Sunday, August 18, 2013

Choosing the Constitution when it's convenient, and the heartless tea party people.

Have you ever wondered why some of the same people who are upset about the NSA spy program and how it potentially violates our constitutional rights  are mum about the "stop-and- frisk" program in New York? I mean you can't have it both ways. Either you are for adhering to the constitution or you are not.

If you are not comfortable giving up some of your freedoms to keep you safe from al- Qaeda, then why are you cool with giving up some of your constitutional rights to protect you from a few street thugs? That was a rhetorical question. I know why.

Anyway, given Ray Kelly's position on "stop-and- frisk" I would be very disappointed if president Obama picks him as the next head of the Department of Homeland Security.

“I’ve spent some time in Washington. I know it’s wise to keep my mouth shut at this time,” Kelly told CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

And the president would be wise to look elsewhere. Given his administration's record on privacy of late, picking Kelly would be like picking a priest to head the Boy Scouts. It might work out in the long run, but there is that whole perception thing.

Finally, there is a reason I don't like those tea party folks, and it's not just because most of them are a bunch of unapologetic racists and that they are destroying the country. 

The following story should give you a similar feeling about these folks.

"During a town hall meeting in Murfreesboro, TN, tea party Congressman Scott Desjarlais told the daughter of an undocumented immigrant looking for advice on keeping her father in the country that he would have to be deported.

Mr. DesJarlais, I have papers, but I have a dad who’s undocumented,” eleven year old Josie Molina asked the congressman. “What can I do to have him stay with me?”

“'Thank you for being here, and thank you for coming forward and speaking,' DesJarlais answered. 'This is a big, intimidating crowd, and I appreciate you coming forward and asking a question. But the answer still kind of remains the same. We have laws, and we need to follow those laws, and that’s where we're at.' The crowd cheered Desjarlais's response." [Source]

That's right, I despise them because they are just a heartless group of people.




  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    T o say that to an 11 year old child borders on child abuse. In front of a crowd that cheered will be in that child's memory for the rest of his life!

    That S.O. B. just planted the seed of despair and hatred in a child's heart.

    That's not only heartless, it's criminal, and he should be legally processed for it IMO!

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    "Anyway, given Ray Kelly's position on "stop-and- frisk" I would be very disappointed if president Obama picks him as the next head of the Department of Homeland Security."

    Field, are you 'just' getting around to being disappointed by Obama? Obama has done so much crap to us that it is to expected.

  3. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Desert, the kid had no business at that Tea Party rally. Where the hell was his mother, and what did he expect by asking that question at a Tea Party function?

    I doubt the kid will be affected by what was said to him. He is a tough kid....had to be tough to ask the question.

  4. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Yes, I did think about that also Anon. And I have a feeling it was prolly pre planned, but, nevertheless, that is no way to talk to a child!

    He should have then used his head and spoken to that, instead of crushing the child.

    You know, sometimes you have to be able to fly like an eagle and not get mired in the muck. He obviously doesn't know how. No heart!

  5. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Whoever put this kid up to do that needs their butts kicked. Of course, you FN folks don't consider it child abuse to put a kid in harms way at a Tea Party function, do you? Sticking a kid in places like that is ok with you child abusers.

  6. Hambonian9:55 PM

    "That's right, I despise them because they are just a heartless group of people."

    Immediately after (belatedly) pointing out the lawless nature of our current administration's flouting of the Constitution, you call others who wish to live under the rule of law heartless.

    You are a confused man. But leftist logic will do that to a person.

  7. Anyway, given Ray Kelly's position on "stop-and- frisk" I would be very disappointed if president Obama picks him as the next head of the Department of Homeland Security.


    Field finally took a peek from behind the "Hope & Change goggles hes been wearing for the last 5 years....

    Wanna know what O-Bomber thinks about "Stop & Frisk" ?? He wants to hire Ray Kelly for Home Land Security so the program can be rolled out on a national basis.

    Damm Field... Im upset that it took you this long..

    Glad you found some principles...any principles....

