Sunday, June 16, 2013

Stealing a ring and kissing another.

This is Father's Day, and I hope that all of you out there who just happen to be sperm donors took the opportunity to reflect on your lives and what you could have done better.

And, if you are like this guy, you have some serious soul searching to do.

Anyway, this story with Putin and the Super Bowl ring is crazy.  Can you imagine if the owner of a sports franchise accused President Obama of stealing his ring?

Putin, as is to be expected, says that Kraft is lying, and that he [Kraft] gave it to him as a gift.

Kraft says that Putin basically strong armed him and took the bling.

"Kraft returned to the U.S. without his Super Bowl XXXIX ring, which, in 2005, he claimed he had given to Putin as a gift. Now Kraft has a new spin on the story.

Via the New York Post:
Kraft explained the incident happened while Sandy Weill and other business execs were in St. Petersburg. “I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, ‘I can kill someone with this ring,’ ” Kraft told the crowd at Carnegie Hall’s Medal of Excellence gala at the Waldorf-Astoria.“I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out.”
That’s right, Vladimir Putin pocketed the New England Patriots’ owner’s Super Bowl ring. Kraft told the crowd that he later received a call from the Bush White House strongly advising him to say he gave the ring as a gift in order to help with U.S.-Russian relations. So Kraft did just that, which I guess was what he figured was his……ahem…..Patriotic duty." [Source]

Honestly, I don't know who to believe. I have never been a Robert Kraft fan, but I can see Putin conveniently forgetting to give the ring back as well.

"I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, 'I can kill someone with this ring,'" Kraft told the crowd, according to the New York Post. "I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out."

A spokesman for Putin, however, told CNN on Sunday that the ring was definitely given as a gift.

"What Mr. Kraft is saying now is weird," Dmitry Peskov told CNN. "I was standing 20 centimeters away from him and Mr. Putin and saw and heard how Mr. Kraft gave this ring as a gift.

Peskov told CNN that the ring now is at the Kremlin's library."

Too bad the Patriots didn't have one of their secret video tape machines taping the exchange.

Finally, if the republican party ever wants to be relevant again they are going to have to stop kissing the ring of the likes of Glenn Beck.

He has weighed into the immigration reform battle and is comparing republicans politricksters who oppose immigration reform to civil rights leaders of old who battled injustice here in America.

Hmmm, Medgar Evers or Louis Gohmert. One was shot and lost his life while trying to make this a better country, one shoots off his mouth while making it worse.

"Beck has pledged to put his entire network behind these members (once again turning it into a public policy organization) and, on the program last night, called upon his viewers to rally in support of this effort, saying that if they don't, it will be like Saddam Hussein's slaughter of the Kurds. Comparing them to heroes like George Washington, Beck ended his monologue by comparing these anti-immigration Republicans to civil rights leaders by running a montage of images of Martin Luther King and other civil rights activists alongside the words "we shall not be moved"' [Source]

This country is in some serious trouble.


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Field, "This country is in some serious trouble"

    Yeah, it began that way with slavery. Then Jim Crow. Then too big to fail. Then election of a black President. Then post-racial era. Then Benghazi. Then IRS scandal. Then the AP scandal. Then stealing our privacy. The whole thing is rapidly spiraling downward like a fire trail falling out of the sky.

  2. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Putin didn't steal that ring. Why in the world would Putin steal Kraft's ring? That would be beneath him to do so. He would only take such a ring if it were offered to him. I hope Putin doesn't read about this. It could mean war.

  3. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Let me tell you, I've seen some news clips/videos of that Putin, and he is one tough cookie! Remember he was a KGB agent!

    Man respects no one.

    I would be inclined to think that out of pride he wouldn't steal it, but on the other hand I'm also inclined to believe that he did it just to, you know, like to say yes I FU Americaner LOL! I steal it, and I keep too! Buahahahahaha! Oh yeah, he's the type!

