Monday, August 05, 2013

Here comes The Butler.

I have heard some good things about the new Lee Daniels movie, The Butler, and I really wish that I could embrace it, but sadly, I cannot.

I am sure that there is some fine acting in the movie, and knowing Hollywood (and America) the way that I do, I am sure that it will win a bunch of awards. But I feel the same way about this movie as I did about The Help: Just America glorifying the subservient obsequious Negro who, during times of oppression and injustice, tolerated it with a turn the other check kind of dignity that while admirable, did not improve his or her condition.

Americans love feel good movies where the subservient black suffers with quiet dignity and the white who is sympathetic to his plight can play the hero. It's why Hollywood keeps making movies like Driving Ms. Daisy, 42, The Help, and The Butler. It's why you will never see a major studio green light a project about the life and times of Fred Hampton, H. Rap Brown, John Rock, or Angela Davis. Films about those folks would make us too uncomfortable.

"The Butler is filled with cultural inside jokes that the 25 or so African-American attendees (mostly press), got instantly. The characters, rounder than we’re used to seeing, darker skinned, many far from the silver screen standard of beauty could’ve easily been our grand parents, aunts and uncles. Terrence Howard was everyone’s shiftless neighbor and despite missing his front tooth, charmed Oprah into an affair. Even Lenny Kravitz – who in real life manages to look sexy walking down the street in last Tuesday’s clothes and a man purse – was down played to just another handsome Black man who married a big sassy Black woman in an obvious wig.
But as I sat there, a row in front of an offensive White woman, drunk from her own entitlement, watching painful truths about the history of my people in this country, I couldn’t help but wonder: What does ‘Black’ mean now? 2013 - long after we’ve twice elected a black president but failed to convict the killer of a black teenager - what is the ethos of this culture of mine?
I grew up Black – not just as a race but a verb. Weddings in church basements, in households where Martin Luther and Luther Vandross were equally revered. We attended home goings that lasted from day into night. My aunt, the crackhead, would do anything for you – just don’t leave your purse around her. Summers meant family reunions in matching shirts that always alternated between yellow, purple and red.  And our grand parents raised me, along with a number of my cousins. And every time we’d hear of a particularly heinous (or stupid) crime we’d collectively wish aloud, “I hope he’s not Black."
Those were great points about the black experience and what it means in 2013, but you didn't need The Butler" to make them.   



  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    FYI- Saw Wil Haygood and Shelia Johnson at a book signing at Politics and Prose. EVERY studio turned this film down. Ms. Johnson got independent backers to make it and Weinstien is distributing.

    Just saying.

    Val Joyner

  2. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "I have heard some good things about the new Lee Daniels movie, The Butler, and I really wish that I could embrace it, but sadly, I cannot."

    I understand, but it's a 'movie' with Oprah and Forrest Whitaker in it. It doesn't get any better than that. Besides, it's about real life of Blacks during those times, which still carries over to today. Sadly, we have not done our part to break that cycle. In fact, we have fed into the cycle. We have talked and talked but done nothing.

    IMO, we haven't a clue to 'who' we are. Until we get straightened out spiritually the rest is a mute point.

  3. Field said.....

    Americans love feel good movies where the subservient black suffers with quiet dignity and the white who is sympathetic to his plight can play the hero.


    Yes, in cinema, we white Americans prefer to view black Americans lives through the eyes of powerful courageously pro-black whites. This way, we can pretend that we ourselves would have been of such character ourselves in the same circumstances. Of course it's no accident that we find these powerful and courageous white people primarily in fiction, because the truth is that, excepting John Brown, when & where it really mattered they were almost entirely absent.

  4. Anonymous10:05 PM

    "Americans love feel good movies where the subservient black suffers with quiet dignity and the white who is sympathetic to his plight can play the hero."

    Isn't that how Obama became President? Because of sympathetic guilt-ridden Whites and sucker subservient Obama Blacks willing to suffer in quiet un-dignified manner while Obama dumped on us? That unspoken plan was so successful that Obama was re-elected and we are quietly suffering with NO dignity and NO pride.

    And YOU have the nerve to talk about "The Butler" when YOU and some of your FN disciples have been Obama "Butlers" for some time now.

    One thing is clear to me: Today, as a people of a race, we have no idea 'who' we are. The black Obamaholics certainly don't know. The black Conservatives don't know and don't care. Blacks in the community are busy shooting each other; and making babies; and staying illiterate and uneducated.

    WHO ARE WE? If the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman is any measure, we are 'nobody'.

  5. Anonymous10:13 PM

    I think this movie is different from those other movies, in that it is about a real person that lived and held a real and actually a quite important job.

    That it was a service job I understand, but, a very important service job. and one in which if he hadn't been very good at what he did, as well as very diplomatic and tactful, he would not have lasted all those years. So the man was doing something right indeed!

    So in that perspective, I think that it might actually be an interesting story to see.

    That being said, I would add that I would hope the film stays true to life,taking into consideration his interviews and his childrens memories anecdotes.

    My thoughts are that I would see this. As a tribute to someone that did a great job under less than ideal conditions.

  6. Anonymous10:34 PM

    WC said, "Yes, in cinema, we white Americans prefer to view black Americans lives through the eyes of powerful courageously pro-black whites. This way, we can pretend that we ourselves would have been of such character ourselves in the same circumstances. Of course it's no accident that we find these powerful and courageous white people primarily in fiction, because the truth is that, excepting John Brown, when & where it really mattered they were almost entirely absent."

    9:55 PM
    Ah come on, Whitey. You know damn well there had to be more Whites than John Brown who fought for the Black Cause. Why must you always sell us short? Hell, did you ever hear of the Civil War? Lots of Whites died in that war for Blacks and you know it. And what about Lincoln?

    Hell, General Sherman rolled through Atlanta setting it ablaze, calling the Confederates a bunch of illiterate white-ass Crackers.

    He often exclaimed, "I'm going to put my Northern white foot up your Southern white cracker ass!" It became his battle cry as he rode through the South.

    So please give credit where credit is due. Thanking you in advance.

  7. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Desert, I'll probably be in Philly when you are there. So, before you and Field go to some swanky restaurant for lunch, maybe the two of you can stop by the broad st vendor for a dog and pretzel with mustard for a mid-morning snack with me? I'll pay for it, unless Field wants to pick up the tab? The conversation will be good, too. Also, I'll be dressed as The Butler.

  8. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Desert, I'll probably be in Philly when you are there. So, before you and Field go to some swanky restaurant for lunch, maybe the two of you can stop by the broad st vendor for a dog and pretzel with mustard for a mid-morning snack with me? I'll pay for it, unless Field wants to pick up the tab? The conversation will be good, too. Also, I'll be dressed as The Butler.
    10:50 PM"
    I'll have to check with him and see if he wants to ;)

    But either way, no need to dress as The Butler.

