Friday, August 16, 2013

American gumbo, and twenty five thousand reasons not to take money from a racist.

That Anthony Karen is one special kind of photo journalist. Forget the great pictures (just look at Uncle Jeb in this one), how did he even live among these people to take them? Oh well, I guess it takes all types of stew to melt in this great pot of ours to cook American gumbo.

"New York-based photojournalist Anthony Karen has a knack for getting inside of some of America’s most secretive organizations.

A former Marine, Karen is the author of The Invisible Empire: Ku Klux Klan, and White Pride, both of which document white supremacist culture. In dozens of photo essays, Karen has dealt with American subcultures ranging from skinheads to Kansas’ Westboro Baptist Church.

I have a keen interest in religious ideology and marginalized subject matter. I prefer documenting long-term stories, because I feel a story can always be improved upon; there’s always some nuance that you’ll discover with subsequent trips. This methodology has proven helpful as I develop as a photojournalist,” Karen told Slate in an email.

“I think a lot of the credibility I’ve earned also stems from my basic philosophy that you need to give some of yourself in order to receive anything back,” Karen told

“I spend time with people, I listen to what they have to say, and I treat each person as an individual. I don’t have to believe what they believe, but whenever I’m in someone’s space, I feel I’m obliged to observe without judgment. That's not to say I wouldn't intervene if I felt a situation called for it, but I choose to observe moment to moment and simply take in what I see and experience without presumption or pretext.” [More]

Whatever dude. Better you than me.

Finally, I have a message for Rev. Al: Just because someone gives you money doesn't mean that you have to take it. Not all money is good money.

Now Bill O'Reilly is using the fact that he broke you off to take the "some of my best friends are black" card to a whole different level. I know you saw that check and it made your eyes get big, but sometimes you have to consider the source.

If someone who is dealing illegal pharmaceuticals here on the streets of Philly  wants to break me off with some dollars just because he can, I would politely decline the offer because I know that somewhere down the line my interactions with this individual would come back to bite me.

Actually, Bill O'Reilly might be worse than a Philly drug dealer, because if a drug dealer gave me $25,000.00 and he said that it was for Christmas gifts for kids I doubt that he would later use it to advance another agenda.  

Rev. Al, consider yourself bitten. 



  1. Didn't hear about the rev taking money from Billo the clown. Interesting.

  2. Freddie5:29 PM

    If O'Reilly gave a penny to that charlatan criminal Al Sharpton, he's dumber than I thought he was. And I thought he was pretty dumb.

    The world would be a much better place without Reverend Al.

  3. GrannyStandingforTruth6:00 PM

    O'Reilly gave Sharpton money to donate to a charity for Christmas gifts for kids. So what! The massa on plantations and farms passed out Christmas gifts to his slaves during Christmas too. That's not uncommon for racist to give gifts during Christmas. They do that once a year even in business offices around the country. When the Christmas day is over they go right back to being their old hateful, racist self. It's more or less just to justify their guilt, so they can do just what O'Reilly did brag about it to make themself look good, but it will take more than one day to make them look good.

  4. ObaMassa6:09 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    O'Reilly gave Sharpton money to donate to a charity for Christmas gifts for kids. So what! The massa on plantations and farms passed out Christmas gifts to his slaves during Christmas too.

    Hope you enjoy your Obama phones and "free" healthcare. You can buy yourself a Christmas turkey with your food stamps too. Just do as your are told.

  5. GrannyStandingforTruth6:55 PM

    ObaMassa, rofl, I don't need any Obama phones. Nor do I need any food stamps. That's for less fortunate people. I'm thankful that they're able to get the phones, healthcare, and food stamps because I am not selfish or greedy.

    Poor people need phones in case of emergency, to apply jobs, and especially if they have children. I wish ALL people good health and food on their table unlike those who are extremely wealthy that are selfish and jealous of poor people getting some type of assistance. Smh!

  6. ObaMassa7:12 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I don't need any Obama phones.

    Nobody needs them, but they'll always take a handout, even if it come with chains attached.

    Pride and independence are old school. You force the dogs to pay to feed the sheep, and the sheep give you power over the dogs.

    Eventually the sheep lose the capacity to feed themselves, and wind up worshiping you for the crumbs you provide.

