Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ten things I have learned.

I have learned a few things over the past couple of days and I would like to share them with you. Why? Because deep in my heart I believe that we can learn--and grow--together as human beings.

1. I learned that if FOX NEWS was around they would not have covered the Civil Rights march on Washington in 1963 because there was just too much "race- baiting" going on. You see, in the world of FOX News, they are the only ones allowed to be race- baiters.

2. I have learned that if you are from a large black family it might not be a good idea to all go out to a restaurant and celebrate any particular occasion all at the same time. If you do, try to go to a restaurant where there aren't quite so many white patrons. Apparently too many of you in one place tends to "threaten" white customers.

3. I have learned that you Negroes believe so much in "CP" time that you even show up late for your own funerals.

4. I have learned that while America focuses on the random and senseless killing of a stranger in Oklahoma, their fellow citizens continue to commit horrific and senseless crimes against their own family members.

5. I have learned that Colin Powell and Attorney General Holder understand who they are and where they stand in America.

6. I have learned that people like Star Parker and Clarence Thomas do not.

7. I have learned that Donald Trump is a fraud and a possible lawbreaker....wait, I already knew that.

8. I have learned that George Zimmerman is most likely a sociopath...wait, I, and others, already knew that as well.

9. I have learned that because of the culture of guns and violence in this country we will continue to have  accidents situations where there is a tragic loss of life.

10. Finally, I have learned that Democrats will continue to dominate national politics in this country, not because they are anything special, but because the other party is so far off the rails.

*Pic from The Constantine Report.




  1. GrannyStandingforTruth4:27 PM

    And the church says Amen!

  2. Anonymous7:33 PM

    And through the courtesy of the statisticians of Eric Holder's FBI, I have learned that African Americans, who are no more than 12% of the population, murder vastly more people that any other group in this country:

    For whites, this is the central fact of racial life in this country. Not that all blacks are criminals, or that no monsters are white -- we certainly know this is not the case -- but that African Americans are responsible for a disproportionate share of the violent crime that occurs in this all-too violent nation. I know, this does not fit the liberal narrative of African American as victim of white racists, but Eric Holder's numbers do not lie.

  3. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Law abiding SC White folk feeling threatened by a big close celebrating Black family?

    Lucky the family was in SC, and not here in Florida, because--and I'm not making this up--apparently White folk can shoot and kill Black people who make them feel threatened.

    I know it sounds strange, but you can look it up.

    What a world. What a thing to still be discussing 50 years on.

  4. Anonymous7:42 PM

    frm the previous thread:

    FP said, "until the sleeping spiritual giants awake, turn their heart to Him, and act like they know what time it is...exactly nothing will change."

    I agree. And it looks like exactly nothing will change. I really don't 'see' where the devil has already lost this spiritual war, as you have claimed. I hope I am very wrong and you are very right. But it looks really dark for us.

    GOD won't win this war unless people turn their hearts 'up' to Him. Right now, human hearts are turned 'down' to the destroyer of all that's good.

    The scary part is it appears as though 'nobody' cares. If that's the case, we're doomed.

  5. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I have learned that Field hates any solutions offered to help the horrible situation in the black community.

    I have also learned that Field hasn't learned a damn thing from Don Lemon, Bill Cosby or Bill O'Reilly.

    One final thing: I have learned that Field can't hear the message because of the messenger. He thinks like the Romans: "kill the messenger if you don't like the message...Sad, so sad.

  6. Anonymous8:05 PM

    I have learned that Rush Limbaugh is still King in radio, and Bill O'Reilly is still King in TV. Both are super smart, awesome and cannot be stopped.

  7. Plains_Edge8:54 PM

    Field - As to #1, any take on the 50th Anniversary Rally? Have you seen Dave Zirin's piece on it?

  8. Wesley R9:06 PM

    I wonder if there some Black Owned Restaurants in South Carolina that the family could have spent their money at.

  9. Anon 7:42pm-

    as long as folks keep trying to put their hope in men...hopelessness is all they can expect to come back with for their troubles.

    those of us that understand/believe what is written-get that He is not a man that he should lie. it is clearly written that He will pour out His Spirit on His during these times.

    it is written that ALL men would come into a greater awareness at the end of the age.

    it is written that those that are dead to their history (what folks need in order to auto correct their mental enslaved state) will be awakened to it., i don't wait for men to acknowledge their sinful ways and straighten up. why would they? it is profitable and frankly they enjoy what they are doing in large numbers.

    this is the reason for the code of silence we see among black folks. folks don't want to 'pick' on their brothers/sons and others won't allow anyone to tell their sons anything. most have this anything that feels good to you+makes the most $ approach to a relationship with Him.

    before anyone can expect anyone else to care...we have to care about ourselves.

    much of the madness we see can be directly traced to the breakdown of our families and turn from morality. women control sex. men control marriage. we can agree bw need to 'close their legs'...what happens when folks suggest that bm need to marry the women they impregnate and head the households created in his pursuit of sex?

    that's a convo killer. instead folks want to look to their historical enemies (gov't and white folks) before they will hold themselves accountable for that which they CAN control.

    meanwhile folks will act like the 'underprivileged' children that are pedophile fodder are not these same unprovided for, unprotected children. folks will act like bw $5 net worth has everything to do with color and nothing to do with being Uncovered and trying to 'man' the family solo.

    this collective refusal to straighten up is what fuels the racists that can't wait to point to the mess created by participators in self destruction project bfolks.

    those that continue to the end to embrace this brand newness that does not work ARE doomed. that's not the work of Almighty though. that's man/woman choosing to operate outside of His will. how disgusting that folks will do whatever they want and then when it goes wrong...blame Him.

    too many of us are doing whatever and telling folks what year it is as an excuse, when called on it. for those of us that take our observations to the street, that is what i have to report back. folks that look sane will argue for uncovered porn visible to children, oow pregnancy like it is THE thing to do, getting married like normal folks, etc. folks will tell you what year it is with the quickness.

    both the men and women of our community are too focused on playtime and do what thou wilt. both the men and women of our community, in large numbers, want everything but Him. when our enemies show up to tell us how spiritually dead we are...they are devilishly pointing us back to a spiritual path. dead head negroes want EVERYTHING but what they need.

  10. despite it making me tired as all get out...i am committed to shining His Light among the human wreckage. those that have had enough will step into the light. those that think themselves wiser than He will continue to suffer. when He decides it is His time and patience with play time is a wrap...those playing around...i would not want to be them...nor in close proximity.

    instead of this time making folks feel would make more sense to see it as His Patience at work. americans have some more sinning and nose thumbing at Him to do before His bowls of wrath get released on the earth as it is written.

    there are a lot of folks in this country that don't believe fat meat's greasy. they.will.learn.

    call me whatever...i think when the economic system as we know it is broken where all can see...things will get interesting and turned up notches then.

  11. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Don't hardly want to go to a restaurant with a large Black family and scared ex-Europeans calling themselves Americans. Don't know what will be added to the food. It's best to eat at home these days anyway. Tell me something: How much longer do Africans in this joint have to put up with all this racial torture from demented YT's? We all know you hate us and want to kill us, now we're all supposed to stay here until the deed's completed. How's about paying the Slave progeny some dough from those 300 years of free labor and send us all on our merry way? We've stayed here too long, now our sons are bat sh!t crazy like you are. It's too much!! Vacate the premises of Africans with some dough in our pockets. We need to separate. We don't like each other as races. Let our people goooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And forever leave us the hell alone. Amen.

  12. Wesley-

    your comment is PRECISELY the direction i think He is driving His people.

    come out from among them.

    that is the directive.

    MLK feared he was leading his people into a burning house. his fear was real.

    the house is burning down.

    will bfolks respect and love themselves enough to come out from among them? look to each other to fulfill our own needs?

    when i read of the curses of Scriptures...i made a point to talk to the brothers on the corner that frankly, by virtue of being there...ticked me off. i raged inside that they could not figure out somewhere else be. hang in front of the LIBRARY already!

    there was one that i showed Scriptures that described his condition. he listened. he read the Scriptures and when i next saw him we talked more.

    he kept complaining because he could not find a job. (licensed mechanic) when i told him folks were providing jobs for their own family members first...he seemed to get it.

    when i asked why he did not make it known in the neighborhood that he could repair cars...i saw the thought of how much work it would be enter his head and defeat him.

    it appears that folks find it 'easier' to go be a nuisance to folks that have made it clear they don't want to be bothered. bfolks' self esteem take a battering as a direct result.

    back in the day...we did more with less. folks have got to get back to do for self. this time around they need to understand it does not just apply to their individual houses. bfolks need to understand that it is about the collective, more so than the individual. other non monolithic individuals get this basic concept and the progress of their collective reflects this Truth.

