Saturday, June 15, 2013

Erectile and government dysfunction.

I have to drop the following post on the eve of Father's Day, so I honestly don't need any of you ladies laughing at it. Sometimes, as men, we have to suffer through certain trials and tribulations to get our....let's just say reproductive organ working in its proper order. 

Take the case of poor Daniel Metzgar, a man who resides right next to me in the state of Delaware. All Daniel wanted to do was to put some inches on his tool- no doubt to help with his love life- and live happily ever after.

But alas, that was not to be; the poor guy hooked up with a bad plumber.

"Metzgar filed a malpractice lawsuit against the urologist who performed the surgical procedure, and on Monday and Tuesday, he testified in court about how the procedure left him feeling like less of a man, according to The Delaware News Journal.

The 44-year-old truck driver’s penile woes date back to 2009, after receiving a three-part penile implant from Wilmington, Del., urologist Dr. Thomas J. Desperito. After undergoing the procedure, Metzgar’s scrotum reportedly resembled a volleyball in size, which he reportedly thought was just a normal consequence of the surgery.

When Metzgar did finally speak with his physician about the abnormality he was experiencing, which had progressed into an infection, the doctor suggested removing the prosthesis. According to the physician’s defense attorney, Michael C. Heyden (pictured far right), Metzgar unfortunately waited an inordinate amount of time before he made the decision to comply with his doctor’s recommendation.

Metzgar contends that he waited because he lost his insurance and could not afford the procedure at the time.

Metzgar finally had the device, which consisted of inflatable cylinders inside the shaft of his penis, a fluid reservoir under the abdominal wall, and a pump inside the scrotum, removed in August 2010, after it punctured his scrotum during a family trip to Niagara Falls.

The reason why Metzgar opted for the inflatable penile prosthetic in the first place was because he was a longtime diabetic who developed erectile dysfunction." [Source]

The poor guy had an erection for eight months. I hate when that happens.

Anyway, couldn't some of those little blue pills have done the trick?

Finally, while most sane people in America continue to be concerned about jobs and the economy, republicans in Washington continue to focus their efforts on attacking the female body.

"Jobs? All morning this morning the House Judiciary Committee debated what everyone knows is another waste of time bill that will never be signed into law.  Though many in the GOP asked “where are the jobs” during the 2010 election cycle that ended with them capturing the House majority, now the question could easily be: Where is the jobs bill?

Abortion obsessed Republican Rep. Trent Franks, who has brought up an endless string of never-to-become-law abortion related legislation over the years, is back again.  Today the House Judiciary Committee debated the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act all morning and is set to continue arguing on amendments late into the afternoon.  That the Senate would take up, or that the President would actually sign, Franks’ bill hasn’t stopped Franks from burning committee hours to nurse his obsession." [More]

Now we know why they have a 10% approval rating.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. this is very difficult to read, what hell is wrong with people.

    on a lighter note: what's wrong with Jamaica, and Union for that matter?

  3. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Sorry but AHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

    Oh my gosh! What a horror story! But it's so funny!

    Diabetics can't/shouldn't have surgery! If they can help it

    They have impaired circulation, which is why he couldn't get an erection! And they don't heal well or at all due to this, which is prolly why he got the infectionb!

    What you guys will do for a hard on!

    AHAHAHAHAHAAAA! (Poor guy)So did they cut off his balls ;)

  4. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Field, tomorrow is Father's Day and you post some suffering bullshit about a guy trying to up his masculinity? I knew you were a little sadistic but this confirms that you are 100% Sadist.

    Furthermore, it takes a racist to post some shit like this about a white man. Field, you really should see a therapist to help you look at your shit.

  5. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Desert, "Diabetics can't/shouldn't have surgery! If they can help it"

    The man was trying to keep his wife and family. So what do you suggest he do?

    PS. This was cruel and unusual punishment done to a man who had high hopes about the future of his sexual life. There is nothing funny about this.

