Friday, June 21, 2013


"...until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned: That until there are no longer first-class and second class citizens of any nation; That until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race; That until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained; And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed; Until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and good-will; Until all Africans stand and speak as free beings, equal in the eyes of all men, as they are in the eyes of Heaven; Until that day, the African continent will not know peace. We Africans will fight, if necessary, and we know that we shall win, as we are confident in the victory of good over evil..."

~H.I.M. Haile Selassie I Speech to the United Nations (excerpt)
New York City, NY  October 4, 1963~

If Robert Nesta Marley can use excerpts of this speech given by his Majesty for a song, why can't I use it for a blog post?

Words for our current president--- on the eve of his trip to Africa--- to live by.


  1. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Well, 1963 has been gone and nothing has changed or gotten better. In fact, it has gotten worse.

    Don't expect Obama to do much. Hell, he hasn't done anything for his own black citizens in America.

  2. Field


    My daughter in law is from Ithiopia and lives in Israel with my middle sun (my spelling) She has been the best And with her our name continues 4 times YES!
    Selassie said
    There is nothing more worthwhile and rewarding in life than to work for the benefit of others. One can get more pleasure from giving than from receiving if it is done with LOVE .

    Selassie I

  3. Kersey8:30 PM

    "And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed;"

    Well, that day has come and gone, and Sub-Saharan Africa is in worse shape than ever. Go figure.

    Freedom has failed.

  4. Freedom has failed.???


    Milagros said
    NO! man has failed and he must because he is running nothing but his heels,over and does nothing for mankind
    There is nothing more worthwhile and rewarding in life than to work for the benefit of others. One can get more pleasure from giving than from receiving if it is done with LOVE .
    And unless and until it is corrected OH well!

  5. Making it plain

    As a person born in Angola raised in Cuba i can tell all people that freedom only comes via struggle And unless and until that happens???
    Talk is still cheap

    Haile Selassie
    June 1936

    "I, Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, am here today to claim that justice which is due to my people, and the assistance promised to it eight months ago, when fifty nations asserted that aggression had been committed in violation of international treaties.

    There is no precedent for a Head of State himself speaking in this assembly. But there is also no precedent for a people being victim of such injustice and being at present threatened by abandonment to its aggressor. Also, there has never before been an example of any Government proceeding to the systematic extermination of a nation by barbarous means, in violation of the most solemn promises made by the nations of the earth that there should not be used against innocent human beings the terrible poison of harmful gases. It is to defend a people struggling for its age-old independence that the head of the Ethiopian Empire has come to Geneva to fulfil this supreme duty, after having himself fought at the head of his armies.

    I pray to Almighty God that He may spare nations the terrible sufferings that have just been inflicted on my people, and of which the chiefs who accompany me here have been the horrified witnesses.

    It is my duty to inform the Governments assembled in Geneva, responsible as they are for the lives of millions of men, women and children, of the deadly peril which threatens them, by describing to them the fate which has been suffered by Ethiopia. It is not only upon warriors that the Italian Government has made war. It has above all attacked populations far removed from hostilities, in order to terrorize and exterminate them.

  6. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Man, this Snowden whistleblower has me scared about how we are giving away our liberties for security. Just how does that work? "Give me security at the cost of our liberty?" We are on our way down, down, and down. It's frightening.

  7. Food Network just fired Paula Deen's ass ya'all! Now she can have that plantation party without worrying about losing her job.

  8. Anonymous9:13 PM

    What beautiful words and what a beautiful video Field! Thanks for the link, I had not heard that one before.

    Just digging on Marley, what a beautiful human being he was!

    Those words were never truer and Marley was masterful!

    BTW have fun in New Yawk ;)))

  9. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Paula Deen has also asked for your forgiveness. This being FN folks who will beg for forgiveness at the drop of a hat, you should be willing to forgive Paula for a mistake she made.

    Come on, FN folks. Show some heart and class, if possible. I forgive her because as a Negro I have learned to forgive my white brothers and sisters going way back to the beginning of America. Surely you can forgive Paula?

    Dear Lord, "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."

  10. "There is nothing more worthwhile and rewarding in life than to work for the benefit of others."