  8. >You are a confused man. But leftist logic will do that to a person.<

    The archetype of the horror story is Evil attacking Good, Chaos attacking Order. In today's world, Leftism is that evil, that chaos, as is that subset of it, feminism, that is attacking the natural, organic order of society.

    The curious thing about evil is that it is seductive and that is always portrays itself as good. It uses words such as "fairness" and "justice" even though it doesn't mean them at all. It just wants to rule.

    It's why the serpent in the Garden of Eden is known as the nachash, which means to whisper spells, to enchant, to prognosticate, to gain your confidence, to seduce, the way Eve seduced Adam. Why? Because he was weak and listened to a woman telling him the wrong things, and portraying them as good.

    The nachash is also a symbol of envy (it was Milton in Paradise Lost who turned the nachash in Satan).

    Men created everything in the world. Those inventions made their lives, and women's lives, much easier, much more luxurious. And then many became decadent, and in that decadence up rose feminism, which is humorless, cowardly and totalitarian. There would be no feminism if people spent their lives scraping by to make a living.

    There is in fact something much more totalitarian and fascist in women than men, most probably because of women's completely deluded desire for "security," which doesn't exist. Feminism is, of course, leftist. The other way around is more accurate: leftism is feminine. (To be specific it is the Bad Feminine that stands in opposition to the Good Feminine.)

    Specificially, there are two mythological archetypes that are terrible dangers: the Bad Feminine (the Seductive, Destroying Mother) and the Bad Father. Put them both together, politically, and it's just about over.

    Such people are barbarians. The definition of a barbarian? Someone who wants to destroy culture and society. And barbarians are tribal. In other words, leftists are into "Make Your Own Tribe" kits.

    Be very careful when listening to women, especially when they complain about "fairness" and "justice" and "oppression." And never listen to when what what they say is based on envy. (In fact, complaints about justice and fairness and oppression is almost always based on envy.

    When innocent men listen and are seduced, they - and society - are started on the path to a humorless, cowardly, decadent, leftist-totalitarian society. Sorta like what we have today.

  9. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Desert used to be such a nice lady. What has happened to her? Man, that must have been some leftist lunch with Field.

  10. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Desert used to be such a nice lady. What has happened to her?
    10:33 PM"
    Watsamattawidyou? I'm still a nice lady! I'm even smiling :D <<<see?

    But if you're the Anon that's dissing me and the shoe fits, then wear it!

    Otherwise pay no mind cos it's not with you.

    Smiling :D <<<see

  11. While inebriated, Manny said: “The archetype of the horror story is Evil attacking Good, Chaos attacking Order. In today's world, Leftism is that evil, that chaos, as is that subset of it, feminism, that is attacking the natural, organic order of society.”

    A small amount of objectivity would’ve been nice here. All of the political parties that currently exist within this empire of ours are out for themselves and screw the citizenry are the results of their policies. You intentionally failed to mention the Tea Party and the Right wing nutty cabals.

  12. @ Black Sage:

    The fact that idiots such as yourself are allowed to vote is the reason this country is going right down the toilet.

  13. magdelan11:59 PM

    Equality is the holy grail for liberals, so they impose equality on the world around them with the concept of equivalence. The result is invariably insanity:

    Men and woman are equal. Therefore, women should serve in combat situations; never mind if they are a deadly liability to themselves and those on their side.

    It is not a problem that Obama has run up the national debt to the point that it threatens to collapse the entire economy, because George W. Bush also ran up the debt, even if by $trillions less.

    It doesn’t matter if over 21,000 lethal acts of Islamic terror have been committed since 9/11; someone once bombed an abortion clinic, so Christianity is just as bad.

    I once had it explained to me that it is morally acceptable to turn over innocent children to be raised by perverts because heterosexuals sometimes molest children too. That they are much less likely to do so is irrelevant under the doctrine of equivalence.

    Maybe liberals actually believe in their own intellectual posturing; that is, maybe they are literally insane. Or maybe we are witnessing an act of cultural vandalism. Maybe they are destroying the concept of value on purpose, as Ayn Rand proposed through the character Ellsworth Toohey in The Fountainhead.


