Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Words to live by if you are a bigot.

Words from two people who will never get it.

“I’ve had to hold black friends in my arms while they’ve sobbed because they know what’s been said about me is not true and I’m having to comfort them,” she said.

Deen told [host Matt] Lauer she could only recall using the “n-word” once. She had earlier said that she remembered using it when retelling a story about when she was held at gunpoint by a robber who was black while working as a bank teller in the 1980s in Georgia. In a deposition for the lawsuit involving an employee in a restaurant owned by Deen and her brother, she had said she may also have used the slur when recalling conversations between black employees at her restaurants.

Looking distressed and her voice breaking, Deen said if there was someone in the audience who had never said something they wished they could take back, “please pick up that stone and throw it as hard at my head so it kills me. I want to meet you. I want to meet you.

“I is what I is and I’m not changing,” she said. “There’s someone evil out there that saw what I worked for and wanted it.”

Thank you Paula, sorry for all the money you lost and are about to lose, but sometimes ignorance and bigotry can be expensive.

"Dissenting from this morning's opinion on the Defense of Marriage Act, Justice Antonin Scalia – as expected – holds nothing back.
In a ripping dissent, Scalia says that Justice Anthony Kennedy and his colleagues in the majority have resorted to calling opponents of gay marriage "enemies of the human race."

But to defend traditional marriage is not to condemn, demean, or humiliate those who would prefer other arrangements, any more than to defend the Constitution of the United States is to con- demn, demean, or humiliate other constitutions. To hurl such accusations so casually demeans this institution. In the majority's judgment, any resistance to its holding is beyond the pale of reasoned disagreement. To question its high-handed invalidation of a presumptively valid statute is to act (the majority is sure) with the purpose to "dis- parage," "injure," "degrade," "demean," and "humiliate" our fellow human beings, our fellow citizens, who are homo- sexual. All that, simply for supporting an Act that did no more than codify an aspect of marriage that had been unquestioned in our society for most of its existence— indeed, had been unquestioned in virtually all societies for virtually all of human history. It is one thing for a society to elect change; it is another for a court of law to impose change by adjudging those who oppose it hostes humani generis, enemies of the human race.

Scalia says that the court's holding – while limited to the Defense of Marriage Act – is a sure sign that the majority is willing to declare gay marriage a constitutional right.

It takes real cheek for today's majority to assure us, as it is going out the door, that a constitutional requirement to give formal recognition to same-sex marriage is not at issue here—when what has preceded that assurance is a lecture on how superior the majority's moral judgment in favor of same-sex marriage is to the Congress's hateful moral judgment against it. I promise you this: The only thing that will "confine" the Court's holding is its sense of what it can get away with.

And, he says, the holding will short circuit the debate over gay marriage that should have been carried out in the states.

In the majority's telling, this story is black-and-white: Hate your neighbor or come along with us. The truth is more complicated. It is hard to admit that one's political opponents are not monsters, especially in a struggle like this one, and the challenge in the end proves more than today's Court can handle. Too bad. A reminder that disagreement over something so fundamental as marriage can still be politically legitimate would have been a fit task for what in earlier times was called the judicial temperament. We might have covered ourselves with honor today, by promising all sides of this debate that it was theirs to settle and that we would respect their resolution. We might have let the People decide.

But that the majority will not do. Some will rejoice in today's decision, and some will despair at it; that is the nature of a controversy that matters so much to so many. But the Court has cheated both sides, robbing the winners of an honest victory, and the losers of the peace that comes from a fair defeat. We owed both of them better. I dissent." [Source]

Thank you for your thoughts Mr. Scalia, but I am glad that you were in the minority this time. Stripping away the human rights of two different groups of people in two days would have been a bit much for even America to handle.

Honestly, when I think of people like Nelson Mandela (keep him in your thoughts, he won't be with us much longer) when compared to the likes of Paula Deen and Antonin Scalia, I can't help but think that if there is a god he/she has a great sense of humor.


  1. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Field, you and some of your cronies who love to chastise innocent white folks like Paula Deem should watch this video of Matt Lauer and Paula Deen. She is NOT racist.

  2. Anonymous9:36 PM

    FYI: McWhorter, an AA man of the highest stature has said Paula Deen is innocent and should be given the benefit of the doubt. I agree.


  3. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I am confident that Paula will get her job back just like a previous radio host did. I won't mention his name in order to protect his anonymity.

