Thursday, August 08, 2013

Trying to find common ground.

Let me start this post by acknowledging the attack of that young man in Florida by three young men of color. Their actions were reprehensible and wrong, and they should be punished to the fullest extent available under the law.

Having said that, the young man they attacked is still alive, and contrary to what wingnuts would have us believe, the attack on him was not racially motivated. I know conservatives are playing the race card, but sorry, that's just not the case here. And just because some black punks attack a person who happens to be white, it does not mean that Rev. Inc. (I should have trademarked that) should make a public statement about it. So please stop calling for Al Sharpton and Rev. Jackson to speak up for the young man who was attacked on that bus. The young man has plenty of you white folks to do that for him. 

So anyway, in my endless search to find common ground with these racial issues that divides us in America, I am always looking for folks on the other side who can meet me halfway. I thought I found one in Kevin McCullough, but then I read his entire screed and.....

"Despite all of the genuine hopes, by millions of people, of every tribe and tongue from every corner of this planet, an excruciatingly sad reality is being made perfectly clear.

The issue of race--and more specifically America's brand of racism--will never be defeated.

As the father of a multi-racial family, this reality strikes at the disappointment my soul feels about many things in our nation today, but none more personal.
Some who see the headline to this piece will immediately assume I've taken a position in this fight. Because I merely observe what is evident, and state my observation publicly. Some whites will believe I am attacking them. Many African-Americans will believe I am championing their grievances. The truth is neither, the truth is both, and the truth will never be admitted.
For it is impossible to cure a societal sickness, when parties don't wish for it to be cured!

And while there are some pockets where racial bias presents itself in the white to black reality of our culture, the overwhelming abusers of race, the manipulators of skin color, and the purveyors of hate based on ignorance and ill will--are actually those who claim they are fighting against it.
The case of Travon Martin's death is the complete evidence of that last assertion.

No where, was there an ounce of evidence that the man who shot Travon followed him, reported him, or defended himself against him--even for his very life--based on the color of Travon's skin. Yet "civil rights 'leaders'"--who in reality have more moral authority being a clown in a local circus than thoughtful and genuine purveyors of racial understanding--manipulated every element of fact in the case to convince the sleeping media--who refused to do their homework--that the man who shot Travon was racially motivated, racially biased, and hateful of races different than his.

None of which was proven in the elongated case, coverage during, or clownery following the conclusion.

Simply put, the Sharpton, Jackson, Holder, and Obama rhetoric--though stating it was dressed in compromise--actually was intended to incite further anger, resentment, and furtherance of the untruths told for months in the case.
So if the "civil rights 'leadership'" is throwing gas on the heated embers, how else will those--who choose not to investigate facts for themselves but accept these voices wholesale--react?

The accumulation of power in the minds of the four leaders mentioned above is more important than truly trying to find resolution, understanding, and accuracy.

Another bit of evidence in the matter is that when voices of reason do speak (i.e. Lisa Fritsch, Charles Barkley, Dr. William Cosby, et. al), based on seeing the facts for themselves and then urging calm they are shouted down. Or in Dr. Cosby's case--"Reverend" Jesse Jackson in a moment of candidness--utters desires to remove Cosby's anatomical manhood.

Also readily evident to any who would be honest is that when there are voices who point out that current solutions being touted for suffering neighborhoods are not working, squeals of "racism", come the same grievance inciters. So when a popular commentator on the largest news network points out the inconsistency of punishing a Latin American man harshly for an accidental death, while more or less ignoring the character, grooming, and integrity of African-American men who go on killing rampages in wholly African-American controlled neighborhoods is at a minimum hypocritical.

The truth--the cold hard truth--is that this cadre of voices (Sharpton, Holder, Jackson, Obama, et al.) benefit far more by practicing racism in theory, rhetoric, and actions, than by ever seeking honest resolutions. They continue to be propped up by those who keep themselves intellectually shallow of fact. And a handful of media outlets--mostly operated by NBC--seem to pander on the issue instead of seeking intellectually rigorous, heartfelt, passionate solutions to the problems that face the nation.

This combination of dishonesty, access, and support now furthers racist outcomes and those involved are directly contributing to the anger, vandalism, and violence that follows in its wake.

As the father of a son whose skin is darker than any of the men mentioned in this article, my fear is what consequences he faces, because of their vanity, selfishness, hubris, and greed.

See in order to end racism, you must not merely tolerate people who are different than you--but begin to truly honor, serve, and love them.
And it is the absence of honor in the character of today's "civil rights 'leaders'" that betrays their true intention: to practice racism, and to profit from it for themselves indefinitely." [Source]

Nice try Kevin, but by attacking "today's civil rights leaders" you have declared your allegiance to your ideological soul mates and you are not an honest broker. You have taken a position in this fight, and declared your fidelity to a particular point of view. Clearly your "hopes" are not as "genuine as you allege.  

I feel sorry for your son. It's not the "vanity, selfishness, hubris, and greed" of the civil rights leaders you should worry about; it's your own.  



  1. Anonymous9:56 PM

    What have people of color been, but loving toward people who can't or won't or don't see us as human beings? Slavery lasted how long? How much longer does one think we should serve?

  2. Anonymous10:00 PM

    field, "I feel sorry for your son. It's not the "vanity, selfishness, hubris, and greed" of the civil rights leaders you should worry about; it's your own. "

    He is absolutely right about Sharpton and Jackson. We all know that, including you, Field. But you have chosen the opposite of this man because you are just like Sharpton and Jackson. You get a lot of hits on FN when you 'stir' the hate pot.

  3. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Field writes: "by attacking 'today's civil rights leaders' you have declared your allegiance to your ideological soul mates and you are not an honest broker."

