Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sybrina Fulton, please do not look at this picture.

"Wo-ooh! Woman hold her head and cry,
As her son had been shot down in the street and died
Just because of the system.

Woman hold her head and cry;
Comforting her I was passing by..."
  ~ Johnny Was~

Bob Marley's words were prophetic. Sadly, I can't comfort Trayvon Martin's mother, because even though I was trained to work and navigate my way through it, I don't quite understand "the system", either.

The young man under that police tarp in the picture is Trayvon Martin. He was laying there with a bullet in the middle of his heart because someone decided to ignore an official warning and pursue him in a place that he had every right to be in.

And now, sadly, that man is free.

Of course we are hearing from his attorneys that he shouldn't have been arrested in the first place. They claim that the only reason he was arrested is because he was white and the young victim was black.

That, of course, is preposterous.

Imagine for a minute that another African American male had shot Trayvon Martin. Do you really think that he would not have been immediately hand cuffed and arrested when the police came on the scene? Do you think that he would have been allowed to just walk into the police station and shoot the breeze with police officers like George Zimmerman did? Do you think the crime scene would have been compromised and the police department would have refused to arrest him as was the case with George Zimmerman? 

When we first learned of the death of Trayvon Martin and the circumstances surrounding it, we were shocked and appalled to learn that there had not been at least an arrest in the case.

This is all I (and others) asked for, an arrest. Unfortunately it took weeks for justice to finally take its course.

Now some will argue that justice has been served, and that the system worked the way it is supposed to. "Field, let it go, you asked for the man's arrest and that was done. Now that a jury of his peers have set him free, you should deal with it."

Dealing with it is exactly what the Martins have been doing since they lost their son. And they had to sit in a courtroom and watch their dead son--- not the man who took his life--- put on trial.

So once again, to the parents of Trayvon, we feel sorry for you and your loss. We cannot feel your personal pain because you lost a child. But, like you, we feel the pain of injustice. That pain, unfortunately, is universal.

 "Woman hold her head and cry;
Explaining to her was a passerby
Who saw the woman cry
Wondering how can she work it out,
Now she knows that the wages of sin is death..."

Did you hear that Mr. Zimmerman?


  1. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Injustice that's the word of the day! Exactly.


  2. Anonymous8:57 PM

    So where is the outrage for all the young BM killing other young BM? The apathy of don't snitch? And folks are so outraged about Zimmerman acting on what our community puts out in our speech, music, and actions everyday........

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Field, I'm shocked and dismayed that you haven't upgraded your trolls to the current v1.43 rev 6a. These trolls are running the same game they debuted all the way back in the v1.01 days. It's downright shameful :D

  5. "So where is the outrage for all the young BM killing other young BM? The apathy of don't snitch? And folks are so outraged about Zimmerman acting on what our community puts out in our speech, music, and actions everyday........"

    So you can't have sympathy for Trayvon and be outraged about black-on-black killings at the same time? The "EITHER/OR" dynamic you're looking for is nowhere to be found.

  6. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Field, you still haven't said a damn word about that crapy anti-black justice system you work for.

    What happened to those big ego prosecutors that you talked about who would do a good job, huh? Hell, I could have done a better job and I'm not a lawyer. Of course, in Florida, it doesn't matter if you are a bm, you're guilty anyway.

  7. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Mack Lyons you need to STFU, you racist!

  8. Trollio9:22 PM

    "Imagine for a minute that another African American male had shot Trayvon Martin. Do you really think that he would not have been immediately hand cuffed and arrested when the police came on the scene?'

    You are laboring under the false pretense that all people are the same.

    All people are entitled to equal treatment under the law, but that does not mean they are the same.

    Blacks are 50 times more likely than whites to commit serious crimes. But that is a fact that must never be acknowledged.

    That's why the media is always eager to find the next Great White Defendant. Even if they have to invent the term "White Hispnic" to make the story fits the Narrative.

    If it had been a 29 year old black neighborhood watch guy who shot Trayvon, there never would have been an arrest. But black people don't do the neighborhood watch thing - too much like snitching.


    Check this out Field.

  10. Wesley R9:45 PM

    If Martin was White he never would have been profiled.

    On another subject, what a bad day for track and field with all of the positive drug test.

    White folks have the O.J case. This is ours, and 20 years from now we need to throw it in their face just like the throw the O.J. case at us every chance they get.

  11. "So you can't have sympathy for Trayvon and be outraged about black-on-black killings at the same time? The "EITHER/OR" dynamic you're looking for is nowhere to be found."

    Mack, you're talking about conservatives. They have very binary minds that usually only allow them two choices at best. Keep in mind these are the people who watch Hannity and think Palin was a good VP choice.

  12. Anonymous9:51 PM

    FocusedPurpose, "Almighty is not the author of confusion. He has given sound mind, power and love. we are at spiritual war right now. if you don't know your are behind the eight ball already. pretending the defeated one doesn't exist simply disadvantages you. we keep seeing folks lose as a result of operating in this manner."

    Your comment regarding the 'enemy' reminded me what Thomas Merton once said:

    “The devil is no fool. He can get people feeling about heaven the way they ought to feel about hell. He can make them fear the means of grace the way they do not fear sin. And he does so, not by light but by obscurity, not by realities but by shadows; not by clarity and substance, but by dreams and the creatures of psychosis.

