who worries about people suffering from delusion of grandiose Thats your short penis you put yourself on notice your NUT is showing

    you want to play dozens with me BRING IT! i have eaten workout with my king and he is rotfl BRING IT! i have a posse who will man this mutha all night

  97. So I guess in your mind "La historia me absolverá" will take place and fates will pronounce you. Now, you are ranting. Cuba Libre! Familiar with that term?
    Continued with contradictions. Oh I plan to return to Cuba when it is free. Otherwise, I'll pray that it happens in our life time. Otherwise prance around in your six inch stilletos and add that to you 4'11 stature.
    Courage? You know nothing of that. Continue with your bootlicking of Fidel's boot paid for the backs of the Cuban's efforts.

  98. http://www.medicc.org/mediccreview/index.php?issue=24&id=306&a=va
    Plus Read Up on the present status of Cuba's Health care system by a reputable organization. Perhaps, I'm assuming with your "medical" background you could understand it's concerns. Nothing Gradoise about me. I'm humbled more than you could possibly imagine by the plight of the children I serve and the efforts of their families. So continue talking out of your ass.

  99. field negro said...
    Wow, this exchange was.fascinating and enlightening. I miss those e-fight days.

    I know you both deeply.disagree.on many issues, but I think we were all learning from both of you.

    Field you know me i do not mess with people i started a post about labels
    Color labels negro prieto colored etc and quoted Malcolm . This brother entered the conversation and tried to flip the script to Cuba and Fidel FAILED He tried to tell me that labels like the N word and negro were terms of endearment i dusted him educated him and then he DROPPRED the D bomb

    Field i knew who he was when he entered feigning Cuban cit, yet could not spell nuts (cojones) told me that i spelled it like DOMINICANS and that it was cone lol i showed it to my fam and we ROTFL

    ding ding ding something is wrong here..then he tried to tell me that he was an educ for 23 yrs with Afrikan desc children, OH crap ding ding ding i wondered why he would chose to tell me that " NOT impressed that is RACIST defense talk! covering asses talk..pityn pot talk!
    in fact i shared that i feel bad for the children, and hope they have access to home schooling before he got them WHEW~! I know what white boys and wanna be Cubans of a diff hue think about our children!
    And i told him

    Dude puleeeease i am rolling my eyes and neck standing in bare feet reaching for a Cuba libre HA!

    i love it FIYAH! drum roll...and the dirty south! i did not come here to make buddies

    bottom line he thought he had a pushover and an aunti named Jemima The mask is off Field no one bullies me i own this pulpit.

    i am not Barak Obama i am a lawyer who fights and i fight like this for each man on death row


  100. You have been BAMBOOZLED and reeducated CHUMP!

    I do not open urls

  101. Your small head is not humbled enuff for your own people So PULEEEZE do not try to grandstand on the backs of mine..I am here with all of my sons BRING IT

  102. First the focus is on labels those you more than likely call your students ( n words negros colors etc) So do not try to flip the script
    I do not give a dayum about what you think about Cuba You are a LIAR sin pride you are a wimp


  103. You have been BAMBOOZLED and brainwashed HUSH!!

  104. lmao La historia me absolverá" copy and paste from some translation site non Cuban hehehehe

    WRONG dude you are pathetic stolen from FIDEL Castro speech History will absolve me

    I warn you, I am just beginning! If there is in your hearts a vestige of love for your country, love for humanity, love for justice, listen carefully. I know that I will be silenced for many years; I know that the regime will try to suppress the truth by all possible means; I know that there will be a conspiracy to bury me in oblivion. But my voice will not be stifled - it will rise from my breast even when I feel most alone, and my heart will give it all the fire that callous cowards deny it.

    From history will absolve me

  105. I have never lied. You are delusional and misconstrued. How DARE you suggest that I look at the students I serve with any contempt or even label them? You are entering an arena of urban education that you know nothing about. I continue with my dedication. So hike up your thong and put your chankleta down.