    Really Field? That's all you have got, that by criticizing this set of public figures the author is some sort of closet racist himself or at least one of their fellow travelers? You attempt to negate his entire piece by pointing to those few words that set off your racial radar and think you've got yourself an argument. And you have, only the argument you are making is not the one you had intended to make.

  4. Anonymous10:04 PM

    "Nice try Kevin, but by attacking "today's civil rights leaders" you have declared your allegiance to your ideological soul mates and you are not an honest broker. You have taken a position in this fight, and declared your fidelity to a particular point of view. Clearly your "hopes" are not as "genuine as you allege."

    Somebody needs to attack our civil rights leaders as well as our black politicians because they are one sorry bunch. The glaring TRUTH is they HAVE, and ARE using us. And it's been going on for decades.

  5. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Rev. Jesse Jackson's son is on his way to prison. His wife is on her way to prison too. And good riddance. I'll be very happy the day they both go to prison.

  6. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Field, those teens reminded me of the video I saw yesterday that went viral except instead of it being bm, it was bw:

    Animals....a large segment of our race has become animals of the most dangerous kind. Our society cannot allow this to go on. They must be removed from society for our own safety.

    Kevin McCullough is right. There is no hope for treating racism in America, let along cure it. This sickness is at epidemic proportions and will lead to the demise of our nation. NO ONE knows how to treat or cure this horrific out-of-control disease.

  7. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Rev. Jesse Jackson's son is on his way to prison. His wife is on her way to prison too. And good riddance. I'll be very happy the day they both go to prison.

    10:27 PM
    Why are they going to prison? Were they set up? Blacks usually don't do wrong, unless they have received some bad advice from some White crook.

  8. It will always be about race. Just hope you're there at the right time and the right place to win that fight.

    I commend dude for taking care of someone darker then him, but wait till that boy goes out on his own, then when the world is really gonna start sucking ass. And Daddy won't understand.

  9. Anonymous10:54 PM

    That video of those teens beating that one white kid was vicious and brutal. Only animals in the underworld would do something like that. And Mr. Field only devoted a sentence or two to stating it was wrong.

    Where is Sharpton and Jackson and Obama? Clearly this was totally brutal and out of bounds.

  10. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What have people of color been, but loving toward people who can't or won't or don't see us as human beings? Slavery lasted how long? How much longer does one think we should serve?

    9:56 PM
    Well, having grown up in the 60s i believe we need to learn to love a little more until our hatred has been tempered. Looking at that video and the other video with the bw in it, we as a race have a long way to go.

    Field, you ought to write several posts about our behavior because it is atrocious. We need to upgrade ourselves to at least the level of "civility". But right now we are acting half-human. That has got to stop. Those fools are making it harder for the rest of us who want to be safe and successful.

  11. You probably caught this already FN, it is a good and honest piece....

    Cheers. gaz

  12. AssAnon @9:56pm,10:00pm, 10:01pm, 10:04pm, 10:27pm, 10:30pm, 10:54pm and again at 11:00pm, ........ get a job and then get a life!

  13. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Black Sage@11:30p--I see you wanted to make sure you included me in the Anon lineup. However, you failed to include residential ID's such as yourself in that number. Fyi, I am retired and have a great life. I made so much money working that I was able to retire early so I could have a life without dying on the job. Retiring early is fairly common in the industry I worked in....Can you say the same?

    Negroes like you love to sit at your computer and play 'judge and jury' over your own kind because you've been scared shit-less of 'the man' since birth. So you come to black blogs like FN and talk shit, and take out your feelings of fear and powerlessness on your own people because it temporarily makes you feel like somebody....but you can't get away from yourself, you weak tomming ignorant fool.

    As far as getting a life is concerned: you have no idea what life is like...because you still don't know who you are....because you have never lived and accepted yourself as a black man.... YOU are among the living dead.

  14. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Gaz, thank you for that link. I agree, it is a excellent piece. It spoke to me.

    I especially liked the way it ended:

    "But it wasn’t until I was older that I understood that the undercurrent of violence I’d felt was actually more than a deep, cold current — that it in fact exerted a strong undertow in the present. That it could take my great-great-grandfather, but also take young men like Oscar Grant III, shot to death by a transit officer in Oakland in 2009, like Trayvon Martin, like my only brother, killed by a hit-and-run drunken driver who was charged with leaving the scene of an accident but never with the crime of my brother’s death. That it could assert they were less in life and deny them justice after death as well. That living in a country where one group of people owned another group of people for some 250 years yielded a culture where one life was worth less than another. Again and again. Then and now.

    In the end, I learned that all I could do against something so great and overwhelming, all those histories and years and lives and deaths and threats secreted like seeds, was to open my mouth and speak. I could not let it silence me as it had done when I was younger. There is power in naming racism for what it is, in shining a bright light on it, brighter than any torch or flashlight. A thing as simple as naming it allows us to root it out of the darkness and hushed conversation where it likes to breed like roaches. It makes us acknowledge it. Confront it. And in confronting it, we rob it of some of its dark pull. Its senseless, cold drag. When we speak, we assert our human dignity. That is the worth of a word."

    Again, thanks for sharing that writing.

  15. Anonymous2:01 AM

    And, just when I get terminally p.o.'d at Obama about Manning, Snowden, drones, the DLC, etc., and his friendships with Holder, Summers, etc., something happens to make me say gosh, I'd vote for him again. The strange state of Arizona:

  16. GrannyStandingforTruth2:45 AM


    I've been hearing the same old tired refurbish justification for racism speech from people like Kevin McCullough since the Jim Crow era and my ancestors before me heard the same speech during Reconstruction. There is nothing new under the sun! Only difference is added accessories to a worn out dress. Enough with the distractions and attempts to cause division within the black community between them and Black Civil Rights leaders.


  17. Well said Granny, and judging from some of the comments here it seems to be working.

    Gaz, I too thank you for that link. Powerful stuff.


