Friday, August 23, 2013

George goes gun shopping, and there is a new town in North Dakota.

You Negroes in Florida better stay in your houses for the next few days. George Zimmerman just went gun shopping and he is getting his hands on an even more deadly killing machine than the one he used to kill young Trayvon Martin.

"George Zimmerman who is already packing a pistol, toured a gun maker's factory this week and asked whether he could buy a shotgun.

Zimmerman, acquitted a month ago of killing teenager Trayvon Martin with a Kel-Tec 9 mm pistol, toured the Kel-Tec plant on Thursday in Cocoa, Fla. The plant is about an hour's drive from Sanford, the community where Martin was killed.

Zimmerman, 29, took a tour of the assembly plant and asked about the legality of buying a shotgun and smiled in a photograph with an employee, according to TMZ, which first reported the visit.

Representatives for Kel-Tec were not immediately available for comment, but the Kel-Tec web site says weapons are not sold at the plant. The site also states that they do not give tours, but that "Special arrangements can sometimes be made for Military, Law enforcement, or Educational purposes only." [Source]

Remember when his lawyer said that George would have to go in hiding and is in fear of his life? Well I hate to say this about a fellow officer of the court, but he lied.

Still, if George wants to just get away from it all and hang out with some like minded people, he might want to head to a little town called Cobsville. I  hear it's nice up there this time of year.

"A neo-Nazi activist has made public his plans to take over a small North Dakota town and turn it into a paradise for white supremacists seeking refuge from “Mexican illegal invaders” and “leftist journalists.”

According to the Hatewatch blog, a 61-year-old man named Craig Cobb has bought plots of land in Leith, N.D., a town of only 19 residents (only one of whom is black). Upon moving into the town, Cobb has invited other like-minded people to move in with him and help turn the town into a white supremacist haven he would like to name “Cobbsville.”

“I didn’t have a clue who the guy was until he showed up,” Leith’s current mayor Ryan Schock told the blog. “All I know is he bought that house sight unseen, $5,000 cash, and had no idea what it looked like, where it was, other than he knew the directions to get to Leith.”

Cobb wrote last year that anyone who moves onto his Leith property would be “required” to fly a “racialist banner,” such as the Nazi flag, at all times. He also asks that any new residents “import more responsible radical hard core [white nationalists]” and register to vote in the state so they can change local politics.
“Imagine strolling over to your neighbors to discuss world politics with nearly all like-minded volk,” he wrote. “Imagine the international publicity and usefulness to our cause! For starters, we could declare a Mexican illegal invaders and Israeli Mossad/IDF spies no-go zone. If leftist journalists or antis come and try to make trouble, they just might break one of our local ordinances and would have to be arrested by our town constable.”

To that end, Cobb has constructed a concrete prison, where he would like to lock up “recalcitrant journalists and lefty commies who violate the codes or peace of the community.”  [Source]

I bet they don't even have a Starbucks.

Finally, if you are heading to D.C. for the big march tomorrow, remember to wear some comfortable shoes.


  1. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Good for George, excellent choice that tactical shotgun. Has a speed loader of magnum types shells holding 12.

    Surely you don't think he should feel bad after seeing so many murders and attacks on white people by violent blacks and after receiving so many death threats. Also adding to the mix the authorities doing absolutely nothing about illegal wanted openly declared bounties and such?

    I hope he and everyone around him goes to the range each day and gets to the point they can thread a needle at 100 yards and empty a clip at multiple targets in seconds. Every shot counts and accuracy is supreme when the packs of savages start attacking.

  2. Juan Valdez7:23 PM

    "I bet they don't even have a Starbucks."

    I'll drink bad coffee if it means no negroes.

    Thing is, no matter how bad the new place might be, wherever white people might go to build a new life, blacks would soon follow, with their hands out.

  3. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Anonymous Juan Valdez said...

    "I bet they don't even have a Starbucks."

    I'll drink bad coffee if it means no negroes.

    Thing is, no matter how bad the new place might be, wherever white people might go to build a new life, blacks would soon follow, with their hands out.

    Not this time, the experiment failed and we know there is no changing them. They just blame you for whatever choices they make.

  4. "Thing is, no matter how bad the new place might be, wherever white people might go to build a new life, blacks would soon follow, with their hands out."

    Too bad it's not like the days of old, where all a township had to do to keep order among the coloreds was to beat and hang one every few months. Looks like those Neo-Nazi fellers are slowly working towards that ideal.

    I'm sure that one colored living in that town has now decided to join the rest of his people someplace else.

  5. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Mack Lyons, "Too bad it's not like the days of old, where all a township had to do to keep order among the coloreds was to beat and hang one every few months. Looks like those Neo-Nazi fellers are slowly working towards that ideal.

    I'm sure that one colored living in that town has now decided to join the rest of his people someplace else."

    Those Neo-Nazi fellers aren't the only ones working toward the ideal where there are no Negroes. There are Leftists, Liberals, Democrats, Independents and Republicans working toward that goal also.

    Hell, even Obama is helping them to reach that goal. As a matter of fact, there are some Negroes that don't want to be around some Negroes too. The problem is they don't have the money to get out of those miserable black neighborhoods where black-on-black killings and crime are sucking the spirit out of them.

    Back in the 60s Blacks had families who stressed education because a Negro had to be better and smarter in order to sit by a wm on the job. It's too bad affirmative action came along to end that. By now, we would have been a super race. Instead, we are at an all-time low....the bottom.

  6. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Mack Lyons said...

    "Thing is, no matter how bad the new place might be, wherever white people might go to build a new life, blacks would soon follow, with their hands out."

    Too bad it's not like the days of old, where all a township had to do to keep order among the coloreds was to beat and hang one every few months. Looks like those Neo-Nazi fellers are slowly working towards that ideal.

    It's not like the old days at all.
    But you keep to choosing to get revenge against people who had nothing to do with it for things that never happened to you.

    So don't act surprised when a couple dozen youths get hung like strange fruit when they get caught raping the next 90 year old white woman or get caught beating that 55 year old guy just waiting for the bus, or get caught flash robbing in stores, playing the knockout game or beating that 89 year old man to death with flashlights.

    Maybe the people in the old times knew what would happen if you were allowed to roam free without control of your savagery and had a good reason to want you out of their cities.