  13. 'How's about paying the Slave progeny some dough from those 300 years of free labor and send us all on our merry way?'

    folks that don't know themselves nor their hidden history...keep foolishly asking this question.

    the Psalm 83'ers laugh in amazement that it is still neatly hidden in a BOOK.

    there will be no reparations. when He comes through to make this will all belong to us. WE are the Chosen Mighty Ones. we are chosen to be a light unto all nations. we are the givers of the law. UNTIL we get familiar with the law and follow will we function in our roles? our disobedience hurts only us.

    i understand that He will get us together in such a way that our enemies will not catch wind of it. so...i ain't got no worries. truly His yoke is easy and His burden light. IF i thought he flowed like the average man...i would be up in arms. since i get that is not His thing...i am good.

  14. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Wesley R said...
    I wonder if there some Black Owned Restaurants in South Carolina that the family could have spent their money at.

    9:06 PM
    I am sure there ARE some Black Owned Restaurants in SC. But here's the thing:

    First, most Blacks don't care to go to Black Owned Restaurants. The service is lousy, and the food can be lousy too. So Blacks go elsewhere for special occasions, thinking they will be served properly.

    Secondly, for some weird reason, Blacks FORGET who they are, where they live, and what can happen to them. Then, when it happens, they feel powerless because in a white racist society, they are powerless.

    The Trayvon Martin case is a fine example. A wm shot and killed him. They had a mock trial with an all-White jury and one cowardly PR, and found GZ innocent. IMHO, that was an "in your face" insult of the century. It let Blacks know, on many levels, that we are the bottom of humanity..totally worthless.

    It's not only the Whites and Browns who think and feel we are less than they are. WE act like WE ARE, too. WE continue to depend and to look to Whites to lead us and beg to be treated fairly when 400 years has proven that Whites will not. Yet, we claim we have made progress. NO WE HAVEN'T. Just look at our race and our the maddening frightening sickly situation we are in.

    TOXIC SHAME, is the term that comes to mind because our dignity as a people and to each other is shot. WE just can't come to grips with our deeply wounded emotional souls. It's very profound, yet WE pretend as though what's happening to us--is not happening. This is deep, deep denial, and it's killing us.

    I pray WE WILL turn to HIM, and realize this is no life we are is death. Each day I wake up, I wake with the pain of anxiousness and stress of having to live another day in a hostile society governed by an enemy whose heart feels NOTHING for me and who WILL USE his position to continue to make my life miserable through his justice system, through his economy, through his retailers, through his politics, through his health system and doctors, through his education....there is NO RELIEF!

    I resent it, and am very tired and wonder how much longer can keep going?

  15. Anonymous10:49 PM

    FP, "when i asked why he did not make it known in the neighborhood that he could repair cars...i saw the thought of how much work it would be enter his head and defeat him.

    it appears that folks find it 'easier' to go be a nuisance to folks that have made it clear they don't want to be bothered. bfolks' self esteem take a battering as a direct result."

    Yes! that is exactly it. Our dignity has been collectively beaten down. Without dignity, nothing can be accomplished. I believe our spiritual DNA lies in our dignity. And we have surrendered it to the enemy and now are marking time while we wither away.

  16. Anonymous12:11 AM

    focusedpurpose said...

    Anon 7:42pm-

    as long as folks keep trying to put their hope in men... want to put their hopes Inside women....white women cause most black women gots de aids and black men like to go low down low

  17. @Anon 12:11 AM

    defeated lust demon on assignment...go back to hell for your next round of torments. the demon earth reign days are coming to an end.

    His Word is moving forth here tonight and your impish efforts to derail convo are well lit, called out and you cast out in Yahweh Almighty's Name.

    you are now on ignore as i pummel your defeated devil head with His Word. lol. ready?


    Anon 10:37pm-

    i feel your pain and hear your anguish. i want to remind you of just a few things...

    it helps me to write these promises, admonitions, and encouragement down and post them in different places that i will see daily.

    i will follow up with another comment so that it is not too long...wasted space addressing the defeated lust imp.

  18. Anon 10:37 pm-

    our first stop:


    Hebrews 11: 1- Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    it is also important to keep this in mind in our daily walks with Him:

    Hebrews 11: 6- But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to Almighty must believe that He is and that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

    so...that said, one must remember daily, despite what we see, that this is a spiritual battle and a faith walk...all day.

    you said:

    'I am sure there ARE some Black Owned Restaurants in SC. But here's the thing:

    First, most Blacks don't care to go to Black Owned Restaurants. The service is lousy, and the food can be lousy too. So Blacks go elsewhere for special occasions, thinking they will be served properly.'


    i don't disagree with the facts of your statement. however...i do disagree with speaking them out without possible solution attached. here's why:

    Proverbs 18:21- Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

    Proverbs 13:2- A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth; but the soul of trangressors shall eat violence.

    rather than go suffer indignities visited upon us by generational enemies...why not make what's ours better?

    what if we spoke to the owners about the level of service in our communities? demanded music reflect civilized status in public places? made it clear we will withhold our patronage if needs not met? (basic economics would dictate that the cost of mom and pop will be higher than corporate owned biz)

    by the same token...conduct our business meetings in these places. seminars. networking pubs. THIS is what others do...and we refuse to emulate. sexing everything that will hold still...we seem to be all over THAT acting white business. then when the plagues hit...lying by omission devils come with their taunts.

    it would make more sense to actively seek out black owned businesses. if folks have extra $ invest in the up and coming. start a business for the love of Almighty. this might make folks owned businesses. why do our people go to college to get a JOB? go to CREATE jobS.

  19. 'Secondly, for some weird reason, Blacks FORGET who they are, where they live, and what can happen to them. Then, when it happens, they feel powerless because in a white racist society, they are powerless.'


    weird reason as written in Scriptures:

    Romans 11:8- (According as it is written, Yah hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.

    Isaiah 29:10-12:

    10 For the sovereign hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.

    11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed.

    12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.


    i can tell you from personal experience this is the truth. folks are sound asleep. when i come through with wake up salts...they become hostile. like i awoke them suddenly from their good sleep. lol.

    you said:

    'It's not only the Whites and Browns who think and feel we are less than they are. WE act like WE ARE, too. WE continue to depend and to look to Whites to lead us and beg to be treated fairly when 400 years has proven that Whites will not. Yet, we claim we have made progress. NO WE HAVEN'T. Just look at our race and our the maddening frightening sickly situation we are in.'


    our people look at ourselves through the eyes of our enemies. we act as if those that deficient in all with the exception of organized wickedness, are the standard by which we must measure ourselves.

    as a direct result, we fumble around in darkness expecting those we are to bring light to- will provide true light for us. they are not equipped and we are lost as a result of not recognizing this.

    it is no accident that folks look upon us with astonishment. it is written:

    Deuteronomy 28:36-37:

    36 The Sovereign shall bring thee...unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other g-ds, wood and stone.

    37 And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a by word, among all nations whither the Sovereign shall lead thee.


    all of that seems pretty clear to me. therefore when i see it play it must, since it is written...i don't fret too much about it. my purpose is to speak life to the dead. those that want to awaken and arise will have an ear to hear. those that reject...are not ready. may He send another messenger, is my prayer.

  20. you said:

    'I pray WE WILL turn to HIM, and realize this is no life we are is death. Each day I wake up, I wake with the pain of anxiousness and stress of having to live another day in a hostile society governed by an enemy whose heart feels NOTHING for me and who WILL USE his position to continue to make my life miserable through his justice system, through his economy, through his retailers, through his politics, through his health system and doctors, through his education....there is NO RELIEF!'


    we got to get familiar with the curses, so that we can understand how to cancel them out.

    ALL that we need we already have. we actually have more than any other time in history...

    see if this at all sounds familiar:

    Leviticus 26:17, 19, 22-

    17 And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.

    19 And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass:

    22 I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children...


    if Leviticus 26:22 don't help the Trayvon Martins make sense...i don't know what to tell ya.

    you said:

    'I resent it, and am very tired and wonder how much longer can keep going?'

    Luke 21:19- In your patience possess ye your souls.

    who would we be to question His Wisdom? He has all of this under control. we each, as His Mighty Ones just need to play our roles. first stop: Obedience to His Word. and in order to obey it...we gotta know it.

    the churches aren't teaching the Truth in large numbers. i think this is the cause of the Revelation shout out to the churches.

    folks with that graven image...start out on the wrong foot. how one starts is how they finish. this fact is VERY good news for our people. lol. dig that. then give Him some PRAISE! confuse the devil up in here;)

  21. it is important to note that none of what we see is about anyone being 'superior'...they are being used for a purpose that He might get the glory. He is allowing all of this to go down.

    the same ones that persecute us...will need us before the fat lady sings. (that's a saying. please big women don't start none.)

    we will need to be in a right place where we can give them the mercy and law they will need.

    cue the stormfront sons of cain, esau and others that know their days are numbered. lol!

    white folks are lashing out at us...because they have to blame someone for the fall of the wicked american empire. the white woman's baby in the white house is not helping their confusion. lol. black americans are catching hell for mess that had nothing to do with us. you had to have a hot tail out mating american ww and a kenyan to come up with that mess. yet...we black americans are catching hell. lol. one has to laugh. folks better start calling things what they are sooner or later.

