Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Rush drops the N word and a juror seaks out.

So this Rush Limbaugh dude thinks that he can say "Nigg-a" now because of what he heard one young lady say in a television interview?

Well Rush, I am not sure how many black friends you have, but if you do have some, may I suggest that you leave that word (regardless of how it's pronounced or how you spell it) out of your vocabulary. Although, to be honest, if they are your friends; maybe they don't mind being called a "Nigga" by you. (I see you, Jason.)

"So, ‘nigga’ with an ‘a’ on the end,” Limbaugh said, “I think can [say it] now, isn’t that the point? Because it’s not racist.” He explained that by Jeantel’s logic, he “could be talking about a male–a Chinese male, guy at the laundromat. I could be talking about a man, that’s what she said it means.”

Still, you have to give it to Rush; at least he has the guts to say out loud what other conservatives are thinking and want to say.

Finally, listening to this Juror B-37 just confirms that Trayvon Martin had no shot at justice with these six women from the start. She kept referring to George Zimmerman as "George" in the Anderson Cooper, interview, and she referred to Trayvon as a "boy".-- At least that's what I heard her say-- And she apparently referred to Trayvon as a "boy of color" during the voir dire process as well. Nice.

I guess she just couldn't stand to let poor "George" go to jail after he was violently confronted by that angry boy teenager that night.

I can't wait to hear what the other jurors have to say.


  1. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Rush had me cracking up when he was talking about Rachel Jeantel's interview! Funny how it's alright that she can stereotype homosexuals as predators and tell people the N-word and cracka' aren't racist. What's that? Black privilege?

  2. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I see! White people can't call the white dude by his first name, but black people can call the black dude by his first name. And a 17-year-old is a minor and a boy when you want to evoke sympathy, but not at any other time.

    Got any other rules by which we should implement Martin Luther King's dream that people be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character?

  3. I heard segments of the interview several times on CNN. I thought the juror sounded defensive (understandable) and not real intelligent altho I couldn't pinpoint why. I did not pick up on the nuances you mention but they make sense.

    This man's life isn't worth a plug nickel. Hes now a lightening rod for justifying violence on both sides of the equation, as was Rodney King. As usual, Limbaugh is stirring the pot.

  4. She and her husband both were concealed carry permit holder vigilantes too, just like Zimmerman. The prosecution threw this case from vior dire to closing.

  5. Anonymous8:35 PM

    They really shouldn't put stupid women on TV!

    It's so painful to watch! Give women a bad name! X(

  6. How much attention should be given to a woman who had to screw her way out of the trailer park she grew up in, to live a better lifestyle?

  7. Anonymous8:40 PM

    This woman is what we call a C*** in the worse sense of the word. It means everything bad a woman shouldn't be all rolled up into one!

    You can tell by her answers ], her tone of voice, her thoughts! A real, God forgive me, but he knows it's true, PIG woman!

    Capable of anything and then justifying it too.

    She's the type that will f*** around on her husband, get pregnant and blame it on him!

    I know the type we have them here too. Totally disgusting human.

    But I know that's EXACTLY why she got picked!!!

    The lawyers know the type too

  8. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    They really shouldn't put stupid women on TV!

    It's so painful to watch! Give women a bad name! X(

    8:35 PM
    You must be talking about Rachel Jeantel. I agree.

  9. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...
    "This woman is what we call a C*** in the worse sense of the word. It means everything bad a woman shouldn't be all rolled up into one!"

    How dare you call this juror the C-word! She devoted her time and spent stressful days deliberating whether George was guilty or NOT guilty. The jury had no other choice but to find George "Not Guilty" based on the evidence.

    Let's face it. The prosecution was out-gunned by the defense. Of course, one can argue that the prosecution "intentionally" threw the case. That is my position.

    However, Field declared early on in the trial that lawyers have big egos and therefore such a thing could not be possible...Yeah, right! I don't think Field knows much about the IN-JUSTICE SYSTEM because he is not "in" with the system.

    I swear. Between prejudiced Whites and naive Blacks, a bm doesn't stand a chance in court.

  10. Anonymous9:24 PM

    This woman is what we call a C*** in the worse sense of the word. It means everything bad a woman shouldn't be all rolled up into one!

    Why would you say such a thing about poor Jeantel?

  11. Anonymous9:32 PM

    The S C just said in that c**** voice of hers: "Those laws were so confusing!" :O

    Anderson: "So then you're saying the laws confused you"

    SC: "Yes! THAT was the problem" We were sooo confused"

    In her own words, and I quote: "THAT WAS THE PROBLEM" WE WERE SO CONFUSED"

    Can you believe it?

    So because, you were so confused you just decided to give a not guilty verdict??????

    Shouldn't this ***** be prosecuted for that??

    If you all were soooo CONFUSED why didn't you just hold off and ask until the confusion cleared up???

    Oh, that's right, don't wanna keep ole George the, in your words,"best intentions" hero waiting now do we.

    Let me stop I may infarct.

  12. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Dear Desert, please provide a link to SC exclaiming they were confused. I don't think anyone would say such a thing.

    BTW, I went to Fruitvale Station today and it was superb. However, I highly recommend that you don't go to see it. You might become so upset that your head would explode.

  13. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Desert, "Oh, that's right, don't wanna keep ole George the, in your words,"best intentions" hero waiting now do we.

    Let me stop I may infarct."

    Why would this case make you start farting?

  14. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Field, "And she apparently referred to Trayvon as a "boy of color" during the voir dire process as well. Nice."

    Oh lawdie. Field goes way out in left field to try to catch this one. But you missed it because "boy of color" is exactly what Trayvon was. It was the 'proper' and 'polite' thing to say.

    Mr Field, you are a racial instigator.

  15. So Juror B-32 decided against writing a book for now? Then one can still hope that she might read one before she writes one.

  16. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Tavis smacks down O'Reilly re: bm:.


  17. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    So Juror B-32 decided against writing a book for now? Then one can still hope that she might read one before she writes one.

    10:21 PM
    Well, Mike Tyson never read a book in his life. Yet, he wrote a book. Why can't B-32 do the same, you Liberal Cali fool?

    I swear. You progressives are going to be the end of our great country. Hell, we gave you a fair trial and still you aren't satisfied...Now you want more! You actually want the Fed to bring charges against a man who was "Not Guilty". Thank God for the Conservatives that that won't happen.

  18. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Black women are sooo jealous of white women. SMH...

  19. Dr. Mann10:44 PM

    Desertflower8:35 PM
    They really shouldn't put stupid women on TV!

    They shouldn't let them into medical school either, but try telling that to Ms. Queen.

    She will never be a doctor.