  4. Anonymous10:19 PM

    I hate to say it, but Scalia's superb written descent was right on target. The majority of the Court in this matter attacked those who disagreed with them. How small of them! Who do they think they are? They only encourage the gay population to attack those of us who disagree.

    BTW, the white gay population are prejudiced against Blacks. They are the worst offenders when it comes to racism. It's funny how this system of fairness works. It works for the betterment of others EXCEPT Blacks.

    In other words, this mile stone is for WHITES, not Blacks. Count on it.

  5. Ace Freeley10:29 PM

    It is one thing for a society to elect change; it is another for a court of law to impose change by adjudging those who oppose it hostes humani generis, enemies of the human race.

    Scalia is right. It is a twisted ideology that labels defenders of core cultural foundations as bigots. Gay marriage is a completely different thing than marriage between a man and a woman. It should be up to the people of the States to decide how they handle the demands of citizens for legal certification of their relationships.

    The Courts has essentially held that if the people of a state pass a popular referendum on whatever subject and then that referendum is challenged and struck down at the trial-court level, they have no right to appeal. If the executive decides he doesn’t like the referendum enough to choose to appeal it himself, there’s nothing a single member of the public can do to ask an appellate court to reconsider the lower court’s decision — even though many millions of voters voted directly to enact the law.

    The Supreme Court ruled that citizens have no rights vis a vis the permanent political class when that class chooses to ignore their popular initiatives and referendums.

    Consider the entire point of the initiative and referendum mechanism: It exists as a safety valve by which the citizenry can bypass or overrule the permanent political class if the permanent political class refuses to accede to actual popular will.

    In the matter of Prop 8, the citizens passed an amendment. The permanent political class of the government did not like this amendment, and ignored it. That class refused to make the case in favor of the amendment when another member of the permanent political class, a federal district judge, struck it down as unconstitutional. Now the proponents of the amendment come forward before other members of the permanent political class to argue that, because no other members of the permanent political class are willing to argue in favor of the constitutionality of an amendment the citizens passed, and this latest tribunal of the permanent political class -- the Supreme Court -- tells them no, only members of the permanent political class are authorized to plead on behalf a citizen-promulgated amendment.

    The whole point of the initiative system is to bypass the elected representatives and pass the sorts of laws the permanent political class does not like but the actual citizens do, and the Supreme Court has effectively ruled this system to be a nullity -- because the exact same permanent political class the citizens sought to bypass can render any initiative inoperative by refusing to recognize it and by refusing to defend it in court.

    The permanent political class apparently has the power of veto over the citizenry -- no matter what state law may say about the initiative process or the rights of the proponents of an initiative to defend it in court, it is now, supposedly, the law of the land that the federal government invalidates such rights and claws them back in favor of the permanent political class' right to rule.

    Democracy is over. The Republic is dead.

    1. Anonymous4:10 AM

      Just because citizens like a law doesn't make it constitutional. Popularity should not give credence to a law that was unconstitutional and put on a ballot by bigoted interest groups. The rise and fall of Prop 8 is a perfect example of democracy in action. The only thing that is dead is your ideas.

  6. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Field, "Honestly, when I think of people like Nelson Mandela (keep him in your thoughts, he won't be with us much longer) when compared to the likes of Paula Deen and Antonin Scalia, I can't help but think that if there is a god he/she has a great sense of humor."

    There you go again, judging the Creator of Everything--according to your self-centered unknowing mind. I swear. Your arrogance knows no bounds. You don't have a clue about your Creator. You are a fool.

  7. Anonymous10:38 PM

    "Honestly, when I think of people like Nelson Mandela (keep him in your thoughts, he won't be with us much longer) when compared to the likes of Paula Deen and Antonin Scalia, I can't help but think that if there is a god he/she has a great sense of humor."

    First, I think Nelson Mandela would first tell you to stay out of God's business because there is no way for you to know about the Transcendent.

    Secondly, why would you compare Mandela with Paula Deen or Justice Scalia? Only STEPHEN, a blind ignorant Negro, would do such an idiotic thing.

  8. "Honestly, when I think of people like Nelson Mandela (keep him in your thoughts, he won't be with us much longer) when compared to the likes of Paula Deen and Antonin Scalia"

    That you cannot appreciate the greatness of Antonin Scalia indicates just how little you understand American law. You are a pure ideologue, not a reasoned jurist.

