Thursday, July 11, 2013

New theories from the right about a trial going on down in Florida.

I promised the readers that I wouldn't do anymore posts with my opinions about the trial of a certain neighborhood vigilante down in Florida.

However, that doesn't mean I can't post interesting articles from other places.

"If last night you failed to watch the Fox News family of cable channels, you missed one hell of a scoop. Sean Hannity informed his audience of a story that was broken hours earlier by the legal watchdogs/gadflies (depending on your politics) at Judicial Watch. “A little-known unit of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Community Relations Service (CRS), was deployed to Sanford, FL, following the Trayvon Martin shooting,” reported Judicial Watch. Its mission: “to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman.”
Hannity was shocked. “We learned today that [President Obama’s] Justice Department got involved in this case through their own Community Relations Service,” he told Pat Buchanan. “What does that say about the administration? Should they have been involved?”
“They should not,” pronounced Buchanan.
Over on the Fox Business Channel, another sage of interracial politics was fulminating about this “little-known unit” and its meddling.
“Instead of following their stated mission of preventing racial and ethnic tensions,” said Lou Dobbs, “they allegedly helped to organize anti-Zimmerman demonstrations. We have talked and reported to you a great deal on this broadcast about the politicization of the Justice Department, but I don't think anyone covering this story anticipated such a thing as what we have just reported to you.”

How did Dobbs know that the Justice Department had betrayed its mission? Well, he didn’t, and so far no one speculating about what the “little-known unit” did seems to possess much expertise about it. That’s almost immaterial. We’re one day out from jury deliberations in George Zimmerman’s case, and there’s considerable, reality-based worry that a “not guilty” verdict would spark violence in Sanford or Miami. That’s inspired conservatives to look back at how this became a national story in the first place—an inquest that leads them to Eric Holder’s doorstep.

Let’s fix the “little-known” problem first. The Community Relations Service was created 49 years ago, by the Civil Rights Act, at a time of steady conflict between the government and local law enforcement and white citizens groups. Its original mission was to swoop in and mediate when communities start roiling over “actions, policies, and practices that are perceived to be based on race, ethnicity, or national origin.”
This has only occasionally been controversial. The CRS’s budget request for 2013 was only $12,036,000, and no politician from either party made hay about cutting it. And that request was made after this “organizing anti-Zimmerman demonstrations” story was broken in conservative media, mostly by’s Lee Stranahan and’s Erica Ritz. On April 17, 2012, Ritz reported that “a little-known” (that phrase again!) Justice Department outlet “has apparently been helping protesters angry over the Trayvon Martin shooting.”
Ritz’s revelation came after reading the Orlando Sentinel, which during that churn of daily Martin stories had profiled the “league of secretive peacemakers” working in Sanford and Miami. “In their Navy blue windbreakers, polo shirts and dark sunglasses, they look like federal agents,” reported Arelis Hernandez. The agents, according to local civil rights leaders, “helped set up a meeting between the local NAACP and elected officials that led to the temporary resignation of [Sanford] police Chief Bill Lee.”
In the Sentinel, this was a human interest story; online, it looked like a smoking gun. How could one branch of the Justice Department be investigating the case while another branch was shuttling activists to rallies? “Is the DOJ’s presence, seemingly in a supportive role of the protesters, working to undercut the very mission of the organization?” asked Ritz. The question answered itself." [More]

Oh those wingnuts.



  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Judicial Watch is right wing, but they have integrity. They went after Bush Jr. on a bunch of stuff. I think their material deserves investigation.

  2. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Whatever...we all know what the verdict will be. DQAE knows that it will favor Zimmerman. DQAE will be a very happy STEPHEN.

  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Does anybody know what DQAE stands for?

    And why hasn't Granny weighed in on the last couple of posts?

  4. They really seem to dislike Eric Holder. Wonder why.

  5. the BO administration has its corrupt bloody hand all in the TM circus...he weighed in with the whole, his son would look like TM as if that helped ANYTHING...

    this fact was a heads up that what the nation has been told to focus on has NOTHING to do with justice for TM. there's a law somewhere, waiting to be pushed through that ties into the circus. call me non trusting...

  6. focusedpurpose said...

    the BO administration has its corrupt bloody hand all in the TM circus...

    Although this is true ...

    It wouldn't look like so much of a political ploy if O-Bomber was standing up for Human Rights in the First term and was championing other relevant issues that relate specifically to Black People.

    Since he morphed into O-Bomber after winning the Nobel Peace Prize his actions towards this case appear self serving , and politically motivated...

    Hes spent the moral capital he had,
    (On Wall St, and Foreign Policy)

    and this why it looks cheap , and cheesy...

  7. Anonymous11:31 PM

    DE la rionda bought home the point that GZ had the gun out all the time. Its be,one so obvious that he lied all the way

  8. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Man, please shut the hell up about putting Obama in the middle of this TM case. Let him do his Washington thing we as a people can try to get justice for Trayvon. Then we wonder why white folks think we are some kind of hive-mind

  9. President Lynch12:47 AM

    Using millions of tax dollars to organize action against a private citizen is no big deal? Trying to influence a case because it suits your political interests by riling up your base is obscene. This is the most corrupt administration ever.

  10. Anonymous12:58 AM

    President Lynch, I disagree. This administration has been the most honest and straight-forward administration since Lincoln. History will prove it.