    Fundamental transformation has been achieved, and America has been irrevocably Changed. There will never be freedom again. Bow down before me and give thanks.

  7. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Granny, You are poor, uneducated and on food stamps and you know it. Why? Because you need to eat....period...end of story. Don't be ashamed of your position in life. Live it proudly because not all beings get the opportunity to be alive on earth as a human.

  8. GrannyStandingforTruth7:46 PM

    ObaMassa, If you're waiting on me to bow down to you and give thanks when I'm dead and gone, you'll still be waiting because that will NEVER happen.

    That "nobody" who always takes handouts and doesn't need them are CORPORATIONS and EXTREMELY RICH folks that are greedy and selfish who want poor people to starve to death.

    Have a nice day.

  9. GrannyStandingforTruth7:50 PM

    Anonymous 7:42, that's what you say, but it does not make it true.

  10. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Ahhh Field. I sent the story about O'Reilly yesterday. Of course, when you made no reply, I knew your next post would be about it.

    You are corrupt and a thief, Mr Field... and like Rev Inc you try to convince everyone you are sincere and on the up and up.

    Tell me Mr Field, why does Al Sharpton conk his hair? Does he hate who he is and want to be White? just asking.

    BTW, I saw the movie, The Butler today. It was great and reminded me of my younger days from assassination of JFK to MLK to my stint in Vietnam with the 1st Infantry Division. Many died in that war...for nothing! btw, many were Black.

    it also clarified what the NP was like...unorganized, angry and lost. In some ways, they were a bunch of fools, unlike the Black Muslims who were just the opposite.

  11. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I personally am glad O'Reilly (and Don Lemon) are speaking up about the problems in our community. In addition, they offer solutions. We need people to do that because folks like Al Sharpton, CBC, NAACP have been useless for decades. They are totally ineffective and they rip off our communities.

    Hence, I am grateful to O'Reilly for calling out those abhorent stats of OOW, black-on-black murders, and phony civil rights leaders like Sharpton and Jackson.

  12. ObaMassa8:10 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    ObaMassa, If you're waiting on me to bow down to you and give thanks when I'm dead and gone, you'll still be waiting because that will NEVER happen.

    You have been doing my bidding for years. You attack my enemies for me, and you give thanks every time I take more of your freedoms away. Even today, you are so bowed down that you cannot see the chains that bind you. You are mine forever Granny; there is no escaping now.

  13. GrannyStandingforTruth8:18 PM

    ObaMassa, your funny as well as a little delirious, but somewhat on the gloom and doom side. I'll keep you in my prayers.

    Okay, bye now, I have to finish cooking my dinner for tomorrow.

  14. "I have to finish cooking my dinner for tomorrow."

    Don't forget to give thanks to our Lord and Savior.

  15. Anonymous8:54 PM

    ObaMassa said, "You have been doing my bidding for years. You attack my enemies for me, and you give thanks every time I take more of your freedoms away.

    Even today, you are so bowed down that you cannot see the chains that bind you. You are mine forever Granny; there is no escaping now."

    8:10 PM
    Since 'when' were we ever free? NEVER. But many Blacks don't see, or recognize the chains... Many think the chains are jewelry. smh

  16. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said..."ObaMassa, your funny as well as a little delirious, but somewhat on the gloom and doom side. I'll keep you in my prayers."
    So many of my peeps don't know we are still slaves to the wm's way of life. Granny, you need to pray for us to be freed from bondage. Today those prayers are more critical than ever. We are in a crises, and it's WE who are delirious...can't you tell? smh

    "I freed thousands of slaves and could have freed thousands more if only they knew they were slaves."
    ---Harriet Tubman

  17. Anonymous10:12 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "O'Reilly gave Sharpton money to donate to a charity for Christmas gifts for kids. So what! The massa on plantations and farms passed out Christmas gifts to his slaves during Christmas too. That's not uncommon for racist to give gifts during Christmas."

    But what about SHARPTON? Do you have anything to say about Al Sharpton? That's the dishonest thing about people like you. You see the wrong in Whites but you don't see any of the wrong in us. When it's clear there is 'plenty' wrong with us which we need to own up to. But Negroes like you act like nothing is wrong.

  18. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Here is an interesting video where Don Lemon smoothly lays out Russell Simmons. It's beautiful:

  19. Anonymous10:36 PM

    what has happened to all of the women? FP, AB, Desert, Sarah....I feel so abandoned by them.

