Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ready to start the conversation?

There was a hearing on Capitol Hill Wednesday to talk about the crisis facing young black males in America. The man whose son had to die to start America's conversation about race was there to testify:

 "I think 50 years from now, when I'm dead and gone, I would like to see Trayvon Martin's name attached to some type of statute, amendment, that says you can't simply profile our children, shoot them in the heart, kill them and say you were defending yourself.."

Well said Mr. Martin, but unfortunately these laws will not be changing anytime soon because there is no legislative will to change them.

As black folks we can't depend on politricksters to save our children and bring about a better community; that is on us. And I don't want to hear bigots on Fox News lecturing us about community responsibility while they profit from racial division as much as the "civil rights industry" they are always pointing their fingers at. 

So anyway, with all this in mind, I would like to share an excellent article I read yesterday by Helen Ubinas. Ms. Ubinas called out the sisters in our community.

"YESTERDAY, I wrote about young black males being killed in the city. Now let's get real and talk about where that starts and hopefully where it will end - and that's with you, my sisters.

We can have a national discussion about race and urban violence. We can push for a long- overdue national movement to combat black-male genocide. We can beg, cajole, even guilt, society to care and act - or at least pretend to.
But really, it's on you - mothers of boys.
You are the ones with the best shot at changing the bleak reality out there.
You have the most to lose, and the most to gain. Because, overall, those are your children dying out there. And it starts with one simple word: No.

No: You will not sell yourself short and become a cog in the cycle of poverty by becoming teen mothers.

No: You will not let some sperm donor, however good-looking or smooth, subject you, or your future children, to the inevitable hardship that comes with raising children on your own, and in poverty.

And you know - you know better than anyone - what that hardship looks and feels and tastes like, because chances are you are a product of it.

No: You will not become a statistic or a stereotype because yes, you are worth more than that and yes, your future children deserve more than a life struggling to claw themselves out of a black hole. And yes, you finally realize how much power you hold in your hands, and in your decision to say "No" - no more.
That is not to say that children who are born to single mothers can't or don't make it. President Obama was raised by a single mother. I have spent my nearly two-decade long career writing about young men and women who were teen mothers, or raised by one, and who beat the odds. But that's just it: They have to beat the odds, of high poverty, of low graduation rates, of violence and incarceration and death. It's right there, in all the depressing stats.

An estimated 10,000 to 12,000 Philadelphia teens are mothers, according to a story by, a local education-news service. Project U-Turn, a city campaign to focus on the city's dropout rate, estimates that more than 70 percent of those teens will drop out of high school.
The number of children living in single-parent homes has nearly doubled since 1960, according to data from the 2010 Census. More than 40 percent of teenage moms report living in poverty by age 27. The rates are especially high among black and Hispanic teen moms, more than half of whom end up in poverty.
I'm not just holding you accountable here. One-third of American children - 15 million - are being raised without a father, according to studies.

I cannot and will not downplay the importance of a father in a child's life. I don't know if I so much made the decision not to get pregnant out of wedlock or my father scared the resolution into me. Either way, I saw the difference between my household and those of my friends and family that were headed by single mothers struggling to make ends meet, to balance the difficult - often impossible - task of raising their children and feeding them.

Let me be really clear here: None of this absolves society for its part in the history and circumstances that led to embedded, multigenerational poverty. As I've written, we all own a piece of this crisis. And while it's tempting, easier, to wipe our hands of our responsibility by blaming "kids having kids," it's more complicated than that.

But here's the reality: No one and nothing, not the most well-intentioned do-gooder, not the most well-funded program, will ever be able to do more to break the cycle of poverty and violence than the people who are most affected, and that starts with young women of color.

And that starts with more of them saying "No."

If I'm wrong, I'm ready to hear it. If I'm not, let's start having this conversation . . . Ladies?" [Source]

Helen, what you didn't say is that some politicians will fight like hell to take away the woman's choice to have that child (I see you Rick Perry), and when the child gets here they are pretty much f****d. That same politician will pass the most draconian and pitiless laws possible to make sure that the child he tried to save before it was a viable fetus catches hell when he is a fully grown man.



  1. For the 75% of black youth with an absent father, one of the last chances they have for a positive male role model is in school. This is particularly important for boys, but is often not available in the female-dominated education world. Those black men who step up and make it to the teaching profession then have to deal with shit like this:

    Leftist gobbledygook is rotting our culture everywhere.

  2. Black Run Detroit declared bankruptcy last week, has a population of whom half are functionally illiterate, and has had over 170 murders so far this year. So what pressing business is the (100% black) city council addressing?:

    The Detroit City Council on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution calling for a federal investigation to see whether civil rights charges are warranted against George Zimmerman, who was acquitted July 13 of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges in the killing of Florida teen Trayvon Martin.

    What the hell is wrong with you people?

    The meme “If Obama had a city, it would look like Detroit” is true in ways almost no one is prepared to explore.

  3. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Reality check ... First of all, the out of wedlock black mothers don't care about marriage or a father for their children. They have been led to believe that Welfare is their husband and Welfare is their "baby daddy." That's why they're called "Welfare Queens." It's generational and as long as there is welfare black women will continue to be "sperm receptacles" for boys who will never become men. The government has carefully planned this in order to keep blacks ignorant, uneducated, and looking for a hand out. As long as he government gives out food stamps, section 8, wic, furniture vouchers, and free (experimental drug) clinics for their kids, then welfare will continue to keep black folks in slave mode.

  4. Anonymous12:28 AM

    @focused purpose
    I submitted the following comment in the previous thread but it was not addressed. So I am submitting it again in this thread:

    Black men: only 6% of the nation's population but commit almost HALF of the murders, mostly against other blacks. Black women are birthing and raising black men to be this way. They could solve the problem very easily by closing their legs to damaged men but black baby mamas/whores refuse to do this. Many black women LIKE thugs and drug dealers. You must know this.

    Consider this. Many successful black women entertainers who presumably have many options when it comes to men, choose damaged black male trash: Beyonce married crack dealer Jay Z. Rihanna couldn't wait to get back with Chris Brown, the negro who almost killed her. Birds of a feather... .

    Side Note: One of the most disastrous things to occur to black people in this country in the last 20 or 30 years is that many black women PREFER thugs and drug dealers to "good black men".
    Surely you know this. Yet you and other black women who think like you refuse to address this.

  5. "The government has carefully planned this in order to keep blacks ignorant, uneducated, and looking for a hand out"

    The government is doing what the dominant electorate - females - wants it to do.

    Women have created a system where men are not needed, with devastating effects on men and children. But that's what women will do when they run things. In every healthy, successful society in human history, women's narcissism is not permitted to run rampant.

    The 19th amendment spelled doom for the country. It took 100 years, but the result was always inevitable.

  6. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Earth to suburbs, Earth to suburbs, come in please.
    Watch out Detroit suburbs, You moved out of Detroit, and took your businesses with you. Then you sat back for 60 years while the city fell to its knees. So, now to where do you think all of these displaced people will be moving? To the suburbs in section 8 housing. Oops...there goes the neighborhood.

  7. Anonymous12:42 AM

    400 years later Blacks ( both men and women) are so fractured and consumed with "self hatred" that you spend a lifetime running away from each other. The first thing that many successful blacks do after they've made a little money is marry outside the race. Any other color will do. The "master" has removed the chains but continues to "enslave" your mind. Case in point instead of embracing the beauty and the blessing of your darker skin (a blessing from god that protects you from the most harmful rays of the sun) blacks are still bashing their darker skinned brothers and sisters. Still being brainwashed by the slave master's standard of beauty.

  8. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Isn't it weird how a great many of the Black civil rights activists who are male are married to white females.
    Isn't it weird how not a single one of the 6 all white female jurors felt anything for Trayvon Martin.

  9. Anonymous12:52 AM


    The black community just continues to implode. It's hard to feel compassion for a people who blame others for their problems. I use to keep this page bookmarked under news but ever since 2012 it's bookmarked under humor...... and it is one of the funniest pages I read.

  10. NSangoma1:21 AM


    field booty, Helen Ubiñas is Puerto Rican.

    Most Puerto Ricans are African-Carib Indian-Spanish hybrids. There is still some pure African stock in Puerto Rico.

    Does Helen Ubiñas identify as Black, Carib Indian, or just Puerto Rican?