  11. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Those crazy wingnuts! The next thing you know they will say the IRS is out to get them.

  12. Anonymous1:06 AM

    "Then we wonder why white folks think we are some kind of hive-mind"

    12:32 AM
    Well, aren't we? According to Mr Field, there is a definite way of being Black, and if you aren't, then you aren't Black. Field and/or PC will call you White. It's a damn shame. I have been Black all of my life and Field, along with UK Purple Cow call me White. I am still pissed about that.


  13. I would sooner trust a restored Limo made prior to the 70's than any newer one! And htey are cooler, like a 54' Caddy limo I once rode in! Not as much electronic junk,sensors and PCM's to short out or send fuel the other way like what happened several years ago in a car fire, I think it was also a Limo, made in the 80's. Glad the women got out ok! What a scare!

  14. "Well, aren't we? According to Mr Field, there is a definite way of being Black, and if you aren't, then you aren't Black. Field and/or PC will call you White. It's a damn shame. I have been Black all of my life and Field, along with UK Purple Cow call me White. I am still pissed about that."

    That's because YOU ARE WHITE.

    Get a grip man, Is this what you wanted for yourself as a kid?

    "When I grow up I'm going to spend all my spare time pretending to be a black man so I can pass my far-Right bigoted views off as part of normal mainstream african-american thinking"

    I mean really? Do you have nothing better or more useful to do with your spare time than that?

  15. PC, let me answer that for u: No, he does not.

  16. Anonymous8:58 AM

    PC, you left out being jealous of and stalking Blacks who live complete and successful lives. But then what should we expect from an idiot named "anonymous".

    BTW, Zimmerman the child attacker and murderer, is going to walk, but then we KNEW that the day the police decided not to arrest him for killing the boy. No forensic samples collected off him that day and a jury full of white women = a free pass to kill Black children "armed" with skittles and iced tea.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. ^^^^^^. DQAE, Dr. Queen's Alter Ego aka Dr. Queen *itch!

  19. Anonymous10:24 AM

    watch the jury!

    and pray for justice!

    no justice!
    no peace!

    rip trayvon
    we got next...

    more on kkkillers like gz:

  20. Anonymous11:21 AM



    massa hobama is a racist overseer

    the passion for tm = fodder for hobama's martial law drills

    it is nation time
    that evil racist bona fide cia bastard bankster hobama
    has NEVER been
    and NEVER will be our king...

    may god bless us all
    justice evades "just us"!!!

    “But there comes a time when lines are drawn in the sand. A man can’t bring his wife and mistress in the same room and tell them both that they are first in his heart. Americans who want justice for Trayvon Martin are looking for President Obama to share their pain, to make a stronger statement about racial injustice or to show that he truly does lie in the tradition of great Black men before him who stood their ground (pun intended) when Black men and women were being lynched....

    You see, historically, the job of the commander-in-chief has been, among other things, to maintain law and order in the United States . Part of maintaining order meant keeping Black folks calm and controlled, even if by force. One has to wonder how President Obama will respond if riots break out as a result of justice not being served for Trayvon? Additionally, President Obama is just as White as he is Black, but White Americans run this country, politically and otherwise. So, the preservation of White privilege via inaction against systematic racism is one of the things that America comes to expect from its leaders....

    I don’t excuse what Jonatha did, and she should be punished. But punishing Jonatha without incarcerating the man who executed Trayvon Martin is yet another reminder of the polite oppression we’ve been forced to endure for the last 400 years. It’s time for something to change, and it’s time for that change to come by any means necessary…"

  21. Anonymous11:34 AM



    what could hobama/drone man ever really know/care about peace?

    hobama is a global warlord prez!

    cc africom/wwiii/ndaa...

  22. Anonymous11:39 AM

    big bro hobama is a blackish racist bankster drone

    tm's public execution by the kkkiller gz will never change that

    hobama's "response" reflected his devotion to martial law

    "my son's" murder trunps "my son's" mug!!!!!!!

    cc dhs/fema/ndaa/PIC/MIC etc

  23. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    watch the jury!

    and pray for justice!

    no justice!
    no peace!

    rip trayvon
    we got next...

    more on kkkillers like gz:

    The only thing you got is a smelly coochie

  24. Anonymous12:18 PM


    "my son's mug trumps my son's murder!...

    now calm down u mongrels...forget trayvon & just cheer for me and hobamacare!..."


  25. Anonymous12:19 PM

    John Guy is ABSOLUTELY killing it!!! Great job! Bringing the truth to that courtroom and perhaps some measure of solace to the devastated mother!

  26. I think Obama shot Martin. I mean do we really know where he was that evening?

  27. Black is Beautiful-

    i could not have said it better myself. if one simply watches as well as prays for Understanding...the Universe seems to open up and reveal much that is usually sitting right there staring in your face. i promise you can see the wicked war games lining right on up. wwIII and the American genocide is scripted and all signs indicate plans are progressing next level due to bastard cousin bloodline slave uber diligent BO.