    Then white people must be the happiest in the world.

    Maybe black people wouldn't be so miserable all the time if they would start working for the benefit of others, or maybe just working.

  11. Anonymous9:22 PM

    frm the previous thread:

    Desertflower said...
    Anyone that has ever watched her lily white program and hasn't immediately realized where she's at with that, needs eyeglasses or a.serious crash course in Southern Hospitality 101!

    Along with a couple other programs as well. It is what it is. Me, I just don't watch what I don't find relevant.

    6:13 PM
    Now see? There you go again, just like Field. You two have jumped the gun and accused Paula of being racist without giving her a chance to respond. Paula's show is very relevant because Negroes like to eat... a lot of food. Haven't you noticed how big most of us are? We're like beef on the hoofs moving slowly into our cars and causing the driver's side to lead almost perpendicular to the ground when nobody in on the passenger side. I am sure you have seen it. Don't lie...don't even try it...I know you have seen it.

    Anyway, girlfriend has had Blacks on her show and as I have said to Field, "the girl loves Blacks". Not only that, Blacks have felt so 'close' to Paula they thought of her as their BLACK GRANDMOTHER.

    So who do you and Field think you are judging and criticizing Paula names? She probably just had a bad hair day. I have had those days myself when it comes to Negroes. I've used the N-word lots of times like Chris Rock. My peeps will make you say things you don't want to say. You and Field should know that. You do, don't you? ...DON'T LIE, you know you have gone there lots of times.

    7:37 PM
    I know Paula is very sorry. I just hope she can overcome her guilt and shame. It's a heavy load to carry.

  12. If you are the big tree,
    we are the small ax.
    Ready to cut you down;
    sharpened to cut you down.

  13. Beef Slaveroni9:25 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Paula Deen has also asked for your forgiveness.

    Then her career is done. Once you ask for forgiveness, you have admitted you are a sinner and they'll tear you to pieces. There is no redemption in the Church of BRA.

    She should have done what liberals do when they are busted for some malfeasance - deny, deflect and double down. Case in point: the Clintons.

  14. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Reuben the Cuban, thank you for commenting. You represent the Cuban I am familiar with--racist to the core. You make Strom Thurmond look liberal. People like you never cease to amaze me. You escape from Fidel Castro for freedom and then you become fascist racists in Florida. That's about as perverted as you can become.

    BTW, have you met your Cuban brother MantanzasGV?

  15. Anonymous9:32 PM

    "There is no redemption in the Church of BRA."

    Can somebody tell me what "BRA" stands for?

  16. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Lord have mercy, I can't believe they fired Paula for saying the N-word some 20 years ago. Hell, today Negroes use the N-word at least 5 times/day and nobody apologizes.

  17. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Reuben the Cuban said...
    "There is nothing more worthwhile and rewarding in life than to work for the benefit of others."

    Then white people must be the happiest in the world.

    Maybe black people wouldn't be so miserable all the time if they would start working for the benefit of others, or maybe just working.

    9:20 PM
    Blacks worked for the benefit of Whites going all the way back to slavery. All they got for centuries was misery. You can hear it in their music and lyrics.

    Today, Obama works for the benefit of Whites.

    You must be fresh off the boat from Cuba with no idea American history.

  18. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Anonymous9:32 PM
    "Can somebody tell me what "BRA" stands for?"
    Bra= short for brassiere. An uncomfortable garment which I no longer wear, invented by the Puritans to contain and compress a woman's naturally jiggly breasts so that their natural softness and movement is obliterated.

  19. BRA = Black Run America

  20. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Kersey, that you for the meaning of BRA. Now some comments here make sense. Thanks.

  21. Anonymous10:04 PM

    They have fired Paula Deen. As a bm I will say unequivocally that Paula is not a racist. Lord have mercy, can't we all just get along? Paula has done nothing to Blacks except given us great recipes for fried chicken and sweet potato pies.

    I can't believe the Network fired her! What a bunch of cowards. I am praying that Paula lands on her feet.