  4. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "I would be inclined to think that out of pride he wouldn't steal it, but on the other hand I'm also inclined to believe that he did it just to, you know, like to say yes I FU Americaner LOL! I steal it, and I keep too! Buahahahahaha! Oh yeah, he's the type!"

    Has it occurred to you that Putin is a religious man, and that he practices the highest level of Tantric Yoga? I won't go into the details of what Tantric Yoga is but basically it is holding back from busting a nut until hours later. It's very spiritual and very close to nature.

    Anyway, he just wouldn't steal or take anything from an American. Hell, if he wanted a Superbowl ring, all he has to do is ask the President.

    That's the trouble with so many Americans. They lie and then blame their wrongs on others. Isn't that how racism perpetuates itself?

  5. Idiocracy11:14 PM

    This country is in some serious trouble.

    Do you think importing 50 million third world immigrants will make things better, or worse?

  6. Anonymous11:39 PM

    "He has weighed into the immigration reform battle and is comparing republicans politricksters who oppose immigration reform to civil rights leaders of old who battled injustice here in America."

    I see Beck as our next George Washington and I think folks like Field and Desert are afraid that the band of 70 will win the battle. This is not the time for immigration reform. My God man, isn't America in enough trouble without making things worse for its citizens? Please, show some compassion for your country.

    Oh, excuse are from Jamaica. You could care less. As far as you are concerned we should open the flood gates and let everybody in 'now'.

  7. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Beck sees the end nearing for us. I agree. The Bible says so. It even feels like it.

    Haven't you noticed how much tired you are of living this life? don't you wonder if you can keep this up?

    You see, this is the 'real' stuff that Field and his FN regular IDs keep to themselves. They won't stand up and speak the truth about how they feel. Nevertheless, they know at the bottom of their hearts that Beck is right.

    But if you are an FN disciple, you belong to a tribe with enmeshed people who can't explain what they are feeling but know it isn't good. It's the wonderful man by the name of GLENN BECK who will help you, and our Congress, and our Senate. Pray they listen to this man...for the end is near.

  8. Anonymous11:52 PM

    And don't listen to Desert because she is a flower from the desert. Now I ask you:

    "Have you ever seen a 'flower' from the desert who bakes cakes in 'Puerto Rico' and praises 'Field'?" Now, it doesn't take a genius to see that 'something is wrong with this picture'.

  9. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Nothing wrong. It's the PERFECT picture :)))

    and hahaha, even Beck knows he's wrong! But it's a living, a paycheck...

  10. Why are we borrowing money from China to fund Al Qaeda rebels in Syria?

    Am I missing something?

  11. These are Obama's allies in Syria:

    Members of an al Qaeda-linked Islamist group in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo executed a 15-year-old boy in front of his parents on Sunday as punishment for what the group regarded as a heretical comment, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. …

    A photo released by the Observatory showed [Mohammad] Qataa’s face with his mouth and jaw bloodied and destroyed, as well as a bullet wound in his neck.

  12. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Dear Mr Field, is there EVER anything accomplished at these "Blogging While Brown" conferences? Why do you have these conferences in party cities IF you are suppose to be taking care of business?

    If you were really serious about us you would be meeting in a small town 'away' from the big cities, but you never do. This smells like another black fraud to me.

    I bet Frederick Scott will be there with you. You two have something in both are short and you have followers who don't have a clue to what's happening to them:

    Consider folks like PilotX, Granny, and PC. Need I say more? I had thought about including Desert but those PR folks tends to overreact to for no good reason whatsoever. Lord have mercy. Now, now, Desert. Calm yourself.:)

  13. Anonymous12:24 AM

    I love Beck. He is a courageous man, and I believe he will save us from ourselves. He has such a big heart he will even save someone with likes of Field and his cronies. He is a wonderful man with no resentments whatsoever. He never carries a grudge and is a rare man without any racism in his bones. He is truly a good human being.

    Yet, there are people like Field who would, through his blog, crucify this holy man.