    There will be blood.

  15. Liberalism has nearly destroyed black America, and now it’s time for black America to return the favor.

  16. All these so called right wing intellectuals posting with their Ayn Rand b/s. I honestly would rather read what some dumb redneck from stormfront has to say. At least they have more clarity of thought. They don't try to hide their ignorance with smoke screens.

    Blackisclueless, what are u going to do when Hillary becomes president? Join the tea party?

  17. Sshhhh, it seems that the only people that ObomBer hasn’t already disappointed are his personal claque. Additionally, I always thought it was strange that he never said anything about the stop-and-frisk program instituted by neo-nazi types in NY. Remember, he was once a constitutional Professor. Now this Ray Kelly fella, NYPD Commissioner is potentially under consideration for the head position at Homeland Security.

    Yep, that is ObomBer's track record in a nutshell: Always tow the party line and continually protect the status quo. Glen Ford of Black Agenda report, his pithy statement nailed it right on the head when he stated: “Obama is the more affective evil.”

    ObomBer is in fact leading still leading blinded sheeples!

  18. Anonymous8:47 AM

    field negro said...

    All these so called right wing intellectuals posting with their Ayn Rand b/s. I honestly would rather read what some dumb redneck from stormfront has to say. At least they have more clarity of thought. They don't try to hide their ignorance with smoke screens.

    Blackisclueless, what are u going to do when Hillary becomes president? Join the tea party?

    Field, you are clueless. The teaparty types are the ones saying stop and frisk must stop as it is unconstitutional. Your far left Democrats (your White liberal masters) are the ones who want it to continue, like Bloomberg.

    Why? Because they know without communist control their policies are exposed as failure and black crime and what they have done to black America will skyrocket again and be exposed.

    About 70% of black babies are non-marital births, which is highly correlated with poverty. How do we reverse this trend, and restore the black family to what it was back before welfare and minimum wage laws, when a majority of black kids were born into two parent homes and blacks had a higher employment rate than whites?

  19. BARBBF9:29 AM

    The Tea Party members are heartless? What about the Democrats and the person in the White House who maintains his own personal kill list and has authorized the use of US predatory drones which have killed thousands of innocent civilians in African and the Middle East..including hundreds of children...and then makes jokes about using drones to kill members of some singing group if they come too near to his girls?????

  20. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Anti-stop-and-frisk Bill Di Blasio is ahead in the NYC mayoral campaign! Leading the for-it-before-she-had-doubts-about-it Christine Quinn for the first time.

    Maybe there is a God. Or a smart electorate. Well, I'll settle for not too stupid.

    Only in NYC, maybe, could DiBlasio's biracial family be considered an asset. We'll see.

    That Teabagger and his response: the days of cutting conservative wit are behind us: William F. Buckley might have told her she could stay with her father if she moved back to Mexico with him and applied for citizenship there.


  21. Blackisclueless, what are u going to do when Hillary becomes president? Join the tea party?


    Slow ya Roll its still 2013...

    We havent even finished this Bozo's term , and your clamoring for more BullS%^*t from the glorious "Ms Entitled"

    Lets stay on track ...LOL

    Lets discuss your dissappointment 55 months into O-Bombers presidency...


  22. FN -
    what are u going to do when Hillary becomes president?

    Watch the black population slip deeper into unemployment?

    Watch government schools continue to fail to educate black children?

    Watch blacks be taken advantage of by democrat politicians that don't need to pander to the black population anymore?

    Watch as democrats turn all black run cities into detroit?

    Watch as democrats turn a blind eye to black on black crime/rape/murder?

    I could go on and on.

    I'm guessing with hillary as president you will continue to do as you do now, and blame whites and republicans for all the problems as the democrats applaud your work at dividing the country.

    You go FN. Don't worry about being used by democrat politicians, some people are used to being slaves for the white democrat ruling class.