    BO cares not a bit about TM or anybody else for that matter...if one looks deeper at even the marriage you see a bad case of lies, lies and more lies...and a grip of germs, too. lol. larry sinclair and some more have aired out bathhouse drone 'em BO, jeremiah wright and his whole dl service for high profile hetero married yet homo inclined folks. don't take my word for it...those that can confirm it are dead. BO's list is rivaling his bastard bloodline compromised slave cousin Clinton's shutuprightnow hit list.

    how many TMs had to die before folks responded to an obvious need, in Chicago, no less? i suggested the militarized, Israeli trained police officers go in...they sent the national guard. i'll take it.

    some of us have been dealing with all type of harassment to tell the Truth about the bw ostriches, sista soldiers and mules...and the dysfunctional destructive males they can't seem to do without. fatherless males are dangerous...look at BO. lol. fatherless females usually create a lot of fatherless is all they know. who taught them how to pick? folks will say mom in the so called bcommunity. all signs indicate that is wrong.

    ALL of this could be avoided with a nice dollop of obedience. cleaning up folks' houses...spiritually and all other ways. the wages of sin are death. those that can't seem to stop serving sin have for certain got death coming. depopulation is item #1 on the agenda.

  28. I wish bibles were made of chocolate. Then we could literally "feed on the word" when we get hungry.

  29. children need fathers. period. full stop.

    men are called to be the heads. if you are the head of anything the buck stops with you. those on the constant seeking to pass the buck, while in constant rebellion with Almighty, deserve every bit of their rewards.

    it is a shame that i have lived to see the day that the national guard must be called to protect the black community from its protectors.

    understand that i understand that you have a nice dollop of racist opportunists doing the most as and large though, if a bperson is dead, another bperson did it. the devil is a lazy, lethargic liar...he needs a host. of course others will do his bidding all day and some black folks just cannot seem to wait.

    this is why sane bw have been telling the truth about our sons and brothers that have behaved as treacherously with their sisters, wives and daughters as they have negligently with their Almighty given purpose and roles.

    it is written the friends of fools shall suffer. the women, children, neighbors and strangers in the general vicinity do as well. Khadija reminded folks of peace walls years ago...this is also why sane bw have urged bw to expand their dating/mating options. sane men will fight to protect their women and children. it only makes sense to MARRY and bear the children of a sane man, bw.

    the heat is turned up in the unites states of what thou wilt puts folks on the losing team. that goes for those that convince themselves they are spiritual switzerland. get real...even switzerland has not ever been neutral. read. lol.

  30. FN-

    slaves are simple and can be counted on to say simple things. i wish it were that simple for the simple souls as well...whatever it takes. though Scriptures would be better likened to bread, as it is written. who but a simpleton would attempt to live on chocolate? you tend to run from all matters of substance, so on many levels your comment makes perfect sense.

    i love you enough FN to tell you the Truth. should you mock and reject...that is on you my friend. Almighty respects free will and so do i.

    thanks for allowing me to share.

  31. What would the verdict be if the shooter had been Black and the victim White?

    SLAM DUNK by the DA, he pulled a "A Time to Kill" argument at the end!!

  32. field negro said...
    I wish bibles were made of chocolate. Then we could literally "feed on the word" when we get hungry.

    Field, you better hope that hell is made of chocolate after that comment, ROTFL!!!!

  33. If the bible was a two course meal would the Old Testament be the salad? Just asking.

  34. lol...FN is playing out in left field...

  35. Anonymous2:01 PM

    field negro said...
    "If the bible was a two course meal would the Old Testament be the salad? Just asking."
    To me the Old Testament would be the main course, because it is where the New is taken from.

    The New Testament would be more like a weight watchers revision. Fat free, lean, pc, convenient,and healthy and good for everyone.

    Won't find any "eye for an eye" there...

    Me, I like an "eye for an eye" and what's with this "even if you sin,kill, lie, cheat, steal, just ask Jesus for forgiveness and you are saved? Really?

    and who's going to "save"the victims of the lying, cheating, stealing and murder???

    Me personally,I prefer to believe their is more justice in the afterlife even if not on this earthly plane!

  36. Anonymous2:20 PM

    hey fn:

    do not quit your day job!

    that joker hobama is NEVER a joke!

    please pray for justice!
    rip tm

  37. Anonymous2:34 PM


    u r posting sheer rebel Queen poetry herein today!
    carry on sista fire!!!

    fn needs your tough love!!!
    amen and kudos!!!
    u slew that joker!

    holy evil nigs love their unread dusty buybulls
    most fatherless boys most often become feared fatal fertile men

    therein lies our turbo breeding terror


  38. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Desert, "Me, I like an "eye for an eye" and what's with this "even if you sin,kill, lie, cheat, steal, just ask Jesus for forgiveness and you are saved? Really?"

    Yes, "Really". You see, God is love, period... with no preconditions.

    Desert asked, "and who's going to "save"the victims of the lying, cheating, stealing and murder???"

    Well, in America we have a "justice system." For instance, GZ trial. GZ is being tried for manslaughter or maybe even second degree murder. However, the jury can find GZ "Not Guilty" due to lack of evidence. Whatever comes out of it, you can be sure that it will be fair and justice will be served.

    Desert aspires, "Me personally,I prefer to believe their is more justice in the afterlife even if not on this earthly plane!"

    I agree. If there is no Spiritual Reality, then live on earth is a waste of time.


  39. Anonymous2:40 PM

    please pray for tm

    also pray for the boys who kill and breed

    while the "men" stand by evading and joking

    as we are all doomed by their mutual madness

    cc hobama's 0 tears for chiraq

  40. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "You see, God is love, period... with no preconditions"
    Not according to the Old Testament.