  9. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Anon, fyi Whitey does not consider himself a 'Northerner'. he is from Cali and that is a different ballgame, so to speak. As I understand it, out West they are neither South nor North but somewhere in between. They still shoot Negroes, though...Oscar Grant.

    BTW, make sure you go see "Fruitvale". It's a great movie. It's a damn shame Field hasn't given this movie some play here, esp after the Trayvon incident.

  10. A non inquired...

    "did you ever hear of the Civil War? Lots of Whites died in that war for Blacks and you know it. And what about Lincoln?

    Hell, General Sherman rolled through Atlanta setting it ablaze, calling the Confederates a bunch of illiterate white-ass Crackers.

    He often exclaimed, "I'm going to put my Northern white foot up your Southern white cracker ass!" It became his battle cry as he rode through the South.

    So please give credit where credit is due. Thanking you in advance."


    Yes, I've heard of the Civil War.
    The Civil war was fought over the constitutional questions of secession/(& related) nullification powers posited in the States by the first (US) Republican party at the turn of the 19th century, the shipping-dependent New England states during Adams' unilateral embargo & the subsequent War of 1812, and later, after Eli Whitney made slavery profitable again by the slave South. Emancipation wasn't a war aim; it was a war measure, which is why the 13th Amendment was required to finally end slavery.

    Lincoln was murdered by a terrorist.

    Sherman admired the South before the war. Many of his officer-friends were Southerners, and except for his years in California he spent almost all of his military career there protecting white Southerners from slave rebellions. When the secession crises broke out, he was headmaster of the Louisiana Military Academy, where prior to secession he'd continued to warn his Southern friends, as he had for 20 years, that the North would never stand for it, and that he himself would join that fight.

    Sherman was never an abolitionist. 20 years after the war when he wrote his memoirs, he again said that he'd have happily left the South it's "peculiar institution" if it wouldn't have again ignited the sectional crises of the antebellum years. He also wrote of his plans to buy his wife a maid in Missouri in the 1850s being upset by her again moving home to her mother's house in Ohio.

    Sherman maintained throughout his life that he didn't order Atlanta burned. The confederates had abandoned the city, leaving no one to fight the fires set by looters. He claimed that by the time the army realized what was happening it was out of control.

    Credit where due: The war turned Grant into a genuine abolitionist and equal citizenship supporter who, next to Lincoln, arguably did more good for black Americans under reconstruction that any other president did until LBJ passed the CRA & VRA in 1964&65.


    Yes, I consider myself a Westerner, a Left Coaster, and yes, like the rest of America, we have our own flavor of racism out here that assures us no shortage of systemic black tragedy.

  11. Anonymous1:38 AM

    The trailer shows the Black Panther son sass his father and get slapped in the face by mother Oprah, who says, "Everything you are is because of that butler."

  12. Anonymous4:15 AM

    WC, thanks for the history lesson, it was beautiful. You are an exceptional writer and to the point.

    I now know a lot more about Sherman and Grant because of you. I did not realize what Grant did for Blacks. It's a shame we haven't given him the "credit" he deserves.

    It is true Cali has its own special brand of racism. It is kind of weird, esp in the Bay Area. Nevertheless, it is recognizable and just as hurtful to a bm as anywhere else in the country. Philly and NJ are the worst, imo.

  13. Anonymous4:33 AM

    The Butler strikes at the heart of the black family and its survival today. It shows how much has changed yet strangely much still remains the same. The mental state of both Whites and Blacks remain pretty much the same-- when considering what it is to be a bm in America. It's heart-wrenching. I am not sure if it will ever be healed simply because no one knows how to do it. And even if they did, the 'will' to do it is not there.

  14. Anonymous4:58 AM

    field said, "Those were great points about the black experience and what it means in 2013, but you didn't need The Butler" to make them."

    sir, it's been centuries of repeating the same old story, again and again. we really need more movies like this to remind us the problem is still with us and will remain with us until we decide to exorcise the evil of racism in our hearts.

    you cannot legislate the human heart, you can only hope it will have the desire to purify itself and become a decent human being with depth. the heart is rooted in the seven deadly sins. thus far in America, no is interested in uprooting them. so the beat goes on, round and round she goes.

  15. Anon@4:58, u are right, u cannot legislate morality, and you and the Anon commenting above u are probably right about the historical journey the film takes u on. But my point was that these types of films still make those in the majority more comfortable than not. Which is fine. It's their money making and distributing them. I would just rather see a film now with a different perspective from a different type of trail blazer.

    As for "The Butler"type flicks; been there, done that.

  16. this link is for last post...the one for WHEN fascism gets to America...

    seems like folks over in Russia are paying a bit more attention...folks might want to start looking up and around. there a LOT going down RIGHT NOW.

    sorry... i just don't care about anything happening in whorelywood. i might pay attention to king Solomon jew Spielberg's 10 commandments...if Moses shows up Black in the trailers...if not, i will know he is still on one and continue to ignore the whorelywood king Solomon jews and their colored, secret satan worshipping help.

  17. Anonymous7:46 AM

    White America has problems of its own, like obtaining affordable health insurance (Obama-what?), paying medical bills, under- and unemployment, trying to make it in a nation under the thumb of its vastly overpaid corporate and especially Wall Street Oligarchs etc. So do Asian America, Hispanic America, Arab America, and so forth. The day when Black America could count on being in the guilt-ridden mindspace of Concerned White People Everywhere has quietly passed, a victim of our new diversity. Oh, Hollywood liberal types may still care about these issues, but most of the rest of us are too busy with problems of our own to worry too much about that critic you quoted or his interaction with -- how did he characterize her? Some "offensive White woman, drunk from her own entitlement" -- to care.

    PS Field, how about adding Discuss to the mix? I hate being part of this undifferentiated herd of anon commentators here but don't want to bother with the options presented for avoiding that. I've got a Discus account though.

  18. forgive typos please...

  19. oh...last thread last thought...

    in texas...women are now subjected to side of the road cavity searches...yep. on camera. got passengers? no problem. gloves used for inappropriate side of the road body cavity searches, aka sexual assault...are COMMUNITY gloves!

    not making this up. the links are out there...if folks are interested to get familiar.

    poor folks go to the hospital to be dnr'd as well. mouth off at checkpoints/question over reaching police power=5150 hold. i guess sleeping...clobbers the time. forgive my were discussing the movies.

  20. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Yeah, white HOllywood writers and white writers, period (ie, Faulkner) think they have the imagination to write about black life from the inside but they always seem to fail. Where are the Hudlin brothers, by the way? "House Party" let me know what that inside perspective is like, as when a copy stopped then while they were walking through a white neighborhood--and that wasn't even the point of the scene.
    The condescension is almost unavoidable: Tarantino wanted "to give" black people a hero, but the major character was still the white doctor. Only Spike Lee hangs a whole biopic on a black phenom, complex and fascinating and real.
    See "Fruitvale Station," Field; I'd be interested in your take.


