Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fearing black.

There are a lot of lies and misinformation being thrown around out there, so you Negroes in America who get down in the fields need to be very careful. You just never know who to trust anymore. Folks will spin things to fit their narrative and the so called main stream media outlets are now getting their talking points from the fringes.

"The conservative smear that President Obama, as State Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois), supported a Stand Your Ground law has made the species jump into the mainstream media with an assist from MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski, the ostensible counterweight to conservative Morning Joe host Joe

Scarborough. On Tuesday morning, Brzezinski credulously read a Wall Street Journal piece that tried to paint the President’s Friday remarks about Stand Your Ground as a reversal, and as usual, there was no one around to call bullsh*t.
Noting that this is “pretty important, given the grand scheme of the conversation,” Brzezinski dutifully read from the WSJ piece, which uses weasel words and sleight of hand to conclude that then-State Senator Obama “participated” in an “examination” of Illinois’ self-defense law. and “emerged as a Stand Your Ground proponent.”

Brzezinski also parroted another sick conservative talking point, that “minorities, in some ways, have been on the benefiting side of Stand Your Ground” in Florida..

Anyway, you would think that after a black teenager was shot to death in Florida for just....well, being a young black teenager; it would be black folks worrying about their safety and warning their children to be careful of white folks. Not so much. Apparently this is a good time in America for white folks to warn each other of the dangers of living with black people. I guess this is why the prison industrial complex continues to grow and black men are being locked away in record numbers.

"In The National Review on Tuesday, Hanson notes that Attorney General Eric Holder told the NAACP that George Zimmerman's acquittal meant he had to give his son "The Talk," about how black people are assumed to be violent by some white people and thus at great risk for harm. Hanson says, "Yet I fear that for every lecture of the sort that Holder is forced to give his son, millions of non-African-Americans are offering their own versions of ensuring safety to their progeny." Hanson does not try to be funny, the way Derbyshire did, and he doesn't make the same kind of vague warnings about a simmering race war. (Derbyshire said about 5 percent of blacks were "ferociously hostile to whites," and another 50 percent or so of them would go along out of solidarity and becaue they think white people have it coming.) But his basic idea is the same: watch out for black kids.

Hanson says his father — a Democrat! — told him once, "When you go to San Francisco, be careful if a group of black youths approaches you." Hanson continues:
Note what he did not say to me. He did not employ language like “typical black person.” He did not advise extra caution about black women, the elderly, or the very young — or about young Asian Punjabi, or Native American males.  In other words, the advice was not about race per se, but instead about the tendency of males of one particular age and race to commit an inordinate amount of violent crime.
It was after some first-hand episodes with young African-American males that I offered a similar lecture to my own son.

When he was a grad student, Hanson says, two black guys tried to break into his apartment while he was in it. Another time, four black guys tried to steal his bike while he was on it.  "Regrettably, I expect that my son already has his own warnings prepared to pass on to his own future children," he says.

This is dumb and not very polite, The Atlantic's Ta-Nehisi Coates writes, but also does not actually make Hanson's kids safe. 
If I were to tell you that I only employ Asian-Americans to do my taxes because "Asian-Americans do better on the Math SAT," you would not simply question my sensitivity, but my mental faculties. That is because you would understand that in making an individual decision, employing an ancestral class of millions is not very intelligent. Moreover, were I to tell you I wanted my son to marry a Jewish woman because "Jews are really successful," you would understand that statement for the stupidity which it is.
But racism makes people do dumb things, Coates writes.." [Source]  

Indeed it does.




  1. Stand My Ground9:45 PM

    "Anyway, you would think that after a black teenager was shot to death in Florida for just....well, being a young black teenager"

    So part of being a young black teenager is jumping a neighborhood watch guy for tailing you and trying to bash his brains out on the sidewalk?

    And people are not supposed to be afraid of young blacks?

  2. Nicole Simpson9:50 PM

    "he had to give his son "The Talk," about how black people are assumed to be violent by some white people and thus at great risk for harm"

    Gee, I wonder why some white people would assume black people are violent? Silly crackas!

  3. "Derbyshire said about 5 percent of blacks were "ferociously hostile to whites," and another 50 percent or so of them would go along out of solidarity and because they think white people have it coming."

    That sounds about right to me. What do you think, Field? Those numbers seem accurate? I can't think so good since that brick hit me in the head.

  4. Anonymous9:56 PM

    From the previous thread. This video offers some food for thought, and I agree wholeheartedly. It's time we stop talking and DO something:

    Anonymous said...

  5. The Daily Mail reported:

    The family rescued by George Zimmerman after a rollover crash in Florida are terrified they will become targets for hate mobs who have made death threats to the neighborhood vigilante.

    Mark and Dana Michelle Gerstle told friends they do not want to talk publicly about Zimmerman for fear they will be accused of portraying him as a hero – and face a backlash from those who consider he got away with murder.

    ‘They are very grateful to Zimmerman for what he did, but they do not want to get involved,’ said a friend, who asked not to be named.

    ‘There is so much hatred directed towards him they have got to think about their own family. There are a lot of crazies out there. If they say anything in support of him it could backfire.’

    The neighborhood watch volunteer, who to many is the most hated man in America after being acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin, helped save the family after a terrifying crash.

    Why would they be scared? Black people aren't violent!

  6. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Reginald Denny said, "That sounds about right to me. What do you think, Field? Those numbers seem accurate? I can't think so good since that brick hit me in the head."

    9:54 PM
    ROFL. You are hilarious. BTW, I offer Tai Chi courses which teach how to bring the Chi up in your body so that a brick won't hurt you. Guaranteed! Lessons start at a low price of $100.

    PS. To make the training experience as real as can be, we have Negroes throwing the bricks. So you will be ready when you hit the streets.

  7. That's sad about that family who was rescued by George Zimmerman fearing for their lives at the hands of Trayvonistas. I guess no good deed goes unpunished. But what a hero George Zimmerman is!

    In daytime, he’s just a regular fat mestizo guy. But when the night falls, he becomes Zimmer Man, a white Hispanic superhero, a vigilante who walks the mean streets of small Florida towns, blowing the brains out of black thugs and helping trapped people get out of wrecked cars. He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector — the White-ish Knight.

