Saturday, August 17, 2013

"Facial profiling" in New York, and Rand runs his mouth in Kentucky.

Let me start this post by saying that folks in New York should learn not to judge a book by its cover. Tonight I have to stand up for that Duck Dynasty dude who got tossed out of a fancy New York hotel because they thought that he was a homeless man.

They are calling it "facial profiling" because of his bearded look, but I am calling it something else: class discrimination. That, like racial discrimination, is a serious problem in this country.

"The first thing that happened to me at the hotel was I got escorted out," Robertson said of what he called a "facial-profiling deal," as the Louisiana clan is known for their long beards.

RELATED: WILLIE ROBERTSON OF 'DUCK DYNASTY' SAYS HE WON'T RUN FOR CONGRESS Robertson continued to explain that the employees simply had no idea who he was.

"I asked where the bathroom was and he said, 'Right this way, sir.' He was very nice, he walked me outside, pointed down the road and said, 'Good luck.'"

Jase, welcome to our world, and let me speak for black folks by saying that we feel your pain. But here is the good news: tomorrow you can shave your beard and you will never have to worry about "facial profiling" again.

Finally, I am pretty sure that Rand Paul is running for president in 2016 because he is doing his best to lock down the white vote.

Paul agrees with almost 70% of his fellow white Americans that black folks are not being disenfranchised at the voting booth. Of course blacks folks tend to disagree. Some black folks are even suing to be able to vote without barriers being placed in their way. One, in particular, is 92 years old. (Rand is hoping that she won't be around in 2016)

"And while census numbers back up the senator’s statement, with Blacks voting at 66 percent when compared to 64 percent for Whites, it also must be noted that one of the chief catalysts of African-American voter turnout in 2012 was voter suppression.

With Republican lawmakers pushing last-minute voter ID laws to seemingly stifle the Black vote, African Americans showed up at the polls in unprecedented numbers."

Rand, you might want to stop all the race talk. The last thing you want to do is fire up those Negroes again.


  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    That is a damn shame that he got profiled like that. Oh, the irony of these post-racial times!

  2. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Field, in all 'seriousness': will it matter who becomes President in 2016 for us? I mean, look at what has happened to us with Obama. Our lives have been hell. No President in the history of the US has treated us worse. Hence, Rand Paul, Hillary, or anybody else, it won't make one damn bit of difference.

  3. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Field, do u have anything spiritual or religious in the pipeline for a post? You and many others on FN need some faith.

  4. Wesley R10:36 PM


    Just think what they would have said if Rick Rubin would have came to the hotel.
    Eric Holder doesn't need to waste anymore time. He needs to go after the states trying to suppress the votes. North Carolina should be the first one.

  5. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Oh Jesus! Now I've heard it all! "facial profiling"?

    You simply cannot go into a top notch hotel with those kinda clothes on! Who the h*** is going to pay top dollar to stay in a fancy hotel, and have people in combat boots, camouflage cargo pants, dirty T shirts, and sweat stained headbands sitting next to them! Not too mention the awful haircuts and beards!

    I mean really Field, would you???

    I bet not! You're just too kind to say it!!! LOL!

    Scraggly beards had little to do with it! Tho they do look pretty bad and...uncouth shall we say :) Those people look a hot mess field! The alligator hunting

    Swamp People guys look better than that! Even after wrasslin a 1000 lb.'gator (I watch that ;)

    But, hey I realize it's their image for the show. They should have explained before they booked it.

    They prolly woulda been told they had no rooms available:)))

    There's just no excuse for dressing like that. :p

  6. Anonymous12:06 AM

    What! Nothing about about Marcus Garvey today. Methinks somebody should pull Field Negro's yard card.


    Yard Negro

  7. "Paul agrees with almost 70% of his fellow white Americans that black folks are not being disenfranchised at the voting booth"

    70% of white Americans are right. If anyone is being disenfranchised, it's white Americans due the voter suppression tactics of the Obama IRS.

    The much bigger story is the rampant voter fraud being perpetrated by Democrats.

