Sunday, June 23, 2013

It can't be the shoes.

A man was killed while trying to pick another man's pocket while the other man waited in line for the new $180 LeBron James sneaker.

You Negroes have got to quit this madness. Who waits in line for a pair of $180 sneakers that, from the looks of them, doesn't even look that good?

This love of materialism and our penchant to show off whatever it is we are wearing or driving is a serious Achilles heel in our community. Is it any wonder a dollar lasts only six hours in our community? Compare that to a month in the Asian community and you can see where I am going with this. Black folks have a lot of buying and spending power , so why aren't we saving? We will be spending 1.1 trillion annually by 2015, our purchasing power is currently equal to the GDP of the world's 16th largest country, and we still don't have s*** to show for it.

"Field, you are such a hypocrite. You like to wear nice suits to work and you are always bragging about your sartorial acumen."

Yes, but dressing properly is required in my profession. How many of those clowns dropping $180 for a pair of sneakers are actually getting paid to run ball?

"Greedy shoe companies making select sneakers needlessly exclusive paired together with consumer exuberance, desperation, and American gun culture on Saturday long enough to cost one would-be alleged robber his life. Shoppers waiting in line to purchase the latest incarnation of LeBron James’ signature shoe outside Atlanta were being harassed by a reported pickpocket until one patron decided to pull a gun out and shoot the as-yet unidentified man in what is being considered a move motivated by self-defense." [Source]

Sorry Mr. Dwyer, I can't blame the "greedy shoe companies" for this one. (Although there are other things  that I could get on them about.) If there was no market for them they wouldn't be making those $180 sneakers in the first place.

Blame the folks creating the market for them. As long as we are willing to drop those kinds of ends they are going to make overpriced sneakers for $100 which cost them $20 to make.

"I am taking my talents to South Beach"

LeBron, you need to take a detour and stop by the hood.


  1. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Awww Field, but expensive, cushy bouncy sneakers are so heavenly to wear! and the thing is those sneakers are well made.

    Their almost a necessity!Specially on hard city streets. Or rocky country roads for that matter. Or...even if you're just going to the movies, who cares...hehehe

    C'mon...that guy got killed cos he was pickpocketing, nothing to do with sneaker...well maybe just a little...I'd kill too if somebody wanted to steal my sneaker money Field!!

    I bet if you went in the store and tried them on, you'd buy them to go to the gym! Wanna bet?! :)

  2. Wesley R10:12 PM

    The problem with our community after all of these years is the Wille Lynch Syndrome. With A trillion dollars of spending power we only spend 3 percent with each other. I saw something on television a while back that stated that. They also said if we increased that to only 10 percent, there would be no unemployment problem in the Black Community.
    In 1712 Willie Lynch said in part "I shall assure you that distrust is stronger than trust, and envy is stronger than adulation, respect, or admiration, The Black Slave after receiving this indoctrination, shall carry on and will become self refueling and self generating for hundreds of years, maybe thousands".
    The issues we have in our community is how we deal with each other. Not the government, Bush, Obama or any other politician. That's what Malcolm X tried to get through to us. If we did business with each other, we could tell Washington DC to go screw themselves. Our communities would have more then enough resources to handle our own problems.

  3. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Wesley R, your comment is the same comment that's been said for at least a century. Don't you get tired of it? Nothing is going to change for the Black Community except more deterioration of community, more disrespect toward one another, and finally eradication of the black race. The momentum toward self-destruction is there, and it looks as though nothing, but nothing short of an act of God is going to stop it. It's hopeless.

    The ugly truth is, Blacks hate being Black in America. We deny it, but our behavior shows otherwise. And the proof lies in one's actions and behaviors. We have no trust or love for each other. The only connection we have with each other is our skin color which others don't like.

  4. Anonymous10:45 PM

    "An attorney for the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition said current and former Paula Deen employees told him the famous cook and her brother discriminated against black employees, one of whom was consistently referred to as "my little monkey.""

    That's a lie. I believe the Reverend who has defended Paula. She has given money to the black community, for pete's sake! She has had the Reverend in her house, for pete's sake! What more do you want?

    I knew once the NAACP and PUSH got involved that shit was going to roll down hill. For God's sake, people! Have mercy on Paula. Where is your sense of decency?

  5. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Dear Black Panther Forever, please help me defend Paula. You and I both know she doesn't even come close to George Wallace, Bull Connor or Strom Thurmond.

  6. Wesley R10:50 PM

    How many of the people standing in line to get the latest Lebron or Air Jordan shoe would you see standing in line to get inside of a library?

