Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Alabama state troopers in black robes.

I was on the phone today with my realtor in Jamaica (honest), and I told him to get ready to do some work for me because I might be heading down there soon.

Honestly, I am sure that the decision by the Supremes today to take us back 50 years has a lot of other people of color thinking the same thing: abandoning the good ship, Apple Pie

Of course I know why they did it. The last national election scared the living s*** out of them, and now all this talk of immigration reform and allowing immigrants who are already here in this country to "normalize" their status has them seeing a shift in where the voting power lies.

"But history did not end in 1965. By the time the Act was reauthorized in 2006, there had been 40 more years of it. In assessing the “current need[]” for a preclearance system that treats States differently from one another today, that history cannot be ignored. During that time, largely because of the Voting Rights Act, voting tests were abolished, disparities in voter registration and turnout due to race were erased, and African-Americans attained political office in record numbers. And yet the coverage formula that Congress reauthorized in 2006 ignores these developments, keeping the focus on decades-old data relevant to decades-old problems, rather than current data reflecting current needs.

The Fifteenth Amendment commands that the right to vote shall not be denied or abridged on account of race or color, and it gives Congress the power to enforce that command. The Amendment is not designed to punish for the past; its purpose is to ensure a better future." 

No doubt Chief Justice Roberts is hoping for a "better future", because he didn't like this past election very much. He, and others like him, are hoping that the new schemes that republican state houses are coming up with to make it harder and harder for poor people and people of color to vote, will make it easier for them to win elections and impose their extreme will on the rest of us. 

"Bloody Sunday," nearly 50 years ago, Hosea Williams and I led 600 peaceful, nonviolent protesters attempting to march from Selma to Montgomery to dramatize the need for voting rights protection in Alabama. As we crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge, we were attacked by state troopers who tear-gassed, clubbed and whipped us and trampled us with horses. I was hit in the head with a nightstick and suffered a concussion on the bridge. Seventeen marchers were hospitalized that day.
In response, President Lyndon Johnson introduced the Voting Rights Act and later signed it into law. We have come a great distance since then, in large part thanks to the act, but efforts to undermine the voting power of minorities did not end after 1965. They still persist today.

....These men that voted to strip the Voting Rights Act of its power, they never stood in unmovable lines, they never had to pass a so-called literacy test...It took us almost 100 years to get where we are today. So will it take another 100 years to fix it, to change it?" [Source]

Mr. Lewis I would like to thank you for fighting and literally bleeding for this precious right that we all hold so dear. Sadly, today, men like Clarence Thomas and his four friends in black robes, have put us all back on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. 

Finally, speaking of republicans and voting rights, before some of you Negroes join the party of Lincoln; you might want to consider the following letter a good friend of mine in Louisiana was kind enough to send me. It was sent by a Negro who thought that she could fit in under the republican tent.

"House GOP Focuses on Female Recruits for 2014

June 23, 2013
House Republicans are putting the first touches on what they hope will be a formal program to recruit more female candidates for the 2014 midterm elections.
My name is Sarah Holliday.  I am very interesting in your article today.  Thanks for a well written article.  I can gave a lot of reasons why their[sic] are issues.  I joined the GOP in 2008.  I am a graduate of LSU and Southern University.  After I changed my party affiliation, I joined the Republican Women of Baton Rouge.  That was an experience.  So, I called upon a group of women and chartered Capital City Republican Women (CCRW) in Baton Rouge on June 17, 2010.  We are the most diverse republican women group in the state.  I was the first black president of a republican women group in the state making history.  I currently serve as the Vice President of the CCRW.  In March 2011, at the biennial Louisiana Federation of Republican Women I ran for Region 6 Vice President and won by five (5) votes in Monroe, Louisiana.  Making history again, the first black to hold that position since LFRW inception.  Then, LFRW changed the rules making it impossible for me to win so I did not seek the office in March 2013.  It is the treatment in the party that is disturbing.  I ran for office in 2011 being the only female republican in the race and no help from the LAGOP. (Louisiana GOP)  I ran in 2012 which consisted of 13 parishes and the only female republican in the race and again no help from LAGOP.  I would love to interview with you to enlighten a list of things regarding your article.  I can be reached at 225-***-****.  Thanks, Sarah
Poor Sarah is reaching out to Roll Call because reality has slapped her in the face.
Now let's see how long it takes another black Louisianan who recently made a high profile switch to the party of Lincoln to realize that "republican outreach" is just a sham.
Of course, with the Supremes in their pockets, they won't need you Negroes anymore.


