Sunday, August 11, 2013

The ignorance of Erin Burnett and the "white privilege" industry.

Thanks to Oprah Winfrey, we now know that even when you have access to a billion dollars, "color arousal" can still affect your life. It's one of the sad realities of living in a color aroused world. We have all been there: The white guy or gal with barely a high school education shading you in an expensive store or high end area because they think you don't belong. It has happened to Oprah before, and given her age and status she can expect it to happen to her again.

But this post isn't about Oprah and her experience, it's about one particular anchor woman reporting on it.

Lately it has been the norm for those in the majority population to shout down claims of racism. FOX News has been leading this ignorant meme parade, but thanks to clowns like Erin Burnett over at CNN, the torch of ignorance has been passed.

CNN's Erin Burnett, covering the story of the Swiss store that told Oprah Winfrey a purse she wanted to see was "too expensive," offered a cringe-worthy assessment of the situation. Burnett first falsely suggested that Oprah herself was trying to play the race card and then compared Winfrey to a hooker.
Burnett's remarkably tone-deaf commentary can speak for itself. At the beginning of the segment, she played a clip of the Entertainment Tonight segment during which Oprah first told the story.

In the clip, Winfrey says, "I could have had the big blow-up thing, and thrown down the black card and all that stuff, but why do that?" Burnett then picks up the interview with filmmaker Safiya Songhai.
Oprah's made it very clear. She thought this was an act of racism; she was subjected to racism. She says, look, I could have thrown down the whole black thing, but I chose not to.
"The whole black thing," Burnett says. Winfrey could have "thrown down the whole black thing." Except that it is obviously not what Winfrey said. When Winfrey says "thrown down the black card," she makes a gesture as though she's putting down a credit card. Because that's what Winfrey means: she could have laid down the exclusive black American Express she carries to show that she could afford the purse, but she didn't. Winfrey even accentuates "card" — "I could have thrown down the black card" versus "the black card" — but Burnett doesn't pick up on it. Because to Burnett, Winfrey is being overreactive in suggesting it's about race.

I am sure Burnett knows what at Amex black card is, in fact, I bet she probably has one. So her not picking up on the fact that Winfrey did not mean the "race card" but that she was literally talking about a black card was even more mind-boggling.

But this is where we are in America; the people who report on the news and who are supposed to be leading the national conversation on things such as race are all morons who bring their own ignorance and prejudices to the table for the rest of us to ponder and digest.

Burnett, speaking from her perch of white privilege, was quick to downplay Winfrey's experience and blame it all on Winfrey's own racial sensitivities. The fact that Winfrey happens to have a big bank account makes her actions even more egregious in the eyes of people like Burnett. "How can she cry racism when she has money and America has been so good to her?" As if that makes the sting of racism hurt less.

"Burnett says that it may not have been about race — it may instead have been like the scene in Pretty Woman, when a prostitute is turned away from a high-end store. "It's sort of like that moment," Burnett says. She continues:
They didn't want a hooker in their store, and they knew she was a hooker. But you look now, and they say, well, was it just that they thought she couldn't afford it. And if so, even if it wasn't overt racism, did they say, well, because this woman's black, she can't afford it.
This is literally what Burnett says. The most generous assessment of that statement is that perhaps the store wasn't being racist, they simply thought that because Winfrey's a woman who's black, she can't afford it.
Which is the definition of racism. 

It's easy to see how race played a role in Winfrey's experience. Burnett tries twice to suggest it's not, first by implying Winfrey threatened to play the race card (which she didn't), and second by saying that it may have just been because they assumed Winfrey was poor because she was black (which is racist). [Source]

Of course it is "racist". And Burnett is no different than the woman who served Winfrey in that store in Switzerland called Trois Pommes.



  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Wonder why AMEX labeled their elite card which requires that I maintain a charging pattern of at least $150K/year and pay an annual fee of $2,500.00 the Centurion Black card? Imagine the uproar if AMEX had the audacity to call their highest end card the "White Card"!!! Can you imagine?

    My old Platinum card was only $450.00/year annual fee and gave essentially the same benefits expect for the 1st class travel perks.........I guess that's why PilotX hasn't upgraded his Platinum Card. ROTFLMAO.

  2. cue the she-devils! turn up the heat, already! so folks can see what i'm talking about. that ww isn't dumb. she has a job to do and she is on it. that's all. say a prayer for her. she appears not to know there is another way.

    hating on her creates a certain negative energy...that is harnessed to empower spiritual wickedness. flip it. pray for her. this is why we are called to pray for our enemies. duality all day...good/ who do you love? who will you serve? folks are soft targets spiritually due to their unbelief. these folks STAY emotionally manipulated. please know our enemy knows we are an emotional bunch.

    if you want to understand the secrets of the universe...think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. - Nikola Tesla

    bfolks are always on the end of some nasty racist psyc op. may as well flip it...but one can't do that unless they are moving in His power. this is what seems to escape most folks. by their actions they indicate they believe what they see more than what is written. americans are being programmed to be anti Yahweh. it is really bananas that so many of His Chosen Mighty Ones just refuse to connect to their true history.

    we're created to be the head and not the tail. because we don't know to believe that, running in circles, chasing racism and making no real progress can only be the result.

    forgive any typos.

  3. You see Usain Bolt do it again? Gatlin almost got him.
    Thing is even at the height of rampant overt racism here in good old America we had good white folks around to tell us it was no big deal and to get over it. How much you wanna bet if we research mainstream newspaper articles when Emmitt Till was murdered there was the "you negroes are killing each other in Chicago" meme being tossed around. Nothing new.

  4. Pastor Manning will explain it all to you

  5. No surprise here, after all, isn’t it the main objective of the devil or people who subscribe to devilry is to either distort the truth or utter outright lies? On the other hand, I don’t pity Oprah for one second because she is still sitting on a massive fortune, it’s the sales woman that could’ve certainly used the commission had Oprah purchased the handbag. Of course it was racism!

  6. parvenu3:04 PM

    Field, who the F**k cares what Erin Burnett thinks? Her voice is less than a fart in the middle of a wind storm. The most significant voice to come out of this racist event was that of the Swiss Government and its department of tourism. These are the voices that people of consequence pay attention to. The Swiss government took immediate action to get out in front of this, because they are concerned about their image with the tourists of the world. I ask again, who the hell is Erin Burnett?

  7. mauser98k-

    the devil is a liar. the first civilizations were black.

    white folks don't create anything other than the means to destroy humanity.

    it is written, there is a nation that will learn their inheritance are lies...all signs indicate that nation is the white one-Gentile and those masquerading as 'jews', while they drain the blood of america.

    the same lies that has pale folks puffed up acting arrogant...are the same lies that has Blessed Black folks acting cursed. as soon as more wake will be on. if you read will know that his sleeping Chosen nation is scheduled to be resurrected in the knowledge of who they really are. prophecy is unfolding before our eyes...even if folks choose not to believe.

    for those of us that read...we understand devils like you and why you/they are so relentless in your assaults. it is apart of our punishment for disobedience to be scorned.

    try this on for size...consider that until black folks wake up...nothing can change for ANY nation in the true sense...we are all in the same boat. what happens to the least, will also happen to the greatest. white folks scrambling to maintain wicked white supremacy are missing the boat/point just as Black folks scrambling to keep hating white folks...though to be clear...evil white folks and their evil colored help make it real hard to love them. we are called to do it nevertheless. what is right is usually the most challenging.

    don't even come over here with your madness. manning was speaking some truth. it was spliced and edited with a heavy does of white supremacy. only crazed racist fearful white folks and the deadhead negroes that worship, love, and serve them would agree with the heavily edited version of manning's message.

    if folks talk about Katrina without mentioning haarp- they need more info. if folks discuss crazy behavior without addressing the chemicals being put in folks' food, chemtrails, etc-they need more information.

    if folks don't care about all of the other mitigating circumstances when discussing the condition of people...they need Him to come into their lives or to fast track on back to hell with their demonic selves. their choice. i just reserve the right to call it.

    thanks for sharing your whack azzbackwards link. now i better understand why so many folks are so dumb. they don't know how to sort info from disinfo.