  6. Anonymous10:53 PM

    "Wherever the 44-year-old went, his condition got in the way, said Metzgar’s attorney, Michael C. Heyden. Retrieving the morning newspaper became a problem. Riding his motorcycle was, too. Even family events became uncomfortable because, as Heyden put it, “Dan is stuck in this position.”

    On top of that, the man lost 50% of his jones after correction...I hope Dan sues the fuck out of this sorry ass neurologist....'$10million for every inch lost.' There should be laws against doctors like this. They should put his ass in a cell right next to Kermit Gosnell.

    Dan, my white brother, I sympathize and empathize. Field, you are an ass for posting something like this. Posting about that collapsed building that killed 10 people in Philly would have been more appropriate.

    PS. Please, no comments from the peanut gallery in PR.

  7. Brother Field......This topic lands on the right time due to being a man is also being a sexual being. this man only desired something that most men desire and that is to be able to enjoy sex. He opt for the pump at a very late stage if he opted in the 2000s for this procedure.....which was the best choice prior to the placing on the market Viagra. The pump was the choice in the 1970s. As a Physician Asst in the 70s, I saw the desparation of men wanting to continue having fulfilling sex. Even diabetics opted for the procedure knowing the cons associated with the implant. Along came Viagra in the late 90..... But it too had/has many drawbacks. Diabetics must get on board early because they are racing with time due to nerve/vascular impediments advancing with age. Now I will offer some advise that I first-hand can discuss. That is the use of a good penile pump. It has few side effects and the ease of use is great. I am not talking about one that comes from a sex store. The pump is covered by VA, most insurance policies and gov. health insurers. It comes under the mental health rules for "how the patient feels about hiself". I have used it for 10 years and it has really improved my quality of life. Oh yeah it helps to have an understanding partner because they too have an investment in this one. Happy 39th marriage anniversary for me today. StillaPanther2

  8. Anonymous11:15 PM

    "But alas, that was not to be; the poor guy hooked up with a bad plumber."

    Mr. Field, the word "plumber" is really a bad term to use when it comes to male sex organs. It demeans a man. You are implying that whenever we go to have our sex organs checked out, we are being plumbed. That is just not true. Please improve your vocabulary...get it straight.

  9. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The man was trying to keep his wife and family. So what do you suggest he do?
    Peanut gallery piping up here:))

    Anon he could just try being nice that's what! You'd be surprised how much just being nice to a wife can accomplish Anon!

    Why it can even satisfy sexual needs........NOT! NEVER!

    No but really, he had an erection for 8 months consecutive! Who could ask for more? He got a lifetime fill right there! Greedy man...:)

  10. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Thank you, ABPForever! That is really good to know.

    I wonder if there are other pumps that improve the quality of one's life.

    muscle pumps? skinny neck, thighs, calves pumps?

    Also, I wonder what can be done to make small hands and feet look bigger? I'm tired of sistahs effing with me about my small hands and small feet. I keep telling them it has nothing to do with the size of my Jones but they don't believe me. I have gone completely White when it comes to sex because WW don't treat me that way. I really need some advice on this shit.

    This was a shitty post to read on the eve of Father's Day. Field is evil.

  11. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Also, I wonder what can be done to make small hands and feet look bigger?.
    Wear large gloves and big shoes, and carry a big stick in your pocket.

    Just kidding I am ;) Nah...You shouldn't be worrying about that. It's not the size that counts it's the.... NOT!!! NEVER!!!!


  12. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Please, no comments from the peanut gallery in PR. This post has done nothing but create a lot of shit. Field should be punished for this. May his jones fall off on I-95!

  13. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    May his jones fall off on I-95!
    You're just jealous :)That's not gonna happen!

    Happy Fathers Day Field and to all the guys here. Have a wonderful day! and take care of your pecker!
    Ladies don't want you'se without one, hehehehe

  14. Anonymous2:42 AM

    "You're just jealous :)That's not gonna happen!"

    I am not jealous and it can happen. I am from New Orleans where witchcraft is real. With the right curse, many a jones has fallen off.

    I have a naked doll of Field. BM are susceptible to this stuff. I am sticking in the needles as we speak. I suggest you tell Field to stay off of I-95.