  8. Anonymous1:43 AM


    What on earth does the IRS have to do with elections? You guys are a mess when not told what to say or think

  9. What on earth does the IRS have to do with elections?:

  10. Anonymous2:39 AM

    owned! rampant election fraud is definitely the bigger scandal. the fact that people so brazenly cling to the lie that having to show ID to vote (proving that you are indeed who you say you are) is somehow suppression of their civil rights, shows they are either maliciously spreading the lie, or sheepishly ignorant of reality

  11. Whitby2:40 AM

    Black people could learn something from Mr. Robertson's handling of the situation. Act like a competent adult. Everyone is getting tired of hearing their immensely privileged black heroines and heroes whine on and on about nearly subliminal racial slights.

    We are past Peak Negro, and it's going to be a quick ride down.

  12. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Stealing elections at the polls has always been a Democratic specialty. A large majority of Americans believe that only legal, registered voters should participate in elections and that each voter should cast only one ballot. The purpose of voter ID laws is to advance that objective.

    But to the Democrats, these are “extreme voter suppression laws.” What they really mean is, they are voter fraud suppression laws. That is why the Democrats don’t like them

  13. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Democracy isn't really what 'America' needs. Democracy is the town council voting on which road to pave or how to finance a water reservoir. Democracy is not a polity of 300 million people spread across a whole continent, most of whom don't like and don't relate to each other, voting on hugely existential and defining questions.

    Democracy in the US is just a charade, no different than the corrupt, debased Senate of late Rome.

    End it.

  14. Anonymous3:49 AM

    anon, "Democracy in the US is just a charade, no different than the corrupt, debased Senate of late Rome."

    Could you be more specific what you are talking about? Give some real life examples instead of a general statement that sounds like a charade itself.

  15. Hmm - it does take a certain amount of confidence to turn up at a smart hotel dressed shabbily.. but when perhaps you're accustomed to doing as you please and it not being a hindrance then ( if that's your thing) perhaps you would. Some people can, and it not affect their quality of live, or economic standing at all.
    Clasism?.. like racism.. still rampant.
    btw - great Marcus Garvey link.. :)

  16. Anonymous3:58 AM

    This is great! No Black Sage in sight. Comments are so much better w/o him. What a wonderful environment. God bless....thank you Mr Field for keeping Black Sage off your blog.

    For a Jamaican, you are a great guy. If all Jamaicans were like you, we wouldn't have any minority problems.

    Unfortunately, you are the exception, not the norm, as Desert repeatedly points out about you. Oh well, I guess that's life. It's messed up.

  17. Anonymous4:06 AM

    "btw - great Marcus Garvey link.. :)"

    What link? Who is Marcus Garvey? Does anybody know who he is?

  18. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Dear Mr Field, please accept my apologies for the level of anons on your blog after midnight. I can assure you a thorough investigation will be made similar to the process of the DOJ... We attended some DOJ investigative training classes. So in the spirit of the DOJ it may take some time, but I can assure you we WILL get to the bottom of this.

    Meanwhile, would you like for me to give speeches to lift the spirits of your FN Negroes while they wait for the investigation to be completed?

    There will only be a small fee per speech, much much lower than what Sharpton or O'Reilly charge. We Anons are the good guys, remember?

  19. Anon@12:06, I will give u honorary Anon status if u tell me what the word," "Bomboclat" means. Waiting.....

    Anon@9:59, why don't u post a sermon for us in the comments section? It's Sunday, and I am sure it would be very much appreciated.

  20. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Field, I am preparing that sermon now. It may take me a little time because I want it to be perfect that it will cause you to repent and shout. So hold on, it's coming.


  21. At least white people will believe him and actually have sympathy for him. Ask Oprah what it feels like to be black and experience something like this and actually talk about it...

    It still makes me want to cry though. I know the pain, humiliation and confusion of that experience. It's so very hurtful no matter who it happens to.

  22. *nodding head @ThatDeborahGirl*

    Anon.that offer has expired. Too much time to Google or call a distant Jamaican friend.

  23. Reggin Esaelp1:06 PM

    ThatDeborahGirl said...
    At least white people will believe him and actually have sympathy for him. Ask Oprah what it feels like to be black and experience something like this and actually talk about it...

    Yes, poor Oprah, showered with adulation from white America, rewarded with a billion dollar fortune. Life sure is a bitch when you are black....