  21. Anonymous9:38 AM


    your hobama nazi hypocrisy is glaring!!!!!!!

    this film will be a true historical biopic
    and all that the gifted lee d touches is classic
    oprah may win an oscar for her role
    kudos to them all!!!!!!!

    you hobama nazis get all testy when blacks are servants on screen
    you dare to have NO qualms about all of the REAL servants whom that rabid bankster hobama has laid off etc

    cc chi teachers/hobamacare layoffs/joblesss/homeless/millions of perm jobs lost/green "jobs"corp scams/nclb ii/PIC/charter school casinos/etc!!!

    what a gd shame!!!!!!!
    I am amazed by how many racist blacks still pretend that a half black president in the White House represents real racial change anywhere. Racism is no relic. "President" Barack Obama/Hobama/GWB 2.0 has been the most rabidly warmongering, racist, elitist, bankster president in the history of the world. Yet, few are as enraged at that current reality, as those who are so enraged that they slander this epic film.

    Those who are curiously and senselessly outraged by the intelligent, brave, and dignified black women, who honor all domestics with their regal performances, are reacting stupidly to one great fictional tale set in 1963. Yet, the reality of millions of educated black women actually being forced to become domestics in 2011, due to the bilking of states' federal funds, by the blackish Hobama and his beloved white peer banksters, leaves these same racist Hobama fans unfazed!

    Those who are actively boycotting this film, set in 1963, are doing absolutely nothing to stop the ruthless Hobama from robbing federal coffers and pimping masochistic black voters beyond 2012. Those who are slandering the makers of this film are completely silent about the droves of teachers who are actually becoming nannies/maids anew!!! They are unemployed educators whom Hobama's designer poverty and clandestine slaughters of public schools have destroyed financially.
    The global hoax of the blackish Hobama has dumbed down the racist masses. Yet, political sanity trumps political swagger. Civil rights movements trump "post-racial" madness. And, timeless dignity trumps domestic survival.

    See this classic film today! It will make you cry. It will make you laugh. It will enrage you. It will make you proud. It will inspire you to fight back against any oppressors. Most of all, it will make you say a prayer of thanks to every black warrior who has ever walked before you; especially those black maids who walked with regular mops and brooms which they held like regal swords and staffs.

  22. Anonymous9:47 AM

    most nigs/ALL hobama nazis are twisted hypocrites

    if jerry sandusky could dance and sing, would he have been freed and ignored like mj?

    if hobama nazi nigs could see beyond hobama's blackish/corp green skin
    and actually see his blood red evil deeds, the way see follywood films, would they ever react to hobama's lies and sins with such passion?
    if hobama nazi nigs ever truly see hobama, will the revolution ever com???

    wtfu asap!!!!!

    know that all dissent is patriotic. I know that Republicans and Democrats are distinctions without differences. I know that elections are ruses for sheeple who vote. I know that racists are everywhere in every organization. I know that racists rule every bastion of political power in Washington, DC. Why should the Tea Party be the only political organization in America that its solely judged by the racists within its ranks?!
    As America perishes and global poverty becomes a smart bomb by design, no president has ever been more racist than Hobama. Hobama is a legendary drone for racist white male banksters. Hobama completely ignores black people until he needs mindless voters or grinning wait staff for his frequent and opulent parties. Hobama is the glaring President of Wall Street as he incessantly reminds black people to remember that he is certainly not their Black President!

    Abraham Lincoln had a black agenda. John F. Kennedy also had a black agenda. Yet, the blackish Hobama flaunts his refusal to fashion any black agenda beyond funding the Prison Industrial Complex that cages millions of blacks in America. Hobama generously funds the Military Industrial Complex that devours droves of black corpses as fodder for its endless global wars. Hobama has funded DNA arrests by racist cops who publicly and routinely execute blacks. Hobama's blindly racist and amoral lapdogs/bodyguards like Al Sharpton and Tom Joyner demand that blacks pretend to ignore Hobama's bloody red serial betrayals.

    Hobama is a turbo golfer, a world rock star tour vacationer, and a serial warmonger who makes his blood cousin and mentor King Shrub/George W. Bush look like a workaholic and a pacifist. Hobama appears to be financially and emotionally addicted to war. War is an ancient American addiction that breeds false pride and real karma. The endless wars that rage and loom exclusively benefit Hobama and his fellow elitist warmongers, who garner trillions from global thefts, deaths, and destruction.

  23. Anonymous9:57 AM

    if hobama nazi nigs could see beyond hobama's blackish/corp green skin
    and actually see his blood red evil deeds, the way they see too many follywood films....

    would they ever react to hobama's lies and sins with such passion?

    how can fn bash a mere film and yet not even mention NDAA???????


  24. Anonymous10:08 AM

    those in other countries have books and PCs like we have tvs and play stations


  25. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Queen FP:

    here are a few of those links below.

    there are no butlers in that bankster hobama's booming private prisons
    so no issue for blind deaf hobama nazis?...shame!!!

    cc hobama the PIC prez/dhs/fema/wwiii/ndaa/martial law/cointelpro 213 etc

  26. Anonymous10:17 AM

    cc hobama the PIC prez/dhs/fema/wwiii/ndaa/martial law/cointelpro 2013 etc

  27. Anonymous11:04 AM

    more from the opulent buckdancing singing golfing vacationing... hobamas

    cc the misery index/jobless/homeless/hungry/ramen noodle diets

    'let them eat diet cake" = shame!!!!!

  28. Anonymous11:37 AM

    the help is as different from "driving ms. daisy"
    as hobama is different from mlk
    shame on u!!!

    the butlers you degrade
    far better men then that false blackish god hobama whom you suicidally worship


    {I dedicate this column to Hattie elegant black actress who was always forced to play a racist caricature of an ignorant and undignified maid. She would have adored the realistic and revolutionary evolution of the imagery of the black maid that is featured in “THE HELP”...AB }

    “NEW ORLEANS featured Holiday’s only major film role. Holiday had several musical numbers in the film, however, she was unhappy that her role was that of a maid. In her autobiography, she wrote:

    “I thought I was going to play myself in it. I thought I was going to be Billie Holiday doing a couple of songs in a nightclub setting and that would be that. I should have known better. When I saw the script, I did. You just tell one Negro girl who’s made movies who didn’t play a maid or a whore. I don’t know any. I found out I was going to do a little singing, but I was still playing the part of a maid.”

    Billie Holiday - 1947 - Autobiography - “Lady Sings the Blues”

    “One senses that for many, the sheer fact that the movie is about black maids prepared them to sharpen their pencils to decry dusted off Queenies and Beulahs, with the actual content of the movie of little interest.

    We dishonor black people of the past in assuming that they spent their entire lives fuming at the white man and suffering his abuse. As human beings with a survival instinct, they carved meaningful existences out of what they had been given. This included laughing and good times and, yes, some of it was between whites and blacks.

