Saturday, June 01, 2013

Home of the crazies.

I wonder what would happen here in America if a brotha was calling for an armed march on Washington D.C.  (now it's state capitols) to overthrow the federal government?

It's a rhetorical question, because we all know what would happen. Heck if four black men walk down the street together they call in the riot police. (Think of those two phony Black Panthers who couldn't scare a typical Philly grandmother but who made national news.)

And here we have this wingnut who had planned an armed march in Washington for the 4th of July who actually has supporters and backers in the wingnut community.

"Adam Kokesh is cancelling his planned July 4 armed march on Washington, D.C., and instead calling for a march on all 50 state capitols with the goal of overthrowing the federal government.

Kokesh, a former host for Russian state-sponsored RT television who now hosts an internet radio showtold conspiracy theorist radio host Pete Santilli that it was time to "escalate our tactics" before cancelling the Washington march and urging supporters to march on their state capitol instead.

On May 28, Santilli, a promoter of conspiracy theories about the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks who recently drew scrutiny from the Secret Service over vicious comments made about Hillary Clinton, aired an interview where Kokesh read from a press release and provided other details about the expansion of his plans.

Previously, Kokesh launched a Facebook page to organize his armed march on Washington, an event he hoped would draw at least 1,000 attendees. The page currently lists more than 5,000 attendees.

In an interview with Buzzfeed, Kokesh detailed how he and others planned to march across the Memorial Bridge -- which separates Washington from Virginia -- while openly carrying firearms in violation of District of Columbia law. Kokesh told Buzzfeed that the event would be non-violent and said, "We're not going to resist government by force in any way." The Facebook description of the event stated, "This will be a non-violent event, unless the government chooses to make it violent." District of Columbia Police Chief Cathy Lanier stated that those who bring weapons illegally into Washington would face arrest

In the press release, Kokesh called for "A new American revolution" where "the American Revolutionary Army will march on each state capital to demand that the governors of these 50 states immediately initiate the process of an orderly dissolution of the federal government through secession and reclamation of federally held property." Kokesh also gave the federal government a one-year deadline to comply with his demands before possibly taking violent action, writing, "Should one whole year from this July 4th pass while the crimes of this government are allowed to continue, we may have passed the point at which non-violent revolution becomes impossible."

Describing the change in plans, Kokesh told listeners who planned to openly carry firearms into the nation's capital in defiance of local firearms laws to not come to Washington, D.C., but to instead organize armed marches or other events at state capitols nationwide. He also explained to Santilli that such an "orderly peaceful dissolution" would be a way to avoid a "chaotic collapse" of government and that it is the "last chance to do it the easy way." After Santilli suggested that "we can't wait for a couple of more elections in order to purge the system," Kokesh chastised him for giving credence to the notion that "elections can have a positive impact," adding, "that's clearly not the case anymore."


While cable news and the chattering class opine and animadvert about manufactured scandals in Washington, you have crazy people running around and threatening to overthrow the government. And not to mention people sending poison to our president and the Mayor of our largest city with the intent to do them harm.

*shaking head*


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Field let me step back and dig a bit deeper

    This is to be expected its been seething and rearing its head since Barak took office and before
    Field,. this is noting but fear and the way they are ITS in the white boys DNA

    We do not have to grapple with this ITS PENIS ENVY and they are losing control as the brother says here

    I refuse I refuse i refuse and if you do not get out of my way ???
    Afrikans best be ready

  3. I knew he would punk out. These fools are cowards who have to hide behind their guns. Damn, I really wanted to see em get hauled off to the pokie.

  4. Anonymous6:23 PM

    This appears to be serious business that the radio host plans to overthrow the government. It's strange that no one in the government has said a word or made arrests about this. What is the government waiting for, an uprising and a lot of deaths?

  5. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Field, "(Think of those two phony Black Panthers who couldn't scare a typical Philly grandmother but who made national news.)"

    Field, this goes to show your lack of understanding about Whites. They are terrified of bm, regardless of size. Hell, I'm afraid of most bm and I'm Black. Field, you really need to educate yourself in human race relations.