  8. First Zimmerman gets found not guilty, then he rescues a trapped family, now this:

    SANFORD, FL—Just days after being fully acquitted for his role in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman reportedly won the $37 million Florida Lottery jackpot last night. “Yeah! All right!” said a visibly smiling Zimmerman, holding the winning lottery ticket he purchased on a whim hours after he was found not guilty for shooting and killing the unarmed 17-year-old. “I just figured why not, you know? I think I’ll probably use the money to buy a bigger house and a new car, and I’ll invest the rest. This is just fantastic. Life is good.” Zimmerman added that he’ll never have to worry about money again.

    What a week!

  9. Anonymous10:10 PM

    "The neighborhood watch volunteer, who to many is the most hated man in America after being acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin, helped save the family after a terrifying crash."

    Joshua Proulty asked, "Why would they be scared? Black people aren't violent!"

    10:01 PM
    Well, for starters, they are in FLORIDA, the great state of White hunters who are pissed about the verdict. There is no where to hide for these white folks. How much 'bad' luck can you have? to be saved by George Zimmerman? Mannnn, that's f*cked.

  10. Anonymous10:14 PM

    First Zimmerman gets found not guilty, then he rescues a trapped family, now this:

    SANFORD, FL—Just days after being fully acquitted for his role in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman reportedly won the $37 million Florida Lottery jackpot last night. “Yeah! All right!” said a visibly smiling Zimmerman, holding the winning lottery ticket he purchased on a whim hours after he was found not guilty for shooting and killing the unarmed 17-year-old. “I just figured why not, you know? I think I’ll probably use the money to buy a bigger house and a new car, and I’ll invest the rest. This is just fantastic. Life is good.” Zimmerman added that he’ll never have to worry about money again.

    What a week!

    10:10 PM
    This must be GOD's way of saying, "George is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." Yep. God made Whites to be rule and be lucky. George is reaping the benefits of being White.

  11. "But racism makes people do dumb things, Coates writes.."

    Like being careful if a group of black youths approaches you. Crazy white people (and Jesse Jackson)! That makes absolutely no sense, and is just plain rude.

  12. Anonymous10:19 PM

    "This must be GOD's way of saying, "George is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." Yep. God made Whites to be rule and be lucky. George is reaping the benefits of being White."

    Well, he's only half white, which is why he only got $37 million. If he was all white, he would have got $74 million.

  13. Anonymous10:29 PM

    "Fearing black."

    “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
    ---Jesse Jackson

    Is there anything else we need to say about our condition in our own community? ...End of conversation. Please FN, don't even bother to try to cover up the truth. We are in a bad situation, which needs to be attended to ASAP.

    Who cares what Mika or any one else White says? How about talking about US, and our own outrageous shit that we aren't doing a damn thing about?

  14. Anonymous10:39 PM

    "Well, he's only half white, which is why he only got $37 million. If he was all white, he would have got $74 million."

    10:19 PM
    Yeah, but half-White can still make you rich. Such power in skin color!

    Here's further 'solid' proof:


  15. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Can somebody tell me why you are calling Barley a HN for expressing his truth?

  16. Wesley R10:41 PM

    The Right Wing is trying to change the conversation from the Martin Case. Everyone of them are saying the same thing with the same outrage. It's a game they play, this time people are pushing back.

  17. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I see when the tough get going, Granny and Desert disappear. roflmao...I can hardly stop laughing!

  18. Hollywood plans put out the film version of the Martin-Zimmerman case shortly.

    Of course, Zimmerman in the movie will be a black man and his shooting victim an angry white man who comes barreling out of his house and punches him to the ground.

    The selfless heroism of the black hero, rescuing White car crash victims at the end of the movie, despite his horrendous treatment at the hands of the racist media and judicial system, will leave the audience in tears.

    Do the Right Thing II

  19. Anonymous11:15 PM

    First he's a wanna-be cop, now he's a wanna-be paramedic. What's with this guy and his weird concern for the well-being of other people?

  20. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Anonymous Stan Lee said...
    In daytime, he’s just a regular fat mestizo guy. But when the night falls, he becomes Zimmer Man, a white Hispanic superhero, a vigilante who walks the mean streets of small Florida towns, blowing the brains out of black thugs and helping trapped people get out of wrecked cars. He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector — the White-ish Knight
    LOLOL! white-ish Knight! Ahahaha!
    I think that's exactly how he fancies himself too

  21. OMG, he is everywhere!

    From CNN:

    Kate Middelton had been in labor for over six hours when a tragedy was narrowly averted. Minutes from birth, attending doctors discovered that the umbilical cord was tightly wound around the baby's neck. The baby almost suffocated on the umbilical cord until George Zimmerman bust through the wall and tore the cord into shreds.

    I'm speechless.

  22. 'In daytime, he’s just a regular fat mestizo guy. But when the night falls, he becomes Zimmer Man, a white Hispanic superhero, a vigilante who walks the mean streets of small Florida towns, blowing the brains out of black thugs and helping trapped people get out of wrecked cars. He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector — the White-ish Knight.'

    LOL! now see...why did i design his bright tight costume in my head complete with sombrero? Zimmer Man to the rescue!

  23. 'This must be GOD's way of saying, "George is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." Yep. God made Whites to be rule and be lucky. George is reaping the benefits of being White.'

    OR he is reaping the benefits of serving satan. you do know that even Messiah was tempted with all the riches of the world, right? too bad folks can't take it with them.

    the whites to rule stuff...where is that in Scriptures? white=leprous in Scriptures, no?

  24. ZSI Miami11:42 PM

    Almost convicted of crime he didn't commit, he escaped to the Miami underground. Today, still wanted by the Federal government, he survives as a soldier of fortune. If you have a problem...if no one else can help...and if you can find him...maybe you can hire... George Zimmerman.

  25. Liberal Villain: Rescues family of four trapped in overturned vehicle.

    Liberal Hero: Leaves 29-year-old woman to drown in sinking car.

  26. That white fear turns into virtually guaranteed racist police encounters and constrained economic life for the vast majority of young black men in America; both of which propel the higher crime rates in black and other minority neighborhoods. You can't have a prison industrial complex, after all, without raw material.

