Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Racism visits Jackie again, and when Negroes say stupid things.

Tonight my racism chase takes me to Brooklyn. A borough of New York, which, in my opinion, happens to be wonderful place to visit. Sadly, though, the big R is everywhere.
"A statue that honors baseball icon Jackie Robinson has been vandalized with racial slurs and Hitler references — in Brooklyn of all places.

The defaced statue — which shows teammate Pee Wee Reese putting his arm around Robinson — was discovered Wednesday morning outside of MCU Park on Coney Island where the Brooklyn Cyclones play.

Robinson broke baseball's color barrier in 1947 as a member of the Brooklyn Dodgers, a story pushed back into the mainstream recently because of the Robinson biopic "42" that came out earlier this year.

As the film shows and history knows, Robinson had to overcome the racism of the era to become a baseball star. Racial epithets were hurled his way like they were pitches.

You'd like to think our society is beyond such things in 2013, but then an incident like this happens and you realize sometimes you give people too much credit. Even if just a few isolated, hate-filled knuckleheads are responsible.
The New York Daily News has specifics:
A manager at MCU Park stumbled upon the defaced statue about 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, cops said. Among the hate-filled messages written in black marker on the monument to Robinson and his Brooklyn Dodgers teammate Pee Wee Reese were: "Heil Hitler," "Die n----r," "F--k n----r" and "F--k Jackie Robinson."
The discovery disgusted the Brooklyn Cyclones organization.
"The statue is a symbol of tolerance," said Billy Harner, director of communications for the Cyclones. "It's an absolute tragedy that someone would deface it the way they did."
 Harner said the incident happened sometime after the Cyclones game Tuesday night.

Work started almost immediately to clean up the statue." [Source]

It's a shame that they can't clean out the hearts of some of the folks here in America. I mean if they hate on Jackie Robinson of all people there is no limit to their ignorance.

Speaking of ignorance, I am really through with this Negro, Lee Daniels. I know that he is a Philly guy, but come on now.....

"Speaking to reporters at the National Association of Black Journalists convention in Orlando, Florida, Oscar nominated-director Lee Daniels (Precious, The Butler), said that it is possible for White people — particularly in the Deep South — to “really love” Black people and still call them “n*ggas,” reports

Delving into the “strategic” use of the n-word in ‘The Butler’ as it was used by former President Lyndon B. Johnson against the backdrop of the Civil Rights Movement, Daniels opined that obvious displays of racism can be misleading:
“For me, it was very strategic,” Daniels told a group of reporters at NABJ. “When we did use it, it was used later on by Cuba [Gooding Jr., as the head butler] making fun of someone that did use it, Lyndon Johnson. It was sort of the joke that this guy uses it. So when he says it and talks about, it opens up —  like Paula Deen — the concept of white people loving us and really loving us and feeling that it’s fine to use the word nigga. That’s how Johnson felt. He did something that was incredible for us. That’s trying to be taken away from us right now. And yet, he used that word just like ‘pass the grits.’ Racism is a very hard thing to explain, especially in the South.”
As previously reported by NewsOne, Paula Deen was fired by the Food Network and lost countless endorsements over her use of the word “ni**ers” and her plantation fantasy of planning a wedding reception with Black men serving food dressed as Antebellum slaves" [Source]

This Negro might be worse than the bone head who sprayed racist graffiti on Jackie's statue.

Finally, yet another Philly connected Negro did and said something really stupid the other night at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) conference in Orlando. This time the culprit was former Eagle, Hugh Douglas.

"Hugh Douglas, a first-round pick of the Jets in 1995, apparently had too much to drink last Friday night when he accosted his “Numbers Never Lie” co-host Michael Smith and vowed to beat him to a pulp during a party thrown by the National Association of Black Journalists at the House of Blues in Orlando, Fla.
"The Big Lead website reported Douglas called Smith an “Uncle Tom” and a “House n-----.” Douglas, a 6-2, 280-pounder who spent 10 seasons in the NFL, was apparently trying to get on stage to join the DJ. He became incensed when Smith was hesitant to assist him. That’s when Douglas threatened to punch Smith out.

Smith attempted to walk away, but Douglas grabbed him by the wrist before party-goers intervened to break things up. An ESPN spokesman said network suits were aware of the altercation and “were looking into the situation.” Still, it remains to be seen if Douglas and Smith will be able to work together." [Source]

Hugh, Michael Smith is not the "House n*****", you are. Having too much to drink in a public setting and not being able to control yourself is house Negro behavior.





  1. I've probably written it here a dozen times: the most racist place in the USA is NYC. Remember what all of the white cops there used to call Mayor Dinkins on network tv in the '90s? 6 letters, starts with n & ends with r?


  2. Anonymous10:12 PM

    "Hugh, Michael Smith is not the "House n*****", you are. Having too much to drink in a public setting and not being able to control yourself is house Negro behavior."

    Come on Field. There are people on this blog who can't control themselves and they AREN'T Anons. They are ALL folks who are using ID's. These people don't have an ounce of self-restraint and they aren't drunk off of alcohol! PilotX? Desert? PLEeeeze!

  3. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Whitey Conspiracy, you are exactly right. NYC is one of the most racist cities in America. I find it interesting that my own peeps don't recognize it as such. There is a string of outrageous discrimination over the years that prove NYC is racist to the core.

    The most recent is "Stop N Frisk", as the brothers call it. Need I tell you what the "N" means?

    Brother Field, you live in Philly right down the road from NYC and you don't know this?

  4. Grabbed him by the wrist? Doesn't sound too good. Yeah, when you start grabbing dudes by the wrist it might be time to put down the mutha fuck'n cup.

  5. @fieildnegro what's the best way to contact you privately? Thx.

  6. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Field, what's with all these sistahs contacting you privately and for lunch?

    You got woman traveling from as far as PR to have lunch with you. What gives?

    Hell, I remember an anon who put his life on the line sailing the great oceans trying to get to PR and the woman wouldn't even see the dude. That was cold, very cold. Now she is going to Philly to see you? man, that's eff'd up.

    see? when a good dude is available who wants to treat a sister right, she doesn't want him. she wants those men who aren't available and belong to someone else. That's it, I'm thru with bw. I am going White. They know how to treat a good responsible bm right.

    Field, I heard that Mrs Field is White. And that's why you live in a white community. I also heard that you bought her a house in Jamaica, separate from yours. I swear, you and Charles Barkley have a lot in common. Keep up the good work. You got a lot of brothers admiring you.

  7. Anonymous2:27 AM

    I hear that the klan is pretty strong in NY and getting stronger. More are joining them.

  8. Anonymous2:32 AM

    dear mr field, it has been some time since you were on jesse lee peterson's distinguished radio show. you used to be a frequent talker on his show. what happened?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This is not 1945, 1955 or 1965, so it's just ignorant to set a standard by a Texan politician who began his political career in the 1920's, in a state that segregated African-Americans & Mexican-Americans. Like Jimmy Carter later (also raised in the old south), Johnson had to negotiate minefields of racial politics without committing political suicide. No president since Johnson, not even Barack Obama, cared so deeply about helping the American underclasses. I'd like to think we have changed for the better since 1965. But I wonder about that. As long as people say race matters in America, it matters. You can't make it not matter just by saying it doesn't. Anyway, it's only white people, & only some white people, who insist it doesn't.

  11. You people are killing me. Not that it matters in "post-racial" America, but Mrs Field is an African American. Her peeps worked those Louisiana plantations. :)

    Anon@10:20 pm, of course NY has issues with racism, so does Philly and damn near everywhere else in America. That doesn't mean that Brooklyn is not a nice place. Hell I like Louisiana, and there are racists all over that state.

  12. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Field, I used to think that with enough education, white folk would be educated into being color blind. But it aint happened yet and probably never will. Same as with black kids who pick up white dolls to play with. So long as there are white people about, especially white women with blond hair for black girls to wish they were and black men to want to be with and white men to want to defend, there will be racism. The final solution to this problem of white racism and black self hatred is for whites to have it bred out of them until there are no more whites to worry about. Work enough for every Black Man in America to be sure. Then we have just black and brown and maybe some yellow, although asians a problem all their own. But so long as white folks exist, white folks will be a problem.