    ... Ms. Ubinas called out the sisters in our community.

    Which sisters are those field booty, the Black baby mamas, the Latina baby mamas, or both?


  11. Yeah Fox is a little hard to stomach. I watched a few monutes of O'Reilly's show and had to turn it off. My breaking point was his stalker Jesse something cvhased down Charlie Rangle (00000006!)And asked him if it was "the white man's fault" about problems in the blah community. Really? This is the best a major cable station can do? His line of questioning was just cringe worthy. I see the path Fox is taking and it is disturbing but that's what you get when you have zero blah viewers. I wonder if these same things were being said in 1955 when Emmitt Till was murdered, my bet is they were.

  12. Anonymous1:54 AM

    "Ms Ubinas blithely says from behind her white picket fence: No: You will not sell yourself short and become a cog in the cycle of poverty by becoming teen mothers.

    No: You will not let some sperm donor, however good-looking or smooth, subject you, or your future children, to the inevitable hardship that comes with raising children on your own, and in poverty.

    And you know - you know better than anyone - what that hardship looks and feels and tastes like, because chances are you are a product of it."
    And while that is wonderful albeit very simplistic advice,exactly who is hearing it? You, me, people that are on the net and have access to information and information.

    I'm wondering what her credentials are. Is she an anthropologist?, a sociologist? Psychologist maybe?

    Has she studied the human psyche and the effects of generational poverty on a person?

    Does she know that the poorest countries have the highest birth rates. Has she ever even wondered why? Or researched it? Not.

    Does she know that teens/young adults living in lower socioeconomic circumstances often experience despair and are more likely to turn to motherhood as a way to find meaning in a world where they see few other options.

    The subject warrants extensive discussion and my thoughts are that Ms.Ubinas is merely doing what so many do in the face of a daunting situation. Proselytize and blame the victim.

  13. Anonymous2:21 AM

    @NSangoma: Thanks for that video link! I just watched it and I must say it answered my questions as to her credentials. She's a journalist.

    I'm just amazed at her proud laughter as she says she doesn't know how to speak Spanish at all! As though this was a good thing!Somebody give her a medal lol!

    Honestly, I have never heard that last name here. She looks South American but, if she says she's Puerto Rican...who am I to refute?

    I will say though, if she's ever coming down to the island inland,not the metro tourist area, but inland to visit folks or family, and says she's Puerto Rican, but doesn't know how to speak Spanish....weeeeell,she's gonna be the only one laughing,no bueno, noooo bueno :)

    Hey Field, that would be like you going to Jamaica and now all of a sudden you don't know the dialect! Imagine?

  14. NSangoma3:07 AM


    @Desertflower 0221 hours; thank you.

    I am surprised that field booty let that comment survive; he has deleted two of my comments tonight. Here is one of them:
    And yet his senseless death, which came just hours before the not-guilty verdict in the trial of George Zimmerman, brought no outrage in Philadelphia.
    When his family watched the news or read the paper in the following days, they heard a lot about 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, who had died more than a year prior in a city more than 900 miles away. His killer was found not guilty that day. People were angry. But nobody seemed to be angry about Tremaine.


    ON SATURDAY, July 13, a Florida jury found George Zimmerman not guilty in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin. The verdict was national news. Protests and rallies raged across the country. That same weekend in Philadelphia, eight men, mostly young, mostly black, were shot to death. During a 56-hour period into Monday, their deaths were barely noticed, because they are all too commonplace. The Daily News took a long look at the death of one of them, Tremaine Rogers, who, like Trayvon Martin, was just 17. Here's what we found out about the seven others who were killed.


    LET'S BE HONEST: We really don't care that much about dead black kids. At the very least, let's finally own that we don't care enough. Because if we did, would so many young - 300 in a good year, and that's just in Philly - overwhelmingly black and brown young men die with so little attention? Would we be comfortable with generations of children being wiped out with no national movement to save them?


    Are you sure that Ubiñas, is not calling you out, field booty?



  15. Anon 12:28am-

    i purposefully in love did not respond to your re-posted comment. even a fool seems wise until he/she speaks. in your case, keeps pressing the non point.

    in retrospect i gave you too much credit. from my perspective, i truly chose to believe that if you or anyone, gave that popular assertion a wee bit more thought, they would inevitably reach the only conclusion. you did not. my bad. since you's your much needed clue:

    consider that all people are hard wired with primal mandates from Almighty. social engineering be damned. said differently, women are created/hard wired to seek those men that demonstrate proficiency in their Yah given roles of provider, protector, problem solver, and producer. men. factor in alpha males vs beta, etc.

    connect the next dot...IF a woman/girl finds herself in an environment where those males that demonstrate these traits are 'thugs' as you say...she will gravitate to them. (as i come to where you are, i won't add now the fatherless girls factor. precept by precept. we will pretend we are talking about women/girls that had present active fathers and in tact families. it makes a HUGE difference, whether folks want to acknowledge and address or not.)

    maybe if i whiten this, it will be easier for you to wrap your brain around.

    in a fully functioning environment...the women/girls will gravitate to the thugs that are legitimized...think politicians, lawyers, bankers, doctors, lawyers, judges celebrities, etc.

    you will notice in these environments no shortage of wives, baby mommas, and whores of the pale pasty variety cleaning up. capiche? if not, google and libraries are great resources for additional reference material.

    you are disrespectful in equal parts to your ignorance. fix that. stat.

    unless you were raised in the wilderness by wolves or jackals, surely you must know that respect is a basic ingredient in civility. slip up again...and you will be on permanent ignore. act up and folks will see how accurate my fool assessment really i ignore you.

    may you find the light soon or be quiet...that way folks won't know you dwell in perpetual darkness.

    blessings in abundance.

  16. DesertFlower-

    folks won't consider these things. your questions will take things back to where life they seem to have decided that they cannot be held responsible for the outcome/consequences of all the humping they must do in service to their flesh/sin and not Him. they have decided that they can not and will not lead us out...

    men lead. not right, but ok. i am eternally grateful that my mother taught me that life is not fair early. and since all this ish is backwards/upside down/inverted...utter chaos. i asked that He will lead us to His Order. there will be no more unchecked brand newness on my watch. eff (as AB would say) a new world order. i have had enough...and made up my mind. plus it is written the spirits are subject to us...not we to them AND we win...WE are the sleeping giant mighty ones ladies. it is time to wake up and stand. we are the eves...mothers of written, Genesis 3:20-And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. what is everybody waiting for?

    we are called to be as bold as lions. those bound all up in sin are scary as hell, won't call it what it is, much less stand against it. literally.

    nature abhors a void.

    we are under a generational humanity. think the fall of Adam and Eve. yes, Adam should have protected his wife. he did not. his wife should not have listened to the subtil serpent... it is what it is, we are where we are now in time.

    bottom line, straight no chaser:

    women control sex. men control marriage. women kill ourselves routinely to please men. we must collectively, wholesale, all colors, STOP DOING THAT NOW...and instead choose to please Him. our virtue protects us.

    men only marry to have convenient access to sex...and children. (that was a bone fellas...the children bit. i am aware of your primal mandates/urges...AND your utter shock/disbelief/no desire to stand and pay with time nor much money when children come into play. those that know to marry have one child if at all. i pay close attention.)

    to my sisters and daughters...daddy didn't teach you and momma is busy doing heavy lifting...yet, please know that there are only TWO kinds of written in Scriptures. one serves Him and the other serves the defeated one. WIVES have babies. those giving life in this manner serve Him. everyone else having sex and babies outside of marriage...with only two choices would i really need to call it out?

    said this years ago...but i guess folks forgot...i don't paralyze when the Truth looks at me hard. may the bp'd soft effeminate men get some of that soon Yahweh gifted courage. one will need to acknowledge and turn to Him first. i am not waiting nor holding my breath at this point, fellas.

    when folks say girls/women will save the world, other folks want to get mad? desire to have it both ways much? bm en mass need to take a long hard look in the mirror and get what they see in order as stipulated by Him. as AB would say...shame!

  17. I think African American mothers are already making super-human efforts to improve their community. This ain't on them.

    The way to stop teenage pregnancy is through excellent sex-education and free contraception for all. The U.S. teenage pregnancy rate is eight times higher than the Netherlands', precisely because of these measures being in place in Nederland. And The Netherlands doesn't even have the best figures in Europe.