  106. If there is in your hearts a vestige of love for your country, love for humanity, love for justice, listen carefully.

    do not allow outsiders and wimps to dictate your history or remove your names

    You have been brainwashed freedom is to die for or at least fight for

    The great Nelson Mandela believed the same thing Go figure!
    I was in SA after he came home and in Cuba when he last visited YOUR pathetic

    Now if you were not a MAN i would tell you to hmmmm but you get it hoodwinked stuck on stupid open your eyes

  107. Educated me please. The Miseduaction of a Cuban Youth.

  108. i dared senor i dared to call it like i sense it NOW what?
    i have the audacity to call it and i will do it again your also a RACIST and you more than likely have called children n words along with your co workers YES i dared
    Bring it cry baby boy you asked for this You reek of FEAR. And its on tonight dirty South style.

    As beautiful as i am i am UGLY butt hole ..ugly tonight and i am just beginning

  109. Now I will continue this discussion if you would like in a mture fashion. I do so out of the repsect for the struggles that Cubans currently face and other victims of racism. So don't you dare call me racist in a country that seems to define me by my geological birthplace and not virtues. The table of brotherhood is large enough for all of us to have a seat and partake.

  110. Educated me please.huh!@ OMG no wonder why the miseduc of the negro was a big seller that you
    missed reading
    You are pathetic You are not a teacher but you are a liar

    Case in point teachers would not get caught like this debating labels while missteping ''im am an atty and this is my calling keep me going PULEEEZE

    Brainwashed and bamboozled and a LIAR NEXT! going to get some juice My grandson will take over BRING IT!

  111. So continue your diatribe.... Only arm yourself with logic and honesty.

  112. i will call you anything i want with respect So forget about telling me how to talk You bought this! Wear it
    eat it deal with it

    Ps U say you have been in struggle?
    Do not drop now!

    See Senor i am on am mission and out of respect for self Field and you i will refrain from tagging you like i want to Just do not tell me what to say

    Thank me

  113. Get your guarapo de caña and I'll get my cafe con leche. Screw diabetes. I have not lied at all.

  114. I'm trying to be civil. I have nothing but respect for Abuelitas. Please continue.

  115. This is no diatribe this is a passion of mine and one which i will prevail because labels and my people are more important than your issues with my country Cuba
    Regardless, people of all stripes can agree that labels, racist labels are not good That they are not terms of endearment wake up Senor this is 2013 not 1959

  116. Political discourse aside. Define freedom.
    Please if I may address you by your first name out of respect.

  117. You better respect me and any woman young or mature, some of us can still spktrut2power

  118. JUGO no guarapo geez! lmao

  119. I agree. As I stated Label serve a purpose good and bad. Try eating from a can that is not labeled. Generally not a good idea.

  120. NO define labels and the N word
    Don't even try it its not about freedom its about name calling
    You will not take me off my game

  121. Jesus a joke about guarapo. Calm down.

  122. Listen carefully. Labels are dangerous as well as the spoken word. I hate the fact that we live in a society that labels us. I am Caucasian on my Cuban birth certificate and magically became Hispanic when I emigrated here. That bothers me. The N word bothers me immensely. My Papi called "Ricky Ricardo" bothered me. My mom who taught bilingual education for 28 years despite certified to teach HS English had to settle for a job as a kindergarten teacher because her superiors though her Spanish accent was too thick bothers me. Yes I have seen the struggle.

  123. :Look at the children they are being tested, being challenged and being defined by labels and by the color of thier skin ( don't start me)
    The low self worth arises from the labels as well as the gangsta rap or the rap which labels women ho's etc. And the men who now speak to women as if they were douchbags or dirty kotex

    However its the adult who does not sense this danger
    It is clear that low self esteem has its beginning in name calling labels and lack of fam support
    Some say that self esteem is a thinking disorder ending in self defeating behavior..This is my premise and why i WILL NOT ACCEPT labels

  124. Thank you for your sincere tone. I empathize as well. I have a daughter and I hold all women in high regards. However, respect is something earned in my household not predetermined by gender.