  1. "Honestly, I am sure that the decision by the Supremes today to take us back 50 years has a lot of other people of color thinking the same thing: abandoning the good ship, Apple Pie. "

    Honestly field, this is the same Supreme Court that just yesterday upheld affirmative action, and just last week upheld the right of the Federal Government to prevent the states from enforcing immigration laws.

    Do you really think polls are going to turn away voters based on their race?

    The real problem with our system is the rampant voting fraud perpetrated by Democrats, primarily in black districts, by black Democrats.

  2. Good Job Field....

    Although people should be looking to Ditch both of the corrupt parties....

    Todays ruling should be a wake up call for black people in America..

    This decision shows that no matter who is in the White House the tentacles of systemic racism are alive ,and well always moving shape shifting , and changing its game plan if need be...

    The time is now to come together...

    I just cant support being a collective chess piece for politicians like O-bomber...

    Its not like we can count on him to effectively counter this ruling...

    This would be a opportune time for our first bi-racial president to strike up a counter argument with the ACLU to appeal this ruling...

    Never mind ...

    The ACLU is suing O-bomber for his expansion of the Patriot Act , and other offenses...





    I take no solace on blaming Republicans for this..

    Im more focused on what our so called progressive leaders "DO"...after this ruling...

    1. Black Is, Barack's AG is pressing against the SC votings rights ruling. What would supporting another political party, other than giving the WH to the gop, do for us? If the gop controlled the WH and the House how would that serve our interests? You rail against Black support for Dems but you have to admit our interests are better aligned with them than the alternative. Sure, in some cases there are more than two choices but in a close election in which only one of the two parties would win not giving our support for the Dem would be political suicide. Third parties in nation elections aren't a viable option right now.

  3. Wesley R8:32 PM

    Clarence Thomas is a disgrace to his race. Malcolm and Martin have to be looking down shaking their heads at that punk.

  4. NSangoma8:37 PM


    Chicago Style 7:30 PM

    The real problem with our system is the rampant voting fraud perpetrated by Democrats, primarily in black districts, by black Democrats.

    Chicago Style, this of course you can demonstrate.


  5. parvenu9:20 PM

    Field with today's SCOTUS section 4 beatdown my mind drifted back to the Senate hearing for Clarence Thomas' appointment to the Supreme Court. I was outraged when Senator Kennedy and other Democrats suddenly caved in and let the Thomas appointment proceed after all of the sensational testimony against Thomas by Anita Hill. Kennedy seemed to be satisfied after giving Thomas a heavy duty tongue lashing over the sexual complaints against Thomas' behavior by Ms. Hill when Thomas was her Boss at a federal agency. Kennedy and the other Democrats chose to ignore the troubling radical aspects of Thomas' extreme ideology and instead busied themselves with the task of defending Anita Hill's honor against the extreme negative rough questioning by the Republicans on the Senate committee.

    Now it is clear that these self-same Democrats (although some are no longer with us) still remain totally responsible for putting the extreme fanatic racist Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court of the land. The hand of Thomas held the fifth dagger, one of which completed the majority of five used by the Court to kill section 4, the pre-clearance enforcement section of the Voting Rights legislation.

  6. Anonymous10:11 PM

    I feel like I let down my ancestors,

  7. Anonymous10:14 PM

    "The struggle continues...we shall overcome once again by rising like the phoenix."

  8. Wesley R said...
    Clarence Thomas is a disgrace to his race. Malcolm and Martin have to be looking down shaking their heads at that punk.

    I think Malcolm still looking for Louis Farrakhan.

  9. Reggin Esaelp10:25 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "The struggle continues...we shall overcome once again by rising like the phoenix."

    What struggle? Y'all has a black man in the White House, free healthcare, and even free cell phones. Voting Rights have been replaced by Voter Fraud. The only thing you have to struggle over is a place in line to get a pair of Nike LeBron Xs.

    Come on, man. The drama was over 50 years ago.

  10. NSangoma said...
    Chicago Style, this of course you can demonstrate.








  11. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Field, here's the sorry truth about this Supremes beatdown on the VRA: Blacks have no political clout; Blacks are fractured as a group, hence offer no support for each other; Blacks are suffering more than ever under the Administration of a Black President who "clearly" doesn't give a damn about us...hell, he doesn't even recognize us as people; Democrats don't give a damn about us either.

