Monday, July 15, 2013

Sorry John, you might not be as lucky as George Zimmerman.

There are a couple of differences between John Henry Spooner and George Zimmerman. The first, of course, is their age. The second is where they happen to live.

Unfortunately for John Henry Spooner, he lives in Wisconsin. Fortunately for George Zimmerman, he resides in Florida. A state full of conservative backwards thinking legislatures who pass laws out of fear and not common sense. Laws that embolden men who look like they do to act in unspeakable ways.

Because of those barbarous and fatuous people, Mr. Zimmerman is free, Mr. Henry, on the other hand, might not be so lucky.

There are similarities between these men as well. The most glaring is that they  both have been stained by prejudice, and their prejudices led them to act in ways that took the lives of two young men.

"John Henry Spooner, now 76, is shown at left in his mugshot following the May 31, 2012, shooting. At right, Patricia Larry holds a photo of 13-year-old Darius Simmons, who police say was shot and killed by Spooner.

A trial for a 76-year-old man accused of shooting to death his 13-year-old neighbor in front of his mother in Milwaukee is set to begin this week in a polarizing case that some say was misplaced vigilante justice." [Source]

Read more:

John Henry is 76, he no doubt remembers the days when you could kill a "Nigger" and walk free. The jury of your peers would always make sure of it.
But times have changed. You just can't do that anymore. This is unless, of course, you happen to live in Florida.


  1. Anonymous6:51 PM

    In what way was George Zimmerman's life "stained by prejudice," unless perhaps his "prejudice" against the criminals who were breaking into homes in his community counts as a "prejudice?"

    You have alleged that Zimmerman is racist, but merely saying so doesn't make it true. Oh, but he killed a black man, so he must be "stained by prejudice."

    After all, we all know that black men can never be drug-addled, violent thieves like Trayvon Martin was.

  2. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Field, "There are similarities between these men as well. The most glaring is that they both have been stained by prejudice, and their prejudices led them to act in ways that took the lives of two young men."

    What makes you think they were prejudiced against bm? GZ was fighting for his life and Spooner thought he saw a gun and fired in self-defense. Where is the prejudice in that, Mr Field? I swear. For a lawyer you make ridiculous unfactual assumptions. You would have fit right in with the team of prosecutors in Florida.

  3. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Yes indeed. it seems to me that Florida a filled and run by all the elite, conservative, ruling class slave owners that Castro overthrew and threw out of Cuba for exactly those reasons!


  4. Anonymous7:36 PM

    FN, "John Henry is 76, he no doubt remembers the days when you could kill a "Nigger" and walk free. The jury of your peers would always make sure of it.
    But times have changed. You just can't do that anymore. This is unless, of course, you happen to live in Florida."

    It can happen 'anywhere' in America, Mr Field. Surely you must know that? However, as good Negroes often do, we water down the truth by covering up parts of it like you are doing here.

    One more thing: I would have thought by now some Negro would have noticed that Florida is run by Jews. So WHY is it such a racist state? Could it be that Jews can't stand Blacks? foolish of me to think so.

  5. Anonymous7:41 PM

    "John Henry is 76, he no doubt remembers the days when you could kill a "Nigger" and walk free."

    He would have to be 176. Actually, that wouldn't be true either, as it was NEVER legal in America to commit murder, even of a slave.

    The real fact of the matter is that when a "nigger" gets killed it's almot always at the hand of another "nigger".

  6. Field, you might want to reconsider rebooting that troll software. Once these trolls get into their little "nigger" loop, there's no stopping them short of a hard reset.

    And that one poor soul who thinks Trayvon was a "thug"? Adorable. He probably wouldn't mind having a beer or two with ol' John Henry up there.

  7. gz has set a new trend

    wwb is the new dwb

    it is ok to profile and kill


    if trayvon had been a pit bull
    would gz be in jail?

    if trayvon had been a deer
    would have been ok for tm to box that hunter/kkkillerz gz?

    what a gd shame!

  8. Anonymous8:26 PM

    To Field and FN Negroes who worship the ground Field walks on:

    fyi, George Zimmerman's brother has made a commitment to help bring the races together now that George Zimmerman is free. His first step in helping Blacks is to seek the answer to WHAT makes bm attack someone so violently the way Trayvon Martin did to George Zimmerman?

    Brothers and Sisters, I think that is a very good place to start. Until my peeps understand what makes bm violent, then a national discussion on race is not possible.

    Brother Mack Lyons, I hope you are on board with this and will strive to get brother Field and other FN Negroes and those hundreds of Whites in Cali who post on this blog everyday.

    BTW, have you noticed that the Whites in Cali are 'different' from the Whites in Florida? What is wrong with them? too much Cali weed? From Whitey's comments the man is on something much stronger than weed.:)

  9. Anonymous8:28 PM

    AB, "wwb is the new dwb"

    What is wwb and dwb?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Anon8:26p, why are you asking Mack Lyons? That ignorant Negro knows nothing. Besides, he is a well-known racist and a member of the NBP. Need I say more?