  20. Anonymous11:06 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    ObaMassa, your funny as well as a little delirious, but somewhat on the gloom and doom side. I'll keep you in my prayers.

    If you didn't care what happened to me
    And I didn't care for you
    We would zig-zag our way through the boredom and pain
    Occasionally glancing up through the rain
    Wondering which of the buggers to blame
    And watching for pigs on the wing

  21. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Anonymous said...

    what has happened to all of the women? FP, AB, Desert, Sarah....I feel so abandoned by them.

    10:36 PM

    FP is not a woman, he is a man. A white,skinhead,racist man,saying he's a woman to further disguise his racist agenda.

    AB must be teaching, and Desert is busy with flowers. Who the hell is Sarah?

  22. LOL @ Anon 1:32 am!

    i suppose it should be the ultimate compliment that your little slave mind thinks i am a WM. lol!

    step into the light and free your mind.

    you host an angry demon. lol! i.don'


    Anon 10:36 am- i have said all there is to say about corrupt Rev. Hotcomb.

    until he breaks from his consistent corrupt media whorish pattern...he will NOT occupy my mental space rent free. he has shown me who he is and i have no additional questions at this time. as long as he does not come out against my interests...he can whore himself into eternal destruction for his silver coins/trinkets like a good dumb judas. i respect free will.

    for those that think me a new jack to awareness...go here and get familiar:

    peep the pic and see the humor. lol!

    i have nothing new to add to a sharpton convo...

    cowardly anons...don't throw rocks and hide hands. if you have something on your mind, speak it. IF i were a wm, i would not pretend otherwise. i am a thinking, wide awake bw. you won't see me or those like me on tv. rest assured we exist. lol.

    now i am a 'racist'? you demon coward anon bishes crack me up. lol. that was so weak though...i can't do anything but laugh. you tell on yourself and your wm worship. fix that. stat. for your sake.

    Sabbath Shalom!

  23. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Why hasn't anyone commented on the link anon10:12p has provided?

    Are you afraid of Russell Simmons, afraid Don Lemon is right?

    Is the inspiring truth that Don spoke about his "hope" for our children too much to hope for?

  24. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Why hasn't anyone commented on the link anon10:12p has provided?

    Are you afraid of Russell Simmons, afraid Don Lemon is right?

    Is the inspiring truth that Don spoke about his "hope" for our children too much to hope for?

  25. Anonymous2:15 AM

    FP you are a male,white skinhead, racist,without pride,hiding and posing as a 'black religious woman'.

    Shame on you lowlife! You will have to answer to your maker one day.

  26. Anonymous2:25 AM


    Rev. Al took money from the president in the form of the MSNBC position to provide political cover for this president while this POTUS does his best Emperor Nero impersonation while ignoring the Black community as it continues to burn. What a great way to squash the anger of the Black community than having Al run interference. Taking money from that mutant, "Billo the clown" is just more of the same, as far as I'm concerned...

  27. lol @ Anon 2:15am!!!

    now stand on one foot, facing the east, and chant that might get closer to true if you do this nonstop for the next year. lol!

    you both amuse and bore me. raise your mentals and try again. i will not engage your further at this elementary level.

    you are subject to it is written. too much toying, on my part, will allow your good dumb azz to get it twisted. i do what i can to help the less fortunate. so i will now hit IGNORE.

    though you do make me laugh and i thank you kindly;)

    observation: you are mad...but lack enough ammo to do anything other than tickle. sux to be you, huh? little imp. you fail to be even annoying. FAIL. back to hell you go...i am sure torments await.

    poor little fella. awww...

  28. correction: i will not engage you further at this elementary level.

  29. Anonymous2:33 AM

    FP is not a woman, he is a man. A white,skinhead,racist man,saying he's a woman to further disguise his racist agenda.

    AB must be teaching, and Desert is busy with flowers. Who the hell is Sarah?

    1:32 AM
    Come on, brother anon...Everybody knows FP is a long way from being a wm. Get real. You sound like you are pissed at her and want to get back at her for something.

    Did she bruise your ego in the past? Yeah, I know the feeling, it hurts brother....I mean, the woman has some wisdom moves I never seen before. That was enough for me to stop messing with her.