    Nuance, we suppose, such as when Aibileen, soberly describing what it’s like to raise other people’s children while your own are at home—or dead—recounts to Skeeter how another white toddler she all but raised asked why she was black and Aibileen jokingly said it was because she had drunk too much coffee. Davis imitates the toddler’s facial expression and drifts into laughter through near tears. It’s a heartbreaking passage, worthy of an Oscar alone. No “nuance” here?”

    John McWhorter - The New Republic - 8-17-11

    “Any movie about the racist South that ends with the black heroine walking off to a brighter future, instead of with a lynching or assassination, is worth the admission and the $5.50 bag of popcorn.

    Also, I don’t think I’ve ever considered the complex relationships that must have developed between the white families and the black women who raised white children, cleaned white houses and kept white secrets.”

    Mary Mitchell - Chicago Sun-Times - 8-12-11

  29. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Racist Jewish porn makes blonde white woman worship the 'superior seed, muscle, and power' of the black man.

    Jews decry racism but their porn is racist, predicated on the notion that the white woman should sneer at the flabby white man and go with the racially superior black man.

    This porn is typical of the racist message Jews are spreading to white women: Go with a black guy because he is superior to the white guy.

    There are millions of such videos made by the porn industry controlled by Jews.

  30. Anonymous12:34 PM

    OK. You hit the issue on the head as to why I do not go see these movies either. It is something about the grace that we should continually offer other people when they are crapping on me and mine that really ticks me off. Why? Why should I do that and keep being morally better? Why can't the other person be fair, offer grace and be morally better sometimes? Nope. Like the other movies, I will wait to see that when someone else in my family gets the video. Whatever.

  31. Field,
    You are right again. While I watched The Help and enjoyed it, I didn't like it. I didn't like that we have to continue to make subservient maid/butler movies. I feel similarly about The Butler, same difference. WHEN are black people going to get away from portraying subservience? Enough already. I'll see the Butler, but I won't pay to see it, I'll get the bootleg. That's all it's worth to me.

    For once, I'd like black ppl to take their eye off whites and what whites think. We don't need to people please an entire race. Enough of that too. We need to focus on us, our issues and resolving them. Let whitey take care of his own (he usually does). We need to take care of our own and take charge of our own communities, be our own critics, build business that we can be proud of and turn inward with our reflections. The only true respect for us is in our own independence. I believe we are heading in that direction. Not nearly fast enough, but we are heading in the right direction. We have more college graduates now than ever before. The ramifications of Barack Obama's election have not been fully felt in the community yet. And there will be many.

    I don't particularly want to criticize whites, some have been helpful and they deserve better than to be lumped together with those who've hurt us. But once we learn the difference (i.e. Riley Cooper), we need to act accordingly and x their asses totally.

  32. Anonymous1:21 PM

    cb is no butler!!!

    memo to the psycho rabid dog chris brown:

    a mistake is when you run over a squirrel

    beating a woman and leaving her in the street like that very same roadkill is very much more than a "mere" mistake!


    boy bye!!!

  33. Obama's "Sons" Are Dropping Like Flies1:49 PM

    I guess dis means I'm gonna lose my seat on the honor roll.

    Where be my baby-daddy Obama when I needs him?

  34. AB-

    i wondered where all the folks being displaced under Fuehrer BO were going. this shed light:

    you said:

    'In the South, it is true, more people revere the Bible than read it…For most Christians [in other parts of the world], Christian faith is about believing in Christ and worshipping God through him. It is not about belief in the Bible.'

    therein lies the problem and why most Christians have their ignorant behinds handed to them regularly in this spiritual battle. faith is neither dumb nor blind. most 'Christians' are both...and this is why so called Christians currently tip toe around while devils boldly stomp through doing whatever unchecked. look. see. the Name change is a big red flag for those of us that DO read Scriptures.

    this would also explain the non stop fleecing of so called Christians---they have no idea that what folks call Israel today has NOTHING to do with Scriptures. they would have to read Scriptures in order to know this... orthodox Jews are getting their behinds handed to them as well in Israel...maybe they just worship the set apart books as opposed to actually reading/obeying them as well?

    according to this counterfeit mess we see...surely Scriptures would indicate that the 'chosen' would gather themselves back to the set apart lands on the strength of a gun, terrorism and unmitigated violence. right? wrong. yet...that is what we see happening. the false leaders in service to mammon and not Him keep telling their congregations to keep sending their money to the Israeli terrorists that terrorize that region of the world unchecked because goy boy white man america REFUSES to acknowledge Scriptures...if they did...they would most definitely change their little attitudes toward the Hebrews (us) that are CLEARLY described in Scriptures @ this point in history. according to Scriptures...the lease on our stuff is close to up. instead of reading Scriptures and waking up...pale folks run for their gun. lol. they WILL learn.

    those thinking they may do what they wilt as the whole of the law and not bothering to READ the Word that they might be able to follow it...stay on the wrong path because they refuse to know and obey this very simple Scripture:

    'Study to show thyself approved unto Yah, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.'-2 Timothy 2:15

  35. instead folks sit in church on sun day (more proof there is no reading of Scriptures happening), listen to what the charismatic person in the pulpit says. nods in agreement...pays for the entertainment...then leaves without affording additional thought to Scriptures nor Him until the next gathering for charismatic cheerleading/false teachings...remember folks are QUICK to say amerikkka is a 'Christian' nation as they hold the lie graven image of the leprous guy up as proof. zoom past ALL the evidence that indicates strongly they are the ones whose inheritance is all lies. forget the history of this nation! lol. it IS a 'Christian' nation! (the masonic 'founding' leaders, often 33 degrees-these folks KNOW lucifer is g-d at top even if lower degree dum dums don't- with their masonic bibles in tow.)

    IF more Christians were aware of the abominations listed in Proverbs 6:16-19 ...i want to believe more would guard their mouths and clean up their acts...

    however...just this week i received Romans 7 via text as reason for why modern Christians are able to do whatever feels good to them+ be saved as a result of the 'new' covenant which abolished the law.

    this is how folks choose to understand this chapter and the New Covenant...DESPITE Romans 7:1 CLEARLY stating 'know you not, brethren, (for i speak to them that know the law,) how that the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives?'

    it felt mean to ask the individual that sent me the text IF they had dusted off their bible and READ the Scripture their pastor gave that SUPPORTED the current belief that Christians today are in a do what thou will free for fall...yet saved? it is clear the Scripture was not since it felt mean, i resisted the urge to say it.

    so instead of highlighting the refusal to read for self and need to stop running and asking other folks all the time; i will arrange coffee time and show this person in Scriptures where Truth might be found if they want it. what they do from there is on them. i will rest assured knowing that they can NOT say no one ever told them.

    truly people perish for lack of Knowledge.