  22. our spiritual DNA...remembers the Truth of who we are.

    dna has a memory...the nazis and ashkenazis that seek to implement one world rule know this already...

    folks need to stop wearing their emotions out for their enemies to toy with daily. at some point...we should act like we have had enough and stop looking and listening to lying azz racist hateful devils. or at the very least, expect to come away with hurt feelings when we foolishly do listen.

    a racist person told me that black skin=slave to them. i suggested they may consider black skin=miracle/Mighty Ones. weaker ones would have died out. that shut that convo right on down. lol. 'eff them and their inverted bleached out thoughts. i know who i am. i know who my Father created me to be. we will rule with Yahweh Himself...folks better know this.

    those grafted in spiritually...will need to come to worship Him in spirit and truth, as it is written. no half stepping. it is what it is.

    good night Anon.

  23. Do you suppose that the 25 diners might have put the restaurant over the 12% rule that some people have for what events/places they attend?

  24. Anonymous3:30 AM

    focusedpurpose2:34 AM
    the white woman's baby in the white house is not helping their confusion. lol. black americans are catching hell for mess that had nothing to do with us. you had to have a hot tail out mating american ww and a kenyan to come up with that mess.
    Wooooeee, das sum rat truf yu jes sed rat dere! Yoo okai fer a blak ladi. Yas'm, das sum hat mas in de wat hause!
    Yoo sho yo nat on a dem Oreo cackies?

    We wats sho can relat to yo

    Yeee haaaw

  25. September7:18 AM

    i know who my Father created me to be. we will rule with Yahweh Himself...folks better know this.

    Do you know how many people following how many MAN-MADE RELIGIONS on earth believe they are the CHOSEN ONES? Among so-called Christianity, how many sects, how many people will sit at the right hand of the Prophet/Profit and RULE with Jehovallah (pbuh). All the ego-maniacs wanting to "rule" and be bigshots. Do you really know the source of the book you quote from, its history? No, you really don't. You have never unearthed its history,and if you have, you simply twist its words, as millions have done before you, to suit your own purpose. You make up your own narrative. Yahweh is YOUR particular sock puppet. You are like the millions out there and the billions that came before them, nothing new. Different manifestation, same root spirit: the spirit of the comfort of domination and delusion. Always have to have the subs and doms. You have so-called "love" as long as you think you're on top and in tight with the Big Man in the Sky. You parroting bible quotes don't impress, and your commentary sounds like every other bleating sheep out there. Using Jehovallah's lightning bolt to feel good that the sinner's gonna get it in the end. Hypocrisy reigns with you who are drugged with religion. You have alot of interesting and good things to say ... why not just say them without the minstrel show and take responsibility for words coming from your own heart and not somebody else's writings of 4000 years ago?

  26. September,

    Your wonderful response to the religious ramblings above reminded me of this quote:

    "Thus, the African, exile, pagan, hurried off the auction block and into the fields, fell on his knees before that God in whom he must now believe, who made him, but not in his image." - James Baldwin, Notes on a Native Son

  27. BARBBF9:54 AM

    I learned that a Black man in the White House has the public's overwhelming support for maintaining his personal kill list, assassinate Americans and their children, invade Libya and cause the deaths of 50,000, ignore completely the systematic murder of Black Libyans and African Immigrants, make jokes about sending drones to kill members of a music group, give financial aid to members of known terrorists groups who are trying to overthrow the Syrian government..and..

    Started a covert, drone war in Yemen.

    Escalated the proxy war in Somalia.

    Escalated the CIA drone war in Pakistan.

    Maintained a presence in Iraq even after "ending" the war.

    Sharply escalated the war in Afghanistan.

    Secretly deployed US special forces to 75 countries.

    Sold $30 billion of weapons to the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia.

    Signed an agreement for 7 military bases in Colombia.

    Opened a military base in Chile.

    Touted nuclear power, even after the disaster in Japan.

    Opened up deepwater oil drilling, even after the BP disaster.

    Defended body scans and pat-downs at airports.

    Signed the Patriot Act extension into law.

    Deported a modern-record 1.5 million immigrants.

    Continued Bush's rendition program.

  28. Anonymous10:12 AM

    #5 is proof of what i have learned: you are a hopless ratchet hobama nazi

    cc africom/syria


    Truth is far stranger and more deadly than fiction. How horridly ironic it is that two blackish men, Hobama and Eric Holder, have conspired to slay a black female sheroe like Assata. This is simply more irrefutable proof that Hobama's regime is the most efficiently racist ever. Assata has survived several white presidents and FBI directors. Yet, she may not survive the blackish bankster Hobama...

    The brave, gifted, brilliant, and heroic Chicagoan, superstar conscious rapper Lupe Fiasco, has never lied about Hobama. Hobama has just proven that he is the world's worst global terrorist indeed. No terroristic deed is more evil than Hobama's latest call for Assata's international execution. It is far more than a cowardly move to test a post-Castro Cuba. It is far deeper than mere spin control to mask Hobama's typically blatant and pathological lies, about the illegal Cuban vacation clearance that he gave to Jay-Z, his warlock pal.

  29. Anonymous10:13 AM

    #5 is proof of what i have learned: you are a hopless ratchet hobama nazi

    cc africom/syria


    Truth is far stranger and more deadly than fiction. How horridly ironic it is that two blackish men, Hobama and Eric Holder, have conspired to slay a black female sheroe like Assata. This is simply more irrefutable proof that Hobama's regime is the most efficiently racist ever. Assata has survived several white presidents and FBI directors. Yet, she may not survive the blackish bankster Hobama...

    The brave, gifted, brilliant, and heroic Chicagoan, superstar conscious rapper Lupe Fiasco, has never lied about Hobama. Hobama has just proven that he is the world's worst global terrorist indeed. No terroristic deed is more evil than Hobama's latest call for Assata's international execution. It is far more than a cowardly move to test a post-Castro Cuba. It is far deeper than mere spin control to mask Hobama's typically blatant and pathological lies, about the illegal Cuban vacation clearance that he gave to Jay-Z, his warlock pal.

  30. Anonymous10:13 AM

    #5 is proof of what i have learned: you are a HOPELESS ratchet hobama nazi

  31. Anonymous10:18 AM

    #7 is proof of what i have learned: nothing is as fraudulent as that cia bankster/global warlord hobama...

    and his WILFULLY deaf blind suicidal TRIFLING nazis!!!!!!!

    cc syria/africom

  32. Anonymous10:25 AM

    #10 is proof of what i have learned:
    hobama nazis truly believe that there are 2 parties in amerikkka


    cc that global warlord repub bankster thug hobama

    cc syria/africom

  33. Anon 3:30 AM-

    i don't speak hillbilly nor ebonics...english please.


    @ September

    i don't know which one of the man made religions burned you so severely...but it is not my problem. you will need to shake it off and keep seeking His face, or not.

    to answer your, i have no idea how many man made religions claim whatever. my directive was to come out from among them. i don't do man made. i do know what Scriptures say...i do know what group of people's history fits perfectly well. i also know there is a reason folks get so bent out of shape when i tell it.

    black folks are supposed to be feeling bad about themselves. black folks are supposed to be looking outside of themselves for their needs.

    game over bishes.

    He sent me on assignment and i am bound to tell it. folks getting worked up is the least of my worries.

    i ALSO shared what the Chosen Ones are called to do. those running around swearing they are us, seek to be us to bring murder and mayhem to others. this is one big CLUE as to their fraud status.

    we are in a space where it is now optional to acknowledge Him. i don't fiddle with free will. you and others are free to be on as heathen of a flow as you can come to know.

    know this also...folks would be wise not to attempt to fiddle with my free will either. they.will.lose.

    what i am talking about is not man made. if you can't feel is not for you. keep it moving.

    if you would like to share your understanding of the history of Scriptures (you read some book that you trust. lol.) do share. if not, and you came just to be critically ugly of Scriptures,
    thanks for your feedback. your thoughts get filed under unasked for opinions. my comment was not directed to you and you did not get it. lol. no harm no foul.

    you are welcome to just scroll on by when you see my comments...i don't see my flow changing in the least. you might stay agitated...just a heads up to you.

    Stupid Git...your name is fitting. what i am talking about your little mind won't find its way around, what with being stupid and all. i told you about that word 'African' a thread back. stupid. git.

    what i am talking has nothing to do with being a slave. it will take that historical fact and flip it for the Psalm 83'ers that LOVE to mention slavery as a way to insult and mentally oppress.

    run on back to Scriptures and see that 400 year enslavement detail for the huge clue it is...Genesis 15:13-14 and Acts 7:6-7 KJV. even with the panel of masons to splice and dice...truth still got through.

    BARBBF- THIS is why the ww's baby gets called out. he is related by blood to bush...and is clearly in a blood oath to bring america to its wicked knees. folks worshipping at the bm golden calf altar will pretend they notice none of his evil doings.

    i refuse.

    i am telling while refusing to be distracted by the real educated dum dums that want to argue about His existence? Scriptures that if folks would get familiar they would see it is unfolding as we speak...

