Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Apartheid president.

Congrats to The Butler for being the number one movie at the box office this past weekend. As I wrote earlier, it was destined to be a hit. I won't be seeing it, but apparently conservatives have been watching it and they don't like what they see.

"Ronald Reagan biographer Craig Shirley appeared on Fox News Monday afternoon to criticize Lee Daniels’ The Butler an Oprah Winfrey-produced biopic of the White House butler who served under numerous presidents, a film that is drawing heat from conservatives over its portrayal of Reagan.

Most objectionable to Shirley and others is the film’s take on Reagan’s refusal to sanction South Africa over Apartheid. “It’s a very complex issue, and it was presented in a very simplistic fashion,” Shirley said. “It’s accurate to the extent that Reagan opposed the sanctions, but not accurate as to why he opposed the sanctions.”

Shirley argued that Reagan was constrained by Cold War politics". [Source]

This is classic conservative speak. Rather than acknowledge that they were on the wrong side of history; they try to rewrite it.

Seriously, what could have been so "complex" about Apartheid? Ronald Reagan, the patron saint of the conservative movement, is the same guy who chose Philadelphia, Mississippi- a place where three civil rights activists were murdered- to give a speech on states rights, disparaged America's greatest African American hero, and tried to appeal to bigots in his base when he tried to paint African American women as "welfare Queens."

Nope, there was nothing "complex" about Apartheid. It was a racist policy("state sanctioned segregation") put in place by a racist government to hold down blacks in that country. Reagan knew that and he supported it. It's really that simple.

Finally, there is sad story out of Oklahoma. Three young thugs shot some poor dude from Australia to death just for fun and because they could. In case you Aussies didn't know, that's how we roll here in A-murder-ca. It's all about the guns.

There were a couple of killings last night in Philly as well, and three more in a little town 20 minutes from here called Chester. Just another typical summer night in Killadelphia.

Conservative radio and wingnuts in general are playing up the racial angle of the killing in Oklahoma, and there are even calls to label it a hate crime. Some idiot named Mike Gallagher was ranting on the radio about a white march for justice and a movement led by white people for this Aussie baseball player like there was for Trayvon Martin.

Not quite. Maybe, like Zimmerman, they thought that they could just kill someone and get away with it. But, unlike Zimmerman, they were all immediately arrested ---as they should have been--- and will be tried as adults for their alleged crime.

But still, I will be willing to march for justice with my white brothers and sisters, as long as we march against the NRA and their enablers as well.  



  1. Nelson Killtheboer8:04 PM

    "This is classic conservative speak. Rather than acknowledge that they were on the wrong side of history; they try to rewrite it."

    That is classis liberal blindness. The assumption that black rule would be better than Apartheid was based on a false reading of reality. History has provided a quite different story, as South Africa slides inexorably into a morass of violence and poverty.

    Democracy is not for everyone.

  2. Guns don't kill whitey, ...8:19 PM

    "Three young thugs shot some poor dude from Australia to death just for fun and because they could. In case you Aussies didn't know, that's how we roll here in A-murder-ca. It's all about the guns."

    I think you meant "it's all about the negroes", didn't you?

    Even though the media tried to hide the race of the murderers, in the Age of Trayvon, demographic facts are now highly relevant.

    If these three Sons of Obama hadn't illegally obtained a gun (they were all minors) they could have used a brick.

    And it wouldn't have been all about the bricks.

    Switch the races in this story and you would have come in your pants over the demagoguing you could wrung out of it for months. As it is, it's just another offhand slap at 'guns' and forget it. Attitudes like yours it what allows little monsters like this to develop.

    But then again, without little monsters, you have no business.

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Well, I originally thought that "The Butler" was a true documentary depicting the life of Mr. Allen.

    I have since found out that it was just 'inspired' by Mr. Allen's life.

    If its not a true tale then I don't want to see it.

  4. Wesley R10:30 PM

    If Reagan would have 'showed leadership'(conservative's favorite word since 2008) we would not be in Afghanistan today.

  5. General Malaise10:57 PM

    Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviets during the Carter administration, largely as a result of Jimmy's lack of leadership.

  6. Anonymous11:22 PM


    The POTUS loves him some Ronald "Iran Contra" Reagan. Go figure.

  7. "This is classic conservative speak. Rather than acknowledge that they were on the wrong side of history; they try to rewrite it."

    Yep. You see it again and again.