  20. Anonymous10:44 PM

    @Anons: Ahahaha! I gotta laugh! you guys are funny! :)))

    INFARCT! it means heart attack okay! LOL!

    and I'm referring to the SC with the Edith Bunker dialect,the juror that now wants to "write a book"

    Three days of deliberation and a couple weeks of ONE-SIDED testimony,she gives a not guilty verdict,because they "were confused about the laws" and she wants to write a book?

    About what?

    She better get a lawyer is what, cos I think she'll prolly get her c**** azz sued over that "we were so confused" declaration!"


    Thank God for Anderson The Cooper! For getting that gem outta her!:)

    Way to go Anderson!

  21. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "I swear. You progressives are going to be the end of our great country. Hell, we gave you a fair trial and still you aren't satisfied...Now you want more! You actually want the Fed to bring charges against a man who was "Not Guilty". Thank God for the Conservatives that that won't happen."
    Bernie DeLa Rionda, what are you doing on this blog!

  22. Anonymous11:00 PM

    What the hell makes this ignorant juror say that "...all Trayvon had to do was walk away." Does she really think "George" was going to allow this "boy" to just walk away? Zimmerman was trying to fight like hell to hold Trayvon there till the cops came. This was Zimmerman's big fat chance to be a wanna be cop hero. Hell, I guarantee you that if Trayvon tried to walk or run away he WOULD HAVE GOTTEN SHOT IN THE BACK! Wow, is this why
    people say you can train a white woman to lick feces off of a sidewalk and make her believe it's candy?

  23. Brothers and Sisters, I have been in Detroit the last week for my family reunion and what we see on t.v. and newspapers can't touch the misery of some of the population. I want that city to keep fighting. The suburbs were like other suburbs of major cities. I was staying in Romulus. I heard about the "verdict" Sat. night and have bee numb since. I imagine it was important to have all non-Black females...so we cant cry "the white man is doing us in". (Judge and jurors. Also I feel the judge wrapped up this case to coincide with Daddy Bush coming to the White House early Monday morning to insure Obama (lost all respect for him) kept his mouth shut. He pushed Ex-Pres GWH Bush's wheelchair all day. Unable to mention anything about Jeb Bush's SYG law....he looked so de-balled. As I always say.. the majority choreographs the actions of this world.

    Having witnessing Brother Emmitt Till (via Jet/Ebony in the 60s) to now Brother Trayvon Martin, I expected this outcome. think of all the hangings, the shooting of young Black Brothers unarmed by the police...with the same results. Now I have witnessed by the media/close up far too many Black males destroyed in America at the hands of us as well as them. I am numb...but I will continue to do all I am able to do so you will not get old and feel the same as I do because of the body count of the Black males. Hope to see you all at the rally this Sat. with your beret. Marches have their benefits....but we must use their dollar to foster a change. StillaPanther2...Power to the people.

  24. Wesley R12:11 AM

    If you want these laws changed, get out the vote in 2014. That's where it starts.

    Limballs felt liberated today finally saying in public and getting away with what he says in private. Bet he opened a bottle of scotch, a bottle of his favorite pills and celebrated big time.

  25. Tyson was cashing in on his own trainwreak of a life, a-non; juror B-32 was trying to cash in on the corpse of a murdered child who's murderer she clearly idolizes. Even 4 of the other jurors denounced her for it.

  26. Anonymous1:19 AM

    I just heard that also WC.

    They were quick to deny what she said, because I'm thinking they could be held liable for that being"confused about the law" and reaching a verdict anyway.

    Then one of the jurors for the OJ trial told Pierce that they were sequestered for !0 months!!!

    Did he mean weeks? or did I hear wrong?

    And that because of that they reached a verdict in 4 hours, that they just wanted to go home.

    They just didn't care anymore, he said...

  27. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Maybe once Rachel Jeantel learns how to read, she'll write a book.

  28. Desert, that's why if I ever go on trial I'll choose a judge over a jury because in the end most people don't care about laws or justice they just want to get out of the jury room and back to their lives. No way I want my life in the hands of folks who want to hurry home to watch real housewives.

    As far as Druggie Limbaugh he gets paid to act like an overgrown spoiled teenager. Shows the intellectual level of conservatives. No wonder the country is going to hell.

  29. Hotep Field

    Its 3:30 amd we are just getting back from Orlando My hus wanted to meet with a few colleagues at the NAACP function as well as listen to my former Capa de tutti capi lol in the JD
    To say that i am impressed would be a lie, however i still know that one cannot fix what was broken and that it must be a complete transition and i say this from the inside looki g out

    As for the story here hmmm He needs no recognition


  30. PilotX said...
    Desert, that's why if I ever go on trial I'll choose a judge over a jury because in the end most people don't care about laws or justice they just want to get out of the jury room and back to their lives. No way I want my life in the hands of folks who want to hurry home to watch real housewives.

    As far as Druggie Limbaugh he gets paid to act like an overgrown spoiled teenager. Shows the intellectual level of conservatives. No wonder the country is going to hell.

    Afrikan said:

    LoL love it

    Good comment precise and to the point

  31. Field:

    Before i leave

    You know i like Ms Jeantel She was exact and she has a good memory. She reminded me of someone who was accustomed to standing her ground

    I overstood her every word and i am surprised that so many pretended they didn't
    its not like they speak any better hmmm esp some of the supremacist cave people who beat on her

    One good thing that i have found out about here is that she spks 4 languages and that she is also very artistic So if she is not able to read Where does that blame lay?
    1 PS
    2 Home
    I am a strong supporter of home schooling and i know that for this tribe it is the only way.
    At the same time i also know that hs is not for everyone SO?

    Moreover, i would bet that if given the proper educ and support that we may see her again doing big things
    i certainly hope so because after all of the beat downs it can be awfully difficult to get back up

    Suffice that in the world i walk in getting up standing up is what ALL CONSCUOUS Afrikans want for our children right?
    I over that the PTB would want the opposite and i ask WHY? And can that position be justified?

    Dominoes anyone?

  32. Anonymous4:20 AM

    I am so sorry for having been born upon the white mans' stolen land. Wish I'd never seen them in my whole damn life. I am tired of all the hatred and vitriol bestowed upon my people. All you had to do was pick your own damn cotton and never, ever in your dismal lives stepped your pigs' feet in Africa.

  33. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Desert in her confusion wrote,

    "Three days of deliberation and a couple weeks of ONE-SIDED testimony,she gives a not guilty verdict,because they "were confused about the laws" and she wants to write a book?

    About what?"

    The book is about something Americans live by:


  34. @Anonymous 4:20 AM

    Yes, but that bell cannot be unrung. The answer is race mixing. Once everyone looks the same, like our mixed-race President, racism will be a thing of the past. So grab a partner of another race, and let the lovin begin.

  35. Anonymous5:11 AM

    The lawyers in the trial proved one important salient point: "Conservative lawyers are far more intelligent and smarter than liberal progressive lawyers.