  13. Anonymous9:10 AM


    we agree
    ditto on lee daniels!!!!!!!

    lbj was a literal nazi
    he was far MORE racist than paula deen
    and jfk was lot the first person her mirdered
    lbj was a kkkiller before he became vp/prez

    lbj was a kkk thug
    lee daniels is a gifted gd fool


  14. Anonymous9:19 AM

    rushing as always!


    we agree
    ditto on lee daniels!!!!!!!

    lbj was a literal nazi
    he was far MORE racist than paula deen

    and jfk was not the first person lbj murdered
    lbj was a kkkiller long before he became vp/prez

    lbj was a kkk thug
    lee daniels is a gifted gd fool


  15. Anonymous9:23 AM

    cc lee d


  16. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Brotha Field,
    You know dudes like this Lee Daniels is a "go along to get along" Negro! Hell, he was probably mad that Sam Jackson played one of his relatives in Django so well!!.. But of course Field, he will have "Aunty Oprah" to cover for him!!

  17. Anonymous10:30 AM


  18. Anonymous10:48 AM


    mlk said that the most racist place in america was cicero il

    dubois said that the north would always be more racist than the south

    the kkk once had its own radio station in indiana...

    cc paula deen

  19. Anonymous10:51 AM

    racists are always hypocrites

    cc all of the hobama nazis who hated gwb
    but adore hobama/gwb 3.0


  20. Anonymous11:01 AM

    cc hobama/the opulent celebutante PIC prez...


  21. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Desertflower said...
    From yesterdays post:
    focusedpurpose said...
    "People only see what they are prepared to see." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
    focusedpurpose said...
    "but you are in here acting like the very misguided+married FN is YOUR man and requires your protection. modern do what thou wilt women STAY out of pocket...
    So true about people seeing only what they are prepared to see!

    I was debating what I felt were erroneous points about this blog made by a commenter. Not defending Field, he's entirely capable of defending himself much better than I ever could!

    And most certainly not as though"FN is YOUR man and requires your protection."

    This is a blog remember? One that I happen to think is quite good and informative, as you do, or you would not be here correct?

    If I debated an Anons comments I defended the BLOG. and that was a debate between myself and that Anon. A debate which he chose not to pursue any further for whatever reason.

    I don't see where this comes off as "protecting" as though he were "my man".

    Again, he needs no protection from me!

    Please understand that I was debating IN and ABOUT the BLOG.

    Something that everyone does here, be it in a pro or con manner.

    I believe that's what it's for. Debate and discussion of politics and current events, no?

  22. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Dear Mr Field, regarding Beavercreek, Ohio as well as other nice safe communities across America, I want to submit a video of a fight in a diner by bw. It's quite violent and out of control. This is the reason we don't want that kind in our community. They ruin everything they touch.

    BTW, bw are violent people. They are frightening. I don't blame men, esp bm, who don't want to live with such women. And look at how they dress! My God! Don Lemon should have mentioned bw ought to lose weight and cover up their asses as well cause it is u-gly.

    Brother Field, as I have said before, I am Black and I sure as hell don't want these animals living in my community. Now, do you understand why Whites don't want to be around us? And make no mistake about it, they aren't humans, they are animals who look somewhat like a human....dumb, disgusting, undignified, shameless, and violent....We have terrible problems in our community:

  23. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Desert, "I was debating what I felt were erroneous points about this blog made by a commenter. Not defending Field, he's entirely capable of defending himself much better than I ever could!"

    I hear you, Desert...However, a lot of your comments indicate that 'any attack on Field is an attack on Desert'. I am a witness to that. You are very aggressive and critical at anons who criticize Field. You come to his rescue every time. It's as if you are emotionally joined at the hips with Field. So don't play innocent. Everybody knows it, sister.

  24. Anonymous11:54 AM

    racist assnon:

    got research skills?

    study white history asap

    see violent white men and womern here


  25. Anonymous12:09 PM

    see whites wilding here

  26. Anonymous12:36 PM

    WTF Wayne, what if Hugh Douglas had delivered the infamous "Kingston 12" on co-host Michael Smith?

    Would that have been House Negro behavior too?

    House Negro, Cave Negro, Field got too many hats, bro'

    The hell with lunch my brotha I want to watch your creepy zzzz shuck and jive in court. lol

  27. Anonymous12:58 PM

    @Alicia Banks
    You are learning the futility of debating a religious homophobe like Focused Purpose. How can you call this vicious homophobe a sister?

    The following story can be found on The Root, dated 7-6-13:

    Peter Moses Jr. received two life sentences. (ABC News)

    The Daily News is reporting that the head of a polygamous sect was given two life sentences on Friday for the murders of a 4-year-old boy and one of his five wives, who tried to escape his cult.

    Prosecutors in Durham, N.C., found Peter Moses Jr. responsible for the shooting deaths of little Jadon Higganbothan and 28-year-old Antoinetta McKoy — two innocent victims of the "Black Hebrew Israelites."

    Moses called himself the chosen leader of one of the ancient tribes of Israel. His wives called him "Lord." But Yvonne McKoy, the mother of the slain Antoinetta, called the 28-year-old a liar.

    "This man deceived me," Yvonne said as she confronted Moses in court on Friday. "He took something very dear and precious from me."

    "To know [my daughter] begged for her life is even more painful," WNCN heard the mother say. "I don't know if you want to apologize. That's your choice."

    Hearing that plea, Moses responded, "I'm sorry for what happened to your daughter."

    Four others have pleaded guilty to the killings. One of them, Vania Sisk, was Higganbothan's mother. According to prosecutors, Sisk watched while Moses put a gun to her little boy's head.

    A plumber found the victims' bodies stuffed in plastic bags in the backyard of Moses' mother's home in 2011 ...

    All of the children in the household were fathered by Moses — everyone except little Higganbothan.

    Moses was convinced that the 4-year-old boy's father was gay. When Higganbothan struck another child in the buttocks, Moses took it as proof of the child's homosexuality, prosecutors said.

    Me again: Notice that this monster was a "Black Hebrew Israelite". He shot a 4 year boy in the head multiple times because he was "gay". I'm sure FP would do this to you (and me and all other LGBT people) if she thought she could get away with it.

    Alicia Banks: FP is not your sister and never will be.

  28. Anonymous1:13 PM

    assnon 1458:

    u lie like the dl hobama!

    Sista Queen FP and I are both far too regal to be divided and conquered by a court jester like u


    At 38, I look at most younger people and witness alien creatures. Sincerely attempting to analyze their antics, I am filled with more questions than answers: What ever happened to birth control? When did sex become so completely loveless? When did players, pimps, and gold diggers become revered role models? When did murder become an actual alternative to paying child support?...

    In a classic essay entitled, “I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities” [Burst of Light. 1988. Firebrand Books: Ithaca, NY], renowned scholar, poet, and author Audre Lorde wrote:

    “When I say I am a Black Lesbian, I mean I am a woman whose primary focus of loving, physical as well as emotional, is directed to women. It does not mean I hate men. Far from it. The harshest attacks I have ever heard against Black men come from those women who are emotionally bound to them and cannot free themselves from a subservient and silent position. I would never presume to speak about Black men the way I have heard some of my straight sisters talk about the men they are attracted to. And of course that concerns me, because it reflects a situation of noncommunication in the heterosexual community that is far more truly threatening than the existence of Black Lesbians.”

    If Audre was alive today, she would probably elaborate upon this reflection extensively. She might include her observations of paternity tests on TV talk shows, the increase in date rapes, and the usage of designer drugs that enable those rapes. She might elaborate upon the fact that such hatred is now dually expressed, irrespective of gender. On that note, she might reflect upon the misogyny that blares in music lyrics penned by men, or the lewd sexism that glares from pornographic music videos directed by men etc....

    Clearly, gender wars are bloodier than ever. There is a hatred between heterosexual men and women that is tangible and seething in every arena. The intensity of such hatred was epitomized by 26 year old Rae Carruth’s murder of a pregnant 24 year old acquaintance, Cherica Adams. Cherica is most accurately referred to as his expectant “baby mama”.

    This unique hatred has spawned its own vocabulary. Baby mama is a common noun used to describe an emotionally detached incubator that is unloved and uncommitted. Baby daddy/deddy describes a biological sperm donor that is rarely a father. It is profound that both terms seem to be deliberately incorrect grammatically. They imply no formal possession. Even a mere apostrophe s is forbidden as an implicit suggestion of any iota of ownership or attachment.

  29. Anonymous1:13 PM

    ab-"Anonymous Anonymous said...
    racist assnon:

    got research skills?

    study white history asap

    see violent white men and womern here"

    yeah, yeah, yeah. that's what you do to avoid looking at what's happening in your community. the video says it all regardless how many videos you come up with about Whites.

    we need to DO SOMETHING about this kind of shit in our community. it goes on ALL THE TIME. if it's not a diner, it's at Mcdonald's or some other eatery, which our big ass-wearing shorts shorts- sisters ought to be staying away from.