    Even so, whatever reason Reagan may have had for opposing sanctions against apartheid is pretty irrelevant - it's still an essentially amoral stance. It's still just plain wrong.

  8. Anonymous1:37 AM

    I don't know what's going on with American society!

    When it's not shooting up a theater in a character costume, or shooting up a classroom of kindergartners,or a high school, and now a "boredom" killing!

    What is going on with the young men of America?

  9. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Desertflower, "What is going on with the young men of America?"

    I think you meant to ask what is going on with the young AA men in America? That's 'where' America's big problem is. Violence, OOW, lack of education, drugs, jail, prison, crime, and lousy parenting.

    In fact, one can trace all of the black communities problems from poor to NO parenting whatsoever.

    It's the dark underbelly of America. I hope I have answered your question in detail. Enjoy your stay in PR.:)

  10. Anonymous2:01 AM

    "Not quite. Maybe, like Zimmerman, they thought that they could just kill someone and get away with it. But, unlike Zimmerman, they were all immediately arrested ---as they should have been--- and will be tried as adults for their alleged crime."

    These were Negro boys, there was NO WAY they could have thought they could get away with shooting a white man. Their plan 'had' to be the obvious: "Go to prison and hang out with the brothers."

    Field, I'm sure you have routinely run across young brothers with this mentality. You should do a post about this reality.

  11. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Field said, "There were a couple of killings last night in Philly as well, and three more in a little town 20 minutes from here called Chester. Just another typical summer night in Killadelphia."

    What's it gonna take for Negroes like you to join Don Lemon and Bill O'Reilly in solving this mess we have in our black community?

    How many more killings is it going to take before you admit there is extreme violence and black-on-black killings that are destroying us?

    When are YOU going to be a part of the "Solution" instead of the "Problem". It is baffling that a black criminal lawyer offers no solutions to a growing nightmare.

  12. Anonymous2:19 AM

    "Nope, there was nothing "complex" about Apartheid. It was a racist policy("state sanctioned segregation") put in place by a racist government to hold down blacks in that country. Reagan knew that and he supported it. It's really that simple."

    There's nothing complex about racism in America, either. Like Reagan, Obama is following in his footsteps. Of course, we all know how Obama idolizes Reagan, don't we?

    Of course, we know 'why' people like Field, Pilot, and Granny can't bring themselves to see the 'wrongs' of Obama. "It's complex", says some Negroes of your ilk. Brother Field, it's not 'complex', it's 'depressing', bordering on hopelessness.

  13. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "I think you meant to ask what is going on with the young AA men in America?

    No, I meant what is going on with ALL the youth growing up in America. Don't you remember the Korean young man that shot up that university years ago? The rest I mentioned where Anglos. These young men said they were simply "bored"!

    There is something wrong with a lot of American youth! In one way or another, all the races are rearing children with dysfunctions. Serious ones.

    Perhaps it's the culture. I mean all these comic book heroes, cartoon characters.

    Maybe a culture that reveres a Mouse and has an entire dynasty and empire dedicated to a Mouse is thought provoking to say the least!

    All I'm saying is that I think it's something that should be researched and investigated and I don't see that happening.

    And this is ALL the races,colors and creeds in America.

  14. Anonymous2:40 AM

    dear ms. desertflower, there has been plenty of research done. they know the problem, but it's politically incorrect to take action according to the truth and facts if it goes against political correctness. see the problem?

    for instance, in America it is well known that there is poor parenting in the extreme in black communities across America. this brings crime, drugs, killings, incarcerations, 75% out of wedlock children. in essence, AAs are headed to extinction by their own hands! there have been solutions offered but blacks refuse to help themselves. so there isn't much else to do but watch their painful destruction.

    other brothers like field don't help because all he does is fan the fires of racism. we need to put out those fires, not fuel them.

    i hope this gives you a clearer picture of a sinking usa.

  15. Anonymous2:45 AM

    "But still, I will be willing to march for justice with my white brothers and sisters, as long as we march against the NRA and their enablers as well."

    LIAR. You sound exactly like someone who was supposed to run down Broad St but didn't. I am amazed that people on this blog still believe in you. But they are uninformed and biased Negroes like Granny, PilotX and others. It's so sad.

  16. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "LIAR. You sound exactly like someone who was supposed to run down Broad St but didn't."
    LOL! Field was supposed to run down Broad St? Why in heavens name?