  36. most 'Christians' rail relentlessly against homosexuals. this is because they refuse to read and obey Scriptures.

    you are good at digging up hidden info. do a little digging on Fuehrer BO and Rev Wright. (another one that makes me loathe such titles/labels/boxes)

    this 'man of the cloth' ARRANGED for his 'Christian' het marrieds to exploit/use/abuse the homosexuals in the congregation. these dalliances resulted in folks' death. no one discusses much less pays for these crimes against humanity. Rev Wright is the most despicable to me in the whole scenario. so Wright can holla all he wants about Yah's wrath...

    AB, you don't notice the rank colorism attached to Daniel offerings out of whorelywood? i guess that would not prevent movie from being a 'classic', to your point, after all birth of a nation, too is a 'classic'. it all just sickens my stomach after awhile though. pay folks to make me sick...not on my list of things to do. somewhere i read Daniel does not like richly melanined Black people...this is the same Daniel creature we have to thank for 'Precious', right?

    i checked OUT of whorelywood once it became clear they hate me, my image, my children, and my nation. as such, their offerings could be acted out on the front lawn and i would draw the blinds and ignore them. (calling cops is for folks that don't know they are on the payroll in most instances. folks WILL learn. lol.) that's where i am...understanding how prevalent MK is in the industry and how insidious their intentions are for those misguided enough to keep going back for more 'entertaining' poison. yeah...i am good and will pass.

    i said awhile back that america is being psych op'd/predictive programmed through their 'entertainment'. prior to Fuehrer BO showing up and completely out...folks were already bringing back the nooses, lynch lust references, etc. it makes sense for Black folks to go back to their grape peeling, docile domestic roles and images, i guess.

    i can finally agree with FN on something! none of this movie for me either. i KNEW if i visited the plantation long enough...this moment would come! lol. i tried to get him to apologize for his nonsense to you AB a few threads back. he ignored me. lol. hopefully he sent you an email and you all have forgiven each other;)

    on a different note- i prefer that men with whom i don't agree, ignore but not impede me. i actually think that is FN you are alright by me. lol. that's NOT a flirt nor a fish for a lunch invite. i read Scriptures and know that i am called to avoid the very appearance of lunching with other folks' husband= no bueno. if wife did not suggest...all bad. folks USED to know this...but what thou will rules the day!

    for now...i pray more folks do the spiritual lifting so their spiritual muscles are trained/conditioned and ready to be put to good use. time is short...whether folks notice or not. folks are WAITING for fascism to all bad folks. time to wake up!

    i love you AB. may the blessings of Yah be on you in abundance my sister. thanks for adding links for those that don't like/know how to search for them.

  37. HC...she might be the white horse witch as written of in Scriptures. her 'joke' after the peace talks/assassination in libya revealed a true cold hearted serpent. this could get real interesting...she stays surrounded by mk'd 'starlets' as well. she seems to have a thing for natalie portman for those of us that pay attention. lol. cue the she-devils already...turn up the heat so folks can see the frog is boiling. americans are too 'Christian' AND racist to get past Fuehrer BO's kenyan daddy...Galatians 3:28 outlaws such nonsense...but we already covered the fact that folks don't read Scriptures...they just 'believe' whatever pulpit puppets tell them. plus tv makes stuff real for them;) despite tv being simulated reality...even the 'news'.

    create a beautiful day sis...that's my plan.

  38. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Queen FP:

    big ups...dittos...and amen!!!

    much love and respect to u my regal sista fire.

    i have blasted lee for his euro colorism etc

    his husband is a wm

    u missed my link above

    i still adore his work...despite the ratchet colorism therein!


    Rarely is a film even close in quality to an excellent book it depicts. “PRECIOUS” is a rare exception to that artistic rule. The film is as intensely painful as Sapphire’s classic novel “PUSH”. It is equally raw as it exposes toxic parenting and incest. It is equally graphic as it reveals the suicide of self-hatred and the pathology of ignorance and cyclical physical and sexual traumas. It is equally triumphant as it exhibits the invincible power of self-esteem and self-love.

    I was impressed with how tastefully the incestuous sex scenes were shot. The film expertly engaged viewers’ carnal imaginations rather than bombard our senses with explicitly pornographic imagery. The tragedies within this film were interspersed with healing humor and defiant hope that eased the emotional wounds we shared with the heinously abused Precious.

    The eurocentrism in the film was excruciatingly authentic. So many blacks who are traumatized by black people in horrid black neighborhoods grow up to associate everything that is good exclusively with white people and eurocentric cultures. From Precious’ romantic obsession with a white male teacher to her envisioning herself as a thin blonde girl in the mirror, it is clear that Precious has come to typically hate blackness in general.

    White supremacy is most intense when it is desperately embraced as a tool of emotional salvation. Ironically, the very same white supremacy that soothes Precious sabotages this film. This excellent film is marred by the glaring flaw of rabid colorism.

    Virtually all of the most abusive and monstrous characters in this film are dark skinned. All of the most angelic and educated characters are light skinned. That is inexcusable and will do nothing to save the black souls of all of the real life ebony skinned self-loathing clones of Precious who will view this otherwise superbly realistic film.

    It is uniquely revolutionary to see positive homosexuals in any black film. So, why could at least one of the lesbian lovers not be a dark skinned beauty with lovely nappy locks? Why could the kind male nurse not be dark skinned and the cruel, incestuous, and rapist father light skinned?

    The most appalling incident of colorism was in the unrealistically yellow skin tones of both babies born to two persons as dark skinned as Precious and her pedophile rapist father. Clearly, the love of these two yellow skinned children was the saving grace of Precious’ cursed life. Would the medicinal light of their dual love in her entirely bleak life have been negated by their dark skin?

  39. Anonymous3:38 PM

    fn is far too deeply and madly in love with hobama to apologize to me

    like most court jester bruhs

    i will always love fn...but i will always hate the willfully deaf blind and amoral hobama nazi within him


    ALL real kings would never defend hobama
    nor would they deny ANY truths i post/tell about hobama
    i see fn with my 3rd eye as i do all kufi clad kapos....

    i love black indie films bet
    follywood = euro evil illuminati madness

    I am also a true fan of Sapphire. She is a renowned author and poet who is equally brave and gifted. Her raw and rebel work includes a classic and prophetic poem about Michael Jackson and the fatality of homophobia and white supremacy, featured in her classic 1999 book of prose entitled "Black Wings & Blind Angels: Poems". Had Michael’s sane homosexual spirit not been tortured to death by the typically homohating Jehovah Witness religion or tormented by his groupie loving heterosexual whore father and brothers, perhaps he could have grown to be a happy and mature homosexual man. But, like so many deeply closeted gay priests driven to pedophilia by the insanity of forced celibacy and psychoses of religious self-hatred, Michael went visibly insane before he died.

    As a fellow lesbian, I idolize Sapphire’s rebel courage and candor. Sapphire’s uncensored truths combined with Lee Daniels unmatched vision can only fashion creative perfection. I expect only sheer excellence from these two superior artists. A superb cast and monied producers like Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey only enhance a project destined to be great. Both Perry and Winfrey have bravely revealed their own experiences as sexually abused children.