  34. Anonymous10:30 AM

    #9 is proof of what i have learned:

    hobama nazis BLATANTLY ignore hobama's global violence and guns and drones...


    cc that global warlord repub bankster thug hobama

    cc syria/africom/

    cc wwiii/drones/ndaa/etc

  35. AB-

    i could not deal with the list.

    folks are napping soundly...

  36. Anonymous10:39 AM

    #6 is unclear...

    but, i have clearly learned that even ct is a better blacker & less racist, amoral, and sexist man than hobama


    Thomas’ brazenly stupid wife Virginia recently reminded all of us about how her husband harassed and betrayed the brave, beautiful, and regal Anita Hill. Do you remember when the very same blacks who hated Thomas suddenly betrayed Hill? Sexism still trumps racial solidarity. Suddenly the lecherous lawn jockey was being lynched by an uppity tattling black female. Just as the sexist Louis Farrakhan sainted the wife beating rapist brute Mike Tyson, most blacks suddenly flipped to embrace Thomas. The rest is ugly Supreme Court history.

    What honest person could EVER deem it just to shout about Thomas yet refuse to even whisper about Hobama??? What noble soul would dare claim it is just to continue to keep Thomas in check, while ignoring and excusing Hobama’s rapidly worsening evils that are unleashed and unchecked globally??? What moral conscience could ever even pretend that Hobama is some messianic saint?

    Why are there so few blacks who dare to check Hobama as I do??? Where are all of those Thomas haters when we need them to see Hobama’s more horrid sins??? If Thomas still became a SCOTUS in spite of all those who protested, what doom lies ahead of us within self imposed silences about the global torchings of the blackish POTUS?

  37. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Ditto Queen FP:

    snoring adoring hobama nazis always prefer vapid suicidal slumbers

    the list proves that


  38. AB-

    'What moral conscience could ever even pretend that Hobama is some messianic saint?'


    there is a 'church' that has declared BO messiah. learned that this weekend. maybe mute bfolks are unofficial members?

    Why are there so few blacks who dare to check Hobama as I do???


    bm are to be protected no matter what. this understanding spills over to blackISH males as well. clearly. as evidenced by folks' brand newness when it is time to tell on BO.

  39. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Queen FP:

    amen my regal sosta!

    ditto to all above!!!

    hitler was beloved even as he was gassing jews in ovens

    ditto for hobama
    the new hitler


    cc that cia n;ackish red diaper baby massa hobama

  40. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Qureen FP:

    amen my regal SISTA!

    excuse all the typos

    rushing as always

  41. AB-

    no stress with typos. i get it sis. multi tasking all day;)

    just as hitler was a crypto jew and america and her allies funded the 3rd is BO a crypto jew...fully funded by america and her allies to bring to fruition the mason's Pike h-ly war as forecasted 100 years ago.

    all signs indicate the plan is progressing. now if only those pesky folks like me with just leave Him out of it. lol. not gonna happen anytime soon. noahide laws and all. lol.

    much love sis.

  42. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Queen FP:

    i love u and your divine wisdom that wages war herein!

    carry on!!!


  43. Anonymous11:36 AM

    pray for children in chiraq today

    who will be crossing gang lines as 50 schools have been closed

    some have already been shot...

    cc hobama's missing dry mule tears/hadiya p etc

  44. Just Say "No" to Lawrence Summers for chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, says the this petition. When Summers was president of Harvard University, he said women didn't win professorships because they were, on average, less intelligent.

    If that's how he felt about women at Harvard, imagine the leadership he would bring to the Fed!

  45. Ha ha! That's why I love this blog, I was tripping off the exact same things. Also, I kinda hope to be late for my funeral, not necessarily a bad thing.

  46. Anonymous12:09 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    there is a 'church' that has declared BO messiah. learned that this weekend. maybe mute bfolks are unofficial members?

    bm are to be protected no matter what. this understanding spills over to blackISH males as well. clearly. as evidenced by folks' brand newness when it is time to tell on BO.

    10:50 AM
    A lak da wais yo sho talk dat flow dere gal!

    Dat de waita gat yo flo in de go an yo mule in de flo too.

    yoo go womans!

    an bless you de lawd say too! Dats proberbs 28:13 I lak it a does!

  47. Anonymous12:12 PM

    hobama is a racist bankster who is pissy and thin skinned and vindictive etc...

    his peer bankster bff larry summers tortured cornel west at harvard until cw fled to princeton

    hobama's larry summers redux bs is persnoal now
    to punish cornel for his incessant and heroic rebel truths about hobama

    cc rebel hero and clairvoyant sagecornel

  48. Anonymous12:13 PM

    cc rebel hero and clairvoyant sage dr. cornel west!!!

    he and tavis have NEVER lied about that evil racist bankster mf hobama

    cc syria/libya/africom/wwiii etc

  49. AB-

    i love you, too, sis.

    my heart breaks for our babies. they will soldier through, i pray.

    somewhere i read that they are being shot by police as well as the neighborhood pookies. yet only the pookies make the news so the 'shame/depress the heck out of bfolks' psych op gains momentum.

    my prayers go out to our babies that must now survive in america, as children from nicaragua, el salvador and other war torn places shared. these stories i would hear when they visited my school as a young child.

    i have mentioned chicago to non blks only to have them honestly say that 'those people' don't really have anything to do with their lives.

    these sentiments are precisely how military ops took place on US soil unnoticed. folks best believe the powers that be can control the weather. send storms to shut down systems so they can occupy/jack resources under the guise of humanitarian missions. weather seeding is real. haarp is real. you keep posting the links, yet folks can't seem to get it.

    katrina allowed americans to be shot in cold blood while seeking higher ground and safety. it also allowed for the military to disarm folks whose lives are wickedly deemed more valuable. cuffing and stuffing those that dared to resist disarming efforts. folks don't need to take my word for it. the information is out there unless one seeks to be willfully ignorant in the information age.

    what is happening to black folks with a vengeance is headed to non blk folks with as much of a vengeance. truly MLK was on to something when he said, 'injustice anywhere is a threat to justice to everywhere.'

    here's a clue:

    war on drugs= war on black/brown folks
    war on terror= white folks and others now get some.
    fp say: welcome to america.

    AB, i appreciate your linked efforts to educate here. when you are not here...your presence is sorely missed. your input adds another level to the exchange.

    as a side note: it tickles me that i declared before i did intent to pummel devils in the head with Scriptures. the yelpers crack me up+ make my day.

    when folks tell you what's up...sometimes it is just best to believe;) lol.

    create beautiful days all!

  50. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Divine Warrior Queen FP:


    ditto & amen sista!!!!

    hit dogs holler

    and demonic dogs hit with the bibles they never read holler loudest!!!

    u hit them all fiercely and sacredly...always....kudos!!!

    ditto on the contagion of hobama's new serfdom and martial law

    what happens to det/destroyt and chi/chiraq etc
    will happen ALL over america indeed

    this is biblical proheccy
    nostradamus called hobama "bragamus/mabus"
    he predicted hobama and wwwiii

    cc africom

    {Jack Ruby fearing for his life, and the life of his family told the Warren commission.... } "Well, you won't see me again. I tell you that a whole new form of government is going to take over the country, and I know I won't live to see you another time."

    Jack Ruby


    Un Bragamas avec la langue torte
    Viendra des dieux le sanctuaire,
    Aux heretiques il ouvrira la porte
    En suscitant l'eglise militaire.

    Babelfish translation:

    Bragamas with the language twisted
    from the gods the sanctuary will come,
    to the heretics it will open the door
    by causing the military church."

    Nostradamus/Michel de Nostradame
    Quatrain 78

    "In that quatrain, Leoni notes that "Bragamas" in the Old French means Broadsword, and being capitalized it suggests a personal name. There is a similar word in Provencal, which was widely spoken in Nostradamus's time, meaning Soldier of Fortune, and Leoni chose that descriptive term for his text.

    'Bragamas' sounds a lot like "Barack Obama" to me, and keeps the themes set in Nostradamus works (Hister=Hitler, etc.) pretty well. That business about twisted language definitely sounds like him, and since Bragamas was a term for a mercenary, that hits the mark too. This president came to power with fancy speeches about freedom and ending wars, and did the opposite. Instead of ending the wars, he extended them and added more."

    George Edward Purdy

  51. Anon 12:09 PM-

    you missed it earlier, clearly, so here you go:

    'i don't speak hillbilly nor ebonics...english please.'

    i would only add:

    i don't speak demon either.

    if you would like to address me. do it in english.

    that's take 2 for you. from here you go to ignore with your peanut butter/rock mouth hillbilly/ebonics/demonic jibberish.

    thanks for the Scripture. THAT translated, and i try to learn from everyone. lol. this cuts down on time wasting.

    i agree wholeheartedly with His Word.

    my walk reflects my agreement;) all is well with my soul.

    the book of Proverbs happens to be a personal favorite. to understand that at his fall, the author was a demonologist is wild.

    english or ignore. got it?

  52. AB-

    your latest comment makes me re-think the time line.