  7. Juan Valdez, a popinjay clown; a crass imbecile said: “I'll drink bad coffee if it means no negroes.”

    Ssshhhh,… If you’re attempting to be the next George Lopez, you’re doing quite a damn pitiful job. Perhaps you should conduct a little research regarding your family tree. I’m certain you’ll locate at least a few negroes blacker than the tires on my truck that are related to you. Quit pretending!

  8. Your friendly neighborhood Neo-Nazi feller9:23 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Too bad it's not like the days of old, where all a township had to do to keep order among the coloreds was to beat and hang one every few months. Looks like those Neo-Nazi fellers are slowly working towards that ideal."

    I don't know, it sure kept the streets a lot safer.

    If it was only a couple per year, they probably deserved it. You know there are a lot of trouble makers out there.

    And the law abiding negroes had it better then too, compared to the mayhem among black youth today.

  9. Juan Valdez9:29 PM

    Black Sage said...
    Perhaps you should conduct a little research regarding your family tree. I’m certain you’ll locate at least a few negroes blacker than the tires on my truck that are related to you.

    Maybe there are few negroes in my family woodpile, but that doesn't matter because I live like an American, on my own two feet. I receive the respect of other people because I have earned it.

    Black is a state of mind. So is American. We all can make the choice how we are going to live.

  10. Anonymous9:31 PM

    FN Brothers, I am saddened by the hate filled comments you have made toward Whites who have nothing to do with Cobb. But that's the way FN Negroes like Mack, Black Sack, Field, and others roll: full of resentful, mean-spirited and looking for trouble and some White person to blame.

    That is such a tired old game. Even our peeps are tired of it. Field, you and Mack ought to come into the 21st century and leave that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson crap behind. Please brothers, let's not make this harder than it should be.

  11. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Juan Valdez, "Maybe there are few negroes in my family woodpile, but that doesn't matter because I live like an American, on my own two feet. I receive the respect of other people because I have earned it.

    Black is a state of mind. So is American. We all can make the choice how we are going to live."

    9:29 PM
    Wow, so beautifully said. I hope Mack and Black Sage have ears to hear. Listening is not one of their strong suits, though.

  12. If u were with us in the 21st Century u would realize how lame u come off referring to Rev. Inc. as our leaders.

    I notice the Stormfront trolls are out in force tonight. Must be a slow night at the barnyard. I guess all the good animals are already taken.

    Don't worry fellows, another family reunion is coming up. I am sure u will find a date there.

  13. Anon@9:04 pm, maybe it's time to worry about the "savagery" in your own homes.

    Just sayin.;)

  14. Juan Valdez stated: “Maybe there are few negroes in my family woodpile, but that doesn't matter because I live like an American, on my own two feet. I receive the respect of other people because I have earned it. Black is a state of mind. So is American. We all can make the choice how we are going to live.”

    This is classic double-speak from someone who obviously wants to be accepted by white Amerikkkans. Do you know how silly you really sound? You admit that there is a good chance that there are negroes within your family tree, but yet, you don’t want them in your presence. Come on,… at least make some sense!

    Oh, …now I get it, your negro family members disowned you because they got tired of you attempting to be someone other than yourself. Now I get what you’re saying!

  15. Anonymous10:21 PM

    field negro said...

    Anon@9:04 pm, maybe it's time to worry about the "savagery" in your own homes.

    Just sayin.;)

    We do worry about that as well, notice no black people were blamed for his insanity? Now you try it, own up to what black people do and stop trying to make excuses, you just might create a culture and weed out the thugs, although pretty doubtful at this point, the weeds have killed most of the grass.

    Ask yourself, why if you are sane do you have to be afraid and extra careful and use excuses whenever you plan on pointing out the truth of something wrong with black people?

    Maybe you shouldn't be so monolithic and look at a persons actions and condemn them even if they are black. You might find friends who sympathize instead of create enemies who shrug off your blame.

  16. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Black Sage said...

    Juan Valdez stated: “Maybe there are few negroes in my family woodpile, but that doesn't matter because I live like an American, on my own two feet. I receive the respect of other people because I have earned it. Black is a state of mind. So is American. We all can make the choice how we are going to live.”

    This is classic double-speak from someone who obviously wants to be accepted by white Amerikkkans. Do you know how silly you really sound? You admit that there is a good chance that there are negroes within your family tree, but yet, you don’t want them in your presence. Come on,… at least make some sense!

    Oh, …now I get it, your negro family members disowned you because they got tired of you attempting to be someone other than yourself. Now I get what you’re saying!

    NO one sane wants black culture, not even blacks.

    How many blacks do you know that say dno't have a party, them niggas gone rob you the next day? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?? Not skin color, CULTURE!.

  17. Anon@10:21pm, not looking for friends to "sympathize" with me. Agiain, save that energy for your own problems, I have lots of enemies, (and friends) so take a number. Known enemies are good. At least I know where u stand.

  18. Anonymous10:50 PM

    field negro said...

    Anon@10:21pm, not looking for friends to "sympathize" with me. Agiain, save that energy for your own problems, I have lots of enemies, (and friends) so take a number. Known enemies are good. At least I know where u stand.

    Yes, knowing who your enemies are is a very good thing. The worst is when you have a friend who preys on your sympathy and the whole time is trying to stab you in the back. You declare him an enemy then voila his problems are his alone.

    They really train these kids young, don't they, look at this 13 year old girl, running a combat course?

    Amazing marksmanship? Is this common among black yoofs in da hood?

  19. Wesley R10:53 PM

    It's OK for the crazy wingnuts to go to North Dakota. They can freeze their asses off and better yet freeze the family jewels and won't be able to reproduce more nuts.

  20. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Anonymous Wesley R said...

    It's OK for the crazy wingnuts to go to North Dakota. They can freeze their asses off and better yet freeze the family jewels and won't be able to reproduce more nuts.

    You don't think you really will have a choice when the economy implodes do you?

  21. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Keltec Bullpup shotguns are wicked. Holds 15 shells, slugs
    like a legal sawed off, laser sites, dot site. What a weapon, Zimmerman can take out quite a few Black Pampers if need be quickly with this thing.

  22. Juan Valdez11:28 PM

    Black Sage said...
    You admit that there is a good chance that there are negroes within your family tree, but yet, you don’t want them in your presence

    I want Americans in my presence, black or white or brown. I don't want to be around people who hate America and consider themselves entitled to the property of others. That's just common sense.