    There God is described a "jealous, angry and vengeful God"

    One who will not hesitate to bestow love or anger where merited and as God sees fit according to Gods laws.

    And there are a myriad of examples of this in the Old Testament.

    I like that God. That's how God should be!

  41. Anonymous2:51 PM

    the buybull is a 2 course meal:

    lies and tales


  42. Anonymous3:10 PM

    "Not according to the Old Testament.

    There God is described a "jealous, angry and vengeful God""

    God is not some brute jealous angry God. That is for us humans. The New Testament where Christ died for our sins is a God of infinite love, and absolute Truth.

    However, if you like the Old God in the Old Testament, by all means live by that. IMHO, it's hard to get a loving God from the Old God. It's more like a torturing demon to me. Nevertheless, it's your choice.

  43. Anonymous3:18 PM

    and yet another tragic turbo breeder dooms us all...

    this is the new pookie paternity norm


  44. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Whites celebrate Zimmerman acquittal!

  45. The prosecution's rebuttal was the best of the 3 closings, but if this killing wasn't about that child's race, just what the hell was it about? If there was no racial animus toward Trayvon what other theory supports murder II?

  46. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "God is not some brute jealous angry God. That is for us humans. The New Testament where Christ died for our sins is a God of infinite love, and absolute Truth.

    However, if you like the Old God in the Old Testament, by all means live by that. IMHO, it's hard to get a loving God from the Old God. It's more like a torturing demon to me. Nevertheless, it's your choice"
    No, it's not really my choice at all!

    If we believe in the Bible then we do not have a choice. We must do good or be punished.

    Even Jesus spoke this truth! and condemned evil and corruption vociferously and openly!

    Because the Bible is the Bible and you cannot obviate one part for the other.

    You say that
    "being jealous brutes is for us humans." and "The New Testament where Christ died for our sins is a God of infinite love, and absolute Truth."

    So in your mind we can be brutes because Jesus will forgive this. I don't subscribe to that theory because when those "jealous brutes" prey on the weaker, Jesus will okay it and forgive it. No harm done?

    So this belief system is why you Anons are always spouting epithets against people of a different color and beliefs than you? and Jesus in his infinite love will forgive you? How special, AND how convenient huh?:)))

    No, I think there is a higher judicial system and God is not as forgiving as Jesus.

    Maybe YOU have to fear as you say, a "torturing demon", but since I've never hurt anyone, committed adultery, stolen, murdered or done wrong or evil to anyone, I don't have to fear a wrathful God, for God will always look upon me lovingly. Of that I am certain.

  47. Anonymous3:58 PM

    wc = witless cracker:


    for your arrogant/amazing ignorance:

    “Where there is no justice, there will be no peace. Soon the law of retaliation may very well be applied. #Trayvon”.

    “Let us see what kind of justice will come for his bereaved family and our bereaved community. #Trayvon”

    Minister Louis Farrakhan - NOI
    "Well I certainly don't feel calm and measured, and it's not because my kids "could have been Trayvon." No, they could not have. My kids are white. They lived in the suburbs. They could wear their pants anyway they liked. They could have worn hoodies to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, and nobody would have looked askance at them, let alone blown them away with a handgun. (As I recall, I once wore a black hoodie to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.) The worst threat to my children's lives in the big wide world was that some suburban matron who couldn't see over the steering wheel would run them down in the family SUV. They didn't have to worry about running into some trigger-happy, half-mad wannabe on the way home from the convenience store. And that's what keeps me from being calm and measured."Common Dreams

    tm's murder is about his kkkiller gz's 911 tape!!!

    the tapes alone prove this was a racial murder!!!

    6. Zimmerman had no right to stalk, chase, or execute any innocent person who was walking home with candy and tea.

    7. Innocent victims who evade and run from stalkers can never be regarded as predatory aggressors.

    8. Numerous eye/audio witnesses saw/heard Trayvon scream for help with his dying breaths. These persons, combined with superb 911 tapes, clearly constitute a slam dunk murder case. Any other outcome is simply proof of rabid injustice and blatant racism.

    10. There is a universal court of law. Karma is its judge, jury, and executioner. If Florida’s black gangs had any honor, like New York’s mafia, justice for Trayvon would have been meted out to Zimmerman long ago...

  48. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Well, in America we have a "justice system." For instance, GZ trial. GZ is being tried for manslaughter or maybe even second degree murder. However, the jury can find GZ "Not Guilty" due to lack of evidence. Whatever comes out of it, you can be sure that it will be fair and justice will be served.
    Indeed! The outcome is now in the hands of a jury.

    My personal thoughts are that the verdict will depend in small part on the testimony given by both sides, and in a larger part on the lifestyle and prejudices of those six people on the jury.

    I hope that six people are enough to represent an adequate cross section of that society/community...

    I do feel though that if the jury favors GZ, there will be none of the riots and violence that are being rumored. Because the African American population is aware that that it is not the way to resolve anything.

    But if TM is favored and GZ punished in the verdict, I feel there will be some form of protest and even violence, because as someone else had commented here, (sorry I've forgotten who at the moment), the entitlement/privilege aspect will come into play.

    It is truly in Gods hands.

    A tragedy for all.