    Instead, I decided to mess with decision I made on FN in a long time. You should try it, you'll feel better. By messing with FP, all you gonna do is get badly bruised and feel like shit. Of course, if you are masochistic, by all means go after her.

  30. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Anon said, "Rev. Al took money from the president in the form of the MSNBC position to provide political cover for this president while this POTUS does his best Emperor Nero impersonation while ignoring the Black community as it continues to burn. What a great way to squash the anger of the Black community than having Al run interference. Taking money from that mutant, "Billo the clown" is just more of the same, as far as I'm concerned..."


    Damn, it must be anon night at FN. I'm starting to feel self-conscious.

    Anyway, I don't know about Obama setting Sharpton up with MSNBC, but our community has certainly been on fire since BO has been President.

    I went to see The Butler today. It was a good movie, historically and artistically. Forest Whitaker was outstanding, as he usually is at his craft. Anyway, what irritated me about the movie were the way a lot of my folks acted near the end when BO became President. Some Blacks were clapping and saying, "Yeah, Barack!", as if BO is still the great Black Hope and Savior.

    I try to be upbeat but with my people, I swear it's a hard thing to do. This BO frenzy that is still going on is 'unbelievable' and it is 'frightening'...SERIOUSLY! BO IS burning down our community, spitting on us, ignoring us-- and a lot of us are still kissing his ass, asking for more, as if he is God. Mr. Field is one of them, along with Sharpton, the CBC and others.

    I get sick of my people. I feel alone at times. I want to get AWAY from some of you dumb-ass sorry ignorant Negroes. You continue to project a slave mentality that collectively keeps us imprisoned. We are such idiots, incapable of discernment.

  31. Anonymous3:13 AM

    "Taking money from that mutant, "Billo the clown" is just more of the same, as far as I'm concerned..."

    Well, Sharpton set Bill up. Sharpton told O'Reilly that it was XMAS and his fund was out of money and therefore was unable to give any gifts to the children.

    O'Reilly is Catholic and believe it or not, has a heart. In addition, Bill and Sharpton had a relationship going at the time.

    I think 'Sharpton' lied to Bill about his financial situation. In other words, he played on Bill's sympathetic heart and got $25,000! I bet those kids never saw a dime of it because Al was never in financial trouble. Brother Al Sharpton is a snake of the worst kind. He himself is a demon and interconnected with other civil rights demons who have fed off of the black community and Whites such as Bill.

    I am not saying Bill is a Saint, but Bill has given me hope by trying to help our incredible lousy situation as a race that black leaders such as Sharpton who are draining us of hope and dignity.

  32. Anon 2:33 AM-

    ALL praises due to Yahweh Almighty Sovereign and Creator of ALL.

    i am NOTHING but shy, naive and ripe for the game, to my detriment, without Him. He made me humble enough to believe and ask Him to guide me. halleluYah! i am truly grateful to know Him.

    then He shows me because i have prayed for the heart of David and the wisdom of Solomon. only knew to do this through studying Scripture and seeking His Face.

    my desire is to balance these blessings with the loyalty that only the broken heart of a bw truly knows... this is what you see. i feel deep anguish at the condition of my people.

    my intent is never to make one feel like ish, but to make them stop with the bread/circus and THINK. i come in peace and love for my people...humanity as a result. can folks dig it when i say that? i mean come on!!! folks that KNOW we are IT want to make us hate ourselves are they EMULATE us. take OUR history and whiten it to support a GIANT white lie.

    though i have enough evidence...gathered in my personal life and by paying close attention to others to become hateful and bitter...i decided to flip the script. may more join me stat. bitterness chokes to death the holder of said poison. no.thanks.i'm.good.

    look for the balance. OTHERS have tampered with our man/woman natural order. we have to recognize this and each one of us FLIP.THE.SCRIPT. don't AID our enemies in annihilating us. Dr. Bobby Wright and others have used their 'education' to hip us. all we have to do is listen and ACT LIKE WE KNOW.

    words are POWERFUL. if you clock an out of pocket demon physically...they will heal faster than if you beheaded them verbally. lol. no joke, though. do it as He leads you and they will walk at least ten paces BEFORE their heads falls off and they realize they have stood in the presence of Yah. lol. get with it my Blessed Black people. get in the spiritual game. we win when we do it according to His Word.