  8. i love how the brothas can't bring themselves to really care about oprah. if that woman was poor, folks would still have a hard time. if she was a loaded bm ya'll would find a way to care and lament the injustice and difficulty of navigating this racist world despite achieving material success.

    until more bm connect with that thing inside of men, that makes them stand up when the women that look like them are experiencing injustice, brutality and abuse-no matter who the perpetrator straight protective mode...folks will NOT see you as men.

    men=provider, protector, problem solver, producer

    bm seem to think they can change that and redefine men this way:

    men=has penis and uses it indiscriminately, as is his right because he is a man. as evidenced by man part.

    those on a sex animal program...please do your best to understand. degenerate to unthinking, perverted, degraded animal...don't share your comments. i am not talking to you. vile vulgar comments, won't change that...

  9. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Poor poor pity poor Opera. The average White man and woman has a hard time finding any paying for health insurance (we aren't all firemen), and we are supposed to give a rat's ass about the terrible injustice of Opera Winfrey not being able to inspect a $38,000 handbag at some fantastically exclusive store in Switzerland? Field, are you on crack?

  10. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Also (I'm the immediately preceding anon here), while you read this story and think about the terrible racial injustices across the planet for which it stands, the rest of us are pondering how much money the workers in Vietnam or other shi*hole out there where $38,000 bag was assembled from maybe $38 worth of parts got paid for their troubles. A dollar?

  11. When referring to the Oprah incident, Focusedpurpose said: “men=has penis and uses it indiscriminately, as is his right because he is a man. as evidenced by man part.”

    Surely you’re stroking with a broad brush here (no pun intended). In any event, are you referring to the pencil d**k men that you’ve unfortunately dated? Please be specific and quit including all men with such a wide vitriol sweep!

  12. "There is nothing a white man with a penny hates more than a nigger with a nickel" .

    For some reason I am thinking of that saying now. Just sayin.

  13. Anonymous7:14 PM

    "There is nothing a white man with a penny hates more than a nigger with a nickel--For some reason I am thinking of that saying now. Just sayin."

    There you go again, repeating the same analytical mistake over and over again in your work. The fact is, we -- whites, asians, hispanics -- do not think about you as much as you might think we do. But we do think about the economic injustices of our time, the failure of our president to spend any political capital to address them (floating the idea of Larry Summers to head up the Federal Reserve does not count) and the very misguided sense of fairness that leads our media outlets to devote more electrons to the service a billionaire received at a store in a foreign land while contemplating the purchase of a $38,000 purse than to the economic situation of the 3rd World people who likely made that bag for a few bucks a day. But you just don't get that. You have one hammer - race - and to you, the whole world looks like one protruding nail forever in need of hammering.

  14. And I will keep hammering that "nail"until the hammer breaks or the wood splits.

  15. GrannyStandingforTruth8:01 PM

    Rev Manning is another paid performer for Hannity and his demonic crew.

  16. Anonymous8:20 PM

    The average net worth of a Black American woman is 5USD. Don't confuse realism with racism.

    Blame your culture.

  17. Anonymous8:23 PM

    The fact that she is a fat woman didn't help her any. Super upscale boutiques don't like selling to fat women no matter their color:

  18. @Anon 7:14pm said: "We whites, asians and hispanics do not think about you as much as you think we do."

    You're such an air head. Since when did whites, asians and hispanics evolve into a monolithic group?

    Furthermore, you alluded to economic injustices of our time in a contemporary manner. But yet, you failed to mention social, political, racial and economic warfare that have been intentionally inflicted upon blacks in this country for centuries. Based on your shallow comment above,.. you are truly the individual that just doesn't get it. Or in the alternative, you do get it but since we have a half black president, it gives whites like yourself an opportunity to attempt to turn the table and speak as if whites have suffered the same economic and other injustices just as blacks have. NOT!...


  19. @GrayyStandingforTruth, .... stating once again, nothing but the truth regarding Manning! :)

  20. Anonymous9:00 PM

    "You're such an air head. Since when did whites, asians and hispanics evolve into a monolithic group?" Monolithic? No, your word not mine. Just people with problems of their own who are not as invested in worrying about yours as you may fantasize. And believe me, however prejudiced you may think Whites are against you, with Koreans, Mexicans, etc. it is ten times worse.

    "you failed to mention social, political, racial and economic warfare that have been intentionally inflicted upon blacks in this country for centuries." I live in the present. My problems are based in the here and now, and concern the present and the future. Not the past. But if that's how you wish to live, be my guest. Just don't expect an America that is increasingly composed of peoples whose ancestors (like mine) had not even a theoretical connection to that victimization of yours to care.

  21. Anonymous9:22 PM

    bfolks are always on the end of some nasty racist psyc op. may as well flip it...but one can't do that unless they are moving in His power. this is what seems to escape most folks. by their actions they indicate they believe what they see more than what is written. americans are being programmed to be anti Yahweh. it is really bananas that so many of His Chosen Mighty Ones just refuse to connect to their true history.

    we're created to be the head and not the tail. because we don't know to believe that, running in circles, chasing racism and making no real progress can only be the result.

    forgive any typos.

    12:35 PM
    Thank you FP for this insightful comment. I especially like the idea to 'flip it'. That feels more like it instead of our old ineffective-tired-going-no-where way of thinking and reacting. However, history has shown that Blacks are still not prepared to "flip it" on them because we have done nothing to the spiritual inner strength and courage to do so.

    Also I agree that we ARE an emotional bunch and every one knows it, esp Whites. Unless we have a power greater than our run wild emotions, we are doomed to be controlled by the enemy.

    Yet, when the Truth is spoken to us, what do we do? We turn away from IT. We refuse to believe. It's as if we don't want to be free. It's as if we want to stay on the bottom; it's as if we are too comfortable in our suffering. We just can't imagine that there is a way out. Our minds lack imagination and our hearts lack courage. So we choose the way of the devil that keeps us from HIM.

    They say, Out of the infinite beings in the Universe, there are only 'two' classes of beings that fail to glorify GOD:

    1. fallen angels, often known as demons
    2. and human beings.

    I don't know where our race is going but it sure looks like more hell, which we unnecessarily keep making for ourselves. It's tough being part of a race bent on losing.... One feels isolated.

    Someone gave a link to Pastor Manning. He sounds like a yelling fool, but he was right about a lot of things including Obama, waaaay before he became President. Even so, there are people like Granny who ignores the truth and castigates the messenger.... TNB...

  22. GrannyStandingforTruth9:33 PM


    "How much you wanna bet if we research mainstream newspaper articles when Emmitt Till was murdered there was the "you negroes are killing each other in Chicago" meme being tossed around."


    White people see "Boyz in the Hood", or "Menace to Society" and automatically assume that all blacks are like the ones depicted in the films. There are very few positive features in Hollywood or in the news that show the positive sides of blacks. That wouldn’t be "sexy" news or movies. People forget that whites are the same way. Just watch "Donnie Brasco", or the "Godfather" trilogy to see just how whites can be too. I'm just saying.

    OJ killed two people (for whatever reason), but TIMOTHY MCVEIGH slew 569, but O.J. is the only one they talk about whenever a murder is committed, but McVeigh is forgotten about and never mentioned at all.

  23. GrannyStandingforTruth9:40 PM

    Anonymous 9:22, would those Whites that you refer to be affiliated with Free Republic? LOL!

  24. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Black Sage, "You're such an air head. Since when did whites, asians and hispanics evolve into a monolithic group?"

    I don't know when it happened but it HAS happened. Brother Sage, it doesn't take a genius to know that "collectively" Whites, Asians and Hispanics don't care for Blacks. Consequently, they don't spend much time thinking about us. That is our own delusion.

    Think about it. They have their own lives to live and NOT very interested in living a life as a black person unless they have to or choose to. But we have no choice. Of course, we 'think' they 'think' more about us than we 'think' because we think and talk about 'them' all the time.

    In truth, some Blacks don't like being Black. That's why we think so much about the wm and 'how' he lives. Bm seek ww because they need validation that they aren't quite like other bm.

    Anyway, this is all a state of mind and looking at our race on a collective basis, we are at the bottom of the pile. We are in deep shit. But we can't face that's too painful. so probably we will die a slow painful death of extinction. I hope I am wrong but there are no other signs in our behavior or thinking that say differently.