  30. Anonymous1:20 PM

    AB, look at this video. Then what say you?

  31. Anonymous1:24 PM

    fat bastard/racist assnon:

    u lie like the violent white half of

    history has fashioned the present

    cc your hobama grandkids/the kkk/wm banksters etc



    These racist lies are being plastered all over America because racists fear a rapidly encroaching black and brown planet. These deceitful tricksters cannot be openly racist and post photos of white babies on similar billboards with messages that read: “PLEASE MAKE MORE WHITE BABIES ASAP!!! & PLEASE STOP MAKING INTERRACIAL BABIES!!!”. So, they are clandestinely duping dumb misogynist hypochristian voters by wooing them all into making certain that white babies can never be legally aborted. They are brainwashing black and brown voters into outlawing abortions so that more white babies will whitewash America ASAP.

    When abortion is outlawed, even more young blacks will still be breeding themselves into perpetual poverty. And, more white babies will be born by legal force. These are the ONLY actual aims of this racist lying ad campaign…SHAME!!!!!!!

  32. Anonymous1:24 PM

    some of you folks need to go see the butler and the help. they both will give you a drop of dignity. 1+ 1= 2 drops of dignity. we really need some self-worth and dignity because we have damn near killed our divine self-respect and moral values. it's so sad.

  33. Anonymous1:29 PM

    selectively stupid lard assed
    racist man boobed assnon:

    violent pookies of all races rule the world...and????

    did she take notes from violent wf global peers?

  34. Anonymous1:33 PM

    AB, "So, they are clandestinely duping dumb misogynist hypochristian voters by wooing them all into making certain that white babies can never be legally aborted. They are brainwashing black and brown voters into outlawing abortions so that more white babies will whitewash America ASAP."

    this is not true. even if it were, it still would be a good thing to outlaw abortions from a moral and ethical point of view. it's WRONG to kill.

    In addition, look at the results of those kids that WERE born:

  35. Anonymous1:37 PM

    cc that bs to any protestors standing outside BLACK abortion clinics...good luck!

    I confess my biased anger as I live in Arkansas and Illinois. Both states are brimming with poverty that is fashioned by droves of babies giving birth to serial babies. Foster care agencies are overflowing and overwhelmed. Child mentoring programs are grossly short staffed and sabotaged by endless waiting lists of lonely neglected children. Young, doomed, uneducated, unskilled, unmarried, unprepared, pregnant girls and amoral, absent, arrogantly apathetic boys abound, perpetually everywhere I roam in both states. I see them and their pregnant bellies/other young babies in tow inside every school and store I enter. Thus, abortion is just not an issue for me.

    When I examine the worlds I live within, more babies born to more babies are the very last thing on my mind! For the record, I agree that abortion is murder. It should never be used as belated birth control. If men could become pregnant, abortions would be a sport and as easily acquired as fast food. Safe abortion clinics would be attached to every strip club and gym, funded by special insurers, sanctioned by employers who granted special medical days off. Thus, men who have no wombs should never police women who do! Abortions are personal decisions that rest only within karma between mothers and God.

    I have never been pregnant and I never will be. I used birth control diligently for months as a virgin. But, accidents, rapes, incest, and medical emergencies are real. And when they happen, safe abortions should and must remain safe as legal options open to all.

  36. Anonymous1:40 PM

    AB refuses to ACCEPT the truth that sisters like those in the video are the reason no one wants us around. I wouldn't be surprised if AB is fighting in fights like that. SHAME!!

    Field needs to post about the violence and PTSD that Blacks suffer from because of it in the community and in our society in general. There is no rest for our race. We are against ourselves and the Whites are against us.

    So, what is the answer?

  37. Anonymous1:44 PM

    fat assnon:

    more on eugenics & white supremacy via abortion laws

    cc the blackish hobama's "agenda 21"

  38. Anonymous1:45 PM

    @Alicia Banks
    I am 12:58 PM. Not sure if your comment above was directed to me (you wrote 1458 instead of 12:58 PM).

    FP said that the Bible (which is a fairy tale) calls homosexuality a sin. Exactly how can you (a lesbian) call FP your "sister" with a straight face? You cannot say that FP is not a homophobe because she is. FP is not even trying to hide that she is a homophobe.

  39. Anonymous1:46 PM

    fat foolish assnon:

    u lie like hobama!

    i do not date violent women of any race?

    do u????

    cc wilding white women all over reality tv

  40. Anonymous1:48 PM

    fat sinner assnon:

    u lie like hobama!

    cc Queen FP

    she will slay u solo!

  41. Anonymous1:56 PM

    AB, re: abortions, what does the holy book say? I think you know the answer. So why defend something that is against DIVINE LAW.

    From my observation there are very few who 'actually' believes GOD is real. Otherwise, a lot of these violations of Commandments and offense against GOD and HIS creations would not be happening. At the rate things are going, we are headed for unbelievable suffering. Of course, if you don't believe there is a GOD, then it's a mute point because you actually believe that you are the 'Alpha and Omega' of the Universe. In that case, there is no one to answer to but your self-centered and selfish self. How's that working out for you and America and the world?

  42. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    @Alicia Banks
    I am 12:58 PM. Not sure if your comment above was directed to me (you wrote 1458 instead of 12:58 PM).

    FP said that the Bible (which is a fairy tale) calls homosexuality a sin. Exactly how can you (a lesbian) call FP your "sister" with a straight face? You cannot say that FP is not a homophobe because she is. FP is not even trying to hide that she is a homophobe.

    1:45 PM
    The Bible is a 'fairy tale'? My, my, aren't you 'special'? Just 'who' do you think you are that you can make such a claim? Only a grandiose ego 'trying' to 'play' an all-knowing God would say such a thing. However, you can only 'play' God, simply because you are NOT HIM. You need to give up your 'fairy tale' thinking because you are depriving yourself of HIS help, which you badly need.

    Meanwhile, why not explain to fairy tale GOD-Lovers what drives Life, and why we 'exist'? That should be easy for an ALL-KNOWING human like you.

    FYI: Throughout human history there have been Saints and Sages of ALL time who have attested to the existence of GOD. Even philosophers, poets and quite a few scientists have attested to it also. Now, are telling me that ALL of them are wrong, and YOU are right? who should I believe, 'them', or 'you'?

  43. Anonymous2:52 PM

    @Anon 2:20 PM
    You believe what you believe and I believe what I believe. If you think my beliefs are so wrong why even waste time responding to anything I write. I'm not changing and neither are you so what's the point?

    The point was not that the Bible is a fairy tale although I believe that to be true. The point is that FP is a HOMOPHOBE and Alicia Banks is kissing up to her.

  44. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Fat KKKooky KKKourt jester asson:

    cc Sista Queen FP...she will slay you solo!!!

    3. Leviticus, Romans, and Corinthians all refer to “unnatural sex” for HETEROSEXUALS. It is NATURAL for HOMOSEXUALS to engage in homosexual sex. Yet, heterosexuals sin daily as gay prostitutes, porno film stars, lewd voyeurs, prison rapists, etc....

    From The Good Book: “In Romans...Paul did not discuss gay persons but heterosexual people who performed homosexual acts. To suggest that Paul’s references to excesses of sexual indulgence, involving homosexual behavior, are indicative of a general position in opposition to same-sex eroticism, is as unfounded as arguing that his condemnation of drunkeness implies opposition to the drinking of wine. In Corinthians 1:7, Paul discusses the conjugal relations that ought to obtain between christian husbands and wives. For those whom celibacy was too high a price, he issued his famous edict that it was ‘better to marry than to burn’- not in hell. But with desire for the satisfaction of sex. Nowhere does he mention the sole purpose of such conjugality is the procreation of children.”

  45. Anonymous3:41 PM

    fat liar assnon:

    cc SIsta Queen FP...she will slay u solo!!!


    cc your bs to out proud gifted lesbian meshell ndegeocello


    Here are a few excerpts from “Their Own Receive Them Not: African American Lesbians & Gays in Black Churches”:

    “There is a striking irony that African American Christians are so uncritical of Paul’s writing about homosexual activity but have maintained a critical attitude or simple rejection of Paul’s instructions on slavery.

    African American Christians, like other Christians, ‘treat so literally the references to homosexual practice in the Bible, while at the same time they interpret biblical texts on almost every other topic with considerable flexibility and non-literalness.’