    BO DID come with talks of peace...complete with nobel peace prize...before he turned up the carnage.


    this is what i love about your comments sis.

    gotta go...create a beautiful day.

  53. Anonymous1:01 PM

    ditto Sista Queen!

    have a regak day!

    war prez and serial global war criminal hobama was in DC ONLY 12 days when chosen....shame!!!!


  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Anonymous1:02 PM

    ditto Sista Queen!

    have a regal day!

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Anonymous1:06 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    i love you, too, sis.
    AB, i appreciate your linked efforts to educate here. when you are not here...your presence is sorely missed.
    as a side note: it tickles me

    create beautiful days all!

    12:17 PM

    it tackles me to! where eggzately it tackle yu at doh? :o

    a sho will do criates me a bootifal dai! wit yu hea wit dem scrapshures an tings!

    Yu is a great gal awrat!

    do yu do dat twerkin ting to?

    yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaw! a sho do luv me sum scrapshures.

    N da Lawd done says at genesis 100:99

    ah shall brin youse my dater and she shall be cauled: hocus pocus


  61. AB belongs to the church of I Hate Obama More Than All Else.

    BARBBF, you make a pretty good case. Hard to argue with some of the things u wrote.

    Maybe u should join AB 's church.

  62. AB belongs to the church of I Hate Obama More Than All Else.

    BARBBF, you make a pretty good case. Hard to argue with some of the things u wrote.

    Maybe u should join AB 's church.

  63. Anonymous1:33 PM

    FP, "our people look at ourselves through the eyes of our enemies. we act as if those that deficient in all with the exception of organized wickedness, are the standard by which we must measure ourselves.

    as a direct result, we fumble around in darkness expecting those we are to bring light to- will provide true light for us. they are not equipped and we are lost as a result of not recognizing this."

    Amen, FP. First, let me say I appreciate your insight, wisdom, courage and commitment to Truth and GOD. You continue to bring hope and spiritual nourishment to a starving heart(me).

    We DO look at ourselves through the eyes of our racist white enemies. Whites have always been the standard by which we have, and continue to measure ourselves by. Since it is obvious that we can never to White, or accepted by Whites, we ARE the race that 'astonishes' everyone, including ourselves.

    A glaring example of this are the many posts on FN that mirror white leftist political views about right winged conservatives. I am astonished at the so-called progressive leftist Democratic views that Blacks on this blog spout, esp Field...he is compulsive about it as if he sleeps and breathes it.

    I don't know if Field is conscious of his adopted white views but he sounds EXACTLY like a white liberal. There is NO DIFFERENCE between a white liberal and a white conservative when it comes to racism and how Blacks are perceived--which is less than human.

    I am grateful for the Scriptures you have provided to support your wisdom. I understand it...well, not all of it, but I often reflect on the meaning of those Scriptures I don't understand. In any case, I am becoming more and more spiritually fit, although I know I am still weak. I know I'll get stronger, though.

    Nevertheless, I still don't 'see' much progress in our black race. It's as if we have 'crossed the line of no return.'

    September's comment is pretty common among our people. Collectively, we are a race with a low spiritual IQ, which manifests into the secular world as a FOOL. All I can say about that is GOD must have loved black fools because it seems as though HE made a lot of us. lol

    Again, thanks for sharing your wisdom AND the Scriptures as it relates to us today...that is very meaningful. You help to move me along the Path... God bless you.

  64. Anonymous3:12 PM


    calling me silly names will never mask how i slew your moronic list herein

    u can call me a hater
    but never a

    i hate hobama like u hate his cloned cuz gwb...and???????

    u r lame bruh

    what does my hate have to do with hobama's HORRID global failures??????

    hobama's deeds trump anyone's hate

    u r the senior pastor of the church of

    wwwiii trumps your racist bimbo bromance


  65. Anonymous3:18 PM


    u ever send such silly bs to uhuru in philly????
    or glen ford/bruce dixon at bar??????

    someday your children/grandchildren
    and those of your willfully deaf and blind hobama nazi cloned drones will ask you:

    "where were you when this racist bankster hobama was bombing and bilking the world?"...

    if honest
    u will reply:
    "calling everyone who dared to expose or check hobama out a hater"

    what a gd shame!!!!!!!!

    cc africom/wwiii
    cc chiraq today

    The Obama administration will have closed and privatized more public schools than at any time in US history.
    This is already an accomplished fact. Under President Obama, the US Department of Education has extended the authority to certify school systems to private agencies controlled by champions of privatization like the Gates, Walton Family, and Eli Broad Foundations, and allowed the same actors to write its Race To The Top program, which allocates federal education dollars to the school systems that disband, privatize, and hand over their assets to private actors the quickest.

    We'll have US troops in more than thirty African countries enforcing Western land grabs and the corporate neoliberal order, and keeping Africa barefoot, sick, hungry and afraid, but well-armed. And we'll have an even larger overall military budget with more troops and more overseas bases than under George Bush.

    During the Clinton and second Bush administrations, the US bankrolled, trained and supplied the armies of 52 out of 54 African nations to ensure that the continent remained the poorest and most war-torn on earth. Under its first black president, the US has stepped up the game with actual deployments of drones, mercenaries, special forces and other US military units in more than thirty African countries to enforce the neoliberal order in which Africa's wealth is diverted from its people into the economies and overseas bank accounts of the West and a handful of native kleptocrats.

    Martin Luther King told us decades ago that the number one purveyor of violence on this planet was the US government. Barack Obama, who many fancifully associate with King, hasn't changed that one iota

    After 8 years of Barack Obama, black leadership and black America will have decisively lost and forgotten the habit, the inclination, even the example of standing against unjust and abusive power, and our former reputation around the world as a people of struggle.

    The height of the black Freedom Movement was only about 8 or 10 years, but it left an example of what it was to stand for justice and righteousness against bad laws and bad governance that inspired us and the rest of the world. Black youth who will reach maturity in the middle of this decade have no examples of struggle to look up to, only accommodations to power and excuses for inaction and ineffectiveness on every front

  66. Anonymous3:33 PM

    It takes a sort of hysterical blindness not to see the evidence that race wasn't a factor in the killing and that Zimmerman killed in self defense. What people hear is the racial grievance narrative - the white (Hispanic) guy, motivated by racial animus, hunting down the defenseless black child like a dog and executing him when he tried to fight back.

    That's how an unfortunate, but relatively rare event - a (white) Hispanic shooting a black teenager - becomes a huge cause celebre.

    Suddenly, what (most) everyone knows is a real problem - black on white crime - is flipped in peoples' minds and presto-chango- the real problem becomes white on black crime.

    I would diagnose the phenomena as temporary insanity - except in the case of most libs - it's not so temporary.

  67. Anonymous3:34 PM

    kudos to j cole!!!

    hobama nazis are DOOMED lost racist colorist euro fools!!!

    I have always liked Obama much more than I do most of his sexist and colorist fans. I revere Obama’s choice of a beautiful and brilliant spouse who happens to be darker skinned than him. Like Malcolm X/El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz chose to love the ebony Dr. Betty Shabazz, Obama chose his chocolate queen Michelle. I feel the same sense of pride when I look at photos of both regal black couples. I cherish visions of their black embrace in the White House.

    All of the “–isms” are on full display during this presidential campaign, as glaringly so as flag pins upon lapels. Colorism sparkles most brightly in the frenetic frays. Its shine urged me to revisit an old book list.

    As a busy educator and eternal scholar, I read droves of academic books. Reading for pleasure is a rare and sporadic luxury. When I am mired in professional literary toil, I compulsively list books that I eventually intend to read for pleasure. From one of those very long book lists, I recently retrieved a gem. It is a classic book on colorism entitled “Don’t Play in the Sun: One Woman’s Journey Through the Color Complex” by professor and author Marita Golden.

    This book is healing as I watch droves of black voters worship a bi-racial yellow skinned Barack Obama. It soothes me as as I wonder why racist Amerikkkan media inundate us with many images of Obama’s white mother and white grandparents, as they simultaneously erase his beautiful black Kenyan relatives by omission. It calms me as Republikkkan racists demonize and dog Michelle Obama solely because she is visibly blacker than her yellow skinned husband.

  68. Anonymous3:38 PM

    what does it take to deny that race was a factor in 47 OTHER racist calls to 911 by that unarmed kkkiller gz???????

    or gz's racist pre-arrest freedom and farce of a trial???

    cc your kkkrazy bs to marissa alexander and tm

  69. Anonymous3:39 PM

    what does it take to deny that race was a factor in 47 OTHER racist calls to 911 by that kkkowardly racist unarmed child kkkiller gz???????

  70. Anonymous3:42 PM

    what part of self defense don't you stupid nigazzs under stand?do you think you can attack white people when ever you want and not run into the armed citizen who shoots your black ass dead.then you whine about the poor stupid thug who is now a good negro.fuck you field you racist punk you will never measure up to white people.