    Rarely is a film even close in quality to an excellent book it depicts. “PRECIOUS” is a rare exception to that artistic rule. The film is as intensely painful as Sapphire’s classic novel “PUSH”. It is equally raw as it exposes toxic parenting and incest. It is equally graphic as it reveals the suicide of self-hatred and the pathology of ignorance and cyclical physical and sexual traumas. It is equally triumphant as it exhibits the invincible power of self-esteem and self-love.

    Today, toxic young parents have become a genocidal norm in black America. That is why this film is so very important. It nobly tackles necessary issues of illiteracy, incest, and self-love in expert fashions. These increasingly common social ills are festering wounds in America. All wounds heal best in open air. Sadly, the festering wounds of rabid colorism seemed to be enforced as starkly as they were examined. This was a grave flaw that could have easily been rectified.

    The final credits of the film dedicate it to precious girls everywhere. Many dark skinned precious girls do battle with white supremacy and colorism in all arenas incessantly. I love this film. But, I would have loved it even more if it had featured just one positive person with skin that was not yellow. This superior film would have been absolutely flawless if I had seen just one person on screen that was positive and dark skinned like me.

  40. Anonymous3:47 PM

    those real christians who actually read their bibles
    NEVER EVER use them to bash/hate gays!!!

    hypochristian holy evil dl homohaters (cc eddie long)
    never mention 2 of the best couples in the bible
    because they are gay
    ruth and naomi
    david and jonathan

    like fn and all hobama nazis wo never utter/cannot spell "NDAA"
    the same haters who swear ruth and naomi were never lovers
    always qoute these 2 women at their carnal het weddings


    2. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah has NOTHING to do with homosexuality. You will not even find the word “homosexual” in any version of this text. The angels came to destroy the city BEFORE they met the evil mob. Lot offers his virgin daughters to that same mob. Later, these same girls rape Lot. Lot’s wife was destroyed. If this story condemns homosexuality, then it also condones incest and gang rape. And, Lot’s wife was a lesbian. NONE of which is true.

    From The Good Book: “The Hebrew verb “to know” is rarely used in a sexual sense. It occurs 943 times in the Old Testament and in only 10 of those does it have the sense of carnal knowledge. Sodom is referred to throughout the Old Testament as a place of wickedness and is synonymous with it. But, nowhere does it state that homosexuality was the wickedness in question...Sodomite refers almost exclusively to a male say that homosexual conduct is wrong because the bible says it is, is not to answer, but to dismiss the question....Sex can be productive without being reproductive. Homosexual rape is never to be condoned. It is indeed, like heterosexual rape, an abomination before God. David’s sin of adultery with Bathsheba does not make all heterosexual expressions sinful!”

    From The Bible, Ezekiel 17:48-50: “The Lord says ‘Your sister Sodom’s sins were pride and laziness and too much food. While the poor and needy suffered outside her door, she insolently worshipped many idols as I watched. Therefore, I crushed her.’”

    From What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality: “The sin of Sodom was abuse and offense to strangers-insult to the traveler, inhospitality to the needy. The story is no more about sex than it is about pounding on someone’s front door. The bible offers NO valid conclusion whatsoever about homosexuality.”

  41. Anonymous4:01 PM

    too many hets who inhale birth control pills like candy
    and buy condoms by the box
    tell me sex is ONLY for procreation

    god creates homos in every living species
    even plants!

    only dl human morons hate gays/are holy evil homohaters
    cc that tree jumper "for jesus" eddie long

    4. In Levitcus, homosexuality is an abomination not because it is inherently evil, but because the Gentiles do it. It is, therefore, ritually impure.

    From What The Bible Really Says About Homosexuality: “Leviticus condemns sex as a religious crime of idolatry-not as a sexual offense. Romans suggest that sex acts have no ethical significance whatsoever. Corinthians and Timothy object to specific forms of male prostitution.These books do not refer to homosexuality. They make a general condemnation of moral looseness, lewd, lustful, and lascivious behavior.”

    3. Leviticus, Romans, and Corinthians all refer to “unnatural sex” for HETEROSEXUALS. It is NATURAL for HOMOSEXUALS to engage in homosexual sex. Yet, heterosexuals sin daily as gay prostitutes, porno film stars, lewd voyeurs, prison rapists, etc....

    From The Good Book: “In Romans...Paul did not discuss gay persons but heterosexual people who performed homosexual acts. To suggest that Paul’s references to excesses of sexual indulgence, involving homosexual behavior, are indicative of a general position in opposition to same-sex eroticism, is as unfounded as arguing that his condemnation of drunkeness implies opposition to the drinking of wine. In Corinthians 1:7, Paul discusses the conjugal relations that ought to obtain between christian husbands and wives. For those whom celibacy was too high a price, he issued his famous edict that it was ‘better to marry than to burn’- not in hell. But with desire for the satisfaction of sex. Nowhere does he mention the sole purpose of such conjugality is the procreation of children.”3. Leviticus, Romans, and Corinthians all refer to “unnatural sex” for HETEROSEXUALS. It is NATURAL for HOMOSEXUALS to engage in homosexual sex. Yet, heterosexuals sin daily as gay prostitutes, porno film stars, lewd voyeurs, prison rapists, etc....

    From The Good Book: “In Romans...Paul did not discuss gay persons but heterosexual people who performed homosexual acts. To suggest that Paul’s references to excesses of sexual indulgence, involving homosexual behavior, are indicative of a general position in opposition to same-sex eroticism, is as unfounded as arguing that his condemnation of drunkeness implies opposition to the drinking of wine. In Corinthians 1:7, Paul discusses the conjugal relations that ought to obtain between christian husbands and wives. For those whom celibacy was too high a price, he issued his famous edict that it was ‘better to marry than to burn’- not in hell. But with desire for the satisfaction of sex. Nowhere does he mention the sole purpose of such conjugality is the procreation of children.”

    Religion has destroyed spirituality. Religion is man-made and divisive. Spirituality is divine and unifying. Religion selects the designated few. Sprituality embraces the divine in us all.

  42. Anonymous4:06 PM

    like all hobama nazis who never utter/cannot spell "NDAA"
    the same haters who swear ruth and naomi were never lovers

    always quote these 2 women at

    their carnal het weddings

  43. Anonymous4:07 PM

    AB-"Abraham Lincoln had a black agenda. John F. Kennedy also had a black agenda. Yet, the blackish Hobama flaunts his refusal to fashion any black agenda beyond funding the Prison Industrial Complex that cages millions of blacks in America. Hobama generously funds the Military Industrial Complex that devours droves of black corpses as fodder for its endless global wars. Hobama has funded DNA arrests by racist cops who publicly and routinely execute blacks. Hobama's blindly racist and amoral lapdogs/bodyguards like Al Sharpton and Tom Joyner demand that blacks pretend to ignore Hobama's bloody red serial betrayals."