    In fact those Dem lawyers were just plain dumb. I mean, they were so dumb that they actually helped the defense by going on the defensive for Trayvon, which allowed Zimmerman lawyers to take the offense against Trayvon.

    One has to wonder if those dem progressives were that dumb or just wanted to help another murdering white brother go free! Of course, I am wrong, considering nobody else has claimed this, except Focusedpurpose.

    But who listens to that possibility? Negroes sure don't. They just think the prosecution, who was all-White, didn't do a good job.... Amazing!

    Come to think of it, the lawyers, judge and jurors...They ALL were lilly White in a state where a Negro doesn't stand a chance. And now Blacks are stunned with the verdict?? Amazing!!

  36. Anonymous5:18 AM

    mutt said...
    @Anonymous 4:20 AM

    Yes, but that bell cannot be unrung. The answer is race mixing. Once everyone looks the same, like our mixed-race President, racism will be a thing of the past. So grab a partner of another race, and let the lovin begin.

    5:02 AM

    Whites will never allow it. Think about it. Hell, they don't even want Blacks at the voting polls in Florida.

  37. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Fyi, there will be NO FED TRIAL in the Zimmerman case. No Civil Trial will happen under Obama's watch. Holder is just talking bs. Why does 'everyone', including Blacks in power bullshit us? Are we not people?

  38. "Oh lawdie. Field goes way out in left field to try to catch this one. But you missed it because "boy of color" is exactly what Trayvon was. It was the 'proper' and 'polite' thing to say."

    "Polite". Okaaay, then.

  39. Making it plain

    "Oh lawdie. Field goes way out in left field to try to catch this one. But you missed it because "boy of color" is exactly what Trayvon was. It was the 'proper' and 'polite' thing to say."

    "Polite". Okaaay, then.


    Afrikan said: Truth and fact
    Now just because i want to: Lets talk



  40. manny6:23 AM

    Wesley R12:11 AM
    If you want these laws changed, get out the vote in 2014. That's where it starts.

    That's the whole reason the media and the government lied about this case- as a way to rile up blacks to get out the vote.

    Zimmerman never pursued Martin, he observed him from a distance. Zimmerman wasn't a white racist, he actually was neither white nor a racist. Martin wasn't an innocent little 12 year old buying candy, he was an expelled, six foot tall, 17 year old tough with a chip on his shoulder.

    But this case was too important politically to just report facts.

    They wanted this verdict, because they could use it to manipulate you. Almost everything the media tells you is lie. Everything is reported with an agenda in mind. Everything.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. HEY BILL:

    i have not forgotten i am back!

    gay sex and pedophilia are two separate issues

    Now since you brought up gay sex ??? ARE a FAGGOT, BUTT BANDIT GAY MAN. Or are you a homosexual attracted to young Afrikan BOYS or a pedophile?




    Fact,.. as another little dick has discovered here, i am consistent i never back down or try to dodge
    i said it now what?..
    Get over it There are still enough penis pumps and viagra to help you out

    Moving along

    Most men here who respond to my DICK comments are those with small dicks small minds and insecurities
    OR either insecure freaks who want me to keep writing about what they do not have A BIG PENIS Why??? PENIS ENVY
    So which are you? Little dick small head or suffering from penis envy

    I ask because our topic was Trayvon "BOYS" which he was under fla law, and his killers pedophil1a with his cousin not DICKS
    Funny you would focus on Trays DICK or my comment thereof jajajajaaja))))

    However i still believe that the histrionic DSM killer candidate has performance issues a small dick and that he may have been demanding a blow job What is your real issue with me? hata!

    NEXT? bring it

    Ps Dominoes or chess anyone

  43. Field

    My son finally asked me to listen to the juror and her comments and tell him what i heard and what my thoughts are So here it is

    1 She feigned tears and sadness for the BOY of color (she had that right he was a boy)

    2 She is the wife of an atty and knew how to respond to some ?
    But like the naive middle class wife of an atty she has no experiences with Afrikans to her we are THEM THEY THEIR?

    And she was almost savage she also contradicted herself several times and did not speak like anyone with an educ coupled with a fear of Afrikans

    3 When asked by AC what she thought happened she based it on EVIDENCE vs HER GUT ( as she was told no heart pangs here) Which told me that she wanted to and was willing to BULLY anyone in that room who had a different thought

    I can only imagine how happy she was not to come up against 1-2 Afrikans in that room

    4 Her comments like she felt the killer was frustrated, that he went too far and that the killer was to eager
    When she said that i knew that she based her info on RACE"

    5 The juror 37? said Tray was walking, acting strange, and looking around? So in her mind he was guilty

    6 The Juror said: i would want the killer as a Nwatch but he might not know when to stop?

    7 It just happened?

    8 Both had the respon and both could have stopped?
    Did she mean that the killer may have had that op?

    9 She admits that the killer should not have followed but that he was right?

    10 i am looking into the FED laws about whether the JD can use her testimony in a CR action..Perhaps!

    I believe that the SYG law here allows this to transpire
    Even though i believe this was murder i know that there is no help for cave people who believe the worst about Afrikans esp BOYS

    Also, i believe that most of the Attys who are speaking on the cable networks are right and those who support the killer are afraid they will be fired? Or they believe the verdict was right
    No wonder i am self empoyed!


  44. Field:
    My youngest granddawta asked me why Barak was Afrikan Dayum she could tell lol I explained

    Any hew!
    i can count the 3-4 times i have been close to the Pres and for sure he looks like me ONLY his hair is short
    i look at him and i ask BI- what?
    That man is a cold blooded Afrikan
    Looks like one walks like one and talks like an Afrikan His mother of course is unknown So? But we do know who papi is Just saying

    ps going to the gym i will be back late tonight Can't wait!


    And the best thing is he will est everyday and still have millions YES! jajajajaja

  46. Glee MONTIEF! ''heroin and alcohol a real man with real issues DEAD like all the rest
    H.A L.T. now a bunch of bones;(

  47. Anonymous7:55 AM

    fields, when are you gonna alert your reads to the fact that "stand your ground" laws in florida benefit blacks more than whites?

  48. Field

    I forgot to tell you that i heard you on Olneys show u did great and delievered the law!

    I taped it and will let my fam listen

  49. Field I just learned that i
    will be on WOCN 1450 AM Miami and WOKV 690 AM Jacksonville Thurs/Fri respectively we are nationwide listen if you can
    This one is talk no call in
    i will out down the law concerning capital cases won and lost

    Thank u

  50. Field

    How many cavemen have been executed for murdering Afrikans? The number should not shock you

    “Gideon’s Army” Takes a Look at Public Defenders
    Anna Fitzpatrick — July 2, 2013

    On July 1, HBO aired a wonderful documentary that focuses on three Southern public defenders and the challenges they face in providing adequate representation to their countless clients. The film is titled “Gideon’s Army,” named for the Supreme Court ruling Gideon v. Wainwright, which found that those who cannot afford counsel on their own in criminal cases are still entitled to an appointed counsel. Renewed interest came to the issue last March, which saw the 50th anniversary of the ruling.