  18. "As the father of a multi-racial family, this reality strikes at the disappointment my soul feels about many things in our nation today, but none more personal."

    What is he saying? Did he marry a woman of the black race..or did he adopt some black, Ethiopian, Eritrean, Somali children? How did his family get to be multiracial?

  19. Anonymous9:18 AM


    Your hypocrisy is astounding!

    When a white boy is savagely beaten by a band of thugs "of color" and left for dead but by the grace of God is not actually killed you are 100% confident that race had absolutely no bearing on the assault.
    However, when a white boy is shot and killed by an Hispanic it is unequivocally racially motivated?

    Do non-black jurists ever actually buy your bullshit? Shame on them and you if they do.

    Your wholesale exploitation of race is deplorable and does more to perpetuate racism than your pretense otherwise.
    After all, what relevance would you have if America had racial harmony? I mean your law practice and family obviously sit second chair to your black self pity and hate of the very white culture that affords you all the privilege you flaunt!

    How dare you, sir, be such a hypocrite!

  20. Anonymous10:03 AM

    kudos! and dittos fn!!!

    all who are racist are blind
    cc hobama nazis who truly cannot see any of hobama's deeds
    and ONLY because of half of his skin

    and no persons have sired more hobama babies
    than racist slave masters.who actually owned the stolen black females whom they bred as chattel

    One of the greatest misconceptions in existence is that interracial sex proves liberalism. No persons have ever had more interracial sex or could ever have more interracial sex than white slave masters and their black concubine. They literally owned every black body they laid.

    To date, the most racist persons I know are obsessed with interracial sex. The most radical and liberal persons I know all love people who look like them. They do not sexualize their revolution. They do not reduce liberation to their libidos. They do not taint their sincere social activism with sexual lust. The fever we share comes from a passion for justice, not “the jungle”. We share a hunger for the abolition of global oppression, not apolitical global orgasms.

    Race is complex. Racism intensifies that complexity. Mixed race persons should see their reflections in many races. Yet, even they most often seek only the whitest lovers they can find. Because even their exotic blood is no shield from mundane white supremacy.

    I have no respect for persons who are textbook examples of the perils of white supremacy. They want their children to be yellow with straight hair. They actually like the ghastly visage and bleached skin of Michael Jackson. They romanticize and covet the creation of Sicilian Italians by the racial suicide of the Moors. They hate and nullify blackness as they embrace whiteness.

    I exclusively adore all people who adore themselves. One must truly love and appreciate themselves and their own cultures to be interculturally competent and racially sane. I was born in 1963 and reared in a cosmopolitan area of Chicago, Illinois, known as Lakeshore. I grew up appreciating racial, cultural, and sexual diversity. I still embrace a rainbow of persons and a melting pot of personalities in my life. However, I never translated a love of other cultures into a hatred of my own African one. I never had to stop loving blackness to embrace multiculturalism

  21. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Well said, anon9:18am. BTW, you said a 'White' boy was shot by a Hispanic. I believe you meant to say a 'Black' boy?

    In any case, you are right about Field's hypocrisy. But make no mistake he has never been apologetic about it. He is of the Sharpton and Jackson type: raise hell when a Black is attacked by Whites, and remain silent when it is reversed...and maybe mumble a few words about the behavior being wrong, BUT RACE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

  22. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "few words about the behavior being wrong, BUT RACE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT."
    10:07 AM
    But that's what the prosecutors in the George Zimmerman trial said,"race had nothing to do with it"

  23. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Anon 10:07,

    You are correct about my should have read when a black boy is killed by an hispanic not a white boy as you so indicated.

    Anon 9:18

  24. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Anon 10:07,

    Make no mistake that there is racism in America as there is and has been in every culture and country from the beginning of time and will no doubt continue until the earth quits spinning.

    Unfortunately, some folks, such as Wayne Bennett, Esq., prefer to exploit and promote racism rather than try to appreciate the common bond we as human beings have and promote fairness and equal treatment.

    The inflammatory attacks of racists (who come in all colors) which are based on innuendo, historical atrocities and mythology take humanity back multiple steps as honorable folks try to advance forward--as Field Negro continues to carve his nose off to spite his face our best hopes for racial harmony are betrayed.

    Look who Field Negroes' prolific supporters are--his groupies and racial hatred speak for themselves.

    If a statue were ever to be constructed of Wayne Bennett can you imagine the pile of horse shit it would take?

    Anon 9:18

  25. The purveyors of hate based on ignorance and ill will--are actually those who claim they are fighting against it.
    The case of Travon Martin's death is the complete evidence of that last assertion. – Kevin Mccullough

    Why don’t you just say that the purveyors of hate based on ignorance and ill will are actually WHITE folks who claim they are fighting against it?

    The issue of race--and more specifically America's brand of racism--will never be defeated. – Kevin Mccullough

    Sorry Kevin, and because racism will never be defeated, who’s shoulder’s will you place the blame squarely upon? White folks or black folks? You’re quite short on substance here, which ultimately diminishes your sincerity and that’s if you’ve ever had an ounce of it in the first instance.

    On a personal level, this is at the heart of what befuddles me about Amerikkkan white folks. They continually give false equivalency of racism when blacks merely react to historical and contemporary racism. It’s not about some people attempting to make a profit from racially incited events. Its not about racism being equally rampant amongst blacks and whites because in this country because that’s a horse load of you know what. And you know within your heart that this isn’t the case at all. Blacks are still without political, financial or social currency thats equated with that of whites. There currently isn’t a balance of power amongst various sectors of the Amerikkka fabric because there never have been an attempt to do so and never will be. Certainly, this is due to a designed purpose by mostly whites who’ve essentially hijacked the very infrastructure of this supposedly democratic turned pseudo-fascist country.