    In addition, when did we ever care about each other after MLK was assassinated? We didn't. We are in the swirling water after the toilet has been flushed.

    This never-ending bullshit that says, "maybe we will wake up now" isn't going to make a difference. As long as they don't bother us while we are standing in line for our Nike's, and we are driving our BMW's, Cadillacs, and Mercedes; and they don't interfere with us killing each other, then who cares about VRA? We usually don't vote anyway. Obama is finished after this term. Hence, we won't be going to the polls anyway.

    So Field, why move to Jamaica or PR? Just hang here wear your Nike tennis shoes, $1000 suits and drive your BMW.... And You'll be alright.:)

  12. Anonymous11:06 PM

    From the previous thread:

    Credulous Johnson said...
    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I'm not surprised. No Sir. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Right now, those racist white folks are working on trying to bring back legalize killing of black males. Yep,

    You're right Granny. Why I wouldn't be surprised if those Raciss Rethuglicans don't introduce a bill tomorrow legalizing the killing of black males. Yes, no surprise at all.

    Do you think the President will veto it?

    10:12 PM
    It will be hard to tell. Thus far, he hasn't done a damn thing that favored Blacks. You must understand that he is a politician, first. He leans with the political winds.

    Dear Granny, our people aren't just suffering from lack of knowledge(ignorance), they are also suffering from lack of courage, lack of WILL and hopelessness. You can thank Obama for the arising of hopelessness....he is such a weak man...no backbone.

  13. GrannyStandingforTruth11:06 PM

    I'm not surprised. No Sir. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Right now, those racist white folks are working on trying to bring back legalize killing of black males. Yep!

    I posted my comment on the wrong thread and meant to post it on this one.

  14. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I'm not surprised. No Sir. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Right now, those racist white folks are working on trying to bring back legalize killing of black males. Yep!

    Does that mean my life insurance policy is no good? At least if they are going to kill me, my wife should get paid.

  15. Anonymous11:45 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I'm not surprised. No Sir. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Right now, those racist white folks are working on trying to bring back legalize killing of black males. Yep!
    Granny, how old are you? I ask because you sound like you have a touch of paranoid Alzheimer. I have it too. I grew up in the Jim Crow days and MLK. Yep, those were horrible times and today is just as bad. But you sound like "Paranoia" and "hatred" of Whites, have you caught in a trap you can't spring.

    I can relate. I am sure A Panther Forever 2 can relate too. People from that error have fears of things returning to those lynching days.

    I thought you were an Obamaholic? If so, why are you afraid of things setting us back? Just trust in Obama and everything will be alright.

  16. GrannyStandingforTruth2:30 AM

    Anonymous 11:45:

    My mind is sound and healthy. Nope, I am not paranoid, nor do I hate whites, but I do hate racism and despise racist with a passion.

    So, let me get this straight because I supported the President that makes him my God according to you. Smh! So do you call yourself intimidating me to support your agenda? What’s your purpose and agenda? What does A Panther Forever 2 have to do with your comment to me?

    Nope, I am not surprise about the ruling by the Supreme Court because I told people what the racist Republicans were up to a few years ago. In fact, I have told them more than once. I have blog about it and said it on here more than once. I am not taking back what I said either. Apparently, folks chose to ignore those warnings. That is fine with me, but it was the truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

    As for my comment about legalizing killing Black males, I was referring to the Trayvon Martin trial. His trial is pissing me off.

    Now, I understand that you are upset with the ruling on the voting right, but so am I. I understand that you hate President Obama and apparently have a beef with him. Okay, that’s your prerogative. It's not me expecting him to perform miracles or walk the water, it's you.

  17. GrannyStandingforTruth2:34 AM

    @Reggin Esaelp,can you please tell me where they're giving out all these freebies you swear Black folks is getting? Please let me know ASAP, especially information for the cell phones.

    Btw, I'm real picky, so it has to be either a Gresso Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot or a Stuart Hughes iPhone 4 Diamond Rose Edition. I'll settle for the Stuart because it’ll match my diamond rings. Yep! One more thing, Reggin, do they pay the bill too?