    here's what's also funny. BM, original hip hoppers, gave that clue to me. lol! how funny is THAT?! folks better know He is real!!! this is also why shutting them down and up was a major item on the enemy agenda. switching up the game if you will. issuing the new deal.

    it is so weird to me that more men don't realize they ALREADY have dominion. Yah gave it to them with the directive to go out and subdue the earth. they don't need to lie, manipulate or bs themselves and others to be obedient. when i call it is because i love us enough to call it. i REALLY don't care understanding that if i rep Him here on earth...He's got me next life when the movie of my push all envelopes, eff you controlling ishes life story starts to play. i mean i have undercover cussed nuns by changing up the language so they couldn't get it. lol! some of this rollback is going to be baaaad. lol! that was back in the day though.

    all of that probably won't make sense to folks that need a lesson plan and more structure.

    i love my Blessed Black people. in all corners of the earth where we are scattered. it has been my little girl prayer to help us wake and stand up.

    the other nations need us to do this...this is how they get in. we are holding up progress in our stiff-necked disobedience. we are Chosen to give the law of His Word to other nations. dig that. and a great many of these jokers KNOW THIS. psalm 83'ers i call them.

    i have gone to where the curly q'd black hats arrogantly parade around and started the convo. they cop QUICK. white folks that can't wait to clear their conscience do as well. it is the sleeping Blessed Black that fight the hardest against the Truth of who they are.

  33. the rest are so ignorant i just identify and avoid. otherwise i will be very tired and less focused.

    He is real. He reached out and tapped me one day. if you have ever felt His Wrath, you can dig what i am saying. if won't ever begin to relate.

    long story short...i heard Him. took some time and healed from the experience. lol. then made up my mind to answer His call. He sent sistas to confirm this message/understanding verbatim. for shoes to hear the store owner randomly throw out there is a call on my life and i need to answer. lol. no joke. all i could do was laugh and say ok. i hear you.

    this blog is NOT a hobby. ish is real folks. it is time for us to wake up.

    Anon 2:33am- don't pick on Sarah. that's mean man. Yah don't like ugly. let me see you doing it and i forewarn you...Sarah and i are going to pull some girl power moves on you...Yah style;) lol. meannie.

    this will be my political preparedness exercise as i gear up for the she-devils. that evil bish hrc is just around the corner. lol. i like to stay ahead of the game. lol! ms we came, we saw, he's dead. grrr. she had better be thankful for the law. and yes, i know how long the clinton kill list!

    writing this comment has been too much fun;) not moving in my little strength has been the best decision thus far!

  34. ' i mean come on!!! folks that KNOW we are IT want to make us hate ourselves are they EMULATE us.'


    i mean come on!!! folks that KNOW we are IT want to make us hate ourselves while they EMULATE us.

    forgive typos. been a looong day and week;)

  35. @ Anon 1:32 am and 2:15 am-

    before i hastily hit IGNORE on your ignorant azz...

    i grew up in klan country. learned from listening and observing that klanfolk are never to miss an opportunity to hassle black folks.

    studying devils allows me to flip things more acutely.

    so here you go:

    chew on this and ask yourself IF i am a wm racist, why i would take bold shots at white supremacy?

    why would i go out of my way to address those that partially call the truth but ignore white supremacy which is threaded throughout the inhumane madness?

    if one shall be known by fruits AND it is clearly written:

    'And Yahushua ('Jesus') knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

    And if satan shall cast out satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?'-Matthew 12:25-26

    know that on purpose, i never miss an opportunity to follow Messiah's example and speak Scripture to defeated devils. i know you know Scriptures, too. you don't come with His Power though...

    (Wendy Williams voice)

    how you doin'?

    now that you have a think project..back to IGNORE you go.

  36. 'Instead, I decided to mess with Sarah'

    this right here has given me belly laughs.

    thank you.

    couldn't rest until i gave props for that hilarious ditty.

    Sarah...i got your back as long as you come correct. please know this. yet somehow...just the wrongness of that statement cracks me up! it is so mean and wrong all you can do is laugh! lol!

  37. Trolls are funny. Better than cartoons when we were kids.

  38. BARBBF9:11 AM

    Why would anyone still believe anything that O'Reilly says? He's still touting that racist lie that blacks commit over double the crimes as whites do in the USA. There is a report from the FBI for 2010 online. The report shows the exact opposite. If this FBI report is available online, and I found it..along with thousands of others..why is it that O'Reilly and his staff are ignoring this legitimate report? Why is O'Reilly continuing to promote this racist lies?