  23. Anonymous12:24 PM

    "Blackisclueless, what are u going to do when Hillary becomes president? Join the tea party?"

    Maybe you will too, Field. For all the cover the media has afforded them, the racist condescension of the Clintons just oozes on out.

    And the Constitution won't take much more stretching before it tears to pieces.

  24. Since Your topic is on
    "Stop and Frisk".....

    which is closely related to the 'War on Drug" , and "Mass Incaceration"

    It also gives some insight to how this administration feels about Mass Incarceration....

    Thus far, after four and a half years in office, Obama has commuted exactly one sentence.
    (He has also issued 39 pardons, but all for people who had already served their sentences.)

    Nixon who started the "Drug War" granted 60 commutations, 7 percent of the 892 applications he received, during his 67 months in office, while Obama has granted one out of 8,126, or 0.01 percent, over 55 months.

    "Under Reagan and Clinton, applicants for commutations had a 1 in 100 chance of success. Under George W. Bush, that fell to a little less than 1 in 1,000. Under Obama, an applicant's chance is slightly less than 1 in 5,000."

    O-Bomber is as Progressive as a Extreme Right Wing Republican can get....

  25. Anonymous1:53 PM

    "O-Bomber is as Progressive as a Extreme Right Wing Republican can get...."

    What you are noticing is that "progressivism" is actually the wellspring of the totalitarianism that is causing such widespread unease, not the "Right Wing" we have been taught to fear.

    Things are becoming clearer everyday. Will enough people notice before it is too late? Is it already too late?

  26. Blackisclueless, would u like a banjo and some tap shoes? You should join Larry Elder Jesse Lee Peterson and some of the other Obama bashing clowns and get your own tv network. I bet the Koch brothers would fund it for you.

  27. If they really meant laws are laws and needed to be obeyed, that would be one thing, but what they are really saying is that they are mean and nasty people who don't want to give anyone a break.

  28. Anonymous3:44 PM

    @ Hattie: Those are the words their enemies put in their mouths. You hate them because you've been conditioned to hate them. At some level, what people actually say must be taken into account and measured against objective evidence.

  29. Anonymous3:45 PM

    "Things are becoming clearer everyday."

  30. Blackisclueless, would u like a banjo and some tap shoes? You should join Larry Elder Jesse Lee Peterson and some of the other Obama bashing clowns and get your own tv network. I bet the Koch brothers would fund it for you.

    Did I strike a nerve STEPHEN...???

    I know you find it hard to believe, but JUST because somebody calls out O-bomber.... It doesnt mean they are racist . It doesnt mean they belong to the Tea Party ....

    It just means the person is AWAKE, and able to distinguish BS Political Speak from REAL progress....

    You love throwing around all these "Black Conservatives" as if anybody truely down with Pan Africanism would even mention the names you mentioned in the same sentence without getting violently ill...
    (I feel nauseated already just looking at Jessse Petersons name)

    Furthermore...You didnt even give Marcus Garvey a Shout out on Field Negro 08/17.....

    Sorry ass STEPHEN....

    Your dissappointing.....

    Id call my mother out if she was behaving the way O-bomber is acting.

    and you want us to ROLL OVER for Billary...

    What kinda exotic drugs are in that pipe of yours???

  31. Glenn4:15 PM

    They told me that if I voted for McCain the United States would become a creepy security state, balanced precariously between paranoia and incompetence, and they were right!

  32. "What you are noticing is that "progressivism" is actually the wellspring of the totalitarianism that is causing such widespread unease, not the "Right Wing" we have been taught to fear."

    Hurry back from the public library before the insane asylum closes.

  33. Anonymous5:08 PM

    You ought to try the library sometime, field. Maybe reading a book would give some context to the Media Matters talking points you parrot every day.

  34. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I sincerely hope some on this blog will view this video. BlackISBeautiful, knowing how you are capable of telling the truth, I would be interested in hearing your opinion about it.

  35. anon@6:20pm

    There is absolutely NOTHING to be gained by listening to either of these two.

    I dont know who is worse...

