Thursday, June 20, 2013

The racist in the kitchen, and a "Patriot" is in hot water.

So black folks are tripping out after hearing that Paula Deen is a racist.

"What? Paula Dean is a racist? Nooo, not Paula."

Yes, Paula. You Negroes should learn from this. Never assume that you know someone.

"Paula, you disappointed me. You used to channel my black southern grandma so well. I almost believed you were one of us!" 
Oh stop it! Charming Paula, the Southern Belle, was in the kitchen cooking up some wholesome American Southern food while dropping the N-word and planning slavery themed weddings.

Still, to be fair to Paula, she was an equal opportunity hater, and she hated Jews and rednecks as well. It all just goes to show you how far a little talent can go in hiding the demons that lurk within some people.    

Paula, let this be a lesson to you: Always settle those lawsuits. You never know what will come out in a trial.

 "Deen cited a restaurant she had visited: "The whole entire waiter staff was middle-aged black men, and they had on beautiful white jackets with a black bow tie...I mean, it was really impressive. That restaurant represented a certain era in America…after the Civil War, during the Civil War, before the Civil War…It was not only black men, it was black women…I would say they were slaves." [Source]

I would say that you were born about 100 years too late.

Are you all following this Aaron Hernandez story? This is crazy. I sure hope that we don't have another O.J., or Rae Carruth story on our hands, but it's not looking good for the Patriot's tight end.  Apparently Aaron likes his guns.

"Police plan to go back to the home of New England Patriot's tight end Aaron Hernandez today with another warrant based on evidence that "he destroyed his home security system,'' an investigator close to the case told ABC News.

The investigator, and other law enforcement sources, confirmed that the security system - which included video surveillance - was smashed intentionally.
And a cell phone used by Hernandez was handed over to investigators "in pieces'' by his attorneys, the sources said.

Police also want to know why a team of house cleaners were hired on Monday to scrub Hernandez's mansion, sources told ABC News.

The revelations come as multiple sources tell ABC News that the star NFL player has not been ruled out as a suspect in the murder of a semi-pro football player Odin Lloyd, 27, who was Hernandez's friend.

Hernandez has been at the center of the investigation since Lloyd's body was found shot in the back of the head in a scrubby clearing of an industrial park roughly a mile from the Patriots star's million-dollar mansion in North Attleborough Monday." [Source]

Calling Nancy Grace in 5...4...3...2...


  1. Anonymous8:35 PM

    from the previous thread:

    Field, "Here in Philly we are closing schools and laying off after school workers and building new jails. Go figure."

    Brother Field, I 'figured' it out:

    They are building new jails because they know they will be jailing some of those after school workers without money, and some kids who used to attend those schools that are closing. This is not rocket science. It's a way to dumb down and incarcerate more Blacks.

  2. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Steve McNair has been shot and killed.

  3. NSangoma10:02 PM


    Racism is as racism does:


  4. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Field, "Yes, Paula. You Negroes should learn from this. Never assume that you know someone."

    Lord have mercy, Miss Paula is a racist.

    Field, why is it that we Negroes are always surprised when Whites like Paula turn out to be big time racists? That amazes me that Blacks want a White person to be on their side that they imagine the person to be their dream Great White Hope. And time after time for centuries, we end up getting hurt or to put it truthfully, royally screwed.

    When will Negroes get it thru their thick skulls that the very white person they are hoping is like family is NOT! Let me put the truth this way: "No White in their right mind is going to want to be your Grandparent." Now wake the eff up!

  5. Anonymous10:44 PM

    "Are you all following this Aaron Hernandez story? This is crazy. I sure hope that we don't have another O.J., or Rae Carruth story on our hands, but it's not looking good for the Patriot's tight end. Apparently Aaron likes his guns."

    There is no way we have another OJ story on our hands. Hernandez is White, not Black. Right away that changes everything.

  6. Damm media! Always kkk-blockkking Paula Deen when she wants to get her ante-bellum party on like it's 1853!

  7. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Has anyone noticed that when a woman is clearly in the wrong, no woman here says a damn thing? Granny, AB, Desert, etc...ALL OF THEM say NOTHING! This is bullshit.

    I'm telling you it's not the racists we have to concerned about, it's the Sistahs. Field, I know you can't say anything but I KNOW YOU AGREE. Now that I've said it, I will be quiet now.