    And if conservatives really cared about abortion (rather than just using it as a stick to beat women) they would favour these things too. The best way to prevent abortion is not to ban it, but to stop women getting pregnant if they don;t want to be. That's why countries like The Netherlands that effectively abortion-on-demand have lower abortion rates than the USA.

  18. my last comment was a reiteration for the new slaves/racist whip crackers here on the plantation. i urge all slaves to become maroons. seek Truth and freedom. whip crackers, get with the Truth/humanity project or not. the humanity project WILL move forward it is written.

    to my people- none but ourselves can free our minds. there are no more physical shackles...this battle is it is written. believe it or not. you can't begin to win until you come prayed up/armed with the sword of the spirit-His Word. would you go into physical battle without saying a prayer and weaponry?

    never planted this seed in the field before, so here you go:

    'This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

    For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, un set apart,

    Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good.

    Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of Yah.

    Having a form of Almighty, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

    For this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with diverse lusts. Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of truth.' -2 Timothy 3:1-7

    'But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.' 2 Timothy 3:13

    i am not that smart...i just understand/believe fully Proverbs 21:30- 'there is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Sovereign.'

    i pray my people will turn their hearts to Him...understanding that right behavior and change will happen as a result and not a moment sooner. He is not a man that He should lie. i pray more of my sisters and daughters will choose to believe Him and His Word...and obey. understanding that:

    ' obey is better than sacrifice...for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry...'-1 Samuel 15:22-23

    posted about the good news of the resurrection. i see walking dead all around me daily...yet i have hope...

    much love and blessings to all!

  19. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Isn't it weird how a great many of the Black civil rights activists who are male are married to white females.
    Isn't it weird how not a single one of the 6 all white female jurors felt anything for Trayvon Martin.

    12:50 AM
    Really? Like who?

  20. Purple Cow-

    bless you. i recognize and respect. much love.

    once folks learn the Truth about adultery and fornication and how destructive to the soul/life it is...and STILL decide to choose to sin...they SHOULD have access to contraception, with the same ease one has accessing porn. THAT mess is everywhere for free.

    but then folks will need to talk to those adulterers and fornicators that think contraception, too, is the sole responsibility of women/girls. at this very blog i have watched grown 'educated' men make that very argument...i advocate shutting down supply completely unless he is your husband. everything else is extra and needlessly complicates things. let there be a demand and right behavior for access to supply.

    folks better be glad i am not the queen of the universe. damn free will. i would shut it down and accept apologies later. i have had enough and folks can't seem to find enough dots to make/come full circle. folks HATE discipline...which is how i know folks hate THEMSELVES. all this loving patience...i would knock folks in the head to get to freedom...they can thank me later. lol.

    ok, harriet tubman pistol whip we aint turning back moment. i am back and fully accept that free will is a part of the equation and not queen of the universe;) folks better be real glad. i don't suffer fools kindly...

    also if folks slip up...mandatory marriage. that big blubbering fornicator new groom in india was hilarious to behold. you sampled and planted seed...your wife, family and tears. big whoop. how about that? if folks can't man up and take responsibility...make 'em. maybe menfolk could make those laws and have those arguments? nope. men want to control everything but themselves. which is why i follow Him. better investment of my trust. Almighty won't lie. men do daily. may more of my sisters wake up to this fact soon.

  21. Anonymous5:28 AM

    My dear Focuspurposed, you have the perfect name. I am so glad you are here. There is much wisdom in your comments and written with such skill! It's beautiful, yet delivers the message straight to the mind and heart.

    Thanks for finally slamming anon12:28AM. He/She was beginning to irritate me. What a moronic imbecile! It's one thing to be ignorant because there is a possibility of learning 'something.' But stupidity is quite another matter. It's totally hopeless. And as you know I am an expert on, take my word for it: anon12:28am IS HOPELESS.

  22. 'Isn't it weird how a great many of the Black civil rights activists who are male are married to white females.'

    not at all. the blacker the talk...the whiter the woman. common knowledge. past the breathing last breath civil rights movement...folks dropped the black talk and simply pursue whiter flesh.

    not only is the wm's ice colder...his women are prizes and proof that certain bm have accomplished 'success'. folks need to start telling the Truth and shaming the devil.

    and those married to bw notoriously steve mcnaired their way through the movement. there is nothing new under the sun. paul robeson's wife wrote a book about her husband's episode. lol. my type of girl. she did not mute mouth and pretend she had no clue. i appreciate those women that stand up. they inspire and encourage me in my journey...

    for my mothers before me that chose silence for the good of the cause...see the result. i speak now and salute you for efforts. they were not in vain. we will bring this on it is written, despite what we see.

  23. Anonymous6:03 AM

    FP, "Almighty won't lie. men do daily. may more of my sisters wake up to this fact soon."

    What about the men? don't you want them to wake up too? We should all turn to the Father...esp ALL Blacks. I mean, what is left, except GOD? Of course, many of our folks will continue to look everywhere else except to HIM. I am not holding out much 'hope' for us turning to the Divine. I Know, I have got to be more positive. But having experienced the 60's ( MLK, MalcomX, JFK, Bobby Kennedy, the marches, civil rights, etc), I don't see where we have evolved 'one iota' in consciousness as a race, or as a nation. We have advanced in technology but have regressed as human beings, imho.

    Now Martin is sitting before the BCB. I suppose that is having a conversation before a group of Blacks who 'really' care. lol...such bullshit, and Black bullshit at that.

  24. Anon 5:28- kindred spirit, thank you for your kind words. sincerely...ALL praises due to Almighty!

    couldn't get to vexatious anon earlier...i pray he/she clues up soon for their own sake.

    i urge you to consider changing your confession re: hope. choose instead to master having hope despite what is seen. keep in mind always...'death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof'-Proverbs 18:21

    what you speak...the universe manifests. speak love, life, hope, faith and prosperity over your life. work towards that end...and that is what the universe will give you. its how things are set up.

    we create what we see. know we not that we are created in His image with His full power? time to act like we know my friend...and win;) we are MORE than conquerors in it is written.

    blessings in abundance.

  25. "I am surprised that field booty let that comment survive; he has deleted two of my comments tonight. Here is one of them:"

    Must be a ghost in your house. I have not deleted any comments from this thread.

  26. Anon-

    of course the men must turn to Him...they are called to lead the nation. they seem to be thinking about their options, in the interim, i call out to the women that MUST stand up and shut it down. we control sex. if allowing access is jacking up the nation...women MUST shut it down. that's my point.

    i don't care whose fault the problem is...i am focused purposefully on the solution. that's what time it is...not time for the blame game. plus, men are NOT hard wired to listen/take direction from women past a certain age. so until the men address other men from a place of accountability and truth...i will address women from a place of accountability and truth, and continue to do my part to effect change.

  27. Anonymous6:21 AM

    @Focused Purpose
    Following your line of reasoning (lol) about why many black girls/women "like" black thugs and drugs dealers then you and others should apply similar logic in understanding why many (most?) "successful" black men are so strongly attracted to high yellow/non-black/white women. Most so-called "successful" black men see darker/dark skin on a woman as highly unattractive (masculine) and light/bright/white skin on a woman (feminine) as highly attractive. This is not going to change. BTW, black men have this "attraction" (they prefer light skin or dark skin) in common with ALL other races/groups of men on the planet. If black women cannot be expected to stop their attraction to thugs/dope boys then don't expect black men, especially those with options, to be attracted to non-black/white women.

  28. @ Julia-

    is 'women' code for white women? if not, it should be. ww wanted to be like men. bw have ALWAYS been treated like men...hence Sojourner Truth's famous inquiry. we have never received enough provision and protection to ungratefully rebel against it.

    out of pocket ww ruined wm. wm ruined bm. fact. folks don't need to agree. truth is rarely met with mass approval...

  29. Anonymous6:23 AM

    "...i will address women from a place of accountability and truth, and continue to do my part to effect change."

    Then tell black women to leave the thugs/dope boys alone.

  30. Anonymous6:39 AM

    FP, "what you speak...the universe manifests. speak love, life, hope, faith and prosperity over your life. work towards that end...and that is what the universe will give you. its how things are set up."

    You are right, and I am trying to be positive. It's not easy. I look at what where we are today since the sixties, and I want to cry.