  27. Anonymous11:58 PM

    FP, "the whites to rule stuff...where is that in Scriptures? white=leprous in Scriptures, no?"

    11:41 PM
    My dear Focuspurpose, there is no need to mention Whites in the Scriptures. Didn't you say, that Jesus was part of the White religion? Can't one 'infer' that Whites wrote the Bible and therefore it is understood that Whites were/are 'rich' in Spirit and have 'inherited' the earth?

    PS..what do you think about the 10 Commandments, which has been thrown out of the schools by those 'sinful' Leftists?

  28. Get out the way of ole George Zimmer,
    Get out the way of ole George Zimmer,
    Get out the way of ole George Zimmer,
    He’s not a loser, he’s a winner.

    Ole George Zimmer was a fine old Man,
    Born with a mes-ti-zo sun tan,
    Holstered gun when he walks his beat,
    Cleans up the Skittles at his feet.

    Ole George Zimmer was a fine old Man,
    Rescued kids from a burning van,
    Cops a sittin’ at the doughnut shop,
    Wishin’ this whole damn thing would stop.

    Ole George Zimmer was a fine old Man,
    Holder’ll jail him if he can,
    FBI and the state DA,
    Will keep on tryin’ till the Judgement Day.

  29. Anonymous12:00 AM

    WC, do you ever think there will be a leader 'of the people' who will figure out how to beat and destroy the system? That seems to be the only way out, which is pretty remote.

  30. Anonymous12:01 AM


  31. Ben Ghazi12:03 AM

    The most famous white Hispanic helped rescue 4 Americans. The most famous black Caucasian refused to rescue 4 Americans! Who’s A HATER?

  32. Anonymous12:04 AM

    One thing for sure, Obama couldn't have been Zimmerman 35 years ago or now. I don't see Obama serving or saving anyone but himself.

  33. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Desert, why are you laughing? Have you been smoking that stuff again?

  34. Anonymous12:07 AM

    @ 9:45
    Bash his brains out??? The responding medics said it barely required a band-aid [which he refused]. I'm curious as to how the cuts got on the crown of his head if his head were being pummeled into the sidewalk. It makes more sense that he caused those injuries to himself, wouldn't you if you just murdered someone in cold blood??

  35. You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
    You don’t spit into the wind
    You don’t pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger
    And you don’t mess around with Zimm

  36. As far as "groups of black youths approaching you in San Francisco" goes that's just crazy. Like any city, there are groups of black youths pretty much everywhere you look, almost all of whom are completely harmless. If you can't tell the difference between these kids hanging out with friends, just like the ubiquitous groups of white, latino, & asian kids hanging out with friends, from the gangsters & cornerboys, you need to spend some time acclimatizing yourself and avoiding Baypoint, the Mission, the Tenderloin, and Civic Center after dark until you can discern danger from teenager.

  37. George Zimmerman goes into hiding by pretending to be black:


  38. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Like any city, there are groups of black youths pretty much everywhere you look, almost all of whom are completely harmless. If you can't tell the difference between these kids hanging out with friends, just like the ubiquitous groups of white, latino, & asian kids hanging out with friends, from the gangsters & cornerboys"
    Hanson and many conservatives say it's understandable that whites are nervous around blacks because statistics bear out the higher rates of crime among blacks, but that's rather disingenuous.

    It's not the stats but firsthand experience, word-of-mouth about what happened to friends or family members, images on TV news(despite the efforts to edit the material), and other visceral factors.

    While numbers and stats do bear out the higher rate of black criminality, people are not reacting to dry numbers. If white folks knew about black crime only through numbers, they would care far less.

    Also, there are certain signals you can pick up when around blacks. Some blacks look scary, act scary, and move like they're about to do something bad. If you know urban black reality, you know the signals.

    Also, Obama is being disingenuous when he says all black men are held in suspicion by whites. Again, most people know the reality and can pick up the signals as to which blacks are dangerous and which are not. It's easy to tell most times which blacks to look out for and which ones not to.

    In a downtown area, NO ONE fears well-dressed or decent-seeming blacks who look like lawyers, accountants, professionals, etc. I mean what white person is gonna flip out over someone like Clarence Page?

    If anything, Obama has been greeted and embraced by privileged whites because he's a nice negro type. Indeed, he's been befriended, patted on the back, trusted, accepted, rewarded, and etc more than white people with similar credentials. He's been treated like royalty for being the dream nice negro that whites like to be around. But he mentions none of that. The ungrateful son of a bitch yammers about how someone locked the car door when he was walking by. But how does he know they were locking the door because of him? People enter cars and lock the doors. They put on seat belts too. Possibly, because the young Obama was a dopehead and maybe looked like a punk, maybe some whites were a bit wary of him, but that woulda been Obama's fault since he was a pothead punk in his youth. It prolly had less to do with his skin color than his demeanor as a punk.

    All this talk about statistics misses the point. If you've seen blacks in subways, buses, and etc, you know there are plenty of nice blacks but there are some that are just scummy. And these scummy ones sear into your head. Even if they don't do anything bad to you, their demeanor is something you can't shake off. Also, local news is filled with stories of blacks who rob, beat, and assault. These stories are visceral; it's not about numbers and stats.

    Also, most people know someone or someone who knows someone who was done in by blacks. I had a friend who went to an elite college in the 1980s and was raped by a black in her car. And I had experiences walking down the street and being pushed and held at gunpoint by such scum. And I've experienced plenty of bad black behavior in schools, malls, buses, and etc.

    I don't feel the way I do because of numbers or stats. All those numbers do is confirm what I know emotionally through experience and observation and hearsay.

    I guess learning from experience is racist.

  39. Anonymous12:34 AM

    laughing at your lyrics :)

  40. We can just all get along:


  41. ACTUALLY, what i said was whites took it upon themselves to whiten and lie about His Name and the people described in Scriptures. if 'j' was introduced in the 14th-15th century how would His Name be Jesus?

    i am not interested in anything other than Truth. so let me answer that question for you. yes, in Scripture white=leprous.

    white also is synonymous with non stop lying. that's NOT Scriptures...just my observation.

    ps. 'jesus' is a blonde haired blue eyes white dude. that later morphed into an arab, when common sense would not support the nazi narrative.