  25. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Granny, "OJ killed two people (for whatever reason), but TIMOTHY MCVEIGH slew 569, but O.J. is the only one they talk about whenever a murder is committed, but McVeigh is forgotten about and never mentioned at all.

    9:33 PM
    So? does that change what we are doing to each other in our community? It sounds like you are in a self-pitying mood with no solution to get us out of a rut. TNB...that's all you do is bitch, bitch, about what the wm is doing to us as if we are such powerless pitiful people.

    Don't you have another funeral to go to?

  26. Anonymous9:59 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Anonymous 9:22, would those Whites that you refer to be affiliated with Free Republic? LOL!

    9:40 PM
    No, I was referring to Whites collectively, whether Democrats, Republicans, Independents, the MSM, Erin Burnett, Nancy Grace, Jerry Springer, Lou Dobbs, Rush Limbaugh, hannity, etc...I won't list them all, but you get the picture, don't you? name one for yourself....the list is endless.

  27. Anonymous10:04 PM

    BTW, what happened to that 'blog' that you were going to start up two years ago? Still too busy? What happened to that college degree you were going to get? I swear. Between you and Dr Queen, you two must own half the lies on the planet. What makes your lies so poignant is your name:

    GrannyStandingforTRUTH...ROFL...But hey, you are the

  28. GrannyStandingforTruth10:05 PM

    We? Hold up now, don't include me in your "WE" because I am not harming, injuring, killing, or hurting anyone, nor am I contributing to anyone's rut. You sound like you have issues, but stop taking them out on me because I'm not the cause of your issues or problems. In the first place you were the one that attacked me first as always.

    I am entitled to my opinion just like you and trust me I am gonna voice mine whenever I feel like it and whereever I feel like it.

    The scroll button is on the right hand side, if you don't like what I say then I suggest you use it.

  29. GrannyStandingforTruth10:08 PM

    Anony 9:59:

    Yep, I get it. :) You're not kidding the list is endless.

  30. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Field, "Lately it has been the norm for those in the majority population to shout down claims of racism. FOX News has been leading this ignorant meme parade, but thanks to clowns like Erin Burnett over at CNN, the torch of ignorance has been passed."

    Of course, Erin is going to shout down claims of racism. How many times have you heard Whites say, "I am sick and tired of hearing about racism"? Well, Erin Burnett is sick and tired of it also. Mr Field, you can call it 'ignorance' but it isn't going to stop. It is a powerful force against us and there doesn't seem to be any relief heading our way. Just more of it and it weaves it way through the MSM. And make no mistake about it, ignorance is a powerful force. For centuries in America, it has kicked the shit out of knowledge when it comes to race. FYI: Color Arousal is just one of many powerful weapons that ignorance and hatred uses.

    Brother Field, what do you recommend we DO? It seems posts and blogs like yours doesn't stop anything.

    One thing for sure: beat downs on Blacks is no longer the monopoly of FOX. It is spreading across the MSM. Hmmmmm. I wonder what that means for us? More Stand your Ground laws?

  31. GrannyStandingforTruth10:25 PM

    Anon 10:04:

    I completed,got my degree, and was on the Dean's List and Honor roll, except for one quarter due to the emergency that came up with my daughter. You didn't know that my daughter was sick and has a growth on her brain stem and that I had been sick myself? That's why I havent been trying to blog full time. I did post a couple of topics, but due to my situation I am unable to blog regularly.

    You shouldn't make a habit of falsely accuse people that you do not know personally, know nothing about, and do not know what their situation might be. I've been going through a lot and dealing with a lot on my plate. That's not nice. :)

    Sweetheart, I've been straight up with everyone on here, although, in some cases, certain ones haven't been the same with me, but that's on them.

  32. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Black Sage said, "You're such an air head. Since when did whites, asians and hispanics evolve into a monolithic group?"

    Oh you pathetic fool. NOBODY wants to be Black. That is a collective opinion of ALL races in America, including many Blacks. It is NO FUN being Black in America. I don't know how you could think otherwise, considering you are Black.

    Apparently you have had your head in the sand for your entire life... and yet, you have the moronic adacity to call someone outside of your race an airhead? It takes a space cadet to think like you do. Charles Barkley is a lot smarter than you are.

  33. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Granny, "You shouldn't make a habit of falsely accuse people that you do not know personally, know nothing about, and do not know what their situation might be. I've been going through a lot and dealing with a lot on my plate. That's not nice. :)"

    Well, you should take your own advice. I am sure FP will agree and so will a couple of others today.

  34. Anonymous10:40 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Anon 10:04:

    "I completed,got my degree, and was on the Dean's List and Honor roll, except for one quarter due to the emergency that came up with my daughter. You didn't know that my daughter was sick and has a growth on her brain stem and that I had been sick myself? That's why I havent been trying to blog full time. I did post a couple of topics, but due to my situation I am unable to blog regularly."

    You sure don't sound like you have been to college. What school did you go to?

    It would have been nice if you had taken the time to explain to your blog followers why you could no longer blog. In fact, you abandoned us several times with no explanation. That was rude and showed a lack of integrity.

  35. GrannyStandingforTruth10:51 PM

    Anon 10:42:

    Okay, END OF CONVERSATION with you. I see where you're trying to go with your sly insults.

  36. Anonymous10:52 PM

    If you all think the post about what happened to Winfrey was disrespectful and racist, get a load of what the white folks did to Obama:

  37. Sage, white folks aren't playing the victim role now we have blood in the WH they've been doing that for decades. The same language they use now they used in the 50's and 60's. On that note today on that one sista's show on MSnbc, her name escapes me right now, she read the letter sent to Dr. King by the senator from Georgia about why he was voting against the VRA. Clueless.

  38. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Who is anon10:42p? As you asked someone earlier, "Who are you talking to? there is nobody here but you and me.

  39. Also Sage I'm gonna have to co-sign about painting all brothas with a broad brush. There are some of us who do provide for and protect our sistas. Trust, Mrs. X wouldn't put up with BS.

  40. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Field, "Of course it is "racist". And Burnett is no different than the woman who served Winfrey in that store in Switzerland called Trois Pommes."

    Oh, come on Mr Field. Let's be real and practical here. Should Oprah have gone to that store in the first place? Come on, it's Switzerland! How many Blacks are in that country?

    It seems to me that Oprah ought to be giving her money to Black-owned stores in America. Do you not agree? I never hear or read a post on FN about Blacks supporting Blacks businesses. I only hear about Blacks killing Blacks; Blacks robbing Blacks; Blacks without fathers; OOW black children; prisons jammed with bm. So many problems in our black community and you are concerned about Oprah in Switzerland. Believe me, Oprah can take care of herself and that sales clerk is probably a goner by now.

    Oprah could probably support much of the black race in America, if she 'wanted' to. But it's clear she 'doesn't'.

    Nevertheless, here you are coming to her rescue by attacking Erin Burnett who nobody knows..but now knows because of your

    Again, Oprah doesn't need your help...

    Brother Field, please forgive me, but I just don't understand your thinking--it seems perverted. You seem to support those who spit in your face and you attack those who try to help(Don Lemon, Bill Cosby, Tavis Smiley, Cornel West).

    How can you expect our race to survive with such self-destructive thinking like yours?

  41. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    "There is nothing a white man with a penny hates more than a nigger with a nickel" .

    For some reason I am thinking of that saying now. Just sayin.

    7:02 PM
    Stop using that demeaning destructive word that Whites use to degrade us, Field.

  42. Anonymous11:56 PM

    wow Field is really under attack tonight!

  43. I don't know, Field. I am unconvinced that Erin Burnett is that bright. She may really have no clue that Oprah was talking about her American Express card. I figured some dummy out there in the media would think "black card" was "race card," a term the white media made up anyway. I thought that misunderstanding would come from someone at the Drudge Report or maybe a Fox News personality. But Erin Burnett turned out to be the idiot in waiting. Again, I'm not surprised. I don't think she's that smart. It's not the first time she's been tone deaf and stupid, and that's one of the reasons I skip her show now. Actually, I don't watch CNN nearly as much as I used to. I've given up on the network.

  44. @Anon 7:14pm said: "We whites, asians and hispanics do not think about you as much as you think we do."