  13. white talk radio is killing trayvon anew!!!

    tune in now to hear racists wilding!!!

    my email to a talk radio station in AR today:

    i was appalled by the kkk morons who took over your show today!


    tea is not carbonated...that racist fool was clueless!!!

    most teens smoke weed today...

    if gz was black and tm was white

    gz would have been rushed to death row!


    i miss callers in cali like this:

    "Well I certainly don't feel calm and measured, and it's not because my kids "could have been Trayvon." No, they could not have. My kids are white. They lived in the suburbs. They could wear their pants anyway they liked. They could have worn hoodies to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, and nobody would have looked askance at them, let alone blown them away with a handgun. (As I recall, I once wore a black hoodie to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.) The worst threat to my children's lives in the big wide world was that some suburban matron who couldn't see over the steering wheel would run them down in the family SUV. They didn't have to worry about running into some trigger-happy, half-mad wannabe on the way home from the convenience store. And that's what keeps me from being calm and measured."

    Common Dreams

  14. Anonymous9:29 PM

    AB, why won't you answer my question?

  15. Anonymous9:32 PM

    The ONLY similarity is your racism.

    One man is white, the other is Hispanic. One got attacked, the other appears to have murdered the kid.

  16. Anonymous9:41 PM

    According to Zimmerman's female cousin (the family member that he molested for 10 years) she said that George's mother and father were racists. The cousin reported of hearing racists comments coming from them quite often. She even said that Zimmerman's mother (who is an Hispanic from Peru) often said that the only way to gain status is to marry a white person. And that's exactly what she did. Zimmerman's mother was dragged out of the "fields" picking grapes and into the "house" slinging rice and beans. Mrs. Zimmerman is a real good "HOUSE NEGRO."

  17. The problem here isn't with one jury in one town in America, it's the laws and the judicial systems of this land that still largely enforce white supremacy. And, the whole damm "gun rights" movement in this country (yet another enduring national shame) is nothing but a vigilante program primarily targeted at black people. There is no other purpose, ultimately, for all of those guns "self defense"guns purchased by the paranoid white masses but as a contingency against the common object of massive white fear: black people, especially young male black people.

  18. Gun rights, Stand Your Ground laws AND racial prejudice are part and parcel of these murders.

  19. Anonymous11:25 PM

    "Juror B-37, a mother of two... said she did not believe Zimmerman racially profiled the unarmed black teenager when he called police to report a suspicious person."

    Stupid racist Bitch.

    "Juror B-37 said the altercation could have been avoided if both men had just walked away."

    Stupid air-headed Bitch, again. Where did they find this dim wit?

    It's the people like this who infuriate me. Martin never had a chance at justice.

  20. Of course Zimmerman is prejudice as well as the 76 year-old who killed that in broad daylight. If you really thought about most people prejudge others best what we see and not what we know except most of don't going around killing people we realize prejudging others is usually wrong.Their prejudices colored (pardon the pun) their judgement the goes beyond what is reasonable. Prejudice stems from fear and we have witness how extreme this irrational fear leads to two teenagers who didn't do anything that warranted their lives. Zimmerman had preconceived notions about Martin and just believed he must up to no good. Does it concern anyone that Zimmerman has a Barney Fife complex and may do this again? He really isn't free as he will be forever looking over his shoulders literally and figuratively. I certainly glad I'm not in shoes as he has a reason to be fearful.

  21. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Some of you black folks are just full of shit. You damn well know no one is going to do zimmer the killer a damn thing, especially black people. Looking over his shoulder? Bullshit! Talk!

  22. Anonymous11:45 PM

    This whole situation is a Teachable Moment for Black Folk. Blacks can a learn a lot from Hispanics.

  23. The juror Anderson Cooper interviewed verified what I've already observed in real life, a lower or uneducated White woman is EVERY Black person's worst nightmare.

  24. Anonymous12:25 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Anonymous12:27 AM

    That juror was indeed a very ignorant, stupid bitch. How in the hell could Trayvon have just "walked away?" The whole reason why the fight broke out between the 2 of them is because Zimmerman wasn't about to let Trayvon walk away. He was trying to forcibly hold him there until the police came. This dumb bitch gave George the benefit of the doubt that he was telling the truth. What benefit did she give Trayvon? And then to add insult to injury this juror had the nerve to say that race had nothing to do with it. Hell, everyone knows that the first thing white people see is COLOR. They judge everything by color. However, according to white people it's never race. That's bull shit and they know it!

  26. Anonymous12:37 AM

    And if the 3 jurors that wanted to convict him but then backed out at the last minute because they either didn't want to challenge the other 3 jurors or because they didn't want to take the time to get the answers to the additional questions they needed from the judge about the charges, they need to check their conscience. It sounds like you 3 chose the path of least resistance and didn't want to "stand your ground." And if that is what occurred, then, they also have blood on their hands!

  27. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Desert, "My thoughts exactly! Words fail me, no they don't fail me, I just don't want to talk filth! But I will say this, that's one really stupid c***!"

    Desert, you are nothing but a sinner claiming to be a follower of God. All that talk with 'words' about God in previous thread was nothing but bullshit. You are such a liar. You and FP will pay for your lies.

  28. Anonymous1:32 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Desert, "How would you feel if that was your kid that went to the store for candy? and now all you can do is go put flowers on his grave?"

    Well, as you said in a previous thread God will take care of everything. All we can do is pray and let it go.

  30. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Blacks should never try to stand up against a White person because they can never win. Either they will get shot dead or end up in court where they will lose. And here is the clincher: You will be told to be calm and do I'm sorry for laughing because that is exactly what we do...NOTHING. Until the next painful injustice is done to us. Meanwhile, we continue to take out our suppressed anger on each other because we have no other outlet. We can't take it out on the Whites because we are too afraid to confront the injustices done to us for there are too many for us to count.

  31. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Blacks are basically powerless when it comes to the white justice system. All we can do is curse and call them names. Like Desert does. But it doesn't hurt them at all. Only us!