  23. It increasingly appears as if the two choices facing America are peaceful segregation or ethnic violence and civil war. Contra the expectations of the multicultis and the anti-racists, the vibrant community is becoming less civilized as they become more numerous. The civil rights vision has failed and appeasement clearly works no better with vibrants than it did with Nazis.

    The only real question is how much of this violence white, Hispanic, and Asian Americans are willing to tolerate before they finally put an end to it. It is observably worse than it was in 2009, when it was reported "Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa.... Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic."

    Something serious is going to happen. And when it does happen, the responsibility will lie with the desegregationists, the anti-racists, and the equalitarians who set the stage for it. They all said that forced desegragation would improve racial relations and bring about a better society. They were either deluded and spectacularly wrong or they lied.

  24. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Coming soon to a rally in Cobbsville: Clayton Bigsby, White Supremacist. (aka, the 2nd funniest skit Dave Chappelle ever did!)

  25. We need daily updates of this comedy show from the one brotha there in Klansville. Have fun up there, I've been to ND, they can have it.

  26. Talking about crime I guess wingnuts don't know the vast majority of violent crimes are committed by whites. Racists aren't good at math I guess.

  27. Anonymous2:35 AM

    PilotX said...

    Talking about crime I guess wingnuts don't know the vast majority of violent crimes are committed by whites. Racists aren't good at math I guess.

    You're right, racist's aren't good at math, that's why you are absurdly wrong.

    Lets just look at murders. 54% of all murders in the U.S are committed by a very small population....3%, yes 3% of all U.S persons murder 54% of all victims Black males between the ages of 14-26.

    Rape - 70-95% of ALL convicted rapists are black males. See that number? Phew.

    We won't miss them.

  28. Holy Jesus your trolls are stupid. If they check the FBI crime statistics they would see whites are responsible for the majority of forcible rape crimes. That idiot said between 70-95 percent? Well at least we know ignorant racists are good at one thing, pulling dumb shit out of their arses.
    2011 FBI stats for forcible rape. Whites 9,504, blahs 4,811. Or 65 percent white.
    Field, I thought you were working on the quality of your trolls.

  29. September3:56 AM

    A couple of comments are worth repeating.

    Anonymous said: It's not like the old days at all. But you keep to choosing to get revenge against people who had nothing to do with it for things that never happened to you.


    Juan Valdez said: Maybe there are few negroes in my family woodpile, but that doesn't matter because I live like an American, on my own two feet. I receive the respect of other people because I have earned it.

    Black is a state of mind. So is American. We all can make the choice how we are going to live.


    I want Americans in my presence, black or white or brown. I don't want to be around people who hate America and consider themselves entitled to the property of others. That's just common sense.

    Seriously, I am so sick of the "black" state of mind I could almost move to Cobbsville.

    And the stupid "march on Washington" ... another jaded show. MARCH IN YOUR OWN F*CKING NEIGHBORHOOD. Stop looking to Washington. Washington has done its part and then some. That era has passed. The ball's in your court now.

    And try marching in your own f*cking HOME ... like, stay with the man you copulate with so your son can have a father, and stay with the woman you copulate with so she doesn't have to be alone raising a child. It's a sacrifice, and it's not foolproof, but it has been proven to be a "best practices" scenario for raising half-way decent kids and maintaining a stable society. Stop feeding into these toxic and destructive "black" cultural memes.

  30. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Black Sage, "Oh, …now I get it, your negro family members disowned you because they got tired of you attempting to be someone other than yourself. Now I get what you’re saying!"

    10:15 PM
    Mr Sage, you know nothing about critical thinking. You are a pathetic Negro whose comments indicate your consent to be a lowly Negro. Juan is laughing at you.

  31. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    We need daily updates of this comedy show from the one brotha there in Klansville. Have fun up there, I've been to ND, they can have it.

    1:59 AM
    It's better than Chicago. At least in ND the one brother there is alive!

  32. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Field, the co-opting of Leith into white racist haven Cobbsville isn't good. But one line struck me in this: that of a population of 19 only one person is black. In my mom's leafy Westchester County, NY neighborhood, out of nearly 150 houses there is only one resident black family. And this is 30 miles N. of New York City. And you will know as a Philly res, about the Main Line towns and neighborhoods where the only non-white people are gardeners wielding leaf blowers, and maids. There's Cobbsvilees everywhere.

  33. Anonymous8:21 AM

    field negro said...

    If u were with us in the 21st Century u would realize how lame u come off referring to Rev. Inc. as our leaders.

    You mean you don't know who is leading the MLK march today and who will be there pimping Trayvon in the name of MLK? Rev Al will be there front and center.

    A sad day for black America when you embrace the model thug Trayvon and elevate him to MLK status, a sad day.

  34. Anon@7:28pm, u are right, there are Cobbsvilles everywhere. But I suspect that this one Negro will not be in Cobbsville, North Dakota much longer.

    PilotX, why even bother? The only thing that these meth taking trolls can count is how many teeth they have left.

  35. Anonymous8:45 AM

    PilotX said...

    Holy Jesus your trolls are stupid. If they check the FBI crime statistics they would see whites are responsible for the majority of forcible rape crimes. That idiot said between 70-95 percent? Well at least we know ignorant racists are good at one thing, pulling dumb shit out of their arses.
    2011 FBI stats for forcible rape. Whites 9,504, blahs 4,811. Or 65 percent white.
    Field, I thought you were working on the quality of your trolls.

    Poor thing, you don't understand math or the world at all do you? So you fill up that void in your head with calling others stupid.

    Overall blacks commit crimes at a rate of 4.4(440%) Times that of whites.

    What is the rape rate by race per capita? Meaning representative of the population? As with murders and all other crime, a very small percentage of the black population is committing these rapes, 3-7% of the entire U.S. population.

    Whites/and those Hispanics who classify themselves as Whites alone are 77.9% of the country

    Blacks are 13.1%

    Your numbers are old and lower, rape statistics are actually higher and YES 70-90% of convicted rapists IN PRISON are Black Males.

    White:10,990 = 4.45 per 100k.
    Black:5,428 = 1,428 per 100k.
    Blacks commit rape at a rate 3.21 times that of Whites.(320%)

    Do you understand how bad 320% higher is?