  8. Anonymous11:22 PM

    As a bm, I've always thought of Paula as White and sexy. Now I don't know what to think except that she is sexy.

    Field, I know you agre.

  9. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Field, you've got Paula all wrong. Just because she used the N-word and wanted a slave themed wedding doesn't mean that she is a racist. It could mean that she just loves Blacks. Why must you make her out to be a racist when in fact she loves Blacks. Be positive!

  10. Johnny Ninepack11:46 PM

    Black men used to have a lot of jobs in the service industry. Now they are too proud to work them, and they have no jobs.

    Go figure.

  11. Lord have mercy Anon@11:27,u are killing me.

  12. "Here in Philly we are closing schools and laying off after school workers and building new jails. Go figure."

    Same here. not sure about the jails but definitely closing schools like it's the in thing. Rahm is worse than Daley. At least he seems beatable next election. Hope for the best.

  13. BARBBF9:06 AM

    It's good to be concerned with racists speech and publish the information..BUT..did you post this information about the physical assault of a 14 year old by Miami police?? I am going to make the call. Will you?

    Drop all charges against Tremaine McMillian, 14-year-old assaulted by Miami PD
    Take action -- send a letter now!
    June 3, 2013

    Originally published on May 30, 2013

    Tremaine McMillian is a 14-year-old who was accosted and brutally choked by police officers in Florida while holding his puppy, and socializing with family and friends at the beach.

    Police threw Tremaine to the ground and placed him in a chokehold so intense it caused him to urinate on himself. The cops then handcuffed him and slapped him with a felony "resisting arrest with violence" charge, as well as a misdemeanor for disorderly conduct.

    Send a letter now and tell prosecutors to drop the charges.

    Police claim they assaulted Tremaine because of his "dehumanizing stares" and clenched fists. Tremaine maintains that he could not have clenched his fist because he was in fact holding his puppy and feeding it from a bottle.

    Either way, the actions of the police are intolerable. There is no reason that multiple police officers with weapons of all sorts at their disposal had to place an unarmed 14-year-old in a brutal chokehold. As a cell phone video of some of the incident clearly shows, Tremaine did not pose a threat to them. Not to mention: he did nothing wrong! He was at the beach socializing with friends and family!

    This is just another example of the wanton violence engaged in by police departments across the country. Such brutal conduct is frequently excused by politicians and the media by resorting to racist stereotyping and slander. Young Black males in particular are often targeted and brutalized by police under the pretext of "crime fighting."

    The widespread police brutality and racial profiling must stop now!

    Take action: send a letter to the States Attorneys Office and Florida Governor to
    demand that all charges against Tremaine be dropped immediately!

  14. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Wait a minute, how can you hate on rednicks if you are one?!?!?

  15. Anonymous10:59 AM

    why are u judging a racist chef, but u refuse to judge a racist prez???????

    i am certain that most americans would be similarly exposed by such audio tapes...

    especially that racist bankster hobama, when he is routinely guffawing over his foolish broke jobless homeless gunless snoring adoring blind deaf black nazis...


    oj is the new normal within a generation of psycho brutes

  16. Anonymous11:03 AM

    and u r being very unfair to this newest nfl psycho


    at least he killed someone his own size

    unlike that cowardly dl misogynist bully oj

  17. Anonymous12:26 PM

    the only racists I see are you commie negroes!

  18. Anonymous12:34 PM

    how is that gun control working out for you field?i wonder what the number of negro deaths on fatherless day?

  19. Anonymous12:55 PM

    fatal pookies ruile the world

    kudos to the jury!!!

  20. So MSNBC is under the belief that white people will riot when Hispanic Zimmerman is found guilty of killing a black kid.

    If white people are as racist as msnbc keeps saying, why wouldn't white people celebrate the killing of black trayvon and the death penalty of hispanic zimmerman? For racists, it's a win win situation.

  21. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Same here. not sure about the jails but definitely closing schools like it's the in thing. Rahm is worse than Daley. At least he seems beatable next election. Hope for the best.

    12:59 AM
    Daley was a good Mayor with ability to solve problems, politically and racially. Unfortunately, Rahm just doesn't have it. He should have stayed in Washington with Obama.

    He WILL be defeated next election. This ineffective Mayor has got to go!

  22. BARBBF, I am aware of that story, and I thank u for that information.

    I will send a letter as well.

    Pilot, I feel u about Rham, he might have to go. Not getting it done in Afghancago.