    What can I say? Many Blacks marched, many lost their lives and many took brutal beatings to bring about change for AAs. Looking at us today: It's as if it never happened. That makes me tired, and yes depressed... The NAACP, CBC, the Churches with its bullshit preachers, and other black organization have become betrayers and deniers of the worse kind. And to top it all off, here comes Obama adding to the symphony.

    So, for me it's gets down to: 'how to stay positive and face the hard truth at the same time?'

  31. Anonymous6:54 AM

    My dear FP, looks like everyone is interested talking to you today. That's very good....HOPE

    "Hope begins in the dark, that stubborn substance hope says that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. And so you watch and wait and work-you don't give up."--Anne Lamott

  32. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Anonymous said...
    @Focused Purpose
    Following your line of reasoning (lol) about why many black girls/women "like" black thugs and drugs dealers then you and others should apply similar logic in understanding why many (most?) "successful" black men are so strongly attracted to high yellow/non-black/white women. Most so-called "successful" black men see darker/dark skin on a woman as highly unattractive (masculine) and light/bright/white skin on a woman (feminine) as highly attractive. This is not going to change. BTW, black men have this "attraction" (they prefer light skin or dark skin) in common with ALL other races/groups of men on the planet. If black women cannot be expected to stop their attraction to thugs/dope boys then don't expect black men, especially those with options, to be attracted to non-black/white women.

    6:21 AM
    Following your 'line of reasoning' one can safely conclude that you are a moronic fool and need to do some heavy praying for relief.

  33. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I meant to say:

    BTW, black men have this "attraction" (prefer light skin over dark skin in women) in common with ALL other races/groups of men on the planet. If black women cannot be expected to stop their attraction to thugs/dope boys (according to FP) then don't expect black men, especially those with options, to go after anything other than lighter skinned/non-black/white women.

  34. Anonymous7:20 AM

    This agnostic/atheist does not need prayers from the likes of you.

  35. Anonymous8:07 AM

    "out of pocket ww ruined wm. wm ruined bm. fact. folks don't need to agree. truth is rarely met with mass approval..."

    FP: Out of pocket black women ruined black men as well. How many times have you heard a black woman say a " ain't sh!t". This is actually a VERY popular saying among black women. You know this. You've probably said it yourself or at least heard other black women say it. This "expression" is very hurtful and has led directly to many black men writing all black women off.

    If black women actually believe that a "ni..ers ain't sh!t", then why don't they just leave black men alone?

  36. Hotep Field

    AVE MARIA LOve it love it

    BTW, black men have this "attraction" (prefer light skin over dark skin in women) in common with ALL other races/groups of men on the planet. If black women cannot be expected to stop their attraction to thugs/dope boys (according to FP) then don't expect black men, especially those with options, to go after anything other than lighter skinned/non-black/white women.

    -------------------------------Matanzas said(Milagros)

    Go get a little penis cave man and hush

    Now, all of you hatas u can relate to why i have the prog i have and why i never shut my mouth here or in public
    Teach a woman you teach a world

    Bottom line
    Sisters need a new beginning Some of my sisters are too caught up in trying to be the exact thing they claim to dislike IE blond hair hair weaves wigs biught from Asians who also dislike them and keeping a Afrikan men down sucking on thier tits or trying to coochie block

    Sure our men have issues and historically we as coscious sisters know why(some do) However, in the bottom of those slave ships were no blond women

    When we disembarked those ships all we saw were cave men lusting and trying to rape us.
    Our men were held hostage and could,not defend us
    From time immemorial we have been hated and to date the band plays on

    Now, do i hate all cave people NO! i have known and still know good euro people
    HOWEVER i know that one bad apple does not mean that the entire barrel is rotten
    So we as a people would be wise to separate the wheat from the chaff while at the same time remembering how we got here and know that since we are hear that we owe our Afrikan MEN RESPECT


  37. Hotep Field

    In the same venue ONLY an Afrikan man can speak his peace/piece about his condition All others are obselete gakes and must not matter

  38. Anonymous9:20 AM

    "Go get a little penis cave man and hush"

    LOL, why don't you get a big penis and ... oh never mind.

    Anyway, there are black women who will tell anyone who asks that they LOVE thug loving and ONLY thug loving. And they are not all hoodrats either. Some of them grew up in 2 parent, middle income homes. FP and women like you are in denial, lol.

    If black women just can't stop their addiction to thugs/drug dealers then don't expect black men to stop their addiction to high yellow/non-black/white women.

  39. BARBBF9:38 AM

    Trayvon had a father and a mother. Trayvon was visiting his father and was evidently very close to him. That didn't keep him from getting murdered when "Walking While Black".

    I never thought I'd ever admire Charlie Rangel again..until I saw him on FoxNews. When the FoxNews O'Reilly rep(stalker) changed the conversation about the murder of Trayvon to Black on Black crime...he responded with "What does that have to do with the murder of Trayvon?"

  40. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Btw silly, if black women just cannot find it within themselves to get over their addition to thug loving then does that make them cave women?

  41. Anonymous11:16 AM

    FP, for you to compare black women's obsession with loser black thugs/drug dealers with other women's attraction to politicians, lawyers, doctors, and other powerful men with legitimate, steady, solid incomes shows how off creepy your thinking actually is.

  42. Gynocracy unchained11:53 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "The way to stop teenage pregnancy is through excellent sex-education and free contraception for all. The U.S. teenage pregnancy rate is eight times higher than the Netherlands', precisely because of these measures being in place in Nederland.

    No, the difference is that Nederland doesn't have 40 million negroes.

    These girls want to have babies. We have been providing K-12 sex education and free contraception for 40 years now, and they are still having babies they can't support.

    Why? Because we subsidize it. There are no negative consequences. They receive free pre-natal counseling and care while in school, the schools provide free daycare for their babies while they are in school, the government pays them a monthly check for every baby they have, they get free food stamps and Section 8 housing and free healthcare. Why not have a baby? Why try to get some man to pay for it, when the government will? Then you don't have to put up with him except for when you want him, or the next guy, around?

    You get more of what you pay for. And we pay billions of dollars for fatherless children, amoral women, and purposeless men.

    In the pre-welfare world, a woman who had a baby out of wedlock had major consequences to deal with. She and her family would be responsible for raising the child, and finding a man now would be much harder with another man's child in the picture. You did that once and that was it. Your sister and your friends got the lesson without having to have a baby themselves. Women did not have a man's baby until he had made the commitment to raise it. They did not live like hos so that their man could know he was raising his own child.

    This is the foundation of every sustainable culture on earth.

    You want less dysfunction? Stop subsidizing dysfunction.

  43. Anonymous12:28 PM

    kudos to mr martin!!!

    he forgot:
    "you cannot just stalk and chase black boys like a deer..."

    cc that racist mall kkkop kkkiller gz

  44. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Queen FP:


  45. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Anonymous said...
    This agnostic/atheist does not need prayers from the likes of you.

    7:20 AM
    LOL. You need a lot of prayers. Unfortuately, you are too prideful and stupid to know it. No human power can help you but I have asked my prayer group to pray to the Father for you.

  46. Anonymous12:42 PM

    @Focused Purpose: Love your posts!

    and this is why I believe that the loss of Malcolm X was such a tragedy.

    As you commented in a post "man resists discipline". Indeed, instead we gravitate towards unruliness and worship of the 'golden calf', which I interpret as the worship of money over all else.

    Moses recognized the need for an omnipotent deity that would instill righteousness and values.

    I also feel this is what is needed today. Something that can uplift and create conscience about living conditions and the ways they can be improved for the better.

    Like you,I feel that only a belief in a higher power can bring this about.

  47. Black Ink12:53 PM

    Who’s is Joshua Chellew? The fact that you don’t know his name is the whole point. But that’s not your fault.

    Marietta Daily Journal, 7/3/13:

    Four black south Cobb teenagers are in custody in connection with the beating death of a white 36-year-old Mableton man on Mableton Parkway early Sunday morning.
    They have been accused in the beating death of Joshua Heath Chellew, 36.

    According to the warrant, the four black teenagers are accused of starting a fight with the white Chellew at a Chevron gas station in the 6200 block of Mableton Parkway near Community Drive at about 1:20 a.m. Sunday. They repeatedly punched and kicked him, according to police.

    While attempting to escape, Chellew backed into the center five-lane highway and was pushed to the ground and knocked unconscious, the warrant states.