    Technically, they owe me being that I am a descendant of slaves. My ancestors worked all those years under that forced free labor deal they had with some of those prominent white folks. I might as well confess now that some of my ancestors were free people of color and well-to-do. Seeing how Uncle Sam likes to give people thorough background checks before he gives up a penny. I thought I’d better fess up now and get that out the way. However, that has nothing to do with the other side of my family who were authentic slaves. Cross my heart and hope to spit.

    Truthfully speaking, I should get a little extra since my slave ancestors worked in the fields for some of those prominent folks that y’all brag about in the history of the Divided States of Amerika. I do think that I am entitled to a little extra compensation. After all, they became filthy rich off my ancestors’ sweat, blood, and hard work. Now, that I think about, what is the statue of limitations for protesting wills?

  18. Seems the gop didn't wait long to try to disenfranchise colored folks. Two hours after the decision Texass passed the law that DOJ blocked. N.C., the Sip and Bama followed suit soon after. Didn't see that coming did ya?

  19. Pilot, the demographics in Texas was changing and that's a huge state, (lots of votes)they had to do something fast.

    Hang in there Granny, and keep fighting the good fight.

    Reggin, thanks to folks like u the drama continues.

  20. NSangoma6:22 AM


    Nah whidte folkes say dat dey won'ts dey country back, and Stephen, he be heppin' dem git it back.

    Lawd a mercy nah!

    Blessed be he name.


  21. NSangoma6:28 AM


    Chicago Style 10:41 PM

    dailycaller, now we're talking; talking real legitimate evidence !!

    BARFFFFF ...

  22. Anonymous9:43 AM


    hobama is a gwb cloned thief!!!

    I will never believe that Hobama actually won this allegedly close selection. The national misery index is far too great! Too many people are jobless, homeless, or grossly underemployed. Wages are too low and debts are too high. Too many people know that HAARP wielded Hurricane Sandy. Too few fans attended Hobama's celebutante campaign events. Too many people know that Hobama is a bankster. Too many people see how Hobama has waged seven new wars. Too many sane people honestly admit that Hobama/GWB 3.0 is worse than King Shrub/GWB 1.0 in every way! Too many are paying attention to Hobama as he wages World War III...







  23. Anonymous10:11 AM

    what about hobama's reversals?????


    chic racism
    agenda 21
    banksters wild
    hobamacare casinos
    irs gestapo
    eternal wars for oil/gold/opium
    permanent job;less/homeless
    monsanto's free toxic reign







  24. Anonymous10:26 AM

    cc the dl hobama:
    wedded gays trump voting blacks...no???

    more proof that the dl hobama is NOT prez of the blacks!!!!
    he is ONLY prez of gays/latinos/banksters etc

    kudos to the scotus!!!!

    today is a gay day!!!!




  25. Anonymous10:37 AM

    u get ONLY what u demand from a politico


    gays and latinos get new laws


    blacks get new tees and photos of the hobamas


    cc assata who has begged ONLY for exile
    and ONLY received a death order from hobama



  26. BARBBF11:17 AM

    Reading the 2 recent Supreme Court rulings....looks like blacks lose and gays win again!

  27. Old MacDonald11:26 AM


    The elites who run this country have made it clear that the future is with Hispanics, Gays, and Women. Blacks will be slowly moved to the back of the bus.

  28. BARBBF said...
    Reading the 2 recent Supreme Court rulings....looks like blacks lose and gays win again!

    Its very clear to those who are awake . There is absolutely NO reason for black people to keep voting the Dem ticket... or Repubs for that matter...

    If black people cozy up to the democratic machine again...

    It will seal the political fate for black people for many many years to come....

    In 2014 Both Houses need to be flipped over...

    In 2016 black people better get behind something OTHER than the Democratic party...

    The writing has been on the wall for the past 5 or 6 years now....

    1. What does this SC ruling have to do with a mass exodus from a major political party? Wouldn't you agree that if Gore had won neither Alito nor Roberts would have been nominated and section 5 would still be in tact? Wouldn't you also agree that if the Dems were in control of the House Pelosi would immediately bring forth legislation to reinstate it? Did you notice it was the Dem judiciary chair who is working on lanuage right now to reinstall section 5? I don't get your criticism of the Dems in this particular case Black Is......

  29. Anonymous11:58 AM

    The wakeup call black people need to have is what in the hell are you raising?


  30. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    @Reggin Esaelp,can you please tell me where they're giving out all these freebies you swear Black folks is getting? Please let me know ASAP, especially information for the cell phones.