    Additionally White on Black rape is negligible, doesn't even register a percentage point, while Black on White rape is 74.9%

    White victims: Number: 117,640 White offender: 74.9% Black offender: 16.4%*
    Black victims: 46,580 0.0 * 74.8 *

  36. Anonymous8:46 AM

    C'mon George Zimmerman! You shot a 'youth'. You can never smile again. Sackcloth and ashes for ever!

  37. Anonymous8:46 AM

    field negro said...

    Anon@7:28pm, u are right, there are Cobbsvilles everywhere. But I suspect that this one Negro will not be in Cobbsville, North Dakota much longer.

    PilotX, why even bother? The only thing that these meth taking trolls can count is how many teeth they have left.

    Double down on ignorance instead of learning.

    That is why you create Trayvons and blame everyone else for your creations.

  38. BARBBF10:50 AM

    I don't recall reading any hate-filled comments about Whites made by FN. However I am amazed, disgusted and saddened by all posts of hate-filled comments about Blacks. Why have they not been removed?

  39. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Anonymous BARBBF said...

    I don't recall reading any hate-filled comments about Whites made by FN. However I am amazed, disgusted and saddened by all posts of hate-filled comments about Blacks. Why have they not been removed?

    More Black on White Violence: Two blacks douse white man with gasoline, set him on fire
    Topics: National News

    What, pray tell, is going on with all the black on white violence lately?

    This time it's not teenagers committing the anti-white violence, it's adult blacks ... Robert Glasper and Renard King, who doused a white man with gasoline near Memphis and then set him on fire.

  40. It sickens me to look at killermans face .... hopefully he uses his gun and kills himself

  41. To me, it's utterly astounding that so many white troglodytes come to this blog in particular and attempt to convince folks that they're somehow a superior group of people in all aspects of life. It's pretty darn pathetic and amusing all at once!

    Therefore, keep up the good work Anonymous trolls at keeping me amused when I'm bored, who are also too coward to even have an alias.

  42. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Re: Zimmerman. I kinda liked this Onion article, in case you missed it:,33516/

    Of course this favored child of a "proud racist" will probably seek employment with a company that thinks he's role model. Maybe a spokesperson for Kel-Tec.


  43. PilotX said...
    2011 FBI stats for forcible rape. Whites 9,504, blahs 4,811. Or 65 percent white.

    Using your own numbers, 35% of rapes are committed by blacks, or approximately 3 times their percentage of the population.

    There are 6 times as many whites as blacks in America.

    Do you just not get basic concepts of statistics, or are you just feeding the stupid?

    That plays well with Field, because he just doesn't understand math, but are you really that ignorant? You are not really allowed to fly the plane, are you?

  44. white troglodyte12:59 PM

    Black Sage said...
    To me, it's utterly astounding that so many white troglodytes come to this blog in particular and attempt to convince folks that they're somehow a superior group of people in all aspects of life

    Not at all.

    Race has nothing to do with it.

    Culture is everything.

    I will stand to the end with any black American who shares my values, respects his neighbors, loves his country, and defends the core principles that have made this greatest country on earth.

    I have no use for a white man who won't work, won't take care of his children and feels entitled to my property and justified in using violence to get it.

    My enemy is not black America, who has suffered the most under the liberal/progressive/leftist/Marxist takeover of America that has occurred over the last half century. My enemies are those who fan flames of racial, class and gender divisions in order to tear down the culture they hate and replace it with their idea of utopia that they themselves will rule over.

    The only rights there are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. All other 'rights' are illegitimate if they infringe on these true rights.

    America is being smashed down, and black America is the sledgehammer that is being used to do it. Every single blow on America hits the hammer just has hard, and in the end both will lie broken.

  45. the racist devils have lit up this comment section.


    it is true, in disproportionate numbers the spiritually dead yet Chosen Mighty Ones are messing up.

    since they are coming to tell it...why not tell it like that? lol.

    because the devil is a dirty lying by huge omission forked tongue defeated snake.

    there really is no need to argue the truth of our curses for disobedience Deuteronomy 28 condition as a nation. time to clean up our own spiritual houses before demanding that others clean up their messy houses.

    the argument and needlessly provocative, racist, devilish, ugly way it is even broached, strongly indicates demon(s) on assignment. i see you.

    it is time for my people to wake up. these boneheaded racist devils are focusing on the interracial violence as if the fact that most violence is STILL intraracial escapes them-despite their great research capabilities. they are on assignment and this is on purpose. damn them.

    they need to get familiar with who Scriptures indicates we are and act like they know in great numbers. or go figure out what the heck is going on with white and other folks. humanity world wide appears to be going through many changes. frankly, NO ONE has the right, place, nor time to come with the negative. dialogue from a positive place...pray for me as i for you...and see how folks can agree to come to a place of love.

    be clear...i have NO problem with white separatists. i am more than ok with loving them from a distance. lol. i don't believe in chasing behind white folks. they are not major players...they have just been so duped with the deficiency=supremacy thingy they can't see their goose being cooked. they can feel something is amiss and it appears knee jerk for these racist bastards to point to black folks. let me help you...look towards the government and israel. government does not = fuhreh bo either. there is a hidden government that runs it is the colored help. turn off his lying azz teleprompter and he gots nothing. lol.

    because we are the first, last, and will be first again-as it is written...our condition is simply more pronounced. devils don't care and don't come with anything like good intent/good will. THIS is why they are depicted in Scriptures as our enemies.

    those that mean no ill will know them by their fruits. as you walk in Wisdom. historically, we refuse to acknowledge Him, so that we may connect with the gift of His Wisdom to help light our paths and guide us...allowing us to better inspect spiritual fruit.

    instead...we fumble around looking for men to lead us out of this man made mess. (women contributed greatly. no battle of sexes here.) all signs indicate there will be no more of that...the man that shows up to lead will be taking a great many folks to hell with him. when they say 'peace' you will know it's far the unannounced yet going down Syrian war indicates 'peace' is a minute or two out. lol.

    fanning the 'race war' flame is to be a useful idiot. the lethargic true elites...not peasants on the 'elite' masquerade...want depopulation. if you idiots will spill blood (there is NO shortage of idiots all colors! since folks want to tell it.) over something like melanin levels...what do the devils care? they hate ALL humans and spilling our blood is a sacrifice to their defeated captain satan anyways...

    dumbing down only works when folks agree to be...dumb.