  49. Desert Flower-

    my heart rejoiced with your comments!

    your response encourages me. particularly the one about Almighty of Torah being jealous and wrathful when it comes to His. He IS our heavenly Father. who in their right mind would not want that type of Father? essentially, obey the rules of my house and I got you. what's the problem? isn't that what decent earthly father's do with their children as well?

    the New Testament has some leavening in the bread. most go along to get along...rather than studying to show themselves approved. the one most call Jesus, despite the lack of a 'j' in the language until more recent times- was really clear about His coming to fulfill the law and the prophets. he did not come to overturn the law. make a new one. call Almighty a liar. note the Sabbath, Feast of Weeks, Passover, etc. in the NT. those that don't know...don't want to know. this IS the information age after all. tell me THAT isn't Grace?! plus Mercy. halleluYah! only He is worthy of such praise. ps...knock off the 'j' madness and His name translates the same in every tongue. how are we nicknaming folks and changing names when salvation is at stake? truly people perish for lack of Knowledge.

    AB, you are dropping it as per usual! much love sis. time to tell the Truth and shame the devil. Black folks cannot even begin to talk about others when our houses (spiritual) are due for a spring cleaning! everything else is just noise. the Truth isn't pretty for anyone. we have all transgressed and fallen short. that's why most won't tell it. easier to be a victim/chase racism and keep doing whatever they will. rather than own volunteer status. hard is usually best...accountability releases power. he who hates discipline hates it is written.

  50. if i had to describe Scripture in terms of food...i would describe it as an abundant feast. clean meats, bread, fruit, wine, sweet delicacies, the purest living water...more than one lifetime would allow one to consume in its fullness.

    there are dishes that He has allowed to see if His will partake...or allow their very presence to make folks stop coming for the nourishment they need to quench their spiritual hunger and sustain their spirits. i suppose on some level, He expects that His will continue to come and eat with heightened discernment, despite those dishes that don't sit well due to deliberate adding to, taking away, bleaching and substitution of proper seasoning.

    when folks try a bad non spiritual they give up food altogether? nope. that would be simply...dumb. which is why animals are usually seen as dumb. the enemy to our souls see us as dumb sheep...perfect for slaughter. many act daily in agreement...well fed, focused on the outside flesh man (mankind). malnourished close to death spiritually.

  51. Anonymous5:16 PM

    focusedpurpose said..
    "He IS our heavenly Father. who in their right mind would not want that type of Father? essentially, obey the rules of my house and I got you. what's the problem? isn't that what decent earthly father's do with their children as well?"
    Amen and Amen!

  52. Anonymous5:22 PM

    to avoid an even MORE brutal/suicidal slaying

  53. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Desert, "So this belief system is why you Anons are always spouting epithets against people of a different color and beliefs than you? and Jesus in his infinite love will forgive you? How special, AND how convenient huh?:)))"

    Well, who founded Christianity? Let me give you a hint: It wasn't us. We took up the religion because of our admiration for Whites, that's all. So, your 'interpretation' of the Bible is probably a little off. However, I understand. we interpret things in our favor, not in alignment with the truth.

  54. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Desert, "f we believe in the Bible then we do not have a choice. We must do good or be punished."

    We have self-will so we always have a choice. If you prayed, you would know this. Or, if you have lived a human life you would know that you can do whatever you wish. There might or might not be consequences.

    Desert rationalizes, " So this belief system is why you Anons are always spouting epithets against people of a different color and beliefs than you? and Jesus in his infinite love will forgive you? How special, AND how convenient huh?:)))

    No, I think there is a higher judicial system and God is not as forgiving as Jesus."

    I don't spout racial epitaphs. And yes, Jesus died on the cross for our sins. That IS the heart of Christian religion. However, your interpretation is based on YOUR ego, which is the way you want things to be. Clearly they are not.

    By your rationale of "we must do good or be punished" indicates that you are Black and being punished because you did not do good. That is 'why' you are in the predicament you are in. Ever thought of that? I mean, look at the violent relentless killings of Blacks against Blacks. It's pure hell. NO other racial group is experiencing such horror and violence.

    Your self-centered interpretation of the Bible is NOT what GOD wants, period. Wake up! The black race is in deep trouble and there is NO ONE who can help you.

    "You reap what you sow."

    Question: Why would you follow a religion that supported slavery and Jim Crow? Why?

  55. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "By your rationale of "we must do good or be punished" indicates that you are Black and being punished because you did not do good. That is 'why' you are in the predicament you are in. Ever thought of that?"
    I don't consider myself to be in any "predicament". Thank God!:)

    I am currently basking in the love and illuminating light of God.

    Living my life guided by God and doing good towards my fellow man, as I have always practiced.

    Remember that as Christians we are taught that Christ is the Son of God, who intercedes for us.

    God also has bestowed on us the very important Holy Ghost lest you forget :)(You need a good dose of this,I will pray for you)

    The Bible tells us that God sits on the throne, and Jesus His Son, sits to the right hand of God.

    So while we may have to account to Jesus, we also have to account to the higher power, GOD!

    Lastly, to answer your question, religion does not support slavery and Jim Crow.

    Humans support that. Misguided humans that have not taken the time to read the Bible and interpret it correctly, like you. ;)

  56. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Desert, "I don't consider myself to be in any "predicament". Thank God!:)"

    Yeah. Well, then we can all agree there is no more racism and Blacks are doing just fine, esp bm....Thank God!