    Messiah of Scriptures is a burnt copper, wooly haired Black man. white folks in the know that don't serve the father of lies, know this already. the dupes can't seem to figure it out either way.

    don't take my word for it...read it for yourself.

    you know...donahue did a show about this back in the day. white folks were coming undone. i mean, what would their children think if Messiah was depicted as Black man? horror! lol.

    a panel of white masons and kj the pederast added, took away and played with Scriptures. the Truth is still sticking out though for those of us that honor our ancestors and the fact that reading, particularly Scriptures, was against white man's invalid law.

    i hate to tell you...in the grand scheme of things...whites don't really create much. they steal, whiten, and lie like nobody's business to support their melanin deficiency induced 'superiority'. come making dumb racist jokes and expect to get called on it, my dear. that's all.

    what i think about the ten commandments is beside the point. liberals, conservatives, progressives, and apolitical folks break quite a few daily. this is why the Wrath of Almighty is lining up for this nation that covets lies and white supremacy...the stringy haired white dude that later became arab is a violation of commandment one and two.

    sun day sun g-d worshippers STAY in violation of two and four. seven does most politicians/folks in regularly. even if they are not exposed and spanked publicly for their politics...which is how we know about the adulterers that we do know about.

    both liberals and conservatives agree to violate six, eight, nine and ten routinely.

    maybe inferring less and reading more would be of great assistance to you...it is clearly written that the last shall be first...and His people would see Him put all other nations at their feet when they turn to Him and look to Him for leadership and guidance<--this is where folks are getting stuck. instead of looking to Him, folks prefer to worship white folks and look to them for guidance. i suspect its the white dude depiction, constant mind bending, and a heavy case of self loathing that has folks' mentals on complete lock down.

  42. Good, I wouldn't want to hang with the likes of Hansen either. If he wants to miss out on opportunities to hang with cool people and gain new experiences that's on him. His kids will probably live a more diverse life and see blah folks are just like everybody else. Smdh, shit like this in 2013. And to think conservatives try to steal Dr. King's message.

  43. Making it plain and LOL

    This one did not get away'

    Darius Simmons was retrieving a garbage can from the curb last May when Spooner approached and accused him of stealing four shotguns from his house. When Simmons denied involvement, and his mother warned him to leave her son alone, Spooner fatally shot the teen in the chest. Police searched Simmons’ home, but found no guns.
    Spooner’s sentencing came after two phases: a guilt phase and an insanity plea he introduced. A jury found him guilty of first-degree intentional homicide and rejected his insanity defense in fewer than 15 minutes. In a appalling display, Spooner took the stand last Thursday and told the courtroom he considered the murder “justice.” He also implied that Darius was a misguided youth.
    “I feel sorry for Darius. He had nobody who loved him enough to teach him to go straight,” Spooner said. During the trial, he even went as far as to say that Simmons’ mother instructed him to rob a ”sick, old man,”
    “May God forgive you, Ms.[Patricia] Larry (pictured right), for your lying and cheating and stealing,” he said. ”I don’t know if I did right or wrong. The jury didn’t tell me. Nobody told me.”
    “You did wrong. You took the life of a child,” Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Jeffrey A. Wagner responded.
    “It was an evil act,” he added. ”That family is left without the love of their child. (Simmons) will never be able to experience childhood, to go through high school …to go to college, to get married, to have children. You took that all away from him

    Smiling and headed to gym!


  44. Field wrote:

    Scarborough. On Tuesday morning, Brzezinski credulously read a Wall Street Journal piece that tried to paint the President’s Friday remarks about Stand Your Ground as a reversal, and as usual, there was no one around to call bullsh*t.
    Noting that this is “pretty important, given the grand scheme of the conversation,” Brzezinski dutifully read from the WSJ piece, which uses weasel words and sleight of hand to conclude that then-State Senator Obama “participated” in an “examination” of Illinois’ self-defense law. and “emerged as a Stand Your Ground proponent.”

    Brzezinski also parroted another sick conservative talking point, that “minorities, in some ways, have been on the benefiting side of Stand Your Ground” in Florida..

    mica has never found her voice Joe treats her no better that Trayvons assassinator treated him and worse As a woman she is a poor example and adumb blond smh!

  45. Anonymous7:49 AM

    There are an enormous amount of crimes commited by black men to other blacks because people tend to commit crimes in the neighborhoods that they live in because it is more convenient. Also when blacks and hispanics move into an all white neighborhood, then the white folks RUN LIKE HELL TO MOVE OUT OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Especially the ones that can afford to leave. White folks NEVER want to live around blacks and hispanics because they know that black and hispanics bring VIOLENCE, DRUGS, CRIME, NOISE, ROACHES, AND LITTER. Just look at any mostly black and hispanic city in America. THIS IS A REALITY!

  46. Making it plain

    If pee wee herman cains solution is as bad as his campaign what do you think will be the outome
    1 A continuous hanging pole

    2 or a erction as straight as the Wash monument? :)))))

    This seemed to be his problem not disfunction TOO MUCH FUNCTION rotfl!!

    Its amazing how much trouble a small head can get into
    i wonder if he has an MD now?


    little penis's make sure you don't end like the guy who had the operation and had to sue the MD and LOST jajajajajajaj " Its music
    A small headed cave man trying to get a bigger head ;)))))) using a losers remedy? duh!


    Cain TV advertises help for erectile dysfunction

    Some followers of Herman Cain were surprised when they received an e-mail from the former presidential hopeful’s Cain TV with an ad exclaiming, “If you are a man over 40 who has lost his performance ability . . . it’s NOT your fault!” The e-mail promised a “special one-time only ‘webinar’ about erectile dysfunction to “get your manhood MOJO back.” Said DC blogger Evan Gahr in a post: “Cain . . . has devolved into a snake oil salesman for the one-eyed snake.” Cain media division head Dan Calabrese told us: “It’s my responsibility . . . to approve ads that our list broker gives us . . . and as long as it represents a legitimate product, I approve the ads. It’s not a product I would use but I saw no reason it should not be advertised.”