    USA Track and Field trials are over. The youngsters are looking good Field. Jamaica better be ready in August.

  7. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Has anybody seen KID or Granny? Are they still alive or did a drive-by get 'em? Cleveland and Oakland are some terrible towns for Blacks and I'm thinking Oakland is a little too much for Granny. She needs to be in the South like MS where things are slow, safe and there's lots of Blues.

  8. Anonymous10:59 PM

    "How many of the people standing in line to get the latest Lebron or Air Jordan shoe would you see standing in line to get inside of a library?"

    Well, Chris Rock said years ago that if you want to hide money from a Negro, just put it in a book because books are like kryptonite to a N-word. Remember that? He was being funny, but it's true.

  9. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Desertflower said...
    field negro said...
    "Sorry to be just now commenting, but I had to see Desert out the door.....let me stop. :)"
    What a night!...let me stop!:)))

    4:31 PM
    You two having fun? Well, you won't be laughing after I sic my lawyer on you for emotional abuse.

  10. Anonymous11:05 PM

    I haven't even dried out completely and those two are fooling around on me. This is horseshit.

  11. Anonymous11:14 PM

    "You Negroes have got to quit this madness. Who waits in line for a pair of $180 sneakers that, from the looks of them, doesn't even look that good?"

    I'll tell who waits for tennis shoes that look like shit. It's black folks, that's who. You see, brother Field, in our community you have got to have the latest in tennis shoes and cars. that is a symbol of wealth in the hood. Oh, and don't forget those bad-ass hoodies to go with those low-riding below the ass jeans.

  12. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Anonymous said...
    You two having fun? Well, you won't be laughing after I sic my lawyer on you for emotional abuse.

    I haven't even dried out completely and those two are fooling around on me. This is horseshit.
    No Anon no, I'm still waiting. There's chore's, er, I mean shores to see. I'm making croissants for you :p

  13. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Dear Desert, now that's more like it. Have those croissants waiting....and don't give any to Jamaicans.

    I don't know if you have heard the Proverb, "To give croissants to a Jamaican is to seal your fate." Hey, I am just telling you what the Proverb says. so con't come down on me. I didn't make this up.... Ask Field.

  14. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "To give croissants to a Jamaican is to seal your fate." Hey, I am just telling you what the Proverb says. so con't come down on me. I didn't make this up.... Ask Field."
    but it's already sealed I'm afraid :p

    They're done! bedtime! G'nite!

  15. Sorry Anon, Desert and I could not resist. Tell your lawyer to chill.

    Wesley, we will be ready. :)

  16. Our purchasing power is largely an illusion. I could put a car on my credit car. That's purchasing power in a sense but, in a more accurate sense, it represents my ability to enrich someone else. We--collectively speaking--need to be more frugal. We need to be smarter with how we spend what little money we do have. But to act like we just have a trillion just sitting in the bank that we just decide to piss away on sneakers doesn't accurately reflect what's going on.

  17. Anonymous10:12 AM



    hobamacare = new poverty!!!

  18. Anonymous10:22 AM

    this is why bob marley was bohemian


    has that global warlord hobama ever heard this song?

    what classic rebel music would bm pen about that crazy baldhead politrician in a wicked shitsym hobama?


    cc africom/global wars for oil and opium etc

    cc hobama's global roadblocks for assata too!

  19. Lamont Cranston says –

    Evil comes in all shapes colors and sizes.

    Our folks have been hoodwinked by both the Liberal and Conservative media and society into thinking that our plight will either be sucking up to whitey and renouncing our heritage or licking the boots of the ACLU and sending our kids to Planned Parenthood in droves.

    Unfortunately we seem to need a stronger wakeup call than the one we as a people are currently facing.

    As a Christian, I have mountains of hope for both now and later. I have everything I need to be successful in this life and the next. I also see to it that I bless those in my circle of influence. Even if the culture around us goes down the tube, we should make sure that our families do not.

    We can do better. But that will not happen until the MEN in our community take responsibility, FULL RESPONSIBILITY, for keeping their families together and functioning on a high level rather than living like buck the slave and jumping from woman to woman and dodging real responsibility as long as humanly possible.

    FUNKADELIC - If You Don’t Like The Effects, Don’t Produce The Cause

  20. Black Yoda, u are righr, that represents credit as well.

    Alicia, u have got to let.your Obama obsession go, its not healthy.