    And men are so poor in intellect that a few cold chills down their spine will be enough to keep them from ever finding out the truth about anything.”
    ----Thomas Merton

    How true it is!

  13. Anonymous9:55 PM

    PilotX, seeing how you have the direct experience on binary minds, we will take your expert comment as true.

  14. blackinalabama9:57 PM

    Time for me to read again 'White Man's Justice, Black Man's Grief' (1973) Donald Goines

  15. Anonymous9:58 PM

    You didn't ask for just an arrest. Based on everyone's reaction you all wanted a conviction. You weren't there but you were sure of his guilt That's your "justice".

    @PilotX's 2 choices limitations. There are just 2 choices, right and wrong.

  16. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Trollio said...
    "Imagine for a minute that another African American male had shot Trayvon Martin. Do you really think that he would not have been immediately hand cuffed and arrested when the police came on the scene?'

    You are laboring under the false pretense that all people are the same.

    All people are entitled to equal treatment under the law, but that does not mean they are the same.

    Blacks are 50 times more likely than whites to commit serious crimes. But that is a fact that must never be acknowledged.

    That's why the media is always eager to find the next Great White Defendant. Even if they have to invent the term "White Hispnic" to make the story fits the Narrative.

    If it had been a 29 year old black neighborhood watch guy who shot Trayvon, there never would have been an arrest. But black people don't do the neighborhood watch thing - too much like snitching.

    9:22 PM
    Mr Trollio, being devoted to the truth, I must admit that your comment is true. No excuses. However, there is a part of me that wants to deny the truth because it is ugly and shameful. I want to cover up the facts, deny the facts, find some other reason to diminish the truth.

    It's the fear of shame that I experience when such facts are presented. It's pretty damn painful. You see, as an AA, 'shame' is something my race has experienced for over 400 years. And it's not ordinary shame, it's "toxic" shame.

    I don't know where I'm going with this but we Blacks, like Whites have some forms of psychosis. The Thomas Merton quote by Anon above is absolutely right. However, I really don't know what to do about it and I am not sure if 'anybody' knows.

    The effects of slavery and Jim Crow in a hostile white society has taken its toll on us. I mean, does 'any' race in America ever recover from the effects of slavery, Jim Crow, racism? Well, it's 2013 and we all are still just as crazy as ever. One race administers "injustice" and the other cries. It's the same dance as in the 1900's and 2000, but with a fancier more subtle step to it.

    Such is the way of earthlings.

  17. Blount10:19 PM

    Nothing short of impaling George Zimmerman on a stake would satisfy the bloodthirsty liberal mob. But the spectacle was at least a partial win for those who engineered it. The Community Activist in Chief had two goals in pressuring local officials to try a man everyone knew had not violated any law: (1) to sow racial discord, in the knowledge that almost half the white population will side with blacks against their own kind due to lifelong brainwashing with liberal propaganda; and (2) to intimidate those who insist on affirming the single most fundamental right, the right of self-defense.

  18. gz is a kkkiller

    he will NEVER walk away from his karma


    cc his cousin whom gz also molested for yrs

  19. Anonymous11:31 PM

    blackinalabama said...
    Time for me to read again 'White Man's Justice, Black Man's Grief' (1973) Donald Goines

    9:57 PM
    Here's the thing: America was never intended for Blacks. And it never will....NEVER. I will read that book. As I remember, it was very good and laid out the unvarnished truth.

    We have to "get it" that Whites have no reason to be fair to us. None whatsoever. Again, this country was never intended for us as equals or justice. It's for WHITES ONLY.

  20. President Watthefock12:02 AM

    "We have to "get it" that Whites have no reason to be fair to us. None whatsoever. Again, this country was never intended for us as equals or justice. It's for WHITES ONLY."

    Except for the Presidency.

  21. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Anonymous President Watthefock said...
    "We have to "get it" that Whites have no reason to be fair to us. None whatsoever. Again, this country was never intended for us as equals or justice. It's for WHITES ONLY."

    Except for the Presidency.

    12:02 AM
    Oh yes, The Presidency...owned and operated by BANKS and White Lobbyists. Whites own Obama. You can be sure of that.

  22. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Dear Mr Field, today of all days a white person wanted to move into our wealthy neighborhood. When he was turned away with screams of GTFOH! he had the nerve to file a discrimination suit, and a 'complaint' with the NAACP! What really galls me is that it turns out Whitey is an upstanding member of Stormfront!

    Brother Field, there is some weird shit going on. Is there any rest from these menacing folks? Please advise.

  23. President Kerushdagoy12:50 AM

    "Oh yes, The Presidency...owned and operated by BANKS and White Lobbyists. Whites own Obama. You can be sure of that."

    Jews own Obama. He is their golem, created to destroy white America. Blacks are just collateral damage.

  24. "Mack Lyons you need to STFU, you racist!"

    Spare me, Anon. If I had castigated Trayvon by calling him a "weed smoking proto-felon of the lowest order," you wouldn't call me a "racist" - you'd nod your head in approval.

    "Nothing short of impaling George Zimmerman on a stake would satisfy the bloodthirsty liberal mob."

    Hey, remember back in the day when decent, moral mobs used to whup up and hang those colored criminal scum when they thought the justice system was being a bit too soft on em? Jews, too. I remember that Leo Frank feller from way back...