    Oh the mental image! That's hilarious! Why in the world would he do that? :D

  17. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "there has been plenty of research done. they know the problem, but it's politically incorrect to take action...

    for instance, in America it is well known that there is poor parenting in the extreme in black communities across America."
    2:40 AM
    I certainly hope you are referring to all the white crazy kids as well! Let's not just zero in on one race, when the majority or really scary mass murders are being committed by anglo kids!

    Has the research been done there.

    Because I have news for you, and I think you'll agree.

    If you were to walk into a mall, or a theater, or a university campus,only to see a young anglo man in cargo pants, combat boots and a bulky trench coat in the crowd, and a young black man dressed in clothes appropriate for his age and culture.

    I know you'd be watching out for that anglo in case he should whip out an AK and go bonkers on the crowd! I know I would!:)

    That's what I'm talking about!

  18. Anonymous3:35 AM

    "LOL! Field was supposed to run down Broad St? Why in heavens name?

    Oh the mental image! That's hilarious! Why in the world would he do that? :D"

    2:56 AM
    Yes, he had given his word that if Obama were elected, he would run down Broad St 'buck naked'. Well, Obama won, not only once, but twice. And still no sign of Field's black ass running down Broad St.

    Just goes to show that you can't take Field at his word as a lawyer. I truly was looking forward to his run. I had bought a ticket in advance to fly to Philly all the way from the West Coast just to see that. I used to live in Philly and I can honestly tell you that there is no other reason to go to Philly unless there is an unbelievable spectacle going on like FN running buck naked down the middle of the city.

  19. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Hmmmm..... Field, I think you have an admirer....;).

  20. Lol@Desert.Anyway, Desert, thanks for pointing out that ALL these kids are crazy in A-murder-ca. Why just yesterday another one tried to shoot up a school in Georgia.And yes, he was...wait for it. ..wait for it...

  21. “It’s accurate to the extent that Reagan opposed the sanctions, but not accurate as to why he opposed the sanctions.” – Craig Shirley; R. Reagan’s Biographer

    All Amerikkkan political parties frequently retort stupid sh*t when exposure is brought to their past actions. However, none of the responses from political bobble-heads are more asinine than the collective RepubMafias. What was so painstakingly difficult for Reagan realize that treating people within their own homeland as refugees was wrong? It’s the same old tired Amerikkkan double-speak, contorted phraseologies on display that literally says nothing!

    But I understand, it’s the Amerikkkan way of conducting business, which is, when confronted with probing questions that may reveal who you truly are, tell the people another lie and that the issue was too difficult for them to understand. Oh, … I see!

  22. Anonymous9:37 AM


    and hobama's own apartheid regime/cointelpro 2013/ hobamanomics/blatant black agendaless racism etc..

    are ALL even LESS complex!!!



  23. Anonymous9:40 AM

    raygun is hobama's hero...




  24. Desertflower said...
    "These young men said they were simply "bored"!"

    No they weren't bored, they were angry. Their anger came from their dysfunctional upbringing, but they had been taught to turn their anger against white people. This socially-sanctioned racism gave them the idea that it would be cool to kill a white man.

  25. Anonymous10:46 AM

    cc hobama/the pookie/ebt prez



  26. Desertflower said...
    I certainly hope you are referring to all the white crazy kids as well! Let's not just zero in on one race, when the majority or really scary mass murders are being committed by anglo kids!

    You are confused by the media. There are a handful of high profiles cases like Columbine where alienated, crazy white kids have committed heinous mass murders, but 90%+ of young murderers are black, including those who kill for racial motivations. There are thousands of such murders every year.

  27. Ariel said: "This socially sanctioned racism gave them the idea that it would be cool to kill a white man."

    Huh, isn't this the same reason and impetus that gave fat arse george zimmerman the inkling to kill a child by the name Trayvon Martin?

  28. Mauschwitz10:52 AM

    Desertflower said...
    "Maybe a culture that reveres a Mouse and has an entire dynasty and empire dedicated to a Mouse is thought provoking to say the least!"


  29. Black Sage said...
    Ariel said: "This socially sanctioned racism gave them the idea that it would be cool to kill a white man."

    Huh, isn't this the same reason and impetus that gave fat arse george zimmerman the inkling to kill a child by the name Trayvon Martin?

    Good point. America's fear (justified or not) of young black men led to Trayvon being profiled. However, he attacked and beat Zimmerman before he was shot.

    Christopher Lane actually was hunted down like a dog, for no other reason than he was white. The intent was murder from the beginning.