  21. Anonymous1:42 PM


    got hippocratic hypocrisy???????

    take your own advice

    your obsessive love with hobama is globally FATAL!!!

    cc your hobama nazi clones who are jobless/homeless/agendalesss/clueless/gunless etc


  22. Anonymous1:45 PM


    i see u

    it is easier to feign concern
    than fuel defense for that rabid racist cia dog hobama


  23. Anonymous1:50 PM

    hey fn:

    heal thyself

    cc your cancerous coon hobama nazi peers

  24. Anonymous2:01 PM


    got hippocratic hypocrisy???????

    take your own advice

    your obsessive love with hobama is globally FATAL!!!

    cc your hobama nazi clones who are jobless/homeless/agendalesss/clueless/gunless etc

    dear AB, thanks for lowering your ranting. It is even more effective when you lay into Field. It is obvious that you have been to anger management school.

    IMHO, I think Field should go to school too. He sorely needs to attend ETHICS AND MORAL SCHOOL. Perhaps 'then', he will see the light about Obama.

  25. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "hey fn:

    heal thyself

    cc your cancerous coon hobama nazi peers"
    I admire your extensive descriptive vocabulary. But you should be careful because NSA and NDAA are working against you. You may find yourself in the same boat with Mr. Snowden.

    Now don't get all riled up...I'm just sayin.

  26. Lamont Cranston says -

    I wish Anonymouse would stop being a punk and pick an ID and or name.

    Right FN?

    Hey, Anonymouse - Can you even write a complete and coherent thought?

    I bet U can't.

    Prove me wrong...

  27. Anonymous2:41 PM

    DB, which Anonymous are you talking to? They all seem to be able to write and comment coherently and with virtue. It's YOU who can't. And do YOU think Anons care what you think? GET REAL, and get rid of your selfish dishonesty. It's time to GROW UP, BOY!!

  28. "it is easier to feign concern
    than fuel defense "

    That is the so called "Field" in a Nut shell....

    Hey STEPHEN...

    do you classify Snowden a traitor... One that needs to be apprehended at all costs...??

    100k people think otherwise...

    Obomber will be forced to address the situation

  29. Did you actually read the post where I actually addresed the issue FN raised to begin with??

  30. Anonymous3:08 PM

    i have never lived in fear
    and i never will!!!



    cc your very own "unhealthy hatred" for:

    all those who dare call out your false hnic god hobama

    ben carson

    all repubs

    glen beck

    d issa/the dissa of hobama

    mitt romney

    donald trump


    shame on u u hobama nazi!!!!!!!!!!

    shame on your suicidally apolitical racist hypocrisy for the racist bankster big bro joker hobama!!!

  31. Anonymous3:17 PM

    those who should be afraid indeed
    all of hobama's unhealthy hateful broke played black boot lickers like fn

    they have raised the bar for the next wm/hispanic male prez
    to be even MORE racist than hobama has been

    that prez will slay hobama's unhealthy hateful cursed coons anew
    even worse than they have allowed hobama to do

    and he will demand the same silence they have given to that racist bankster global warlord hobama ...


    cc ndaa ndaa ndaa
    cointelpro 2013
    angendaless blacks ONLY

  32. Anonymous3:29 PM

    AB, do you not see what is going to happen to Snowden or anyone else who tries to fight the fed? It's curtains baby...that is why American citizens remain silent. You should take heed or join Field in being a devoted Obamaholic.

  33. Anonymous3:36 PM

    scared assnon:

    i do not want to live in a world with spineless soulless suicidal fools like u

    cc that cowardly bs to:

    rebel slaves
    nat turner
    harriet tubman
    fred douglass


    cc that to rebel jews
    and those who slew hitler etc

    your silence and cowardice will never save u
    nor stop me

  34. Anonymous3:38 PM

    scared assnon:

    i thank god that mlk ignored cowards like u
    just as i do

    that cia dog hobama is a disgrace to mlk

    cc fema camps for all
    silent or not


  35. Anonymous3:42 PM

    scared assnon:

    cc that wimpy bs to my shero assata too

    and that dl hobama/the new dl je hoover

  36. Anonymous3:49 PM

    scared assnon:

    cc that bitch-assed bs to:

    boyce watkins
    dr. marimba ani
    glen ford
    bruce dixon
    elaine brown
    larry pinkney too

  37. Anonymous4:21 PM

    AB, "scared assnon:

    i do not want to live in a world with spineless soulless suicidal fools like u"

    AB, I am not 'that' scared...I am just being careful and trying to look out for your silly ass. You should want to live in comfort, and live in the house like Field and other Obamaholics; instead of living in those hot ass fields where the fed will track you down.

    Like Snowden, you will always be on the run. You will not have a moment of peace. Be smart. Do like Field does...say the right things and live like a King/Queen. Sleep in a soft bed instead of hiding in the alleys. WTFU!.