  14. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Don't worry. Field will NEVER be able to keep a good man like Beck down. In fact, next to Glenn Beck, Field is a small man in stature and character.

  15. "Why are we borrowing money from China to fund Al Qaeda rebels in Syria? Am I missing something?"

    You are missing everything.

    I suggest you take up reading. It's an interesting pastime and you might actually learn something.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anon@8:18 time to find another scandal to distract from the real issues. These are not sticking. Let them go.

  18. Anonymous7:01 AM

    American Women Suck, Do Not Marry American Women

    Why do American women make such bad wives?

    American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don't know how to cook or clean, don't want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?

    American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.

    I encourage ALL American men to NEVER MARRY American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.

    If you want to get married, find a nice foreign girl from Asia, or South America, or Russia/Eastern Europe. DO NOT MARRY AN AMERICAN WOMAN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!

    Give American women the husband they deserve- NONE!

  19. Anonymous7:32 AM

    This is off-topic, Field, but ginandtacos' blog today is about the prisons-schools trade off in Philly.


    No matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up.

  20. Hey Comrade Field and others esp those who hate me and have itty bitty bones lmao

    Is this just a case for "Be careful WHICH " lips caress your fingers? Or just a sly fox!

    Omg, Field i am still lol from the penile con trap shun pump issue and other small penis white boy failures
    My son said a movie entitled "The little stickup and/or different Kind of shootout should be considered. OMG!!!!

    Woke up early and as we prepared for the drive, i had to gasp for breathe when my King said " Love please do not make me LOL while driving
    Field i just broke down and re-read your article esp this part which you articulated so marvelously..

    All Daniel wanted to do was to put some inches on his tool- no doubt to help with his love life- and live happily ever after.

    But alas, that was not to be; the poor guy hooked up with a bad plumber.

    "Metzgar filed a malpractice lawsuit against the urologist who performed the surgical procedure, and on Monday and Tuesday, he testified in court about how the procedure left him feeling like less of a man, according to The Delaware News Journal.

    The 44-year-old truck driver’s penile woes date back to 2009, after receiving a three-part penile implant from Wilmington, Del., urologist Dr. Thomas J. Desperito. After undergoing the procedure, Metzgar’s scrotum reportedly resembled a volleyball in size, which he reportedly thought was just a normal consequence of the surgery.

    What thinking breathing man thinks that a volley ball sized scrotum is normal? DUH!

    Imagine a man living with all of those con.. trap.. shuns
    Bottom line, its amazing how he is still able to walk with that volley ball between his legs, and are there more than one? LMAO )))))))))) OMG

    Like i say be happy with what you have and learn to make love!

    On the road again!

    Ps Yes,i find it funny, hilarious and a case for " PENIS ENVY
    Coupled with that i know! . not believe, that he got just what he deserved. smh! dumb mfker

    OMG i'm outta here .00000)))))))))))))))))))))))0

  21. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Field, "Anon@8:18 time to find another scandal to distract from the real issues. These are not sticking. Let them go."

    6:49 AM
    What are the real issues, Glenn Beck? Your post indicates he is the real issue. . You need to let go of Beck, white guys trying to get their penises fixed, Taylor Chapman in Dunkin Donuts, the NFL and the Washington Redskins in order to deal with the real issues. Yeah, yeah. You got plenty to drop before your blind ass can see clearly.

  22. Anonymous10:34 AM

    more proof that the global warlord bankster hobama is gwb 3.0!

    cc wmd bs 2013/ndaa/wwiii/africom etc!

    what a gd shame!!!!!!!

  23. Purple Cow...
    We are funding Al Qaeda rebels in Syria....

    I suggest you take up reading. It's an interesting pastime and you might actually learn something.." guys just spout off whatever comes to mind....

    You cant debate this issue.. We are currently funding Rebels that are linked to Alqeda in Syria....

    Now whether or not those specific dollars came from China , or were printed out of thin air... Who knows....

    Field this is a really tired post...