    I think that is a significant distinction.

  30. Anonymous11:13 AM

    fatal pookies rule the world!



  31. Anonymous11:27 AM

    fatal pookies rule the world!



  32. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I have to side with Craig Shirley on this one. For a modern American President, dealing with European/Settler/Apartheid societies are always complex.

    Take Israel, the last European/Settler/Apartheid society still standing. Has any American President, including “O” the preeminent (White) House Negro, called for sanctions against Israel?


    In-fact, every American President since RR seems to be head over heels in love with the Apartheid country.

    So, is O like RR, another Apartheid president? Is he on the wrong side of history?

    Yard Negro

  33. Anonymous12:15 PM


    as all racists do, u lie like hobama

    chris lane was a tragic but random kill by 3 teen psychos
    one of whom is a hobama baby
    cc his white mom
    which half slew chris???

    trayvon was a good kid
    who was specifically and racially profiled
    and stalked and chased and hunted by gz like a deer
    he was not a drugged criminal like that kkkiller gz
    trayvon died on his knees begging for his life
    there was never ANY brawl
    like u, that racist unarmed child kkkiller gz is a liar too



  34. Anonymous12:35 PM

    cc that global gangsta hobama

    cc africom/ndaa/dhs etc


  35. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Anonymous Ariel said...
    "No they weren't bored, they were angry. Their anger came from their dysfunctional upbringing, but they had been taught to turn their anger against white people. This socially-sanctioned racism gave them the idea that it would be cool to kill a white man.."
    10:43 AM
    but 90%+ of young murderers are black...
    10:48 AM
    You can't just put words in their mouths. They very clearly said that they were just "bored".

    If that's the case, then what "socially sanctioned ism" gives the white kids the idea that it would be cool to kill all those people with their quasi terrorist acts of gun violence?

    Surely there must be an ":ism" for that too!

    As for the 90% number. I don't know about that. All the prison documentaries that I've seen show they're equally full of white men!

    So I guess it really depends on through which color lens you're looking at this Ariel :)

  36. "trayvon was a good kid
    who was specifically and racially profiled
    and stalked and chased and hunted by gz like a deer
    he was not a drugged criminal like that kkkiller gz
    trayvon died on his knees begging for his life
    there was never ANY brawl"

    This is a crazy fantasy, unsupported by any of the facts or testimony of the case.

    Witnesses saw the two fighting for at least 45 seconds before a shot was fired.

    If Zimmerman had intended to shoot Martin he would of course have drawn his gun first. No one with a gun drawn starts a fistfight.

    No one pulls a gun and then fights with one hand for 45 seconds before deciding to shoot.

    Martin must have started the altercation. He was not hunted, he was observed. He chose to attack the neighborhood watch guy and paid the ultimate price.

    I'm sorry, but that is the truth.

  37. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Mauschwitz said...
    10:52 AM
    Yes, Mauschwitz,(lol),that's what I'm talking about!
    Where in heavens name, in what country, do you find an empire, a small country in itself it you will,dedicated to a mouse and other cartoon characters?

    If you know of any please let me know!

  38. Ariel1:01 PM

    Desertflower said...
    You can't just put words in their mouths. They very clearly said that they were just "bored".

    So, you have to believe everything a murderer says, or what the media reports he says, when he gets arrested?

    If you are interested in facts, read the FBI crime statisitics:


    Blacks commit more murders than whites, even though there are 6 times as many whites than blacks in America.

  39. Mauschwitz1:04 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Yes, Mauschwitz,(lol),that's what I'm talking about!
    Where in heavens name, in what country, do you find an empire, a small country in itself it you will,dedicated to a mouse and other cartoon characters?"

    I don't know where you would find such a thing. What country are you talking about that is dedicated to a mouse?