  32. Anonymous1:54 AM

    The comments here are just pathetic.

  33. John Henry did get lucky, the average mother would have beaten him to death and she would be on trial.

    On another note watching a good documentary on PBS about involuntary servitude in the early 1900's. Law enforcement would arrest blah men for vagrancy and sell them to corporations and farms.

  34. Anonymous2:16 AM

    anon1:51am, initially your comment pissed me off. I called you a bunch of uncle toms. But the more I thought about it, I had to agree that you were right.

  35. Anonymous2:20 AM

    "On another note watching a good documentary on PBS about involuntary servitude in the early 1900's. Law enforcement would arrest blah men for vagrancy and sell them to corporations and farms."

    2:15 AM
    Isn't interesting that blah men are so easily fooled and manipulated? That hasn't changed much today.

  36. Anon@1:48AM, I agree with u.What should we do? any suggestions?

  37. How FN is Stevie Wonder's decision? Di other states have similar laws? Does he refuse to appear in states with laws prohibiting marriage equality? How about states that won't expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act? States eliminating a woman's right to choose? Does he think his audiences there are fllled with guys like George Zimmerman? Oh darn, Stevie canceled. Better change that law. President Obama carried Florida in 08 & 12. Florida isn't South Africa under apartheid.

  38. I'm not knocking Stevie. By the standards of this blog, he's always FN for his spirit of love, his big heart & his great soul.

  39. sophia6:43 AM

    The violent statements and actions of blacks in response to this verdict show where the real problem lies.

    Black people need to get their shit together. The rest of us have had enough of it.

  40. Anonymous7:07 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Afrikan said...
    Juror Who Found Zimmerman Innocent Cashing In With Book Deal, Called Martin "A Boy of Color”
    One juror who found George Zimmerman innocent has signed on with a literary agent in the hopes of a future book deal about her experience.
    Read Eugene Robinsons piece
    And Joe Scarborough this morn

    Who had the duty to walk away ? Gun vs soda

    NO ***CON ver saywhat? ***SHUN needed

  42. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Hotep Field:

    Sadly not enough Afrikans are willing to see beyond Trayvon and into the thousands of other Afrikans boys and men who murdered with impunity having said that there are thousands who do IT starts with ME!

    Blacks on the other hand (house negros who accept labels issued by cave men ( The conscious Afrikan never accepted black) see nothing at all wrong with being called BLACK in 2013

    We as a fam educ my grandsons about what if means when they leave the home We let them know that " They are still considered a Gorilla in the midst. Godzilla king kong etc and thus a hated threat

    Me clear i overstood that Malcolm also called our people black Do i disagree YES! nothing changes

    We teach our family about how to stay alive We teach them the truth
    And we do not want any creepy cracker trying to educ Afrikans about how to stay alive!

    Why is that ??
    When house negros and cavemen teach Afrikans anything there is an agenda..The truth cannot be told OR the job will be lost
    The truth cannot be taught because it is not known by too many of all hues
    House negros don't know the truth and cavemen only want to dehumanize our children
    case in point
    The cave woman wants to suck or DICK measure! the Afrikan child/man
    And the male caveman ./house negros wants to touch fuck and feel our sons/daughters
    Also in this arena
    Go figure Afrikan people who accept being called a color are just as dumb and un sophisticated as any house negro on a plantation

    They are unemployed liars reaching for their guns and threatening to kill their fellow man when we don't all agree or respond the way they want us to
    What is wrong with that pic?

    I am an Afrikan! And i define who i am and say what i want.
    I challenge no one unless they lie about what i said and then there are people whose BS and rants i piss on and do not read period

    i refuse to read rants because as an Atty everyone has their right to their opinion This is mine

    Field Don't make me come back to Philly! Peace

  43. Anonymous8:04 AM


    We know that when people become willing to do more than talk about our Afrikan youth and boys being slaughtered that they will do more than talk They will put feet on ground and hit the streets

    Even cavemen do nothing but talk they do nothing to help thier own why is that? Is the shame and pain too deep to see or is it still called denial?
    OR is it that this only happens in the Afrikan community? Don't get me started;) jaja

    Going to gym and knock the hell out of a boxing bag!

  44. Anonymous8:07 AM


    I agree with u.

  45. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Desertflower said...
    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    "The juror Anderson Cooper interviewed verified what I've already observed in real life, a lower or uneducated White woman is EVERY Black person's worst nightmare'
    My thoughts exactly! Words fail me, no they don't fail me, I just don't want to talk filth! But I will say this, that's one really stupid c***!

    But thank God Anderson was able to masterfully guide the questions to get all that vomit out her mouth!

    I imagine the rest of them are no better and possibly much worse :(

    Afrikan said: ie laCubanadeMatanzas BIG MOUTH MILAGROS G VILLAMIL!

    WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT FROM WOMEN FORCED TO LIVE WITH MEN WITH SMALL HEADS" Women like them i do believe could have done better had they had the info i live here and know all parties in the state ( Corey and others and i know that they dropped the ball)
    And no matter what they did not have it was their job to FIND IT
    As a person whose job it is to FIND proof i have done it (me and my staff) many times in order to unravel a wrong conviction What happened?
    They did not have the compassion or the willingness to fight Just imagine.

    They did not want to
    Angela Corey and i have always had a prof relationship but she also dropped the ball here and there

    For you i will post this url.