  22. Thanks for posting. I remember hearing of Selassie as a child but I was too young for an impression.

  23. California Girl said...
    Thanks for posting. I remember hearing of Selassie as a child but I was too young for an impression

    Thanks for sharing your ignorance. It is illuminating.

  24. Haile Selassie didn't look very black:

    Are Ethiopians negroes?

  25. Anonymous12:36 AM

    from yardie ,,,,raspeck idren !

  26. Anonymous12:36 AM

    An alternative to food network is cooking channel. Okay... If Negroes REALLY don't like the "N" word, well, do I have to say more?
    There is a difference, however, in the sound of, "nigga" and "niggerrr". Go to urban dictionary dot com for countless morphs and uses of the infamous "N" word. Poor Paula... FN needed an excuse to not renew her contract: Paula and her style of "folksism" and cooking have become irrelevant - especially when you see "cabbage-patch-doll" ankle-itis Negroes hobbling along. And, now that the AMA has declared obesity a disease, well, any shred of personal responsibility rapidly evaporates.
    My people, my people.

  27. Now that that moron Paula Deen is gone, there will be more Food Network time for Giada De Laurentiis:


  28. Darwin2:22 AM

    "And, now that the AMA has declared obesity a disease, well, any shred of personal responsibility rapidly evaporates.
    My people, my people. "

    African Americans are 4-5 times more likely to end up on dialysis than whites:

  29. "There is nothing more worthwhile and rewarding in life than to work for the benefit of others."

    Then white people must be the happiest in the world.

    Ha! yeah, right.

    "There is no redemption in the Church of BRA."

    Sure there is but some stuff is just too stupid to forgive. As Field said, she should have settled the case when she had the chance. Let that be a lesson for the rest of you closet bigots.

  30. Growing up most of my friends - particularly those born 'back-a-yard' - thought Ras Tafari was a living God. I didn't, I was a cynical bastard even as a kid.

    The collapse of the Rastafarian religion in the UK was as dramatic and sudden as any cultural-change I can ever remember. The red, green and gold wooly hats disappeared off our streets seemingly overnight, to be replaced by the hats of another very temporary religion - the NBA.

    I often wonder what became of my Rasta school buddies? Where do they go now to find solace and peace?

  31. Making it plain

    There is nothing more worthwhile and rewarding in life than to work for the benefit of others. One can get more pleasure from giving than from receiving if it is done with LOVE . vs force and with ignorance and stupidity

    Moving along
    We who are able to can use satelite to connect to the www from Jamaica And we are here now here " HEY FIELD!!!
    But only for a moment we came to keep a promise that we made to a friend last summer to bring him to Cuba
    We will be in Matanzas shortly
    However b4 i move on

    In 1966 Selassie I visited Jamaica and gave land And we know and i have seen what can come about when there is unity "RASTAFARI!
    Now lets be clear
    There will be cave trolls and others who have not lived outside of the united snakes of amerikka, who will claim to know about unity, Selassie I and the Shashamane comm. NOT!

    Malcolm, Garvey were also believers of back to Afrika and had house negros not aligned themselves with cavemen etc perhaps? As i always say something in the choc is not clean
    Again, some of the ignorant house negros still believe that bedding down with pale stale cave women will save them from the wrath hmmmm Hold ya breath

    Now cavemen will not overstand this and those who do will think!

  32. Making it plain

    Paula Deen can say what she wants but guess who is begging for forgiveness? Ya right that halfdead spinless wretch is a fake and trust me another GOP org will pick up her hanging chin

    I hope she joins a gym first


  33. I often wonder what became of my Rasta school buddies? Where do they go now to find solace and peace?

    Shashamane? or into the abyss like other house negros

  34. Making it plain

    i too never accepted Selassie I as a GOD but i do respect how others see him.. As a Angolan Cuban i relate to FREEDOM and the by any means necessary thought

    I also have a daughter in law from Ithiopia who now lives in Televiv and is married to one of my idren. i have also visited Shashamane, and Israel many times in the last 20 yrs and to be honest i see benefits in both however, if i had to i would choose Afrika vs Israel

    just saying

  35. Matanzas that s interestng about your daughter in law. Thankfully it's a small world.

    PC, The Rastafari movement is still strong at home. Real Rastafarians are some.of the most peaceful and spiritual people I know.