  47. NSangoma9:46 AM


    ... tendency of males of one particular age and race to commit an inordinate amount of violent crime.

    Table 325. Arrests by Race: 2009 Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter
    TOTAL 9,739
    WHITE 4,741
    NEGROE 4,801

    Felony murder
    WHITE 38.4%
    NEGROE 59.9%
    OTHER 1.7%
    Gun homicide
    WHITE 41.2%
    NEGROE 56.9%
    OTHER 1.9%

    ... Shelby Steele, who wrote in "The Exploitation of Trayvon Martin" that "black teenagers are afraid of other black teenagers, not whites." ...


  48. Anonymous9:50 AM

    This from Colbert last night: since whites are inordinately afraid of blacks because of the high crime rate (actually, the high arrest rate), he did the math and found that the chance that the black person you meet is a violent criminal is .009%. Nine one-thousandths of one percent.

    How come nobody else did this math? They don't have calculators at Fox News?


  49. Hip Hop Nation11:17 AM

    This from Colbert last night: since whites are inordinately afraid of blacks because of the high crime rate (actually, the high arrest rate), he did the math and found that the chance that the black person you meet is a violent criminal is .009%. Nine one-thousandths of one percent.

    How come nobody else did this math? They don't have calculators at Fox News?

    Liberals can't do math. They really shouldn't even try, it's embarrassing.

    Suggestion: Try getting your news somewhere other than the Comedy Network.

  50. Anonymous11:22 AM

    If Obama had a city, it'd look like Detroit.

  51. Anonymous11:34 AM

    defending hobama is clearly the primary focus of your recent posts fn

    how will that push hobama to ever fashion any real black agenda???


    cc gays/latinos/destriyt/ndaa etc




  52. Anonymous11:37 AM

    nothing is stranger than how racism makes black people deaf blind hobama nazi drones for that racist bankster drone man/big bro hobama

    even after 6 yrs of racist abuses by hobama...shame!!!!!!




  53. With Barack Obama solemnly recounting for us last Friday how being black in America has personally burdened him, race is back in the news.

    Actually, race is always in the news. Still, it’s worth using this particular intersection of inanity—during which the president and the Attorney General have made themselves look more foolish than Geraldo Rivera—to think through the most important question about race in the 21st century: How horrible would it really be if it became respectable to discuss racial realities seriously and intelligently?

    The lesson that the prestige press tells us to take away from the Trayvon affair is that “profiling” (i.e., pattern recognition) inevitably leads to murderous frenzies. Some of the virulence of the media’s denunciations of George Zimmerman for putatively profiling stems from an underlying chain of logic in elite thinking that I find scary: If young black males really do tend to be more crime-prone, then…oh, no, the Nazis were right! So if Americans ever become embarrassed by the insipid political correctness we instruct them to spout, they will immediately thaw out Hitler’s cryogenically preserved brain and elect it president. Or something.

    On the other hand, perhaps the media’s current War on Intelligent Thought is overblown for self-serving reasons? Maybe the New York media’s frenzy over the Sanford community-watch volunteer serves (more or less) unconsciously as a distraction from, say, the massive stop-and-frisk profiling of New York City blacks carried out by mayor Michael Bloomberg, who in 2011 alarmingly boasted, “I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh largest army in the world.”

    The day before the president’s speech about the “historical context” behind the Obama Administration’s War on Zimmerman, Detroit announced bankruptcy. Should Detroit’s failure be assessed within the context of four decades of black rule, the first 19 years under the overtly anti-white Coleman Young?

    Of course not. Some things simply aren’t proper to ponder.

  54. Mika is the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski

    She certainly cant be trusted to tell the truth ... Her father is most treacherous....

    Regardless.... It's disturbing but humorus to see you racing around to defend O-Bomber from every "So Called" attack...LOL

  55. As a Democrat, I know that I should be happy to stack all of the chips that these dioreah-mouthed racist reppubliklanners keep throwing into out pot, but I'm also a grandfather, and I can't help but feel the end nearing and the world no where near where I want to leave it for them and their kids.

    A half century after Emmit Till's lynching, and yet another black teenager is as good as lynched in the South and the killer gets away with it at trial. This time it was the law that condoned it too, not just a jury intent on nullification of the law. It seems sometimes as if we're going backwards, that instead of that arc bent toward justice, the bad old days are intent on reasserting themselves in history.

  56. Officer Friendly12:49 PM

    Don't be silly. Why should white people fear Blacks?:


    (Notice one of the first articles is about Philadelphia)

  57. Elijah1:03 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    A half century after Emmit Till's lynching, and yet another black teenager is as good as lynched in the South and the killer gets away with it at trial

    I'm sorry, Emmit Till was a petty thug wannabe who robbed houses, got kicked out of school, did his Purple Drank, attacked someone who was following him and tried to kill him by banging his head on the pavement?

    Where do you get your history from?

    I hope your grandkids have more sense than you.

  58. Here we go again:

    Nearly 1.2 million mortgage modifications have been completed since the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) was first launched four years ago. Yet more than 306,000 borrowers have re-defaulted on their loans and more than 88,000 are at risk of following suit, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP) found in its quarterly report to Congress.

    In addition, the watchdog found that the longer a homeowner stays in the HAMP modification program, the more likely they are to default. Those who have been in the program since 2009, are re-defaulting at a rate of 46%, the inspector general found.

    Here's an idea: Why don't we let banks decide who they want to lend to, and let them suffer the consequences of lending to someone who defaults?

  59. Making it plain

    Dare to listen Dare to believe

    Does anyone who looks like me believe that they are safe?


    La luta Continua

  60. Making it plain

    Still think that your safe?


  61. Hip Hop, I thought that Fox was a "comedy network".

  62. Making it plain

    Still think that your skin color will save you?

    This is about one hour So chill and learn This is quite interesting

  63. Old white people scare me. They always want.to cut in front in lines and they blow their noses in public.

  64. field negro said...
    Hip Hop, I thought that Fox was a "comedy network".