  40. Anonymous1:15 PM


    your blinding racism is glaring!!!!!!!

    stats + reality trump your racist lies + denial

    again, u lie like that racist hobama

    whites commit FAR more crimes than blacks

    blacks are simply arrested and prosecuted FAR more often than whites

    for the very same crimes

    cc your racist bs to marissa alexander/caey anthony/amanda knox


    cc that freed unarmed child kkkiller gz etc










  41. Anonymous1:16 PM

    cc your racist bs to marissa alexander/casey anthony/amanda knox

  42. Anonymous1:24 PM


    the fantasy is that trayvon was a thug/gz will ever be "free" of his racist bloodshed

    as all illiterate blind bigots
    u r arrogantly ignorant of the crime scene/forensic evidence
    as all gz cloned racist liars are

    cc the coroner/dna/mud/grass/fake photos/arrest video etc

    your lies will change no sci proof/gz's unarmed child kkkiller karma

    see photos and links that prove lie like hobama here


  43. Anonymous1:25 PM

    see photos and links that prove u lie like hobama here


  44. Anonymous1:28 PM

    the witnesses saw trayvon trying to get the gun away from gz

    who stood over him and shot him

    gz cocked that gun in his auto

    and flashed it immediately

    wtfu asap

  45. Desertflower said...
    If you were to walk into a mall, or a theater, or a university campus,only to see a young anglo man in cargo pants, combat boots and a bulky trench coat in the crowd, and a young black man dressed in clothes appropriate for his age and culture.

    I know you'd be watching out for that anglo in case he should whip out an AK and go bonkers on the crowd! I know I would!:)

    I agree.

    Do you wonder why white people profile black male youths like you do white male youths?

  46. Anonymous1:37 PM

    "whites commit FAR more crimes than blacks

    blacks are simply arrested and prosecuted FAR more often than whites"

    Ya, that MUST be it.

    Crazy talk. LMAO.

  47. Anonymous1:40 PM

    foolish ariel posted:

    " Zimmerman had intended to shoot Martin he would of course have drawn his gun first. No one with a gun drawn starts a fistfight.

    No one pulls a gun and then fights with one hand for 45 seconds before deciding to shoot"



    tm was no unarmed fool

    there was NEVER ANY

    more proof that tm fell to his knees as soon as he saw the gun

    tm's fears are audible in his screams

    shame in heartless racist blind mfs like u!!!!

  48. Anonymous1:42 PM



    bumbling bigots like
    u make this so easy!!!

    shame on heartless racist blind mfs like u!!!!

  49. whites commit FAR more crimes than blacks

    By total number or percentage of the population?

    the witnesses saw trayvon trying to get the gun away from gz

    Which witness?

  50. Anonymous1:49 PM

    the most expert shoplifters are elderly white women
    young black women are stalked most often by security...

    white children do far more/can afford far more drugs than black children
    white males are the drug kingpins
    black drug drones and users are arrested most etc...

    cc ALL crime/arrests stats




    curious assnon:

    u r lazy

    your research is no my task

    got google?

  51. desertflower said...
    Where in heavens name, in what country, do you find an empire, a small country in itself it you will,dedicated to a mouse and other cartoon characters?

    Regarding your fear of mice...

    How do you consider Disney an empire?

    Please explain the power/control they have over you.

  52. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Anonymous Mauschwitz said...
    "What country are you talking about that is dedicated to a mouse?"
    1:04 PM
    All right, let's call it a small city then. Disney World is like a city!"The Magic Kingdom" city.

  53. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Anonymous Bill said...
    "I agree.
    Do you wonder why white people profile black male youths like you do white male youths?"
    Well in the case of the trench coated, camouflaged,booted Anglo. I think that's a pretty stereotypical look for these mad,crazed young killers.Give or take a ski mask or two! That wouldn't be "profiling" of a white man.

    That would be common sense and self preservation! :)

    But to stop and frisk ALL brown people regardless of attire or attitude, now that's "profiling"

    There's a difference, you just don't want to accept it :)

  54. Anonymous2:30 PM

    "tm's fears are audible in his screams"

    those are the voices in your head.

    Take your meds.

  55. Ariel2:37 PM

    Desertflower said...
    But to stop and frisk ALL brown people regardless of attire or attitude, now that's "profiling"

    Nobody does that or even believes that.

    You are right that a person's appearance conveys information about their character.

    No one is "profiling" brown grandmas, or guys that look like Bill Cosby or Wayne Brady.

    But tell me you don't keep your head on swivel when you see 15 to 25 year old black guys ding the 'walk', hoodies up with their pants sagging.

    People are wary of white kids in trench coats and young black guys in gang apparel for a reason. You can call it "profiling", I call it common sense.

  56. Ace Freeley2:41 PM

    "But still, I will be willing to march for justice with my white brothers and sisters, as long as we march against the NRA and their enablers as well."

    The perps were 15, 16 and 17, hence underage under existing US gun laws.

    What law would we pass that would affect them?