    God will take care of the outcome of the GZ/TM verdict in Sanford, FL. So there is no need for anyone to worry. However it turns out it GOD's WILL.

  57. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "God will take care of the outcome of the GZ/TM verdict in Sanford, FL. So there is no need for anyone to worry. However it turns out it GOD's WILL.
    NO, It's the will of the six people that comprise the jury:)

    We can only pray that God will illuminate them so that justice is served.

    Because after all, GOD and GZ are the only ones that saw what happened that night.

    And we know GZ is a liar with an aggressive past and a police record for the following:

    1. Selling liquor to minors at a party.

    2. Assaulting the police officer who intervened with him on that occasion.

    3. Picking up and smashing a drunk young lady against the floor, thus breaking her ankle, when he was a security guard for private activities. Much to the horror of those present.

    4. Assault and battery of his former live in girlfriend resulting in another court case and a protective order against him as well as court ordered rage control classes.

    and whatever else his dearest MAGISTRATE daddy has managed to cover up.

    And we do all know how that rolls now don't we??? ;)

    The criminal here was always GZ.

    But he was constantly projecting on to others his own personality disorders.

  58. Miguel G.11:16 PM

    Hispanics are the future of the Democratic party, and blacks are the past. That's why George Zimmerman must walk. It's going to be open season on negroes for Hispanics from here on out.

  59. Kuntye West11:44 PM

    If riots emerge (not just in Sanford, not just in Broward County, but nationwide), will the Obama Administration and the Department of Justice be liable?

    If riots emerge and looting occurs after George Zimmerman is acquitted, no natural disaster like Hurricane Katrina can be blamed for the madness we see on not only our television, but gladly uploaded by black rioters/looters to World Star Hip Hop (WSHH) and other online file sharing sites.

    You can't stop the signal this time when some Mahogany Mob in St. Louis, Chicago, Baltimore, or Milwaukee happens upon some random white person and pounces upon them in the name of St. Trayvon Martin -- uploading the video to WSHH immediately upon the successful Polar Bear/Knockout Game attack.

    Negroes gonna be negroes. The lie that negroes ain't negroes is not gonna stand much longer. The game is almost over...

  60. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Desert, "NO, It's the will of the six people that comprise the jury:) "

    No, it's God's Will that determines the outcome. God works through people and these Florida jurors are women who pray. So if Zimmerman is found "Not Guilty" then that is what God intended.

  61. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Desert, "The criminal here was always GZ."

    You are prejudiced against Zimmerman and therefore against God, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit. Pray for forgiveness.

  62. countenance11:59 PM

    Really. No kidding. A President who was a community activist in a past life rabble rouses. Next thing you know, they'll tell us that dogs bark.

    Rhetorical questions: Why are black communities the ones with the community activists? Where are all the community activists in middle class white suburbs? Answer: A community activist is a black who does his level best to find a way not to blame black people for black failure.

  63. Chicago12:01 AM

    So Obama-Holder covertly guide street protests and then act as if they are responding to grass roots demands that something be done. They've been pretending that they're just reacting to a public outcry whereas they might actually have promoted it.

    Sharpton caused seven people to be murdered by one of his hyped-up followers in the Freddie's Fashion Mart mass murder. Wikipedia states that he preached his first sermon at the age of four. Since it was probably a Marjoe Gortner type hustle it can be said that Sharpton has been a fraud and a sleaze since the age of four. Also, it notes that his father left his mother in '63 to have a relationship with Al's half-sister. He and Obama both have had worthless biological fathers and yet both seem to blame, you guessed it, the white world for that. He was helped out by the white welfare system and yet he's turned around and bites the hand that fed him when his own kin failed him, again just like Obama slamming the white side of his family. That's gratitude for you. Strangely, both have found their twisted personal psychologies to be pathways to celebrity status and personal enrichment, a puzzle of the state of American politics.

  64. green mamba12:09 AM

    I've long thought that Holder is the most evil member of the Obama administration.

    Mark Fuhrman had a good line on Fox yesterday: "Does this feel like a trial, or does it feel like hostage negotiations?" You don't much closer to the truth than that on American TV.


  65. 'Anonymous Miguel G. said...

    Hispanics are the future of the Democratic party, and blacks are the past.'

    if ONLY you knew how true those words are...Miguel, may you take a good look at the collective condition of those called Black Americans. go to Deuteronomy 28 and see us described...a whole chapter such is our significance. know that this is why we have NOT been utterly destroyed.

    then know in your soul that the condition you see Black Americans the agenda for the dixiecrat party and the mexicans/latinos. not sure why folks that have lesser melanin REALLY love the lie that this makes them 'special' to the enemy to our souls. must be that 'superior' intellect. because i reserve the right to call it like i see it...paler folks need a tan and a clue. stat.

    if one simply looks at the history of latin america, it boggles the mind that folks are getting all brand new. lol. exactly HOW is the history that different from Blacks? worldwide. what are you and your people not getting exactly?

    take what you need and may the rest just stick for the love of Almighty. i am praying for my brothers and sisters of all hues. the isms are mere distractions.

    it is my sincere prayer that my people...those who are Blessed Black and called according to His Purpose...will IGNORE all other folks long enough to unmonothically (group think/speak has drilled that point home. we are not a monolith. well hello? who is, really? yet THEY work TOGETHER? knock it off.)individually, (we ARE individuals) humble ourselves and fight like REAL men, women and children of Almighty Yahweh...and pray.

    it is written the prayers of the righteous prevail much. so...why not turn from sin and pray. for His closeness and Guidance. Wisdom. Discernment. Set Apart Boldness (as the Righteous should be...not snot nosed, pathetic, complaining, inactive cowards. folks are believing and acting according to lies. check the collective fruits-this is how all are known- and argue) and ask for the Victory.

    if you can hear the message, go to it. if you are picking lint from your navel wishing the characters were you.

    grrr FN. lol. you are grown and i would like to see you get there as evidenced by your fruits.

    more next comment...