    They then walked away from Chellew, “leaving him helpless,” and he was eventually hit by a car, the warrant states.

    A horrible, senseless murder. Why hasn’t it received wider attention?

    This might be why: Joshua Chellew is a white man.

    The "men" who murdered him are four black teen agers.....a/k/a "children" if the Trayvon Martin nomenclature is used.

    If Obama had four more sons…...I guess they'd look just like these killers!

    If the races had been reversed, this would be the biggest news story in the United States. It would have knocked the Zimmerman trial out of the news.

    Yep. Or, if Chellew had been able to defend himself against one or all of them, he’d be the new George Zimmerman. We’d be seeing baby pictures of his attackers. Al Sharpton would be marching. Jay Carney would be filibustering away all questions about Obama’s latest race-baiting. MSNBC would be on full alert.

    But Chellew wasn’t able to defend himself. He probably deserved it, right? I mean, just look at him. You can’t get any whiter than that.

    Just another creepy-ass cracker.

  48. I have to respectfully disagree with you Ms. Desert. There are many of us evil atheists/agnostics that do what we can to make this a better place for all of us. True, some people may require a belief in a higher power to motivate themselves to act but not all. There are many humanists who act unselfishly and I will take their earnest efforts over the hyper religious right who resist any attempt to better our natural environment and ignore science and logic. Case in point, as Cow pointed out our friends on the right push abstinance only education and do so from a religious stance. Sometimes our belief systems can cause more problems than they solve. To each his own but in the end I don't think a belief system is required to act consciously or unselfishly IMHO.

  49. If things are so bad for you white people here in America why not go to some place more to your liking Black Ink? I mean you have it so rough here and all.

  50. control+halt+delete1:08 PM

    Gynocracy unchained said...

    "Because we subsidize it."

    So who should get the most blame... the 15 year old unwed mother or the 50 year old politician?

  51. Anonymous1:09 PM

    the world is imploding under hobama
    hobama nazis pretend that cornel is ONLY upset about hobama tv coons?

    i adore cornel!

    see a rabid hobama nazi pretend that hobama and hobama tv/msnb are blackER than hobama:

    the blackish hobama is the most racist prez ever!!!!


  52. Also Black Ink, since the majority of crimes against white people are perpetrated by fellow whites I don't hear too many trolls here complaining about that. I say to protect you good white folk we need more press about white on white crime so we can put an end to it. Maybe after Bill O'Reilly solves all the issues in the blah community he can help us out with that.

  53. Anonymous1:13 PM


    malcolm would hate that hnic racist bankster hobama!!!!!!!

  54. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Gynocracy Unchained, "No, the difference is that Nederland doesn't have 40 million negroes."

    Wow! Beautifully said for an insult by a KKK. Your insight is a miracle. Did you forefathers know what you know when they brought Negroes here in chains? Probably. I mean, Whites know everything. You have no such shortcomings except maybe theft of countries, genocide, guns, violence and rape. But those are minor character flaws not worth talking about...even though those ARE the CAUSE of a dysfunctional society. You see, Genocracy, you can't expect to have a "free" society when you start off with genocide and enslavement. The karma from that lasts for thousands of years. Hence, 400 years is nothing. However, I can understand why you would want this mess to go away by blaming YOUR victims. The PERPETRATOR never feels the pain of the victims. The PERPETRATOR only knows how to "justify" injustice and degradation of the victims, better known as Negroes--or even worse, ni**ers.

    Now your offsprings(those n**ers related to you that your ancestors raped) are mirroring the mind and heart of your white ancestors. And you can't stand it. Too bad. Truth will not be denied and cannot be defeated. You can only cover it up with white lies but sooner or later--Truth will pop up. and it usually does, seemingly at the most inopportune and inconvenient time.

    Obama has made that possible. Not because he is for Blacks because he is most definitely NOT. Yet, he can't get away from the bite of prejudice and racism of being seen as Black by Whites.

    I submit that it's not the Negroes who are the problem, it's the dominance of millions of Whites in America. It's YOUR domination that has effed up everything.

    BTW, there is a 'big' difference in the mental attitude, social intelligence, and 'will' of Whites in the Netherlands, and 'millions' Whites in America.

  55. Follow The Money1:27 PM

    " PilotX said...
    If things are so bad for you white people here in America why not go to some place more to your liking Black Ink? I mean you have it so rough here and all.

    1:07 PM"

    Hell, wherever we went, you'd just follow us and be standing there with your hands out.

  56. Black Ink1:27 PM


    Just as in the black community; whites' commit more crime on themselves.

    Notwithstanding, the obvious point you you glossed over was: why is it not as newsworthy as Trayvon?

    We both know the question is rhetorical on this blog given the preponderance of one sided hate and racism Field Negro spews out on a daily basis to the Missing Links of society.

  57. Black Ink1:36 PM


    Careful what you wish for with respect to an American exodus of white folks!

    Can you imagine Detroit politics and policies on a national scale?

    Brotha Puleeze!

  58. Anonymous1:38 PM

    hobama nazi decoder:
    any truth about hobama = "hate"
    anyone who is NOT a hobama nazi = "hater"

    what has EVER been more hateful than that racist bankster hobama's africom/ndaa/jobless/homeless etc???????


    kudos to my hero cornel!!!

    he has never LIED about that liar hobama!!!

  59. Anonymous1:45 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I have to respectfully disagree with you Ms. Desert. There are many of us evil atheists/agnostics that do what we can to make this a better place for all of us. True, some people may require a belief in a higher power to motivate themselves to act but not all. There are many humanists who act unselfishly and I will take their earnest efforts over the hyper religious right who resist any attempt to better our natural environment and ignore science and logic. Case in point, as Cow pointed out our friends on the right push abstinance only education and do so from a religious stance. Sometimes our belief systems can cause more problems than they solve. To each his own but in the end I don't think a belief system is required to act consciously or unselfishly IMHO.
    1:05 PM
    Let's agree to disagree then :)

    But let me make clear that I do agree with everything you've said except "I don't think a belief system is required to act consciously or unselfishly"

    Of course that an atheist can be more human, compassionate,spiritual and righteous, than many church going Christians!

    I dis not mention Christianity though did I? I'm talking about a Higher Power.

    When you are raised within a family, which is where values and morals,work ethic,etc are learned and instilled. These are taught and learned simply by observation and daily interaction.

    A stable and functioning environment fosters in a child the correct morals and values to be able to not only survive, but also become a productive part of society. Those values will def be in place,like gears, oiled and ready to function.

    In a family unit ravaged by generational poverty,where there are limited or no resources, little education and disorder,despair and chaos in the daily grind of physical life. Other values and emotions are learned, and different means of survival.

    So a belief in a Higher Power is needed to teach the correct and more fruitful and productive values. And will then take the place of the counterproductive behavior.

    don't know if I'm making myself clear,perhaps someone can elucidate in a much better better way.

    That's what Malcolm X was trying to do. He learned inside the jails and then proceeded to spread the Holy Word and belief in a Higher Power as a means of filling the void.

  60. Anonymous1:54 PM

    "Marietta Daily Journal, 7/3/13:

    Four black south Cobb teenagers are in custody in connection with the beating death of a white 36-year-old Mableton man on Mableton Parkway early Sunday morning.
    They have been accused in the beating death of Joshua Heath Chellew, 36.

    According to the warrant, the four black teenagers are accused of starting a fight with the white Chellew at a Chevron gas station in the 6200 block of Mableton Parkway near Community Drive at about 1:20 a.m. Sunday. They repeatedly punched and kicked him, according to police.

    While attempting to escape, Chellew backed into the center five-lane highway and was pushed to the ground and knocked unconscious, the warrant states.

    They then walked away from Chellew, “leaving him helpless,” and he was eventually hit by a car, the warrant states."

    This was senseless crime, one of exteme hatred by four black teens. They need to be locked up for the rest of their lives or given the death penalty if the state has it. Blacks nor Whites need animals like these teens in our society. It's time to start getting these murderous SOB's off the streets.

    Let's start with these mofos. But ultimately we must find a way to overcome racial hatred through 'justice for all' Americans, and respect for all Americans.

  61. Gynocracy unchained2:13 PM

    control+halt+delete said...
    Gynocracy unchained said...

    "Because we subsidize it."