  9. Conservatives love small government when it does what they want add to that states rights but wouldn't that mean DOMA had to go? Hypocrites much? Too bad Scalia didn't let Florida have a recount, you know states' rights and all. Ha!

  10. "That you cannot appreciate the greatness of Antonin Scalia indicates just how little you understand American law. You are a pure ideologue, not a reasoned jurist."

    And Scalia isn't?

    Who is more of an "ideologue" than that clown?

  11. blackmon11:18 PM

    PilotX said...
    Conservatives love small government when it does what they want add to that states rights but wouldn't that mean DOMA had to go? Hypocrites much? Too bad Scalia didn't let Florida have a recount, you know states' rights and all. Ha!

    States rights? The Supreme Court just voided the right of the people of the State of California to decide matters in their own state, by allowing the executive branch to void an amendment to the state constitution.

    Elections only matter if they advance the leftwing agenda. If they do not, they can be ignored.

    The will of the people of the State of California has been nullified.

    Tyranny has arrived.

  12. blackmon11:19 PM

    And Florida conducted several recounts in 2000: Bush won them all.

  13. "Tyranny has arrived."

    No, it's been here for a very long time.

  14. blackmon11:23 PM

    field negro said...
    Who is more of an "ideologue" than that clown?

    For starters, Breyer, Ginsburg, Kagan, and Sotomayor.

    That "clown" can defend his opinions with reason, not ideology. Try reading one of them sometime, field.

  15. "Try reading one of them sometime, field."

    Sorry, I stopped reading comic books when I was a kid.

  16. blackmon11:38 PM

    That's it, be proud of your ignorance.

    Ideologues have no need for facts.

    You must have been some kind of student in law school.

  17. NSangoma6:35 AM


    field booty, why didn't you hoody marching Negroes have Rachel Jeantel drop a few pounds, as well as, learn to speak the Queen's own English. You had a least 1-year to get that done.


  18. philly cheese mistake8:17 AM

    filed writes:

    Thank you ______, sorry for all the money you lost and are about to lose, but sometimes ignorance and bigotry can be expensive.

    That pretty well sums up black consciousness and how it leaves blacks in wondering what they're doing wrong.

  19. Anonymous said...
    "Just because citizens like a law doesn't make it constitutional. Popularity should not give credence to a law that was unconstitutional and put on a ballot by bigoted interest groups"

    There is nothing unconstitutional about limiting the legal definition of marriage to what it has been known as for thousands of years.

    There is nothing discriminatory about it, as the law applies equally to everyone. Any man can marry any woman, any woman can marry any man. Any two people of the same sex can form a civil union, but cannot marry.

    Preference has nothing to do with it.

    Look at drug laws. You may prefer wine, while I prefer crack. The law is the same for everyone. Either of us can purchase wine legally, but neither of us can buy crack. My preference for crack has nothing to do with it. The law is not discriminatory.

    Gay marriage is not a civil rights issue. Any benefits conferred upon the institution of marriage are granted by society because society has an interest in promoting marriage. Marriage is the fundamental building block of a stable society, and is the best way to produce and raise children. Raising the next generation is a requirement for the survival of the society. Gay marriage, without an external input, cannot produce children. Gay marriage activists are asking to receive a 'subsidy' for a benefit they do not provide.

    People are being treated equally today. Allowing gays to marry would be granting a special privilege to homosexuals that makes society less equal, not more.

  20. Anonymous10:16 AM

    marriage is a human right
    god creates homos in every living species

    and morality has nothing to do with being het or gay
    morality is solely defined by character

    morality is NEVER defined by natural het or gay consenting adult sexuality/gender/race/class etc

    that rabid racist sexist dl hog scalia is reportedly het
    and he is the most amoral mf on the planet
    ditto for the legally wed dl hobama

    paula is no more racist than most americans/hobama
    she just got caught on tape..
    how many millions of other peer racists of all races would fail such clandestine audio scrutiny????
    cc dog the bounty hunter/nixon/lbj etc

    kudos to the scotus!!!!