    In order to defeat or end racism, this practice must begin within the home while children are still young and capable of being molded to be civilized individuals. It’s also the responsibility of the government, however, to a whole lot lesser extent, to forge and implement all inclusive policies (state and federal) consistent with that of truly creating a melting pot of cultures and not merely catering to one in particular.

  26. He makes a compelling case. I find it hard to disagree with his comments about Sharpton & Jesse Jackson whose agendas often seem to drown out common sense. As for the President & AG Holder, I have a difficult time distinguishing between political rhetoric and authenticity altho the President's speech after the Zimmerman verdict seemed quite genuine. I will never know what it's like to be a person of color so my voice may go unheard. I identify most closely with the Hispanic population as I spent much of my life in SoCal around what I felt was a colorful, hard working culture. I miss it every day. Nothing makes me more angry than to hear the derisive attacks and ridiculous attempts to deny privileges to legals & illegals alike because I know it isnt true.

    Field, I read this today & wonder what your take is. Seems like a rather broad brush is doing the painting:,rss&partner=rss&#modal-sharetools

  27. Anonymous1:52 PM

    cc the opulent endlessly vacationing hobamas...and the misery index!

    what a gd shame!!!!!!

  28. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Black Sage,

    Is there any racism in Sub Sahara Africa, South Africa notwithstanding?

    Since British colonialism is often cited as the excuse for Africa's failure to be a 1st world country, how did African culture compare to Asia and Europe before British colonialism?

    Why was it so incredibly easy for the British to dominate and colonize Africa?

    Would you ever want to live in Africa and if so where? If not, why not?

    What place on earth does the average black man or woman have better opportunities than they have in America?

    Why do you spell America, "Amerikkka"?

    Why is it that we never see or hear of blacks of any nationality coming to the aid of hispanics, asians or whites when they suffer national disasters such as famines, aids, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc.?

    Why do blacks seem to hate on other blacks who become successful outside of sports or the music industry? And why do blacks hate on blacks who want to be part of mainstream America--why is that "Tomming" isn't being included as equals what all the racist protests are about--obviously not!

    It seems you and the Field fools are so busy chasing your tails of self hate you wouldn't recognize opportunities of inter-racial brotherhood if it laid at your feet with open arms.

  29. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Anon 2:13:


  30. Anonymous3:10 PM


    The scene: Two school kids aged 12, one white, one black, beat a Hispanic child in a school classroom. The white child is suspended. The black child is absolved of responsibility.

    Welcome to Obama’s New World of Race Based Discipline and Punishment Quotas

    Barack Obama’s “African American Education Initiative” creates a new Federal bureaucracy. One of its goals will be to stop disciplinary action against black public school students who misbehave.


    On July 26th Obama signed an executive order titled the “African American Education Initiative.” The order essentially gives a green light for black students to misbehave in public schools. In two places, Obama’s executive order calls on schools to reduce the number disciplinary actions taken against blacks students. The order specifically calls on schools too “not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.”

    To comply, public schools would have to engage in a racial quota system of discipline. The executive order will create a new Federal bureaucracy to pressure school systems to comply with the president’s demands. The executive order makes no mention of any effort to get black students to improve behavior.

    Obama claims that black students lack equal access to education:

    The executive order also states that black students “lack equal access” to education. This statement, by the White House, is outrageous and easily disproved. Across the nation, majority black public schools routinely receive more funding per pupil than majority white public schools.

    Washington DC is the perfect example. It has the highest average per pupil funding of any public schools in the nation. It also has the blackest public schools in the nation. Yet, this over-funding of black students yields no results in terms of academic improvement. DC public schools are widely touted as the worst performing schools in the entire industrialized world.

    If DC was a state, it would be the state with the highest average per pupil expenditure and the lowest average performance. More money does not equal better test scores.

    Missouri leads the nation in its black/white state funding gap. The state has spent billions of dollars in a failed effort to improve the academic performance of black students. Majority black schools in St. Louis and Kansas City have Olympic sized swimming pools, lavish theater and music departments, and state of the art computer labs. Per pupil spending is over double that of poor majority white public schools in the Ozark Mountain region of Missouri.

    Once again, we see that the over-funding of black students yields no benefits. The very poor white students in the Ozarks have none of the lavish amenities enjoyed by the black students. However, the poor whites in the Ozarks outperform the better funded black students in the big cities.

  31. When referring to Kevin Mccullough’s article, California Girl said: “He makes a compelling case. I find it hard to disagree with his comments about Sharpton & Jesse Jackson whose agendas often seem to drown out common sense.”

    Kevin Mccullough made a compelling case where and within what sentence of his article? And how and when did Jackson and Sharpton drown out common sense?

    PS: By the way, I’m not a fan of either Jackson or Sharpton, I’m merely interested in you revealing to me and others, how they personally profit from race related incidents.

  32. So you are only brothers with those of other races because of the oppurtunity it affords you?

    That question was meant for the Anon@2:13

  33. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Prof. Field Negro,

    Answering a question with a question is pretty chicken shit even for you.

    Since the cat seems to have Black Sage's tongue and you have chosen to engage for him--how 'bout you answering a couple of the aforementioned questions I posed and then I'll answer yours.

    However, I suspect my queries are rhetorical considering my audience, ain't that right Wayne?

  34. Anonymous5:17 PM

    C'mon Wayne step up I am ready to rock and roll but have dinner reservations at Commander's Palace @7:00 PM.

  35. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Black Sage @ 3:15 PM babbled, "PS: By the way, I’m not a fan of either Jackson or Sharpton, I’m merely interested in you revealing to me and others, how they personally profit from race related incidents".

    Reminds me of an old Jack Nicholson quote, "My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son of a bitch".