    If that’s the case, why in the hell are you and other flugelrod whites prefer to post asinine comments on which is essentially a black blog? Therefore, blacks are on the collective minds of whites all the time. Isn’t this is why you continue to visit this blog? It’s obvious that you and other absent frontal lobe whites prefer to visit blogs such as this to spew mindless comments that you’d never consider doing within ear-shot of any black person. (conjure up the image of white man getting literally knocked out in NY one month ago at a restaurant). Furthermore, have you ever heard of a black commenter frequently visiting AR15 or Stormfront’s blog site? Perhaps not, …. and the reason for this is because for the most part, blacks don’t give a crap about what child-like minded whites are thinking, unlike you and other anonymous commenters having such an interest as what’s going on within the minds of collective black folks. Move on suckers, you cannot convince anyone here with your garbage based posts!


  45. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Black Sage - Good to hear you're still kickin' it. Been away for awhile... On June 13th, the USATODAY reported that the Census reported that there were more "white deaths than births," which "has happened sooner that expected." When one bookends this fact with the fact that USATODAY also reported in May of 2012 that there were more... "ethnic babies born that white babies for the first time since they've been recording the data." These mutants are as ephemeral as the cicada, only their Lethal Mutation status means that they won't be coming back from the collective dirt nap that nature has for their collective. So, of course, you're right - that cabron is lying. Members of the parent African human species are ALWAYS on the minds of such alabaster-hued cretins. Such amoral, soulless, melanin-bereft creatures are indeed as transparent as you've pointed out. They remain obsessed with humans.

  46. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Black Sage, please move on, my brother. You already posted a similar remark at 8:31. Why continue to give anon even more of your time and your life? It shows you can't get him out of your mind. It shows he did a number on you and you can't sleep. Come on, brother. Take some NyQuil and go to bed. You'll feel better in the morning. Don't let that anon get to you like that. That's what our Sister FP was talking about. We too emotional...out of control...too sensitive and Whites know it....Learn to be strong, flip it. Be smart, brother. Have some dignity. Stop wallowing in the mud with the White pigs.

  47. Anonymous1:05 AM

    this blog is bullshit cause it ain't helping nobody. Somebody ought to picket this sucker. shut it down.

    black sage, why do you call yourself a sage when you are dumb? get a grip man, you are no match for the intelligent.

    pilotx, why you call yourself a pilot when you don't fly? get a grip man. stop making a fool of yourself.

    granny, you have no clue about how or what white people do. you are black and cannot possibly have a white experience. give it up gurl. it's beyond your mind.

  48. Anonymous1:14 AM

    The mutant employee figured that members of her collective have been so successful in putting the screws to humans that none have slipped through the cracks, as it were. The uber rich mutants that I matriculated with during undergrad would've bought the store on the spot, just to fire the offending party. Unfortunately, Oprah's experience mirrored Forest Whitaker's being accused of stealing in that, like good Negroes, neither her nor Forest didn't wanna make no trouble. That's truly pathetic. What's the point of accruing such wealth if you cannot or will not put the screws to these creatures who know that they were a complete accident of nature; who know that they weren't created by any "God (great German word, by the way!)," but were a product of DEVOLUTION (READ: natural selection and adaptation gone seriously awry within the Wurm [there go those Germans again!]Ice Age).

    What Oprah doesn't get is that that mutant still knows that she exerted POWER over Oprah and despite all of Oprah's wealth, she accepted this mutant putting her in a powerless position. That's the real takeaway. Imagine Oprah filming firing this creature and putting it on Youtube or better yet, her show? Imagine the Miami HEAT players, en masse, opting out of playing for their team unless Zimmerman was brought up on Federal charges?

    Until humans see mutants for just what they are and fail to smite them when they have the power, humans will always catch it from these cratures who will always be mad that they weren't born human.

  49. Black Sage-

    i was wondering why folks were coming so hard for you...convinced you were a blithering idiot...

    i think i am clear now. lol. w/ no additional questions at this time.

    since you do have a question and clearly missed my efforts to speak into your listening the first time, here you go:

    '...please do your best to understand...'

    if that was your best effort at proves lacking.

    i urge you to try again and while you sit back and think about it...take a peek at the oow rates and KNOW these women are NOT Miriam and immaculately conceiving. CLEARLY someone has decided that my observation meets the modern definition of 'man' and in LARGE NUMBERS (unless folks think it is lil wayne making his desire as it relates to all the girls in the world true. i doubt that, highly.)

    i believe it is a grip of modern negroes that have bought into the wholesale dishonoring of bw and by extension themselves. IF folks can't get honest about their ish, how dare you whine and complain about others reserving the right to lie to themselves and everyone else?

    those treating bw like 'belly warmers' and 'bed wenches' are men that look them. since folks can't seem to figure it out...i reserve the right to call it.

    ...and since folks are having such a hard time connecting dots...this dirty not so secret sad state of affairs is why sane functioning men grab their daughters/families and take off when they see's either that or shoot you. figure it out already. it will be easier to do when folks stop painting EVERYTHING with the VERY broad RACISM brush. some of this ain't's just TRUE. deal with it or if it's too hot up in here for you to demonstrate proper home training...peace out.

    Scriptures teaches clearly that those that refuse to take care of their own are worse than infidels. surely, i thought...i would not have to sugar coat my point to accommodate baby azz feelings on grown men and say 'please know i am not talking about ALL bm.' damn that. this i is not pre school and there will be no pattycake.

    time to wake and grow up! or is about choices. i choose to speak up. i am not sorry.

    check yourself before you step to me that way again, ok? then know...the bw whose voices folks are too deaf, dumb, blind and REFUSE to hear- are your divine help.

    when i speak, i may or may not be speaking from personal experience. i have no out of wedlock children. i don't tolerate dumb ish. period.

    it is written that a wise person learns more from a warning than a fool will from a hundred lashes.

    newsflash: a great many lessons may be learned by paying attention. in is written that the worse thing that can be said for man is that he does NOT pay attention.

    may i suggest that you acquire emotional discipline? and have it in full effect before you address me again, sir.

    since you are moving slow today, not quite catching what is said...feeling emotional...please know that was a warning shot. that said, only a really DUMB male argues with a woman that is not HIS woman. smart men know better than to argue too long with his woman. those dumb and bitchy enough to do toss this wisdom out...usually end up totally losing their cool. don't let it happen to you, bruh.

    my observation fellas moan, groan and cry long and hard when it is bm. folks come with an expectation that bw will somehow be stronger than quite a few bm hold themselves to be. fix that. or least understand why folks are not rushing to call you men...when bm, in large numbers, steadfastly refuse to perform man functions/roles.

    hope clarification was all you needed.

    create a beautiful evening...that's my plan.

  50. Oprah's bodyguards & personal assistant were apparently told to wait outside the store. So chances are Oprah didn't even have her "black card" on her. Oh, Oprah, the indignity of it all! & in Switzerland!

  51. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Field, you have Burnett all wrong. I bet some of her best friends are Black. So, watch what you say about that sweet 'liberal dem woman. You belong to the same party and same ideology.:)

  52. let me say this i feel pricked in my spirit.

    in additional to not being hypocritical about bm's collective complicity in keeping the curses of Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26 upon us- while simultaneously demanding lying azz white folks and the colored help that worship and serve them tell the dang truth about their devilish ways (hypocrisy much?)...folks come HARD for bw and girls, it's the bm golden calf folks worship...can we also NOT diss Granny so hard? she has earned the right to speak her piece without being disrespected.

    i think all here knew before yesterday that she was an elder.

    the Psalm 83'ers scorn/disrespect/murder us because as long as we do this to ourselves...these devils reserve the right to point to it as an excuse. it is not about them nor that. it is about Him and us.

    self respect.

    we each should be the change we want to see. even here. believe it or not we have the tools to unite the world. do we really want to use the last days of free, not so censored internet exchange bickering and being disrespectful?

    think about that...and the fact that one can only be part of the solution or the problem.

    those that are better organized and more emotionally disciplined are not using their time in this manner. and there is substantially more relevant information being exchanged...folks aren't discussing their emotions so much.

    this special child of Yah right here works the nerve sometimes with his steadfast censorship of my comments. lol. he is NOT going to address white don't matter WHAT i say. lol. he will NOT address the Scriptures i share DESPITE being 'orthodox christian'...he wants to throw out Scriptures and the concept of their being Chosen, dna'd folks described in Scriptures. it even says the remnant will be gathered from the corners of the earth mixed raced. if that ain't people please. wake up.

    check the exchange of information. the level of respect even when there is disagreement.