  51. Making it plain

    This is what i do


  52. Anonymous8:50 AM

    blogger field negro, so hard to explain the double standards you on the left have......

  53. Black Ink9:13 AM

    What a stark contrast to the media referring to Mr. Martin as Trayvon the young unarmed African-All-Americam kid. All the while only flashing his old pre-gangsta photos...after all, the REAL Trayvon Martin contemporaneous with the shooting inked and grilled just wouldn't portray the right image to incite. LOL!!!
    Mr. Zimmerman.....well that bad mutha fucka was just referred to as Zimmerman.

    Heavens forbid we all play by the same rules!

  54. Black Ink9:19 AM

    You won't recognize me. My name was Antonio Santiago and I was the 13-month old child who was shot at point blank range by two teens who were attempting to rob... my mother, who was also shot. A Grand Jury of my mommy's peers from Brunswick GA determined the teens who murdered me will not face the death penalty...too bad I was given a death sentence for being innocent and defenseless.

    My family made the mistake of being white in a 73% non-white neighborhood, but my murder was not ruled a Hate Crime. (This is only relevant because the make-up of the Sanford FL community, which was misrepresented as being 78% White. The actual demographics are 50% white, 30% Black in Sanford, not quite what was represented by the media.) Nor did President Obama take so much as a single moment to acknowledge my murder.

    I am one of the youngest murder victims in our great Nation's history, but the media doesn't care to cover the story of my tragic demise, President Obama has no children who could possibly look like me - so he doesn't care and the media doesn't care because my story is not interesting enough to bring them ratings so they can sell commercial time slots.

    There is not a white equivalent of Al Sharpton because if there was he would be declared racist, so there is no one rushing to Brunswick GA to demand justice for me. There is no White Panther party to put a bounty on the lives of those who murdered me. I have no voice, I have no representation and unlike those who shot me in the face while I sat innocently in my stroller - I no longer have my life.
    (Again, the specifics regarding the esteemed Reverend's involvement, as well as that of the Black Panthers and our Nation's leader are what propelled the State of Florida v. George Zimmerman case into the national spotlight.)

    So while you are seeking justice for Trayvon, please remember to seek justice for me too. Tell your friends about me, tell you families, get tee shirts with my face on them and make the world pay attention, just like you did for Trayvon.


  55. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Here is an oped relevant for consideration by those who remain so vested in perpetuating the narrative of racism as though "Mississippi is still burning." A real shame they can't consider the words of MLK sited therein and see the facts and metrics of criminality (see below). But their positions of control and power depend on sustaining their narrative of racial oppression and victimhood. JMHO

    ........"Do you know that Negroes are 10 percent of the population of St. Louis and are responsible for 58% of its crimes? We've got to face that. And we've got to do something about our moral standards," Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. told a congregation in 1961. "We know that there are many things wrong in the white world, but there are many things wrong in the black world, too. We can't keep on blaming the white man. There are things we must do for ourselves."


  56. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Hey Field,

    Would the late great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. be denigrated on your blog as a "House Negro" or praised as a "Field Negro"?

    I submit that if an individual desires to be judged by the content of his character rather than by the color of his skin he ought to replace the hate and resentment of victimhood with personal responsibility.

    Wonder what prophetic wisdom Dr. King would offer the angry black man who goes by: "Field Negro".......

  57. Hotep Field:
    Making it plain
    Page one

    De...nial steps in to the Atlantic

    i was just cruising through some violence stats i work with at home and came across an old group of stats from some old murder cases and wanted to gestimate how many were challenged by the Afrikan comm involved.

    i am working with my son and we found that nearly all were challenged and esp when children were involved.

    Now this involves cities that are both large and small. and we have discovered of course that unless its on fox hannity or unless sissy looking "ann the sex change coulter or "sara i can see Russia palin" doesn't speak about our anger and efforts to bring peace, they do not exist

    Its like our comm is bolted down and people are as " usual " shooting and killing without a word from the survivors?

    Case in point

    Its a fact that house chitlin eating, stepitfetchit, negro door openers and carriage drivers would not know either that NOR do/ would cavemen care

    Bottom line people are unemployed frustrated HALT and simply faking the funk and pretending while trying to agitate NOT! here

    i am the agitator i am the pisser off er!
    In reality the reason cavemen do not read (have to learn first) or hear about our struggle to stop violence in our own communities is their own de nial.
    Its really about tranfering feelings and focusing on others so that we don't peek and so that the pain of living and sleeping with a short dick pedophile will not hurt as much

    Well , well, well i am about to share some info for you newbies..
    Remember i do not care what you say if your someone i have not pounced on before i will simply share my OP and leave it there.
    i do not debate i speak my truth and let you get pissed off Sabes?

    As many of you will discover i do not read comments of strangers liars or wanna be Afrilkans who are really stale pale and short dick cave men pretending to fit in with the FN
    Its not as if they care, what goes on in the Afrkan comm other than to occassionally committ a drive by or come through to find an Afrikan dick to suck on or (or if a short dick TRICK cave man seeking an exotic Latina or other woman to beg for a blow job
    If not that perhaps
    killing an Afrikan and trying to blame it on the Afrikan
    We know that old story

    HOLD it i am not saying that Afrikans do not committ crimes YEMAYA forbid
    Rather. what i am saying it why do pale stale people have as much to say as they have since the assassinator killed Trayvon?

    Where were all of FN stumpers and if there is concern what is being done?
    How many are willing to put boots to the ground, remove their flipflops, brush their teeth, put on some pantalones and come out of their trailers to help seek peace OR are you afraid of king Kong the gorilla in the midst ie GOD zilla like Trays killer allegedly was? You people know the names you call Afrikans

    When will some of the far right put the hooch down and come to assist? hell naw
    Hold it ya'll(hoochers) stay put we have enough drunks and pedophiles hoping to grab asses

    To be continued

    all errors are mine yet there are no apologys

  58. "Martin wasn't an innocent little 12 year old buying candy, he was an expelled, six foot tall, 17 year old tough with a chip on his shoulder."

    Thus he HAD to be killed.

  59. control+halt+delete11:50 AM

    Anonymous Black Ink said...

    "There is not a white equivalent of Al Sharpton..."

    Then why didn't you just call the Rev. Sharpton?


  60. control+halt+delete12:17 PM

    h/t to Anon 943

    "Here is something for consideration by those who remain so vested in perpetuating the narrative of racism as though "Mississippi is still burning." A real shame they can't consider the words of Abraham Lincoln regarding "A house divided" and see the facts and metrics of their denial. But their positions of control and power depend on sustaining their narrative of racial oppression and victimhood. JMHO

  61. Anonymous12:18 PM

    MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...

