Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The political truce is over.

"The reheated Benghazi "scandal" and other two aimless "scandals" are nothing but political junkie fodder. Neither will end in anything substantial. Collective yawns from the public as the tea party queens flog themselves with their laminated copies of the constitution that they can't read."

~Comment left on Mediaite~


I think we are far enough away from the tragedy in Oklahoma to declare an end to the cease fire when it comes to political s*** talking.

Of course the wingnuts couldn't even wait until the wind stopped swirling to start with their political cheap shots.

"That’s exactly the premise of a tweet that Fox News contributor Erick Erickson sent in the aftermath of the devastation. “I wonder when President Obama will find out about Oklahoma,” ...Erickson went on to scold his critics as humorless and “self-righteous,” even as he tweeted “Confession: I often hesitate to retweet pastors because of the unbridled hate from the hell bound that might then get directed at them.” [Source]

Erickson is a moron and a racist, so his very inappropriate and ill- timed tweet is not all that surprising. 

Bill Bennett, on the other hand, surprised me a bit. I expected a  little more from him. But there he was on his radio show this morning belittling and making fun of the poor people who suffered during Katrina and praising the folks from Oklahoma for their "fighting spirit" and their "patriotic American can- do attitude". [No links, but if I am lying, Bill Bennett is free to try and to sue me.] Bill Bennett, like all those of his ilk, is a sanctimonious dope.

And, as if this wasn't enough,a wingnut politrickster found it necessary to play political games with a national tragedy.

"As of this morning, at least 51 people, including 20 children, are dead in the suburbs of Oklahoma City, following one of the deadliest tornadoes in U.S. history. Rescue teams worked through the night, especially in the devastated city of Moore, and local officials fear the death toll may yet rise significantly. [Update: as of this afternoon, the death toll had been revised down to 24, not 51.]

Ordinarily, so soon after a disaster of this magnitude, discussions about political agendas and ideologies are put on hold, which is why it came as a surprise when one of Oklahoma's U.S. senators staked out a far-right position on federal disaster relief just five hours after the storm hit.
The tornado damage near Oklahoma City is still being assessed and the death toll is expected to rise, but already Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., says he will insist that any federal disaster aid be paid for with cuts elsewhere. 
CQ Roll Call reporter Jennifer Scholtes wrote for CQ.com Monday evening that Coburn said he would "absolutely" demand offsets for any federal aid that Congress provides. 
Coburn added, Scholtes wrote, that it is too early to guess at a damage toll but that he knows for certain he will fight to make sure disaster funding that the federal government contributes is paid for.
I've seen many note overnight that Coburn is at least consistent -- there are plenty of politicians who've balked at disaster-relief funds when there's a devastating storm, only to change their minds when their constituents are among the casualties. Coburn, however, has routinely questioned emergency funding for everyone, and apparently wants to apply the same standards to his own home state.

But while consistently is welcome, it doesn't change the questions about unnecessary callousness.

For many years, federal disaster relief was effectively automatic -- there was bipartisan support for quickly responding to American communities in their time of need. It was a reflection of who we are as a people -- when disaster strikes, we're there for the people in affected areas, regardless of politics.

But in recent years, many Republican lawmakers have decided to change the standards. Under the new approach, they'll consider emergency resources, but only if Democrats agree to cut a comparable amount from the budget elsewhere. There's no real economic rationale for this, but for much of the right, the ideological rationale is sufficient."' [Source]

Overheard in the Fox newsroom: "Is it safe to talk about Benghazi and the IRS now?" 

Yes wingnut, the truce is over.




  1. Field said.....

    "Erickson is a moron and a racist"

    That's the understatement of the year. I have it on impeccable authority that he's a goat fucking child molester.

  2. Anonymous8:55 PM

    "Bill Bennett, like all those of his ilk, is a sanctimonious dope."

    Why do you call him this? He has always been an honorable and principled man. Please explain.

  3. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Field, why must Whitey, get to be #1 comment? I mean, I posted mine first.