    I know you would LOVE to move right past the NSA scaandal , and onto immigration...but it doesnt work that way..LOL

  24. Anonymous12:15 PM

    boy do the knee grows of the obumnist utopia of shitecago know how to celebrate fathers day with 7 knee grows shot to death by other knee grows.i guess if you don't know who your father is you go out and murder some one.this must be whiteys' fault bad, bad whitey!!!

  25. Anonymous1:19 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Frustrated Negro said, "Why are we borrowing money from China to fund Al Qaeda rebels in Syria? Am I missing something?"

    PC replied, "You are missing everything.

    I suggest you take up reading. It's an interesting pastime and you might actually learn something."

    2:47 AM
    And what have you learned? to put down another brother? You need to read and begin "self-examination" and "character building". When it comes to respectful communications, you 'stink' as a human being.

  26. Anonymous1:38 PM

    cc that evil global serial killer cia bankster... hobama:

    kudos to NV!

    karma is real!!!!!

  27. Anonymous2:00 PM

    FYI: Re: Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman, a very important milestone in race relations. Here are excerpts from the Huffington Post:

    But Raynard Jackson, a black conservative commentator, says the fact of a black president didn't stop a black kid minding his own business from being considered a criminal.

    "It was based on a mindset of prejudice and superiority: `Who are you to walk in my neighborhood?'" Jackson asserts.

    Reams of scientific evidence and real-life experiences suggest such profiling is widespread, and millions of people can feel its truth in their bones. But in the case of George Zimmerman, who exhibited no previous racist behavior of record, it's still nothing but an assumption and almost impossible to prove.

    That's another defining feature of today's racial challenges: They're much more subtle than in 1955(Emmett Till), and thus often harder to discuss or quantify.

    (Christopher)Darden's own judgment tells him that race was a factor in Zimmerman placing Martin under suspicion: "It had to be. Race is a factor, a point of fact that people consider when they evaluate someone."

    For Massie, the significance of the Martin case is simple: Black males commit a disproportionate percentage of crimes. "What it shows," he says, "is the continued predilection for misbehavior by so many young urban people, regardless of color."

    "The tragedy of Trayvon Martin is that, if as many of us believe he initiated this assault, he paid the ultimate price for a bad decision," Massie says.

    Trayvon Martin: victim or aggressor? George Zimmerman: racist or neighborhood protector? As with America in the Emmett Till era, much of today's race problem rests on the fact that America can't reach even a semblance of consensus on the problem.

    "I think white America has one way of viewing race, because of their experiences, and American people of color have a very different perspective, because of their experiences," says Powell, the activist.

    "If we are to truly have one America, then we've got to talk and listen to each other," he says, "and to understand that Trayvon Martin murder is an American tragedy, not a black tragedy."

    I really hope some of you FN fans will follow this. It's very important psychologically to the future of race relations.

  28. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    excerpts from the Huffington Post:

    "It was based on a mindset of prejudice and superiority: `Who are you to walk in my neighborhood?'".

    Reams of scientific evidence and real-life experiences suggest such profiling is widespread, and millions of people can feel its truth in their bones."
    I agree and I feel that this is exactly what happened also.

    The excited almost quivering undertone in Zimmermans voice belies the calmness he was trying to imply/convey to the dispatcher.

    He thought the teen was a skinny kid under the concealing hoodie. And he did not want the cops to snatch his opportunity to bully the kid a little. That's why he wouldn't actually give the exact spot he was at.

    He wanted to bully him and push him around a bit so he could feel like a(in his mind)real cop!

    He didn't want the cops to get there before he had his chance to do that!

    But he hadn't bargained for was that Trayvon was well exercised, well fed, and ripped. He was strong, not the skinny teen he seemed under the hoodie and that GZ had thought.

    So when rushed out of his car to bully and pushed him, the kid pushed back and hard, the rest is history.

    That my friends is what transpired there.