    The broadcast nets gave more than three times the coverage to Wendy Davis for her 10-hour filibuster than to Kermit Gosnell's entire 53 day trial for killing people and keeping trophies of dead babies.

    Now that's funny.

  65. Making it plain


    Rule of law So how free are you?

    Dred Scott v. Sandford1 is one of the most troubling opinions ever issued
    by the United States Supreme Court.2 Though its deficiencies are
    legion, the particular problem this brief essay focuses on is the opinion’s
    acceptance and perpetuation of the notion that America affords multiple
    tiers of citizenship and multiple tiers of personhood. The tiered citizenship
    that Dred Scott accepted suggests that denying certain citizenship rights to
    specific groups of citizens is acceptable. Similarly, the tiered personhood
    that Dred Scott allowed suggests that rights ostensibly owed to all people
    by virtue of their personhood are not owed to certain groups of people.
    Rather than attempt to justify the differential treatment between groups of
    citizens and between groups of people, the Dred Scott opinion simply noted
    the differential treatment and accepted it. For these reasons alone, Chief
    Justice Taney’s majority opinion deserves the opprobrium that has been
    heaped upon it.3
    The twin ills of tiered citizenship and tiered personhood were largely
    eliminated, in theory and eventually in practice, by the Reconstruction
    Amendments—the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to
    the U.S. Constitution. Through their language and subsequent interpretation,
    those amendments introduced a formal equality that created a single
    ∗ The author extends a special thank you to Dr. Spencer Crew, Director, National Underground
    Railroad Freedom Center, who commented on this paper at the Dred Scott Symposium at the University
    of Texas School of Law and to all of the participants at the symposium who provided comments on this
    paper. In addition I thank my family for their support and the University of Richmond Law School for
    the financial support of this project.
    1. 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 (1857).
    2. It was also a catalyst in causing untold pain. See PAUL FINKELMAN, DRED SCOTT V.
    SANDFORD: A BRIEF HISTORY WITH DOCUMENTS 2 (1997) (“It would be an exaggeration to say that the
    Dred Scott decision caused the Civil War. But it certainly pushed the nation far closer to that war.”).
    3. References to Dred Scott or the Dred Scott opinion are to Chief Justice Roger B. Taney’s
    opinion. Though great debate remains regarding the issues on which Taney’s opinion should be deemed
    authoritative, Taney’s opinion has become the Dred Scott opinion such that the ideas found in it can be
    called the ideas of the Dred Scott Court. See DON E. FEHRENBACHER, THE DRED SCOTT CASE: ITS
    SIGNIFICANCE IN AMERICAN LAW AND POLITICS 337 (1978) (“And yet the Taney opinion is, for all
    practical purposes, the Dred Scott decision and therefore a historical document of prime importance.”).

  66. First Zimmerman gets found not guilty, next he rescues a trapped family, then wins the Florida Lottery, now the royal couple has named their baby after him:


    Talk about being on a roll!

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.


  68. Making it plain:

    LISTEN real well


    Now flip it

  69. Making it plain and remembering Mumia

    Time for a visit


  70. Making it stupid

    MilagrosGVillamil doesn't wipe, she drip dries.

  71. Making it [lain

    This is not about AFRIKAN MEN ITS ABOUT TRUTH AND THE FACT THAT 87% of crimes committted on any given day by pale males are against thier own The same or more apply's 4 Afrikans

    The real truth here is not about intraracial homicides or other crimes its about RACISM, FEAR SELF PRESERVATION ie continuing white supremacy

    Now i am going to piss off (YES) a few non thinkers
    When Afrikans committ horrendous crimes againt thier own or against another 3 things are the key reasons


    2 Sex

    3 Drugs

    When the same crimes are committed by pale people thier reasons are close to the same

    1 Control/money

    2 Racism

    3 Fear/hate

    4 white supremacy

    Now get mad! :)))

  72. Field negro said...
    Old white people scare me. They always want.to cut in front in lines and they blow their noses in public.

    1:32 PM

    Matanzas said:

    And don't forget they don't bathe regularly and they smell like wet pups

  73. Making it plain

    Dunn had an OP to save a life and stay free own
    Threatened even while retreating?

    Supreme court said that there is no such thing as loud music


  74. Making it plain

    This will be a hot summer HOTTER that previous ones YUP cave man is laying out his plan this time from JAIL..Why has he not bonded out? hmmmm



  75. Making it plain:


    Scotus said Fla law on music is unconst As if they had to do his bidding? Supremacist!
    Now i would bet that the atty will cry foul and blame the state

  76. Making it plain:

    We always show up Always


  77. Making it plain?


    TEACH! TEACH TEACH my sistah!

  78. Making it plain

    How to eat to live Everytime you prepare to eat you are either preparing to live or preparing to die

    Afua and i go back more than 30 yrs She helped me cleanse my body and my spirit and i give her a lot of the credit for helping me leave meat alone 25 yrs ago!

    She was in the med field like myself then and after i moved back to Cuba for Law school we stayed in touch I spent the past weekend in her company


  79. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Anonymous Joe Scarborough said...

    First Zimmerman gets found not guilty, next he rescues a trapped family, then wins the Florida Lottery, now the royal couple has named their baby after him:


    Talk about being on a roll!

    1:39 PM
    LOL! OMG!

  80. Here's an idea: Why don't we let banks decide who they want to lend to, and let them suffer the consequences of lending to someone who defaults?

    Here is an even greater one...

    No bailouts for "Too Big to Fail" , and dont send the paid lobbiers to change the laws when a lending institution is insolvent...

    How about that??

    People who overbought can be corrected with a mod..

    Insolvency... Not so much without complict help from the Govt...

  81. Anonymous3:49 PM

    This is pure racism directed at a poor black worker at APPLE...unbelievable! Something has to be done about all the abuse Blacks are taking all over the country. Now it's Apple. My God! If the woman had been Black screaming like a fool, she would have been thrown in jail.


  82. and just when you thought O-bomber had learned his lesson the first two years about filling his cabinet with wall to wall ...Wall St Protectors

    he is actually considering Larry Summers for Ben Bernake's job....


  83. Anonymous3:57 PM

    You Negroes deserve to be yelled at...