    So who should get the most blame... the 15 year old unwed mother or the 50 year old politician?

    The 50 year old politician, of course. The 15 year old is just doing what society is telling her to do.

    The deeper question is why is society telling her this? Who benefits from "changing" America from a personal liberty-based, free market opportunity society with a strong national identity to a statist, centrally planned, multi-cultural country with no unifying ideals?

    Leftist government policies are designed to destroy American society. As the culture decays, those at the bottom are always going to fare worse. This misery progresses because it serves the interests of those who control the messaging.

  62. Black Ink2:15 PM


    Are you suggesting that the teachings of Mohammed and by extension Sharia law promotes moral values and ethics? Seriously???

    Perhaps you are referring to the enlightened views of Malcolm X after returning from his pilgrimage to Mecca and his denouncement of Islam?
    Most likely you meant to reference one of the greatest spiritual leaders man has ever known--Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and not Malcolm X?

    But then again the angry teachings of Wayne Bennett would undoubtedly label Malcolm X the revered stature of Field Negro behavior and denounce the great Dr. King as having House Negro behavior.

    The hate of mob mentality is hard for ignorance to overcome; hence the popularity of racist blogs such as this one.

  63. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I have to respectfully disagree with you Ms. Desert. There are many of us evil atheists/agnostics that do what we can to make this a better place for all of us. True, some people may require a belief in a higher power to motivate themselves to act but not all. There are many humanists who act unselfishly and I will take their earnest efforts over the hyper religious right who resist any attempt to better our natural environment and ignore science and logic. Case in point, as Cow pointed out our friends on the right push abstinance only education and do so from a religious stance. Sometimes our belief systems can cause more problems than they solve. To each his own but in the end I don't think a belief system is required to act consciously or unselfishly IMHO.

    1:05 PM
    If you don't 'think' a belief system is required to act consciously or unselfishly, then 'why' are you an atheist who 'believes' what you believe? All humans have a belief system, including atheists, agnostics, believers and knowers. YOUR belief is NOT to believe in a Higher Power.... Good luck with that.

    Atheists continually prove to me that the most powerful 'Idea' known to the human race is the Idea and Truth of a Higher Truth/Power that billions of people all over the planet call GOD.

    But to contact that higher power called God, one has to have a sense of humility. Atheists have none. They are pure arrogance simply because the believe they are the 'Alpha' and the 'Omega' of life. That is a very foolish move for any human to do.

    "'Disbelief' is a mental disease. It's like a drop of water being thrown out of the ocean. It will surely perish."

    PilotX, I have called you on several outrageous opinions, and beliefs on this blog. Your ridiculous 'reason' in 'claiming' to be an atheist is the 'dumbest' reason yet. You are worst than Purple Cow. At least he thinks better than you. Oh, wait. Your Black and from Chicago? ...never mind.

    No offense, AB...I love you but can't stand PilotX. He is such a phony.

  64. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Hey PilotX,

    I have a few quick questions for you on trolls:

    *Are all trolls white or are there black, brown yellow, red and mixed breed trolls as well?

    *Should all trolls be stereotyped as evil by definition? In other words, if you were to see a troll strolling down your street in a hoodie what would you do?

    *Should trolls be allowed to live in your neighborhood and go to school with your kids? Would you let your kids play and/or date a troll?

    * Should trolls be allowed to vote?

    * If a troll was arrested by the Po Po on your street simply for DWT would that be okay with you?

  65. Anonymous2:34 PM

    "The deeper question is why is society telling her this? Who benefits from "changing" America from a personal liberty-based, free market opportunity society with a strong national identity to a statist, centrally planned, multi-cultural country with no unifying ideals?

    Leftist government policies are designed to destroy American society. As the culture decays, those at the bottom are always going to fare worse. This misery progresses because it serves the interests of those who control the messaging."

    IF America was a personal liberty-based free-market for every American, there would be no Leftists nor rightwingers...and MOST of ALL, no racism. But we do have racism and discrimination and hatred. It's the most baneful and persistent evil known to America. It corrupts the perpetrator and prevents the unlimited creative potential of its victims. It IS the great barrier to racial harmony and peace. Thank God, there are some Whites who are trying to make things 'right' so that the Idea of America can flourish. It may not necessarily be to the likings of the 'right' but at least some are trying.

    Ironically, those that are trying to make it 'right' are NOT from the 'right'. Yes, things are a mess. But they were a mess from the 'beginning' of America. That idea of yours for 'all' individuals NEVER happened! I think you know that, unless you have been dead to life in America.

  66. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Black Ink said...
    "Are you suggesting that the teachings of Mohammed and by extension Sharia law promotes moral values and ethics? Seriously??
    As you well said, he was changing his opinions, but never fluctuated from his belief in a Higher Power.

    But are you suggesting they are not? and on what basis? How so?
    and please, if you don't know any Muslims personally,don't talk about "terrorists". I'm not referring to fanatics.

    MLK was a great spiritual leader. But Malcolm directed his help to the completely downtrodden, the imprisoned,the drug addicted.

    They both were and still are extremely necessary.

    Either way wouldn't you agree that whatever belief system works and gets the desired result is good?

  67. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Black Ink said...

    Are you suggesting that the teachings of Mohammed and by extension Sharia law promotes moral values and ethics? Seriously???

    Perhaps you are referring to the enlightened views of Malcolm X after returning from his pilgrimage to Mecca and his denouncement of Islam?
    Most likely you meant to reference one of the greatest spiritual leaders man has ever known--Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and not Malcolm X?

    But then again the angry teachings of Wayne Bennett would undoubtedly label Malcolm X the revered stature of Field Negro behavior and denounce the great Dr. King as having House Negro behavior.

    The hate of mob mentality is hard for ignorance to overcome; hence the popularity of racist blogs such as this one.

    2:15 PM
    Dear Black Ink, please read 'carefully' what Desert wrote. She said NOTHING about what you are thinking. Let me help you: what you are thinking Desert is thinking, is NOT what Desert is thinking, it is what YOU are thinking. Just a little self-help therapy to help you through your day.:)

  68. Gynocracy unchained2:49 PM

    "But we do have racism and discrimination and hatred. It's the most baneful and persistent evil known to America"

    Again, who benefits from hyping racial animosities? Who benefits from whites thinking blacks live off undeserved handouts and government favoritism? Who benefits from blacks thinking whites live off undeserved privilege and corporate favoritism?

    Who wants whites to believe blacks are inherently violent and blacks to believe whites are inherently unjust?

    Everyone now feels they are a victim. Somebody wants it that way.

  69. control+halt+delete2:50 PM

    Anon 2:34 PM

    Point...Set and Match!

  70. Anon that confuses 'bm' and 'n-ers' are right to conclude 'n-ers aint ish'. they aren't.

    i avoid them like the plague as a direct result and urge other bw to do the same. i see it as my job to teach younger women/girls how to spot them. you think wfolks are confused about the difference...many bw/bg have NO idea how to spot useless n-gers. THIS is why they keep having their children.

    plus many bw/bg have been programmed to give bm special consideration. if not...exactly none of you would have a woman.

    in the man game, bm, even the so-called 'successful' ones in large numbers are on the losing team. in most cases the 'successful' ones are still slaves to someone else. this is why you won't see them saying and doing the right things with their money. their hearts and minds are not correct. so they don't function properly in enough numbers to make a difference. this is why despite more millionaires than ever...there is no progress nor growth for the community. bm are the only men on the planet, from what i can see, that think having a penis makes them automatically men. damn the other roles that TRULY indicate manhood.

    those whose brains have been mangled by white supremacy, might as well find the nearest white or non- black man to give all they have accumulated...wealth is transferred through the women and i could NOT care less when ignorant, deadhead males give it all back and marry out. those pale women are paying/putting up with much. it was a white woman that told me candidly that once you go go running back. bm don't know how to treat women. and if you wake up and pay will see them taking bm's stuff and going back to where they belong. this is also why non bw are easier to get along with...their communities are there, better resourced, and if they don't come toting too much 'evidence' of their straying (throw that little black babe in foster care with the quickness so some infertile white couple can come scoop 'em up)...they can always go back. in large numbers...they do. check the stats. the common denominator is the bm. but keep looking and lashing out.