    WC, you are a filthy Cali law man. You are an embarrassment to Issa and Brown.

  4. Archibald Cox9:15 PM

    Of course the wingnuts couldn't even wait until the wind stopped swirling to start with their political cheap shots.

    The President's administration is embroiled in scandals because of its incompetence, political callousness, lies, and felony crimes, and the problem is that "wingnuts" have the temerity to notice?

    Do you know how foolish you look?

  5. Rahm Ammandeep9:21 PM

    "And, as if this wasn't enough,a wingnut politrickster found it necessary to play political games with a national tragedy."

    By wingnut do you mean moonbat?:

    While many Americans were tuned into news coverage of the massive damage from tornadoes ravaging the state of Oklahoma, Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse took to the Senate floor to rail against his Republican colleagues for denying the theory of anthropogenic global warming.

    “So, you may have a question for me,” Whitehouse said. “Why do you care? Why do you, Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat of Rhode Island, care if we Republicans run off the climate cliff like a bunch of proverbial lemmings and disgrace ourselves? I’ll tell you why. We’re stuck in this together. We are stuck in this together. When cyclones tear up Oklahoma and hurricanes swamp Alabama and wildfires scorch Texas, you come to us, the rest of the country, for billions of dollars to recover. And the damage that your polluters and deniers are doing doesn’t just hit Oklahoma and Alabama and Texas.”

    That is, he actually accused Oklahomans of bringing the tragedy on themselves by refusing to pretend that tornadoes are caused by insufficient federal regulation.

    Meanwhile, at least 51 people are dead in Oklahoma. They were not killed by global warming, since there hasn’t been any for 16 years now.

    There truly is no lower life form than a left-wing politician.

  6. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Re: IRS and Benghazi--Obama is is deep trouble.


  7. Wesley R10:05 PM

    Fox News should be investigated. For fake 'reporting'.

  8. Obamabot10:28 PM

    That's right Wesley, anyone who notices the crimes of 'our side' should be locked up!

  9. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I have it on impeccable authority that Whitey is a child fucking goat molester.

  10. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Field, "Of course the wingnuts couldn't even wait until the wind stopped swirling to start with their political cheap shots."

    Archibald Cox replied, "The President's administration is embroiled in scandals because of its incompetence, political callousness, lies, and felony crimes, and the problem is that "wingnuts" have the temerity to notice?

    Do you know how foolish you look?"

    9:15 PM
    Well, Field is playing the big R angle with the wingnuts, implying they are so racist that they can't wait to take the President down.

    However, in his speech at Morehouse College, he made it clear that there are no more excuses for being Black. "Nobody cares where you come from or how hard you've had it," Obama said.

    If you check out Field's post, Mr. Field agreed with him. That is, Black men have no excuses for not succeeding in the world anymore because of their skin color.

    Hence, it's fair game for the GOP to thoroughly investigate Benghazi and the IRS scandals and to go after the President because it. Being a black President is no longer an issue. Thank you, Obama!

  11. Anon, that's a good point. Does Field think that Obama should get a pass on these scandals because he is black?

  12. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

    And keep your eye on the sparrow, when the going gets narrow.

  13. Anonymous11:30 PM

    luis said...
    Anon, that's a good point. Does Field think that Obama should get a pass on these scandals because he is black?

    10:53 PM
    Well, he used to. But after Obama's speech at Morehouse College to 500 Black graduates, Field is a changed man. Thanks to Obama Field-as well as some other FN Negroes- no longer blame or accept any excuses for a bm to NOT succeed. Per President Obama, "NO MORE EXCUSES!"

    Obama's greatest legacy: getting Blacks and Whites to no longer accept any excuses from the bm. So, when the GOP Impeaches Obama, there will be cries of discrimination from Blacks...No Excuses! Isn't that beautiful?

  14. Coburn is getting lit up by his constituents on social media. At least some wingnuts are pulling the cover from their eyes and seeing the truth these guys are callous and have no empathy. Oh well Oklahoma, you elected the asshat.