    Some liberal white woman needs to yell at AB and put her uppity ass in place. And knock off the name-calling and disrespect regarding Obama

    Yeah, I said it. AB, you need to chill before knocks you on your ass. WW don't play around with a bw like you. They will hand you your ass.

  84. Anonymous3:59 PM

    "and just when you thought O-bomber had learned his lesson the first two years about filling his cabinet with wall to wall ...Wall St Protectors

    he is actually considering Larry Summers for Ben Bernake's job...."

    WHAT?!!! That's horrible! That man is thoroughly corrupt.

  85. 'There are an enormous amount of crimes commited by black men to other blacks because people tend to commit crimes in the neighborhoods that they live in because it is more convenient'

    true statement. most crime is INTRAracial not INTERracial. suggesting otherwise is a psych op designed to make folks' self esteem and hope plummet on the black side and jack up the fear on all other sides. other folks, sadly, are substantially safer around a bm than a bw or other bpeople are...

    most bm victims are black women and black children. though folks seem to only care about white folks killing bm. as an after thought folk give a nod to all the other bm they take out. folks stay church mouse quiet about all the bw and bchildren that are maimed and murdered daily.

    Anon, that posted the O'reilly link. i watched O'reilly rail without mentioning the king solomon jews nor bm specifically and their on going collective irresponsibility as men. THIS is what politicians, black MISleaders and media whores are afraid/unwilling/don't care to do. why would they? the fact that it is not their responsibility nor in their best interests to see Black Men stand up and effectively LEAD the Black Nation, should be crystal clear. it would negatively impact folks bottom line/balance of power. suffering is highly profitable. if more bm woke up, got their heads, hearts, lives right, led and worked TOGETHER rather than killing each other...

    anyhoo, let's see if BO takes the bait. i doubt it. he CLEARLY thinks serious attention to the condition of Black Americans is a fool's errand. his father's day message and morehouse address didn't go over too well. quite a few of these last days bm don't like to think for themselves and do right just because it is the right thing to do. nor do they seem to want to be told by others what to do. the inability to see clearly, lead, follow or get out of the way...is tiresome to even me and i have much love+vested interest in the healing of my people.

    truth be told...when folks accuse bw of being jealous of ww...there is a bit of truth to that for me. not just ww nor in the way the accusation is hurled though. i seriously do feel a twinge of envy for the women of the world that have better functioning men. those that understand their manhood is based on how well they provide for, protect, problem solve and produce for their wives, children and communities.

    i envy women who in much greater numbers have men that show up (imagine that!) on the battlefield of life, prepared with organized plans to build a better future. outside of this...envy is not one of my vices. the blessings of others inspire me to congratulate and emulate. i wish folks would emulate the good of other groups and not adopt new bad habits. my sound asleep people in large numbers does the exact OPPOSITE of this though.

    so, do folks REALLY think only bm experience being automatically considered suspect? followed around in stores? racial profiling? mass incarceration? racism? on the dating/mating scene...in addition to sapphire, mammy and the other centuries old racist stereotypes bw work against...some new end time bm make up new slurs for bw (which others adopt promptly). my fav are the end time bm that go around SWEARING bw are 'gold diggers'. lol. as if so many bw would be stuck on 'only a bm' stupid with digging for gold as the motivation. lol. really? have folks seen the bm unemployment rates? it is just more nastiness to block bw's free flow and their resources from going to build a life with men that get this life game better as evidenced by their behavior. coming from those that are called by Almighty to protect us from such vicious lies and assaults...yet there is confusion as to why there is no respect.

    it saddens me to see that in 2013, STILL, all the women are white and the blacks are men.

  86. O'Reilly really suggested that the solution to the denigration of the Black american family was fixing the teen aged pregnancy rates of Black girls. that is his solution to out of wedlock births...fix the impregnated. the impregnators...nary a mention. O'reilly knows men control marriage. men propose. when folks straight out suggest bw and girls AVOID like the plague bm because finding the 'good' is like needle in haystacking it and most want a collection of paler women anyway+all the solo heavy lifting= ticked off bm and their female frothy mouthed protectors that know good and well there is much truth to the advice...but they are ride AND die chicks who want much company in their woefully male identified misery.

    the effects of being a fatherless girl, never quite gets mentioned when folks talk about fatherlessness in the Black community. bw and girls are expected to soldier on like men...scars and all. i suppose folks TRULY believe bgirls and bw don't have the same human needs of white and other women? we are STRONG...if only our MEN were as strong as we are harshly trained to be beginning as very small girls in most cases.

    i already told you why Black women are so scorned...if we would just STOP giving birth to Black babies...particularly the scary violent boys...that their fathers expect society to care more for than they are willing to care for themselves. bw are routinely scapegoated for not being able to successfully do solo what Yah Almighty never called them to do solo. life begins with man...and the quality of life, in this man's world, most definitely requires man's consistent, daily, leadership and guidance. black children, the boys and the girls, are NOT getting this from their fathers. the girls have no fathers to teach them what real love looks like, nor protect them from the non stop lying fake 'love' that invades their lives very early in many cases.

    abused girls, and many bw get LOTS of abuse of all varieties early on, typically have to work hard to become healed healthy women and mothers. folks won't even acknowledge the crisis, much less take steps to start the healing. the focus is on the abusers/perpetrators. and before anyone gets brand new...most bw don't report their abuse. that would mean another bm in jail. horror! protect the bm starts EARLY.

    this is why i kick ALL forbidden golden calves...especially the golden bm one. i smell the danger of our rape culture. i understand that the devil has no new tricks. when the peace walls go up and congo hits the scheduled for return to nature areas...that same golden bm calf will rape, torture and murder many bfolks.

    i think i will afford serious consideration/support to the bm or folks that love the Truth and heart of Yah enough to stand up and speak the straight no chaser Truth to bm. i will know them because they will NOT approach the topic like they are speaking to small sensitive little emotional girls. i am not even a bm...and that public treatment of bm is truly insulting, on too many levels to list.

    a bit random, but i thought you might know, AB. somewhere i read about there being eight american presidents PRIOR to george washington? what do you know about this?