  39. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Here is an interesting video where Don Lemon smoothly lays out Russell Simmons. It's beautiful:

    10:19 PM
    Give it up, anon. NOBODY CARES. Facing a problem, much less a solution is not what people care about. We just want to debate and argue. That's what we know best. A solution is out of the question.

    But thanks for the link. It WAS interesting. Field usually posts the story as if it is his own, in the next post or two. That's when all of the FN posters will comment. But not until then. Field controls thoughts.

  40. Field let me stop LOL and tell you that i sent this to Al i can see him now acting like anonymous trying to figure it out lmao

    Ps Hey Little dick anonymous you still trying to figure out what ass your going break into 2night? Let me give you some advice BAG it up they sell finger covers!

  41. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Anthony Karen said:
    "I have a keen interest in religious ideology and marginalized subject matter."

    Mr. Karen was necessarily talking about homophobia but homophobia is rooted in religious ideology. As we have seen on this blog.

  42. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Field said...
    That Anthony Karen is one special kind of photo journalist. Forget the great pictures (just look at Uncle Jeb in this one), how did he even live among these people to take them? Oh well, I guess it takes all types of stew to melt in this great pot of ours to cook American gumbo.
    Field, what Mr. Karen does with photos, is exactly what you do with this blog!!! You give cyber space to, and allow all views to be written here! Racist as well as non racist.

    What he does in a visual form, YOU are doing in the written form!

    That makes you one special kinda guy too ;)Kudos to you Mr. Bennett!

    and Fieeeeeeld Baybay! Let me thanked you publicly ;)for that... *ahem*...'lunch'!...That was some lunch,dinner,midnight snack (mmmm), breakfast...let me stop...but...we really must do it again soon...;)

  43. TY Desert, nice to see u made it back to PR, safely.;)

  44. Yes, I've found in my professional life that money has a provenance. Few are the lawyers who've not regretted taking a fat fee for it's entanglement. Big Al (well, Little Al now) knows better, but the fragrance of money does burn it's way in doesn't it?

  45. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I have noticed that your renewed contract with us included a huge increase in yearly fees, which you wrote out in one check.

    Anon Inc doesn't like to take a big hefty check all at once. We have found it can come back to bite us in the ass. Hence, we will be returning your check, well, part of it back. This Al Sharpton $25k under the table has us nervous at Anon, Inc. You will be receiving a 'reasonable' refund from our accountant GreenEyedShadeAnon
    soon. The check is in the mail.

    As Always, we value your business.

    yours truly,
    Anon, Inc

  46. @Focusedperson, you're truly wasting your precious time responding to Anons. Their aliases speak for themselves, clearly, this pseudonym is the epitome of a mere cowards. My advice to you is to cease responding to these folks. They are hell bent on furthering their agenda which is to disrupt honest discussions about anything worthwhile discussing. In short, their mindset is still in the minor league. Peace to you!

  47. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Black Sage are you trying to tell FP who she should talk to? Who do you think you are, God? I suggest you quit trying to play God because that can cost you dearly.

    You are such an arrogant moronic pompous ass.

  48. Dear Anon inc. , my apologies. Will u take four smaller payments?

  49. Anonymous9:04 PM

    FP, do you meditate? I know you pray, but is meditation part of your practice?

    What's a typical practice for you and how long?

  50. Anonymous9:12 PM

    i hope Don Lemon and O'Reilly see and hear about this. I also hope bw will go after him for this filthiest of the filthy. Harriet Tubman is to be honored and revered, not stained and disrespected...Russell Simmons is the lowest of the low. Furthermore, he IS NOT SORRY. His words are shallow. Russell is evil:

  51. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Remember several weeks ago Russell Simmons tried to "check" Don Lemon over his "5 point plan".

    I know that Don Lemon is probably smiling right about now because of Russell Simmon's Harriet Tubman sex tape. RS is a creep.

  52. Anonymous10:06 AM

    For a people that think they're the most "beautiful" in the whole wide world, that dude aiming the gun looks like he's just risen from the grave. Homeboy needs to aim for some muscles.