    Where were all of FN stumpers and if there is concern what is being done?

    11:25 AM

    Oh those FN stompers are just into writing a lot of BS. Not like you. you actually goes out all day to fight for us
    Thank you my hero!

  62. Making it plain

    Page 2

    De....nial meets the Atlantic

    When our teenaged son was brutally murdered by a stale pale toothless gangsta wanna be and his body was carried across statelines and butchered all for an auto, and money, i knew that it was not an Afrikan
    As a MOTHER we know what we know
    After the murder we did not have to do Tshirts buttons etc because there was an arrest, charges were brought and YES people rallied because my son was one of ours

    People came from all over surrounding cities and my sons murder was a big issue in the media when i was with Eric Holders office sand he was a Fed pros
    We are friends today still and i owe him more than anyone will ever know

    We knew that the only way out was through and so to keep us grounded we continued our knowledge and i became a death penalty defense atty

    i admit to being partial to Afrikans and am never ashamed of it
    i will also make it clear that no BS will be tolerated on my watch by house negros or cavemen negros

    Bottom line historically Afrikans are the first to be condemned to life in prison for killing a ghost, or given the death penalty. And people without resources and accused of capital crimes are often left to the whims of lawyers who lack the skills, resources, and commitment to handle such serious cases. This fact has been proven in case after case.

    As in Trayvons case it was not only simply the UNKNOWN facts of his death, but the quality of the crime scene invest, and the prosecution which in my OP did not want this case
    i know because i was there in Jacksonville and in Tallahassee with the fam BEGGING for help
    WHOA is me boo hoo like what is new?

    The quality of commitment to defending the lives of those whom are entrusted to all of us in my op (attys) distinguishes this case from many similar cases, where it was not. IE OJ Simpleton Casey Anthony, and a host of others whom were assumed guilty
    To say nothing of the hundreds of cases that have been placed before me
    Bottom line
    It is a huge task to bring to life the dream of Gideon v. Wainwright in a country in which every person charged with a crime will be copiously and competently defended, no matter what his purse strings. And if i might add in a manner in which the atty representing him will do so quietly without resentment annoyance or cynicism

    More than that i remember the time when conscious Jewish people et/al came out in droves and still do to aid and assist Afrikans when bull conners dogs were chomping down on flesh

    What is in the heart of todays cave men other than what Afrikans are not doing in our respective comm
    What are others doing? If things seems that bad when will the complainers add their voices to solutions?

    ooops Anyone play chess?


  63. Ooooops Field
    and you know me call an ice pick an icepick
    Had any number of Afrikan peoples had known what was rolling down the side of that snow covered hill Do you believe they would have sought more knowledge of self/ community like Malcolm stated
    Just asking

    hush i already know

  64. Oops!

    Please insert "only that" after "But" and before "their."

  65. Anonymous12:28 PM

    MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...

    Now since you brought up gay sex ??? ARE a FAGGOT, BUTT BANDIT GAY MAN.

    6:48 AM

    I'm gay, does that make me a "faggot"?

  66. control+halt+delete12:34 PM

    My apologies Field

    Attn: Field Fam

    12:17 post
    Please insert "only that" after "But" and before "their."

  67. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Neanderthal California Cop shoots and kills the Dog of an unarmed Homo Sapien.
    Neanderthal Cop receives death threats by, and is ostracized by, fellow

    Cowardly, Pedophile Neanderthal in Florida stalks and murders unarmed
    Florida Homo Sapien Teenager.
    Cowardly, Pedophile Neanderthal in Florida is given Congressional Medal
    of Honor by like-minded Neanderthals.

    Female Homo Sapien in Florida fires (1) warning shot- no one dies.
    Female Homo Sapien in Florida receives 20 years in prison by Florida

    Moral being....

    Neanderthal Loves Dog,
    Neanderthal Hates Homo Sapien.

  68. Making it plain

    One of the young ones just commented and said "Abuela no importa lo ques acer es nunca sufficient algunas son ignorante y machisimo Adios! conjo
    Hmmmm gotta go wipe the tears and drive him to karate class i will go to the gym and punch a bag! MAKES me wanna holla! YES i am vigilant and no young Villamil goes alone not even in his own car

    Later peace people

  69. Making it plain

    I love my grands however when i am ready to go i am ready to go!
    Like i said NOONE holds me back esp someone with a little dick lmao

  70. >MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...
    >HEY BILL:
    > [text deleted]
    >gay sex and pedophilia are two
    >separate issues

    If you know that why did you associate the two?

    >Now since you brought up gay sex
    >??? ARE a FAGGOT


    I'm sorry you have had such bad interactions with gay people. :(

  71. >Blogger MilagrosGVillamil Esq. >Field I just learned that i
    >will be on WOCN 1450 AM Miami and
    >WOKV 690 AM Jacksonville Thurs/Fri


    Are you going to speak the same you do here or are you aware how you would come across and leave the "faggot" shit here on this blog?

  72. manny1:08 PM

    PilotX11:49 AM
    "Martin wasn't an innocent little 12 year old buying candy, he was an expelled, six foot tall, 17 year old tough with a chip on his shoulder."

    Thus he HAD to be killed.

    As usual, you miss the point.

    Zimmerman bears resposibility for pulling the trigger that killed a 17 year old who in all likelihood was not looking to commit any crime that night.

    But the media deliberately misrepresented almost every important fact in the case. Why? To what end?

    Meanwhile, they cover up the thousands of other murders of blacks by blacks.

    You dance like a puppet on a string.

  73. Anonymous1:09 PM

    rush is a racist fool


    in 2013
    illiteracy is always a choice

    the same racists who pretend that gz is not a kkkiller & hunter...

    are the same racist fools who pretend that ONLY black teens do drugs & smoke weed...


    rip tm

    you are in a better place
    where ignorant haters do nto reign



  74. Anonymous1:10 PM

    MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...

    Now since you brought up gay sex ??? ARE a FAGGOT, BUTT BANDIT GAY MAN. Or are you a homosexual attracted to young Afrikan BOYS or a pedophile?

    6:48 AM

    Since you won't answer to this slur that you have posted,let me just say that being homosexual does not automatically make you a pedophile. Two very different things,and you should not equate them in the same breath!

    You should be ashamed of using the slur "faggot" but you obviously have no shame!

  75. Anonymous1:17 PM

    LAPD: Roving Hollywood robbers may also be Zimmerman protest vandals


    not so racist and ignorant to predict how blacks would act.