  57. Anonymous2:54 PM

    retarded assnon:

    my ONLY med is reality
    try it asap

    as in
    REAL audio tapees of gz's kkkill via 911
    46 OTHER cloned calls that kkklown gz made
    BEFORE he kkkilled tm
    they all PROVE that gz is a psycho racist profiling wannabee kkkop

    and any decent atty would have forced the jury to listen to all 46 on day 1 of gz's "trial"!!!!!!!


    the truths that silly racist mfs like u ignore
    do remain truths indeed


  58. Anonymous2:56 PM

    lazy kkklueless assnon:

    your research is NOT my task!!!

    got google???

  59. Anonymous2:59 PM

    those who are armed
    also NEVER need to scream

    as they kkkill screaming unarmed children



  60. Anonymous3:02 PM

    as in
    REAL audio tapes of gz's kkkill via 911

    46 trayvon clones are lucky to be alive today

    cc that kkkiller gz

  61. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Ariel said...
    "Nobody does that or even believes that.

    You are right that a person's appearance conveys information about their character.

    No one is "profiling" brown grandmas, or guys that look like Bill Cosby or Wayne Brady.

    But tell me you don't keep your head on swivel when you see 15 to 25 year old black guys ding the 'walk', hoodies up with their pants sagging."
    2:37 PM
    How could you even say that?

    Just to point out ONE example among the many. Don't you remember what they did to Forest Whitaker at the Milano Market?

    They accused him of shoplifting, stopped and patted him down, and he he was dressed like a doctor,lawyer or a serious college professor and scholar!!!

    And How about the Prof. Gates incident? and many more. dress has nothing to do with it. Brown skin does!

    I mean, please!

    As for keeping my "head on swivel",

    Whenever I'm alone, and ANY man appears, white, black, brown, yellow, red or blue. Believe me I keep my head on swivel. and not in a good way either.

    If it's a man, with testicles, it's dangerous to women who are alone! I was brought up like that, and I am still like that!

  62. Anonymous3:12 PM

    racist ignorant assnon:

    u lie like hobama

    unarmed elderly blacks are kkkilled by gz cloned kkkops just like tm daily

    we are all trayvon!!!!!!!







  63. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    as in
    REAL audio tapes of gz's kkkill via 911

    10 out of 11 witnesses identified the voice screaming for help as Zimmerman's.

    One lied.

  64. Anonymous3:25 PM

    blind kkklueless assnon:

    study blacks kkkilled by kkkops daily

    cc your racist bs to chavis carter
    ar's trayvon

    we are all trayvon!!!!!!!









  65. Anonymous3:26 PM

    11 liars


    46 taped calls
    that never ;ie


  66. Anonymous3:27 PM

    11 liars


    46 taped calls
    that never lie


  67. Ariel3:31 PM

    Desertflower said...
    "Whenever I'm alone, and ANY man appears, white, black, brown, yellow, red or blue. Believe me I keep my head on swivel. and not in a good way either.

    If it's a man, with testicles, it's dangerous to women who are alone! I was brought up like that, and I am still like that!"

    So, gender profiling is OK, because you "brought up like that", but racial profiling based on rational statistical analysis is forbidden, because that would be racist.


    I am a guy, so I understand when I am profiled because of my sex. In those situations where my race or any other characteristic would also merit increased attention, I would understand that as well.

    If young black males don't like being viewed with suspicion, they have only other young black males to blame.

  68. Anonymous3:32 PM

    cops kkkill blacks daily

    college grads
    safe tame celeb black clones
    bc/wb clones

    ALL are cannon fodder for gz clones daily

    only racist fools like u deny that historical/ongping reality

    do YOUR research NOW!!!!




  69. Mauschwitz3:34 PM

    Desertflower said...
    "Just to point out ONE example among the many. Don't you remember what they did to Forest Whitaker at the Milano Market?"

    The person who accused Mr. Whitaker of shoplifting was not white.

  70. Guns don't kill whitey, ...3:44 PM


    No, "we" are not all troubled youth, fond of MMA fighting and Purple Drank, suspended from school and involved in burglaries, pissed off because we have to wander around in the rain, far from home, killing time while our father is busy poking his girlfriend, who decides to jump the dude following him to vent his anger and to impress the retarded Haitian chick he is talking to on his cell phone, and who gets shot because he tries to beat the guy to death.

    "We" are all Chris Lane, and we have had it with the Sons of Obama.