  38. Anonymous4:30 PM

    AB, "scared assnon:

    i thank god that mlk ignored cowards like u
    just as i do

    that cia dog hobama is a disgrace to mlk"

    Now your comment had proven to everybody that you don't know a damn thing about MLK. I happen to know he would be saying the same thing as my brave comments. He would not support a turd like you.

    cc your comments to the Jamaican Marley and see what names he will call you...right Field, PilotX and Desert?

    I know you FN Negroes are on my side. Either you are with me or you are with AB. Now, what's it's gonna be? Brothers and Sisters, we have got to stick together or AB will ruin us! Who among you does not like Obama? NONE. Except that fool AB.

    PS. I Do believe FN will start gatting a rash of sorely needed hits. Field, you can thank me later.:)

  39. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Has anybody seen Whitey? Has he deserted us? I ask because for the first time in a century it's raining in Northern Cali. It only rains when there is a big time betrayal by a white person.

    I'm hoping that it won't be Whitey, which means it's Brohammas. Lord have mercy, do they have anybody in Philly, Black or White, whom you can trust? No wonder that bell is cracked.

  40. Anonymous5:18 PM

    silly scared assnon:

    u r no real joker like hobama


    the joke is on u coward

    mlk would hate hobama
    as a racist and a warmonger

    just as i hate u as a liar and a fool


  41. Anonymous5:24 PM

    mlk would also hate hobama/drone man as a rabid elitist and global wrmonger


  42. Anonymous5:27 PM

    scared assnon:

    mlk on cowards like u:

    “On some positions, cowardice asks the question, is it expedient? And then expedience comes along and asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? Conscience asks the question, is it right?

    There comes a time when one must take the position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but he must do it because conscience tells him it is right.”


  43. There comes a time when one must take the position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but he must do it because conscience tells him it is right.”

    They mustve forgot MLK was in vehement vocal opposition to the needless wars going on at the time...

    and just because a bi-racial President is in office doesnt mean vehement vocal opposition should cease....

    STEPHEN has been laying low on any news of real substance...

    Im sure he doesnt want to have to endlessly defend the indefensible....

  44. I read once that blah folks and I talians like to wear flashy clothes because historically that was the only way we could feel equality in this country. Over compensation?

  45. Woodrow6:46 PM

    "This love of materialism and our penchant to show off whatever it is we are wearing or driving is a serious Achilles heel in our community"

    Why is it the most materialistic among us are the ones most enamored of socialism?

    Is it because socialism is at root motivated by envy and greed?

  46. Braulio7:01 PM

    PilotX said...
    I read once that blah folks and I talians like to wear flashy clothes because historically that was the only way we could feel equality in this country. Over compensation?

    Perhaps. If you believe clothes do make the man, then obviously you want to make the most of yourself.

    Both cultures put a strong emphasis on finery as indicator of status. Italians have very strong associations between class and dress. All men want to appear rich, but Italian males dress to indicate wealth to a larger degree than other groups. All women are pretty much the same, but African males place more emphasis on looking attractive than do other cultures.

    In any event, guys will always do that which they think will bring them success with women. In this particular case, the guys in line must have believed that owning these shoes would confer some status, maybe even get them laid. Is that true? Will the right pair of shoes seal the deal with African females?

  47. agentX12:43 AM

    This problem hasn't gone away in 20 years, and it probably never will. Remember people fighting over Rebok pump shoes and Starter jackets?

    Anyway, people who want to support black community business; there are shops and websites where you can do JUST that.
    I used this store before. They don't have much but that day I went there they had just the things I was looking for.

  48. When white folks line up for concert tickets or the latest iPhone it's not seen as the moral failing of an entire race.

    There's a saying that only the rich can afford to buy cheap shoes. Why shouldn't someone purchase the best they can afford, even if it's only a status symbol?

  49. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Africans in America always have to have the latest styles. The latest shoes, dresses, cars, faux weaves flowing down their backs, makeup, tattoos, next thing you know everyone's looking like a bunch of black muppets with purple ink adorning their bodies, thinking they're fabulous. African clowns of America.

  50. Anonymous1:24 PM

    ThatDeborahGirl said...
    When white folks line up for concert tickets or the latest iPhone it's not seen as the moral failing of an entire race.

    Nobody gets shot in those lines.

  51. @ Anonymous 1:24

    The guy who got shot was trying to ROB the people in line. He was a criminal. I thought white people liked Stand Your Ground laws for that reason.

    I guess protecting a line full of law abiding black people from being robbed isn't in line with that though. We're never allowed to protect ourselves.

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