    FN, to be fair to you...i understand you'd need to revamp your blog to tell the Truth about BO. get to know Him, so you, too, can become drone proof;) He'll protect you as it is written. believe it or have grown on me. plus i can't fully tell if you are awake and just resting your eyes. lol. all closed eyes ain't sleep, the elders used to say. momma said, when we under estimate others we disadvantage only i am paying close attention. lol. i can hear you say i don't give

    ok...couldn't chill until that was written. Anon, don't whack Granny and put my name in it, ok? that's not cool on too many levels. Almighty don't like ugly and He already addressed this matter directly. i am sleepy now and going to sleep. let's be nice to Granny. that's all. lol. good night.

  53. real jew news dude...did finally give Blacks the 'killed Messiah' that's about it. to be fair.

    just devilish...gathering information like a fiend. and no one can call him anti semitic, so he is telling it! take what you need and leave the rest. i learn from everybody...for real. good night. just didn't want to lie on the man. he did say we killed Messiah. still no chosen people though. won't discuss white supremacy and those Scriptures in NT that fly in the face of this 'no chosen people' assertion. lol.

  54. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I seriously doubt the CNN reporter owns an American Express Black card - the card is so exclusive it is given to only those who are afforded a high six figure line of credit - greater than her salary!

  55. Even if Ms. Winfrey meant to imply the "race" card, how silly of Erin Burnett to go there. Oprah is too savvy and classy for that kind of outburst, tempting as it might be.

  56. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Burnett went to Wiliams College in Mass. and has possibly led the most cloistered life known to TV. Too bad: a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    Follow up on the Trois Pommes store in Zurich that rebuffed Oprah: the owner attended the same Tina Turner wedding as Oprah, stuck up for her employee, saying it was all a "misunderstanding." Not the best response.

    Racism takes so many, er, colors, it's hard to count them all: ignorant, lazy, shiftless, violent, coarse, loud, "entitled"... what am I leaving out? It's so hard to keep up.

    Bill di Blasio for NYC Mayor
    end stop and frisk!


  57. Anonymous9:33 AM

    FP--"ok...couldn't chill until that was written. Anon, don't whack Granny and put my name in it, ok? that's not cool on too many levels. Almighty don't like ugly and He already addressed this matter directly. i am sleepy now and going to sleep. let's be nice to Granny. that's all. lol. good night."

    3:50 AM
    You are right, I shouldn't have used your name while whacking Granny. I was wrong; I apologize. I will do my utmost to NOT do it again. I have a history of resentment against Granny. I do my best to not even engage Granny. However, she has commented to me and has never been kind or considerate. It's hard to to be kind to an old mean-spirited jackass.

    Nevertheless, I know I need to go to a higher level...rise above it. You see, I am still listening, learning and trying to be respectful, kind and considerate myself without being a doormat for people like Granny. Needless to say, I have a ways to go.

    This journey toward the Light gives me hope. I find HE keeps luring me toward HIM in so many ways. I am surprised that HE even notices me. But, I'll take it.

    You mentioned that I was wrong on 'many levels' in using your name. I would be interested in hearing about those levels(if you don't mind). Thus far, just hearing spiritual information has been of great help. I want to become a decent human being in order to carry out HIS work...but I don't want to be a doormat! That is a fear of mine...I know, I'm still a neophyte. But heck, we all have to start where we are at, don't we? lol

  58. Keep on hammerin', Field, till the trumpet blows and God calls all her children home, for she'll have read your blog and I'm guessing she'll say, "well done..." for God kinda takes a likin' to those who speak truth to power. BTW, is the penny/nickel quote attributable to any one person, or is it folk wisdom? Either way: true, true, true.

  59. focused purpose said
    " FN, to be fair to you...i understand you'd need to revamp your blog to tell the Truth about BO. get to know Him, so you, too, can become drone proof;) He'll protect you as it is written. believe it or have grown on me. plus i can't fully tell if you are awake and just resting your eyes. lol"

    Focused purpose




    He enjoys his slumber like the kid that knows the alarm has went off , and he HAS to get up...

    Its one of the reasons I rarely comment here anymore... Too much racial tension without thoughtful analysis.. I check in every now and then to see the direction in which hes going , but... Its pointless with Field... I think he pulled the covers over his head back in 08 or 09...

  60. Anonymous12:35 PM

    @Focused Purpose
    "believe it is a grip of modern negroes that have bought into the wholesale dishonoring of bw and by extension themselves."

    At least 75% of black children are born out of wedlock. (This despite the fact that women have at least 15 different kinds of birth control available to them. In addition, almost 40% of abortions done in the US are done on black women.)

    Several months ago, I read a comment on another blog, Clutch, that indicated 60% of black women who gave birth in the Memphis, Tennessee area failed to correctly identify the biological father of their child the first time.

    In other words, the first man named as the bio father turned not to be the father, per standard paternity test, in the majority of out-of- wedlock births among black women in the Memphis area.

    It seems like the majority of black women who give birth out of wedlock in the Memphis area belong on the "Maury Povich Show".
    Keep in mind that although this comment referred to the Memphis area, this "trend" in "black culture" probably is true of most urban areas in America with large black populations.

    But according to you, this is ALL the black man's fault.

  61. Anonymous12:52 PM

    "Several months ago, I read a comment on another blog, Clutch, that indicated 60% of black women who gave birth in the Memphis, Tennessee area failed to correctly identify the biological father of their child the first time."

    60%!!! OMG! This OOW crap keeps getting uglier and uglier. Children are entering the world not knowing who their father is and by extension bm can't trust a bw because she is so promiscuous.

    How can a woman not know who the father is? Is she that promiscuous? If those stats in Memphis are true, not only do we have an OOW problem we have a moral problem. That's worse than OOW. It's totally immoral.

  62. Anonymous1:01 PM


    The Judeochristian analytical lens that you and others bring to the discussion does not lend itself to any intelligent, reasoned discussion that is congruous to the situation that members of the parent African human species find themselves and the ignorance that you spew blaming the victim of America's successful endeavor to socially engineer both the criminality AND destruction of said male members remains appalling.

    I pity the intellectual laziness that you and others within the collective wallow in because it requires no intellectual rigor, no mental growth by acquiring new knowledge nor any WORK exhibited. You and others are why the collective remains doomed because Christianity is NOT incongruous with sexism, racism, and white supremacy.

    As I've written, ad nauseum, Maya Angelou astutely observed that, "When someone(a people)tells you who they are, believe them," and I argue that Aesop's Fables, particularly, "The Tortoise and the Scorpion," TELLS members of the parent African human species just who this subspecies (due to color mutation), this Lethal Mutation, is --- in a far more meaningful way than the Helios Biblios does. Sadly, your numbers are substantial, as the number one graduate degree that Black folk get is the anti-intellectual,anti-quantitative Master's in Divinity Studies, undoubtedly adding to the liquor stores and churches "sickness" within our communities.

    Lastly, your words are exactly why St. Thomas Aquinas admonished one and all to, "Beware the man (or woman) of (ONLY) one book (homo unius libri)."

  63. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I co-sign with BlackISBeautiful.

  64. Amen... Anon at 1:17 I wonder if Field will post about Eric Holders recent decision to refom federal sentencing guidlines in regards to federal drug cases...

    IF the defendant is NOT tied to large gangs or cartels...

    Better yet... How about we put the cartels out of business ,and direct those future proceeds to the schools , and cities that need them...

    Sorry... just a little off topic... Got carried away...

  65. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Anon@1:01pm, "The Judeochristian analytical lens that you and others bring to the discussion does not lend itself to any intelligent, reasoned discussion that is congruous to the situation that members of the parent African human species find themselves and the ignorance that you spew blaming the victim of America's successful endeavor to socially engineer both the criminality AND destruction of said male members remains appalling."

    Hmmmm. Can you be more specific? Can you give an example for us non-intellectual people? Your comment is too general. Please give a clear-cut example so people won't have to 'guess' at what you mean. That way, the intellect will have something to sink its teeth into.

  66. Anonymous1:50 PM

    @Focused Purpose
    This is anon 12:35 PM again

    The problem is not just that the overwhelming majority of black children are born OOW.