    …what is perceived as natural does indeed change over time

    ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’. Many find this perspective illogical. They argue if same-sex attraction or expression is what makes the person gay, then what is being loved? With sexuality being an inextricable part of one’s being, the popular saying has as much success in reality as loving brown-eyed people while hating brown eyes.

    I regard sin as those behaviors that violate, destroy, and abuse our fellow human beings and our relationships with them. In this respect, homosexuality does not belong in the category of sin any more than heterosexuality does.

    Much of black heterosexuals’ antihomosexual sentiment exists as a means of countering the perception of black sexuality being perverse…

    …we know that lesbians and gays can and do reflect the same Christian moral character found in heterosexuals.

    …most gay men and lesbians were not raped and are not rapists.

    No reputable scientific study concludes that homosexuality is a choice and can be overcome.

    …black Christians will recognize that the mire of homosexuality debates threaten our measure to be faithful Christians for the poor, the infirm, the imprisoned, and those suffering from violence.”

  46. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Anonymous said...
    @Anon 2:20 PM
    You believe what you believe and I believe what I believe. If you think my beliefs are so wrong why even waste time responding to anything I write. I'm not changing and neither are you so what's the point?

    The point was not that the Bible is a fairy tale although I believe that to be true. The point is that FP is a HOMOPHOBE and Alicia Banks is kissing up to her.

    2:52 PM
    What's the point? Obviously you wanted to make a point with your comment that GOD and religion is a fairy tale. So I responded. Whether you change or not isn't the point. The point is you are caught in a "fairy tale" yourself.

    The second point is also a fairy tale: I know FP is NOT a homophobe. If she were, she would have said so. It's YOU who is trying to make her so and stir up shit. YOU are an instigator, up to no good. But considering you are about as far away Goodness and God, no one can expect anything more from you. "Shallow", that's what you are....Satan has you in his grip and you don't even know it.

    “The devil is no fool. He can get people feeling about heaven the way they ought to feel about hell. He can make them fear the means of grace the way they do not fear sin. And he does so, not by light but by obscurity, not by realities but by shadows; not by clarity and substance, but by dreams and the creatures of psychosis. And men are so poor in intellect that a few cold chills down their spine will be enough to keep them from ever finding out the truth about anything.”
    ― Thomas Merton

  47. Anonymous4:10 PM

    anon 1541:



  48. Anonymous4:13 PM

    no fat foolish kying assnon will ever fade or faze my regal Sista Queen FP:!


    thank u jesus for how she will soon slay him solo!!!

  49. Anonymous4:16 PM

    no fat foolish lying assnon will ever fade or faze my regal Sista Queen FP!


  50. Anonymous4:20 PM

    silly lying asson:

    cc that racist sexist bs to the wf manson girls

    and to those warlock pals hobama and roman

  51. Anonymous5:46 PM

    hey kkklueless racist assnon:

    yet another violent wm:

  52. Anonymous5:58 PM

    cc hobama/drone man

    cc africom


  53. It amazes me how many vociferous heterosexuals there are out there obsessed with gay people & especially with gay sex. Ever notice how may of those anti-gay preachers, for instance, stay standing behind the podium when they're describing the delicious/dirtyacts out there ready to tempt them into "turning" gay at the drop of the soap?

  54. Anonymous6:17 PM

    @Anon 3:41 pm
    Actually, Satan is as much a fairy tale as your so-called "god". I am a proud agnostic. I am not attacking what you for what you believe. Why are you attacking me for what I believe?

  55. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Anon 3:41 PM
    "The second point is also a fairy tale: I know FP is NOT a homophobe."

    FP CLAIMS that the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. Based on that statement, alone, she is a HOMOPHOBE.

    I AM NOT A SINNER. I am wondering what FP thinks about the Black Hebrew Israelite, Peter Moses, Jr., who shot a 4 year black boy (his own stepson) multiple times in the head for being "gay"?

    I submit that FP, and people who believe that homosexuality is a sin, would do the same thing to AB that Peter Moses Jr. did to the little 4 year old boy if she thought she could get away with it.

    Most Christians/religious people who claim the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin HATE LGBT people. It's that simple.

    I have family members who I will never speak to again because they have said that homosexuality is a sin. I do not entertain the hatred of hate crazed straight people, even those I am related to, who tell me that I am a sinner because of my sexual orientation. Unlike AB, I understand that these people hate me and my kind and so I put a wide distance between them and myself.

    Let me say this again: any straight person who says that homosexuality is a sin, for any reason, is a HOMOPHOBE. It's that simple.

  56. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Anonymous said...
    fat fibbing foolish sterile sinner assnon:

    u lie like hobama!

    if u are against abortion
    then abstain
    wear tiny custom fitted condoms to protect wombs from your weak defective pookie sperm

    you talking to me? you saying i use tiny condoms? are you saying that i have weak defective sperms?

    i have a mind to go to chicago and track your ass down, but i'm not going waste my time or money. you aren't worth it.

  57. Anonymous7:04 PM

    The murderous BLACK HEBREW ISRAELITE, Peter Moses Jr., shot little 4 year old Jordan Higganbothan multiple times in the head because he was "gay".

    I'm wondering what the FP thinks about this. What Peter Moses Jr. did to that little black boy is what Christians/religious people would like to do to ALL LGBT people on this planet.

    No straight person will ever tell me that my sexual orientation is a sin and get away with it.

    When will black LGBT people stand up to black homophobia? When will black LGBT people speak truth to power?

  58. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anon 3:41 PM
    "The second point is also a fairy tale: I know FP is NOT a homophobe."

    Anon replied, "FP CLAIMS that the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. Based on that statement, alone, she is a HOMOPHOBE."

    You should read what you write. FP CLAIMS what the 'Bible' says...GET IT?

    FYI: HOMOPHOBE, according to the free online dictionary, is n. 1. Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men. 2. Behavior based on such a feeling. [homo(sexual) + -phobia.] ho mo·phobe n.

    #1. FP never said she had fear, contempt or hatred of lesbians or gay men. In fact, she went on to say she "loved" AB and that they were sisters and always will be. DID YOU MISS THAT IN HER COMMENT? You are falsely accusing FP and everyone can see it. ONCE AGAIN: FP is NOT a 'homophobe' as you have falsely accused her. However, because you have lied about her, that makes you a shit, imo. And it has nothing to do with gender preference but it has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH YOUR CHARACTER. IT SUCKS, and you need to fix it.

  59. Anonymous7:28 PM

    "Let me say this again: any straight person who says that homosexuality is a sin, for any reason, is a HOMOPHOBE. It's that simple."

    6:53 PM
    NO, that is not correct. You seem to make quantum leaps in conclusion... but maybe you don't know the definition of a HOMOPHOBE? Look it up because I don't think you do.

  60. Anonymous8:58 PM

    One thing I learned long ago was that religion fuels homophobia. The very basis for homophobia is religion. That has always been true and it will always be true.

    Anybody who would say that "the bible says that homosexuality is a sin" is a homophobe. Who else but a homophobe would say such a horrible thing.

  61. Anonymous8:59 PM

    One thing I learned long ago was that religion fuels homophobia. The very basis for homophobia is religion. That has always been true and it will always be true.

    Let me put it another way. Anybody who would say that "the bible says that homosexuality is a sin" hates LGBT people. Is that better?

  62. Anonymous9:43 PM

    "1. FP never said she had fear, contempt or hatred of lesbians or gay men. In fact, she went on to say she "loved" AB and that they were sisters and always will be. DID YOU MISS THAT IN HER COMMENT? You are falsely accusing FP and everyone can see it. ONCE AGAIN: FP is NOT a 'homophobe' as you have falsely accused her. However, because you have lied about her, that makes you a shit, imo. And it has nothing to do with gender preference but it has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH YOUR CHARACTER. IT SUCKS, and you need to fix it."

    Of course, a homo-hater like FP is not going to say she hates her "sister" AB. But if FP thinks her "sister" is a sinner (because the bible told her so, lol) because of her lesbianism then she does not "love" her "sister".

    If FP, thinks that homosexuality is a sin (because the bible says so, lol) then she is no doubt against same sex couples being able to legally marry. This means that AB, in FP's world, would not be allowed to marry her female partner. How is this "love"?

    FP's claim of loving AB is as bogus as she (FP) is. Like most extremely religious people, FP hates LGBT people including the ones they claim to "love".