  125. Despite you think I know Little of Hon. Malcolm X I do revere in the fact that it is important to be self-educated as he stated eloquently so many times.

  126. Labels do pereservate the notion of self hate among African American children. However, You must understand that labels do exist despite not accepting them. "The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do." - Walter Bagehot. I tell this to my students when they are faced with predetermined labels.

  127. :Look at the children they are being tested, being challenged and being defined by labels and by the color of thier skin ( don't start me)
    The low self worth arises from the labels as well as the gangsta rap or the rap which labels women ho's etc. And the men who now speak to women as if they were douchbags or dirty kotex

    However its the adult who does not sense this danger
    It is clear that low self esteem has its beginning in name calling labels and lack of fam support
    Some say that self esteem is a thinking disorder ending in self defeating behavior..This is my premise and why i WILL NOT ACCEPT labels

    Now i knew you were white and now i am going to end this, not due to race but because you do not know as much as you think you do about your homeland

    i suggest a trip GO HOME see for yourself it has been almost 40 yrs Go home..that is where the corazon is
    Then when you return THINK and prepare for when we all can travel without duress

  128. Read this piece and share it lowe self worth is not only in the Afrikan community


    WE HAVE A VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM in this country. No, it's not welfare mothers, it's not recent immigrants, it's not African-American or Latino men, it's not Arab terrorists—it is young white men.

    Nearly 70% of the devastating violence we experience in our communities is committed by white men and nearly 50% of that is committed by young white men between the ages of fifteen and thirty.1 What kind of violence am I referring to? Take your pick. Domestic violence, rape, acquaintance rape, incest, male on male fights, serial killings, racist hate crimes, gay-bashing, arson, campus riots such as recently occurred at Michigan State University, and barroom brawls. Estimates are that 95% of all violence in our society is committed by males, and although women, men of color, and white men of all ages certainly can be violent, the overwhelming majority of acts of violence can be traced to young white men.

    The violence of young white men maintains a society in which some older white men have most of the social, political, and economic power and benefits, and the majority of us have to fight for the left-overs. Twenty percent of the population of the United States controls over 90% of the net financial wealth.2 Some young white men will become part of the top 20%, but most won't. The sorting out process—the process of deciding which young white men will make it into the top 20% is what produces the cynicism, fear, and sense of entitlement which leads to violence. In response to this process boys choose strategies which they think will help them thrive, survive, or at least stay alive.



    yrs ago i used this info to save a life and he was a WHITE man

  129. I wish I can go home. However, being a politcal exile or "gusamos" I alas cannot. So in the end my "whiteness" minimizes my cuban heritage. ( I don't know how to respond to that.) I do long to see Cuba without duress as well. I hope the best as you continue to struggle. Nice talking to you. I tried to be civil. -Adrian.

  130. Thank you for your sincere tone. i empathize as well. i have a daughter and i hold all women in high regards. However, respect is something earned in my household not predetermined by gender.
    Milagros is my name
    Adrian that is the role of our home NO FREE RIDES respect is earned
    Gratefully lol we have no daughters rather five sons and they know that their children have to toe the same line
    You want respect? Give it and demand the same. Stand up stand firm and spkyourpeace

    Our struggle was never easy we knew it would not be. However our parents were the best of the crop , la crema off the top..Never begging never seeking favor always stand up people I thank them every day

  131. Milagros Thank you. I have been enlightened. Lo Siento. -Adrian

  132. Adrian the fact that you are lighter hue should change a few things and open a few doors We have amigos who are also gusamos who have been back sev times
    We will talk

    Que te vayas bien

  133. Wow! That was a heavyweight e-fight.

    Question for the Doctor: Did someone really do that to Steve?

  134. Nah that was nothing Field. Ever witness the wrath of a cuban wife when her husband comes home drunk? Now that's climate changing. A word to the wise.

  135. Field that was months of being nice stored up
    That is why its best to communicate truth from the gitgo remembering that respect dignity and courage move mtns
    State your case do not come creeping via the 90 miles
    Adrian i found is a decent man but i had to get to the truth

    Muchas Gracias for this blog

  136. Muchisimas gracias as well Milagros. I know of a great little diner in Hialeah if you are ever so inclined. -Adrian

  137. Bring your hubby and boys as well since there are no better arguements heard at a cuban meal. Topped off with some cafecito.