    It's actually worse than that: in truth, the majority of black children these days are born outside of even a committed relationship.

    But again, according to you, this stunning state of affairs is ALL the black man's fault.

  67. Anonymous2:11 PM

    anon12:35, can you provide a link to the article and stats you got your information from?

  68. Anonymous2:11 PM

    @anon 1:33 PM

    Christianity has no answer to the "Psychopathic Racial Personality" executed by the subspecies of human, the collective mutant humanoid, referred to as the Caucasoid nor does Christianity speaks to said Caucasoid's origin and how it makes "turning the other cheek" an exercise in extreme folly. Christianity did not keep Columbus and Isabella from exterminating the Taino Indians that he first encountered (with gold in the waters on those West Indian shores) nor did it stop the the U.S. Government from deliberately inoculating the Ottawa Indians with the small pox virus via infected blankets. Christianity was not only the very shoehorn to Slavery, Colonialism, and Jim Crow, but seems consistent with America being the prison capital of the world, presently. The most holier-than-thou nation leads the world in oppression and tyranny, yet many willfully ignorant members of the parent African human species persist in continuing to cleave a slave religion that provides no healthy answers. Lastly, John in Revelations, loosely paraphrased, says that the streets of heaven are paved with gold and diamonds, which is what pretty much melanated peoples enjoyed prior to this virulent strain of invasive, mutant humanity invading their shores and infecting them with this warped theology while stealing their land, gold, and diamonds.

    Only the willfully ignorant cannot see the forest for the trees...

  69. Anonymous2:27 PM


    Surprisingly, Holder is attacking willful American tyranny borne of America's "Psychopathic Racial Personality."

    Just saw a stat that America's prison population grew by 800% since 1980 or when President Barack Obama's favorite president, Ronald "Iran Contra" Reagan, flooded America's inner cities with Cocaine via Ollie North, with logistics undoubtedly provided by VP and America's very first Drug-Dealer-in-Chief (via the CIA in the 60s and 70s), George Bush (whom Barack declared only a few weeks ago, "made America kinder and gentler...").

    Senator Leahy and others put forth legislation that appears to be the impetus. Can't imagine any leadership, whatsoever, coming out of the Oval Office!

  70. Anonymous Anonymous said...But according to you, this is ALL the black man's fault.

    12:35 PM


    hey big baby-

    scroll up and re-read my words. i said nothing about 'all bm's fault' about anything. that's your inner voice trying to get your inner man to stand up and be counted.

    i don't discuss fault. i discuss where we are now and how to possibly fix. any contribution you have along those lines...aimed at the menfolk would be greatly appreciated. we are at war here.

    refusing to acknowledge all contributors to the problem is a bona fide way to ensure it does not get fixed.

    BOTH bm AND bw must do better. i can say that as an adult. how about you? same level of vehemence at least. (we are going to pretend that men and women are 'equal') or is the bm golden calf off limits? if the bm is the head...or supposed to be...why does he consistently look to pass the buck when it is time to lead his nation/community/family? (this is how i knew Adam was a bm by the way. no joke.) while demanding folks follow and respect him? look. see. bm used to do much more with less...i understand the devil's new deal, too. looking for an excuse to fail, though is no bueno.

    why is it that folks can only fix their mouths to come hard and say close your legs! when they are addressing little girls and bw? where's the hard talk among men? why don't folks acknowledge/mitigate the effects of fatherlessness on little black girls?

    boil it down:

    the breakdown of our families has been by design.

    play to the bad...and all one comes up with is bad.

    bless those ladies in memphis and elsewhere, probably fatherless themselves...trying to figure things out. at least they knew to get married. now if that message could get spread to the girls/women AND men/boys the importance of taking that step to have children...that would be a BIG step in the right direction. or are you set to argue against that as well?

    you must have missed my suggestion that bw shut down premarital sex completely? i think if one pans out and big picture it...that's what women in general need to do. it is time to shut it down. across the board. morality is the work of women. we benefit the most from it. if he isn't your husband...what's the point, really? weighing the costs vs benefits...not thinking like the socially engineered hypersexual benefit is what one comes to. the way to flip this is to most of these jokers don't deserve children. this fact+women aren't figuring it out=flipping the DEpopulation efforts.

  71. no one knows which womb holds the chief. He said He will turn what the enemy meant to destroy us with to our good. i can see His hand at work. married women know better than to have a lot of children. he might stray. then what. single parent or silently seething resentful married lady making folks' life hell...folks will still talk ish about her when she stays for good measure.

    how can folks pretend they are grown up yet in matters of life and death, want to distract themselves with whose fault something is?

    child like much? why are folks not growing? might it be the arrested development that is very crucial to maintaining a sleeping nation of slaves/indentured servants? i think so...

    for those that hate Scriptures...too bad, so sad. there is still the illusion of freedom of speech. i intend to squeeze the last drop out of it. i wont be silenced, by anyone. i really don't care. folks need to understand that...and unlike quite a few here...i have a real clear picture of what lies ahead. it would be safer to do the coward flow for a minute-long term truly all bad...which most will do to their detriment if they Obey the program so many are clearly on.

    i gotta give it to the legions of darkness...they have done a true number on folks. if one mentions the word 'homosexual' folks go bananas with accusations of 'hate speech'! say jew 'antisemite'! say bm need to pull their pants up and man up. 'black man bashing'! we are TRULY in the last days. i would have thrown something about bw out...but get real. folks LOVE battering bw's image. national past time. socially accepted. yet, i am supposed to be quiet. damn that and any lethargic devil trying to sell that poison.

    folks that SWEAR that which is wrong is right...get mad love. peep BO. those that suggest maybe we should reconsider all this brand newness folks are flowing with and the hate gets unleashed.

    know this...i won't be silenced. He didn't redeem and call me for that purpose...

  72. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Once again, Oprah dropped the ball. Oprah had the financial might to buy the business or perhaps buy the building and evict the business. Instead, she left herself open to further humiliation by having the owner of the boutique to say that it was just a misunderstanding. Oprah could've held that creature accountable, but she failed miserably to do so. Oprah, like Forest Whitaker, and his failed handling of his being physically accosted in the NYC deli, epitomize the obsequious, servile stereotype that they presume to debunk in "the Butler." Both Oprah and Forest are sad in this regard.

  73. Anon 9:33-

    lol. don't make me chuckle when you know you dead wrong. the objective is to stop whacking Granny. ya'll got history. i just don't want in it.

    being the bigger person doesn't make you a 'doormat'. it gets you closer to meeker and away from it does me.

    meekness is bridled strength.

    the meek shall inherit the earth.

    no apology necessary. i appreciate the's all love.

  74. Anonymous4:26 PM


    Your words are a perfect example of religious fanaticism. Everyone should study them and understand the anthropomorphic madness that you and others of your ilk, peddle.

    Your stridency suggests that were you the proverbial Eve, you would've gone off on Adam when he said, "the woman whom you gave to me, she gave me the fruit and I ate." Actually, Adam's words were less a passing of the buck, but more of a diss to the German-named "God" than rather a passing of the buck, i.e. "that raggedy car that you sold me, it broke down so now I'm stranded."

    And, how demeaning is this slave religion to women that, through it's brazen contradiction, allowed the proverbial Adam to STILL name the woman, Eve, AFTER he allegedly lost his dominion over all of the creatures of the Earth, as signified by his being allowed to name them---and, just how can the name 'Eve' mean "the mother of all living things" if, according to JudeoChristian lore, she was the last living thing created?

    Somehow, I don't see too many sistas answering to the name 'Eve' after being "ratted" out to that Good German 'God'. Thus, this story does not culturally conform to the overwhelming stridency of the female members of the parent African human species. It's as patently absurd as societies that had plenty of gold and diamonds being told they'll have even more in the afterlife as a result of them becoming slaves to that book.

    Until you and the rest of those swaddled in the bosom of willful, unabashed ignorance, the mutants who know that they weren't created by any German 'God' will continue to laugh at your sad, uneducated words...

  75. Anon@ 1:33 pm said....
    "Christianity was not only the very shoehorn to Slavery, Colonialism, and Jim Crow"

    powerful statement....

    I was just watching something callled "Slave Sermons" , and manner in which the "Whipping Post" was used to convert captured slaves to the good ole book..