  76. Anonymous1:20 PM

    how long will kkklueless kkklowns defend the cowardly armed fake mall kkkkop/adult kkkiller gz????

    who needed a gun to best a skinny unarmed teen????

    self defense never ever begins with an armed chase!

    gz was the chaser who cocked his gun and cursed trayvon before he left his auto!

    tm was chased and killed like a deer!

    gz is a kkkiller and kkkiller karma is real.

    and gz will pay!!!!

    cc oj

    6. Zimmerman had no right to stalk, chase, or execute any innocent person who was walking home with candy and tea.

    7. Innocent victims who evade and run from stalkers can never be regarded as predatory aggressors.


  77. Anonymous1:39 PM

    MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...
    Now since you brought up gay sex ??? ARE a FAGGOT, BUTT BANDIT GAY MAN.

    6:48 AM

    I notice that you do check everyone that posts homophobic slurs on your blog.
    So have you seen this? Is this the correct way to refer to people here?

    I await your answer.
    Thank you

  78. I see that the same over-educated rich white Marin County grown "anarchists" who glom onto every righteous demonstration in Oakland so that they can vandalize Downtown (including the 90% locally owned 60% minority-owned businesses at street-level) because they can't turn out a crowd to hide in on their own.

  79. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Anon9:57am, Let's be clear. Field is NOT an angry black man. He is disappointed and maybe a little pissed, but he is not angry. He is very much like his idol, Obama....NO ANGER.

  80. Anonymous2:09 PM

    For the record, Rush Limbaugh is NOT a racist. I have followed him for many years and never has he indicated that he hates Blacks. In fact, I bet he is fond of us. This is the only complaint I have about some of you FN Negroes.

    Some of you are always crying wolf ("racist"). You even called Paula Deen a racist, and the sweet little white lady loves us. She was just longing for a wedding reminiscent of the days when love between Blacks and Whites was far greater than today. In some respects, we had a lot more respect and love for each other. and we were happier. That's because we knew our roles.


  81. Anonymous Bill said...

    >Blogger MilagrosGVillamil Esq. >Field I just learned that i
    >will be on WOCN 1450 AM Miami and
    >WOKV 690 AM Jacksonville Thurs/Fri


    Are you going to speak the same you do here or are you aware how you would come across and leave the "faggot" shit here on this blog?

    My prediction...

    While on national radio you won't be talking about dicks and "faggots" like you routinely do here.

  82. Anonymous3:00 PM




  83. FIELD

    Making it plain
    i do not apologize nor do u need your fandango kissed i know your motto

    People do not allow anyone with a funky employer to dictate what you write, tell you how to say something or guide your thinking

    That BS has been going on since Jamestown and for EYE not! on my path
    Advice keep reading and keep bashing if its what gets your little head to function
    Word to the wise No one here needs approval although there are silent rules. i have known people who have been booted
    Suffice that for the most part FN likes a voice and like myself has no love for anyone unwilling to TALK rationally

    Dominoes Good day

  84. hey wanna be aBill

    like i said You brought this and flipped what i said to Afrkan men Now deal with it! little dick you brought the word
    I said dick you said blackman?duh!
    Do not get it confused I can say what i want and u can be what yoiu are..Be clear

    I will speak like i,like anytime ANYTIME and noone can do a thing about it i said what i said to you BUT believe me i will say it outloud i am unstoppable

    and i have the right to say FAGGOT anytime i choose i know the law and the place for it i am not a dummy if anyone fcks with me and gets in my space i will call them whatever

    first of all Bill this is not about Faggots and dick blowers its about the death penalty And if u google me you will learn that i do not BITE my tongue

    I am unafraid u brought this now if your a faggot i called it Sue me or tell FN

  85. Making it plain


    Noone called anyone a faggot i asked BILL if he was faggot a little dick or a pedophile READ it
    Now If your a faggot or gay man so what? I do not give a dayum On the other hand noone can tell me what to say

    Lets be clear i am unafraid of FN and as a matter of fact he can kick my ass to the curb now and it will not matter If i want to come back i will.

    i simply will not let you or anyone dictate what i said or lie and infuse it for thier benefir NOT! so if you have boo hoo feelings this may not be the place for you!

    Get ready to battle with me next week
    Ps pedophiles have been sent to prison by me "two different issues i have never sent a gay man to prison for be a homo and never will!

    You act like being gay is a sin shame or a blight if it is and you are get over it i have
    Grow up and handle ya business or cease the boo hoo

  86. Bill grow up BOO HOO

    Pull up ya pantalones and live your life

    i have had no such actions with gay people or those who call themselves faggots sissys butt beaters etc
    all of people whom i know are gay say the word all the time Where do you think i got it from LMAO smh

  87. I make it clear

    This blog is great and like a few other progressives i am not restrained i love it because i make people lie and try to flip scripts Squirm baby boys shake ya bootay and squirm You wan t a piece of this BRING IT! i am in a good mood

    What gay man who is secure would pay me any attn i have spoken about comm help, the murder of TM. his killer and what i believe happened in a positive manner and noone said a word duh! Why? cave people cannot handle me

    WHEN i say FAGGOT here come the handkerchiefs LMAO jajajajajajaj OMG WTF
    LMAO whew! Won again some other little dick fell in the trap smfers

    dayuuuuum i can make a dummy pissed off i told you i was the pisser off er! GROW UP accept weho you are what you are

    Case in point Does anyone here believe that the N word bothers me Or that talking about my mama hurts me duh! i do not get a chance to read many i simply shoor=t by familar names and move on
    What bothers me is people who cannot handle their lives and choose to blame others and ignorance.. get real
    Do not bring shit here and think i won't make it stanky! Enter at your risk

  88. Ace Freeley3:53 PM

    t is undeniable that an innocent black kid who is suspected of being a criminal, and treated as if he were a criminal, is going to feel insulted by that, and angry about that, and I can't blame him. I think all conservatives, actually, can sympathize with his plight better, now that we're nearly officially second-class citizens ourselves.

    On the other hand, to demand that people forget what they know is absurd: People know that young black males commit a greatly, greatly disproportionate amount of common crimes/street crimes, including the violent ones. To ask anyone to pretend they don't know this, especially to the extent of actually putting themselves at an elevated risk of being the victim of serious violent crime, for the sake of "not making people feel bad," is a demand so huge that people will always do what they're currently doing: completely ignoring this demand, as it's just ridiculous.

    Blacks themselves routinely take unhappy note of this sad fact: yes, they say, they understand, perhaps moreso than any White Racist, that the chances of victimization by a young black male are substantially greater than as regards any other demographic cohort.

    So what is the right course? One can't just glibly say "Well, the numbers say they're likely to be criminals, so treat 'em like criminals." That creates itself a class of victims: the wrongly suspected. But neither can one just pop off that anyone who thinks that a young black male might be more dangerous than the average citizen is a racist.

    Or else the FBI crime statistics from 1968 to 2013 are all "racist."

    A "real, honest discussion of race" would have to include both of these statements, the truth which cannot be denied.