  25. Jews own Obama. He is their golem, created to destroy white America. Blacks are just collateral damage.

    This comment is brought to you by the fine folks over at Stormfront.

  26. Anonymous1:00 AM

    What is false in that comment?

  27. Affirmative Action Jackson1:03 AM

    School administrators at Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) are systematically raising the final grades of African-American students, three ex-faculty members told Campus Reform last month.

    Former Director of Academic Technology Shira Hedgepeth, along with two former professors who spoke to Campus Reform on the condition of anonymity, alleged administrators at the historically black college routinely increase the final grades of African-American students in order to raise the school’s standing.

    “Some students had their final grades changed based on their race,” Hedgepeth told Campus Reform on June 6. “That was a common complaint of many of the faculty that I worked with.”

    “None of the Caucasian or non-African American students… none of their grades were changed,” she added. “The way the grades fell out, there was no other reason for changing.”

    Good thing WSSU doesn’t have a medical school. Then Ms. Dairy Queen might actually become a doctor.

    Would you like to see your sick child operated on by a black surgeon who may be skilled, or may have been given his position to make liberals feel good about themselves?

    The sad reality is that in our society, qualifications are not meaningful when blacks hold them, because we don’t know whether they were earned or handed out for ideological reasons. In the long run, no one benefits from this deranged state of affairs.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. This kid, who probably was "street smart" enough to know what streets to stay away from - because that is the best kind of street smart - didn't figure he'd have to be equally street smart in his own dad's "safe" neighborhood.

  30. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Feliz como un cerdo en la mierda!

  31. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Who is Mack Lyons? Is he new? He is another FN simpleton who probably is a member of the NBP. The Justice Dept needs to investigate Mack and the organization he belongs to. FYI: The NBP stopped people from voting in Philly. The NBP makes Stormfront look tame.I am curious who this spacey Lions Negro is. He is rather uppity and needs to be straightened out. We don't allow that down in my neck of the woods.

  32. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Feliz como un cerdo en la mierda!"
    Quien, tu? :))

  33. Anonymous2:56 AM

    "because someone decided to ignore an official warning and pursue him in a place that he had every right to be in" ...... So who are you trying to convince? As the FACTS have become very apparent that is not what happened! Instead of addressing the factors that led Trayvon, and other young men to think burglarizing homes and assaulting people is acceptable behavior, YOU decide to play the race card. Change your name to "House" because YOU are the Honorary House Negro of the Day.

  34. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Zimmerman did nothing wrong, if you can't see past that, you can't live in civil society. leave go somewhere else.

  35. Anonymous3:30 AM

    He was laying there with a bullet in the middle of his heart because someone decided to ignore an official warning and pursue him in a place that he had every right to be in.

    There are 3 lies in that one sentence:
    1.  Zimmerman never received an "official warning".  Nor did he receive an order.  Police dispatchers cannot give orders, and the exact words were "we don't need you to do that".  That's not even a suggestion, that's "don't do it on OUR account".
    2.  Martin was not pursued.  He was followed at a distance.  There is no evidence to suggest that Zimmerman ever tried to close with Martin.
    3.  Martin was a GUEST in the complex, not a resident.  He had no right to invade the space he used to hide from Zimmerman, to give just one example.  The only spaces he had any claim to were the sidewalks and the space in Brandy Green's townhouse she had given him permission to occupy.  All other yards, porches, etc. were off-limits.

    Imagine for a minute that another African American male had shot Trayvon Martin. Do you really think that he would not have been immediately hand cuffed and arrested when the police came on the scene?

    George Zimmerman WAS taken to the police station.  He was questioned for quite some time.  Then he was released, when no probable cause was found that he had committed a crime.

    The same thing is happening regularly in Detroit, where Black shoots Black and the police deem it justifiable homicide.

    When we first learned of the death of Trayvon Martin and the circumstances surrounding it, we were shocked and appalled to learn that there had not been at least an arrest in the case.

    You're shocked because you don't understand the meaning of "probable cause".

    This is all I (and others) asked for, an arrest.

    It's not lawful to arrest someone absent probable cause to suspect they have committed a crime.  You have no respect for the rule of law; what you want is racial "justice", which is tribal prejudice dressed up in Marxist rhetoric.

    What Sybrina Fulton does not want to look at is her own failings as a parent.  That's what that yellow tarpaulin represents.  But to her, it represents a winning ticket in the "ghetto lottery", which she has already won:  her share of $1 million from the insurance company for the HOA.

  36. Matanzas said This is real and the best thing or worst thing is IT IS!

    Focused purpose said:

    may more folks, all hues, act like they know. i think it is best personally.

    MilagrosG Villamil ie lacubanadeMatanzas said:

    As i said IT IS and like we all know and OJ simpelson discovered It was not a b--- that drove ying yang rather a euro man with a short penis

    Thank you again It surely is

  37. Where do we go from here Is the JD the answer?

    Hotep Counselor:

    Looking good son!

    Field, i will refrain from silly PENIS comments just for today ;0) today and get serious for a moment.