    CBS/AP/ July 16, 2013, 4:57 AM
    Zimmerman juror: Half of us at first voted to convict

    MIAMI Three jurors in George Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial initially favored convicting him of that offense or manslaughter, but the six-woman jury ultimately voted to acquit him after more closely examining the law, a juror in the case said Monday.

    Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin last year, but the jury also was allowed to consider manslaughter.

    The woman, known as Juror B37, told CNN's Anderson Cooper that when the jury began deliberations Friday, they took an initial vote. Three jurors -- including B37 -- were in favor of acquittal, two supported manslaughter and one backed second-degree murder. She said the jury started going through all the evidence, listening to tapes multiple times.

    "That's why it took us so long," said B37, who said she planned to write a book about the trial but later had a change of heart.


  46. Anonymous9:19 AM

    travon attacked a man he thought was white because Zimmerman caught him prowling around looking for some thing to steal.when people went to work tray and his father would break into peoples they set up a neighbor hood watch to catch criminals who looked like president bongo.this enraged travon so he attacked Zimmerman who looked white and shot the punk tray in self defense. the lesson here is don't attack whitey and you won't get shot

  47. Anonymous9:39 AM


    gz is a liar and a kkkiller
    and a thief and serial pedophile etc...

    the coroner/mortician etc have always said that
    tm had no bruises/cuts on his hands/knuckles

    all of gz's bloody photos were faked/staged

    the photo of trayvon's corpse is clean!
    except for his muddy pants from the calf down to his feet!

    if gz told the truth about a brutal bloody brawl in the rain and grass, BOTH he and gz would have been covered with mud and grass stains!...

    gz had clean clothes after he executed tm!

    BOTH of them would have muddy grassy clothes/scraped dirty skin/bruises/scratches/blood etc

    this is more proof that tm was on his knees when gz stood over him and executed him...that is the real trajectory issue!

    tm was screaming for help on his knees!!!!

    the martin's need a petrocelli asap!!!!!!!

    this photo should be the bruno magli shoes of the civil trial

    i would have focused on:

    the crime scene
    the bushes lie
    this photo

    take the jury to the scene

    recreate the nonexistent muddy grassy brawl

    compare it to the lack of ANYTHING on tm, and gm's bodies/clothing...

    make a physical clone of tm try to hide behind some tiny/nonexistent bush etc...


    i pray that god sends the martins a petrocelli clone and a civil victory asap!

    NEW attys can STILL prove this slam dunk case!!!

    see all here:

  48. After all, we all know that black men can never be drug-addled, violent thieves like Trayvon Martin was. –Anon 6:51pm.

    AssAnon, you are so darn full of it. By uttering this silly statement alone, I bet you’re from the sunshine state of Florida. Oh by the way, I’m also quite certain we’ve never had a white man, tobacco chewing, wanna-be cop or an inbred psychopath or otherwise from the south kill an unarmed black man or child. Yeah right, …. get a life trailer park dweller!

  49. Anon 6:51pm

    Are you saying that Zimmerman knew that Martin was a drug addled and a theft? He couldn't possibly known that at the time. Here's the thing, Martin is like any 17 year-old kid white, black, latino, etc., wearing a hoodie at night. He could have been young son because there are some white teenagers who commit crimes as well, but we focus more on minorities in the media. You cannot make assumptions based on superficial information as looks can be deceiving. Martin really wasn't doing anything suspicious other than walking. I understand Zimmerman stated that Martin was looking back, but it may not occurred to him that perhaps he thought he was being followed? It's more complex and it's not black and white. Zimmerman had a belief that was unfounded and it cost the life of another human being. It was unnecessary and as I stated before Zimmerman wouldn't have followed Martin if didn't have a gun. A person like Zimmerman is dangerous, but some people don't see him that way because they share those same fears. I'm afraid he will do this again because he doesn't believe he made a mistake, he has no sense of accountability of his actions.

  50. Black Ink10:26 AM


    Rather than arbitrarily throwing out self-serving racist rants to incite folks; citing statistical specifics from confirmable and reliable sources would lend itself to credible conclusions.

    Your implied suggestion that white folks commit more violent crimes with impunity against black folks today than the other way around is laughable?
    Let's not use the British Colonialism and corporate oppression as a scape goat I am talking man to man.

    Black brothers and sisters who rely on excuse making, victimhood and dwelling in the past will never rise up from the ashes of despair to realize our great potential in a country that offers more opportunity to average black folks than any other land on earth....most notably the motherland of Africa where oppression of the black man, woman and child is as bad today as it was pre-British Colonialization. It is the Africans, not the English, who past,. present and in the likely future do more harm to black human beings everywhere on earth.
    It is time for black Americans to stop pretending it is somehow better to be African-Americans. It is time for my black American brothers and sisters to stop allowing the poverty pimps of the racist Democratic Party to keep us in shackles on the government plantation. It is time to stop making excuses for our failures as basic human beings and rise to our full potential.
    It is time to man up and take responsibility for ourselves.

  51. Anonymous10:35 AM

    gz is the serial criminal

    the 911 tape proves that gz is a racist who hated black "coons/punks"

    he cocked his gun before he left his auto

    tm saw the gun gz proudly brandished and flashed...

    made tm get on his knees

    tm screamed for help while on his knees staring at the gun!!!

    there was never any brawl

    only a chase
    that chase was also recorded

    this is a slam dunk case via competent attys with real prepped witnesses


  52. Anonymous10:36 AM


    47 total
    911 tapes prove gz is a kkkilller/stalkkker

  53. Sheri said: “I'm afraid he will do this again because he doesn't believe he made a mistake, he has no sense of accountability of his actions.”