    The Poverty Pimp Race Baiting Duo, Jesse and Al, have been livin' high on the proverbial hog for years at the expense of the brothas and sistahs who really are suffering. But the more we suffer the more these cats profit. Brotha puleeeze! These mofos would be living under a bridge with a pipe in one hand and a brown paper bag in the other if we got out of the ghetto and into the burbs. These cats like Wayne do not under any circumstances want black folks to be part of the American dream because that would only shatter their dream. MLK had a dream for black Americans--Jesse, Al and Wayne would like to keep it an angry nightmare.

  36. I can't speak for everyone, but the people I've been hearing from who are considered "conservative" aren't saying that these kids jumped on another kid due to race.

    What they're saying, and what is the logical deduction based on the preponderance of evidence, is that had this been three white kids beating one black kid, Rev Inc., along with the celebretards and crooked media, would have been throwing a f'n fit about how it was ONLY based on race.

    When it's black kids beating up a white kid, most of us do what we should do in all cases. We see wtf is going on before jumping to conclusions. But whenever it's a black victim and non-black perpetrator(s), it's time to not only jump to those conclusions but run wild with them, thrusting them on everyone as undeniable fact, and using previous incidents as empirical evidence of current, specific events.

    It's beyond a double standard. It's a separate plane of existence.

  37. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Blogger California Girl said...

    "He makes a compelling case. I find it hard to disagree with his comments about Sharpton & Jesse Jackson whose agendas often seem to drown out common sense."

    It's easy to make a compelling case about Sharpton and Jackson's motives, whether you are Black or White. For years, I have said Sharpton is a phony and doesn't give a hoot about us. He only cares about lining his pockets with money. He is no honest or caring civil rights leader. It's been many years since Sharpton has done 'anything' positive for the black community. Neither has Jackson, the NAACP, the Urban League, the CBC, or others done anything for 'decades'. As far as Obama is concerned his track record as President speaks for itself: 'ZERO'

    Bottom Line: there are no trustworthy black leaders in the black community. We need to make Tavis and Cornel our leaders...they ARE TRUSTWORTHY.

  38. Anonymous6:15 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    on lunch date fantasies with other folks' husband you might not have missed all that political obvious.

    but being silly; behaving shamelessly inappropriately with the very married blog owner, spinning mammonite tales complete with classism and overdrive bubble headism...yes, i can see how you would take that quote and strain yourself to make it applicable to your inappropriateness. i told you gmo veggies+thirsty. for lunch dates and clues. i pay attention;)

    if you dare to behave inappropriately in my presence. be prepared...i have the boldness to call it. on line. off line. any time. no respecter of persons. i told you...He and i constitute a majority.

    women regulate the behavior of other women. just as men regulate the behavior of other men. folks acting like they can't see, don't know and can't speak is part and parcel to the hell we see unfolding. i remember when...acting a fool would get folks put right together. now, ANYTHING goes. devils stay bold. e'erybody else thinking about saying something, maybe, if there is a way to turn a profit. lost!

    Anon from before pointed out that there is an infidelity/adultery free for all...yet NO ONE says anything about it. not on my watch. i care not about the slut shaming movement. women need to straighten up and remember to behave properly. refusal to do so makes it unsafe for ALL women.

    it is impossible for me to care less about who or what you do. find discretion...or at least develop thicker skin. i won't be complicit in my silence. men wild out because there is some out of pocket, brazen, no home training, refuse to be a lady female ready and available. enough. get it together or go back underground/where ever folks used to do such things when folks had more morals, common decency and good sense.

    instead of you going on somewhere, finding shame and sitting it on down keep pressing the issue. here's a clue since clearly nobody ever told you and you are too something to ask anyone like i suggested: everybody hates a slut. if that isn't your flow...shun the appearance. that is old school basic home training...yet you seem clueless.
    5:18 AM"
    Have you finished calling me names? Do you feel better now that you got all that off your chest?

    I hope so, I really do, because as a health professional I can sincerely tell you that this kind of vitriol will do harm to your organism. Better to let it out ;)

    My advice would be to lighten up, laugh a little ;)

    So I thank you for the kind advice,and your deep concern for my spiritual life. Although I could certainly have done without the name calling...but...oh well...

    So sorry that my way of being and my innocent repartee with the people on this blog, offend you so. tho I'm more inclined to believe that it is my political leaning that's the real problem.

    Either way, it matters not. If you want to be the blog police as well as correct and police all women that are as you put it "driving men wild" (Really Field is that true, do I drive you wild? Oh my gosh, I'm blushing) of which I am not one. You have a LOT of work ahead of you my friend. Good luck with that :)

    Best regards and I do hope you are feeling all better now. For real.

    Life is just too short to be so angry at anybody, really. I mean it from my slutty(as you call it)heart, as slutty as you may call it, it means well (thas a joke, hahaha, just can't help myself, sowwy :D

    Whatever I do that you don't agree with, I know I will have you as a deeply religious and spiritual friend who will be there to help and correct my behavior. and that's always a good thing. Thank you so much!

    Love and hugs! and remember don't hold anything back now,let it all out ;P

  39. Anonymous6:16 PM

    There once was a small little cat named Wayne;
    The Jamaicans all thought the boy was a pain.
    So they packed up the child from the sand;
    And sent him off alas to a horrible land.

    AmeriKKKa, land of the creepy cracka;
    Where no black kid would ever matta
    His kinfolk taught him to hate whitey;
    'Cause a child needs that to be mighty.

    The boy grey to be a man;
    Shocked to find that he can.
    The advantages were many;
    So he made a pretty penny.

    His success became a huge dilemma;
    How can a brotha fresh from Jamaica.
    Be true to his roots of white hate;
    When whites done opened his gate.

    Field Negro was born to purge the guilt;
    House Negro was called on to take the hit.
    Thus raised in the house was transformed;
    Wayne Bennett, ESQ. could now be atoned.