    Shoe horn would the absolute "G" version of the story.

  76. 'Anonymous said...


    The Judeochristian analytical lens that you and others bring to the discussion does not lend itself to any intelligent, reasoned discussion that is congruous to the situation that members of the parent African human species find themselves and the ignorance that you spew blaming the victim of America's successful endeavor to socially engineer both the criminality AND destruction of said male members remains appalling.

    I pity the intellectual laziness that you and others within the collective wallow in because it requires no intellectual rigor, no mental growth by acquiring new knowledge nor any WORK exhibited. You and others are why the collective remains doomed because Christianity is NOT incongruous with sexism, racism, and white supremacy.

    As I've written, ad nauseum, Maya Angelou astutely observed that, "When someone(a people)tells you who they are, believe them," and I argue that Aesop's Fables, particularly, "The Tortoise and the Scorpion," TELLS members of the parent African human species just who this subspecies (due to color mutation), this Lethal Mutation, is --- in a far more meaningful way than the Helios Biblios does. Sadly, your numbers are substantial, as the number one graduate degree that Black folk get is the anti-intellectual,anti-quantitative Master's in Divinity Studies, undoubtedly adding to the liquor stores and churches "sickness" within our communities.

    Lastly, your words are exactly why St. Thomas Aquinas admonished one and all to, "Beware the man (or woman) of (ONLY) one book (homo unius libri)."

    1:01 PM'


    said what appears to be quite the pseudo-intellectual void of spiritual other words, simply said:

    they don't get it.

    are you REALLY so foolish to think that one reads ONLY one book? you need more information+greater understanding+the desire to know Him and quote Him as you clearly love to do with those less quotable by comparison.

    because you need a label, you can only do what you and other labellers do...MISlabel. you don't have enough information. you would do well to get off the program. or not. life is about choices.

    i don't do religion. perverted creepy men like to create them so they can be 1) be rich 2) control folks 3) sex the children/young adults of congregations/temples/synagogues.

    at the bottom of judaism are men and their views are MORE important than Scriptures. this is how folks think if a grown azz man penetrates a toddler of 3 yrs, it is like poking someone in the eye. the brutalized baby's 'virginity' returns.

    Judaism-nope (and that's just ONE ugh that makes me back away in horror.)

    Christianity- as it is would need not have been created with a brain.

    there was no letter j until 14-15th century. some of the most RACIST,SEXIST and HATEFUL folks of ALL time SWEAR they are 'Christian'. folks kept shoving the white dude in my face when i was needs not be too bright to know he was not doing anything but blistering all up in that region of the world, IF Messiah looked as misrepresented.

    just like white folks do when they go there now...stealing, killing and destroying. not that most even understand why they are occupying/oppressing those folks.

  77. so Christian- nope. there are many reasons i make sure to clarify. time does not permit more than 1-2 examples.

    Islam- ONLY if i were a man. they have heart and will NOT stand down in the face of oppression. america's participation in screwing what we now know as the middle east...gave birth to a demon...wwIII is his name. pay attention.

    i defy labels. i don't expect you to get what i am saying. my message isn't for everyone.

    here's a clue- if you are looking for a deep stimulating intellectual are on the wrong board.

    some of the DUMBEST folks i know...seem to be jammed packed with many 'facts' they have strained to memorize. the clue that in all their 'puffed up' arrogance that they are REALLY dumb seems to escape them. it is kind of funny actually to watch it unfold. i said before...folks pay to have the good sense Almighty gave them 'educated' right on out of them.

    think pink floyd bricks in a wall style. education=mind control as used in my sentence. get it if you can. you might be too 'educated' to see what i am saying. and that's ok. He will send another messenger, i pray.

    re-read your very 'i am so er intelligent' comment.' lol.

    i am sure there are some dumb azzes somewhere convincing themselves they are 'elite' that you can go chat up...thesaurus in hand. maybe ya'll in all your brightness can figure out how to fix this mess without mentioning Yahweh Almighty. i don't think i am that smart. i am thankful.

    ps. you quote St. Thomas Aquinas...just as when i was little; spiritually fighting back the racist, bigoted nuns trying to brain bend me with their racist worship-white-folks mess...i wondered how many children the 'man of the cloth' you quoted molested? i decided as a small child this is why 'the church' is against abortion. they need fresh victims. while the perpetrators get protection like nobody's business.

    i.don' Him.and.His.Wisdom/Understanding.

    if you can believe every book but the Scriptures...those included and those edited out...that is your business. your choice.

    hope that is clear enough for you. thanks for sharing your opinion with me. i learn from everyone. you might consider giving it a try...also, if you speak so that a 2nd grader can understand...that actually makes you appear smarter. kind of weird the way that works. sort of like big giant jewels SCREAM accustomed to having nothing. modest jewels whisper class...accustomed to finer things.

    that probably won't make sense to you either. though i am hopeful.

  78. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Anon4:26p, where is that link which shows your claim that 60% of bw don't know who the father of their child is? Why are you attacking Christianity? did you have a bad experience? Well, that doesn't mean Christianity is wrong, it just means you had a bad experience with some humans. And GOD? Do you have something better that can free us? Is it you? If so, please get busy, because we are drowning.

    Here's something for that lofty intellectual mind-that's been screwing up the earth-- to contemplate:

    "There is a principle which is a bar to all information, which is proof to all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--that principle is contempt prior to investigation."--Herbert Spencer

  79. Anon 4:26 PM-


    your comment is indicative of folks that speak without enough information. you are not by any means to qualified to render anything other than an opinion. and you know what folks say about those, right?

    you are too smart to see that much of what is happening around us can be turned back by a return to our spiritual, moral beings. not this re-engineered arrested development role many are caught up in.

    even if you don't's what i know for sure:

    Isaiah 55:11-12:

    11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

    12 For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace...

    those are His Words and i believe them which makes them true for me. why is e'erbody so mad? lol...rhetorical. i get it.

    if you have something that works better for you...that's your business and between you and the Creator of your understanding.

    i will keep saying it until it sticks. Yah knows the evil crap is on a nonstop daily drill program...this is why so many are unthinkingly with the program.

  80. Anonymous5:10 PM

    @Focused Purpose
    "hey big baby-

    scroll up and re-read my words. i said nothing about 'all bm's fault' about anything. that's your inner voice trying to get your inner man to stand up and be counted."

    Fair enough. But my question is, why should a black man these days care about the woman or the child if he knows there's a VERY good chance the OOW baby is not even his?

    Btw, I agree with you that girls and women are the "gatekeepers" to sex. They could stop having premarital sex and stop having babies OOW. This is within their power to do. Women are the gatekeepers. Once upon a time most girls and women understood this. In the last few decades, many (perhaps, most) of them have given up their "power" in this regard.

  81. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Btw, I agree with you that girls and women are the "gatekeepers" to sex. They could stop having premarital sex and stop having babies OOW. This is within their power to do. Women are the gatekeepers. Once upon a time most girls and women understood this. In the last few decades, many (perhaps, most) of them have given up their "power" in this regard.

    5:10 PM
    have you forgotten or missed when the end of gatekeeping by women began?

    It began with Roe vs Wade. There was a lot of outrage at its passage around the world. Mother Teresa was very much at the front of this. She said in effect, that the woman was the last barrier, the final front, in protecting, nurturing and caring for children. When this is eliminated where the mother can literally abort and kill her child, there NOTHING to stop one's neighbor of anyone else from killing.

    She went on to say that the USA was rich in materials but it was a spiritual desert. She predicted that violence would multiply in our country simply because women the law allowed women to only care about themselves and not the unborn.

  82. '"There is a principle which is a bar to all information, which is proof to all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--that principle is contempt prior to investigation."--Herbert Spencer

    5:03 PM'

    say it again Anon! IF i can go look and seek for myself considering the religious madness i have come through...anybody can. those that won't/don't seek for themselves may not expect me to play my role according to their rules.

    i don't know a label for me. i just love Him. no man, woman, nor idol will get between us...or what He leads me to say and write.

    i am not sorry.