  71. Anonymous3:42 PM

    FN, fyi...the following info and 'facts' hopefully will bring some of us to our senses. But I doubt it:

    "A section of Black America has lost their minds – literally – unable to make contact with reality since November 2008. Despite the horrific and disproportionate damage suffered by Blacks in the Great Recession, a psychologically impaired group of African Americans believes they are better off than before the recession began, and that the future is bright. When Obama entered, their powers of reason exited."

    "The insanity is documented in the Pew Research Center’s recent report, “How the Great Recession Has Changed Life in America,” which shows that Black America, the group that has been the most damaged, by far, in the Great Recession, is also the most enthusiastic about the state of the economy. Twenty-five percent of Blacks tell pollsters that the economy is doing good or excellent; that’s almost twice as high as the number of whites that think so – even though Black unemployment is about twice that of whites. Eighty-one percent of Blacks say America is still a land of prosperity, while only 59 percent of whites think that way, even though Blacks make only 61 cents for every white dollar earned, the same as 30 years ago."

    "A 53 percent Black majority think that the economy is starting to recover. Only 40 percent of whites hold that opinion. Yet, for the average Black or white working class person with a mortgage to pay, the situation is as bad as ever – and for Black people, that means roughly twice as bad. The Pew poll shows that 35 percent of Blacks report their homes are worth less than their mortgages, compared to just 18 percent for white people. Fifty-four percent of Blacks took a pay cut, worked reduced hours or were forced to take unpaid leave during the Great Recession. Only 37 percent of whites suffered such employment trauma, yet Blacks are consistently – and insanely – more optimistic about the future, and feel better about the present, than whites do. Nearly a third of Blacks say they are in better shape than before the recession began – a figure with no basis whatsoever in real life, and a perception that is at total war with reality. Everything is worse for every major Black demographic since December 2007. There is nothing to be upbeat about – except, for Obama supporters, the election 0f 2008. From that point on, a large segment of Black America became disconnected from reality, numb to their own pain and to the pain of their children. They have been singing zippidity-doo-dah while all around them Black America is in economic free-fall. These deluded Black folks have been rendered incompetent and politically useless to themselves and their families by the mere existence of a Black president. Obama's election was, besides the Great Recession itself, the worse thing that has happened to Black people in a long time."--Black Agenda Report

  72. Well STEPHEN....

    You managed to stay away from real issues just long enough for this administration to repeat "Weapons of Mass Destruction Theatre"

    This time John Kerry is playing Colin Powell....

    Gee I wonder who is going to play Condi.... ??

  73. Anonymous3:57 PM

    self defense NEVER ever begins wirh an armed chase of any human as if they were a deer

    there was never any brawl

    gz is a liar

    but if tm had beaten his dweeb ass
    he begged for it

    actual deer kick hunter's asses daily
    tm had the same rights as a deer

    and gz was a hunter/kkkiller of an unarmed skinny child
    your racist denial will never change that fact

  74. Anonymous3:58 PM

    actual deer kick human hunters' asses daily
    tm had the same rights as a deer

  75. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Anon3:42pm, thanks you. I have felt crazy for sometime since Obama was elected President. I couldn't see 'right' from 'wrong' because of our first black President. It didn't seem to matter, as long as Obama was President! In a sense, I was worshipping Obama as though he were God, infallible. Yet, I was unconscious of this because I was driven by powerful emotions that blinded to the truth.

    I ended up being a part of the Black crazed maddening group of Obamaholics with folks like PilotX, Field, Granny and many others. It was a sin to say 'anything' against Obama, and what was happening to our people. If you did speak up on FN, you were an uncle tom or a slave catcher or a HN.

    I am just relieved to know that what I felt, that is, 'something was amiss; and something bad about what Obama was doing to us, I was right.

    Thanks for the article. I think my sanity might be returning. It feels more sane and freeing facing the truth than piling up a heap of excuses, blames and lies to cover the truth.

  76. Anonymous4:18 PM

    wtf does my hate have to do with hobama's LOVE for:

    pimping black fools
    incessant colossal pathological lies
    endless vcations
    nsa taps
    fema camps
    dhs ammo
    endless vacations
    cointelpro 2013
    hunting assata like gz hunted trayvon
    ruling msm/msnbc
    false flags in sandy hook and boston
    osama ruses
    sealed records
    unvetted birth
    duping drones
    robbing the poor
    ebt cards


  77. Anonymous4:19 PM

    BIB, u crack me up. but u r right about field. he's not into real issues. that's a little too hard. but hey, he knows who whether his posters are white or careful, if you keep disagreeing with him, he might call you white, too. lol

  78. Anonymous4:26 PM

    AB, "wtf does my hate have to do with hobama's LOVE for:

    pimping black fools
    incessant colossal pathological lies
    endless vcations
    nsa taps
    fema camps
    dhs ammo
    endless vacations
    cointelpro 2013
    hunting assata like gz hunted trayvon
    ruling msm/msnbc
    false flags in sandy hook and boston
    osama ruses
    sealed records
    unvetted birth
    duping drones
    robbing the poor
    ebt cards


    AB, let me explain what LOVE has to do with it. LOVE changes everything. It changes how you see Obama and the list you just posted. Try LOVING Obama instead of HATING him, and you will have a change of heart and mind. Do you see??

    Join us on FN as followers of Field and become an Obamaholic instead of an enemy like Tavis and Cornel...they will never be welcomed on FN by Field. Don't let that happen to you! Learn to 'tailor' your truth...dress it up!

  79. Anonymous4:26 PM

    hey fn:

    NO ONE should join your church ever!

    u nigs have overrun the bldg and the globe already!!!!

  80. Anonymous4:31 PM

    AB, thanks for all of the informative links. They help. God bless you.

    PS. The potential drones in America scare me. NDAA? when is Field going to post about that?

  81. Anonymous4:52 PM

    anon 1631:


    hobama's mindless blind deaf hobama nazi drones petrify me too!!!


  82. Anonymous5:02 PM

    psycho baby pookies and insanely violent video games rule the world!

    where are his breeders???


  83. Anonymous5:16 PM

    fn will never mention NDAA

    ndaa exposes hobama too well

    that will burst his bromantic hobama nazi fantasies



  84. "FN, fyi...the following info and 'facts' hopefully will bring some of us to our senses. But I doubt it:"

    When did you come to your senses?

  85. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Yeeeehaaaaaw! Y it jes lak stormfront in ere! I lovs it!

    C'mon erbody les go shoot us sum squirel to go wit dat deer!


    nn dat pocused furpose, she a good ol gal, i'ma mak yoo a onorary memeber

    yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaw! i needs me sum mow moonshan.

    Saloviticus 28:19 thou shall drank til the cows cum home

  86. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Something I've learned:

    So, Jesse Jackson, Jr. 17 year veteran of the US Congress, suddenly gets a "mood disorder" (about the same time he learned he was to be indicted) and is going to prison for 2.5 years. Because his "mood disorder" was so severe, he has become disabled and will receive $8700 per month as a disability payment as well as $45000 a year from his congressional pension, a total of about $150K per year. Here is the link.
    Is this a great country or what?

    By the way, I have had a rather substantial "mood disorder disability" ever since Obama got elected in 2008. I have not committed any felonies, have
    not been convicted and sentenced to prison and I don't get squat - other than a higher and higher tax bill every year and the privilege of watching our federal deficit grow every day of the year.

    Apparently, Crime, Dishonesty and Breach of Trust does Pay.

  87. Anonymous6:04 PM

    most blacks are hobama nazis fools like fn

    they adore and defend clowns like oj and hobama
    they libel and slander heroes like cornel and tavis


    that is precisely why our race is doomed


    cc africom/ndaa/syria etc

  88. September8:01 PM


    i don't know which one of the man made religions burned you so severely...

    None. I just saw through the bullsh*t.

    i also know there is a reason folks get so bent out of shape when i tell it.

    Not bent out of shape. Simply calling out the bullsh*t.

    you might stay agitated...just a heads up to you.

    Are you really convinced you are an agitator for the Lawd? I will continue to call out bullsh*t and what I perceive is not right. Especially those who think they are THE CHOSEN ONES, who separate people into kaffirs and infidels and goy, greater and lesser, subs and doms. They are dangerous. YOU can scroll on by when I call out bullsh*t, especially religious bullshit, if you can't handle an opposing view, because I will continue to speak the truth, as you do. The people need to hear and discern, and become conscious.

  89. Anonymous8:47 PM

    September, I've always wondered about the difference between religious bullshit and worldly bullshit. Is there a difference? What about racist bullshit? GZ found innocent. Was that bullshit? There seems to be different opinions about that.

    I mean, it sounds like you know a lot about religion. So- how do you know religion is bullshit?

    I'm not saying you are wrong, but I really would like to hear how you came to such an absolute conclusion?

    Do you pray?

  90. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Hay pocus furpos! looka hea gal

    Demetrionomy 13:41 Thou shalt praiy to de Lawd and flip de flow wid a c'mon an keep it real.

    Felipinians 78:35 Keep it mobbin,game ova bishes in de name o de lawd o dat moonshan.

    It de bes! but gone eat yourn brayn fo sho


    sumbodi shoot me a posum!