    How really pathetic to be so full of self scorn;
    To create such a farce to hide a heart's thorn.
    Tear down a people who gave you such blessings;
    America shall weep but prevail your trashings.


  40. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Hey Wayne wuz up bro'?

    This is Anon 2:13 who you called out and I am ready to tee up an intellectual and factual discourse on the issues but you seem to be in hiding. You getting ready to "Kingston 12" me my brotha from anotha mutha?

    I'm getting hungry and I know you're familiar with the culinary offerings at the renowned Commander's Place in NOLA, having in-laws from Louisiana and all. Anyway, I'm going to be donning my house negro attire, you know the outfit you prance around the courthouse in, in about 30 minutes so my girls and I can have a relaxing cocktail before our 7 o'clock seating.

    So bring it on my brotha, bring it!

  41. @Anon5:03pm, huh,.... I didn't responsd because your question doesn't qualify for a response. Give me some substance that I may be able to work with, but please refrain from proposing silly questions! Now, hit me up with something worthwhile responding to! (I'm waiting!)

  42. Anonymous6:37 PM

    On and Focused Purpose, another thing I forgot to ask you.

    When you do correct me and guide and show me the proper spiritual way,could you please,pretty please,like take it easy with the name calling? Pleese:)

    Cos I don't mind, I'm an old woman, and as you can imagine, as a nurse in an emergency room setting, with all the addicts,drunks,mentally challenged, bums,whatever that come in for treatment, you know I've heard worse! Oh yeah!

    But my daughter sometimes reads the blog and, you know, she's young.

    She laughs at me too. She says "Ma, I think you've got a crush on The Field" LOL! I tell her honey I'm old enough to be his great grandmother. (I really am too)you know what she says, "you're a cougar" hahaha (sowwwyyy)

    Field I don't drive you wild like Focused Purpose says do I?

    Please tell me I don't, please, I mean really, I'm old enough to be your great,great,great,great grandmother Field!!!

    Tell me it's not true. Cos this blog po po you got going on here...gonna beat me up with a stick next...Dayummm

  43. Anonymous6:48 PM

    How tall are you Wayne? I'm guessing 5'8"-5'9" with platform shoes and a hat.

    This white hate shit is really 'bout you being a bit under sized and I'm not talking just the snickers you get from the bedroom.

    I mean if poor desert floor knew she could't wear heels and you carried a roll of bills in your front pocket (you tricky bastard) the bloom would fall right off the vine.

    Time to break the sistas heart don't be dragging this shit on no more.

  44. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Black Sage,

    Brotha puleeze!

    You have the audacity to call my questions "silly" when ask how pimpmasters Jesse and Al profit from their race baiting antics and poverty promotion in our black communities?

    You are the frigggin' poster boy for silly questions and this whole comment section damn well knows it.

    In reality the truth is hard for liars like you to face so your only response when faced with unpleasant questions is to dance around the question like a shufflin' jivin' fool.

    You need a new name 'cause you may be black but you sure as hell ain't no sage---Amos or Andy ought to be on the top of your list,

  45. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Knock Knock

    Who's there?


    I'm outta here

    Anon 2:18

  46. @Desertflower, keep doing what you're doing, most of us understand that the comments you post sometimes are made in jest and to break the monotonous flow of comments regarding racism and hatred. Peace to you!

  47. @Anon5:36, I'm not you mother! By the way, you have the audacity to refer to someone as being chicken sh*t when you don't even have an alias, you're truly pitiful!

  48. Anonymous9:15 PM

    What did Kevin tell his kids when Obama first became Pres.? When white people were calling him and his family monkees, when they were putting pictures of him eating chicken, or as a witch doctor or the watermelon patch in front of the white house. How is it no one talks about gun shops running out of guns and bullets when he was FIRST elected. Why wasn't hannity and o'rielly in that list. Whether you like Obama or not, racism has allways been here and will always be. I'll agree it's a circus but also include the right wing clowns too.

  49. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Black Sage,

    You're right I ain't yo mama 'cause if I was I'd have beat yo azz when you was a youngin' and you might have a lick of sense today.

    How having an alias de-chicken shits someone is, well it's Sageless Negro behavior.

    So STFUB.

  50. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Black Sage said...
    "@Desertflower, keep doing what you're doing, most of us understand that the comments you post sometimes are made in jest and to break the monotonous flow of comments regarding racism and hatred. Peace to you!
    7:19 PM"
    Yes indeed they are in jest, exactly!

    But we seem to have acquired a jihad po po with sharia law out in full force LOL

    Thank you sir. for getting it! I mean really, ya know! LOL! :D Ya gotta wonder sometimes ;)))

  51. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Desert, "But we seem to have acquired a jihad po po with sharia law out in full force LOL"

    I don't appreciate your joke using Islamic terms as a form of degradation. Who do you think you are?

    And as far as that ass-kissing Black Sage is concerned, he needs to STFU.

  52. Anonymous2:17 AM

    The only one who can tell anybody here to STFU is Field.

    You don't have to appreciate anything here. It's not your blog! ;)

  53. @ Desertflower-

    'My advice would be to lighten up, laugh a little ;)'

    how did i know?

    jokers are never taken seriously...for a reason. life is serious business. as soon as Black folks- world wide- stop playing, joking, sexing and napping themselves into a coma...they will be taken seriously. not a moment sooner.

    it is written. i read it. look around. see if it lines up...when it does, and it always does btw...folks' philosophies/opinions/feelings, etc. et al matter not...particularly when they step to me brand new.

    who has time for puffed up, UNprofitable info (in true everlasting sense) and non-spiritual warfare chess when it is clearly written that time wasting is a sin? that we must give in account for each idle word? according to my faith and will...not i.

    those that are on perpetual play and nap time, may exercise their will in their lanes. those that swerve out are warned first. straighten up...or i WILL get you right together. bold. trying to be cute and brand new in the midst of an ancient, age old spiritual battle=no bueno. i was as nice as you may expect after a fair warning. if you are under 18 or over 65...let a sista know. those i will pattycake...for a short while.

    the level of discourse must be raised...on too many levels to try to break down for folks that want to argue the very existence of Almighty Sovereign Creator of ALL, Yahweh...and the saving grace of Messiah.