  63. Anonymous2:42 AM

    I wrote above:
    The murderous BLACK HEBREW ISRAELITE, Peter Moses Jr., shot little 4 year old Jordan Higganbothan multiple times in the head because he was "gay".

    What does the oh so pious Focused Purpose think about what the Black Hebrew Israelite did to the 4 year old boy because he was "gay"? Is the cowardly homohater FP going to answer this question or is she going to continue to hide behind her lap dog flunky Ms. Anonymous?

  64. DesertFlower-

    "People only see what they are prepared to see." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    apply this to those that refuse to see BO and his bloody evil fruits. as it relate to the country's current condition. the world's condition even. if you could calm down and chill on lunch date fantasies with other folks' husband you might not have missed all that political obvious.

    but being silly; behaving shamelessly inappropriately with the very married blog owner, spinning mammonite tales complete with classism and overdrive bubble headism...yes, i can see how you would take that quote and strain yourself to make it applicable to your inappropriateness. i told you gmo veggies+thirsty. for lunch dates and clues. i pay attention;)

    i know. i know. jokes. get a sense of humor. la la la.

    you can play the brand new nut role all day. if you dare to behave inappropriately in my presence. be prepared...i have the boldness to call it. on line. off line. any time. no respecter of persons. i told you...He and i constitute a majority.

    women regulate the behavior of other women. just as men regulate the behavior of other men. folks acting like they can't see, don't know and can't speak is part and parcel to the hell we see unfolding. i remember when...acting a fool would get folks put right together. now, ANYTHING goes. devils stay bold. e'erybody else thinking about saying something, maybe, if there is a way to turn a profit. lost!

    Anon from before pointed out that there is an infidelity/adultery free for all...yet NO ONE says anything about it. not on my watch. i care not about the slut shaming movement. women need to straighten up and remember to behave properly. refusal to do so makes it unsafe for ALL women.

    it is impossible for me to care less about who or what you do. find discretion...or at least develop thicker skin. i won't be complicit in my silence. men wild out because there is some out of pocket, brazen, no home training, refuse to be a lady female ready and available. enough. get it together or go back underground/where ever folks used to do such things when folks had more morals, common decency and good sense.

    instead of you going on somewhere, finding shame and sitting it on down keep pressing the issue. here's a clue since clearly nobody ever told you and you are too something to ask anyone like i suggested: everybody hates a slut. if that isn't your flow...shun the appearance. that is old school basic home training...yet you seem clueless.

  65. dumb azz males that need to read Proverbs love sluts. these same deadheads usually start trying to say folks are 'jealous' when they see decent women taking aim at their potential booty call brigade. i don't care about them and their little opinions either. yes. i came to thin out the brigade boys. i have had enough. i come from a loooong line of women that stand up and go to work when they have had enough. i like Harriet Tubman personally.

    i told you from the beginning- it will be best for you to stay in your lane. folks are scripted to cry 'bully'. labels, programming, scripting, program reinforcement, i refuse to get with the program. i am not sorry about it either.

    now...if you will find someone else to entertain with your jokes...or until you say something that is truth or reality related and makes sense; trust, we will get along fine...your name won't find it's way into my comments. promise. recall, until you came with jokes, there was no thang. remember?

    everything is not for everyone. i get that some folks won't get or like my views. no stress. try to silence me with silliness and nonsense on the sly...that's another matter. to be fair, i tell folks up front at first whiff of their ish demon, who sent me. go back a few threads and see.

    must i tell folks i see them each time? would that help?

    my mother taught me that when one is wrong...they should take a conservative position. when one is right...they have full responsibility to be as radical as they need to be. if FN was my husband, i would appreciate me, AB and other women that will call it. decent Anon, (male energy) called it too.

    even if you intended to study Scripture and pray in Hebrew on your lunch date...the way you went about it was messy as hell. if someone calls least have the decency to be conservative in your wrongness.

    the end.

  66. @Anon 11:21 AM

    LOL! how much are you being paid to be so transparent?

    Proverbs 25:28- He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls.

    recalling that wisdom nugget made me chuckle.

    if you go to will see a lot of people acting like they have no good sense. i don't think, ww, for example are more 'animal' as you say, despite wm doing a mass exodus away from them once they have done their procreating duty. look around...have you not noticed? not noticing the anti-western woman campaign? (code for ww. lol)

    in the bigger picture...the objective is to divide, conquer and destroy us all. just as the building of the tower of babel would not have been impossible, because the people were of one mind, one heart on the project...if you flip it and move with Him instead of against Him and flow with love...same thing applies. we.can't.lose. this is why the breakdown of ALL is underway. don't take my word for it. visit other blogs and listen.

    i patty cake you only to grow myself in further patience. i understand fully there was nothing constructive about your comment...nor was that the intent. please know that emotional discipline voids your game.

    i believe walking led by His spirit, in truth and love is the answer to what we see around us folks. it effectively blinds their all seeing eye...which is corrupt and perverted at best.

    bickering during these days when BO is coming hard for the internet is not what time it is...i pick my battles.

  67. @Anon 12:58 PM-

    clearly summoned by his father of all lies and received instruction to drop this egregious obvious slimy lie in the field:

    'Alicia Banks: FP is not your sister and never will be.'

    i can say with conviction that you serve the father of all lies because it is clearly written that one shall know them by their fruit.

    this ditty:

    'Notice that this monster was a "Black Hebrew Israelite". He shot a 4 year boy in the head multiple times because he was "gay". I'm sure FP would do this to you (and me and all other LGBT people) if she thought she could get away with it. '

    gave it all away. baby devil- you are a defeated lie.

    i don't kill spiders. i take them outside. a fly can get it...but only after failed negotiations. lol. and that is all...unless you kicking in my door starting something;) and even then you have to come through Him to get me. i have seen Him send folks back seven ways. this is why i know to be bold. Mighty forces come to my aid. He has shown me. for those that don't know won't get it. i pray you do one day soon. beat down defeated liars already know.

    i am called to love my fellow man (think mankind) not bring anyone harm. i am called to never be the aggressor.

    just because i will say, in the face of straight up, glaringly over-drive mind control the sleeping masses are operating under; what my understanding of Scriptures is does not mean that i advocate violence nor harming anyone. i read and walk Scriptures. you are a wee devil on a division assignment. i see you.

    you are so transparently a smelly ish stirrer from lucifer's defeated kingdom.

    just as your fruits speak for you...mine shall speak for me.

    i would tell you just how wrong
    you are...but i owe lying demonic accusers nothing with the exception of a swift spiritual azz kick back into the pit of hell from whence they came. feel yours... now!

    get out of here you incompetent imp...

    i don't do 'religion.' it is man made, designed to make whoever came up with it rich and everyone that falls into it mightily controlled. that control is why you see 'religion' connected to violence. judaism, islam, catholicism. you name 'em-'religion' and violence go together like peanut butter+jelly. don't forget sexism. rampant sexual exploitation and misconduct. no thank you. i would not know Him if i had to wade through all the man made religious poop.

    i am thankful that He chose, compelled and called me...and showed me great mercy and grace as i tried to ignore Him. i don't know what label fits a person that love Him, sits, reads Scriptures, prays and asks Him to lead me. give me His words and give me His courage to stand and speak them when He says to do so, in the midst of all of this utter chaos. truth be told...damn a label. i defy them. folks trying to label me all up only confuse themselves.

    folks may choose any label they need for their programming not to glitch and stick...there are more like me. the demons in hell best shudder. this battle is personal to Almighty. those that know and love Him...only need stay close to Him.

    there is no way to love Almighty and not love His image in the person one sees before them. this is why Love is the greatest commandment of all. it take a lot of love to tell the Truth. it is easier to watch and do/say nothing. this is the behavior of an enemy.

  68. behavior of an enemy...or coward. that's the rest of my comment.


  69. 'FP CLAIMS that the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. Based on that statement, alone, she is a HOMOPHOBE.

    I AM NOT A SINNER. I am wondering what FP thinks about the Black Hebrew Israelite, Peter Moses, Jr., who shot a 4 year black boy (his own stepson) multiple times in the head for being "gay"?