  15. Anonymous2:50 AM

    "Now we know why they have a 10% approval rating."

    No it's not because of that and you know it. In fact, next year's elections will be a complete reversal. The GOP will be back in power once again. Not that they weren't anyway. It's just that they will do it with more numbers in both the House and Senate. So, Mr Field, prepare yourself!

  16. Lord have mercy. Anon, please go easy on me, I meant no harm. As a man myself it was very hard to write about this poor man. :(

    Mr Charlie, are you talking soccer? If you are, the problem with Jamaica is that they have never had a good striker.
    As for the Union, I think they will be fine.

    Desert, you are evil.:)

    Happy Father's Day everybody.

  17. Anonymous9:53 AM

    LMAO Field thank you u have made my case )))))))))))) OMG FIELD!!! HELP! LOL!!!!



    A little white boy with a little PROBLEM and one that perhaps may be an issue of PENIS envy..

    IE Constantly looking at the mighty power of other men and wondering WHY ME! LMAO

    I showed this to my suns ( my spelling) and they rothfl and said OH WELL! They were on the fkn floor They aslo like your writing LOL

    Metzgar finally had the device, which consisted of inflatable cylinders inside the shaft of his penis, a fluid reservoir under the abdominal wall, and a pump inside the scrotum, removed in August 2010, after it punctured his scrotum during a family trip to Niagara Falls.

    Infaltable cylinders rothfl pumps wtf did he expect There is nothing man made which will replace the TRUTH and the big Afrikan Penis ya'll get over it

    OMG rotfl laughing my fine Cuban ass off

  18. Anonymous10:01 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Anonymous10:04 AM

    hat you guys will do for a hard on!

    AHAHAHAHAHAAAA! (Poor guy)So did they cut off his balls ;)


    Milagros said
    Desert OMG i am on the floor stop! i am in tears u know this is my go to subject!! PENIS ENVY!

    Woman you made my day
    And i will add
    What some white boys will do to compete and get up each day lol

    In the hosp last month while speaking with a patient. My sun said that they were interviewing a man who had an erection for 8 days Seems like he bought some viagra onlline..
    Guess how old he was? Now that is sad he was 22

    rothfl )))))) Its hard to feel bad for a dummy

  20. Anonymous10:14 AM


    Home for the weekend we are in DC have to be back below Mon Look i am not sharing here a lot because i want to stay focused This place makes me laugh too much The time is for seriousness

    I keep telling you about those little penis dummys The only thing in their DNA is the propensity for murder, self righteous, supremacy and death We will leave the Big bones where they are LMAO One day the truth will hit them ya think The pump, obviously is not getting the job done

    Nothing inspires shame quite like humility )))))))))
    Maybe a course in love making without penetration may help ya think?
    YARIGHT! The smallest horn squeals the least OUCH! Check mate i captured his queen

  21. Hoosier Daddy12:30 PM

    That's an awful story field, you must just be trying to make that vile Matanazi happy. You should have come up with something a bit more topical, here on Father's Day, the most confusing day in Black America. Even our halfrican President isn't quite sure who is daddy was. Does Obamacare cover DNA testing?

  22. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I have a naked doll of Field.
    FIELD,Did you see this?

    He has a NAKED doll of you!!!
    NAKED! :O

    OMG Anon, I would have never known!

    Awwwwwwww, how sweeeet!:)

    Field be careful, I hope you're not susceptible to that voodoo stuff because he says he's sticking pins, but who knows what all else he's doing????:O

    Imagine if you're in court and he ...OMG, then you'd be like that Metzgar guy! OMG! Light a candle Field, light a candle..

    What is this world coming to, and on Fathers Day too. . ...tsk,tsk,tsk.....

  23. Desert, thanks for the warming. I thought I was starting to feel a little funny.

  24. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Field, "Lord have mercy. Anon, please go easy on me, I meant no harm. As a man myself it was very hard to write about this poor man. :("

    Because it's Father's Day, I am going to have mercy on you and give you one more chance. I am going to remove the curse, but if you come up some shit like this again, I pulling out the black doll again.