    Pocus froppy, we's aneedin mo preechin womin! hak up dem skurts n do yo ting fo murrica


  91. Anon 1:33pm-

    funny how i was addressing got it...but folks caught in the cross talk are needlessly hostile, jibbering, and confused.

    thank you for your kind words. please know that the errors are mine. the message is what He leads me to share. those that don't know Him won't get it, and i can't spend too much time caring about that. shakes dust. through it all i give praise, honor and glory to Him.

    skimming the latest mass ritual miley cyrus fn post...i am starting to believe that fn is for entertainment/controlled opposition purposes only. he may as well moderate me out as b-ssip and others do. lol. it would make more sense. bottom line: don't take him too seriously.

    ndaa has a lot of folks 'playing it safe' instead of truly acting like they understand that silence is NOT golden...

    keep seeking Him. you are strong only to be made stronger. let that be the fruit of your mouth since it is clearly written: all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.- Romans 8:37

    much love to you Anon. may He guide and bless you always...

  92. Anon 4:26pm-

    when one loves you...they will tell you the truth.

    those that don't care will agree with any 'ole thing you offer your detriment.

    word to the wise.

    take what you need and leave the rest...


    AB...what can he say? i covered my perspective earlier...he has already acknowledged the difficulty of arguing with the information.

    i suppose this:

    'BARBBF, you make a pretty good case. Hard to argue with some of the things u wrote.

    Maybe u should join AB 's church.'

    was as close to telling it as he can get without upsetting plantation 'owners'...this being the field and all?

    i don't know...still watching. lol. taking into consideration the many warnings of Anon, BIB and others.

    in the interim, keep whacking him with the truth AB. lol. there might be more than a fluff post in him, yet.

  93. ' Anonymous Anonymous said...

    actual deer kick human hunters'asses daily tm had the same rights as a deer-3:58 PM'



    seems rather common sense when folks put it that way;)

  94. September-

    you are needlessly provocative, my dear.

    i can appreciate your matter how misguided it might be. it is most definitely misguided when aimed in my direction. know this.

    here what's so:

    the existence of your thoughts do NOT threaten my thoughts in the least. THIS is why you won't find me lashing out at folks...despite many invitations.

    lest folks twist it all up...i do have my days when wrath is front and center. others don't decide those days for me though...since i have to give an account for them. i decide when new azzes get ripped on general principle. i am a sinner saved by grace and do have days... if that makes sense to you. folks dropped Scriptures seeking a confession earlier...there you have it. lol.

    i keep saying this...i guess you missed it, so here you go again:

    i don't do religion.

    it is man made. designed to:

    1) manipulate/control others
    2) make founding men rich
    3) ensure said founding men are laid as often as possible by the children and young adults of the church, mosque, temple, compound, commune etc.

    when i speak Scriptures as led and folks throw fits; as you are doing in this comment thread complete with expletives when none have been used in your address, i re-direct their energy to this:

    Proverbs 21 :30- there is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against Almighty.

    in your haste to avoid the 'bs' (which is commendable), you seem to miss Him. calming yourself and seeking Him would be my recommendation. what you do is your business. as i told a cult crew member recently: no man, woman, nor idol will come between Him and me.

    i mean every syllable.

    now...since you seem to take issue with the concept of Chosen Mighty Ones...i will take you back to Scriptures. if you need to fight and argue...hopefully or whatever you call your 'sockpuppet' has an up and running website for your lamenting/lashing out follow up comments. be clear, Almighty is NO 'sockpuppet' by the fruit of MY mouth. i am quoting your foolish audacity and being reciprocal...affix your preferred label and direct your needlessly argumentative comments in THAT direction, is the greater point.

  95. Romans 11:1-2, 11, 18-21, 25-26

    1 I say then, hath Almighty cast away his people? Almighty forbid...

    2 Almighty hath not cast away his people which he foreknew.

    11 I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? Almighty forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.

    (this is why, i think pale Psalm 83'ers like to say bfolks are 'jealous' the colored help calls these awake bfolks 'haters'. peep the game.)

    18 Boast not against the branches, but if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.

    19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in.

    20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:

    21 For if Almighty spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

    25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Yisrael/Yahuthim, until the fulness of the gentiles be come in.

    26 And so all Yisrael/Yahuthim shall be saved: as it is written...

    there is much more...i find it hard to believe a Torah stroll would be necessary. though some folks...

    nevertheless, you don't believe. your business. your recommendation that i leave Him out of it...rejected. what's there to argue about really?

    as a side note:

    i was thinking of this earlier...then i found someone that has laid out some hard to miss clues.

    please know...i don't lock step agree with anyone, for the most part. i DO listen to others and make every effort to learn.

    IF folks will rewind...they will remember the menorah was proposed as the sign/symbol of Judaism. other factors won out. when folks start TRULY seeking His Face, they see how ALL 'religions' have been infiltrated.

    there is leavening in the bread.

    folks that step to me, all hostile, talking about 'Jehovallah (pbuh)' don't quite know how to spot the leavening.

    Mr. Thesaurus er Elite Smart One told folks a few threads a reiteration of my effort a few threads back more...some things scream baal. jeh-vah with some allah added for good measure is one such example of leavening.

    if you feel like arguing...PLEASE go do it with someone else. it is what it is.

    'religions' don't hold up. period.

    go here and seek from there, if your mind opens wide enough:

    though you come at me wrong...i wish you only the best in your journey. that's what's real. what are we fighting for? go for what you know is around the corner...who has time?

  96. September7:17 AM

    @Anon 8:47,

    ... I've always wondered about the difference between religious bullshit and worldly bullshit. Is there a difference?

    Why would there be a difference? Hypocrisy is hypocrisy. Delusion is delusion. Escapism is escapism whether it be a Pretend Friend or a prostitute. Worship is w(h)or(e)ship, whether by the believers or the worldy.

    I read alot about religion, science and psychology, but you don't have to read all that much to use your common sense to observe that religions and God-belief have many of the same themes running through them, adapted of course for culture. Just being aware and observing how human beings operate tells me all I need to know. I quietly watch and see the patterns. There is no difference between the psychology of the so-called "worldly" person and the so-called "believer" ... both want comfort; both want to escape reality and themselves, and not take responsibility for their own lives. They are so afraid when they die there will be nothing, that they will end, or maybe endless torture because they picked the wrong Gawd. So they believe in a God who loves them and tell everyone else they're going to hell if they don't believe as they do. Both want psychological comfort but do not want to dig too deep into themselves to discover why they don't have it ... They would rather get it from their vivid imaginations of a Yawallah waiting to avenge them and burn someone in hell forever. And they all say they "don't follow religion." Because they believe theirs isn't a religion, it's THE TRUTH.

    I don't pray. If there is a God, he knows my heart anyway, and if I see something that needs to be done, I do it if I can.

  97. 'I don't pray. If there is a God, he knows my heart anyway...'

    that speaks volumes.

    those that don't pray seem to be en vogue right now and are needlessly hostile when the praying bunch won't abide by their g-dless option quietly.

    'both want to escape reality and themselves, and not take responsibility for their own lives. They are so afraid when they die there will be nothing, that they will end, or maybe endless torture because they picked the wrong Gawd.'

    all of this is a foreign concept to me. maybe because i don't do religion. that is not my understanding in the least. what is of most concern to me, never dies. that would be my soul.

    a closer walk with Him has hipped me to much of what is REALLY happening around me. this is how i understand there is a spiritual battle in full progress. there is no 'escaping' there is only choosing sides...daily...from what i can see.

    to each their own. this is the beauty of free will.

    how about not only am i responsible for my life...i am determined to be free. that's where i stand. truly.

    men are playing with info in religion as well as in science...and who is commonly recognized as the father of psychology? yet for those that think this is an 'own strength' type of battle...i will pray for you...since i DO pray. i choose to use my 'imagination' to seek Him. others may choose to use their 'imagination' to ignore Him...if that seems wise and a good choice for their walk.

    i mean that sincerely. no grrr nor ill will. plain talk...from my heart.

    @ September-

    you approached me with a 'history of Scriptures' comment. if you feel compelled to share...i am listening. that is the purpose of dialoguing. asked if i agitate devils for Him? i was moving too quickly last evening and forgot to answer.

    in a word: yes.

    unless i announce the intent to upset devils...i don't set out to upset folks.

    nevertheless, speaking His Word as written in Scriptures tends to get folks angry and worked up. those that seek to escape the reality of His very existence...seem to want to control other folks' freedom of speech+ their right to acknowledge Him. not to mention factor Him into the world scene/political equation though what we see is frankly...prophecy. are you picking up on this need for the g-dless bunch to censor and attempt to quiet those that speak of Him, as you observe people?

    if not...look. see.

    if so...what's THAT about in your opinion? i could see if i expected a tithe or donation after every

    Matthew 10:32- Whosoever therefore that shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.

    that means something to me...among many other Scriptures. your comment to Anon, makes me truly grateful to know Him.

    thanks for sharing. you grew me in the process and i appreciate it. i wish you a peaceful journey...