  23. "If white people are as racist as msnbc keeps saying, why wouldn't white people celebrate the killing of black trayvon and the death penalty of hispanic zimmerman?"

    Taking your questions in turn little a non, first white people did and do very much celebrate Mr. Martin's murder from gruesomely disgusting targets of his image, to gruesomely disgusting defamation of his character, to the (yet again...) flood of Ice Tea & Skittles jokes, white American culture reveled in his death the same way our ancestors used to at lynchings. As for Mr. Zimmerman, well, by dint of having killed Mr. Martin under Florida's "kill the scary ni**ers" law Mr. Zimmerman became symbolically white no matter his ancestry. He could even have been black himself and still end up symbolically white as long as his violence was directed against a young black man under this law. Talk radio, white America's racist voice, might even have preferred it.

  24. Field ....

    You and I just see the world differently.....

    I see you just posted Sesame St as being Field Negros of the Day....

    You need to head on over to my blog to get the real story....

    Here you have PBS linked up with a DEFENSE contractor that uses PRISON labor to make Patriot MISSLES...

    Of course Sesame St wants to NORMALIZE Incarceration for the business intrests of its Corporate Sponsors...

    Its ABNORMAL, and needs to be CONFRONTED...

    Dammm Just when I thought you were waking up.....

    Get on the ball Field.....

  25. Chicago doesn't put up with ineffective mayors. When Jane Byrne couldn't keep the roads clear, they sent her packing. The problem with voting him out is the probability that his strongest contender will be from the right and not see black kids killing each other in the neighborhoods as much of a prioity so long as it stays there; away from downtown & the tourists.

  26. Anonymous4:55 PM

    kudos to pbs

    sesame st is a sad reflection of how pookies and their children rule the world...


    even chi has changed and declinedded via hobama nazi drones...

    rahmbo is an illegal mayor who would NEVER have won in chi, even just decades ago!!!

  27. Anonymous4:56 PM

    even chi has changed and declined via hobama nazi drones...

  28. Anonymous5:02 PM

    u exclusively praise the puppets with parents in prison

    u should also lament the puppet prez who profits from and funds the cages of millions of real parents...



    bankster profits from private prison
    corp prison labor
    dna arrests
    nsa spies
    dhs/fema/irs cops


  29. >Mr. Zimmerman became symbolically
    >white no matter his ancestry.

    Oh. That explains the black on black crime/murder rate.

    So, if racist white people thinking of a brown person being symbolically black because of his crimes, that would be okay with you?

    Or is there a double standard required for your logic?

  30. Anonymous5:56 PM

    cc the racist black agendaless PIC puppet prez hobama

  31. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Anyone that has ever watched her lily white program and hasn't immediately realized where she's at with that, needs eyeglasses or a.serious crash course in Southern Hospitality 101!

    Along with a couple other programs as well. It is what it is. Me, I just don't watch what I don't find relevant.

  32. Ironomous6:36 PM

    whitey's confusion said...
    "He could even have been black himself and still end up symbolically white as long as his violence was directed against a young black man under this law."
    Something bad is "symbolically white".

    Innocence is conversely symbolically black.

    Thanks for sharing.

  33. Tricky Barick6:47 PM

    "He wanted to keep the illusion of an IRS scandal going."

    So, apparently do the facts:

    While congressional lawmakers are questioning why former Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Douglas Shulman paid dozens of visits to the White House during his tenure, Shulman’s top political aide seems to have spent even more time working side-by-side with members of the Obama administration.

    White House visitor logs show Shulman’s chief of staff, Jonathan M. Davis, appears to have visited the White House and adjacent Eisenhower office building as many as 310 times between the fall of 2009 and February 2013.

    Davis’ background is in technology and had no expertise on tax issues , according to some IRS sources who said Davis served mostly as a political aide who served with Shulman to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, where Shulman was vice chairman, and then followed him to the IRS.

    This particular "non-scandal" is going to be the one that brings down the administration.

  34. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Anyone that has ever watched her lily white program and hasn't immediately realized where she's at with that, needs eyeglasses or a.serious crash course in Southern Hospitality 101!

    Along with a couple other programs as well. It is what it is. Me, I just don't watch what I don't find relevant.