  46. @white troglodyte 12:59-

    i hear you.

    why are you talking so pc, though? afraid of anti semite (mis)label?

    or do you not really know fully?

    hard to tell by your 12:59 comment.

    i hear your heart...and no reasonable person can be mad at you.

    americans knocking off the melanin madness is what this going to boil down to...white folks seem to have the hardest time with this task. quite a few bfolks are suffering and going off as a result. white folks needlessly hassle black folks whether folks want to acknowledge this or not. white folks are NOT a just go and mind their business type of people.

    these folks that want to fight over color have an american rwanda moment on tap in the not too distant future...please know folks HATE americans. wouldn't it just be a horror if foreign troops dropped boots on american soil? (trained by the israelis no less- just as our police depts. are now.) foreign troops with their justified axes to grind? not because of we the people americans. but because of the durty bloody dealings of our run amok 'government' throughout the years.

    AB-your comment from last thread is what it boils down to...folks need to get to where they can see the humanity of others. it's about love. that is the only thing that will dead the hate. it is not about what color someone is...not ever. either/any side playing that game...shame! as you say. lol.

    Black Sage- thanks for your advice a few threads back. here's the thing...when i take the time to address anyone, it is because i think that doing so will plant positive seeds in the universe.

    the Anons contribute to this blog. i can't imagine just not speaking with any of them. lol. they make me laugh. provide great links and food for thought.

    i control me;) if anything difficult anon devils afford teachable moments;)

    Anon that asked about meditating a couple of threads back. to me...meditation=listening to Almighty. praying=talking to Almighty. so yes...i do meditate. over the years, it has become second nature for me to stop and give praise each day that i awake. before i do anything. then i is in the quiet moments before my brain goes full on, the world wakes up and things to do line up, that hearing is so simple and easy to do for me.

    in Truth, i pray without ceasing during the course of a day. i also take quiet times to walk my dog, clear my head, and shake stress. during these times it is all about listening.

    hope that makes sense to you and answers your question. folks find what works for them. i will never forget getting my nails done once and this woman informing the manicurist that she did not wish to be talked to while getting her nails done. nail time was also her meditation time. lol. where ever is clever, you know?

  47. 'America is being smashed down, and black America is the sledgehammer that is being used to do it.'

    not so is NOT black america writing and passing the noahide, patriot acts, and other laws that is breaking down america.

    it is not black america setting the enslavement for all humanity agenda.

    you may consider adjusting/changing your filter. you are looking in the direction those that deem themselves even more superior than the melanin deficient goyim want you to look in.

    that comment also lacks historical perspective like nobody's business. that portion of your comment folks can/will get mad at. lies tend to tick folks off.

    Anon that provided the link about the prosperity preaching wolf mammonites.

    i.can't. lol. no, i.won't.

    the folks that got called out are the pale mammonites. there are a grip of richly melanined devils do the most as well. not only are folks preaching the mammonite prosperity false doctrine...they are also committing all kinds of sexual atrocities in the name of Almighty.

    have you missed the stories where 'preachers' have folks convinced that oral copulation with said 'preacher' gets them closer to Almighty? there are even 'Christian' websites for swinging. these clowns whipped out the do not judge scripture to justify such madness.

    folks are doing all kinds of stuff in His name. it resonates with me like counterfeit mammon vs real fiat mammon. just because there is counterfeit in circulation does not mean there is no real. folks have got to want Him like they want mammon. it appears that all roads lead back to this Truth.

    short version: i have no thoughts on these lying clowns. they should all be kind enough to call themselves Pastor_____________ keep things simple for the slow ones. Pastor Olsteen Dollar, Pastor Meyer Dollar, Rev Al Sharpton Dollar, Pastor Creflo Dollar, Pastor Mc Clendon Dollar, Minister Farrakhan Dollar, Pastor Warren Dollar, Reverend Billy Graham Dollar, Rabbi whoever!

    google the world council of churches when you get a minute. things will make more sense.

    because these clowns abound...does NOT mean He does not exist. He warned His about the nonstop crazy parade that we were to identify and avoid...

    religion=1. desire to control
    2. desire to be rich
    3. desire to sex young adults and children of the congregation, temple, mosque, etc.

    those men that are real serious about meeting those objectives create religions. L. Ron Hubbard, the undercover satanist, already told folks about the get rich portion. all one needs in order to glean the rest is to pay attention and make friends with the Truth.

  48. Anonymous3:34 PM

    focusedpurpose said...

    @white troglodyte 12:59-

    i hear you.

    why are you talking so pc, though? afraid of anti semite (mis)label?

    or do you not really know fully?

    hard to tell by your 12:59 comment.

    i hear your heart...and no reasonable person can be mad at you.

    Wow; This is what you call thinking abilities? Mixing fantasy with religion, fable, myths and whatever else you might have interpreted a LSD trip to be about?

  49. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Blogger Black Sage said...

    To me, it's utterly astounding that so many white troglodytes come to this blog in particular and attempt to convince folks that they're somehow a superior group of people in all aspects of life. It's pretty darn pathetic and amusing all at once!

    Therefore, keep up the good work Anonymous trolls at keeping me amused when I'm bored, who are also too coward to even have an alias.

    You don't like it when people defend themselves and speak reality. You think calling out the lies is being superior? You think a man getting beaten defending himself is defensive and shouldnt' happen. You want a situation where you can lie at will and no one speaks back as has happened in America.

    Maybe it's time for you to see the truth and decide what to do other than trying to push the products of your life's choices onto some random stranger.

  50. 'Wow; This is what you call thinking abilities? Mixing fantasy with religion, fable, myths and whatever else you might have interpreted a LSD trip to be about?

    3:34 PM'

    LOL. quite revealing...

  51. While in an apparent state of glee, White troglodyte said; "Amerikkka is being smashed down and black America is the sledgehammer that is being used to do it and in the end, both will lie broken."

    Well then. If black America is being utilized as a sledgehammer to further smash Amerikkka down, this overwhelmingly implies that someone is in control of the hammer. Well, let's see, ..... oh wait, I got the answer, I bet its whitey as a collective. Its got to be because we're not in control of your lieing media outlets we're not in control of your financial systems that are still teetering on the brink of collapse and we're definitely not in control of the government.