  71. Ariel said: “If you are interested in facts, read the FBI crime statisitics:”
    http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/expanded/expanded-homicide-data - Ariel

    Ariel, the FBI is a governmental sanctioned, criminal organization. Any statistics emanating from the corridors of the alphabet police (FBI), must be viewed with an abundance of reservation and suspicion.

    Blacks commit more murders than whites, even though there are 6 times as many whites than blacks in America. - Ariel

    Ariel, Amerikkka’s genocidal adventures murdered 1.4 – 2.4 million blacks merely during the transporting or Middle Passage of slaves, enroute to the so-called new world. Perhaps another 11 million died during centuries of slavery. Even further, 2.8 Koreans during the Korean War and residual effects. Approximately 100,000 Vietnamese was kill during this war. Another 160,000 in Hiroshima and another 90,000 in Nagsaki in August of 1945 and later radiation effects. Remember, these two separate bombs were dropped within a three day period. Amerikkka’s lust for the killing of people of color has never abated. The names of these two bombs were strangely named Little Boy and Fat Man respectively. Look how far the spatial bar is regarding the names of these instruments in terms of the destruction they were actually designed to commit. NOW,… WHAT GROUP IS MORE PRONE TO KILLING OTHER PEOPLE SIMPLY DUE TO THEIR SKIN TONE???

    PS: These figures don’t even include the colonialism, expedition atrocities that has taken place in Afghanistan and Iraq!


  72. Ariel4:14 PM

    Black Sage said...
    Ariel, Amerikkka’s genocidal adventures murdered 1.4 – 2.4 million blacks merely during the transporting or Middle Passage of slaves, enroute to the so-called new world.

    You sum up once again the justification black Americans hold in their heats for murdering whites: revenge.

    This mindset is why interracial crime is almost 100% black on white, and why most blacks don't care, indeed most applaud the murders of whites.

    Blacks feel entitled to murder whites.

    Thanks for confirming this.

  73. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Black Sage, you forgot to add ' CASE CLOSED'!!!

    BRAVO!!! **clapping*

  74. Anonymous4:20 PM

    cc huey too!!!!


  75. Anonymous4:23 PM

    cc BOSSI and the OBPP

    panther 21


    only racist fools like ariel deny that historical/ongoing reality

  76. Anonymous4:29 PM

    classic films that exposes how the FBI murders blacks/black orgs...





  77. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Black Sage, you forgot to add ' CASE CLOSED'!!!

    BRAVO!!! **clapping*

    Desert applauds the murder of white people.

    I am disenchanted.

  78. Anonymous4:38 PM

    2 more

    classic films that expose how the FBI murders blacks/black orgs...



  79. Anonymous4:40 PM

    You forget the "Untouchables".


  80. Anonymous4:42 PM

    cackling illiterate assnon:

    when u pen "lmao"

    as u r a glaring ass
    u r posting suicide...no???

    beware u silly mf!

    buh bye now!

  81. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Anonymous4:32 PM
    "Desert applauds the murder of white people.
    I am disenchanted"
    I do not, never have and never will applaud anyone's murder! Where you come up with such a thing is beyond me!!!

    You on the other hand, seem to applaud the profiling of brown people!

    I am disenchanted!

  82. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Desertflower said, "As for keeping my "head on swivel",

    Whenever I'm alone, and ANY man appears, white, black, brown, yellow, red or blue. Believe me I keep my head on swivel. and not in a good way either.

    If it's a man, with testicles, it's dangerous to women who are alone! I was brought up like that, and I am still like that!"

    3:11 PM
    A man with testicles? how would you know if he had testicles 'unless' he had large ones? fyi, the link provided is about a man in the news with 132lb balls. The man can hardly get around. Nevertheless, he is alive and well. So, miss fraidie cat, there is nothing to be afraid of:


  83. Anonymous6:19 PM

    AB, it's good that you are back. Have you changed your mind about Obama and NDAA? It seems NDAA is very necessary for our country's security. We just can't function without it. I am more intelligent than you are, so I assume you agree?

  84. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "A man with testicles? how would you know if he had testicles 'unless' he had large ones? fyi, the link provided is about a man in the news with 132lb balls. The man can hardly get around. Nevertheless, he is alive and well. So, miss fraidie cat, there is nothing to be afraid of"
    6:13 PM
    Now see... you are bad :)

    That's not even nice to make fun of the poor guy! They shouldn't have written a story about that...It's not as uncommon as you might think actually...poor guy...but lol anyway :D