    During the next few lines i will compliment and sing your praises and in the end i know that you will overstand

    You've encourage me to get back to my professional demeanor and i appreciate that..
    Your honor, it is a pleasure to not only be here in this blog, but to experience what it is like to have uncovered a gem such as yourself, albeit yrs ago conditions would not allow me to stay
    To know that you encourage education and especially along the lines of political endeavor What is not to love

    Moving along to something that has been nearly a 24/7/365 concern for Milagros G Villamil Esq et/al

    The murder or shall i say the assassination of young Fla adololescent, Trayvon Benjamin Martin .. An assassination committed admittedly by a disgruntled confused and hate filled envious Jewish Peruvian(non Hispanic) person.

    The murder and loss of an Afrikan SUN" (my spelling) is often not anything close to being complicated for many parents and others in our communities and as such we were never confused

    Please, conscious people do not misunderstand "IT HURT LIKE FIYAH" all the way to our bones The loss of our son was like the feel of grits tearing away skin after wiping them off( if you can)
    And to date this description of our pain is still the best we have

    Judge, as you know and as you have so rightly stated here
    Field said:
    Dealing with it is exactly what the Martins have been doing since they lost their son. And they had to sit in a courtroom and watch their dead son--- not the man who took his life--- put on trial.

    YES! and as softly as i could and as positively as i could my life mate and i were able to sit with Sybrina Martin, alone at times and with Tracey Martin at other times and share the Villamil story of loss' We were able to do so because of his connection to Benjamin Crump and the case they won against the Boston Red Sox
    (Ya'll didn't know that did you ? Now you do)

    Now, i am one of the Atty in the Villamil tribe , my mate is both an Atty and a child Psychologist with a small practice
    And it was more through his assistance and counseling that the Martins were able to come to where they are now

    Be clear we were not the only people whom the fam relied on but we were the most consistent and we put our money where our mouths were long before the h.o settlement Gratis!

    i thank the Orisha for allowing us that op, and since we work for no one and are not on a CLOCK we were able to comfort and grieve and rally along with millions of others to bring the killer to court

    Sadly what transpired transpired and like our friends have said it will happen again, because the killing by europeans of young Afrikan males is precribed, it is determined, guaranteed, and almost demanded

    To be continued

  38. Where do we go from here Is the JD the answer?

    continued from page 1

    "Woman hold her head and cry;
    Explaining to her was a passerby
    Who saw the woman cry
    Wondering how can she work it out,
    Now she knows that the wages of sin is death..."

    Did you hear that Mr. Zimmerman?

    i would lay $$$ that he does know this and that he is already dead. And that he died when he got out of his truck on that dark rainy night Feb 26 2012

    Eche stepped in guided the steering wheel and made the choice for him And as John Guy asked What was in his heart?

    As i have shared with Sister Sybrina many times when she asked how? i tell her that the only way out is through. That she must bear that hurt loss and pain while leaning on whatever GOD(s) she chooses. Or no God

    That she has the right to any action she chooses outside of revenge And last that she remember she is the only one who has the last word concerning Trayvon Benjamin Martin and that she has the right to keep pushing

    She is surrounded by family which can burdensome because they want to help but don't know how
    Suffice that, i suggested that she often seek privacy and a space of her own where she can grieve

    To be continued

  39. The Coatesville ExPat8:46 AM

    We demanded an arrest and got one. We demanded a Grand Jury and an indictment and got one. We demanded a trial and got one. All I'm saying.

  40. Where do we go from here Is the JD the answer?

    1 Justice wasn't in the court or was it And how do we know?
    2 Did the not guilty verdict prove innocence?
    3 Did that verdict prove
    clean hands, clear conscience, or purity?
    4 Or did that verdict prove
    corruption, evil, vindictiveness, prosecutorial misconduct etc?

    In our sons case the SAO never hesitated to bring charges and as a matter of fact, although it took 6 days for an arrest ( brother turned him in) as soon as the cuffs were on the GOV and the state filed charges
    My son was taken across state lines and butchered set on fire and left to die All because of a auto a Jewish who ran with a hill billy without breed assumed he should not have.
    Although this happened in a state without the DP it ended in a state that had the death penalty ..We had to struggle about who had the right And we prevailed FEDS just smacked down the state DAYUM Civil rights viol and the whole nine yards
    At the sentencing i did not seek /ask for the DP because there was no reason to seek a sentence against a euro that i fought so hard to defeat for others?
    We were satisfied with jury instructions from the state POV as well as the fed guidelines LIFE without POP.
    And each yr on his birth i send a card with our photos i love it\

    As Field has said

    Now some will argue that justice has been served, and that the system worked the way it is supposed to. "Field, let it go, you asked for the man's arrest and that was done. Now that a jury of his peers have set him free, you should deal with it."

    Sure that is what uncle stepin fetchit patio negros and cave men always say
    But listen to who those cold unfeeling words are always directed towards Afrikans..
    Not many people can ever be accused of telling holocaust survivors to LET IT GO not even Geraldo. Perhaps refusing to let go is why they (Jew) and the Chinese own everything including a few politicians.