    Even further, you stated that in the end, both will lay broken when referring to Amerikkka and black folks as a group. Are you serious? Ever since the black man set foot on this country's devilry shores, the black man and his family has rested in a state of brokeness due to other people's heavy handednes and psychotic patterns of behavior.

    Please inform me of what in the world are you talking about? I will await your succinct reply!

  52. @ Black Sage-

    i addressed your point here:

    'America is being smashed down, and black America is the sledgehammer that is being used to do it.'

    not so is NOT black america writing and passing the noahide, patriot acts, and other laws that is breaking down america.

    it is not black america setting the enslavement for all humanity agenda.

    you may consider adjusting/changing your filter. you are looking in the direction those that deem themselves even more superior than the melanin deficient goyim want you to look in.

    that comment also lacks historical perspective like nobody's business. that portion of your comment folks can/will get mad at. lies tend to tick folks off.'

    the imp decided to go i think it safe to say he don't want none. lol. not only that...the 'thinking' is NOT deep enough. poor goy boys. many have NO clue or not enough of one to think and see clearly despite all that melanin deficiency induced superior intellect. might THAT be the fable/lsd trip the defeated devil referenced? i think so and i actually feel sorry for white people in many ways. white supremacy is bad for humanity. it is REALLY bad for white folks. it makes them REALLY dumb acting, looking and routinely finds them acting in ways that calls into their question their humanity even.

    may playtime waaay out in left field be truly fulfilling for the 'thinking' devil. lol.

    Sabbath shalom.

  53. @Focusedpurpose, your post was well stated!

  54. Oh my dear god, your trolls are extremely ignorant. One fool says blah folks are responsible for 70-95 percent of rape and facts show it's closer to 35 percent. Ignoramous X at 1236, you see how your fellow troll was wrong right? Say what you will about us but it seems you have problems with math as well as science and history.
    Field, new trolls please. These are too f'n stupid to stand upright without help.

  55. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Anon@7:28pm, u are right, there are Cobbsvilles everywhere. But I suspect that this one Negro will not be in Cobbsville, North Dakota much longer.

    PilotX, why even bother? The only thing that these meth taking trolls can count is how many teeth they have left.

    8:25 AM
    Why not? Nothing will happen to him there that won't happen to him elsewhere.

    Where did you get the idea that anons are on methadone? If it's one of your racist insults, it's wasted. Don't you know there are no words that can hurt a wm. We rule the world and certainly America.

    Your community, on the other hand, is in an 'irreversible' shit sewer... black-on-black killings-daily; and out-of-wedlock children-daily.

    None of that can be solved because of the Satanic immoral problem that is eating you alive. YOU have turned your backs on God. And you have the nerve to call us devils? get real.

  56. control+halt+delete9:53 PM

    Gzim is looking more and more like his old self. He's lost a lot of weight.

    In my opinion he's a master manipulator and he got away with the ultimate crime...premeditated murder.

    But that smile looks phony. I feel sorry for him. He has traded his life for Trayvon's...and as one of our comedic prophets pointed out...blanks wouldn't trade their life for his...and he's rich!


    Is suicide a violent crime? I thought since we were looking at numbers, we might look at those, too.

    It must be hard being white. But, just between me and you, we won't give up on you, you got potential.

    Anonymouse said:

    "Good for George, excellent choice that tactical shotgun. Has a speed loader of magnum types shells holding 12."

    I don't know about gzim he'll probably only need 1.

  57. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Brothers and Sisters, some of you on FN are being resentful mean-spirited Negroes. Obviously, you don't know a damn thing about love. Until you learn how to love your enemies, then you can forget about moving ahead in this world. You really need to go see "The Butler" or read the Bible or somethin cuz some of you folks are off the chart.

  58. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Please honor and respect the law. GZ was found innocent and there is no need to gossip and slander the man. His smile is genuine and he is a very happy man to have been set free. Now, let go of this and get on with your's over.

    The thing that bothers me about our peeps they just can't let things go. They hold on to shit for centuries! Whites let of the OJ trial as soon as they heard the verdict. Why can't you Negroes do the same?

  59. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Dear Mr Field, fyi: a petition is circulating around the hollowed halls of Anon Inc to have PilotX and Black Sage removed from FN. Anon Inc does not notify clients about a petition 'only' if they manage to get 100,000 signatures. (Yes we are that big). However, some 200,000 Anons have refused to sign stating they enjoy giving it to both PilotX and Black Sage....and to you and AB also.

    Right now there are 85,000 signatures and climbing. I'll let you know if it hits the magic number. I hope not. I'd hate to deliver such a petition supported by some GOP letters asking you to honor the petition. I really don't know what has gotten into some of these Anons. I think they must be in a funk.

    BTW, the way, they don't want to mess with FP. Something about her has them nervous about their atheistic attitudes. Not that they have changed their views about "there is no God," but they want to play it safe just in case. You might want to do the same.

  60. 'Don't you know there are no words that can hurt a wm. We rule the world and certainly America.'

    WRONG goy boy.

    you need to wake up asap. lol. that white supremacy illusion is messing you up! satan got Europe together FIRST. i said back in the day when tossed out of heaven...all evidence points to satan landing in europe with a thud. satan is now bundling the peasant, criminal, indentured servant descendants in america that like to pretend they are royalty because they need a tan. lol.

    here's that much needed clue AGAIN:

    look at the 'government' and israel. basic math and simply paying attention should do wonders for your 1950's white is right nonsense. lol. feeling all nostalgic and thangs...must've just left a viewing of the fictional nonsense the butler, huh?

    since you folks like changing folks' names, painting them white, inverting/perverting the message to enslave...what do you good superior intellect by virtue of melanin deficiency folk make of these Scriptures?

    KJV Acts 7:6-7
    KJV Genesis 15:13-14

    who are those people? dare you tell it? lol.

    figuring that out might help you understand why the gentiles are stomping around/occupying Palestine, pretending they are the Hebrews of Scriptures other than the Rev 2:9/Rev. 3:9 variety...while the atrocious human rights violations go unmentioned, not to mention unchecked.