  15. My advice to Obama:

    Don't roll the dice if you can't pay the price

    Don't do it

    Don't run your feet down a dead-end street.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. How about going along with Sen. Tom Coburn, but with the proviso that the cuts come only out of other federal money earmarked for Oklahoma. That's the fairest right wing solution of all.

  18. PilotX said...
    these guys are callous and have no empathy

    They are not supposed to have "empathy", they are supposed to legislate.

    These disaster bills always include an obscene amount of pork. These greedy bastards tack on all sorts of special interest payoffs as payment for their votes.

    The bill for Sandy was $59 billion, less than half of which ($26 billion) had anything to do with Sandy. That's right, $33 billion extra was the price in pork tacked to get it passed. When the Republicans tried to say it should be paid for by cuts elsewhere, they were reamed in the press for their lack of "empathy".

    I guess in New Speak, "empathy" now means "shake down"

  19. FOX journalist is an oxymoron.

    Arrest them all.

    "Re: IRS and Benghazi--Obama is is deep trouble.



  20. Get With The Program7:23 AM

    Yeah field....zzzz

    BUT. This reseveres repating:

    Rahm Ammandeep said...
    "And, as if this wasn't enough,a wingnut politrickster found it necessary to play political games with a national tragedy."

    By wingnut do you mean moonbat?:

    While many Americans were tuned into news coverage of the massive damage from tornadoes ravaging the state of Oklahoma, Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse took to the Senate floor to rail against his Republican colleagues for denying the theory of anthropogenic global warming.

    “So, you may have a question for me,” Whitehouse said. “Why do you care? Why do you, Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat of Rhode Island, care if we Republicans run off the climate cliff like a bunch of proverbial lemmings and disgrace ourselves? I’ll tell you why. We’re stuck in this together. We are stuck in this together. When cyclones tear up Oklahoma and hurricanes swamp Alabama and wildfires scorch Texas, you come to us, the rest of the country, for billions of dollars to recover. And the damage that your polluters and deniers are doing doesn’t just hit Oklahoma and Alabama and Texas.”

    That is, he actually accused Oklahomans of bringing the tragedy on themselves by refusing to pretend that tornadoes are caused by insufficient federal regulation.

    Meanwhile, at least 51 people are dead in Oklahoma. They were not killed by global warming, since there hasn’t been any for 16 years now.

    There truly is no lower life form than a left-wing politician.

    9:21 PM

  21. "Meanwhile, at least 51 people are dead in Oklahoma."

    You might want to revise that number. This is not a right wing website. We like facts here.

  22. Anonymous11:20 AM

    field nigger must be an affirmative action liar because your boy bongo is trying to niggerize america.why don't you take your mudshark to cuba where traitors belong.

  23. Anonymous12:05 PM


    only deaf blind hobama nazis yawn at benghazi

    raynard jakcosn slew hobama!!!

    cc hobama's pookie speech to morehouse grads

    This view is personified in the person of President Barack Obama. He is light skinned, has no connection with the Black community, Ivy League educated, and seems very uncomfortable around Blacks who are not part of the bourgeoisie.

    He is more comfortable talking about Newtown than he is Chi-town (Chicago). He hangs with the likes of Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Alicia Keys, and Hill Harper to give him “street cred.”

    Yet, he ignores the very issues that gave birth to the Hip-Hop nation—police brutality, Black on Black crime, teenage pregnancy, the glorification of the drug culture, etc.

    The Blacks that have regular access to this White House rarely, if ever, lift their voices to address some of the needs and concerns of those who can’t afford to raise thousands of dollars for the president.

    These Blacks have not once criticized the Obama administration’s lack of action in regards to the issues of particular concern to the Black community. Oh, I forgot, they don’t want to jeopardize their invitations to the White House’s Christmas party.