    Btw, I'm real picky, so it has to be either a Gresso Luxor Las Vegas Jackpot or a Stuart Hughes iPhone 4 Diamond Rose Edition. I'll settle for the Stuart because it’ll match my diamond rings. Yep! One more thing, Reggin, do they pay the bill too?

    Just drive through any urban neighborhood and look for the pop-up shelter with "Free Phones" written on it. You don't even have to go to an office to apply; they come right to you!

    And sorry, it won't be a fancy iPhone, but they will pay the monthly bill for you. Actually, I will. I and everyone who pays for their own service.

    Check your phone bill, Granny. See the "Universal Service Fee"? That's your contribution to Obama phones. As of the third quarter of 2012, the USF fee, which changes quarterly, equals 15.7 percent of a telecom company's interstate and end-user revenues. The proposed contribution factor for fourth quarter 2012 was 17.4 percent. Pretty soon, 20 percent of the cost of your cell phone is going to go to paying for Obama phones. Bet you didn't know that. Just think of it as a donation to the cause of keeping the President popular among a certain constituency.

    The Lifeline program (popularly known as Obama Phones) now costs over $2 billion per year and is expanding rapidly. And, surprise surprise, turns out that one of the biggest companies providing these welfare phones, TracFone Wireless, is run by big Obama donors.

    Over 3 million of these phones were distributed in Ohio (surprise surprise) prior to the election.

    Criminals love them because they can't be tracked back to them. And anyone can get one by just saying that they are qualified. No questions asked. Even if you tell them you are going to sell it for drugs:


    We'd better quick order up another 30 or 40 million of these phones for all the new citizens Obama is about to import. I am sure they are going to want to call home and tell their relatives what a great country America is. Or was, anyway.

  31. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Anonymous Credulous Johnson said...

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I'm not surprised. No Sir. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Right now, those racist white folks are working on trying to bring back legalize killing of black males. Yep!

    It's already legalized and supported by the preezy. You fools embrace it and love it and keep killing and killing. Most abortions are done on black babies, just like Margaret Sanger wanted.

  32. Anonymous said...
    The wakeup call black people need to have is what in the hell are you raising?

    You can find the exact kind of stories in every racial group...

    These little goofy stories can easily have different ethinic groups to perpetuate the same garbage your spewing....

    So silly.....

  33. Anonymous2:54 PM

    You all write from the deducing skills of children whom have never stepped to exist the solice of home thus consistently formulated to see the world through your looking that can see no further than a few hundred yards from the glass the fractures the light passing through before entering the lense. To those that are giving correct information; stop entertaining whom seek only to give life to propaganda. To thos that are mistaken; I apologize for your ignorance but honestly admit that though you may believe that others are to blame, your life is indeed easier than most, the most of mosts. Eveyone, let's remember that once "it" is made public, "it" is subject to public's opinion. So nay-sayers and supporters alike will speak of their whims in like fashion and frequency. No one is exepmt from this so it is ridiculous and utterly disrespectful for anyone to become angered and even more so for those that allow themselves to become enraged due to the rebutting of their thoughts made public. Follow the rules, they don't follow you. Lastly, but most popularly deemed least, most people(humans) don't care of the truth but of their own. For if they cared of the world's truth and not their personal truth, they would openly subject themselves to conviction; a conviction that equalizes all. Your truth is NOT my truth and in reciprocation so state cold, unadulterated, unbiased, unrefutable, unrebuttable, researched, undeniable FACTS; even if it hurts....... Are we as a country capable?

  34. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Excerpts from JFK speech, June 11, 1963 still rings today:

    "The Negro baby born in America today, regardless of the section of the nation in which he is born, has about one half as much chance of completing high school as a white baby born in the same place on the same day, one third as much chance of completing college, one third as much chance of becoming a professional man, twice as much chance of becoming unemployed, about one seventh as much chance of earning $10,000 a year or more, a life expectancy which is seven years shorter, and the prospects of earning only half as much."

    "My fellow Americans, this is a problem which faces us all -- in every city of the North as well as the South. Today there are Negroes, unemployed -- two or three times as many compared to whites -- with inadequate education, moving into the large cities, unable to find work, young people particularly out of work and without hope, denied equal rights, denied the opportunity to eat at a restaurant or lunch counter or go to a movie theater, denied the right to a decent education... It seems to me that these are matters which concern us all, not merely "Presidents" or congressmen or governors, but every citizen of the United States."