    'Have you finished calling me names?'

    scroll up, take a deep breath, pray for emotional discipline+triple portions of His understanding...then read again. just because the ish demon you host keeps trying to get in the mix don't make it real. the devil is a liar. wake up. comprehend. understand. or not. just do whatever in your lane.

    i re-read to be sure that i don't need to check myself...i gots nothing, sis. maybe you need to backtrack a few posts? scrolling up might not be enough of a refresher...

    here's a tip: i don't double speak as a practice. it appears to be your thing. i am direct, with love, with His wake up salts power and mandate. folks wanting a lullaby needing wake up salts. real souls get me. those that don't, would fare best in their lanes. are you noticing the theme, yet?

    focused. purposed. trust...the demons are on their quest to be like Him...only not save but enslave us all. i have studied them. i decided of the satanists and luciferians, i want to be Yahweh's daughter, with the discipline of the luciferian defeated demon(s)+ His Power.

    wake up and He will show you...if you don't know already. brand new appearance in addition to inappropriate are my observations. i am practicing patience in case you are being sincere. sometimes i can't tell if folks are deceived or trying to deceive me. so i err on the side of the interest of love.

    IF i were unkind, disliked myself and by extension other calling for me would look like this:

  54. (this is an example. again. so that you are clear.)

    @ DesertFlower-

    i think you are a shameless slut. you.are.a.slut. questions?

    example off.

    that did not happen.

    what did happen is i tried as indirectly as i can be without becoming someone else, to pull your coat to your appearance on this thread. i came back to your presence on this blog...or you were less patience building+ we had more time in the big picture; so i never noticed you and you never addressed me with your 'jokes' before.

    instead there was Hathor...peeking out from behind that dang door. lol. i pray she is well. seriously. i have love for her. uts, too.

    think about this...if i dare to call out to the decent men of Yahweh to stand up and be counted...regulate the brethren, that runs amok...what beside a hypocrite would i be if i acted as if women, in legion proportion numbers, have not decided inappropriate is the new righteous?

    if i allow what is clearly disrespectful to go unchecked...i have not only allowed Him to be disrespected...but myself as well. i posted the staples singers singing respect yourself awhile back.

    you may continue to deceive yourself...get on script with the 'angry/crazy' scripting if you need that in order to sting less under the lash of truth and common decency. i don't own that. i don't own nor want to buy what you are selling.

    you pretend you are reading what i write and have a working knowledge of that which i speak. how is a matter established?

    was i the lone voice to call you out for your inappropriate appearance? rhetorical questions. i don't require a response. when i said 'the end'...i meant that. you need more attention. ok. i am prayerful that you are clear now and we may move on...

    fyi-i am speaking across, never down. we are all in the crowded same boat. those in the luxury liner...serving defeated lucifer...hate us all. i don't do politics. i am NOT politically correct in case you had not gleaned as much. i do truth. common sense. common decency. humanity. justice. His Word.

    it's all love sis. otherwise i would just ignore you.

    for your listening pleasure:

  55. @ DesertFlower-

    just read your 2nd comment.

    now damn.

    i am going to do a post about what has become a crisis in the black community...

    ...folks that are old enough to know better...yet...don't.

    for real.

    momma said...there is nothing worse than an old fool. yet they have somehow run amok. i came home and cried, not too long ago, after struggling with speak His words directive...the elder. full grey crown.

    get that image...full grey crown. this exchange: sure are sexy. (waaaay too familiar with an audience of on-lookers. i don't know this random fool.)
    me:ugh. wt... (in my head) 'sir, do you have a daughter?'(out loud.)
    he: no.
    me: let me try again. do you have sisters?
    he: no.
    me: ok...let me try again. what about a mother?
    he: no now...mothers are different.
    me: i am the mother to a son that is the season you once knew.
    he: (deer in headlights...suddenly mute.)
    me: a bm...i know you can understand how important it is to be viewed as a person. i just want that same right. i am not an objective or body parts. i am a person and would like that respect and treatment.
    he: see now...that's not right. blah blah blah. (causing me public discomfort totally flipped glitched up his program)

    the man on-looker of Syrian descent...thanked me for speaking up. grey crown, yet acting true crazy...schlepped on about his business.

    from my soul...i cry from the hurt of seeing spun out menfolk meant to be leaders...acting like fools, in their season of dignity. comment too long to cover the non stop parade of grown, old azz women in those dang leggings with NO tunic/cover up/sweater/sweat shirt/ paper towels/shame...damn with me!!! to cover up their name and address which is all out in public. surely, someone else has had enough, too?

    i did not say FN makes you wild DesertFlower. man, you felt that whack, huh?

    i said men are wilding out...because women, in large numbers, are participating in the new school unrighteous free for all.

    i ALSO said...IF this is not your flow...shun the appearance. or find discretion. what are you not getting, exactly? how's about your just quit it already? cajoling meets with defeat. get it? dead horse...
    please stop beating it.

    thank you.

    lol. (LA...where you at, mami?)

  56. Anonymous6:41 PM

    " dead horse...
    please stop beating it."

    Whooooa horsey!

  57. Anonymous7:22 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    "i did not say FN makes you wild"

    No, FP you said that I was making him wild :)
    focusedpurpose said...
    "that did not happen"...
    "what did happen is i tried as indirectly as i can"...
    FP, I'll refresh your memory. Here's what you did say:
    on lunch date fantasies with other folks' husband"
    "behaving shamelessly inappropriately"
    "your inappropriateness. i told you gmo veggies+thirsty."