    With all the problems in the black community regarding fathers you post some ignorant shit about some white guy who lost 50% of his penis from trying to improve his sex life. Where the hell is your 'head'? (not that one, but the one on your shoulders)

    Anyway, out of my generosity, I am giving you a reprieve. But I know I'll have a chance real soon to use it on your ass because you Black Lefties are constantly effing up.

    That is why our next black President will be Republican. Deal with it.

  25. Anonymous8:35 PM

    field negro said...
    Desert, thanks for the warming. I thought I was starting to feel a little funny.
    Lol! I don't know about you, but I'm lighting a candle!:)))

  26. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Because it's Father's Day, I am going to have mercy on you and give you one more chance. I am going to remove the curse,

    Anyway, out of my generosity, I am giving you a reprieve.
    I knew there was a good heart there! I just knew it! :)

  27. Anon, please don't use it. I hate surprises. :)

  28. Hoosier Daddy said...
    That's an awful story field, you must just be trying to make that vile Matanazi happy. You should have come up with something a bit more topical, here on Father's Day, the most confusing day in Black America. Even our halfrican President isn't quite sure who is daddy was. Does Obamacare cover DNA testing?
    __________________________The vile one is back in ya face making it plain!

    _Now we have a stale pale different wanna be Afrikan named hoosier telling another Afrikan what to write about
    Who does that? " jealous WHITE LITTLE penis pump seekers/needers

    Matanzas also asks

    white hoosier/ "awful for who.. whitey you"? Are you considering such a dumb move as getting a con trap shun to pump you up?
    Seems that your awfully envious of the Afrikan son, get over it
    Stop with the DNA BS

    And we all know who Pres O's father is rather its that HO.. mama he claims, that is in question

    Hossier quit fakin the funk little DICK and get real There is no half Afrikan Pres and your not an Afrikan either.
    Pres Obama. is an Afrikan and you cannot prove differently..You nor eye was there when one of those women connected to his father .
    So you don't know who his mama was Afrikan pale stale or other

    Now if you believe that HO! he claims was his mama so be it PROVE IT!
    Now since you call me vile, little dick get this
    What you cannot prove is which woman was conned, tricked, hoodwinked and bamboozled out of her coochie into sex with Big man Barak Sr... Be she Afrikan or other

    Ps as everybody knows here say what i want when i want to and how i want Deal with it whitey wanna be Afrikan
    Get ready to get over it and get your own pump big penis hata!

    Bring it bring your best ! BRING IT

  29. Making it plain" And in ya face

    All of you who love amerikkka get ready for another stale dumb pale cracker in 2016-2020 along with hunger lines. And this is regardless of party Now what are you going to do? Run to mama?

    See we know about hunger in this fam and we are prepared.
    Keep ya passport active, do your homework and do not be afraid

    There is nothing to fear as all truths are easy to overstand. Your country is about to fall further into the abyss
    Remember people regardless of what you think you know nothing inspires change quite like humility or revenge

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  32. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Look at this wimpy caveman What thinking breathing man would even think he could attract anyone with a brain looking like sad sack?
    Now, i admit that if he had been an Afrikan i would not be rothfl However when i think back on how much terror my grandmother etc suffered at the hands of little prickers like him i say OH FKN WELL pay now or pay later.

    Also let me be clear Any mutha regardless of size IF he misuses his organand mistreats women children or elders as the result of any sexual contact he will fall on my bad side as well

    Also what man with a big dk argues about this He doesn't he moves on pretends and keeps faking the funk while dosing viagra..Get real

    Again, i am focusing on this sad sack pitiful looking caveman and i say ...hmmmm i wonder just how many women he crossed along the way to achieving a big dk?

    Just sayin


  33. Mike Allison said...
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    6:07 AM
    James Andarson said...
    As ED drug is recommended by doctors for all men, who are looking to improve their sexual activity with stronger and harder against Impotencia masculina.
    YUP typical little diks come to market death! go figure

    Those con trap shuns and pills are for euro men

  34. Anonymous3:18 AM

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