    Desert, u shouldn't have written what u did about going braless, now your stalker will go nuts. :)

  36. Making it plain and taking advantage of satellite

    Reuben said
    Maybe black people wouldn't be so miserable all the time if they would start working for the benefit of others, or maybe just working.

    9:20 PM
    Matanzas said before i lol

    Boo hoo Reuben another sad Marielita, Criolla crybaby, with his pantalones down asking daddy where is his peepee?

    Answer: , aw! son don't worry you just have a small weenie, maybe later we will be able to get you a pump....or an implant
    Be careful what you ask for ;)

    Moving right along Just had to get that one in

    See Reuben your knowledge of the Afrikan is as short as your penis,
    and your still trying to figure it out. Stand up boy, stop your boo hooing and pick up a book

    Rueben, i think that i will serve you up a large can of whoop ass today Esp para ti :)
    Son, it is obvious that being a Criolla crybaby with a short DICK has not allowed you to opened your eyes to the truth

    In Cuba, in Matanzas, specifically the Afrikan worked and worked for nothing for 400 yrs'on Criolla land. follow me now
    There is no sense of getting mad at me knowledge is power and you might learn something or simply choose deny your family history whatever it is /isn't

    In amerikka and all over the world the Afrkan and our progeny worked for 400 yrs+ for nothing, And when we were finally able to get some semblance of equity it had to come via rapes euro mans fake two faced laws, denial of basic human rights, lynchings castrations and terror

    Cubano, laws had to be passed in order for the desc of cave men to do the right thing. So senor Reuben, i ask you where is the cave mans humanity? And where is yours?
    You said: white people must be the happiest in the world.
    And i respond:
    Reuben why aren't cave men happy and why are they not the happiest in the world?
    While you are still hoping to find an answer READ!
    This country was built on the blood sweat and tears of immigrants and esp Afrikans who laid the ground work

    FEAR and envy, the fear of the Afrikan esp his Penis is the euro nabs downfall and waterloo
    And the envy of the fact that if given a level playing ground the world is ours for the taking

    Also as a Cuban, you are not WHITE there are no white /black people yellow people or red people in the world. And as an ALLEGED Hispanic the euro hates you

    See Reubie boy. The Afrikan struts though the world like some dusky colossus looming larger than life. To some, and to people like you we are a nightmare, a fantasy a gorilla in the midst, feared, emulated, shunned and DESIRED by cave women..And your envious like the NFL footballer from the Pats hmmmm

    Like Ellis cose says in his book The envy of the world
    We set the standard for style and make concrete the meaning of kool White men and boys like you envy our style and confidence, Euro cave kids want to talk like us, walk like us dress like us

    And while cradled in amerikkkas ambivalence we as Afrikans embody her con tra dick less shuns

    End of discussion Talk to your daddy

  37. field negro said...
    Matanzas that s interestng about your daughter in law. Thankfully it's a small world.

    PC, The Rastafari movement is still strong at home. Real Rastafarians are some.of the most peaceful and spiritual people I know.

    Yes, it is Field that is true we have been speaking with a few as we share here I love them unconditionally i am taking a sun to Cuba for a few days to visit fam
    And although my son now lives in Israel i still take my hat off why? Their courage

  38. Field said
    Desert, u shouldn't have written what u did about going braless, now your stalker will go nuts. :)===========================
    Go nuts? How, he has no nuts Desert asked u if that guy with the perpetual hard on(8mths) had his nuts removed as well OMG LMAO FIELD STOP!

  39. BRA =


  40. Haley saw Lassie said...
    California Girl said...
    Thanks for posting. I remember hearing of Selassie as a child but I was too young for an impression

    Thanks for sharing your ignorance. It is illuminating.
    you mean to tell us that you took time off and allowed your dog Lassie to take a break and stop licking your nasty vagina or butt fuckin u to make a comment?

    Since you want to bring your frustrations out on someone who simply made a comment i invite u to Deal with me
    Want to talk Lassie lets do this thing

    Dogs lickin euro womens chocha is acceptable behavior among demonic euro people and can be traced all the way back to the caucas caves and Greek history. People call it Greek mythology but, it was real.