    Have Oreily debate retired Police Chief Neil Franklin of LEAP...on "The War on Drugs, and Mass Incarceration....

    I would PAY to see that.

    I see STEPHEN had to run away because I was talkin bad about his worthless symbolism...

    Come on STEPHEN lets talk about Ray Kelly some more , and why your man O-bomber likes him , and Larry Summers sooo much....

  36. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Well, I guess there isn't much interest in what's happening to our children.

    "I think our children are trying to tell us something, and we are not listening."
    ------Bill Cosby

    O'Reilly may be White and on FOX, but he is listening better than we are. Don Lemon seems to be listening. Of course, Blacks turn to Al Sharpton for their listening pleasure and denials.

  37. Anonymous7:22 PM

    No, the Regal did not profile Negroes. They mades sure they protected and gave security from violence to all who wanted to enjoy "The Butler".

    As a black movie goer the Regal Cinemas, I am grateful they provide protection for me. Field, you are a trouble maker. That's all you do is stir racism in post-racial times. The fact is, you don't want post-racial era to arrive.

  38. Anonymous4:06 AM


    Some time ago, I referred to the POTUS as being an abject scoundrel for masquerading as a Progressive by allowing both the New Yorker and Time Magazines to photograph him dressed up as FDR, communicating that a 2nd New Deal was in the offing, but this POTUS FAILED MISERABLY to inextricably bind his Infrastructure Jobs Plan with the initial BAILOUT and TARP. Later, a commenter named Neil Gillespie intimated a similar criticism of this POTUS, who was quite open, by the way, about his man-crush on Ronald "Iran Contra" Reagan. Then, there's the POTUS's FAILURE to convene a special investigation to see if the Bush Cabinet was guilty of treason and war crimes, in that they ALL have arrest warrants issued for them by the International Criminal Court at the Hague, Netherlands where the Nazis were tried during the Nuremberg trials. And, then, it took the village idiot, Rand Paul, to call for an audit of the Pentagon, as 600 million up and WALKED outta the Green Zone, 30 foot stack-by-30 foot stack, during Bush's War Profiteering boondoggle in Iraq while this POTUS does and says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, just like an accessory, after the fact. When this POTUS extended the Bush tax cuts, which insured that he would pocket the bulk of the $10 million generated from his book sales, don't all of theses dots connect to one thing?

    So, when this Bait-and-Switch POTUS is astutely revealed, through his commutation, as an Extreme Right Wing by BlackisBeautiful, why are you and others in entrenched denial about this Opportunist-in-Chief who cares absolutely NOTHING about selective racist Marshall Law masquerading as stop-and-frisk in NYC as well as the killings in Chicago and the forced, fraudulent bankruptcy of Detroit?

    If Bush was the worst POTUS since the Holocaust of U.S. Enslavement, then this enabling POTUS, with Detroit a modern-day "Hooverville, no Obamaville," is the 2nd worst!

  39. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Dear Caucasians: Europe just called, they'd like all 2 million of you (give or take a couple) to return within the next 10 minutes. They said they miss you and love you. See ya!! It's been real!!!

  40. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Lawdy!! my major typo: 200 MILLION (give or take a couple). They're patiently waiting, anticipating.

  41. Anonymous8:55 PM

    The Mennonites in Mexico are said to be considering such a move back to Europe ( Unfortunately, this particularly virulent, invasive strain of the mutant Caucasoid subspecies (due to color mutation, not Albinism) of the parent African human species, will not comply. Complying would suggest that they had a moral compass and/or an innate sense of 'right' and 'wrong,' which history, both past and present, has repeatedly proven, they do not.

    The Caucasoid does not care that it's been as comparably destructive to humans as the Burmese Python has been to the native species of the Florida Everglades or the Asian Carp has been to the native species of fish in the Great Lakes. And, with the the U.S. Census revealing data ( "more white deaths than births" and that confirms that the Caucasoid is, in fact, a 'Lethal Mutation', that is, it's dying out, they, ephemera that they are, are even more entrenched in continuing to infest these shores to the very end.