    I submit that FP, and people who believe that homosexuality is a sin, would do the same thing to AB that Peter Moses Jr. did to the little 4 year old boy if she thought she could get away with it.'

    are you serious? you.are.not.a.sinner? okey doke. may you connect with Truth some day soon. no grrr. for real. that statement right there. i can't even come hard at you anymore. you are already in critical condition. who would pummel someone in that condition? i felt really sad reading that. those that love lies get so twisted up in them. just sin free up in here are ya? seriously. no words.

    folks, that's what do what thou wilt SUPERSIZE looks like! not only can you do what you are sin free in the process.

    for your greater understanding: i think shooting ANYONE in the head is demonic and evil. destruction of life is not the business as it is clearly written.

    you must have just wandered in here and got your last nerve plucked. lol. that's what i do and really don't see that changing anytime soon. you will be alright, when you calm down. it's all love.

    why would i fear homosexuals? why would i hate them? it is my understanding that we are to love one another and pray for one another. worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

    i sense hurt/fear under all the lies you are hurling. believe it or softens my heart for you.

    some of the most fiercely protective, problem solving, producing men i have encountered have been homosexual men. i could flow stress free. they had my back and were not scheming and plotting on ways to exploit nor take advantage of me. THIS is why certain women like gay men so much. life is easier.

    when i have hurt from the condition of our people and bm's complicity in has been gay men and women that have shown me love. my blog mentor, a lesbian.

    sisters that would die on the battlefield with me...lesbians. folks that taught me how to toughen up to the world because they had no choice but to be...gays. taught me about the games men play...gays. taught me about the games women play...gays.

    what i know for sure is i am not He. it is His role to judge folks and punish them accordingly. only He can do it fairly...only He has ALL details.

    my job is to serve Him. speak His Word and shine His Light in the midst of the dark dying madness. or maybe this is paradise to folks? the sin free bunch must not ever want to leave here, huh? BO is doing a fantastic job let some folks tell it...even in 2013. i dunno. i am focused on Him.

    i challenge injustice no matter who it affects.

    since there's a new label to loathe yet let ride...because folks need their tickles me to share this with you.

    i am a shy person. it took a long time to find my voice. in reading one day... i came across this paradigm shifting nugget from a sis i love with all that i am. she helped me find my voice and stop running from Him:

    '...and when we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard nor welcomed. but when we are silent, we are still afraid. so it is better to speak. remembering we were never meant to survive.'- Audre Lorde

    would it be a newsflash if i told you she, too, was gay? lol.

  70. AB and Anon 7:22 PM-

    i love you both immensely. these words don't truly convey.

    your Lights have blessed me and encouraged me to allow mine to shine as brightly as He wants it to shine.

  71. Anonymous9:57 AM

    So wheres the other koo-koo? The Cuban Caribbean crazy? or is she and Demonic Purpose one and the same, sure as hell sounds like it!

    Field gonna change the name of his blog to the 'Caribbean Crazy Religioun Compendium'

  72. Anonymous10:06 AM

    That's some mighty fast back pedaling there FP. So now you're denying your religion.

  73. Anonymous10:23 AM

    hey tiny peen assnon:

    only hit dogs

    roll up to chi anytime!

    i and i and legions of african warriors will slay u!!!

    make my mf day!!!

  74. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Dear Sista Queen FP:

    Kudos on your routine and effortless slayings herein my divine and regal Sista Fire!!!!!

    Assnon is a cooning court jester and a soulless liar!!! Notice how he never quotes you as he slanders you?

    No single person is ever responsible for every religious fool/hater!

    When I ruled the airwaves in Atlanta, the Hebrew Israelites were my fans and soldiers! The " christian pastors" were my evil detractors and enemies. They did all they could. in vain, to silence me and slander my show. The Hebrew Israelites helped me as we slew them!!!!

    Many of these real men and rebel bros were even man enough to say verbatim on the air: "We have our issues with the sister being a lesbian, but we adore her as a warrior. Black people need millions more like her. We love this sister soldier and we will die before we let lost ignorant fried chicken eating preachers silence her. They will not cancel her show!..."

    Like these rebel brothers, you are the epitome of such real Christians, like Dr. Cornel West, whom I love and revere. No true Christian would ever harm me for being the lesbian I was born to be.

    I respect, revere, and adore you my Sista. No sexist lying dog will ever change that.

    Sexist homohating dogs like assnon hate nothing more than het women who do not hate and fear lesbians.

    All beta male bitches, like the eunuch assnon herein, loathe ANY women who unite and defy them!!!!

    All demonic bastards lie like Hobama. They hate lesbians and alpha males because we are all better men than they are!!!!

    Peace my regal kindred warrior Sista!

    Love ALWAYS,

    Many strangers would be shocked to know that I adore many heterosexual males, who are both black and white. Most of my closest female friends are heterosexual. I am too afrocentric and too out for most eurocentric and closeted Black lesbians. I also cherish many lesbian friends in interracial unions. But, the vast majority of the women I love are platonic heterosexual friends.
    Despite the lewd lies of gaybashers, my lovers are rarely ever shared with the public. My private life is my own. I am often seen with women of many races, and most of them love women or men who look like them. They do not regard me as a black sex object. They love me as a human friend. These international people who really know me know that I am not a racist. They know that I am only a proud African who loves my own black skin and fellow African people. And, they know that I love and embrace all righteous warriors irrespective of race.

    This column is written as an afrocentric reality check! As always, scholar and womanist Bell Hooks was correct when she penned the following:

    “Collectively, black people and our allies in struggle are empowered when we practice self-love as a revolutionary intervention that undermines the practices of domination. Loving blackness as political resistance transforms our ways of looking and being, and thus creates the conditions necessary for us to move against the forces of domination and death and reclaim black life....[Africans must] break through the walls of denial whichhide the depth of black self-hatred, inner anguish, and unreconciled pain” [Killing Rage. “Loving Blackness as Political Resistance”.]

  75. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Dear Sista Queen FP:

    Keep shining your regal awesome lights on the darkness of lost sexist dogs herein!!!

    By Marianne Williamson

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
    It is our light, not our darkness
    That most frightens us.

    We ask ourselves
    Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
    Actually, who are you not to be?
    You are a child of God.

    Your playing small
    Does not serve the world.
    There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
    So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

    We are all meant to shine,
    As children do.
    We were born to make manifest
    The glory of God that is within us.

    It's not just in some of us;
    It's in everyone.

    And as we let our own light shine,
    We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
    As we're liberated from our own fear,
    Our presence automatically liberates others.

  76. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Hey Demonic Plague, are you or have you ever been a pimp? you sure talk like one

  77. Anonymous12:15 PM

    @Focused Purpose
    Your response @ 7:43 AM is appreciated but still somehow inadequate.

    I am not a sinner because I do not believe in the Christian dogma. Or any religious dogma for that matter. I am not a "believer".

    I admit that when I read about the Black Hebrew Israelite and the 4 year boy he murdered because he was "gay", I became inflamed. When you wrote that "the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin" my mind went to the Black Hebrew Israelite. He probably thought the same thing which is why he shot and killed the boy.

    Straight people say things that I regard as offensive all the time like "the bible says that homosexuality is a sin" or "I hate the sin, not the sinner" or "god created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve", etc. All of these statements that many straight people make are extremely aggravating.

    You could have dismissed me and not responded at all but instead you gave a thoughtful response. And I thank you for that.

    I still have a problem with anyone who says that "the bible says that homosexuality is a sin" or that "homosexuality is an abomination". I always will.

    Your response was thoughtful, as I've said. But I cannot and will not accept a straight person calling me a "sinner" when I am not a "believer". How I came to not be a believer is a story in itself involving the many bad experiences I've had with so-called Christians starting from childhood to this very day.

    Have a good day, FP.

  78. Anonymous12:37 PM

    homosexuality is not a sin

    but being a liar who hates women is a dual sin indeed

    ditto for being a crooked court jester

    cc ruth and naomi & david and jonathan
    who are
    2 great gay couples in the bible whom homohaters never mention
    just as hobama nazis never mention NDAA/wwiii/africom etc!


    9. There are thousands of REAL SINS in the bible that gaybashers ignore/commit.Selective smoke and blasphemous mirrors will never save their souls or mask their hypocrisy. Unlike the misinterpretations and exaggerations regarding homosexuality, the bible makes SPECIFIC references to many actual sins that gaybashers habitually ignore. (See NUMEROUS biblical references to adultery, lying, judging, dietary laws, gosiping, infidelity, disrespecting authority, betraying family etc....)

    Religion has destroyed spirituality. Religion is man-made and divisive. Spirituality is divine and unifying. Religion selects the designated few. Sprituality embraces the divine in us all.