    Minotaur - half man and half bull
    Medusa - half woman and half snake
    Mermaid - half woman and half fish

    Zoolatry, the worship of beast through sex was thought to aid fertility. Seeing the reproduction among euros is declining, is there any wonder as to why bestiality is on the increase?

    Of course some small dick would bring Bill into this lmao
    Ps now bring it i have a 4 hr layover!

  41. California Girl said...
    Thanks for posting. I remember hearing of Selassie as a child but I was too young for an impression
    Matanzas said

    Study up on him C girl he was an amazing gent who loved animals! :) Some call him the Lion of judah

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.


  43. Making it plain Ya been snowed...
    Truth i love it
    lmao noone is afraid but the cave man and his ilk
    The chickens are roosting the euro knows it, and the Afrikan knows it but we are not tremblin.

    Snowden did a good job and we in my chain of command cannot wait for the final SNO down
    Case in point
    Amerikkka has no secrets and its people never had any secrets. Stupid amerikkns have fallen for the okey doke again and along with that and no matter how much i piss you off you know the deal. Your shit is cooked
    Deal with it your GOV has eaten the chulapa
    The illuminati, the SFR TLC all were sharing amerikkkas biz with its allies and enemies
    And to cap it off the GOP, the dixiecrats and the little penis's were all caught with their pantalones down below their knees getting blow jobs or penile implants
    And now they are running like cucaraches away from boric acid (Some of them) Why?

    Because i KNOW that this was all a plot to em bare ass Pres Obama.

    First, the PTB found a hs grad with tech skills and played him like Lee Harvey Oswald.
    They PAID him and played him which brings me to this.

    Once this bruhaha is settled and the Orisha spk all will back to the ball game
    However, Pres Obama will still be there at 1600

    The GOP has miertha on this faces and now its too late to backtrack

    Manning, is being court martialed the US is seeking the Wiki guy WTF is going on?
    To be honest, i have rarely spoken about this because i chose to sit with people and get their OP and to share share what i believe.
    This Morn
    I am sitting amongst ole Rasta bred in BAY! Eatin roti and sippin chana while soakin up knowledge

    What i have uncovered here is not found in WWW or in amerikkka and there will be nowhere to run

    Bottom line we are pleased with what Snowden has done and unless and until he is returned or murdered, amerikkns would do well to accept that the GOV has fked them and everyone else And all need to prepare for the next round You want scary? You have not seen anything yet
    Coming from what i exp as a child in Afrika cannot compete

    The US has 60 days and has to ask HONG KONG? for help lmao SUCKERS!

    Eye sistah Milagros Garcia Villamil am fearless, there is nada that can be done to my people that has not already been done and i feel nothing for amerikkka Its is getting what it deserves and has been seeking forever TERROR

    Death oh well, it will happen to all where ya gwan?

  44. Making it plain 3 hrs to go
    From Jamaica

    amerikkka has noleak It is pissing on amerikkkns strai8ght up pissin urinating and deficating it will be interesting to see what TPTB do
    Assassination anyone

    Ron Paul warns US government may assassinate NSA leaker Snowden

    Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said Tuesday he’s worried the U.S. government will assassinate Edward Snowden, the 29-year-old man who admitted to leaking information about two top-secret National Security Administration surveillance programs to the press.
    “I’m worried about somebody in our government might kill him with a cruise missile or a drone missile,” Paul said on the Fox Business Network. “I mean, we live in a bad time where American citizens don’t even have rights, and that they can be killed, but the gentlemen is trying to tell the truth about what’s going on.”

    Amazing More doodoo in ya faces
    Mr Snowden is a gopher he is being used Could be a klan sympathizer whatever i like it

  45. Making it plain

    I like what Snowden did but not what he claims are his reasons Still amerikkka has shit on its face

    Snowden: Obama’s election kept me from leaking earlier

    Edward Snowden, 29, the former CIA employee who leaked the existence of phone- and cyber-surveillance programs run by the National Security Agency, said the election of President Obama in 2008 kept him from leaking much earlier.