    Sheri, not only will he do it again or some other subspecies of the same ilk, the criminally insane SYSTEM that we have in place in Amerikkka will give passively give him permission to do so. This empire of ours has established a dangerous precedent of murdering blacks who are not only unarmed, but innocent as well. This a very sick ass country! For the most part, white folks are in need of some seriously prolonged psychotherapy.

    Moreover, at times, I doubt this will even be of any assistance to bring them back into the fold of humankind. Because each calculated and orchestrated act of killing someone simply due to their skin tone, further de-humanize not only the pshchotic perpetrator, but the entire group which he springs forth from.

  54. Anonymous11:14 AM

    cc global kkkop hobama/racist bankster/PIC prez/the new dl je hoover

    cc assata

    If the president was seriously concerned with trying to prevent police and vigilante murders, he could have opened his mouth on the November 2006 murder of Sean Bell by NYPD. As a member of the powerful US Senate Judiciary Committee and presidential aspirant, Obama was in an ideal spot to put both light and heat on that and many similar cases. He didn't. If the Obama White House was the least bit interested in leading the way, it could have told the Justice Department to find a legal reason to take an interest in the case of Troy Davis. That's all it would have taken to preserve Troy Davis's life for months or years longer, as investigations, debates and political maneuvers continued. Talk is cheap. Expressions of concern are cheap. Even a federal investigation confined to the specific case of Trayvon Martin is a tiny thing, as there are a million mostly young black men in prison, and hundreds will be killed by sworn police officers, not pretenders like Zimmerman this and every year of the near future

  55. Anonymous11:19 AM

    In 513 Days Between Trayvon Shooting and Zimmerman Verdict, 11,106 Blacks Murdered by OTHER BLACKS

    Soopermexican Hidetora
    On July 15, 2013
    I wrote this back on my blog Soopermexican in April of last year.
    Check this out:
    To be exact, the shameful truth is that 93% of African-American murders are committed by other African-Americans. That is breathtakingly awful when you consider how incensed the African-American community is about the Trayvon tragedy, no matter what you believe about Zimmerman’s guilt.
    Let’s do the gruesome math, not out of morbidity, but because it manifests the incredible self-centered insanity of people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
    8,000-9,000 African-Americans are murdered each year.
    93% of them by other African-Americans.
    That’s 7,905 (from average)
    That’s 21.65 murdered each day by other African-Americans.
    And these racebaiting culture-hustling microphone-pimps only get riled up when a “White Hispanic” kills an African-American? It’s absolutely shameful.
    To update, in the 513 days between Trayvon dying, and the Zimmerman verdict, 11,106 African Americans have been murdered by other African-Americans.
    I was so shocked, I had to double check my numbers

  56. Anonymous11:27 AM

    that racist cia bankster hobama had failed trayvon and is all!!!!!!!

    The “master of marketing and fakery” was compelled by circumstances to appear concerned about his least favored people: young Black males and their families. President Obama’s most loyal constituents, who usually ask nothing of him, were demanding both an emotional and a substantive response to the Trayvon Martin killing. This was “all very problematic for the president, whose political success is the result of distancing himself from black people at best, and vilifying them at his worst moments.”

    A picture, or in some cases a video, is indeed worth 1,000 words. So it is with Barack Obama’s comments about the killing of Trayvon Martin. Obama is, like most politicians, at his best when scripted. He does not look nearly as smart when he has to improvise. That is especially true when he has to discuss something he would just rather not talk about.

    The ordinarily besotted masses were driven to ask questions. Why did Obama pick up a phone and call Sandra Fluke, the law student who Rush Limbaugh called a slut, but not manage to contact Trayvon Martin’s parents? The answer is simple, there was no danger in contacting Fluke. White Democrats are always mad at the Limbaughs of the world, and spend an inordinate amount of time seeking out opinions which they can then condemn. As for Fluke, she is a well educated young white woman, untouchable and off limits from criticism. There would be no question about Ms. Fluke’s worthiness for sympathy and support.

    Not so with Trayvon Martin or any other young black man. Martin is dead because his very being made him a suspect. There was little to gain and much to risk in coming to his defense, a terrible dilemma for the cautious black man whose success depends on his disconnection from other black people.

    After saying blandly acceptable things [4] such as how tragic Trayvon’s death was, and thinking about the case as a father, and exhorting all levels of government to come together and get to the bottom of the case, he knew had to say something which would appeal to black people.

    “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon,” at last came from his lips. An acknowledgement of the obvious, that he and Trayvon were of the same race. He did not connect any particular feeling to knowing that a son of his might end up like Trayvon and his words were so careful that they were devoid of emotion. That is all we can expect from Obama, a careful man allowed to be all the more careful because of the undeserved love showered upon him by black people who should be looking out for themselves instead.

    So Obama does what he has been doing for years now. He is the black but not so black man, and all black people are worse off because of his success. If there is justice for Trayvon it will be in spite of Barack Obama, not because of him.

  57. "93% of them by other African-Americans."

    There's a HUGE difference in getting killed because you were slinging dope/committing a crime as a significant number of those 93% are. And there IS outrage when someone innocent catches a stray bullet like Hadiya Pendleton did last, a fact you'd notice if you were paying attention.

    The outrage over Trayvon's death has to do with the fact that he was committing NO crime, yet was PROFILED AS A CRIMIMAL AND KILLED!!!

    Do you see the difference now, STUPID??