    IF i were would tickle me to see dumb azz pale goy folks claim they are running kind of makes me sad. truly there is a nation that will wake up to find that their inheritance is all lies. they will have their heads explode with the fact that white lies are gigantic...not little. lol.

  61. LOL @ Anon 11:26 PM! Anon Inc cracks me up...and has done so consistently for years now.

    though, picking on folks is all bad...

  62. Anonymous12:28 AM

    FP, you continue to give me hope. Thank you.

  63. much love Anon 12:28 AM!

  64. Anon 12:28am-

    ck this out:

    i don't get the impression she could be mistaken for 'religious'...but if one just picked up Scriptures like a regular book and read it (plus those removed books) is hard not too see how it is all written.

    sort of like reading the willie lynch letter, protocols of the learned elders of zion and other information that folks would rather distract from by arguing about whether they are real docs.

    it would make more sense to take the information and see if it in any way sheds light on what we see happening around us.

    the way this sista writes cracks me up. her view point is different than mine and i appreciate that...this is how i learn. our differences are our strengths. the enemy to our souls would rather we hate, fear each other, and fight over what should be leveraged for the benefit of all of humanity-our differences. it's kind of wild how deeply inverted all of this is...

    who knew there was a church of obama? lol! NOW i understand why some of these BO followers get sooo worked up when folks point out the obvious non stop evil he specializes in. lol! one has to laugh at the science fiction crazy aspect of all of this;)

  65. correction: is hard not to see how it is all written.

  66. Anonymous1:09 AM

    PilotX said...

    Oh my dear god, your trolls are extremely ignorant. One fool says blah folks are responsible for 70-95 percent of rape and facts show it's closer to 35 percent. Ignoramous X at 1236, you see how your fellow troll was wrong right? Say what you will about us but it seems you have problems with math as well as science and history.
    Field, new trolls please. These are too f'n stupid to stand upright without help.

    Do you think you can weasel out of every one of your mistakes with some type of mind hive excuse?

    You suck at math, we knwo it and you were wrong. You also can't read so well. what what the 70-95% ? Oh yeah Convicted rapists in Prisons. Dee-Dee-Dee.

    Have an adult help you with the numbers.

  67. Anonymous1:14 AM

    focusedpurpose didn't your white lib'rul massas tell you god was bad? No religion for you, worship the white limousine liberals who know whats best for you po black folk not god. Worship Barack Obama as your saviour, not god. They gone take care of you like they promised and you jess know they will.

    Remember they denied god three times at the democratic convention so stop it before you get in trouble. need a tan. lol.

  68. GrannyStandingforTruth4:21 AM

    Zimmerman might be smiling on that picture, but on the inside his smile is upside down. It wouldn't matter if he bought a cannon or had the U.S. army guarding him, its not going to help him none. If he had killed a real thug, Black, white, Hispanic, Asian, and every other race would have probably said, "Oh Well, you live by the sword, you die by one." But...he didn't kill a real life thug, he murdered an innocent child minding his own business just trying to get back home to watch a game. That's where he messed up at and justice will be served even if it winds up being street justice.

    Then to top it off, his father called in some favors, greased some palms in the media to lie, exaggerate, smear, and slander that boy. Yep, they highlighted his minor flaws, dismissed Zimmerman's major assault record and painted him like a choir boy. And on top of it, rigged the jury with some women, a judge, and two of the top D.A.'s who already had their minds made up because they're Fox We Make It Up indoctrinated and could not see that boy's humanity. It was an inferior court performance that even a child could see through, but well that's America's fake lady justice for ya.

    Folks rather believe a lie than the truth, but the truth always wins even in the end. Make no mistake about that!

    But, some folks do not plan to let Zimmerman get away with murder like those white women in the rigged jury did. Nope! Time is winding down for him. BTW, Shelly Zimmerman's perjury trial has been postponed until they can figure out a way to let her escape punishment as well. Yep, they're burning the midnight oil trying to come up with a lie to let her skate out of punishment, so don't be surprise when it happens. Yep, just like in the days of Jim Crow.

  69. GrannyStandingforTruth5:31 AM

    Strange, but the meaning of Dakota is "the allies."

  70. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Ya know, it would be soooooooo wonderful if these hating, murderous corpse-like looking folks would pack up their sh@t and get their azzes straight back to the European Caves where they belong. It's getting impossible to breathe the same air with these freaks. What was the purpose of leaving Europe in the first place? Didn't you realize there are millions of people in the world that don't look like you and Thank God every single day that they don't. There's something drastically wrong with the wiring of Caucasian brains. Anytime folks have to wear tons of make-up every single day and alter their faces surgically, to look half-way presentable, there's something not right. What you guys are really doing is HIDING THE CORPSE, but it still shines through with perfect reception. You're so busy looking for torturers and murderers; you should just look in the nearest mirror. Hope it doesn't shatter. God you're PAINS!!!!!!!

  71. Anonymous @ 1:14 AM said...
    focusedpurpose didn't your white lib'rul massas tell you god was bad? No religion for you, worship the white limousine liberals who know whats best for you po black folk not god. Worship Barack Obama as your saviour, not god. They gone take care of you like they promised and you jess know they will.

    Remember they denied god three times at the democratic convention so stop it before you get in trouble. need a tan. lol.'



    we are already in trouble my friend. there is no sign that causes my mind to reach any other conclusion.

    folks would do well to know their enemies:

    'the land of the free.'-whoever told you that was your enemy

    they're the ones that taught me to fight me








    the elite

    all of which are american dreams...of my enemies.

    it is crucial to know yourself and to know your enemies in any battle.

    that said...what my enemies tell me mean nothing. once folks have identified themselves as the people of the lie, whatever lies spew from the lie hole on their faces mean nothing to me.

    folks best believe that...and i don't think for a minute that i am alone. Yah wins in the end. i am content to stand on His Word and with Him. damn the rest of these perpetrating a fraud defeated demons.

  72. Anonymous2:26 PM

    No words can affect whites (read:: mutants) because you invasive creatures, being the lethal mutation that you are, have been mentally locked in what you all feel is survival mode since the 50s when you all internalized the fact that you're dying out because you all simply weren't meant to be on this planet. You mutant's abysmal self-esteem that's butressed by comic book heroes and a fictional boxer isn't rooted in reality, hence, there's no reasoning with you creatures.