    "not on my watch. i care not about the slut shaming movement".

    "men wild out because there is some out of pocket, brazen, no home training, refuse to be a lady female ready and available."

    "instead of you going on somewhere, finding shame and sitting it on down's a clue since clearly nobody ever told you and you are too something to ask anyone like i suggested: everybody hates a slut.
    5:18 AM"
    " what are you not getting, exactly? how's about your just quit it already? cajoling meets with defeat. get it? dead horse...
    please stop beating it."
    thank you.
    5:00 AM
    FP: That's what you said, among a lot of other things...

    Now you're sort of trying to say that I misunderstood you?

    Okay,I'm an easy person, just call me stupid. I misunderstood you.

    And that I should "just quit already"! and "stop beating a dead horse" ( OMG! I hope you're not equating yourself with a dead horse!!!)That's a joke;btw)

    Well that's fine and dandy, I can quit at any time. This is a grandiose waste of my time actually.

    and I hardly see how you can have SO much time on your hands for all of this, but I guess you are motivated by your passionate beliefs for proselytizer the WORD. and for that I commend you.

    Again I am more than ready to "quit and stop beating the dead horse"

    and oh, how I dislike that analogy...I love animals, especially horses and would never beat them. But...for the sake of argument, I'll go along with you.

    So let's suppose it was a rabid horse and that's why I was beating it, let's just suppose for the sake of argument.

    Is that horse truly dead? I ask you, or must I continue to beat it? LOLOL! You tell me

    Your sister in the Spirit. ;)

  58. DesertFlower-

    if the shoe fits...wear it. that's a back in the day, secular, nugget of wisdom for you.

    that is the best i can do for you...

    you lack understanding as evidenced by your comments. i can't give anyone understanding...that gift comes from Him. to get some...all you would need to do is stop forked tongue speaking/low key cowardly mocking and ask Him.

    based on your 'understanding' of 'name-calling' you have given as good as you have gotten. syrupy sickeningly sweet...nevertheless. so stop whining about your richly deserved lashes, hop in your lane, and carry on your journey. or not. your choice.

    snip and clip my words that you might remain perpetually confused all you like. wasting time is a sin. i am not prepared to waste anymore with you. you claim to be an elder, as you argue incessantly against old school basic home training. yet...folks wonder why the babies are crazy. if not the elders...who will teach them?

    i will respect your right to remain as you will have no choice but to reciprocate or do a full reveal of your 'spirit'. folks can't hide their true fruit from those that know how to examine and expect. discernment is another gift He delights in giving His.

    when i consider that this a slave plantation blog with only a handful of folks able to accurately call blackish BO and his cast of demons...your antics are to be expected. Black folks around the world are lost...they, collectively, don't know how to examine and inspect spiritual fruit. which is why they clutch snakes to their breast and cry loud when the snake strikes. i don't suffer such afflictions and am grateful to Him for redeeming me from the pit of darkness.

    upsetting devils comes with the charge of standing on His Word, speaking it boldly, and allowing the chips to fall where they may. your sustained response means the ish demon you host got rocked. i am glad. that's my job. i pray it dies, falls off soon, back into the pit, that you might stop fuming and re-visiting a dead issue.

    you are bent out of shape because i had the unmitigated gall to remind you of 1 Thessalonians 5:22, which says very clearly and simply:

    'Abstain from all appearance of evil.'

    i wish you a peaceful, if you will hop in your's an old school song for you to bob your head to, meditate on and keep in mind when you address me with your 'jokes.' the title says it all- i ain't no joke, by eric b and rakim.

    those that don't recognize...usually end up doing precisely what you are doing. this is why i let folks know up front. He doesn't do sneak attacks. nor do i as His servant.

    Sabbath Shalom

  59. correction: examine and INspect the spiritual fruits...

  60. Anonymous10:36 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    if the shoe fits...wear it"

    No it doesn't fit, I am nothing of what you have called me and you know it :) I hope you're not projecting ;D

    FP said..."that is the best i can do for you"

    You really don't have to do anything for me. Thank you.

    FP said..."you lack understanding
    all you would need to do is stop forked tongue speaking
    syrupy sickeningly sweet"

    Sorry about that, the answer f simple, just don't read what I post;)

    FP said..."hop in your lane, and carry on your journey. or not. your choice."

    That goes both ways tho, you might want to see about hopping on your lane as well. and not be running down the middle of the road ranting and raving, calling people names.

    FP said..."yet...folks wonder why the babies are crazy. if not the elders...who will teach them?"

    My babies are grown adults, and thank God they turned out fine. and I truly hope that you can say the same for yours. For by our fruits we are known aren't we?:)

    FP said..."i will respect your right to remain as you are"

    Thank you so much!:)))

    FP said..."when i consider that this a slave plantation blog with only a handful of folks able to accurately call blackish BO and his cast of demons...your antics are to be expected. Black folks around the world are lost"

    See now this confirms my suspicion that it was political all along. Because I defend this blogs viewpoint! But oh well...

    FP said..."the ish demon you host"

    I don't think I host any such horror! and what a horrible thing to even say FP!

    FP said..."i wish you a peaceful journey"

    Thank you. I will believe that. and I certainly do hope that you also can find peace, and love of life.


  61. Always check the political motivations. It always comes back to that.

  62. BARBBF8:58 AM

    If you want to look at a site that has dozens of possible/probable "House Negroes", including the website blogger..look no forward and go to this link..and have a barf bag ready. The posters have nearly all decided that Al Sharpton "has blood on his hands"..for seeking justice for Trayvon Martin and totally agree with a very right-wing FoxNews contributor. I don't know if they are a bunch of posters pretending to be black. Where did these people come from?

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