  24. Bob Wallace2:45 PM

    My last name, Wallace, is generally considered to be a Scottish name, yet it means “Welshman.” So, then, it is originally a Welsh name.

    The name is derived from is “walcea,” which is the Old English word for “slave.” The English used to kidnap the Welsh and sell them as slaves in the Dublin markets. In the long ago and far away I had ancestors who where slaves.

    But then, who hasn’t had ancestors who were slaves? Slavery was a very common thing in the past.

    The word “slave” itself comes from “Slav,” from Slavs being kidnapped and sold into the slavery. By Muslims, by the way, who were slavers a few thousand years before Europeans - and even today, still are.

    The fact my ancestors were slaves means nothing to me. When people whine about how their ancestors were slaves - the way some blacks do - I dismiss them as self-pitying fools not taking responsibility for themselves and blaming their problems on others.

    Most people don't know it, but the reason Moses wandered in the desert for desert for 40 years is that so all the former slaves would die off. Don't believe me? Ask any Jew.

    Many white people were slaves in the past. Many of them came to America as indentured servants, and were treated horribly.

    I personally don’t understand slavery, but then, I wasn’t raised with it. Would I have approved of it if I had been raised in such an environment? I have no idea. I like to think I wouldn’t.

  25. parvenu3:45 PM

    Hey Field, How about at least ONE post written to update your readers about reality in the current and future state of employment among the "working class" in America today.

    As you well know AUTOMATION is the REAL jobs eliminator in this country and every new factory built in America is being built without any TIME CLOCK stations, simply because ROBOTS have no need to punch in and punch out. It appears that the media has a GAG order on discussing this aspect of the American unemployment problem.

    Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) is the currently the 21st century industrial technology that is now positioned to completely revolutionize every aspect of human society from medicine to manufacturing. MEMS is the successor to all of the traditional forms of computer controlled automation as we currently know it, and will likely give us the first real thinking reasoning intelligent robots. These new machines will almost take the "artificial" out of "Artificial Intelligence" or AI as it is generally known.

    For most people working in the Post Office, selling shoes, or driving package delivery trucks, the very subject of automation creates an instant disconnect and for most smells like so much science fiction. Unfortunately over the past FOUR (4) decades working class people have ignored automation much to their determent, and wound up suffering greatly due to the slow continuous loss of jobs in their respective skills category.

    Actually the real drive towards automation among the western nations can be traced back to the early days of the famous TIMEX watch. Timex built a huge fully automated plant in Switzerland in the 1970's, and in addition to manufacturing of watch movements Timex contracted out to manufacture other high volume products such as Polaroid cameras.

    In 1972 IBM presented their version of the Universal Product Code (UPC) to the Super Market Committee along with their own hardware Scanner. This system was accepted and has since evolved into the ubiquitous code that Americans see every day clocking the amount of their purchases at store checkout counters across the nation. Unfortunately as working class people spend their money to purchase these UPC marked items their are totally unaware that this code marking system could eventually be putting them out of their own job someday. This fact is simply points out another ignored aspect of the relentless creep of automation in American society - for with the advent of automated product management systems totally dependent upon UPC code markings, warehouse distribution centers have been able to reduce their employees by well over 83% during the past 2 to 3 decades. If working class people want to keep a wary eye on the continuing spread of automation and its effect on unemployment in America, they should monitor employment at Internet package distribution or FULFILMENT centers. These centers are the last large scale employers of American labor to process sales generated by the huge expanding Internet commerce market.

    The labor picture for America looks grim with the prospect for many job openings being available exclusively for people with in depth technical expertise in MEMS, 3D printing, CAD, and Internet Systems Technology. Even the days of the shipping clerks and mailroom jobs will soon be coming to a close.

    What do you think??

  26. I think this is not a good time to import another 50 million low skilled workers.

  27. No need for a post parvenu, you dId a pretty good job

  28. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Anonymous3:58 AM
    This is great! No Black Sage in sight. Comments are so much better w/o him. What a wonderful environment. God bless....thank you Mr Field for keeping Black Sage off your blog.

    For a Jamaican, you are a great guy. If all Jamaicans were like you, we wouldn't have any minority problems.