    (wished blessings for a g-dless soul before...they went OFF. hopefully a peaceful journey is acceptable.)

  98. Anonymous6:46 PM

    FP, "'I don't pray. If there is a God, he knows my heart anyway...'"

    It seems to me that NOT praying misses the point. Since Adam and Eve, humans' hearts have been weak, frail and sinful. That is, we tend to lean toward pride, anger greed, lust, gluttony, envy, and laziness.

    The name of the game of life, at least my life, is to purify an impure heart and become free. Purification opens spiritual channels to GOD. Sitting around thinking "God knows my heart" takes you NOWHERE.

    FP, again I say to you, "I appreciate your comments and references to the Scriptures. You help to accelerate my understanding of them. Thanks."

    However, I don't quite agree with you about religion. Religion has its good points also. Buddhists Precepts, the Judeo-Christian 10 Commandments, the Tao Te Ching, the Bhagava Gita, etc...all have given me something the world has not, which is they have pointed me in the direction of a higher plane of consciousness in me that I didn't know was there... as well as the Spiritual Reality of GOD.

    I DO agree with you regarding the organization of religion by man. It can be screwed up, but man is not perfect. He's full of presuppositions, prejudices, the seven deadly sins, and God knows what else. 'Religion' is like a hospital for the spiritually sick, imo. Some are helped and some aren't. It depends on the desire, and sincerity of the person and the nature of the disease. Some are very profound, and some are not.

    Either way, I see 'religion' as a necessity in this world because it can be the doorway to the Spirit.

    Don't take me wrong. I still learn an awful lot from you. But I don't make a big distinction between religion and spirituality. Maybe I am still carrying some baggage of Vedanta, but that's where I am....TODAY.

    I still run into people with the mind and attitude of September toward religion, who condemn religion, esp the Judeo-Christian religion.

    The Dalai Lama once spoke to a group of American 'ex-Catholics' who were always comparing Catholicism with Buddhism. Of course, these Catholics were pissed off at the Catholic Church and had not one good thing to say about it. "It's bullshit! they angrily exclaimed."

    The Dalai Lama replied, "If you are that angry at your past religion and church, Buddhism can't and won't help you. The same thing will happen to you in Buddhism that happened to you in Christianity. I highly recommend you go back to your old religion and 'resolve' your issues of anger and resentment before taking on Buddhism. Once you have done that, THEN, if you like, come back to Buddhism...but not before because it will be a repeat for you.

    I am paraphrasing what he said, but I think everyone can get the gist of it.

    BTW, the greatest and largest peaceful march on Washington during MLK's time happened because of a number of religions and religious leaders coming together to make it possible. For me, that was a spiritual experience made possible by religion.

    I hope this wasn't too long. Please excuse typos and dangling phrases. Again, you are a Godsend to FN and the world. Hopefully, Field will be able to bring himself to thank you....But, don't hold your breath on

  99. September8:57 PM

    ... are you picking up on this need for the g-dless bunch to censor and attempt to quiet those that speak of Him, as you observe people?

    I would NEVER want to censor ANYONE, ever. I want to hear everything, what everyone feels, where they are coming from. I am free to speak what I observe and believe, you are free to speak what you observe and believe. Everyone has a different experience. I don't walk on eggshells for anyone, if I feel something is off I say it, but I don't wish to do it with a mean spirit, and I don't want to censor anyone. And no one should censor me. If someone thinks I am trying to shut them up, they are wrong. If speaking my mind makes them think I want them to be silent, they are mistaken. Why would they think that, just because I do not respect what they believe? I respect persons, not so much their ideas. Don't know why you think I would want to silence anyone. It is my right to comment on anything that you say, you can ignore it, that's fine. I don't care what anyone thinks, I need to speak what I see. And I need to learn to listen. Like most of humanity.

  100. BARBBF9:47 AM

    I understand and you should know that Colin Powell assisted Bush in lying the US into attacking Iraq..on the false claim of WMD...just like Kerry and Obama are lying about chemical gas attacks by the Syrian government in order to justify the UNJUSTIFIABLE attack on Syria, Colin Powell is complicit in the deaths of millions of Iraqis, including hundreds of thousands of children.

  101. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Hai pokey fokey! Whi de prichin stop??? awwww c'mon gal wes abat to go to de war!

    We needs us sum o dat gud prichin rat bat na!
    Salomiticus, Dimitrius, Geneticus, Loboticus, Moby Dick, Proberbicus, all dem gud tangs!

    Na has bat ya hak up dat skurt n twarc fer murrrka!

    Ah needs me sum possum bad!

  102. 1°Part The GLOBE dictatorship Vandalista communication, thoughtless and racist cunning enemy of the Brazilian people. In Brazil the Jews monopolize the TV discriminate and demean black women? MeGaLOBO The RACISM? The violence of racial prejudice in Brazil character (a black beggar loutish degraded image is horribly distorted http://globotv.zorra-total/v/adelaide-e-briti-pedem-dinheiro-no-metro/ Adelaide, Program Zorra Total, TV Globo actor Rodrigo Sant'Anna? Him to the Globe and Jews is funny, but it's doom us indigenous black afro descendants, if our children were not being called Adelaidinha or daughter, granddaughter and niece in ADELAIDE worst of the senses, is unfortunate and cruel BULLIYING created in laboratories racist PROJAC (abbr. Project studied area of Central Globo Production) Rede Globo is dominated by Jewish directors, producers and presenters (NOTE Jews and Jewish besides these there are hundreds cited other and more than 200 actors, actresses, comedians, artists and presenters Jews and Jewish and thousands of employees and employees' Globo Brazilian Jewish media ") as Arnaldo Jabor, Carlos Sanderberg, Luciano Huck, Jairo Bouer, Luis Erlanger, Mark Losekann, Marcius Melhem and Leandro Hassum, Vladimir Brichta, Tiago Leifert, Pedro Bial, William Waack, William Bonner & Fatima Bernardes, Ernesto Paglial & Sandra Annenberg, Mônica Waldvogel, Renata Malkes, Sandra Finch, Amora Mautner, Lillian W. Fibe, Esther Jablonski, Glenda Kozlowski, Gilberto Braga, Wolf Maya, Mario Cohen, Ricardo Waddington, Max Gerinder, Mauritius Kubrusly, Mauro Molchansky, Mauritius Sirotsky, Marcelo Rosenbaum, Michel Bercovitch, Fábio Steinberg, Charles de Lannoy, Roberto Kovalick, William Weber, Caio Blinder Daniel Filho, Gilberto Braga, Walcyr Carrasco, Carlos H. Schroder and powerful Ali Kamel chief director responsible and author of the best seller segregating manual (The Bible of racism, which is ironic title ARE NOT RACIST based and a lot of untruths and theses racist against blacks Brazilians of African descent) And Maurice Sherman Nisenbaum (which Grande Otelo, Jamelão and Luis Carlos da Vila called a racist because this racist Zionist and Jewish owner Adolfo Block Headline discrimination against blacks) directs the charge was humorous Zorra Total master of creating programs and children's programs presented by Xuxa (Luciano Szafir) and Angelica (Luciano Hulk) both having their children with Jewish, presenting findings and thrown by him on his preconceptions of beauty standard and quality of TV Headline dominated by Zionist Jews, this BULLIYING LAX PERVERSE the Globe,

  103. 2°Part the GLOBE BULLIYING LAX PERVERSE the Globe, that neither Adolf Hitler did to the Jews but Jewish Zionists TV GLOBO is for black people of African descent in Brazil this happens everywhere in Brazil for us is not funny, this misfortune Mood racist criminal, humiliating children is inhumane for any sex, color, race, religion, nationality etc.. worst of all this degradation racist embarrassing cruel is sponsored and supported by Mr. Ali KAMEL fascist Zionist (Jewish husband of Patricia Kogut journalist who GLOBE led dozens of Jewish artists and intellectuals of the 113 business names (Manifesto Against against racial) advocated by the radical Jewish lawyer Attorney Robert Kaufmann DEM and PSDB and Senator Demosthenes Torres who was impeached for corruption) TV Globo did this same ad in the program (27th EC raises more than £ 10 million real CENTARROS for alms from scam and deceive deceiving hiding the debt to BNDES over 3 billion public money in Brazil) that has the title 'Hope is what the Move 'concert "Hope Child" 2012 celebrating the formation of the Brazilian identity from the mixture of different ethnicities) and commits the immoral racist genocide against the majority of the Brazilian people is unfortunate that the Jews have fun with humor and debochem the true Holocaust african-indigenous Brazilian Jew Sergio Groisman Altas Horas on your program and so the Program Meeting with Jewish Fátima Bernardes laugh and play. (The Jewish actress Samantha Schmutz paper child a stereotype is unfair and cruel face frightens the woman extremely ugly) to us black Afro Brazilian Rede Globo promotes encourages racial prejudices that humiliates and shocks the people brasileiro.Organização National Black Quilombo ONNQ 11/20/1970 - REQBRA Revolution Quilombolivariana of Brazil -