  87. AB-

    i haven't read all of the comments. i just saw that you were called 'uppity'. lol. congratulations. that means you are saying all the right things. lol. i was too tickled to be recently informed by an old wm that remembers when the world was different and misses it, as he looked at me like i was a piece of chocolate cake he would have been entitled to eat...i became an uppity colored girl. yes, colored, in 2013. lol.

    we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors...we owe it to them to say what our foremothers could not.

    Anon, newsflash-only wm are afraid of ww. and even they are killing them in large numbers or outright breeding to do their white man duty...then they head on somewhere else to find them a less shrill, insecure, overly aggressive, and obnoxiously entitled due to white supremacy non ww.

    it is interesting to note that what was done to our community by outsiders is being done to the white community by out of pocket ww that want to act like wm...complete with sex tours to foreign lands and a taste for pedophilia. seriously...daily...i see ww on tv for teaching their students sexual education, literally, when they should be teaching STEM.

    IF you don't know that AB is speaking pure truth about white woman baby BO...it is you that needs to calm down. sit down and follow the links that AB generously provides for the BOmbies. that's a suggestion. if you would like to quaff the BOmbie-aid until you have BOmbie-aid poisioning and need treatment...at this point, as indicated yesterday, i no longer care. you should be thankful AB does and bothers to post links.

  88. Anonymous8:50 PM

    FP--"anyhoo, let's see if BO takes the bait. i doubt it. he CLEARLY thinks serious attention to the condition of Black Americans is a fool's errand. his father's day message and morehouse address didn't go over too well."

    I doubt it too. I have said many times during his first and second terms that he doesn't give a damn about us. Today, I have not heard him say ONE positive thing about Blacks. He really gets me riled when I think of how he has treated us. Yet, my peeps, and yours, continue to worship him. It's as if we don't know any other way to be treated. DIGNITY, our spiritual DNA, seems to be dead in so many of us. How can we expect to be treated with respect and care when WE don't do it to each other?

    Let me stop...I get pissed talking about this. Even worse, looking at my race, it looks like a monumental task to bring about change.... it's going to take an act of Providence to do it. I am glad you watched the links I provided re: O'Reilly. I needed to hear back from someone acknowledging what Bill had said.... Don't get me wrong. I am not a lover of O'Reilly. However, even the devil can speak the truth at times. And I thought I heard some truth from someone I didn't like. I would much rather have heard it from our own community leaders black leaders. Instead, they try to keep secrets.

    "We are as sick as our secrets", the saying goes. And we have a lot of secrets! Too bad FN isn't geared toward uncovering and discovering the truth about OURSELVES, instead of the likes of SS.

  89. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Check this out. O'Reilly seems to be the only one interested in discussing and offering solutions to our problems in our community.


  90. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Wow. Another link that indicts another of our so-called leaders in the black community:


  91. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Ted Nugent called Stevie Wonder "brain-dead" for boycotting Florida. Nugent went on to say "that over 700 black kids were slaughtered by Blacks in Chicago last year and you didn't hear a "peep" out of Stevie." (paraphrased)

    I must say the far right is making some sense here. Sooner or later we are going to have to come clean about our secrets that everybody knows about...but we think they don't know.lol...how pathetically shameful.

  92. Anonymous11:44 PM

    @focused purpose
    I submitted the following comment in the previous thread but it was not addressed. So I am submitting it again in this thread:

    Black men: only 6% of the nation's population but commit almost HALF of the murders, mostly against other blacks. Black women are birthing and raising black men to be this way. They could solve the problem very easily by closing their legs to damaged men but black baby mamas/whores refuse to do this. Many black women LIKE thugs and drug dealers. You must know this.

    Consider this. Many successful black women entertainers who presumably have many options when it comes to men, choose damaged black male trash: Beyonce married crack dealer Jay Z. Rihanna couldn't wait to get back with Chris Brown, the negro who almost killed her. Birds of a feather... .

  93. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Trayvon Martin wasn't shot for being a black teenager. He was shot by a man who he was beating. The man happened to be armed, and gave Trayvon Martin exactly what he deserved.

  94. Anonymous4:31 AM

    "Consider this. Many successful black women entertainers who presumably have many options when it comes to men, choose damaged black male trash: Beyonce married crack dealer Jay Z. Rihanna couldn't wait to get back with Chris Brown, the negro who almost killed her. Birds of a feather... ."

    don't forget Whitney Houston; also I forget her name but she was a great American dancer and singer with great legs who has left America. She now lives somewhere in Europe.

  95. Anonymous7:40 AM

    O'Reilly should practice leading by example and maybe someone will listen.
    Wonder if he has solutions for problems in the white community...mass murder, rapist, bestiality, pedophilia. Think he would have his hands full cleaning his own backyard.


  96. Making it plain
    Anything new here?

    Why i love the innocense project

    Study Finds Blacks Blocked From Southern Juries

    In late April in a courthouse in Madison County, Ala., a prosecutor was asked to explain why he had struck 11 of 14 black potential jurors in a capital murder case.
    Documents: Read the Full Report
    The district attorney, Robert Broussard, said one had seemed “arrogant” and “pretty vocal.” In another woman, he said he “detected hostility.”

    Mr. Broussard also questioned the “sophistication” of a former Army sergeant, a forklift operator with three years of college, a cafeteria manager, an assembly-line worker and a retired Department of Defense program analyst.

    The analyst, he said, “did not appear to be sophisticated to us in her questionnaire, in that she spelled Wal-Mart, as one of her previous employers, as Wal-marts.”

    Arguments like these were used for years to keep blacks off juries in the segregationist South, systematically denying justice to black defendants and victims. But today, the practice of excluding blacks and other minorities from Southern juries remains widespread and, according to defense lawyers and a new study by the Equal Justice Initiative, a nonprofit human rights and legal services organization in Montgomery, Ala., largely unchecked.

    In the Madison County case, the defendant, Jason M. Sharp, a white man, was sentenced to death after a trial by a jury of 11 whites and one black. The April hearing was the result of a challenge by defense lawyers who argued that jury selection was tainted by racial discrimination — a claim that is difficult to prove because prosecutors can claim any race-neutral reason, no matter how implausible, for dismissing a juror.

    Just sayin