  29. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "he practices the highest level of Tantric Yoga? I won't go into the details of what Tantric Yoga is but basically it is holding back from busting a nut until hours later. It's very spiritual and very close to nature.
    Well I do know a little about that as I practiced Hatha Yoga all of my life.

    By the way, the asanas will also allow a woman to have explosive and prolonged orgasms. I highly recommend it. But I digress.

    Kundalini yoga is also said to be highly spiritual and sexual.

    Tantric and Kundalini yoga also allow the practitioner to harness and then channel sexual energies towards other activities.

    I have a suspicion that Mr Putin may also do this. He seems to be a powerhouse in diverse areas.

  30. Ha, gansta move by Putin.

    Have to agree with Keith Olbermann about Beck, he is Lonesome Rhodes.

  31. Anonymous5:03 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Ha, gansta move by Putin."
    :) Yep! Methinks so too!

    That Kraft must be maaaad hahaha:)

    Because if he hadn't stolen it, he'd be offended, and he's give it back! but since he stole it, he says nah, I keep zees ring!

    Russians have always loved jewelry, and the czars had fabulous crown jewels that are in storage

    He's a real mofo that one LOL!

  32. Anonymous5:35 PM

    more on the opulent shameless soulless hobamas!

    what a gd shame!!!!!

    cc africom/frugal poor etc$60-100-million


  34. "That Kraft must be maaaad hahaha:)"

    I can just see him now "did that muh fuh just steal my ring?????"

  35. Anonymous6:25 PM

    FYI, Zimmerman's Dad just published a book re: Blacks are the cause of imagined racism.

    There is an awful lot of stuff in this case and I am surprised that Field is so quiet on this very important matter that will affect us all. It never ceases to amaze me:

    The important matters Field takes as unimportant and the unimportant matters Field takes as important....Go Figure.

  36. "You cant debate this issue..."

    Wanna bet?


    "We are currently funding Rebels that are linked to Alqeda in Syria...."

    Who is 'we'?

    The rebels come from a wide variety of backgrounds and from a wide variety of political and religious beliefs.

    What we do know is that they are opposing Hezbollah and the Iranians who are fighting alongside and supporting the Assad regime.


    "And what have you learned? to put down another brother? You need to read and begin "self-examination" and "character building". When it comes to respectful communications, you 'stink' as a human being."

    Oh do fuck off, you tiresome little man.

  37. Anonymous6:34 PM

    PC, "Oh do fuck off, you tiresome little man."

    Now you have gone and done it you four-eyed dummy. Don't make me come over there you purple piece of shit.

    Dear Mr Field, get rid of Purple Cow. Ban his purple ass like all the other blogs have.

  38. The Purple Cow said...

    "You cant debate this issue..."

    Please lets debate whether or not we are providing aid to Syrian rebels... who are linked to Alqeda

    First question... is Al-nursa on the front lines Yes or No??

    Who is 'we'?

    The American Taxpayer... Your not included since your over seas....
    unless you want to count the UK involvement...

  39. Anonymous9:27 PM

    $60million to $100million? Lord have mercy. That Negro sure knows how to spend some money. Hell, with that kind of money I could afford to buy a couple of cakes made in PR by Desert. And, I'd have some change left over!

  40. "Who is 'we'?"

    John McCain and Lindsey Grahm but we wouldn't know that because the Frustrated one focuses all of his attention on the HNIC. You don't oppose the Syrian intervention, you just need something to oppose the negro in the WH right?

  41. Frustrated Negro5:50 AM

    Damm your stupid Pilot.....

  42. Anonymous6:10 PM

    "Why could the Bush Administration tell Kraft to take one for the team? Because the Patriot Act Patriots will be exposed for being "gifted" 3 SB wins in exchange for Kraft allowing the U.S. Government to use his planes for rendition. Karma can be a beeeoootch and the only place Kraft can find sympathy is between "shiiii and syphilis" in the dictionary. None here. So he got gangsta-ed outta the ring - it's old news. Hopefully, somewhere, McNabb is smiling...