  6. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Field, calling out ALL those 'ignorant' Negroes in Cleveland for fighting included your boy KID in that photo. He's going to be pissed....Couldn't you have said, "Everyone of you ignorant Negroes, except KID?" He's probably going to cuss you out.

  7. Meanwhile back in the real world, Washington DC has the highest incidents of hate crimes per 100,000. Wonder who's running DC?

  8. the shev8:28 PM

    This is great news! At last, some real "change" is gonna come.

    BRA will not stand.

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth8:29 PM

    Smh! Silly, foolish, ignorant, dumb, stupid, and crazier than a road lizard. Those demons are restless.

    @Matanza, your list of true activist/community organizers is on target. I have their books all except for one of the people you mentioned. This was my first time hearing about Dios, but I plan to check them out too.

  10. Woodrow9:35 PM

    It's nice to see someone taking initiative like Mr. Kokesh. Things are going to continue to be messed up until the citizens take back control from this rogue government. It may not turn out to be that much this time, but at least it's a start.

  11. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Woodrow, please explain what makes this government 'rogue' and who's behind it? It's hard for me to tell whether it's Congress or the WH. Polls indicate that the American people are very dissatisfied with Congress and ok with the WH. They seem to trust the WH more than Congress.

    However, I am 'open' to making our government better. Please, tell me what I should do. I'd rather follow you than Field and his FN Tommin flunkies. BTW, I am Black. I hope that is acceptable.

  12. Cleaning up the NRA's afterbirth10:14 PM

    Shoot every one of them that resists and treat them like the traitors they are. It's time for a depleted uranium wake up call for these scum. "Take arms against the government?" For Secession!?!
    Time for a 21st century wake up call for these wanna be plantation owners!
    P.S. Anon, you're not black.

  13. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Cleaning up the NRA's afterbirth, I AM Black. I certainly can tell you are because only an arrogant ignorant Negro such as yourself would tell another brother he is not Black. No wonder our black race never gets anywhere. We lack the capacity to accept each other's differences. I get so sick of Negroes trying to pigeon hole Blacks based on your black privileged self, which is no different from white privilege. You are a disgrace to the black race....damn fool.

  14. Woodrow10:30 PM

    Constitutionalism is not about race, it about belief in the power resting with the people, not the state. All those committed to restoring the Constitutional Republic are welcome. Come on down and join the protests at the state houses, at IRS offices, and when we march on Washington.

  15. Anonymous10:33 PM

    "Take arms against the government?" For Secession!?!"

    We are too divided, and the country has grown too big to stay together. Orderly secession is the only way forward. It is time to go our separate ways.

  16. GrannyStandingforTruth11:05 PM

    Well, I'll say. I hope your life insurance policy is paid up.

    Job 5:2
    Resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple.

    Psalm 94:8
    Take notice, you senseless ones among the people; you fools, when will you become wise?

    Proverbs 12:15
    The way of fools seems right to them...

    Proverbs 14:16
    The wise fear the Lord and shun evil, but a fool is hotheaded and yet feels secure.

    Proverbs 15:2
    The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.

    Proverbs 18:7
    The mouths of fools are their undoing, and their lips are a snare to their very lives.

  17. Anon@10:33 PM, I agree. Can we have California, Louisiana, and New York when u are dividing up the states?

    Anon, I think the folks here all know that u are a fraud pretending to be black.

    That song is getting pretty old. :)

  18. Tell em Granny! It isn't Sunday yet but you are having church.

    Granny, these heathens can't stand the power of your words. :)

  19. GrannyStandingforTruth11:21 PM

    @Field, :)

  20. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Field, "Anon, I think the folks here all know that u are a fraud pretending to be black."

    No they don't. They know I am Black. But you are messing with me for whatever reason. Could it be that you are jealous?

  21. Anonymous12:16 AM

    BTW, who is this GrannyStandingforTruth? Is she new? You seem to like her. Is she Black or White? I can't tell.

  22. GrannyStandingforTruth3:10 AM

    Field, did you read this?