  58. Anonymous11:39 AM

    "The riots FOX News and others in America were predicting have yet to materialize. All the people implying that blacks would riot like a bunch of savages are as racist and ignorant "

    Witness claims youths yelled 'this is for Trayvon' in beating

    Read more:,0,5135359.story#ixzz2ZDsNjBZE

    Jogger says he was attacked in retaliation for Zimmerman verdict

    Read more:
    Follow us: @myfoxdc on Twitter | myfoxdc on Facebook

    Zimmerman verdict: Protesters storm Wal-Mart in Crenshaw area,0,2522648.story

    CBS2/KCAL9 Reporter, Photographer Attacked During Crenshaw Protests

    Milwaukee beating victim says attackers cited Trayvon Martin

    throw in the black mob attacks on whites the last five years, blacks attacking whites for going to their stores and getting lost in their hoods, it is totally "racist and ignorant" that blacks would act like savages.....

  59. When referring to Soopermexican, Dr. Nuwang said:

    “The outrage over Trayvon's death has to do with the fact that he was committing NO crime, yet was PROFILED AS A CRIMIMAL AND KILLED!!!” Do you see the difference now, STUPID??

    I absolutely and wholeheartedly approve of this message by Dr. Nuwang!

    That Soopermexican fella throw around statistical figures quite liberally, but yet, he fails to cite specific references as to where to retrieve his statistics from. Perhaps he pulled those figures from between his empty and overwhelmingly dense skull!

  60. Anonymous12:15 PM

    in 2013

    illiteracy is always a choice!


  61. control+halt+delete12:21 PM

    While we are talking stats let's look at missing persons. We hear about black on black crime all the time.

    I've alway felt that blanks conveniently hide their murder and rape statistics in this category of their crimes against humanity. No witnesses no crime. No bodies, no crime. If we want to talk about violent people let's lay all the facts on the table.

    Let's start talking about this, too. Over 2000 people a day come up missing. Everybody knows that the majority of the perpetrators are melanin deficient. We know our pastel cousins have a long history of taking people against their will.

    Who is fooling who?

  62. Anonymous12:37 PM

    As usual Field, your post rings true. If it didn't, there wouldn't be so many haters posting criticizing it. I know it's a heavy load to carry, considering all the hate, but you do a great job. Keep up the good work. Many share your sentiments.

    Haters: gfys!

  63. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Zimmerman is the victim.

    Freedom has failed.

  64. Anonymous1:23 PM

    many more trigger happy gz clones will reign

    more poverty, layoffs. stress, hatreds, public executions etc loom
    via hobamcare by design

    may god bless us all
    now more than ever
    we are all trayvon

  65. Anonymous1:26 PM

    more poverty, layoffs. stress, hatreds, public executions etc loom
    via hobamacare by design

    cc hobama/the global gz in chief

    cc assata/wwb in cuba

  66. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I think what Stevie Wonder has done is a wonderful way to show solidarity with a cause. Wonderful!

  67. Anonymous3:09 PM

    hobama gurl tom joyner is still blind to hobama's racist apathy and racist role in trayvon's death!

    evil cowardly black men helped rabid demonic white men torture and murder emmet till that night...

    hobama is that cloned helper in trayvon's murder today!!!


  68. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Dear AB, you must not have heard the news. We are to remain calm and not riot.

    This has been the request of Rev Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and President Obama.

    So please. Stop your instigations before the Fed comes to get you. I am telling you for your own good.

    The trial is over! Zimmerman was found not guilty. Obama has accepted the verdict like so many other Blacks have.

    Who are YOU to not accept the verdict? We have a justice system in America that is 'fair' to 'everyone' regardless of race.

    Please STOP! Don't make things worse for us. We have come a long way and don't want to go back to Jim Crow, let alone slavery.

    Thank you, my sistah. God bless you.

  69. >>In what way was George Zimmerman's life "stained by prejudice," unless perhaps his "prejudice" against the criminals who were breaking into homes in his community counts as a "prejudice?" <<
    In regard to your comment: Yes. You have pointed out a prejudiced view, perfectly. The fact is, most white people don't see things that way. You are, like, "what's wrong with thinking every black person he sees is up to no good, since all you ever hear about are black people who are up to no good?" First of all, on your news stations, they are mostly interested in perpetuating this myth. Just like on "COPS," if we show you mostly black people committing crimes, behaving badly, this will help form the biased opinion in your mind. Why are more black men sent to prison for similar crimes that a white man would get little or no prison for? Why are more black men prosecuted for drugs, misdemeanors? Do white people commit just as many crimes? Maybe you need to seek facts. The fact is there are more law-abiding black people than criminals, as there are in the white population. Yet, GZ didn't seem to feel that white people were a threat, whether it was due to past experience or gave him a biased way of looking at things. Yes, Virginia, GZ was prejudiced and it was racial.

  70. @Desertflower I agree completely that Stevie Wonder is great in showing his solidarity by not performing in Florida until the idiotic Stand Your Ground laws are done away with. I'm just sad that that means he will NEVER play in Florida. I live here. Believe me, I know what psychos we have in our government, legislature, making the foolish, oppressive, backwards laws in this state. This place will NEVER change. I thought I could help, but it's apparent there is no help or hope for Florida.

  71. Anonymous4:07 PM

    i never accept any advice from cowards who obey feds

    i have no fear
    as u have no power to silence me
    cc malcolm

    u r also very late and clueless as always

    i have been telling all NOT to riot since the verdict was announced

    i have always said: hunt and repair
    cc gz/mafia
    black gangs have no honor etc

    wtfu asap

    cc fema/dhs/nsa

  72. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Anon 12:37,

    FN's intellectual acumen continues to underwhelm, your accolades notwithstanding.