    My belief is that the Martins struggle to uncover any corruption in the SAO as well as the defense. And that if any missed op can be proven that action be taken all the way to the GOV office

    Bottom line no amt of counseling prayer or outside support will ease the Martin families pain 100% The only way out is through
    However action might change the SYG laws and uncover any corruption which i believe may have taken place

    Now big daddy( my hubby) says LOOK ! Woman you are NOT getting involved NO! C'mon lets go to the beach
    And NO! no ipad laptop or phones

    jajajajajajja No matter what any one believes about this BIG MOUTH! i am an obedient MRS i respect my like mate and always trust him We are 2gether and our loss sealed our union and our fam NO its not perfect But he's mine and vice versa

    Thanks Colleague Muchas respect

  41. Just making it plain and keeping it real Pay back is a small dick"
    He got just what he deserved

    We were in Las Vegas a few yrs and remember when OJ simpleton was arrested for his boongoggle stupidity
    It is alleged that:
    When not doing push-ups or pumping iron, Simpson, 64, relaxes by reading best-selling author James Patterson, whose Alex Cross novels follow the cases of an African American homicide detective who practices psychology on the side.

    The disgraced gridiron great also follows his alma-mater teams, the USC Trojans and Buffalo Bills – thanks to his loved ones’ generosity. When Simpson first got to Lovelock, where he’s serving a 33-year sentence, he had no TV in his cell. Within days, however, friends and relatives had taken up a collection to buy him one at the prison commissary

    google this i am not using urls :))))

    I wonder how he feels about ying Yang and reverse karma lol
    We would do well to ask OJ simpleton who was free and had it all if that CONDOM fits his butthole
    Send him a note at Nevada state at lovelock
    Oh Ying Yang your so mean!

  42. Anonymous9:38 AM

    cc oj in nv

    freedom is relative and temporary...

  43. Anonymous9:51 AM

    memo to the martins:

    get new attys ASAP!

    file a civil suit agianst gz NOW!

    best wishes!

  44. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Where dat Field Negro at?

    I told you so.

    Gay, Powell test positive for banned substances


    The list reads like a Who's Who among the world's best sprinters:

    Jamaican Asafa Powell, the former world-record holder at 100 meters.

    American champion Tyson Gay, who went out of his way to promote himself as an anti-drug athlete.

    Jamaican Sherone Simpson, who has a gold and two silver Olympic medals to her credit.

    Word came Sunday that all three had failed drug tests. "A sad day," one former track official called it - and certainly a day that punctured the myth that the oft-troubled sport has cleaned up its act.

    "I am not now - nor have I ever been - a cheat," Powell said in a message released through his Twitter account.

    The 30-year-old Powell, whose 100-meter record of 9.74 stood until Usain Bolt beat it in 2008, was calling for an investigation as to how a stimulant called oxilofrine entered his system and caused a positive test at Jamaica's national championships in June.

    Simpson, who tested positive for the same stimulant, said she "would not intentionally take an illegal substance of any form into my system."

    Gay, the American-record holder in the 100, was more contrite, though he wasn't taking full responsibility.

    "I don't have a sabotage story. I don't have any lies. I don't have anything to say to make this seem like it was a mistake or it was on USADA's hands, someone playing games," said Gay, who fought back sobs in a telephone interview. "I don't have any of those stories. I basically put my trust in someone and I was let down."

  45. Making it plain and keeping it honest

    In the Afrikan comm which only we know, (others think they know)there are screams and shouts, gunshots, knife wounds, sheer fear death and disgust.

    And on any given day there are those of us who put on our combat boots and sweats and hit the streets. Do not be fooled by liars and stepin fetchit on tv

    Other than the police, what/who arrives when one of our youth, boys or men are killed by senseless violence is unknown unless one puts feet on the ground and $$ where the mouth is

    Sure it is easy to point fingers and complain when living in the burbs
    Sanford is the burbs, next to the railroad tracks leading into Goldboro A former sundown town( name has changed)

    And coupled with that, unless and until people who have so much to say, about who does and does not care about what goes on in the Afrikan comm i ask. How do they know when they do not live in the Afrikan comm or have no assoc with said comm other than FOX news

    Teaching in our comm does not give authority/or insight into the pain of waking up hungry lonely angry or tired on a sidewalk or an alley

    Working at a hosp soc serv agency, or even a college /univ does not provide any real insight Those positions only make for thesis material

    Fear, hate, and spite coupled with envy jealousy and a desire to cleanse the world of the Afrikan presence is the reason why cave people and other fakers complain

    The cave man has feared the Afrikan from day one he has positioned the Afrikan as this big bad GOD zilla who will rape murder and eat their children like Jefffrey Dahmer
    The small headed cave man has pushed this idea to the point that now cave women are glad to assoc with BIG DADDY Afrikan

    Outsiders are forever caught up on what Afrikan is killing another and its its not like they care its just margarine on the white bread which makes it taste WORSE

    Now.. its we need a conversation about race? Thid old melodios undersong is scratched and the 78 rp is tired
    To be open, the only time the caveman comes out of suburbia to protest death or viol in the Afrikan comm is when there are proposed RIOTS Then everyone starts talking race conversation Why is that?

    Or they are proposing RIOT because historically there have been no riots which destroyed suburbia
    Rather its our own comm which suffer most, and which drives the $$$ to suburbia being that the stores in the comm are closed Sound familiar?