    In an online question-and-answer session hosted by the Guardian on Monday, he said Obama’s campaign promises and condemnations of George W. Bush’s Patriot Act programs gave Snowden “faith that he would lead us toward fixing the problems he outlined in his quest for votes.”

    Instead, Obama made things worse, he wrote: “He closed the door on investigating systemic violations of law, deepened and expanded several abusive programs, and refused to spend the political capital to end the kind of human rights violations like we see in Guantanamo.”

    Now the NSA what is its funk shun

    Read more:

  46. Making it plain

    Amerikkka has no secrets NONE everything done is revealed
    Chickens are roosting

    If you are offended by the opinions i express, you can only imagine the ones i keep to myself.

  47. Making it plain

    This is a good thing if allowed to be
    I see the reasoning This is what we do in our city help the youth


    Field i think i want to come back here from Havana I hope to hear her and share what we do We have a few connections and i will seek help
    Wish i had known earlier

  49. Anonymous11:05 AM

    field negro7:10 AM
    "Desert, u shouldn't have written what u did about going braless, now your stalker will go nuts. :)"
    I like ;))))))))

  50. Reuben the Cuban1:06 PM

    "The Afrikan struts though the world like some dusky colossus looming larger than life."

    I walk with purpose and confidence; strutting is the mark of a weak man.

  51. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. Dude, u can't get away with disrespecting HIM on this site. To the delete bin u go.

  54. Dude, u can't get away with disrespecting HIM on this site. To the delete bin u go.

  55. Anonymous1:55 PM

    By coincidence, yesterday I watched all 3 hours' worth of "Racism: A History," a BBC3 production available on YouTube yesterday.

    Oh. My. God. Those of us who think we're well-informed don't know shit, if you'll pardon the expression. This MF goes waaaay back, and always chased greed and... more greed. And used inequality as proof of inferiority, of course. Well, you know the broad outlines, but the particulars are amazing.

    Everybody can learn something from this miniseries.

    I got to THAT series by stumbling onto Jane Elliott's work with her brown-eyes/blue-eyes exercises. Started out innocently with her 3rd grade class but became her (international) life's work:

    This was another BBC show. Makes you wonder what we could do if we had real public television instead of the now-disemboweled PBS.


  56. E.W. Jackson gets it:

    You will call him a Tom and try to tear him down, but if he is not the future of America, then America has no future.

  57. field negro said...
    Dude, u can't get away with disrespecting HIM on this site. To the delete bin u go.

    That was pretty mild, field. Do you worship him as a God?

  58. LOL

    Field has a surprise next week after his return from the double state

    field negro said...
    Dude, u can't get away with disrespecting HIM on this site. To the delete bin u go. like small D's

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Making it plain

    OH REUBEN!!! you still have not answered my question Why aren' t white folks the happiest on earth ?
    Now granted, since your not a strutter nor someone who walks with with your head up in the air, or with your thin shoulders back and with a sense of humanity, i can only imagine that you will tell us about some Afrikan who didn't work or make some other excuse

    We are using satelite so we have time for your answer??? After 5pm your answer will make no diff because we will be out for dinner

    Be careful though Field will bump you off lol
    Noone messes with me

  61. OKAY guess whose mess got the boot Big mouth little penis shawty Now he is trying to act like he has some sense

    Chess anyone i told you!
    wanna try again i dare you

  62. "The Negro is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent."

  63. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Desertflower said...
    field negro7:10 AM
    "Desert, u shouldn't have written what u did about going braless, now your stalker will go nuts. :)"
    I like ;))))))))

    11:05 AM
    Desert, do you remember the Anon who was trying to get to PR but instead drowned in NJ a few feet from his boat because the brother couldn't swim? Well, after your remark, he's waking up from the dead.

    Once again, Brother Field was right. For the life of me I don't understand how that Jamaican knows so much. Could it be the weed? That must be some good shit.

    Dear Field, where can I get some of that?

  64. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Desert, do you remember the Anon who was trying to get to PR but instead drowned in NJ a few feet from his boat because the brother couldn't swim? Well, after your remark, he's waking up from the dead.
    Yaaaaaayy!!! Great! It's been raining here every day! and I need that man to come down and mow this lawn really, really bad!!!