    Quotation marks around "Presidents" are my own. Today we have a black President who is 'unconcerned' to the extent of 'indifference' to Blacks. How I long for a President with a moral conscience like JFK.

  35. Anonymous3:39 PM

    amen to u and jfk!!!!

    cc that racist bankster hobama!!!

    the men who slew jfk own and rule hobama


  36. Anonymous3:41 PM



  37. Anonymous said...
    amen to u and jfk!!!!

    So....50 years and $15 trillion later and hardly anything has changed for negroes.

    Maybe it wasn't segregation...

    Has freedom failed?

  38. Freedom might have failed, wingnut, But u still can't own slaves. Get over it.

    1. It has actually worked quite well for many of us. We can't be kept out of jobs and schools because of the color of our skin. I like my freedom thankyouverymuch.

  39. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Field, "Freedom might have failed, wingnut, But u still can't own slaves. Get over it."

    Gee, thanks Field. We Negroes won't have freedom or the right to vote, but at least we won't be forced back to the fields like the days of slavery. By your thinking, I should be very happy about that.

    Yep. You are definitely an Obamaholic! You are no better than CT, STEPHEN!

  40. Anonymous6:13 PM

    BARBBF said...
    Reading the 2 recent Supreme Court rulings....looks like blacks lose and gays win again!

    Its very clear to those who are awake . There is absolutely NO reason for black people to keep voting the Dem ticket... or Repubs for that matter..
    As ALWAYS, from the beginning of America, there will progress for Whites but little for Blacks.

    Let's face it. We are bottom of the barrel citizens due to the color of our skin. God never intended for us to be equal to Whites. By his behavior toward Blacks, Obama has confirmed this. Even in his speech at Morehouse, he said we can no longer claim discrimination anymore. BTW, Field agreed with the President. Don't believe me? Check out his post re: Obama and Morehouse graduation.

    We really have low self-esteem as Blacks. In essence, we have agreed with Dems and Repubs against us.

  41. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I wonder what CT had to say about DOMA and Prop8? Oh wait,...he only find passionate negative words to say when Affirmative Action and Voting Rights of Blacks are involved. I must say that his words were exquisite.:)

    Wow. We have CT and President Obama against us. WHO IS FOR US? Can someone answer that for me? And please spare me that black people are for themselves because that is a lie. Blacks haven't been for Blacks since MLK, and MalcomX.

  42. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Dear Granny, I feel it is my duty to expose your name as "StandingforTruth" to a fraud. Here are a few reasons, but they are not all:

    1. You claimed you were going to college to get a degree. You didn't.

    2. You said you were writing a book. You weren't. Hell, even Mike Tyson could have written a book by now.

    3. You claimed you were part White. You used to talk about that all the time-that you had 'lots' of white blood in you. That was a lie. Nobody who hates Whites as much as you could possibly have even a drop of white blood in them.

    4. You started a blog. Then you disappeared without informing anybody. Then you came back, and did the same thing all over again. Then you came back and did it again, constantly leaving your followers in the dark. that was very disrespectful of you. You are an Oakland fraud.

    5. You said Obama was a Godsend. No he is a devilsend.

    Shall I continue? I counted on your shady blog for emotional solace. I trusted you. I'm now taking therapy at Field's Retreat for the emotionally disturbed. Thus far, I haven't noticed much progress, but it's costing me a bundle. I swear, Field has his fingers in all kinds of businesses. I bet he even owns a percentage of Desert's bakery. I don't know how a good man like me get all mixed up with this stuff.

  43. Anonymous7:22 PM


    So, if it worked for you, why not the majority of blahs? If the barriers are gone, what is it?

  44. Pilot, ask your friend Frustrated Negro if things would have been different under a republican president.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Anonymous7:51 PM

    PilotX, "If the gop controlled the WH and the House how would that serve our interests? You rail against Black support for Dems but you have to admit our interests are better aligned with them than the alternative. Sure, in some cases there are more than two choices but in a close election in which only one of the two parties would win not giving our support for the Dem would be political suicide. Third parties in nation elections aren't a viable option right now."

    Well, now that you have explained it that way, we Blah folks don't have a choice, do we? We are caught in a trap that we can't get out of. It's hopeless. If we stay with the Dems we get shit on. But if we go with the GOP, we'll get shit and pissed on. But if we try a third party, we end up in obscurity. Hmmmm. Let's see. Which party should I go with? I know! I'll go with the party that shits less on Blacks. Maybe I can keep the shit out of my eyes and mouth....