  66. AB-

    my sis, much love and respect.

    i take no credit but for the errors... the rest i give ALL glory to Almighty.

    in Truth, i am a shy, introverted bookworm. as i have been activated by my Creator to stand and walk/talk/write according to His Obedience, i walk in Boldness.

    my sis, you indicate the Bible is 'bull'. i submit to you that a council of devilish freemasons worked diligently to insure there were HEAPING bull additions. Almighty gave a heads up that such was the case...hence the study to show yourself approved instruction from the Creator of it ALL. in Truth, being alert. watching. praying. asking for increased Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding spotlights the leavening lies. one actually gets a kick after a while at discovering the Truth nuggets that NO ONE can completely bury...since He said seek and find Him.

    my sis, you are a scholar. one only claims that title as a result of going through many books and much information...and disinformation. at the first sign of 'bull' one does not chuck all books. yes?

    there is stuff in Scriptures that has nothing to do with what i would like to do in my journey. so in Truth, i used to put the book(s) down and get busy with my agenda. He gave me brains, mother's wit plus stubborn grit and the lie folks love tell is that all things are 'equal'. so let's go!

    there is stuff deliberately NOT in Scriptures that one only finds when they seek. those from the other side that seek to keep our souls, minds and spirits enslaved deliberately removed and buried it.

    i am not pc. i know no pc way to call this. those that may choose to take offense...should consider not being so easily offended.

    i am what is used to be called a 'f-g hag'. not sure what the pc term is these days. i REALLY get along well with non bitchy/non racist gay men. all colors. they don't want me. i don't want them. we are cool. let's talk. that's usually how that unfolds. lol. with lesbians...things become more complicated. lol. though i have a lesbian girlfriend that will hold me down come what may, and i her. she is just genuinely good people...

    hope that did not sound like 'i have black friends'. if it did, may all consider a bit more compassion with our pale brothers and sisters when they say it. sometimes it just is what it is. all the labels that are slapped on when folks don't tow the pc line do not necessarily apply.

    if you are turned off by the 'cherry picking' homosexual Scriptures,please know that is ok. i don't particularly dig the turn the other cheek stuff. love thy enemy. forgiving 70x7. if i THINK it, i did it. say what?

    be that as it it is written, so shall it be done. i pray daily to fall in. rebellion against His Word is = to witchcraft.

    here's where folks miss the boat. if one reads Scriptures, one sees ALL the sinful stuff heteros LOVE to do as well. whatever our condition, we are called to love and pray for one another. give the same judgment of others that we would like to receive. in absence of ALL can one fairly and justly judge? the ONLY one that judges, knows ALL. hence my previous assertion there is no justice on earth. my mother taught early that life was not fair. i am amazed at grown folks lamenting such an elementary matter/detail regularly, really.

  67. There will be no rioting when Zimmo walks. African-Americans are entirely used to not getting justice.

  68. "You are prejudiced against Zimmerman and therefore against God, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit. Pray for forgiveness."

    Desert, I will pray with you. We don't want the Church of GZ to condemn us to hell.

    "Mark Fuhrman had a good line on Fox yesterday: "Does this feel like a trial, or does it feel like hostage negotiations?" You don't much closer to the truth than that on American TV."

    Is that where Mr. Fuhrman is these days? FOX? I should have known.

    And here I thought he was in a cabin up in Idaho with his wife and half sister making Aryan babies. Go figure.

  69. Harry Baldwin11:53 AM

    When you watch courtroom dramas, a common theme is the need to employ the rule of law to free an innocent man condemned by a howling mob. "To Kill a Mockingbird" would be an example. Liberals love it.

    However, in the Zimmerman trial, enlightened opinion favors placating the howling mob by condemning an innocent man.

    Come to think of it, in Hollywood films the lynch mob is always white, so I guess whether we're supposed to be on the side of the innocent man or the howling mob is one of those "who-whom" things rather than a matter of principle.

  70. According to Washington-based Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group that uncovered the records through a Freedom of Information Act request, the US Justice department launched six separate deployments to Sanford, Fla., between March 25, 2012, and April 12, 2012, when officials got their way and Zimmerman was arrested for murder.

    The purpose of one trip from March 30 to April 1, according to the expense report, was "to provide support for protest." Sharpton was a featured speaker at the March 31 protest, dubbed "The March for Trayvon Martin," where he agitated for Zimmerman's arrest.

    Soon after, Sanford's police chief was fired. Bill Lee now says he was axed due to "political pressure" and that "outside forces" hijacked the Zimmerman case.