  138. Gracias Adrian:

    We live nowhere near Hialeah the haven of Fidel haters! lmao
    And we never ever eat in the Calle (other peoples food) Plus, We are all vegetarians

    Also, our sons are five strong and only some live in the US perm. Two are doctors in Cuba and none is in Afrika or wherever they are sent to help the needy

    Cuban Drs can now leave home without restriction and often my sons travel back to the US to visit Mami/Papi and to hang out NORTH lol,,one is here now

    Thank you again

    Ps Cuba has the best med care in the world wide And fidel has sent MD's all over the world to help others
    Moreover, each time i go home guess who i see? AMERICAN DOC"S learning and or spying! lol


    On the other side we have WHITE boer South Afrikans who are PORK eaters trying to create issues over PORK ! duh!
    And now a few are now deported Good riddance. i believe that when a chance arrives like this and the advantage is not taken it makes me know that its not about others and their needs its about themselves BULL! typical white supremacy.

    Case in point IMO white people are not their bredrens keepers

    See the white man is a trouble maker its in his DNA to try to annihilate or destroy everything in his way. This has been my exp from time immemorial with the euroman from Congo to Cuba i have lived it from birth..His ilk has prepared me to have courage via knowledge and educ Gracias Fidel!

    There are NO! native dark Afrikans in this entourage just a bunch of white BOERS creating havoc The ones who really want this are sticking by their plan to learn and bring help to the South Afrikan people others smh!


    Senor, this is the last time i will ever venture into this conversation again
    Should you choose to do so feel free, you will have no interference from myself
    Peace homie!

  139. Adrian

    Milagros said to Adrian

    Also, our sons are five strong and only some live in the US perm. Two are doctors in Cuba and none is in Afrika or wherever they are sent to help the needy

    Correction ONE" is in Afrika

  140. Nice to hear that your boys have done so well with their education. I am sure you are proud of their achievements as I am proud of my own son's and daughter's. May your boy's children and future generations continue to prosper
    as well. Milagros it's was never interference just inquiry. So as Field says, "Silence is never golden." Peace out as as well.

  141. Wow...after wading through the previous 140 comments, I feel a little sheepish asking my puny question.

    Um, reader for the last couple of months--first time commenter--FN, but WHO is the baseball player pictured? My best guess was Rod Carew, but I never remembered him playing for the Dodgers (at least, that's the jersey I think I see) or batting right-handed. Or is it intended as just a generic illustration of "exaggerated machismo"?

    I have already appreciated stumbling across your site and now consider myself a regular visitor. Thanks in advance for any help you (or your readers) can provide.

  142. Anonymous5:41 PM

    The guy in the photo is Glenn Burke. He was an openly gay pro baseball player who died from HIV/AIDS. He passed away in, I think, the 1990s.

  143. Gaylord Perry7:04 PM

    Glenn Burke has set the standard. Jason Collins should STFU until he has some full-blown terminal AIDS.



  144. Senor Adrian fernadez said:

    as well. Milagros it's was never interference just inquiry. So as Field says, "Silence is never golden." Peace out as as well.

    simply put i never debate those who have not walked in my shoes about Afrikan or Cuba. Its always the Afrikans fault

  145. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Why is it so honorable for people to know that men like to poke other men in the anus and women like to do whatever women do. Personally, I wish they'd all go into the closet and throw the key away. Sex, sex, sex, Cialis all over my TV. Pornography, pedophelia, all that nasty stuff televised every single day. Americans have PhD's in sex and are dumber than dirt when applying for jobs. Then they wonder why. I'd be thrilled if everyone would keep their nasty wants and needs to themselves. Human beings are putting animals to shame.

  146. Thanks Anon @5:41 and Gaylord Perry. Glad I asked 'cause I wouldn't have guessed the answer in a million years!