    6:13 PM
    Now see? There you go again, just like Field. You two have jumped the gun and accused Paula of being racist without giving her a chance to respond. Paula's show is very relevant because Negroes like to eat... a lot of food. Haven't you noticed how big most of us are? We're like beef on the hoofs moving slowly into our cars and causing the driver's side to lead almost perpendicular to the ground when nobody in on the passenger side. I am sure you have seen it. Don't lie...don't even try it...I know you have seen it.

    Anyway, girlfriend has had Blacks on her show and as I have said to Field, "the girl loves Blacks". Not only that, Blacks have felt so 'close' to Paula they thought of her as their BLACK GRANDMOTHER.

    So who do you and Field think you are judging and criticizing Paula names? She probably just had a bad hair day. I have had those days myself when it comes to Negroes. I've used the N-word lots of times like Chris Rock. My peeps will make you say things you don't want to say. You and Field should know that. You do, don't you? ...DON'T LIE, you know you have gone there lots of times.

  35. Making it plain from the Miami Airport

    Cooking everything but kindness

    Paula Deen is a southern Scarlett Ohara, and a selfish narcissitic overweight guru of grease.

    My issue with the queen of grease is ..her lies, and lack of compassion and that fact that Paula is caught up on STUPID
    I submit that her lack of concern for how she looks, as well as how those she called the N word feel.

    Along with this is the fact that for generations, racial prejudice, stereotypical attitudes, lack of sincerity and real friendships beyond the hamhocks and collards may have forced her downfall...ENOUGH ENOUGH with the madness!!!

    Here is an actual Paula Deen quote: "You can have diabetes and have a piece of cake. You cannot have diabetes and eat a whole cake."
    No, Paula. No cake for you. You've had quite enough cake. Have some quinoa. Cake is for people who've done their squats.

    i say ENOUGH you can have your cake but you cannot have your N word and eat it too
    Be gone with ya! Unlike Rhett Butler in gone with the wind "I GIVE A DAYUM" GIT!

    Moving along
    We are in the airport in Miami, waiting for our flight to Havana, and while watching the Miami news, we saw that Paula Deen, was fired from the food network for her abuse of the N word YES!

    People sitting in our area ( all from the lower extrmities, were making comments and some were saying that she should,have been given a break?
    Others said that she should have been fired a long time ago for the greasy food LMAO
    I interjected and asked those who thought she should get a break WHY?

    Una Senora and her caballero said " Well you know that sometimes people say things they don't mean and " U people use the word all the time?

    I LOL and asked her to explain "who are U people" La Senora said you know what i mean U black people always use the N word.. TRUTH@

    My son who is with me was LOL and put his hand on mine as if to calm me down... After a moment of thought, and i said to Senora who did not know that i spoke Spanish ....." Tell me Senora do Cubans call Afro Cubans names as well?
    She hesitated and said Pue si senora we do, pero como en forma de amor.....Rolling my eyes ya'll and shaking my head

    She went non to say (expicar) in Spanish
    Creo que cualquier palabra puede ser "term of endearment" dependiendo el tono de voz.
    Some words are terms of endearment huH? depending on tone hmmmm

    I disagreed and told her that the only palabre that is acceptable as a term of endearment are words like Carino, amor , carita, mija corazon, preciosa.
    Y ortro palabre asi vs any names that are related to color or race.

    I told her that i felt insulted that Paula Deen, who has made 16 million making greasy mac and cheese, fried chicken with skin on it, and believes she is teaching Afrikan desc and others how to cook healthy smh!

    And that she had a nerve thinking that a fake apology would make it OK! NOT!

    La Senora was shocked that i was Afro Cuban and said that she was glad that i take a position against the N word.. hmm if she only knew! )))))

    going to see the Orisha an issue

    Ps lost twice today in the airport YUP got beat by a 14 yrs old from Brazil better step up my game )))))

  36. Paula Dean i am making it plain

    Falsehood runs from truth Yemaya has spoken

  37. Field said

    Hernandez has been at the center of the investigation since Lloyd's body was found shot in the back of the head in a scrubby clearing of an industrial park roughly a mile from the Patriots star's million-dollar mansion in North Attleborough Monday."

    Whose FRIEND and did the Afrikan know his friend (s)

  38. Anonymous5:13 PM

    If Africans continue to live in America, they're either going to be incarcerated (in chains; cages) or dead. That's going to be their living conditions in the U.S.A. There'll be nothing in between. We've all been punked for 500 years and it'll always continue. Everyone will be back in chains; the purpose of our being here in the first place. We're detested in America. Thoroughly, always have been, always will be.