    you know, i have had spiritually dead negroes try to come at me with this mess like i am supposed to be up in arms. i am not. my truth is simple...i need becky, mei ling, lola, whoever- to look at the condition of the black community. IF you think your pale skin will afford you better treatment...come get some.

    also...factor in class differences. the alphas i interface with are entrepreneurs and professionals. the drug dealers i know wear white coats...legitimized. i cannot speak to your experiences and why you are so emotional and lashing out petulant lady boy style. you will be ok if you humble yourself and pray. only you can get your head and heart right so that you might get wisdom and understanding. i don't take it personally. it is my calling to diss/dismiss/destroy the lying demons/devils...the one you host is having a fit. i am glad. may it die and fall off back to the pit of hell that you might be free.

    the name of the game is survival of the fittest...your comments indicate you are not fit to be in it to win it. you are looking to shift blame, not get in the win. a lot of my brothers and sons demonstrate this rank cowardice regularly. i urge my sisters and daughters to avoid them. who a woman mates with will make or break her...for generations.

    those women you have heard proclaim n-ers aint ish, have learned the hard way and reserve the right to call it. i am not mad. when these bw start making records and promoting their grievances world wide to a beat for profit...then i think you have will have a grievance. until and those like you a classic example of refusing to lead, follow, or get out of the way. that is a nice way of saying 'aint about ish time waster'.

    hope that helps...

  71. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Two Nations: Black and White, Separate, Hostile, Unequal [Paperback]
    Written by Andrew Hacker

    This is a MUST READ for all of you "self hating" black folks.

  72. Anonymous2:59 PM

    But will Black people read the book?
    They say that if you want to hide something from a Black person just "...PUT IT IN A BOOK, BECAUSE EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT BLACK PEOPLE HATE TO READ."
    I'm just saying....

  73. Black Ink3:12 PM


    First let me say how refreshing it is to engage a commenter on this site who is thoughtful, intellectual and dignified.

    In answer to your question; we engage a slippery slope when we suffice it to say that the end shall justify the means. Satan would relish in this blind acceptance; as our American secular reward system has borne out.
    Conversely, the ends can easily be used to condemn the means......often righteously,so long as we are not impetuous or sacrificing our moral integrity in drawing our conclusions.

    I advocate: teaching a man to fish, respecting those weaker or less fortunate than myself, building strength of character not "strength" of color, having faith in a God that teaches compassion and love for one another as the essence of everlasting life, challenging the hate mongers and poverty pimps.......among other things.

  74. Gynocracy unchained3:17 PM

    control+halt+delete said...

    Anon 2:34 PM

    Point...Set and Match!

    And that's how it works.

    I guess if you can't see the forest for the trees, then you deserve to be lost.

  75. Anonymous3:21 PM

    FP-"Anon that confuses 'bm' and 'n-ers' are right to conclude 'n-ers aint ish'. they aren't."

    Dear FP, could you make clear 'which' Anon is confused for the sake of anon? I ask because if the anon is confused(moron) he/she might not know that you are referring to them. lol

  76. Anonymous3:35 PM

    anon 1419:

    i love u too!!

    i hate all hobama nazis even MORE than i hate hobama

    cc the hobama nazi coon posse at msnbc/hobama tv

    i am shocked that even my former idol/hobama slayer mike e dyson has sold his soul for a mic at hobama tv too!!!

  77. control+halt+delete3:38 PM

    Gynocracy unchained said...

    "I guess if you can't see the forest for the trees, then you deserve to be lost"

    Listen son, we are standing in the middle of a desert and you're talking about a forest and some trees.

    The question is not so much who, that's obvious. The question is why?

  78. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Gynocracy, "Again, who benefits from hyping racial animosities? Who benefits from whites thinking blacks live off undeserved handouts and government favoritism? Who benefits from blacks thinking whites live off undeserved privilege and corporate favoritism?"

    I can still see those signs: FOR WHITES ONLY....COLOREDS. This was the case for water fountains and God forbid I had to go to the restroom and the sign said WHITES ONLY. I was 'shit' out of luck.

    Who benefited from them? Whites. Who benefited from slavery? Whites. Who benefits from institutional racism? Whites.
    Who benefits from callous injustices of the so-called justice system? Whites.

    There is nothing new here. The answer is still the same. If it weren't we wouldn't be having this conversation. And Field wouldn't have this blog for us angry-feeling- mistreated Black and White folks to come to. One comes to chastise the 'perpetrator', the other comes to chastise the 'victim'. Such is the sick unresolvable macabre dance of Black/White America. Let's face it...WE ARE DONE!

    And Whites have been in power since the beginning; you have done whatever your self-centered selfish lilly white minds and hearts have wanted to do, which included the exclusion of Blacks, creating a hostile environment for all.

    So, don't blame Blacks. We didn't have and still don't have the power. You have the power. You made that clear in the murder of Trayvon Martin by ALL-WHITE-FEMALE JURY, whose verdict declared a Zimmerman 'innocent' of killing a Trayvon....

    Blame your own 'lack' and disability to run this country and develop good-will and fairness and justice FOR ALL.

  79. Gynocracy unchained3:51 PM

    control+halt+delete said...
    "The question is why?"

    No it isn't. The answer to why is always the same. Power and control.

  80. ' Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "...i will address women from a place of accountability and truth, and continue to do my part to effect change."

    Then tell black women to leave the thugs/dope boys alone.

    6:23 AM'


    at least you are consistent. now if we could turn on the Light, you would be good to go...

    maybe you did not comprehend that i have ALREADY suggested in this life game...that bw just leave bm alone, in general. predominantly black environments are NOT safe. come on out of blakistan, acquire a broader perspective, and exercise full options for the fulfillment of their hopes and dreams.

    understanding that time is the precious coin of life and one must be wise. lest they allow someone else to spend their life coin for them. many many many bw made this mistake as i strolled through history and look around today. they were/are trying to help and support a brother...making and supporting excuses. when folks accept excuses, that's all folks end up with...and any 'ole excuse will do. pay attention. look. see.

    refusing to accept excuse making will cause one to find themselves in pretty brotha free environments truth be told. the brothas in these environments are there with their ww...who they oftentimes leave the side of to come and suggest one finds a brotha. lol. more bw are waking up and recognizing the game. the best way to get a brotha's attention (even unwanted) is to show up with a wm..and even then it is best to ignore him. he STILL don't want you, he just wants to successfully mess up whatever you got going on with the white man. hateful witchy folk (and bm in large numbers have mastered witchy behavior. not a good look.) never miss an opportunity to hurt people...i have seen it play out all sides both genders.

    i don't advocate spending too much time listening to the modern bm. if he's talking, chances are, it's a lie. this is why BO did not catch me off guard nor unawares. WATCH THE BEHAVIOR.

    what bm fail to realize is that bw who solo parent turn out the only product they can as a rule. most bm TRULY believe they are the prize. those that can sit through the white supremacy brain bend long enough to be cattle on the 'professional' farm and boast no lock down nor oow babies...they are having a ball right now. look. see.

    pookie ain't hurting too bad either if he can steer clear of the other murderous pookie and 'nem. folks running street narcotics rings OUT of the prisons...pookie can still get it popping even on lockdown. some of the employees are nothing but a bm stuck on stupid. the non bw get in on the game as well. it not color but class and like sinful values that join them. you don't know?

  81. if folks stay on lockdown...that means they chose the wrong path. in the 'professional' category there is no shortage of criminals; which is why folks can't see that true THUGS, wear very expensive suits. they spend time on lockdown, too, when not well connected. the uber THUGS are ALL white folks and operate ABOVE the man made laws.

    the short of it: there are not enough truly good bm at this point for bw to continue to focus their energy and resources on as far as i am concerned. bm, collectively, are too selfish to check in and go to work. we are created to be helpers. bm, en mass, have decided this is ALL on us.

    man world. bm=bottom men, clearly inactively content to hold said position. leave them all alone. (good news...the last shall be made it is written. let not that obvious truth cause lowered esteem. ) most will eliminate themselves, promptly, from serious consideration when black women and girls vet properly. folks that perform their roles and seek to lead you astray as posted earlier are to be shunned.