  23. Brother Field....Stopped reading when I read in the blog "two phony Black Panthers"....Please insert the word "New" prior to BPs.... Two different organization. Please...NBPs, I know the present day organization will evolve as you truly embrace your missions. There are needs to our communities that need addressing that it would be easy to fall under the headings of "paper tiger" if positive deeds are lieu of having the media create your images. My gosh... A white boy took a red beret and started a national organization that had/has media support... because their missions. Now... I will go back to the blog's text. StillaPanther2

  24. "While cable news and the chattering class opine and animadvert about manufactured scandals in Washington, you have crazy people running around and threatening to overthrow the government. And not to mention people sending poison to our president and the Mayor of our largest city with the intent to do them harm."

    Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think the media wants a race war riot for ratings.

  25. PilotX said...
    I knew he would punk out. These fools are cowards who have to hide behind their guns. Damn, I really wanted to see em get hauled off to the pokie.

    Or better come to Boston and spend time with whitey B

  26. ABPF, you are right, I should have prefaced that by saying "New Black Panthers".

  27. 1%'r said...
    Meanwhile back in the real world, Washington DC has the highest incidents of hate crimes per 100,000. Wonder who's running DC
    Matanzas said:
    Prove it or are you quoting the www?
    Who is running DC? its sure is not big penis Pres Obama they are never going to allow the moreno man to run NADA! he is tooooo big his pantalones bulge to far out in front and that sends fear intom the fulana natal
    The congress and the 8 wingnuts are fixated on his Penis like in Penis envy
    Its the Congress running DC duh! And they are not helping So again prove your point WAITING! 0%r

  28. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Smh! Silly, foolish, ignorant, dumb, stupid, and crazier than a road lizard. Those demons are restless.

    @Matanza, your list of true activist/community organizers is on target. I have their books all except for one of the people you mentioned. This was my first time hearing about Dios, but I plan to check them out

    Matanzas said
    Granny they still don't get it sad;(

    Our homes have always been full of such lit our sons and now our grands etc are raised knowing the truth
    Its the only way esp when we have 18 grands 12 of who are men?

    2 tim 1-6 in the last days?


  29. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Field, did you read this?

    granny this is where i am now with my grandson This story is just another one in the killing saga This is why our children and others must have knowledge of truth No politician can stop this 2nd Tim 1

  30. A Black Panther Forever said...
    Brother Field....Stopped reading when I read in the blog "two phony Black Panthers"....Please insert the word "New" prior to BPs.... Two different organization. Please...NBPs, I know the present day organization will evolve as you truly embrace your missions. There are needs to our communities that need addressing that it would be easy to fall under the headings of "paper tiger" if positive deeds are lieu of having the media create your images. My gosh... A white boy took a red beret and started a national organization that had/has media support... because their missions. Now... I will go back to the blog's text. StillaPanther2

    White boys and house negros have no prob doing what they need to do why is that?

  31. Field:) Thank you senor Thank you for being my guide and a leader i read between the lines i got it URLS 4EVER from now on hehehe

    ps u know even the intelligent drop the ball at times

  32. AA? lwets spktruth2power

    Making it plain and crushing misinfo
    it is my job to find truth and pass it on

    Today, I took a look at the entries in the Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., for African-American and the prefix Afro-.

    Afro-American was first used as an adjective in 1853 in a publication in Windsor, Ontario, Voice of the Fugitive. The OED2 lists examples of Afro-American and Aframerican from 1890, 1898, 1910, 1934, 1939, and 1944, the last being a use of Aframerican from an article by H.L. Mencken.

    African-American was first used as a noun in 1855 and as an adjective in 1858. The OED2 gives cites for one or the other use from 1858, 1885, 1890, 1925, 1962, 1969, 1973, 1979, and later in the 60's

    Whatever arguments one may come up with against African-American, as the term is currently used in the US, it would nevertheless be derelict for a person arguing against the term to fail to acknowledge, when discussing the matter with students of English as a second language, for example, that African-American is the term most widely accepted in print in American English as the respectful term to refer to those Americans who would once have been referred to as Negroes. It also was used in the 18th century in the US

    Peace info is POWER truth saves lives

    My sources my files


  33. Brother Field. As I said, I know you know the difference between the two. I am glad that you still holld their feet to the fire. :). You are definately "mission oriented". To MantanzaGV.. That's a good question you posed. Will get back . Pondering will give me a task I can do while doing all the drudge work i.e cutting grass , chores. I went to my cousin's furneral last week and was pleased at the young men(20-30) that were upstanding. Told them about the see things as I see them

  34. Injustice always eventually brings war. This march on Washington talk is just Black Run America's chickens starting to come home to roost.