    "They just wanted an arrest" to placate protesters threatening violence, Lee told CNN earlier this week, even though the evidence provided no probable cause to arrest Zimmerman. He said it was purely a matter of self defense, and he was right.

    As soon as the case was taken away from Lee, evidence was leaked to the Martin family and Sharpton and his thugs. They got to hear the 911 tapes and coordinate their stories.

    Who leaked them? The same person who fired Lee — Sanford City Manager Norton Bonaparte, a member of the National Forum for Black Public Administrators.

    Before he sacked the police chief, Bonaparte met in Washington with — you guessed it — Eric Holder. The attorney general had summoned both him and Sanford's mayor to discuss the allegedly "unprovoked hate crime against a black teen."

    The evidence is clear that Zimmerman was framed to look like a homicidal racist. It's also now clear there was a larger political orchestration behind the racial rabble-rousing, one that was led from the highest levels in Washington.

  71. Anonymous1:35 PM

    field negro said...
    "Desert, I will pray with you. We don't want the Church of GZ to condemn us to hell."
    MMmmm..Yes please Field, praying together is such a mean pious thing to do...I do like it...;p

  72. "The evidence is clear that Zimmerman was framed to look like a homicidal racist. It's also now clear there was a larger political orchestration behind the racial rabble-rousing, one that was led from the highest levels in Washington."

    Your nurse just called; she said you forgot to take your meds.

  73. field negro said...

    Your nurse just called; she said you forgot to take your meds.

    There are none so blind as those who will not see.

    Although, there are some things you don't want to see, right Field? That might result in some of the slaves wandering off the plantation, and we can't have that.

  74. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Field, do you ever comment with some sense of intelligence or do you always say short condescending remarks which have nothing to do with what the commenter said?

  75. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    field negro said...
    "Desert, I will pray with you. We don't want the Church of GZ to condemn us to hell."
    Desert said, "MMmmm..Yes please Field, praying together is such a mean pious thing to do...I do like it...;p"

    1:35 PM
    You claim to believe in GOD and you desecrate the Sacred? It is obvious that you DON'T believe in a higher power. SEX is your higher power. That's too bad. Because true Christians know that you cannot fuck your way into Heaven.:(

  76. gz is free!

    do not riot!!!!!!!!

    reverse the verdict!!!!!!!

    if any gang has any honor, justice will be done within 24 hrs!!!!!!!

    cc the mafia!!!!!!!!

  77. how will all the bros who love/wed beckies view this becky jury???

    will that kkkiler gz now admit he killed tm?
    as emmett till's kkkillers did?


  78. how will all the bros who love/wed beckies view this becky jury???

    will that kkkiler gz now admit he killed tm?
    as emmett till's kkkillers did?


  79. how will all the bros who love/wed beckies view this becky jury???

    will that kkkiler gz now admit he killed tm?
    as emmett till's kkkillers did?


  80. Anonymous10:53 PM

    alicia banks said...

    if any gang has any honor, justice will be done within 24 hrs!!!!!!!

    A two week trial after a year's investigation has determined Zimmerman not guilty - that's not justice? Do you not think the jury knows more about what happened than you do? But you're right there to call for some black person to murder George Zimmerman.

    You are a disgusting nut case.

  81. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Predictable.. I knew that he was going to finger GZ not guilty but I see so much wrong with this case,especially when the jurors shook the defense lawyers hand. It makes you wonder if this whole thing was set up for him to win? I'm sorry, there is something that isn't right with this and it not only because of the jurors. I smell corruption somewhere with this.

    You would think that I would be upset at this but I'm not because as I said it was a predictable verdict. The jurors may have let him off,but God haven't. Hell always have to live his life anonymously.

  82. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Desert said, "MMmmm..Yes please Field, praying together is such a mean pious thing to do...I do like it...;p"

    You claim to believe in GOD and you desecrate the Sacred? It is obvious that you DON'T believe in a higher power. SEX is your higher power. That's too bad. Because true Christians know that you cannot fuck your way into Heaven.:(
    The Bible has a couple of books dedicated to sexual love,so don't be ridiculous.

    "God commanded go forth and multiply"

    Like the Duggars,they're good Christians and have what now 20 and counting?

    How do you think they make those babies!!!

    Exactly, but first they pray! (I saw it in one of the shows)

    So what you do in the privacy of your home, after you pray, is good before the eyes of the Lord! He commanded it!

    It's in the Bible;))

  83. "Field, do you ever comment with some sense of intelligence or do you always say short condescending remarks which have nothing to do with what the commenter said?"

    Sometimes I do. But sorry, it's just that I am allergic to stupid people.

  84. scared racist assnon 1053:

    did u cc such fake noble bs to all of the white men who called for the death of oj?

    i hope a black mafia slays u too

  85. does gz have any honor????

    will that kkkiller gz now
    grow a spine within his blubber?

    will he now confess???

    cc emmett till's killers

  86. does gz have any honor????

    will that kkkiller gz now
    grow a spine within his blubber?

    will he now confess???

    cc emmett till's killers

  87. Mr. President, that "white male teen" would not have been called a "white ass cracka" by the detective investigating his death. I think we can all agree with that statement.

    Maybe he should have been

  88. Not happenin!
    Imagine those people,in Detroit WOW 40% of street lights don't work dayum its painful and petioners city workers firefighters cops hmp

    Deep doodoo