    IF he is a truly a good bm...he will work hard to show you that he is...not just talk about it and make excuses-which has many in a only a bm mentality stuck. Galatians 3:28 clearly states that the color distraction is a lie.

    yes all. the right ones will do work and pursue you. ladies, try it. they will wander on off somewhere. some place that affords less work and easier access. good. the goal is to do this BEFORE sex and children come into play. refuse to act as men, since the men act as women. heaven and hell are right here on earth. if more would act in THIS life, right now, they would be the head and not the tail. i am a witness.

    there are blessings inherent in femininity. WE hold the most powerful card in the deck. this is why the defeated enemy is coming double time for our spirits and souls. it's ok. bring it on. bruise my heel. after i behead the snake, i will crush his head in His Name and Power. i know who He created me to be. i know the defeated already enemy. so let's go...any more questions written as statements Anon 6:23 am?

  82. Anonymous4:10 PM

    AB, "i am shocked that even my former idol/hobama slayer mike e dyson has sold his soul for a mic at hobama tv too!!!"

    I have always had that feeling about Dyson, even when he was at DePaul. Call it intuition or whatever. I never trusted him.

    The one I DID trust was Cornel West. It was clear to me that Cornel 'could not' be anybody else but who he was. Today, a person of his integrity is rare. Even Melissa P Harris has sold out.

    Actually, there aren't too many of our so-called caring people I know who haven't sold out. Tavis Smiley is NOT one of them. I am constantly amazed at his endurance in the face of black criticism since Obama came on the scene. That is those BLACK Obamaholics. We are such a splintered undignified uncaring sick lot.

    I don't know. Maybe there are one or two more sincere ones, but 'I' don't know them. Al Sharpton appears to me to be double-minded. He certainly has talents for moving the masses but he is NO MLK or MalcomX. He has proven that even 'he' has a price for selling out. Although I must say, he does carry some outrage that can turn on a dime against 'outrageous' injustice against us.

  83. Anonymous4:30 PM

    kudos to juror B29!!!!!!!

    all sane people of all races know that gz is a kkkiller!!!!!!!

  84. Careful "Black Ink"', things might not always be what they seem.


  86. Anonymous5:18 PM

    anon 1610


    i adored med once!
    when he once told truths about hobama/pre-nbc!

    see chi/BAR idol glen ford slay him

  87. Anonymous5:23 PM


    the daughter of the wf accuser in ga always said her mom was lying

    cc that kkkin of that kkkiller gz/susan smith


  88. Anonymous5:36 PM

    "Isn't it weird how a great many of the Black civil rights activists who are male are married to white females.
    Isn't it weird how not a single one of the 6 all white female jurors felt anything for Trayvon Martin."

    Yes, it is very sad. But who are they? I don't think I've seen "many" of them being married to White women. I just saw yesterday that Sharpton is dating a very attractive young woman who is young enough to be his daughter. I guess he's getting a lot of high fives on that from the brothers lol .

  89. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Oh, the woman Sharpton is dating is a Black woman BTW.

  90. Anonymous5:47 PM


    she said her mom called her about an insurance scam/infant life insurance before the alleged murder

  91. Anonymous7:55 PM

    AB, thanks for the link to BAR where Glen Ford slammed the crap out of Dyson. And deservedly so.

    I haven't found much about Sharpton and MHP. Any BAR on those two?

  92. Don't worry Black Ink, I promose none of us will follow you. I mean how do you go on with so much against you? I just can't fanthom.
    BTW, we all don't live in Detroit, many of us live in nice middle/upper class neighborhoods. I know that's hard for some with racist minds to believe but it's true. How much you wanna bet my house is nicer than yours.

  93. PilotX said...
    BTW, we all don't live in Detroit, many of us live in nice middle/upper class neighborhoods

    Good for you, although I'd bet most of your neighbors are white.

    Nice middle/upper class folks can get along fine, regardless of race or ethnicity.

  94. And guess what Fred, you lose that bet. There are numerous middle/upper class neighborhoods here in the Chicago area. My neighborhood is an historic area that has long been associated with proessional blah folks. Nice try though. You must be new here.

  95. If it's majority blah, it's not "nice".

    Do you have a home security system? A firearm?

  96. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Fred, please have some mercy on blah people. We don't know who we are. I used to think that we were called African American. Then Blacks. Then Negroes. Then Coloreds. Then Coons. Then the N-Word. Now I just don't know, thanks to the new name, "blah" people. I don't know where it came from, but I 'bet' it had its origins from a white person. People like PilotX don't come by such a name on his own. Some White has tremendous influence over Pilot.

    So please...have mercy.

  97. You've obviously never been to my neighborhood Fred. Then again you've probably never left your trailer park so I wouldn't expect you to know much about life outside the park. Sad.

  98. PilotX said...
    You've obviously never been to my neighborhood Fred.

    I try to avoid neighborhoods where home security systems are required.

    The folks here in my trailer park may be poor, but at least I don't have to worry about them robbing me.

  99. Sure Fred, you have different problems such as wondering what to call your sister/cousin/girlfriend.

  100. At least I know who is who.

    When you don't who your daddy is, anyone could be your sister.

  101. I'm glad you and your neighbors live well off your welfare checks. Buy lots of meth and shine huh Fred.

  102. Yep, you probably know exactly who your uncledaddy is. You trailerpark types are very family oriented. At least you know you're getting lucky tomorrow nite.

  103. Black Ink9:36 AM


    You are so correct that things often are not as they appear.....but that cuts both ways.

    If it turns out that a pair of teens were falsely accused of a crime because of their race; the false accuser should have severe criminal and civil sanctions imposed.

    What say you about the 36 year old red headed ruddy faced white man who was beaten and left to die on a 5 lane highway by 4 teenage boys? If it is proven in a court of law that those 4 teenagers were all black would their be any racial over tones that offend you? If that criminal activity is dismissed as simply a crime of opportunity without regard to racial hatred where is the objectivity?

    Racism and inter-racial violence is horrific regardless as to what color the predator or prey happen to be.

  104. The white man who was ALLEGEDLY accosted by four blah teens. Didn't you learn anything from the baby Antonio case you were so worried about? BTW, we now know about it because you told us.

  105. Making it plain

    Don What happened to the conversation:?

    The only time race comes up is when its about intraracial death or violence Why is that?

    NN’s Don Lemon Backs Up Bill O’Reilly: ‘He Doesn’t Go Far Enough’ In Criticizing Black Culture
    by Evan McMurry | 5:11 pm, July 27th, 2013 VIDEO» 643 comments

    Bill O’Reilly’s remarks on race last week drew heavy criticism from Chris Hayes, Bill Maher, Al Sharpton, Larry Wilmore, and more, but one unlikely person is agreeing with him: CNN host Don Lemon.

    Lemon addressed the wounds inflicted by black males onto their community on his “No Talking Points” segment Saturday afternoon, saying he was able to bring this up now that the George Zimmerman trial had concluded. Before the verdict, right wing media had consistently asked why the “liberal media” was fixating on Trayvon Martin while ignoring rampant black-on-black violence, a “deflection,” in Lemon’s words, from the injustices of the Martin shooting. But now that Zimmerman had been acquitted, it was time “for some tough love on the subject.”

    Lemon played a clip of O’Reilly stating, “The reason there is so much violence and chaos in the black precincts is the disintegration of the African American family…Raised without much structure, young black men often reject education and gravitate towards the street culture, drugs, hustling, gangs. Nobody forces them to do that. Again, it is a personal decision.”

    “Bill’s got a point,” Lemon said. “In fact, he’s got more than a point…In my estimation, he doesn’t go far enough.”

    RELATED: O’Reilly To Geraldo: ‘I Don’t Care’ If Black People Feel Like I’m ‘Stereotyping’ Them

    Lemon then listed five essential reforms black men need to make in their lives in order to improve themselves and their communities: hike up their pants, remove the n-word from their vocabulary, take care of their communities, finish high school, and lower the rate of children born out of wedlock.

    “More than 72% of children in the African Americans are born out of wedlock,” Lemon said. “Studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison, and the cycle continues.”

    “Please, pay attention to and think about what has been presented in recent history as aceptable behavior,” Lemon finished. “Pay close attention to the hip hop and rap culture that many of you embrace, a culture that glorifies everything I just mentioned, thug and reprehensible behavior, a culture that is making a lot of people rich—just not you. And it’s not going to.”

    “That said, though, the political right is not off the hook.” Lemon played a clip of Kirsten Powers remarking on how convenient it was the conservative media only cares about black violence when they can use it to “stick it to the black community.”