    I'll bake him a cake I promise! then we can hit the night spots for some DDD= dining, drinking, and dancing! Yippeeee!

  65. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Desert, Anon is still waterlogged from drowning he did. Please give Anon Inc time to get him back to normal. It might take a long hot summer in NJ for him to dry out. Right now he looks like one of those creatures in the movie World War Z with Brad Pitt. Those creatures loved to jump fleshy human bones.

    But don't worry, after some rest and a little plastic surgery and a tetanus shot, Anon should be ready to go. At Anon Inc. we have cutting edge medicine. We are the most advanced in the world. Even Field is inquiring about us. Obviously, he has realized that there is something wrong with him, which everybody else has known all along.

  66. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Desert, Anon is still waterlogged from drowning he did."
    Awwwww,:( well dry him out,dry him out. Hopefully he'll be able to get his sea legs back soon. and when he does he can be guided by the north star and with a good compass or better yet a GPS he'll be fine. The world's his oyster!

  67. "Dear Field, where can I get some of that?"

    Grow your own.

  68. Making it plain:

    Who is the man with the blue eyes and the short penis?

    While in the airport we were reading about a Fla child who was found murdered by a convicted pedophile And i thought who is this terrorist?

    In the segregated South, a white man could rape a black woman with impumity or fear of recourse, and Afrikan women lived in a state of constant fear and terror
    . Rape was used as a weapon of terror by terrorists regardless of race

    But today its about the blue eyed bandit AGAIN:

    TODAY the number one terrorist is "The cave man who is an arrogant, short penis, sex deprived, pedophile who spends his money on sex con trap shuns like penis pumps and viagra

    The cave man is a child rapist, a stalker and an overall narcissistic wreck, who goes about terrorizing anyone he can convince to buy his con

    To this end, i in my capacity seek to remove him from his own sickness
    and to this end to
    show the cave man exactly what he is and is NOT!" NEXT?

  69. MatanzasGV said...
    Reuben the Cuban said...
    "The Afrikan struts though the world like some dusky colossus looming larger than life."

    I walk with purpose and confidence; strutting is the mark of a weak man.

    Matanzas said

    I deleted this and reposted just in case Reubrn thought i would not respond lol

    You don't walk your ilk crawls and creeps just like your ilk crawled out of those caves in europe
    The euro purpose was to conquer control and castrate

    Plus little penis's like you can barely stand up next to an Afrikan your envious!
    You have no purpose other than to come here and try to disrupt and stop me! NOT! i am serving you up another dash of whoop ass
    The Afrikans who strut are those men who beat the cave man down with his own laws Those courageous Afrikans like Dessalines, Toussaint, T Marshall, MLK, Mandela etc Those are the strutting Afrikans i speak of NOT the wimps who talk loud and do nothing but run from Cuba

    Now take your pills and play with your little weenie NEXT?

  70. Dude, he means as much to Rastafarians as Jesus to Christians , Mary to Catholics, and Allah to Muslims. I would not tolerate the disrespect of those individuals on this site, either. Doesn't matter if I believe in them or not.

  71. Anonymous10:21 AM

    has that global warlord hobama ever heard this song?

    what classic rebel music would bm pen about that crazy baldhead politrician in a wicked shitsym hobama?


    cc africom/global wars for oil and opium etc

    cc hobama's global roadblocks for assata too!

  72. BARBBF9:01 AM

    The Socialist government that overthrew Selassie was itself overthrown later..and things were reportedly so bad with the new government that some were wishing they had stayed with Selassie, who died a prisoner, and was rumored to have been poisoned.


    Ethiopia did not abolish slavery until 1948.

  73. BARBBF11:30 AM

    HIH Prince Paul Wossen Seged Makonnen, Duke of Harrar b. 1947 (grandson of Haile Selassie) visited us in DC for a few weeks when he was in his 20s and was very charming young man. I did a search on YouTube to see if I could find out what became of him. I was afraid he might have been executed or imprisoned after the revolution that deposed Selassie. I found a trailer for a film he was producing a few years ago:

    The title was: Selassie - In Search of My Grandfathers Roots