  73. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Hey All Knowing,

    How do you like the laws in DC and Chicago?


  74. Anonymous4:22 PM

    scared soulless spineless blogless mindless hobama nazi assnon:


    millions of rebels like me
    will NEVER EVER be hobama nazi cowards like u


    we will NEVER EVER accept this verdict

    cc emmet till

    rip tm

  75. Anonymous4:32 PM

    All Knowing One said...
    @Desertflower I agree completely that Stevie Wonder is great in showing his solidarity by not performing in Florida until the idiotic Stand Your Ground laws are done away with. I'm just sad that that means he will NEVER play in Florida.

    I thought I could help, but it's apparent there is no help or hope for Florida.
    Until this case I had no inkling about the SYG law. Still not sure I understand it.

    Can you say in what way you tried to help?

  76. trayvon zimmerman6:58 PM

    field says:
    Find a good agent and accountant because things good get interesting for you from here on out. There will be book deals, movie scripts, speaking tours, and no doubt a guest hosting spot on FOX news.

    You're out of your mind. There's no book to write. He has no fans the way OJ had fans. He's nobody's hero, which means he hasn't got a story to sell.

    Movie scripts? You're crazy. If a movie company wants to film the story, they don't need Zim for anything. Furthermore, it's not clear to me that his association with any film would boost interest.

    I'd say having Zim on the payroll would work against the success -- if any -- of any movie that might come out of this tragedy.

    Speaking tour? You're out of your mind. How's Casey Anthony doing on the speaking circuit?

    Guest hosting on Fox? Only Al Sharpton can tell life-destroying lies, lead a mob to kill people at Freddy's Fashion Mart, never pay his taxes and snag an on-air media job.

    Of course OJ had all that, and he could have gotten it back if he were willing to write the book and speak about how he killed his ex-wife and Ron Goldman. Then people would pay for his story.

    But, being the low-life that he is, he landed himself in jail, where he'll stay a while longer, no one missing him for a minute.

  77. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Oh come on. Everybody misses OJ. Even YOU can't stop talking about him.

  78. Anonymous8:19 PM

    By uttering this silly statement alone, I bet you’re from the sunshine state of Florida. Oh by the way, I’m also quite certain we’ve never had a white man, tobacco chewing, wanna-be cop or an inbred psychopath or otherwise from the south kill an unarmed black man or child.

    Nope, not even close to Florida. But would it matter? I could tell you where I'm from and you'd insult the white people there too.

    As for stereotypical white Southerners, yes, of course they've murdered black people. Just like a drug-addled Trayvon Martin beat up George Zimmerman, and wound up dead because he tried to beat up an armed man.

    You are, like, "what's wrong with thinking every black person he sees is up to no good, since all you ever hear about are black people who are up to no good?"

    There is no evidence that Zimmerman thought that every black person he sees is up to no good. He suspected Trayvon Martin was up to no good. We'll never know for sure the answer to that question, but we can infer it from Martin's drugging and his thuggish behavior that night.

    Zimmerman had a belief that was unfounded and it cost the life of another human being. It was unnecessary and as I stated before Zimmerman wouldn't have followed Martin if didn't have a gun. A person like Zimmerman is dangerous, but some people don't see him that way because they share those same fears

    Zimmerman's "belief" didn't cost Martin his life. Martin lost his life as the consequence of trying to beat up an armed man, period.

    - "Anon 6:51"

  79. Anonymous8:24 PM

    By the way, even if Zimmerman is in fact the hard-core racist that most of the black people, including the author of the blog, is alleging, it doesn't matter.

    Zimmerman was absolutely within his rights to walk in that area that night, same as Trayvon Martin. The tragic events occurred because Martin tried to beat up Zimmerman, who turned out to be armed.

    We don't prosecute people for what they think -- or what we think they think. We prosecute them for what they do. Zimmerman shot Martin, and did so in self defense, which is an absolute defense in common law.

    Seeing as how the blog author is a lawyer, you'd think he'd pause to remind people of that. But he won't do it, because the blog author and most of his followers are hard core racists.

  80. Anon 1:10 AM 'You and FP will pay for your lies.'

    not sure what lies you accuse me of telling. point 'em out and i will take 'em back. lol.

    if you are anon that hates the concept of satan/ may want to spend your time getting clued up...or convincing satanists and luciferians that they are worshipping no one. good luck with that...

    i am a sinner, saved by grace, working out my salvation daily with fear and it is written and i am called. outside of that, not sure how folks expect perfection or the human condition to cease? makes no sense. devilish dumb nonsense folks like to spew to attack others sovereign powerful flow. rejected. get that out of here. all jokes aside; the spirits are subject to me, not i to it is written. i come armored up accuser, so bring it. what lies?