    9. There are thousands of REAL SINS in the bible that gaybashers ignore/commit.Selective smoke and blasphemous mirrors will never save their souls or mask their hypocrisy. Unlike the misinterpretations and exaggerations regarding homosexuality, the bible makes SPECIFIC references to many actual sins that gaybashers habitually ignore. (See NUMEROUS biblical references to adultery, lying, judging, dietary laws, gosiping, infidelity, disrespecting authority, betraying family etc....)

    1. There is no word for homosexuality in the original, ancient Hebrew text. The bible makes NO reference to homosexuals as we know them today, nor as they exist in every living species.

    From The Church and the Homosexual: “Malakoi and arsenokotai are not synonymous with homosexual. The former were simply debauched individuals, and the latter were probably male prostitutes or those given to anal intercourse, which is not necessarily or exclusively homosexual activity.”

    From The Good Book: “The King James version of the 1611 text makes no mention of homosexuality or any of its cognates. The first use of the term in an English bible is to be found in the Revised Standard of 1946.”

    In Levitcus, homosexuality is an abomination not because it is inherently evil, but because the Gentiles do it. It is, therefore, ritually impure.

    From What The Bible Really Says About Homosexuality: “Leviticus condemns sex as a religious crime of idolatry-not as a sexual offense. Romans suggest that sex acts have no ethical significance whatsoever. Corinthians and Timothy object to specific forms of male prostitution.These books do not refer to homosexuality. They make a general condemnation of moral looseness, lewd, lustful, and lascivious behavior.”

  79. Anonymous1:42 PM

    @Alicia Banks
    "homosexuality is not a sin

    but being a liar who hates women is a dual sin indeed

    ditto for being a crooked court jester"

    At first I was not going to respond to the above but then it occurred to me that you might be referring to me.

    Let me tell you something AB, I have marched in LGBT demonstrations in several cities. The high point of my activism was in the late 80s and early 90s. I have joined LGBT organizations, taken care of friends dying from HIV/AIDS, formed a black gay men's group in my own living room in 1987that lasted for about 4 years.

    I was a plaintiff in a lawsuit (filed by the ACLU) against a homophobic law that was passed in my city. The lawsuit reached the U.S. Supreme Court: we lost but we made our mark. The law was repealed several years ago. So I have done my part for the cause.

    As far as hating women, where did that come from? Some of the most vicious homophobic name calling that I have endured have come from women. Yes, women. Many straight black women are extremely homophobic and I know this from personal experience. Don't even try it, AB.

    I am a "clockable" black gay man who faces homophobic verbal abuse almost every time I leave my home, much of it from straight black women. Straight black women hate black gay men like me. I feel their bitter hatred almost every day of may life these days. It wasn't always this way. The last few years, it seems, have been the worst. If you were referring to me, in the quote above, I think you owe me an apology. But I won't hold my breath.

  80. Anonymous1:57 PM

    @Alicia Banks
    how could I "hate" women? I am called out of my name (fag, faggot) almost every time I leave my home by straight black women. I NEVER called women names in public spaces the way they do me. Not that straight black men don't do the same thing. It's so bad I'm thinking of moving to a different part of the country.

  81. Anonymous2:29 PM

    @Alicia Banks
    I was in a lesbian bar one time long ago and a black lesbian wanted to get past me. Instead of saying 'excuse me' she just shoved me out of way. As she walked by she looked back and smirked at me. I guess I didn't get out of her way fast enough but since she hadn't said anything I didn't know she wanted to get past me.

    Woman hating? Since at least the 70s, there are a lot of women (of various sexual orientations) who hate men.

  82. Anonymous3:15 PM

    there are 2 kinds of men/het or gay:

    those who truly hate women
    those who truly love women


    those who love women would NEVER try to slander libel and divide 2 Queens like Queen FP and I

  83. Anonymous3:28 PM

    hey dickless dimwit assnon:

    run up on me in the chi NOW!!!!!!!!!

    Sexism and violence against women are to hip-hop what racism and colorism are to America, innate and acceptable cancers. From naked video whores to woman hating lyrics, bashing females, both figuratively and literally, has become part and parcel of the increasingly evident "artistic" ingredients of this ever popular musical genre. I have often heard fans make statements like: "Hip-hop is not just a musical style, it is a lifestyle. Hip-hop is not just something you listen to, it is something you live..." Well, that lifestyle is making life hellish for females everywhere...

    Real men do not use women as punching bags to avenge their issues with other men. Real men do not "beef", they behave. Stardom is not defined by mayhem and machismo. How do we collectively dub some sanity into the insane mix of fame and feuds?

    It is a sexist and cowardly move for any man to save face indirectly by aiming his anger at a safe female target. Such weak and bullyish actions sicken me more than words can express. I hope that the male power brokers at WQHT simultaneously grow consciences and spines, so that they may belatedly do the right thing and dismiss this fool Flex soon. I hope that Flex may soon grow testicles and fists adequate to brawl with men his own size who anger him, as quickly and forcefully as he beat this woman.

    It is truly repulsive when any adult must resort to physical violence to avenge any verbal offense or defend any nonviolent act. It is pathetic when any man physically attacks any woman. It is shameful when such weak and brutal antics are condoned by collective silences. It is most shameful when such violent actions evoke jest...

    Independent FM radio was my first love. I am also a deejay. "Les Chanteuses Africaines" is my favorite and best work to date...

    ...And, this next song goes out to Funkmaster Flex, and all of his fellow misogynist monsters who enjoy beating down females. Check this wisdom from this deejay: Beware of the law of averages. Some of us sisters will give you EXACTLY what you NEED when you dare to run up on us!!! Nahmean boyz?

    There is a message in my music. Listen up:


    Ella Johnson
    I don't want no man who always hittin' on me
    The last man that hit me has been dead since '43

    We go out Saturday night
    And have ourselves a ball
    Come back home and fight
    Now, that don't make no sense at all

    I don't want no man who always hittin' on me
    The last man that hit me has been dead since '43

    I sneaked around the corner
    To have myself a nip
    And when I got back home
    He up and busted both my lips

    I don't want no man who always hittin' on me
    The last man that hit me has been dead since '43

    Said he hits me 'cause he loves me
    Now, isn't that a shame?
    How could he say he loves me
    and bruise this fine, brown frame?

    I don't want no man who always hittin' on me
    The last man that hit me has been dead since '43
    If you want me Daddy
    You got to treat me tenderly!

  84. Anonymous3:38 PM

    tiny peened suicidal stalker assnon:

    more below
    on het and gay men who hate women


    more on foolish sexists mfs who fatally err when assuming that all women are easy!!!

    once more. with feeling!!!:
    run up on me now mf!!!!!
    i will be 50 tomorrow,
    i hope u do give me the best gd birthday present ever!!!!!!

    In a legendary interview printed in the November 2000 issue of Gear Magazine, Suge Knight blasted Dre and Eminem:

    "I can't stand [Dre]. People say I was cruel to call him a faggot but what's pissing me off the most is that he was dishonest about it. I don't have anything against gay people -- to each his own. Back in the day, we would have parties and he'd pretend to be with all these women. Don't lie to somebody who is supposed to be your friend. That's why Eminem is trying to distance himself from Dre by rapping all this anti-gay shit. He doesn't want to be thought of as Dre's little white bitch."

    Dre once publicly beat down a very tiny Black female TV talk show host. This cowardly and shameful incident is recounted in a book entitled Contemporary Musicians. (Farmington Hills: Gale Group, 1989-1999):

    "On January 27, 1991, Dre allegedly hit Denise ("Dee") Barnes, the former host of Pump It Up, a FOX-TV show, and tried to push her down a staircase at an L.A. nightclub. Pump It Up had aired a segment about the separation of Ice Cube and N.W.A., with Ice Cube and the members of the group talking about each other. N.W.A. and Dre decided the show made them look bad. After the incident, Barnes filed assault charges and a $22.75 million suit against Dre; He settled out of court."

    {Note to Dre: I am much bigger and badder than Dee...Run up on ME!!!!}

    Eminem is actually as obsessed with hating women, his wife Kim, his mother, and homosexuals as the imaginary Stan is obsessed with Eminem. Eminem dons a tattoo of a tombstone that reads "Kim Rot In Pieces". His wife is suicidal and his own mother and grandmother have sued him for his lyrics...Clearly, Eminem hates everyone except clones of his male, rapping, and allegedly heterosexual self. As all rabid gaybashers, "Methinks he doth protest too much"... Perhaps Eminem's next shocking awards show duet will be with his apolitical, schizophrenic (As in: "Original Gangsta/Anti-Gangsta/Reborn Gangsta") producer Dr. Dre. As a grand finale, they may both come out of the closet in unison...