    And yet, the second statement is frequently denied, or at least no one asking for "real, honest discussions about race" is willing to talk about it, and will gladly encourage various Prog Furies to deliver punishments upon those who dare to Say Things Which Are True.

  89. >MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...
    >all of people whom i know are
    >gay say the word all the time
    >Where do you think i got it
    >from LMAO smh national radio.

    Wow, how rush limbaugh of you.

    Imagine how loud you would whine if rush said:
    "niggas say the word all the time
    Where do you think i got it from."

    I'm looking forward to your appearance on national radio.

  90. Ace Freeley4:02 PM

    Among the poor -- poor whites, poor blacks, poor Hispanics, poor "White Hispanics" -- there is a big difference between the Aspirational poor and the Accepting poor. A poor person who advertises himself as a striver, an achiever, is not usually perceived as a threat.

    A poor person, on the other hand, who signals himself as part of the sad, cynical, violent thug culture -- and every race has some version of this -- is perceived as a threat. I might not be able to see a white guy's Neck Tattoos and Iron Cross earring at the same distance I can spot someone's skin color, but the moment I do see the Neck Tattoos and Iron Cross earring, I am in fact labeling that guy as "Likely threat, seems to advertise his identity as being based in Prison Culture. Do not approach."

    There is a very big difference between people who advertise themselves as I've Got Nothin' to Lose and those who advertise themselves as I Do In Fact Have Something to Lose. The fact that the latter sort of person has skin in the game himself makes him nonthreatening -- he's not comfortable with impulsive life-changing criminal decisions either.

    But the first sort of person is all but advertising he doesn't think much of his own life and therefore, of course, doesn't think much of others' lives, which is the dangerous thing.

    And anyone who adopts the cultural signifiers of a population which moves back and forth from prison without being too discomfited about it -- whether it's blacks' prison-denim styling, or a white dude with Neck Tattoos -- is signaling that they aren't afraid of prison. And anyone who fails to read that as "...and therefore aren't much deterred by the prospect of imprisonment" is just an idiot.

  91. >Blogger MilagrosGVillamil Esq.
    >Noone called anyone a faggot i
    >asked BILL if he was faggot a
    >little dick or a pedophile READ it

    It's not asking me, it's the use of the word most people find offensive. You don't get that?

    >Now If your a faggot or gay man
    >so what? I do not give a dayum

    Don't give a dayum?

    Then why would you ask me?

    Oh yeah, it wasn't a legitimate question. You believed you were going to insult me. To do that, you better use the words kenny and g.

    Why do you believe there is so much homophobia in the African-American community?

  92. Ace Freeley said...

    Among the poor -- poor whites, poor blacks, poor Hispanics, poor "White Hispanics" -- there is a big difference between the Aspirational poor and the Accepting poor. A poor person who advertises himself as a striver, an achiever, is not usually perceived as a threat.

    I'll be shocked if anyone disagrees with this post.

  93. Yeah Manny, I'm the one who missed the point huh? I don't give a shit if Trayvon smoked weed all day long and got kicked out of reform school, young brothas with bad attitudes shouldn't be shot for going to the corner store.

    As far as the anon who wonders what Dr. King would say about Field it would be hard to determine because of all the anons calling him a race baiter and agitator like when he was really alive. Southern, conservative whites hated him with a passion and sent him death threats daily. He was a lot like Trayvon in that manner, he wasn't the mild negroe he's been transformed into, he backed unions and fought for the poor things you conservatives hate. Quiz' who said "since something special has been done to the negro something special has to be done FOR the negro". Sounds like you typical narrow minded conservatives once again listen to one segment of one speech and figure you know all about the man. Silly conservatives, never do their homework.

  94. Anonymous4:34 PM

    MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...

    hey wanna be aBill

    I will speak like i,like anytime ANYTIME and noone can do a thing about it i said what i said to you BUT believe me i will say it outloud i am unstoppable

    and i have the right to say FAGGOT anytime i choose

    your a faggot i called it Sue me or tell FN

    3:11 PM

    This is Fields blog, and if he doesn't call us "FAGGOTS" how dare you?

    Get your own blog and go dirty that up with your slurs!

  95. Anonymous4:56 PM

    we are all trayvon

    in all states


  96. Anonymous5:06 PM


  97. Black Trash5:42 PM

    I must say, that "MilagrosGVillamil Esq." and or "Matanzas" person does have about the foulest mouth I've ever seen on field's blog. I find it hard to believe he knows her personally.

    Maybe it wouldn't be quite as bad, if she could actually speak English.

  98. Anonymous5:49 PM

    No one reads her posts.

  99. control+halt+delete6:18 PM

    Ace Freeley said.

    "I think all conservatives, actually, can sympathize with his plight better, now that we're nearly officially second-class citizens ourselves."

    1. All conservatives? What about michelle malkin, ann coulter, sean hannity, pat buchannon and rush limbaugh? Really?!

    2. Help me with this...Are you saying black youth are second class citizens?

    " People know that young black males commit a greatly, greatly disproportionate amount of common crimes/street crimes, including the violent ones. "

    But for sheer numbers guess who commits the most crimes? I'm using the 2011 FBI crime stats to support this statement...look them up @ fbi.gov.

    "So what is the right course?"

    How about if we do a better job of raising ours and you do a better job of raising your'n.
    It's taken us over 400 years to get here. So I'd recommend designing a sustainable joint effort to change the negative images promoted by the media and initating a concerted effort to understand and deconstruct the negativity our current system supports. Let's give it 3 years, agreed?

    I learned a long time ago that I don't have to like you to work with you, but work together we must. It's not just a black problem it's something we all should take ownership of. Until then, please keep your prejudices, exaggerations and misrepresentations to yourself.

    By the way, is it true gzim is suing Trayvon's parents?!! Damn!

  100. Anonymous6:26 PM

    AB, "rush's fans lie like hobama!!!

    rush limbaugh is proudly rabidly racist
    and he has always been so!"

    You are a LIAR! Rush has never said that he was a racist. You are just trying to end the harmony and love between the races for over 400 years. You are frustrated because you can't separate the races, you racist.

  101. Anonymous6:34 PM

    "I learned a long time ago that I don't have to like you to work with you, but work together we must. It's not just a black problem it's something we all should take ownership of. Until then, please keep your prejudices, exaggerations and misrepresentations to yourself."

    Good observation and good advice. However, I don't think our folks or the Whites will heed your advice. Hence, we are all doomed as Americans and as humans.

    "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
    _ Martin Luther King Jr.

  102. Making it plain

    As someone who overstands free speech i will never ever allow anyone to tell anyone to cease to speak their mind And no Afrkan here should either

    This BLOG is called Field negro not cave man blog or wanna be negro And NO! we all cannot get along

    Martin Luther king was an Afrikan who accepted beat downs and head busting for what?