    Yeah, that's the ticket...good thinking PilotX. With brothers like you, who needs Obama and CT?

  47. Such political astuteness. Equate everything to bodily functions. Well good people we live in a democracy, if you want change and action you have to go out and get it. How many calls have you made to your alderman/congressman/senator/WH? Have you run for office yourself? Don't ask me these questions ask your elected officials and yourself. I can show you the door, you have to open it yourself.

  48. "Well, now that you have explained it that way, we Blah folks don't have a choice, do we? We are caught in a trap that we can't get out of. It's hopeless. If we stay with the Dems we get shit on. But if we go with the GOP, we'll get shit and pissed on. But if we try a third party, we end up in obscurity. Hmmmm. Let's see. Which party should I go with? I know! I'll go with the party that shits less on Blacks. Maybe I can keep the shit out of my eyes and mouth...."

    How about no politricksters at all and just working for your community from the grass roots level?

    Oh wait, please don't tell me that you are all talk and no action.

  49. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Field, "Pilot, ask your friend Frustrated Negro if things would have been different under a republican president."

    Yes it would have been a "lot" better for Blacks. We would have JOBS! We would have been recognized instead of ignored by Obama. So yes, it would have been better, financially, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually.

    But that's not the point. We HAVE a black President who is sticking it to us left and right and doesn't give a damn about us. It would bother a George Wallace to do to us what Obama is doing.

    You Negro Obamaholics happen to be the only ones left still praising his shitty unreliable words and actions. WTFU! dummies

  50. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Field, "Oh wait, please don't tell me that you are all talk and no action. "

    You have me confused with Obama. I spend my days helping brothers and sisters WITHOUT JOBS, who NEED JOBS. Not too many Blacks can do what I do. You know why? Because they are either Obamaholics who, like Obama, are apathetic to the black cause-or they are too busy trying to find a job to survive.

    How about you? What are you doing for the Black Community? Oh wait...you're an Obamaholic...never mind.

  51. Anonymous8:20 PM

    To all FN readers, please watch this video of the black Senator from Louisiana who switched parties and told the truth of WHY...you'll be glad you did:


  52. Do you negroes really believe that this ruling in any way would impact your right to vote?

    This is beyond ridiculous...

  53. This is Frustrated Negro ..Field...

    Im upping the bar on the name games since you swore up and down I was white , and belonged to the GOP...

    but anyway..

    Pilot X... What you are describing is actual political suicide... Pretending that the maladies of black people can continue to be ignored election cycle after election cycle for a "Pie in the Sky" "We'll all be Free Someday"

    I think the people can be receptive and open to a third party approach if we didn't keep hearing excuses from people like you on why it cant be done..

    Yes I work at a grassroots level helping where I can , but I certainly dont encourage voting for either party to ANYONE I come across..

    The road for real change has to be rough ,but people are starting to wake up.

    You have just as many Opposite opinions on this blog and any other place about politics, and whats going on...

    Your readers, and others aren't as psychologically grafted to this administration as you are..

  54. "Yes it would have been a "lot" better for Blacks. We would have JOBS! We would have been recognized instead of ignored by Obama. So yes, it would have been better, financially, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually.

    But that's not the point. We HAVE a black President who is sticking it to us left and right and doesn't give a damn about us. It would bother a George Wallace to do to us what Obama is doing."

    If you think that any political party will help you, you're an idiot.

    "How about you? What are you doing for the Black Community? Oh wait...you're an Obamaholic...never mind."

    I have done more for my community than you will have done in five of your lifetimes.

  55. Chauncey9:19 PM

    Blacks feel sold out by Obama. Whites feel sold out by the Republicans.

    There is only one elite, and it has its own interests in mind. The coup de grace for the middle class will be immigration "reform". Dumping 50 million people into the system will permanently lower wages for everyone and hasten the day the social programs go bankrupt. Then we'll all feel lucky to be exploited.

  56. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Europeans went to Africa and bought some people to enslave. Who's sorry now? The Europeans and the Africans. Was it worth it?? I think NOT!!!

  57. Anonymous8:15 PM

    You are right, we should have picked our own damn cotton.

  58. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Men in robes in the Vatican, in the courts, in the Klan. Robes are nothing but long dresses. What's the underlying message really??

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