    None of the bruhaha worked this time and must never work again At the same time i am like sistah soljah and Malcolm we cannot sit with white fokes until we sit with our fokes And even then we must remain suspicious of their agenda

    Bottom line unless and until the heart of all mankind is changed it will be business as usual

    Even as an Atty i can only sense and listen to what goes on either from my own desire to find out firsthand or from the TV WHY? I do not live there. So i put on my combat boots

    In the same voice i can say we go to the war zone we ask the comm how we can help we ask for info and ask for calm
    Our org offers solutions to comm leaders et/al and we connect with their pain and disconnect the daily talk shows.

    Do not simply complain about it and talk about it, be about it! Hit the ground feet to the urban concrete Got hutzbah cojones= be about it

    ps Afrikans People died for you
    be there for your comm or keep your head down
    Cave men people died for you as well so that your rights would be unchained by the GOV you love so much

    Ps Oh my hubby will be speaking in DC for the August MOW commemoration at MLK lib

  46. Making it plain

    If anyone here ever had the op to sit and talk with Sybrina you would discover one thing
    She will never turn her back on Ben Crump! In fact we talked today and she will not need any Attys other than who has protected her for these mths

    Speech means nada its his knowledge of law
    Was Rachel Jentel who speaks 3 languages thrown under the bus because she did not read 19th cent cursive?? rolling my eyes Only a racist supremacist would think that And i do know don knock knock west


  47. "Good thing WSSU doesn’t have a medical school. Then Ms. Dairy Queen might actually become a doctor. "

    There are 2 HBCU's that award MD degress and I don't have the privilege of attending either of these illustrious institutions.

    My Medical Degree with be awarded from a predominately White University just like the other four diplomas hanging in my office.

  48. My bad, make that 3 I forgot about Howard.

  49. Making it plain:

    Last hubby is eye rolling going to beach

    about what? if your from the Caribbean u overstand the break down of the word have fun lol

  50. Anonymous11:12 AM

    kudos to the gorgeous lance gross!

    cc that racist drone man hobama

  51. Affirmative Action Jackson11:23 AM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    My Medical Degree with be awarded from a predominately White University just like the other four diplomas hanging in my office.

    That is exactly why I would never take my child to a black doctor unless I knew them and their history very well.

    Is he/she a talented, accomplished physician, or are they someone who was admitted and graduated because of their race?

    You can never be sure.

    Based on the ignorance and venality you display here, and your obviously marginal degrees, you are definitely someone who should never be trusted with life-or-death decisions.

    Affirmative Action kills.

  52. Belagro11:26 AM

    MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...
    Making it plain:

    Last hubby is eye rolling going to beach

    Failed badly in the Zimmerman case, but oh well, we still got paid! Let's go to the beach.

    What a wonderful person you are.

  53. Anonymous11:44 AM

    The only lies that were told were those given by George and his lying wife.

  54. "Who is Mack Lyons? Is he new? He is another FN simpleton who probably is a member of the NBP. The Justice Dept needs to investigate Mack and the organization he belongs to. FYI: The NBP stopped people from voting in Philly. The NBP makes Stormfront look tame.I am curious who this spacey Lions Negro is. He is rather uppity and needs to be straightened out. We don't allow that down in my neck of the woods."

    I've been down to your neck of the woods before. Double-wide trailers, tattered Confederate flags, barefoot white women and kids, the works. You guys think its paradise. I was just tryin to get some of that famous moonshine you fellers make before I got run off by the folks with the pointy white wizard's hats. Must have been D&D cosplayers or somethin.

    That stuff was probably rubbin alcohol mixed with toilet water, for all I know.

    The NBP told me my dreads weren't long enough to join. The FBI agent parked around the corner from my camping tent told me to stop bugging those poor folks before I got hit with a rancid bean pie or somethin. I don't know. The FBI agent had his badge credentials written in crayon. He could have been spacemen.

  55. I heard the NBP were stoppin folks in Philly because they weren't lookin' fresh to death at the polls, and we all know you gotta come correct at the ballot box. At least that's what the parakeet on my shoulder keeps telling me.

    The parakeet is also fresh to death. I put a little bowtie on him and everything.

  56. "What Sybrina Fulton does not want to look at is her own failings as a parent. That's what that yellow tarpaulin represents. But to her, it represents a winning ticket in the "ghetto lottery", which she has already won: her share of $1 million from the insurance company for the HOA.

    So she deliberately caused her son's death to hit the lawsuit jackpot.

    I wonder how long you had to keep your head in the oven to come to a conclusion like that.

    Yep, I'm monopolizing the comments section like whuuuuuuuud today.

  57. Anonymous1:13 PM

    what about the family of gz i know they must be proud of their killer
    son. The raciest remaks the all those other feelings he has; it make them so proud that they raised a COWARD.

  58. Anonymous1:35 PM


    and gz has a racist gene
    his bro is even MORE racist than he is!

  59. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Field, please give a shout-out to teenage hero, Temar Boggs.

    Off topic but we need to hear something positive today.

  60. Anonymous2:51 PM

    MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...
    "Field, i will refrain from silly PENIS comments just for today ;0) today and get serious for a moment.
    You've encourage me to get back to my professional demeanor and i appreciate that.."
    That's his professional way of trying to tell you to stop ruining his blog idiot!

    But of course you could care less, psycho!

  61. Black Ink2:56 PM

    "If it don't fit; you must acquit"--and now you have the audacity to bitch when what goes around comes around Brother Field?