    AB, your depth of insight is unbelievably sharp. This comment contains such truth that it is virtuous. It is pure and beautiful. I love the way you tell the truth...rhythmically straight and to the point. It slays any lying fool that's in its way.

    Many thanks to you and FP. GOD knows FN needs some truth in its comments. Now if Mr Field could find a new way of thinking, his posts would contain some truth and he'd stop worshiping Obama. But I won't hold my breath on that one.

  44. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Queen FP:

    i know many lost black souls who are eurocentric/colorist like lee
    because all of the black people they know are toxic/abusive/amoral/criminal/drunk/high/evil/ignorant etc

    it is no excuse...just reality

    ditto for lee d
    who is the legal guardian/great dad to 2 kids whom his het bro created and abandoned...
    a niece and nephew/son and daughter

    by the grace of god...

    i was very blessed to be born to great black people
    who taught me to love black s/heroes

    i know my blessings are not bestowed upon most
    especially within 2 pookie generations
    that have been truly sabotaged and slain by hopelessness/poverty/illiteracy/joblessness/homelessness etc...

    The eurocentrism in the film was excruciatingly authentic. So many blacks who are traumatized by black people in horrid black neighborhoods grow up to associate everything that is good exclusively with white people and eurocentric cultures. From Precious’ romantic obsession with a white male teacher to her envisioning herself as a thin blonde girl in the mirror, it is clear that Precious has come to typically hate blackness in general.

    I was born into a family of legendary black educators. I was taught to revere education and intellect more than anything else. My passion for learning was meticulously nurtured by intellectual parents who loved me and wanted me to live an excellent life. All children become what they are exposed to. Successful black intellectuals defined my childhood. So, I always loved and excelled in school.

    My parents were buppies in Chicago when I was born in 1963. They taught me that absolutely nothing was cooler than education. And, they taught me that Caucasians had no monopolies on diction or success. I thank them for those liberating lessons eternally.
    I began my formal academic career as a 12 year old undergraduate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in its unique accelerated University High School program. My passion for learning is eternal. And, teaching will always be in my DNA.

  45. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Queen FP:

    i love and revere u my sista

    even when we disagree...

    i am a teacher

    i see kids like precious daily


    her fate was murder

    remember shaniya davis?


    this is sheer poetry!!!
    as all u post herien

    it made my day!

    "on a different note- i prefer that men with whom i don't agree, ignore but not impede me. i actually think that is FN you are alright by me. lol. that's NOT a flirt nor a fish for a lunch invite. i read Scriptures and know that i am called to avoid the very appearance of lunching with other folks' husband= no bueno. if wife did not suggest...all bad. folks USED to know this...but what thou will rules the day!"


  46. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Queen FP:

    the color purple is another very real and very colorist classic
    the book is 1000 times better than the film

    my mom will never watch the entire film
    like tina turner, who declined the role of shug avery,
    mom grew up in a rural area filled with real life celies/preciouses

    mom knew too many girls who lived/were abused like celie
    she cannot watch it for the same reaon tina could not star in it:
    "it is too real for me"

    we are blessed my sista

  47. Anonymous5:14 PM

    she cannot watch it for the same reason tina could not star in it:

  48. Anonymous5:22 PM

    more on 2 more homo homohating clones of eddie long:

    Donnie says that he was not born a homosexual. He says his homosexuality was caused by his traumas. This may be so. It is also true that millions of girls and boys who are homosexually raped as children never become homosexuals. It is also true that millions of homosexuals are born gay. Millions of homosexuals are like myself. I was blessed with an idyllic childhood. I was extremely sheltered and never sexually molested by anyone. Yet, I am and I have always been a lesbian.

    Why is Donnie unable to separate his own tragic experiences from droves of homosexuals who have never experienced anything nearly as tragic as his miserable and pathetic life? Why is Donnie's gaybashing getting more venomous? Could there be some irresistibly sexy new choir boy in his midst? Could his alleged heterosexual bliss be waning? Why is his gaybashing becoming more and more blasphemously toxic?

    Maybe he should stop singing for a spell and actually study a bible. He will find the magic of redemption in biblical truth. He will be truly healed by the revolutionary rebellion of self love. He will find that God does not hate him, even if he is still a homosexual.

    Donnie needs to take a break from his studios, and visit the biological sciences section of a library where he may research precisely how God creates homosexuals like me in virtually every living species. Unlike Donnie, we are proudly being who we are born to be. We are free of trauma and confusion. And, we refuse to be damned or slandered by any quasi-illiterate pseudo-christians. We refuse to be cursed by spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and sexually inferior humans with god complexes as huge as their biblical fables.

    Maybe some people need to believe that God hates homosexuality, simply so that they can have a reason to feign at resisting it. However, fear alone is rarely a sufficient deterrent for any reform. People fear Hell. Yet, they flagrantly sin by boldly judging homosexuals incessantly. People fear prison. Yet, they commit heinous crimes daily. Poor Donnie and all of his fellow "holy" gaybashers fear homosexuality. Yet, what do they do in the dark?

    Thousands of gaybashing Sunday pastors spend Saturday nights sexing with their gay choir directors. Millions of macho men who bash homosexual men are perpetually drunken with lust for lesbians. I have to beat men off with sticks daily. And, when they find out I am a lesbian, I have to carry bigger sticks.

  49. Anonymous5:56 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    "on a different note- i prefer that men with whom i don't agree, ignore but not impede me. i actually think that is FN you are alright by me.
    2:41 PM

    Hey Field you make her "hot".

    You killing all the broads here my man! The wife gonna be jealusous!

  50. Yeah, I may have to take a pass on the Butler. I generally like Forrest Whitaker flicks but for some reason I can't get into Oprah flicks. I still haven't seen the Color Purple. I may watch this when it comes out on cable.

  51. Color Purple is an awesomely good movie PX, you should give it a look. First time I saw it, in our barracks rec-room in Thailand, I saw grown, hardened Marines, black & white, shed tears.

  52. I hope to hear your reaction to this:

    esp. read some of the egregious comments, like "Obama voter goes on shooting rampage ..."

    This is kind in my backyard, and totally appalling. I would really like to hear your thoughts on this madness.

  53. Anonymous6:58 PM

    It's interesting to read the comments of all of the folk giving the differing position about the "Butler Movie." However, for me to give my analysis, I have to see the movie, then preview in my mind what point was attempting to be made. After the preview, I'll give my review based on seeing the movie. Then, I'll give a view that is contemporary and deals with what You Hip Hop Folk talk about when You have no idea what it was like living through "Jim Crow Systems" in the United States of America. I'll be back when the process is complete and my analysis will give a researched opinion of the movie, "The Butler!" Stay tuned.....