  85. Anonymous6:05 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    "People only see what they are prepared to see." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    apply this to those that refuse to see BO and his bloody evil fruits. as it relate to the country's current condition. the world's condition even. if you could calm down and chill on lunch date fantasies with other folks' husband you might not have missed all that political obvious.

    but being silly; behaving shamelessly inappropriately with the very married blog owner, spinning mammonite tales complete with classism and overdrive bubble headism...yes, i can see how you would take that quote and strain yourself to make it applicable to your inappropriateness. i told you gmo veggies+thirsty. for lunch dates and clues. i pay attention;)

    i know. i know. jokes. get a sense of humor. la la la.

    you can play the brand new nut role all day. if you dare to behave inappropriately in my presence. be prepared...i have the boldness to call it. on line. off line. any time. no respecter of persons. i told you...He and i constitute a majority.

    women regulate the behavior of other women. just as men regulate the behavior of other men. folks acting like they can't see, don't know and can't speak is part and parcel to the hell we see unfolding. i remember when...acting a fool would get folks put right together. now, ANYTHING goes. devils stay bold. e'erybody else thinking about saying something, maybe, if there is a way to turn a profit. lost!

    Anon from before pointed out that there is an infidelity/adultery free for all...yet NO ONE says anything about it. not on my watch. i care not about the slut shaming movement. women need to straighten up and remember to behave properly. refusal to do so makes it unsafe for ALL women.

    it is impossible for me to care less about who or what you do. find discretion...or at least develop thicker skin. i won't be complicit in my silence. men wild out because there is some out of pocket, brazen, no home training, refuse to be a lady female ready and available. enough. get it together or go back underground/where ever folks used to do such things when folks had more morals, common decency and good sense.

    instead of you going on somewhere, finding shame and sitting it on down keep pressing the issue. here's a clue since clearly nobody ever told you and you are too something to ask anyone like i suggested: everybody hates a slut. if that isn't your flow...shun the appearance. that is old school basic home training...yet you seem clueless.
    5:18 AM"

    Have you finished calling me names? Do you feel better now that you got all that off your chest?

    I hope so, I really do, because as a health professional I can sincerely tell you that this kind of vitriol will do harm to your organism. Better to let it out ;)

    So I thank you for the kind advice,and your deep concern for my spiritual life. Although I could certainly have done without the name calling...but...oh well...

    So sorry that my way of being and my innocent repartee with the people on this blog, offend you so. tho I'm more inclined to believe that it is my political leaning that's the real problem.

    Either way, it matters not. If you want to be the new blog police as well as correct and police all women that are as you put it "driving men wild" (Really Field is that true, do I drive you wild? Oh my gosh, I'm blushing)of which I am not one. You have a LOT of work ahead of you my friend.Good luck with that :)

    Best regards and I do hope you are feeling all better now. For real.

    Life is just too short to be so angry at anybody, really. I mean it from my slutty(as you call it)heart, as slutty as you may call it, it means well (thas a joke, hahaha, just can't help myself, sowwy)

    Whatever I do that you don't agree with, I know I will have a friend who will be there to help and correct my behavior. and that's always a good thing. Thank you so much!

  86. Anonymous11:34 PM

    "u met one rude lesbian at one gay bar

    Rude? She wasn't just "rude". She put her hands on me and for no reason. I have never forgotten it.

    For a long time, I thought all lesbians (especially black ones) were like her. You know as well as I do that gay men and lesbians mostly live in separate worlds, socially. Since there is little social contact between the two groups, each negative interaction is magnified. For this reason, it is important for groups who rarely interact socially to be on their best behavior around each other so negative ideas about the other group don't fester and grow. In the years since, I have met several lesbians (even "butch" ones) who have a totally different aura then the lesbian I met in a bar named 'Adams Rib' that fateful night years ago.

    "those who love women would NEVER try to slander libel and divide 2 Queens like Queen FP and I"

    Alicia, if you want to be friends with someone who tells you to your face that "the bible says that homosexuality is a sin" that's your business. You have said that you have many straight friends. When you say this you sound eerily like a black person boasting about how many white friends she has. Is that really something to boast about? Of course, you will probably say that you're not boasting just stating a fact. To each his/her own but I could never be friends with a straight person who said such a thing. I consider it hate speech. If you're happy being friends with a straight person telling you you are a "sinner", I'm happy for you. It's your life, after all.

  87. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "I could never be friends with a straight person who said such a thing. I consider it hate speech. If you're happy being friends with a straight person telling you you are a "sinner", I'm happy for you. It's your life, after all."

    people as nasty as she is will take any friends they can get lol

  88. On my, all this over a lunch date? Desert, I might have to find a more out of the way spot. I know this fabulous restaurant on the outskirts of Chinatown. Do u like Thi food?

  89. Damn I iPad. I meant Thai.:)I would be scared to see what "Thi" food looks like.

  90. Anonymous5:42 PM

    "...Racism is a very hard thing to explain, especially in the South.”

    "The Permanence of Racism," authored by the late Harvard Professor, Dr. Derrick Bell, as well as "the Psychopathic Racial Personality," by the late Dr. Bobbye Wright, are great places to start.

    Dr. Maya Angelou brilliantly states (paraphrased here), "when a people tell you who they are, believe them."

    The Germans TELL us of the Wurm Ice Age that they claimed spawned the Caucasoid. It's sad that most of us don't believe the Germans.

    Animal Planet TELLS, no "confirms" by analogy, through their special, "How Polar Bears MUTATED From Grizzly Bears," just what the Germans claimed.

    As long as some members of the parent African human species refuse to understand racism from an emotionally detached scientific perspective. We'll be stuck in reactionary, non-actionable pablum and not building any unifying understanding from when a people truly TELL us who they are!

  91. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Racism is a very hard thing to explain, especially in the South.”

    Also, if Lee Daniels read a former professor of mine, Harold Cruse, particularly, his explication of how the South crushed the Blair Education Bill (because it was truly trying to provide "Separate but Equal,") in Cruse's work, "Plural But Equal," he would find it considerably easier to explain.

    Hardwired, biologically determined bigotry, sexism, and xenophobia are understandable if one truly cares to understand and endeavors to find a solution to American tyranny and repression.

  92. Anonymous6:05 PM

    field negro10:25 AM
    On my, all this over a lunch date? Desert, I might have to find a more out of the way spot. I know this fabulous restaurant on the outskirts of Chinatown. Do u like Thi food?
    Indeed I do and If you say it's fabulous, that's good enough for me sir ;p

  93. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Desertflower said...
    field negro10:25 AM
    On my, all this over a lunch date? Desert, I might have to find a more out of the way spot. I know this fabulous restaurant on the outskirts of Chinatown. Do u like Thi food?
    Thigh food huh? LOL! It depends whose thigh!

    Field you rascal you! LOLOL

    Sure, blame it on the IPad!;)))

  94. Anonymous8:14 AM

    We need a "Yell N@##er Month" where everyone screams the word non-stop until they all pass out or die from fatigue. It'll beat some of the new "music" of today and especially "Rap".

    The problem is: we hate each other, we're stuck living together, the YT's have the upper hand, and they love African behinds behind bars and in chains or deader than doornails. So whatchu gonna do about it? 400 to 500 years and counting fools!!!!!!!

  95. stupid sexist lying fool assnon:

    do your own heterophobic/sexist bs posts prove that you are noble????

    u r a gd liar like hobama!
    each post proves that more!

    i cherish all of my friends
    of all races/genders and sexualities
    do u??????


    It is one of the most painful secrets that women share. The cultural ills of poverty, abandonment, single motherhood, and polygamy intensify this pain for African women. In the film "Waiting to Exhale", when Loretta Devine's character candidly shared her codependent attachment to her son, because he was "the only man" in her life, so many sisters were moved to shed familiar tears.

    I believe that millions of young men are absolutely ruined by their coddling and doting mothers, as much as or more than they are ruined by their toxic/absentee fathers. As an African-American, I know black moms best. Yet, I also know that this tendency to spoil sons is an epidemic that crosses all boundaries of race and class.

    Five of my dearest female friends and I lament about this sexist tragedy often. I am a native of Chicago, Illinois. One of my friends is a black Southerner, one is a white Southerner, one is a Sudanese-Arabic, one is an Italian native New Yorker, and the other is a Bajan-Canadian. We are from six very different cultures. Yet, we share the exact same perspectives on this issue.

  96. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Lady D,

    Had to step off for awhile. Glad to see your still in the mix!