    Victimhood notwithstanding, if our Brother Trayvon had been the neighborhood watchman and shooter we all know you'd be just fine with the verdict. If the roles of Martin and Zimmerman were reversed; we all know today's post would instead be a triumphant vindication packed full with cites to support the legal grounds of self defense for shooter Trayvon.

    And there's the rub! Bad is bad regardless as to race or ethnicity.......when we as blacks insist on people being judged on skin color when it suits us and demand that skin pigment ought to trump the cuts both ways.

    We will never achieve racial equality when we argue that past discrimination justifies future discrimination; regardless as to which side of the fence we find ourselves.

    Wrong will always be wrong no matter what color it comes in or what excuses are offered.

  62. Anonymous2:58 PM

    i am in love with kg!


    call that racist mf coward hobama all the way on his gunless spineless hitler bs out!!!

  63. Anonymous2:59 PM

    call that racist mf coward hobama all the way out on his gunless spineless hitler bs!!!!!!!

  64. Anonymous3:05 PM

    eric h proves he is bigger blacker and better rhan
    that blackish racist coward gun grabbung big bro bankster hobama!


  65. Anonymous3:12 PM

    glad gz was not there to chase and kill them like deer...


  66. Anonymous3:36 PM

    When r black folks gonna wake up and stop expecting "creepy ass crackers" to solve their problems. What about the problems we can solve ourselves like all the gun violence with our black young men killing each other like a bunch of savages. Where are the peaceful demonstrations and protests. He'll there are about 5 shootings every day in the ghetto. Where r the real men in those communities? And if there are any real men what r they doing to b positive roll models. Why ain't the black preachers in the hood educating the young mothers and fathers? Or is there only mission to pimp the pulpit? When r we gonna realize that we have to buy our own 40 acres and a mule. And we still don't wanna even do we'll die waiting for the "creepy ass crackers" to give us justice.

  67. Anonymous3:43 PM

    gz is a kkkiller


    the martins need new attys asap!!!!!!!!


  68. Anonymous3:58 PM

    kudos to nancy grace and van jones!!!

  69. Anonymous4:00 PM

    ted n is a racist

    who is still right about that racist hobama

  70. Anonymous4:15 PM

    kudos to kg!

    this is sheer poetry on that horrid half black half wit hobama!!!

    cc africom.cbc/black agendaless bs/1st pal skip gates etc

    For the president to not even acknowledge the existence of such a cancer is unconscionable. It's the equivalent of the nation's surgeon general saying, "Remember to eat your vegetables, but as far as cancer goes, it's certainly a tragedy for all Americans and that's all I have to say about that."

    The president should say more. When it comes to issues like sky-high black unemployment, President Obama has spent much of his tenure in office running so far from the issue of race that he is close to falling off a cliff. Many of us forgave him for his silence before the last election, recognizing that the cancer of subtle racism that killed Trayvon could quite possibly kill the re-election hopes of any black candidate who dared have the courage to honestly discuss the racial dynamics of the case. But now he is in his final term, and yet he continues to pretend that our country's racial cancer is in remission.

    There is an episode of the television show Law & Order in which a black attorney is asked by a white counterpart if he thinks of himself as a black lawyer or as a lawyer who's black. During a racially charged case later in his career, the attorney comes to the conclusion that he originally considered himself the latter but grew to realize that he was the former.

    Here's hoping that before his final term in office concludes, the first black president will rightly conclude that he is a black president, and not just an American president who happens to be black, and subsequently has a responsibility to speak for those black Americans who cannot speak for themselves.

  71. "I've been down to your neck of the woods before. Double-wide trailers, tattered Confederate flags, barefoot white women and kids, the works. You guys think its paradise. I was just tryin to get some of that famous moonshine you fellers make before I got run off by the folks with the pointy white wizard's hats. Must have been D&D cosplayers or somethin.

    That stuff was probably rubbin alcohol mixed with toilet water, for all I know."


  72. Anonymous5:15 PM

    cc hobama/the sellout in chief


  73. "That is exactly why I would never take my child to a black doctor unless I knew them and their history very well."

    There's not a Black Doc I know that wants to have your mangy, lice head filled children in their medical office.

    NOT ONE.

  74. control+halt+delete6:41 PM

    I looked at the picture.

    My condolences to both families.

    I saw another picture without the yellow cover on the boy's body. I was amazed at how unruffled Trayvon's garments were. His khaki's looked rather fresh, too!

    I looked at this picture and Trayvon had on some preppy slacks with a light grass stain on his knee that any 35 year old white woman with young boys knows, comes out in a good wash.

    I looked at the picture and what I didn't see was any sign that revealed evidence of a life and death struggle.

    Gzim had made sure this was to appear as one though. Did he ever express any fear that he felt he was in imminent danger? We'll never really know the truth.

    My theory is, that Trayvon mounted him and either got tired or paused when he thought the fight was over allowing gzim to shoot him.

    Any reasonable adult would think to put up "No trespassing" signs. You know the ones..."Knock, Knock. Who's there? Smith and Wesson. The End."

    Or how about a stun gun sure, maybe pepper spray... but a pistol?... Really?!

    Why did he provoke and then restrain this youth, especially when you and everybody you know says you're a punk. I believe gzim's interest was in becoming a hero. He was the adult and didn't act like one. Did the jury hear about the medications this 28 yr old juvenile delinquent had in his system?