  21. Anonymous10:17 AM

    cc jimmy the greek/all rappers too

  22. Anonymous10:27 AM

    hobama's racism is FAR more powerful and fatal than paula dean's


    Hobama flagrantly celebrates his exclusive loyalty to the white male Wall Street criminals, who comprise and control his entire apartheid regime. Hobama proudly wallows in his bloody obsession with global and domestic drones. Hobama drools at the Mainstream Media (MSM) that coddle and cheer him through serial illegal wars, AFRICOM, CISPA, unprecedented prison funding, martial law, unconstitutional gun grabs, FEMA camps, DHS ammunition stockpiling, Hobamacare casinos and layoffs, and numerous other maniacal antics.
    It is a sinful and suicidal saga of escalating wickedness that is literally slaying us all. Each day Hobama proves that he is the new Hoover/Hitler/GWB/Nixon. Hobama is a bona fide third generation CIA agent. Being a supertb actor is a prerequisite for that post. The Manchurian Messiah will now expertly play George Zimmerman to Assata's Trayvon Martin: “How dare Assata walk freely in Cuba?! She will not get away!!!”

  23. Anonymous10:30 AM

    it is human marriage that is a right


    we homos are human indeed

    unlike that inhumane "het" mf scalia

  24. Sorry about this, Field:

  25. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Perhaps I don't get it; I dunno but I must be missing something here. "Murphy's Law" simply states that, "...anything that can happen, will happen", an excellent guiding principle. So, wouldn't you know that in the pursuit of justice for Trayvon Martin and his parents, the prosecution's key and most important witness, Rachel Jeantel is the poster child for "low-information" mental deficiency. I ask,is this the best we can offer, black people?
    This sistah is "authentic", but indefensibly and painfully stupid, period.
    My people, my people; tsk, tsk, tsk.

  26. Anonymous11:03 AM

    hobama's global racism makes paula dean look like an african saint


    cc africom/trayvon/.assata/drones/
    black agendaless/gunless/jobless/homeless nazis etc

    “The rule of law is everywhere in retreat. Racist vigilante justice trumps Blacks’ right to life in Florida and a growing number of 'shoot first' states, while the U.S. president claims the right to kill at will, internationally. 'The Florida laws are the local articulation of a US foreign policy that deploys murder and mayhem at any sign of a threat.' Eric Holder, the nation’s top lawman, condones assassination without trial, yet ‘is now tasked to investigate Trayvon Martin’s murder.’

    Our righteous indignation and anger over the Trayvon Martin murder has to stretch beyond our community to consider a global humanity – and especially the nonwhite victims of US militarism and racism. We must pause and reflect on the injustice of the US government’s extrajudicial assassinations, and the fact that the Obama administration has claimed the right to kill people in multiple countries around the world whenever it wants. And we also should ask ourselves the question recently posed on twitter by @public_archive [15]: ‘Trayvon was executed because of a perceived threat; US launches target assassinations because of perceived threats. Both are somehow legal?’ Unfortunately, they are. And they are related: the Florida laws are the local articulation of a US foreign policy that deploys murder and mayhem at any sign of a threat—even as our officials generate these threats behind closed doors and without any pretentions of legality. And both Trayvon and Abdulrahmana, Black boy and brown, were victims of a culture of vigilantism masking itself through false appeals to white security.”

    Jemima Pierre
    Black Agenda Report

  27. Anonymous11:35 AM

    we are all trayvon/snowden/assata...

    cc hobama/drone man


  28. ex cop11:44 AM

    "Racist vigilante justice trumps Blacks’ right to life in Florida and a growing number of 'shoot first' states,"

    So blacks have the 'right' to assault and even kill people, without fear of reprisal?

    Not yet anyway, but the law is getting there. In the long run though, the new Hispanic majority is not going to put up with black violence. Not at all.

    Trayvon Martin was just a child, and didn't deserve to die. But he was an out of control kid who jumped a neighborhood watch guy and got shot. He thought of himself as a super badass MMA dude who could do whatever he wanted. He was out roaming, high on Purple Drank, and got his ass in trouble. End of story.

    The lesson is to teach your children to live like civilized people.

  29. Anonymous12:31 PM

    did paula dean happen to call blacks house shoe wearing/couch loving mongrels that racist hobama???

  30. Anonymous12:54 PM

    george zimmerman is a psycho racist slob/thug punk wannabee kkkop

    he flashed his gun before trayvon
    trayvon died heroically defending himself as best he could...gunleessly

    gz audibly cocked his gun for his kill
    even before he exited car to chase and gun trayvon down like a deer

    even actual deer stand up and box human hunters
    kudos to trayvon for doing the very same!!!!!!!!!!!

    gz's 911 tape/46 OTHER racist calls to 911 alone should secure life in prison

    we shall soon see

  31. Kangaroos In Court1:37 PM

    I surely hope they find Zimmerman Not Guilty. I want to see some riots!