    Unfortunately, you are the exception, not the norm, as Desert repeatedly points out about you. Oh well, I guess that's life. It's messed up
    All that fluff to couch the one barb huh? Wrong, you are the hate filled exception to your race! YOU! I guess I' ll just have to repeatedly point that out to YOU!

    Since Field, being as equanimous as he is, allows the likes of YOU to come on his blog and talk bs!

    But, yes you are right, that is "exceptional" Of him. Not many would do it! Feel all better now?


  29. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Desert, you really let that poor anon have it. Why? After all, he spoke highly of Field. No skinhead would compliment Field.

    Obviously, you haven't seen the Butler. If you had, you wouldn't be attacking anon, who is just trying to be friendly. Are you Black?

  30. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Desert said,
    "All that fluff to couch the one barb huh? Wrong, you are the hate filled exception to your race! YOU! I guess I' ll just have to repeatedly point that out to YOU!"

    anon, maybe you and Desert should have lunch?

  31. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Well Anon, when he says that I "repeatedly" do something, he's trying to diss ME, and I have to take issue with that.

    Lunch? Lol, with a racist, tattooed, jailbird, kkk, hate filled , loony, man? Surely you jest?

  32. Racist, tattooed, jailbird, kkk, hate filled , loony, man9:49 PM

    Surely you wish.

  33. Anonymous9:50 PM

    First, I am not a skinhead, I am a brother. Secondly, I am not jesting. Thirdly, when can you fly in?

  34. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Racist, tattooed, jailbird, kkk, hate filled , loony, man9:49 PM
    Surely you wish.
    You are what you are. Your words and mode of expression tell the tale. Be proud of who you are and dont hide it. For that, after all is who you are.

  35. Anonymous7:04 AM

    How many more centuries are Africans going to try and get along with people that hate their very being? All of this crap is a waste of time. We don't belong here and they don't want us here. They needed the free servitude and they received it. Too bad they were so stupid not to make provisions for our removal when the deed was done. How insane are a people that wanted SLAVES in the first place. We're caught up in a country of torturers and murderers of Africans. We're gonna mess around until we're all deader than dead. We're DETESTED here in the Greatest Country of their GD minds.

  36. Anonymous Reggin Esaelp said...

    Yes, poor Oprah, showered with adulation from white America, rewarded with a billion dollar fortune. Life sure is a bitch when you are black.... 1:06 PM

    I cannot for the life of me understand why you would think that having a bunch of money would make up for being insulted like this.

    If anything, it makes it worse.

  37. Anon@7:04, are u ready for "The Black Star Lines"?

  38. 70% of white Americans think black folks aren't being disenfranchised? Seriously? We're that clueless? After Ohio in 2004? Florida in 2000 & 2008? Texas and NC after SCOTUS gutted the Voting Rights Act? And we (white folks) still don't get it?

    Sheesh. Sorry, Field. Rank me solid in the 30% of white folks who are either awake or at least trying to work for racial justice & equality.

  39. Anonymous12:59 AM

    @Anon 7:04

    You most certainly are not alone and, with the rise of China as well as the rest of the BRICS, we can affirmatively say yes to Field's query that a critical mass of intelligent, informed members of the parent African human species are indeed ready to bring this Empire to it's knees by removing ourselves out of the equation. The self-loathing of the larger society already proves that they will wipe themselves out, as nature has intended.

    And, Anon 7:04, thanks for your statement/question," How insane are a people that wanted SLAVES in the first place.(?)" I argue that the process of Devolution (natural selection and adaptation resulting from a 40,000 to 100,000 Wurm Ice Age) makes this creature, based upon their own science, as being a subspecies of human who's savagery and subhuman treatment of members of the parent African human species makes it less than human. Once again, it's a comfort to read your words and realize that someone else gets it. A positive by product of us blowing these shores is that these creatures would kill themselves off.

    Field, feasibility at the time be damned, that Great Jamaican, one of my biggest heroes, Marcus Mosiah Garvey was right and the longer we put off meeting in him in that whirlwind, we only have our selves to blame for being afraid of freedom.

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  41. Jesus, (pun intended) facial profiling because of beards? I guess enough cuban (Fidel) jokes because of my my full beard over the last 30 years was not enough nonsense.

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