    However more than Trayvon, I feel for his father. Here is a black man raising his child and obviously still active in his life. He was doing the right thing. Wouldn't you agree?

    So for those who want to talk about the "outrage absent from the 1000's of black on black murders, I say...
    gzim acted like a 17 year old urban thug. What more could a detective want? He was standing over the body with a gun when the police came..."Alright class, how many times does that happen?"

    But this time, the suspect was seen parading around the police station asking the cops questions. He looked pretty good for a guy who lost a fistfight. Great work, detectives.

    Gzim hunted this young man down under the cover of the darkness and rain, and cornered him in his gated little world and shot him. Sun Tzu would have been proud.

    And for the record I still think Gzim can be heard saying, "fucking coons." on the 9-11 call. Doesn't that make this a hate crime?

    Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that Pale Males and Pale Male lights cause Cancer, Hypertension, Diabetes and racist, medicated idiots with a history of violence, free to kill a law abiding citizen if they don't like the way you dress.

  75. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Mack Lyons, "I've been down to your neck of the woods before. Double-wide trailers, tattered Confederate flags, barefoot white women and kids, the works. You guys think its paradise. I was just tryin to get some of that famous moonshine you fellers make before I got run off by the folks with the pointy white wizard's hats. Must have been D&D cosplayers or somethin."

    You are lying. If you had attempted to enter our trailer park, you wouldn't be around to talk about it. fyi, we don't sell moonshine to Negroes or Native Americans. It makes you folks crazy.

  76. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Well Field,
    What do we expect from a state that can be fooled into thinking that little Ms.Anthony was not guilty!! That lawyer and the ones for this defense pulled out the perfect "Plan B"... twice.

    But blacks have to remember, whites DO NOT SEE THEIR KIDS IN YOUR KIDS!!. So a crime with a strange man following a 17yr black kid does not effect them! PERIOD!! So when their kids go missing, get killed..etc.. They want everyone to feel their pain! But when a black kid gets shot from a stranger..SO WHAT!!

    P.S -> we should just tell black kids when a strange cracker comes up to you, run home, get your father and mother, and have them go outside with their .45!

    And possibly shoot the "boot lickers" on this board that would protect that cracker!!


  77. Anonymous9:46 PM

    To 8:24 PM's comment: And what should Blacks do when their own kind comes up to them and shoots them in the hood? What should be done about that? After all doesn't this happen all day everyday in the hood? Oh, I forgot, they go home get a gun and do revenge drive by. Funny how Blacks never want to deal with that.

  78. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Funny how whites classify Zimmerman as "white" when they want to claim that he was protecting their neighborhood from a black boy thug. But after the trial is over he'll be returned to his minority status and viewed as just another Hispanic when he applies for government assistance and welfare.

  79. And the body is far away from a sidewalk. Why is that?

  80. Anonymous9:48 PM

    " Anonymous said...

    To 8:24 PM's comment: And what should Blacks do when their own kind comes up to them and shoots them in the hood? What should be done about that? After all doesn't this happen all day everyday in the hood? Oh, I forgot, they go home get a gun and do revenge drive by. Funny how Blacks never want to deal with that."

    When blacks commit crimes against other blacks, the police do not let then go home and not charge them. When blacks commit crimes, we get arrested and then a court hearing, in which the judges make sure to give blacks the maximum amount of time.

    But if you think that we should not do or say anything when "Paul Blart, Mall Cop" shoots a kid with soda and skittles, you and your creepy cracker friends are crazy!!.. But we knew that anyway, that is why punk - ass crackers like you are always crying about needing more guns! If you cannot beat a 17 year old, your right, you will never beat an adult!!


  81. Hotep Field

    In the Afrikan spirit there are nuances and issues which tell is what we need to know i am very glad she did not look and was not there
    She was with those who loved her And we were in court because we could handle it.. for her and Tracy

    I wanted to make sure that i was RIGHT!

  82. I've been down to your neck of the woods before. Double-wide trailers, tattered Confederate flags, barefoot white women and kids, the works. You guys think its paradise. I was just tryin to get some of that famous moonshine you fellers make before I got run off by the folks with the pointy white wizard's hats. Must have been D&D cosplayers or somethin.

    That stuff was probably rubbin alcohol mixed with toilet water, for all I know."

    Matanzas said
    But colleague you forgot the little DICKS those tatterd draws, hooch making machines nasty jugs and those bad teeth

  83. The verdict was so disappointing that there are not words, and shows that we have a long way to go for racial equality. I was disappointing, that after the verdict, a local schoolboard official here began a facebook thread about how Zimmerman should have never been tried for this. A lot of 'us' and 'them' comments, yet when I called her racist she was sincerely outraged. And now this is, once again, making the rounds.

    I think the fact of it is this: what happened in Florida was undeniably wrong, and distracting ourselves with 'yeah, but what about...' allows us not to focus on addressing the issue at hand.

    Good post.

  84. Anonymous10:11 PM

    I am disappointed, Field. Haven't you ever read about Roderick Scott?

    Same situation in reverse!

  85. SenoritaBonita12:43 PM

    Zimmerman and his family can only look forward to a life looking back...looking back over their shoulders