    BTW, I guess you saw where Trayvon's "gurlfriend" couldn't read the letter SHE supposedly wrote Trayvon's mother in court....BECAUSE SHE CAN'T READ CURSIVE WRITING!


  32. No mas3:39 PM

    Kangaroos In Court said..
    BTW, I guess you saw where Trayvon's "gurlfriend" couldn't read the letter SHE supposedly wrote Trayvon's mother in court....BECAUSE SHE CAN'T READ CURSIVE WRITING!

    So, if your star witness just got busted for not actually writing the description of her testimony, shouldn't the prosecution throw in the towel?

  33. No mas, are u a trial lawyer?

  34. No mas, are u a trial lawyer?

  35. No mas said...
    So, if your star witness just got busted for not actually writing the description of her testimony, shouldn't the prosecution throw in the towel?

    Throw in the Towel??

    Not on this SLAM DUNK CASE...

    No blood on the sidewalk..No Trayvon DNA on the killer. or his weapon...

  36. Anonymous5:03 PM

    habitual insane 911 calls prove gz's racism and murderous intent
    "they always get away" = not this time!

    dna evidence proves blatant lies

    faked photos of his fugly fake bloody nose prove criminal stupidity

    gz's looooong rap sheet and his antics since the murder prove habitual psychoses and fatal amorality

    life long violence
    lying about being lost as a ruse to chase trayvon
    parental coddling
    a coddled loser's life
    cocked gun in car on 911 audio
    constant lies since the murder

    this is a pathetic man who slew a troubled child

    this is a slam dunk case

  37. No mas5:04 PM

    field negro said...
    No mas, are u a trial lawyer?

    No sir.

    But, in my opinion, this case is dangerously close to being thrown out. It seems that the indictment itself was based on false testimony.

  38. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Wow, Trayvon's girlfriend can't read? I wonder what Field and company think of that?

  39. Anonymous5:19 PM

    there is nothing false or testimonial about a gunless child's corpse!

    this illiterate girl hurt herself
    and the attys

    but gz fatally wounded trayvon

    it is not 1 dumb pookie's testimony

    but 1 insane kkkiller's crime scene that should lead this trial

  40. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Wow, after today, I guess you have to figure Zimmerman is innocent. I feel betrayed.

  41. Anonymous5:45 PM

    tm had no nlood or bruises or scrapes on his hands

    gz never had a broken/bloody nose

    he is a racist who lies like that racist liar hobama

    cc gz's fake photos and miraculous fake healing

  42. Anonymous5:46 PM

    tm had no blood or bruises or scrapes on his hands

  43. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Here's the bottom line: Trayvon Martin was a black male who was shot by a white male. You can be sure the white male will walk, much like all other wm who have gunned down bm. This period is very similar to the Jim Crow days when wm lynched bm because they had a bad day. The difference is there is a trial, a mock trial, to assuage AAs.

    However, you can safely bet your bottom dollar that Zimmerman will walk. Remember all those Blacks who were incensed at the shooting of TM? Where are they now? TNB. Even Field has abandoned Trayvon. This is another reason Zimmerman will go free: Blacks leaving each other out in the cold.

    Of course, once Zimmerman is found "Not Guilty", Blacks will cry wolf when they should have been speaking out all along. Being a lawyer, Field should know this.

  44. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Please listen to the interview of a Nigerian author who 'learned' what it meant to be Black in America. It was a learning experience for her.

    BlackisBeautiful. you will find this interview of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie of the book "Americanah". You will come to understand WHY Field doesn't 'quite' get the meaning of being Black. It also explains Obama too. Field and Obama have something in common.

  45. oscar7:20 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Here's the bottom line: Trayvon Martin was a black male who was shot by a white male.

    He is only white because he is the accused.

    If he had been the victim, you would calling him Hispanic.

    You are a puppet on a string, viewing events through the racial lens the puppet masters make you look through.

  46. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I don't want to look through racial lens. I want to be clear-seeing. So please tell me, who are these puppet masters? I want to avoid them.

  47. oscar9:49 PM

    Ask field, he works for them. He doesn't know who he works for, but only because he doesn't want to know. All he has to do is turn around and look. Maybe he will someday.