    Someday, a real rain will come.

  35. There is going to be war. In Europe, it will be the European nationalists against the globalists and their African and Muslim jannisaries. In the USA, it is going to be a confusing affair, with shifting alliances between the Black, Brown, Red, and White Americas, with Black, Brown, and Red America serving the interests of the globalists.

    Of course, to say "there is going to be war" is somewhat misleading. The war actually began in 1965; the first invasion soon after. This nationalist response is a belated one, and is the result of the various nations finding themselves backed into a corner from which there is no other escape.

    The globalists are going to try to crack down and keep the nationalists out of power, but the resulting exposure of what has always been their anti-democratic nature is going to completely eliminate their ability to claim any moral superiority over the nationalists.

    This is the fruit of taking power from the people and subverting their interests to those of the globalist elite. They have pushed it too far and now it is starting to break. Think very carefully as to which side you will be on.

  36. Eric Holder to resign this summer.

    You heard it here first.

  37. Not really Tom. Plenty have have been saying just that for weeks. Give us some real news. Will Obama be impeached?

  38. No, the unwritten Constitution of Black Run America forbids the impeachment of a black President.

  39. Anonymous4:33 PM

    BTW, who is this GrannyStandingforTruth? Is she new? You seem to like her. Is she Black or White? I can't tell.

    She is Black, obviously. Field likes Blacks, not Whites.

  40. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Welcome to the Mantanzas blog. All crazy all the time.

  41. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Crazy as a wombat!

  42. Nonsucker8:29 PM

    Folks, this white man is dropping by to let you all know that Adam Kokesh is jewish, not a "white boy" as one of your posters referred to him.
    Kokesh is just another in a long line of jewish agent provocateurs. Kokesh tries to appeal to non racist white gun owning Constitutionalist Libertarians and centrist Republicans. The types like Abbie Hoffman appealed to anti racist left wing progressive whites. In the end, entrapment is the name of their game. Please look deeper in to this before you make a decision based on knee jerk reaction and corporate mainstream media camera shots of all the cracker looking gun nut types. Watch the documentary on Cointelpro and black America and you will understand how these white folks are being marginalized and manipulated the way blacks were in the 60's and 70's.

  43. Making it plain


    KOKESH is still a pale boy Israel is in Northeast Afrika ( the canal) albeit the Jews there now did not come from there
    They came via migration from all over EUROPE and some from Saudia Arabia where the kaba was built by Abraham
    They are pale people from caves and not white, there are no white people

    The orig HEBREWS are Afrikans !! do the work people and get the truth Stop reading WIKI

  44. Brother Field. As I said, I know you know the difference between the two. I am glad that you still holld their feet to the fire. :). You are definately "mission oriented". To MantanzasGV.. That's a good question you posed. Will get back .

    Gracias Panther

    Add what you will please! Open the eyes of the masses lest they think that his...story is our story i welcome the assistance

    I already added the truth i did not want to risk any more misinfo so i answered my own question.
    Off the point a bit:
    It is clear that only Afrikans overstand how we can differenciate an Afrikan on FN blog from cave men Sadly some still don;t get it

    Still in struggle:
    It ain't u its your GOV and we still need CONSHUSS" ( my spelling) pale men to help us as long as we remember OUR STORY

  45. Anonymous9:32 AM

    How can you tell mantanzas is psychotic? It's so easy a cave man can do it.

  46. CaveManX11:21 AM

    Even I had to laugh at that one.

  47. This seems to be serious company that the stereo variety programs to overthrow the govt. It's unusual that no one in the govt has said a term or created busts about this. What is the govt awaiting, an rebellion and a lot of deaths?

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