    These Blacks rationalize that Obama can’t afford to be seen doing anything specifically for Blacks for fear that Obama will be called a Black president. Well, I thought he was the first Black president?

    So, let me make sure I understand this; it’s ok to do specific things for the Black bourgeoisie—private invitations to the White House, rides on Air Force One, private movie screenings at the White House, but he can’t do things specifically to address the high unemployment rate in the Black community?


  24. Anonymous12:15 PM


    no yawns here:



    hobama's gestapo at cbs trumps his gestapo at fox




  25. Anonymous12:25 PM

    no yawns here:

    cc hobama/nixon 2.0



  26. Anonymous12:32 PM

    who will yawn when hobama is FINALLY BELATEDLY impeached???????




  27. Ace Freeley12:46 PM

    Seems this Administration didn't want much news at all coming out between May and November of 2012.

    But all of this just happened. No one's to blame. Maybe some policies:

    IRS Completed Internal Investigation Into Tea Party Targeting Matter in May 2012; Hid Report from Congress

    Just yesterday the committee interviewed Holly Paz, the director of exempt organizations, rulings and agreements, division of the IRS,' Issa said. 'While a tremendous amount of attention is centered about the Inspector General's report, or investigation, the committee has learned from Ms. Paz that she in fact participated in an IRS internal investigation that concluded in May of 2012 - May 3 of 2012 - and found essentially the same thing that Mr. George found more than a year later.'

    At the Hearings: Democratic Representative Matt Cartwright is pushing the "caseload doubled" falsehood, and is claiming that the problem is that the poor overburdened IRS just didn't have enough money (aka "resources") to carry out its tasks without resorting to political targeting.

    It will, of course, shock you to learn that the above-mentioned Holly Paz donated $2,000 to Obama's 2008 campaign.

  28. Anonymous1:34 PM

    FBI eliminating witnesses in the Boston Marathon bombing case:


  29. Anon@1:34 pm, is this a part of the govt. coverup? Was Boston one big lie to distract us from Foxghazi and the IRS? Stay tuned. :)

  30. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Wow! Even the NY Times along with the rest of the MSM are going after Obama. I predict it is ALL OVER for Obama....IMPEACHMENT ON THE HORIZON:


  31. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I have a feeling that Field won't be zzzzz much longer. Pretty soon Field will be hiding underground with his FN disciples because of shame and embarrassment. LOL Some of you folks are so funny. You can't even see what's happening right in front of your faces.

  32. field whitey2:35 PM

    Everything in the news is a distraction from Benghazi. Obama has decided to concede some ground on the IRS scandal (watch - he will fire Lois Lerner) in order to facilitate stonewalling on Benghazi. The AP scandal will blow over because the press is owned by the democrats, and of course none of them will stand by the abused Fox.

    Boston must be portrayed as the act of two misguided brothers, not the indicator of terrorists among us that it is.

    They will lie as the day is long, and you will be right there to cheer them on, like the good house negro you are.


  33. Its ok to distance yourself from Criminals Stephen.....

    Your not really obligated to keep defending this slickster...

    I know you voted twice , and all , but its ok...

    People are trying to tell you NOW before it gets worse...

  34. Zzzzzz.

    Wake me when the last impeachment vote is counted. :)

    Frustrated Negro, no wonder you are frustrated. You are like the Coyote chasing the Road Runner.

    Beep beep!:)

  35. Its actually quite pleasing to see the horde turn on O-bomber....

    It is Frustrating to KNOW that you SEE the crimminality with your own eyes , and ears , and refuse to acknowledge....

  36. Eric Holder starring in ...

    " I dont Know"


  37. What kind of answer is...

    " I did nothing wrong, but Im going to plead the fifth"?

    Click my name for the Video....

    STEPHEN has not received the official Dem talking points to refute the story...

  38. "I know you voted twice , and all , but its ok..."

    who did you you vote for?

  39. C'mon X, do u have to ask? Don't u know a partisan wingnut when u see one?

    He has voted republican ever since he was old enough to vote.