    Yesterday, Eric Holder said, "All were created equal," and it must really burn you mutants, based upon all of the previous comments, in their hearts, knows that they weren't created, but rather are an accident that their German brethern termed the Wurm Ice Age...
    Also, Field, it's good that you leave the particularly virulent mutant comments up because they attest to the mutant bigotry being hardwired and a product, perhaps, of the calcified pineal glands. As someone who has studied the mutant for many decades, it's clear that when the mutant lashes out spewing unbridled bigotry that it's brain gets a Dopamine rush that humans simply won't understand until humans cease mistaking the mutant for being human and ceases responding on this blog and elsewhere as though they're human...

  73. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Once again, Field, kudos to you for leaving the comments up because members of the parent African human species must not turn away from these vile displays, which parade a lynch mentality, that demand humans to see this subspecies for just what they are? When will humans see that mutants set up the drug economy in America to destroy the Civil Rights & Hippie Movements along the same lines how they went about creating the Opium Wars and the Boxer Rebellion, which the Chinese eventually shook off.

    Lastly, while The Chinese finally see the Caucasoid for the most invasive, virulent strain of mutant subspecies of humanity, when will members of the parent African human species, both Continental and Diasporan, finally come around?

  74. Anon 2:26pm-

    well dang. lol.

    @white troglodyte- any additional 'thinking' questions? i think that even you would need to agree Anon 2:26pm just told you. lol.

    Anon, all jokes aside, your comment appears to be the flip side of 'thinking' devil's comment. the flip side of the white supremacy coin, if you will. in truth, this coin flips a lot of ways...because i have met latinos that don't like whites or blacks, depending on the day. there appears to be plenty hate all the way around. duality all day. i don't want any from anybody. it's all about love.

    folks may need to figure out who it is on this earth that Yahweh Almighty hates. it is clearly written that there is a batch of you here...Esau, anyone?

    PRETENDING to be others won't change the Truth.

    here's the thing...i think that whites have the capacity to be human. i think they struggle so hard because all colors flow from black to white. not the other way around. maybe there was just a little less soul by the time they came to be? i don't know. white folks are really not that important to me to devote a great deal of energy to figuring out why they have such difficulty behaving like human beings. in a nutshell, white supremacy is bad for humanity, white folks particularly.

    my focus is helping more black women/girls to identify and shut down the enemy daily. there are a lot of black skinned white supremacy enforcers. i care more about neutralizing them. most crime is intra racial. white observations are foot notes along the way. though anybody else that can hear what i am saying is welcome to get some as well;)

    there are wfolks that are telling the Truth to wpeople. Andrew Hacker, M. Scott Peck and Tim Wise

    yet another example of wfolks that will tell the truth:

    there are other examples. for this is not wise to discount folks based on skin color. nor to accept folks based on skin color. we shall know them by their fruit as it is written. those rolling with Almighty will distinguish themselves. color has nothing to do with the equation more times than not.

    there are devils among us of all colors.

    it is about the spirit folks...this is not a flesh game.

    ps. i think the martin case was more masonic/demonic than anything else. this was leveraged into a psych op to get folks stirring up negative energy. all the subsequent selected msm stories of interest serve to reinforce the negativity.

  75. before folks start referencing the Chinese with glowing terms...they may want to take a peek and see the Chinese bloody hand all over the continent of what we know today as Africa. if those folks aren't 'acting white', as they chop down as many in the way 'Africans' as possible to seize their natural resources...maybe that term should be retired. lol. folks just refuse to call out 'acting white' in any true applicable way.

    the more one studies...the more one feels funny calling anything by these brand new rinky dink names. do we know that the continent we call Africa was named after an European colonizer? anybody else feel funny calling that land mass by that name? i prefer to know where folks are from and call them that...Somalian, Nigerian, Kenyan, etc.

    none of this ish is valid nor real. it is all an illusion one finds as they look deeper.

    until the sleeping spiritual giants awake, turn their heart to Him, and act like they know what time it is...exactly nothing will change.

  76. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I think Africa could use a lot of African Americans to help them build Detroit in could call it Nairobi- Detroit.

  77. Anonymous5:21 PM

    @Anon 6:33P.M.

    The only problem is that you mutants would sabotage that, just as you creatures sabotaged Detroit by flooding it with drugs to thwart both the Civil Rights and Hippie Movements. Since you aren't human, you creatures must simply do what you do. Your very ephemeral existence (you're dying out - See Germany's dwindling population, being accidental, and your psychopathic racial personality disproves that there little human about you all.

  78. This interview was conducted midst an SPLC-triggered media frenzy. Immediately after completing this interview, the New York Times reporters showed up at the Leith, North Dakota residence of Craig Cobb—declared one of the most dangerous men in the US by the SPLC’s “Hate Watch”. Listen for the true story behind the frenzied article that will soon appear in the New York Times, and get an idea of Craig Cobb, the man, not the mythic monster.

  79. Anonymous4:15 PM


    You said, "here's the thing...i think that whites have the capacity to be human... there are wfolks that are telling the Truth to wpeople. Andrew Hacker, M. Scott Peck and Tim Wise.."

    Well, while I can add Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and maybe even Studs Terkel to the list of mutants who aspire to be human by "telling the truth", the fact is - that Science now tells us what NONE of all of the U.S. history, archeology, anthropology nor political science elementary/grade school/highschool books tell us:

    Where "Whites" come from and/or how they "came into BEING, as it were (if you truly consider them, collectively, sentient entities).

    All the wishful thinking doesn't change the not-so-slow burn genocide meted out to members of the parent African human species on these shores by a collective who are neurochemically fed Dopamine (which emits a euphoria visible on the smiling faces of man. woman, and child mutants within any picture wherein a lynching has been preserved on film) within their brains as they as they engage in racist/sexist/xenophobic acts. In fact, the exceptions only prove the rule. With the U.S. Census Dept., more or less confirming the "dying out of Caucasian (Read: Lethal Mutation)" with two important released picked up my the USATODAY (Google" More Ethnic Babies born than White Babies" and "More White Deaths than Births," in May -'12 and May -'13, respectively), many whites now know that they were indeed an accident of nature as extrapolated from Animal Planet's, "How Polar Bears MUTATED From Grizzly Bears." These facts that fly in the face of Christian precepts are not subject to change due to our wishful thinking...

    A mutant is what it is...