    Nothing has changed more than 50 yrs later The euros main option on this earth is to get rid of the Original man the Afrikan

    My suggestion is that people stick to what they know and get back in their caves with thier little penis's and beat it!

  103. Bill

    Lets be clear I do not care about homophobia it never existed Its in the faggots mind Homos want everyone to accept them NOT! However i do Why I cannot stop what some say is thier birth cue

    Hoewever, i still call them as i see them BUTT FUCKIN faggots and sissys

    MY OP Any man who sticks his little head in a shit hole and calls himself GAY leaves a lot to be desired
    Any man who is willing to struggle with a stranger over what i say is weak

    In my community we have as many BUTT FUCKERS if not more than yours yet i still say deal with it I will allow anyone to live thier lives i will not stalk molest or other wise bother another human BUT i will speak my peace/piece
    Am i clear?

    Get over it and live your life not mine You cannot tell me what to say when to say it or how it is my right! And its your right to contest what i say even though it will not matter

    As for the shows One is cancelled until next month due to their scheduling with the ACLU Miami and the other has been taped last eve Deal with it

    Your an angry dummy who is trying to make me see your pain trust me i do not and will continue to spktruth2power

    Grow up

  104. Making it plain:

    Everyone reads my stuff but most are afraid to comment And most are not read by me because i am above the rants and desire to shut me up

    Trust me m the ones who claim i am not read are the nones i have popped upside thier heads and who threatend to kill me because i told them about penis envy

    Bottom line i will call anyone a faggot and trust me i will do it because they dislike it And because it bothers them is it YOU or just a word?

    Lets get to this:

    Homos fought for rights they deemed right and now your here fighting over MY words" I have rights just like you
    How many times have we as a people born the horror of N word monkey gorilla GOD zilla and the like when we could not speak back

    Most stormfronters here have been called because of me ! Most need help from others to deal with ME" and FREE speech but yoiu all will lose i am unstoppable and i need no response i just create fights with dummys
    Grow up

    English is my adopted tongue and i speak 3 other languages So is it really about English or is it about jeolousy or that i will not be broken? REALLY! hehe

    Here is stormfront style:
    They come here fakin the funk pretending to be Afrikans with names that they think we will accept Black this, Black that lol
    Then they try to get info or they use the WWW to prove points WTF?

    They are white(whats that other than a color) and then next week thery are black whew! They come to disrupt and stop FN and they always lose,,
    I am standing and unbroken And need no support from any group because if F/N wanted to he would have all of you off of here running with your little heads and C__tS on fiyah

    Sue me and my dirty mouth
    Before you do check this
    Rachel Jeantel was dehumanized about her speech her hue and her style how dare you? i dare to challenge anyone who is so savage as not to see another human

    Nasty low life desc of slaveowners stepped out of the caves and wreaked terror all over the world No no wonder Snowden peaked your hole card
    When your ilk stepped out of those caves they left thier souls and destroyed as much as possible
    POL i trick shuns
    and CON ver SA SHUNS
    oh ya you pink boys don't get it

    Rachel Jeantel Beautiful sister (talks a little too much)
    did anyone here listen to her explain why she has the speech impediment NO! The only thing desc of supremacist heard was her inability to read cursive CURSIVE? wow Did anyone see the diff between that day in court with the pale racist knock knock and wed eve?

    The sister speaks 3 languages and whether anyone likes it or not she is human And imo she won! knock knock did not defeat her And noone will defeat me!

    If any of you crap mashers had any self respect and real knowledge of free speech you would know that FAGGOT is not against the law Next?

    Don't wait for me See ya Lunes
    Everyone now knows who i am and what i will not accept Deal with it

  105. Last for the weekend
    Making it plain:

    And yes You will read everything i post WHY Its your style!

    MLK chose to allow his head to be broken in lieu of a few crumbs now 50 + yrs later what has changed?

    It only took a change in the politrickshuns and a change from the Warren court to make the change 50+yrs later
    The scotus wipes away waters down voting rights and gives full rights to cock likkers and bootay bandits What happened?

    Now what do you think happens now Admit it!

    Now, Those same killers and thier ilk are murdering Afrkan youth What happened ? Now i will not accept that poor parenting has 100% to do with anything However i will say that Afrikans must do better
    Bottom line the inate ever loving hate for humans makes cave men kill our children its in thier DNA and the same low self worth and lack of knowledge of self urge the other to committ the unthinkable

    Malcolm was murdered by partys unknown(never proven)for what he knew was his ability and UNWILLNGNEES to die on his knees This is what our children must be taught
    Stand for something or fall on your knees

  106. Dear MR Field boo hoo

    Hey colleague

    I am sharing your WORDS and why i am going novwhere because i said sissys faggots and buttfuckers
    The N word is used here and all manner of hate BUT i cannot?. What makes cave people better than me! NOT!

    The Field Negro, Nothing But the Truth
    Lawyer by day and blogger by night, Wayne Bennett delivers his unbiased opinion on issues that impact the Black community at large

    Wayne Bennett, founder of The Field Negro

    After getting booted from another African American website (I won’t put her on blast) for being too “outspoken” in the comments section. I vowed that I would start my own blog and look down on her on my way up. Also, I love to write and I am very opinionated.

    I try to be honest with my readers no matter where it leads, and I like to think of my writing style as being somewhat unconventional. It’s actually an acquired taste. My comments section is also different from most Black blogs because I don’t censor anyone. I get a lot of heat for it because invariably the storm front people always find me because of my handle and my position with the Google search engine. They make the vilest and most ignorant comments you can imagine. Still, I think it’s important to put it out there so that folks can know what they are dealing with in our so-called “post-racial” country.

    They know that when I write, I write from the heart. I am not afraid to be honest with them and take unpopular positions.


  107. Field

    I will not back off
    I did not start this i chose to keep it going I have a right to say what i want to You gave me that right and unless and until you tell me diff i will continue to tell racist hatas and debasers what they are

    See ya at twitter

    One show was cancelled due to ACLU scheduling the other was taped last night

  108. Hey people

    Don't like me?
    Get in line with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give a fck

  109. Anonymous11:53 AM

    MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...
    i am going novwhere because i said sissys faggots and buttfuckers
    The N word is used here and all manner of hate BUT i cannot?. What makes cave people better than me! NOT!

    6:59 AM

    Milagros you are absolutely right! You have proved your point. No one here is better than you.
    Everyone here is equal.
    You have every right to use those words because everyone in here does.

    Keep up the good work!

  110. > MilagrosGVillamil Esq.

    Looking at your list of favorite music...

    I have worked for 21 of the musicians you listed.

    What do 21 of your favorite musicians know that you don't?

    Since your support of my employers helps me financially, I hope you don't stop enjoying the music you love just to spite me.

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