  54. Anonymous7:17 PM

    So, anyone think Hollywood will ever make an as-viewed-from-the-bottom-of-the-bus movie on what "white privilege" is about these days in America? From the NY Daily News, a bit of video, if you have the stomach:

    Or perhaps you would prefer this, also in Florida:

  55. Anonymous7:25 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    "lol. that's NOT a flirt nor a fish for a lunch invite. i read Scriptures and know that i am called to avoid the very appearance of lunching with other folks' husband= no bueno. if wife did not suggest...all bad. folks USED to know this...but what thou will rules the day!"

    :O What is this good Christian trying to call Desert???

  56. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Field said, "But I feel the same way about this movie as I did about The Help: Just America glorifying the subservient obsequious Negro who, during times of oppression and injustice, tolerated it with a turn the other check kind of dignity that while admirable, did not improve his or her condition."

    Since you don't like "white feel good" movies why haven't you acknowledged the Oscar Grant movie called "FRUITVALE"? That is a movie that will win awards also. It was an excellent movie and it wasn't a white feel good movie.

    So tell me, WHY haven't you even mentioned it? BTW, "FRUITVALE" was produced by a brother who is getting tremendous recognition. Yet, from the comments here, you so-called Field Negroes don't even know about it. Field, it seems to me that you would have promoted this movie, seeing how it would be your kind of movie.

    Hell, even Whitey hasn't mentioned it. And it took place on the BART. You folks ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Cops shooting bm dead and you are talking about The Butler.

  57. Anonymous8:17 PM

    anon 6:58p, "...You Hip Hop Folk talk about when You have no idea what it was like living through "Jim Crow Systems" in the United States of America."

    You are so right. The comments made here by Field and others indicate they know nothing about the experience of Blacks during the Jim Crow days. I do, because I lived through it. I can still see the signs that read, "Whites Only" and "Colored" for water fountains and restrooms. Often, there were NO restrooms for Blacks. I remember how we had to carefully prepare where to stop to relieve ourselves when making a trip across the country to see relatives. AND, we couldn't stop for rest because there were no hotels who would accept us. If you wanted to buy food at a white restaurant, you had to go to the back door and wait...IF they would take your order. Of course, the price for our food was the same, if not higher than the Whites.

    Those were evil times perpetuated by the 'Perpetrator'. It still goes on today but it's couched in a veil that many Blacks either don't even see, or they are in 'denial'.

    The Butler could be educational for people like Field as well as defining who we 'were', and who we are 'now'. It might help 'connect' the dots to where we are today. But Mr Field and his students are know it alls....That is far worse than an ignorant hip hop child who just doesn't know, but would like to. Field just doesn't want to know because he is afraid that Whites might feel good about the movie. Isn't that insane? Racism has completely mutilated Field's mind. He can't trust it.

  58. "Since you don't like "white feel good" movies why haven't you acknowledged the Oscar Grant movie called "FRUITVALE"? That is a movie that will win awards also. It was an excellent movie and it wasn't a white feel good movie."

    Some people just won't take yes for an answer. I have acknowledged the movie and I fully intend to see it.

    Just a little too soon after Trayvon for the kid, but I will get there.

    "Racism has completely mutilated Field's mind. He can't trust it."

    No he can't.

  59. Anonymous9:57 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    "lol. that's NOT a flirt nor a fish for a lunch invite. i read Scriptures and know that i am called to avoid the very appearance of lunching with other folks' husband= no bueno. if wife did not suggest...all bad. folks USED to know this...but what thou will rules the day!"
    "I read the Scriptures and know that I am called to avoid the very appearance of evil"but what thou will rules the day"

    So if it weren't for those Scriptures telling you what not to do, would you do what thou will? lolol

  60. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Anonymous said...
    ":O What is this good Christian trying to call Desert???
    7:25 PM"
    She's not talking bout me :) We're having a lunch not a f***! lol!

    There's a big difference.

    Well maybe not to some. But to me, when I lunch, I eat, and when I f*** f***!

    So Anon, please stop fanning fan the fires of hell! Thank you:)

  61. parvenu4:49 PM

    Field after I saw the trailer for "The Butler" all I could think about was the vision of Life Magazine's cover that appeared after President Roosevelt dies. The cover was a full length up close stark black and white photo of a black U.S. Navy man playing an accordion near the hearse with tears streaming profusely down his glistening cheeks. The middle-aged sailor was identified as FDR's personal driver who had been assigned to FDR from his first days as President, and over the years the two men formed a very strong bond. The Life cover effectively captured the nation's feeling of deep heartbreaking grief over the man who brought America through the dark days of World War II, and over the years it has become a classic. The real sorrow for me even though I can close my eyes and still visualize that stark black and white photo on the cover of Life magazine I never really knew the name of that grief stricken crying black man playing one of the President's favorite songs as his final goodbye salute.

  62. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Brotha Field,
    Dont you get it. We cannot have strong black movies made were the black main character will live through the entire movie, not take crap or even talk back. That is why Hollywood and Oprah love these "shufflin black" movies. I'm sure the men who worked in the white house did their jobs well. But of course, there will be no movie about black men standing up in their communities!!


  63. Anonymous8:30 AM

    It's so hard trying to live amongst paler than pales with the hair of the dogs they love so much, when they always think you're the spawn of King Kong. This crap will never work no matter how much you try. Africans will always be seen as Simians in the land named after Amerigo Vespucci, calling themselves "American", when all they really are EUROPEANS, originating from CAVES.

  64. Anonymous1:21 PM


    I agree with your assessment and you know enough about me to overstand why

    I get so sick of our people heralding in this bullshit
    i lived in DC for yrs and yrs and when the orig Butler retired i had the chance to meet him at the first election of Barry he is and was (dead now) the same stepin fetchit

    My husband knew him before i met him and he always told me about the man with the grin
    I am not impressed i have lived his story a million times i have watched Afrikans crumble at the feet of turmoil and disrespect picking up crumbs and bending over NOT!
    I am a Field negress i am unbent and unbroken

    ps i play chess and leave the bending to anon! smh!

    Pps anon you can rail all you want i will not read anything u post but i know you will read everything i say U love every word i post typos and all LOL jaja
    To this end i promise that each time i come to FN i will leave you a drop shot and a dose of viagra

  65. Anonymous1:35 PM


    Do not believe the hype Watch for the whilrwind! FN knows what i mean


  66. Spoiler alert. At the end, the house Negro concludes that the field Negro is the true hero.


  67. اسعار شركات نقل عفش بخميس مشيط ارقام شركات نقل عفش بخميس مشيط شركة نقل عفش بخميس مشيط جديدة شركة نقل عفش من خميس مشيط الي الرياض شركة نقل عفش من خميس مشيط الي مكة شركة نقل عفش من خميس مشيط الي جدة شركة نقل عفش من خميس مشيط الي المدينة المنورة افضل 10 شركات نقل عفش بخميس مشيط