    Desert, emotional discipline has assisted me greatly- i find myself adding fewer verbal/mental mfs so the ignorant contentious ones may hear;) nod to LHill for lyrically assisting with calling things what they are. lol. wrath. those that can provoke you to it...control you. one day i made up my mind...i control me. Yahweh has control of all of this and guides me because i pray without ceasing believing in Him. been flipping the script on folks ever since. this wisdom nugget and other Proverbs, has helped to immeasurably:

    'he that has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that's broken down, and without walls.'Proverbs 25:28

    blessings all

  81. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Check out the second quote for what will likely happen to Spooner once he's in jail.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Field Thanks

    As a woman Atty who lives here in Fla
    I know more than most about what happens when ole cavemen murder Afrikans and Field This one will be walked due to age and illness

  84. Anonymous10:40 AM

    self defense never ever begins with an armed chase!

    gz was the chaser who cocked his gun and cursed trayvon before he left his auto!

    tm was chased and killed like a deer!

    gz is a kkkiller and kkkiller karma is real.

    and gz will pay!!!!

    cc oj

    6. Zimmerman had no right to stalk, chase, or execute any innocent person who was walking home with candy and tea.

    7. Innocent victims who evade and run from stalkers can never be regarded as predatory aggressors.

  85. Anonymous11:49 AM

    it is 2013...

    and alveda king is still a rabid coon



    Just reminicing Not much has changed good Afrikans continue in my life!

    African-American Studies
    Georgia State University
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


    Ph.D. Candidate, Institute of Liberal Arts, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
    Supervising professor: Robin D.G. Kelley. Dissertation Topic: "Eye for an Eye: Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement."
    M.A., Institute of Liberal Arts, Emory University, Atlanta, GA (August 1990).

    B.A., Afro-American Studies, California State University, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA (June, 1986).


    Lecturer, Department of History, Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA (1995-1996).
    Areas of Instruction: World History, History of the African Diaspora, U.S. History, African-American History.
    Instructor (part-time), Department of History, Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA (1991-1995).
    Areas of Instruction: World History, United States History, African-American History.

    Instructor (Adjunct), Department of History, Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA (1992, 1993).
    Area of Instruction: African-American History.

    Instructor, Upward Bound, Atlanta Metropolitan College, Atlanta, GA (1986-1991).
    Areas of Instruction: African-American History.

    Teacher, Social Studies, Secondary, Atlanta Public Schools, Atlanta, GA (1987-1989).
    Areas of Instruction: World History, U.S. History, Black Studies, Political Behavior, Economics.

    National Golden Key Honor Society, Honorary Member, 1995.
    Who's Who in America's Teachers, 1994.

    NEH Fellowship For Faculty at Historically Black Colleges, Patricia Harris Fellowship, 1990-1993.

    Dean's List, Georgia State University, 1985-1987.

    Dean's List, California State University, Los Angeles, 1977-1978

    Dean's List, Compton College, 1971-1973.

    "Native Sons: Culture, Society and the Black Urban Poor in Chicago and Birmingham 1914-1990." Research Assistant, sponsored by the University of Wisconsin Institute for Research on Poverty, directed by Dr. Robin D.G. Kelley. Fall 1990-Spring 1991.
    "An Economic History of Black Atlanta." Research Assistant, sponsored by the Journal of Negro History, directed by Dr. Alton Hornsby. Fall, 1989.


    A Brief History of Black Atlanta: From Slavery Until the 1906 Riot." Research Fellow, sponsored by the Atlanta Historical Society.Spring, Summer 1989.

    Professor Akinyele Umoja
    Department of African American Studies
    Georgia State University

  87. making it plain

    Sometimes somethings top an URL How about the real knowledge of how it really spreads

    Akinyele Umoja is an educator husband rather grandfather and scholar-activist. Dr. Umoja has varied experiences as an educator. He has taught in secondary schools, alternative schools, and colleges and universities, as well as developed Afrikan centered curriculum for public schools and community education programs.[

    Currently, he is an Associate Professor and department chair in the Department of African-American Studies at Georgia State University (GSU). At GSU, Umoja is responsible for teaching courses related to the history of people of African descent in Georgia, the Civil Rights Movement and other Black political and social movements, courses on the enslavement of African people in the New World, African religion and philosophy, and 19th and 20th century Black political and social movements.

    Dr. Umoja’s writing has been featured in scholarly publications as The Journal of Black Studies, New Political Science, The International Journal of Africana Studies, Black Scholar, Radical History Review and Socialism and Democracy.Umoja was one of the contributors to Blackwell Companion on African-American History, edited by Alton Hornsby; The Black Panther Party Reconsidered, edited by Charles Earl Jones;Liberation, Imagination, and the Black Panther Party, edited by Kathleen Cleaver and George Katisaficus; and "Malcolm X: A Historical Reader", edited by James Conyers and Andrew Smallwood.[citation needed] In April 2013, New York University Press published Umoja's first single authored book titled WE WILL SHOOT BACK: ARMED RESISTANCE IN THE MISSISSIPPI FREEDOM MOVEMENT.

    Umoja has been active over thirty-five years in the liberation struggle of Afrikan people, particularly working with the New Afrikan Independence Movement.[citation needed He is a founding member of the New Afrikan Peoples Organization and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement.
    If you hang around the best you learn to be the best

  88. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Some good news for a change, from:

    "A jury deliberated for about an hour before finding John Henry Spooner guilty of first-degree intentional homicide. Surveillance video from his own security cameras showed him confronting Darius Simmons in May 2012, pointing a gun at him from about 6 feet away and shooting him in the chest."

    While I grieve the death of the young Mr. Simmons, the surveillance camera aspect does lighten my mood a bit.

  89. It sounds like the black kid deserved a beating for stealing the old white man's house, but he shouldn't have been shot for it. This man will probably spend the rest of his life in prison.

  90. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Who wants to motorboat the scrotum of John Henry Spooner?

  91. Well well well

    The ole man in a shoe Interesting

    Another likkle (Cuban Style) shriveled up penis dying to death