  40. Anonymous5:43 PM

    But in recent years, many Republican lawmakers have decided to change the standards. Under the new approach, they'll consider emergency resources, but only if Democrats agree to cut a comparable amount from the budget elsewhere. There's no real economic rationale for this, but for much of the right, the ideological rationale is sufficient."' [Source]"

    There is no economic rational for not wanting the deficit to increase? For wanting to balance the budget?

  41. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Oh Lawd! FOX is enraged at the gov't spying on its reporter and has pledged to bring the down the roof on Obama.

    Field, you had better wake up. Obama is doomed. The gov't should have never spied on a reporter, ESPECIALLY a FOX reporter. There will be hell to pay.

    What the hell were they thinking? This could be Obama's water loo.

  42. Fake Ass Field Negro said...

    "Don't u know a partisan wingnut when u see one?"

    Your pathetic STEPHEN....

    The rebuttal to me accusing your Hero of blatant criminality is...

    "Hes a wingnut"

    Fool... Im a Black Agenda Report reader....

    heres a link ...


    although a person like you might burst into flames on the first page....

    For some odd reason your hotlinked there as if ...LOL
    your really a true "Field Negro"

    Your stuck in a celebration, and protection paradigm that effectuates 0 change...

    Who else takes the 5th but someone who has something to hide???

    My prediction is that O-blamer will move swiftly to throw her under the bus...

    I gave him the benefit of the doubt in 08 for fear of a
    Mc WarHawk/ Palin disaster ,but it certainly didnt take another 4 years to figure this slickster out...

  43. FOX has been going after the beige one for five years. And he has been elected, TWICE!

    I am pretty sure he is not losing sleep over the dimwits who pretend to be journalists.

    Frustrated, you are lying. I don't care if you read the Black Panther manual every day. That means nothing.

    You are a GOP troll, plain and simple.

    "gave him the benefit of the doubt in 08 for fear of a
    Mc WarHawk/ Palin disaster ,but it certainly didnt take another 4 years to figure this slickster out... "


  44. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Wow. Field is getting creamed with facts given by Frustrated Negro.

  45. khalid7:38 PM

    No matter what comes out, Obama cannot be impeached as long as the Democrats control the Senate. Democrats will always put party above country.

    The real questions is: How much damage to his legacy and agenda is Obama willing to suffer to save Hillary's career?

  46. Anonymous7:56 PM

    If people like Field don't want non-liberal "trolls" on their sites, they should say so.

  47. You know STEPHEN you are really amusing...

    as if ...

    One couldn't dare be Black and publicly criticize blatant over reaches be it Republican or Democrat..

    You lend credence to the very stereo types you claim to slay everyday..

    but hey... what would a True House Negro be if he wasnt cozying up to whatever power structure that is currently in place..??

    Click my name... theres always a new goody about this administrations Democracy Bombs ..or whatever they are calling them today...

  48. Sorry frustrated, I will pass.

    BTW, we're those bombs coming when W was in power?

  49. obamathebuttfuker4:05 PM

    Obama is the biggest sack of shit on the planet. But you are a dumb negro so I don't expect you to see it.

  50. BARBBF9:56 AM



    13 Saturday Oct 2012

    Posted by Alexandra Valiente in LIBYA

    Lizzie Phelan

    It was not the systematic persecution and lynching of black Libyans and migrant workers from other African countries by one of the thousands of militias that were armed by NATO and co, the persecution of people who were allied with the former government, the tens of thousands of political prisoners arbitrarily detained, the murder of Muammar Gaddafi or the current siege of Bani Walid, that alerted the world to how much chaos has been unleashed in Libya. But the killing of a white man, the US ambassador.

    But still that chaos will be portrayed as something that is a result of the uncivilized nature of Libyans/Arabs/Muslims/Africans rather than what it really is…a result of the NATO war that destroyed the former Libyan government and with it the fabric that held the country together in a wider context of decades of western interference in the wider region.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.