    Anon...when i say something is wrong on too many means that i will have to violate too many principles to participate;)

  83. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Here's an excerpt of her letter to the Supreme Court in 1994 that hit the nail on the head:

    “America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships. It has aggravated the derogation of the father’s role in an increasingly fatherless society. It has portrayed the greatest of gifts—a child—as a competitor, an intrusion, and an inconvenience. It has nominally accorded mothers unfettered dominion over the independent lives of their physically dependent sons and daughters. And, in granting this unconscionable power, it has exposed many women to unjust and selfish demands from their husbands or other sexual partners"

    I was at one of the networks who refused to carry any news about Mother Teresa and her view about abortion at the time. I was on the side of popular opinion-- at that time. In spite of that--MT's words pierced my heart and lingered there for years...For me, those words felt like a prophecy of doom to come....Well, here we are, and it sure seems we are headed that way....

  84. Anon
    @ 5:10pm-

    NOW we are getting somewhere!!!

    as evidenced by this comment:

    'Fair enough. But my question is, why should a black man these days care about the woman or the child if he knows there's a VERY good chance the OOW baby is not even his?


    here's why bm AND bw need to eff the noise and CARE enough to tell the unpopular truth.

    in the battle among the sexes...HUMANITY loses.

    it is NO accident that women, ALL colors, have been lied to and taught that they should look to the dragon...i mean government to care for them and their families.

    that men are NOT to be trusted.

    if we may talk like grown ups have been effing up a long time. ALL colors.

    i just had this convo with a Mr. Blue Eyed Master's Degree in Business, who overheard me having a similar straight no chaser convo with another woman. this man started to follow me...he wanted to hear what i was saying because he indicated he doesn't meet women that will speak the way i do.

    as i asked him; how easy was it to tempt women to seek material validation- (do your job=get paid.) over the lack of validation- (do your job ALL day and night to have folks tell you that you DON'T WORK)- they could expect by being stay at home moms?

    answer: quite easy. most folks want to be free and appreciated for what they do. most folks want to do what they want to do...both genders. take a good gander and call me a lie if the truth isn't in you.

    add some violence...non stop cheating (yes divorces WERE harder back in the day. folks ALSO had multiple sets of kids/extra families. my g-dmom showed up with an extra kid when i was little. EVERYONE pretended nothing was happening!) and modern women decided to pay the cost to be their own boss. pay your own bills=do what you want. the family unit...pays the ultimate price. man+woman united=UNSTOPPABLE.

    break that apart and one has no help and the other is unprotected. devil's game all day. recognize and flip it.

    the enemy knows where there is division potential. sexism opened the door wide for the destruction of humanity. do what thou wilt free for all, BOTH GENDERS, is nailing the coffin shut for those that hop in and go for the ride to hell.

    here is another layer: ww and wm's issues have NOTHING to do with us.

    i have told countless bw this...i now tell bm.

    wm have a reason to be bitterly angry at ww.

    as i told Mr. Blue Eyed Master's Degree while he ear hustled the convo then boldly walked into it...wm did what we see to bfolks. (we must STOP cooperating for our survival!)

    ww did what we see happening to wm. when i broke this down to him and the end game behind all the chaos...he has been calling me ever since.

    side note: despite his Master's Degree he needs lexicon level explanations of what 'no fornication' means! lol! i will help him stop wasting his time shortly...i have been busy;)

  85. These discussions often drift into abortion, religion, the supposed GOOD/vs EVIL natures of White Vs Black , but the truth is there are large groups of industries , and others that are heavily rooted in profiting off of the black community's dysfunction , and they absolutely REFUSE to give that up.

    We can talk about abortion , gun rights, violent black males, unwed black mothers, true or false religions, , violent misogynistic drug addled music.

    No amount of social restructuring is going to change the environment that these SYMPTOMS are created out of..

    Three major things need to be fixed , and with those three things the other problems that are symptoms of the three most pressing issues will disappear.

    We cant get everyone to raise their pants collectively...

    Or stop knocking up women after a quick pep talk about family.

    You have to go to the heart of the problem...

    because black people could end all of the pain , and suffering if collectively young black men pulled up their pants , refused to use or sell drugs , and refused to have children out of wed lock.

    However I am not naive ...

    1. Drug War has to end
    It has tentacles embedded in every major issue that plagues Black America.

    2. Complete total re vamp of public education in relation to Black children. There are systematic flaws built into the current system mainly because of the practices of the racially discriminatory policies Vis-à-vis the "War on Drugs"

    3. Establish a New Sustainable attainable Vision for Empowering Black America with the playing field completely leveled.

    I'm more focused on this particular issue because of experiences , and background, but

    I cant understand how this major component of Black Americas problems is so often over looked

    The "War on Drugs" is the very
    to socioeconomic dysfunction in the Black Community.

    If you remove or dismantle this thing.... a whole myriad of problems fall by the way side.

    Do your own research from the mid sixties forward....

  86. 'And, how demeaning is this slave religion to women that, through it's brazen contradiction, allowed the proverbial Adam to STILL name the woman, Eve, AFTER he allegedly lost his dominion over all of the creatures of the Earth, as signified by his being allowed to name them---and, just how can the name 'Eve' mean "the mother of all living things" if, according to JudeoChristian lore, she was the last living thing created?'


    those accepting/rejecting it as it is whitened and force fed are indeed slaves...those don't seek Him by their words show that they, too, are enslaved mentally on hopeless lockdown...until they choose otherwise.

    you lack understanding. Adam was told PRIOR to Eve's arrival NOT to eat from a certain tree. the fall is a result of his abdication of his role as protector.

    man came first..and was given instruction BEFORE Eve ever arrived on the scene. which is why sexism is dumb and promptly rejected. those that read it for themselves see this almost immediately. this is why i am not 'religious'. religious men and infidels alike seek to control everything but themselves.

    i didn't think anyone thought Eve pushed out the animals of creation...what would you be talking about exactly in your 'educated' unbelief? you thought Eve was the mother of the lions, tigers, and bears? oh my!

    Adam(s) are still having his behind handed to them TODAY because he, you, they refuse to stand in their Yah given dominion. dumb women, which sinful men can't seem to resist...can't wait to rip Adam a new one daily. emotionally. legally. in every possible way.

    Genesis 2:16-18

    16 and the Sovereign Almighty commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

    17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

    18 and the Sovereign Almighty said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

    you seem really angry and hurt. you didn't grow up catholic by chance, with some priest horror stories that has you ticked with me and anyone speaking Scriptures?

    here's the thing...when a man walks with Him...he ALREADY has dominion. those that wail are usually unsuccessfully trying to establish dominion through perverted means.

  87. peep this simple ditty:

    IF men follow Him and walk in integrity...he will find the favor of a good wife. he will find an variety of decent women to choose from.

    IF women follow Him and walk in their virtue...they will find they are the Proverbs wife...with a variety of suitors to choose from.

    more folks need to read Proverbs. those that preach the breakdown of families only have she devils and headaches in their future. women that buy into the immorality free for all WILL be broken...crushed up and discarded like a beer can at the Superb Owl...which keeps folks from finding Him a whole season leading up to the annual rituals that are a part of the half time 'entertainment.' need them. stat.

    hope that helps 'educated' angry man.

    ps. go back several posts and see me breakdown why baal in the form of g-d (gad/baal), l-rd, j-sus, christos, jeh-vah, h-ly, ad-nai, etc will NOT come from my mouth. i am NOT profane and Understand because i asked Him to show me.

    you are late to the party flossing your puffed up 'knowledge'...know this...there is NO counsel against Almighty Yahweh.

    your 'degrees' are limited. even at 33. His Knowledge is 360. those that roll with Him know that 1+1=infinity...this is why men and women are being pitted to fight one another. taking out humanity is the end game.

    know ye not that we are created in His image and gifted with His Power? clearly you missed the most important lesson of all in your quest to get Knowledge.

    know this also...the Scriptures vibrate Knowledge literally, figuratively, metaphorically, allegorically, spiritually and in all ways that will literally blow your mind. add some Hebrew and it's next level.

    you have to humble yourself in order to access that esoteric knowledge. if this sounds like babbling to you...i Understand. you can't hear me and only He can give you an ear.

  88. Black is Beautiful-

    i am called to watch as well as pray. though, truth be told, i am afraid you are right about the field negro. to his credit, at least he knows he is a slave.

    i like to try to encourage folks through speaking what i would like to see become the self fulfilling prophecy...speaking light and life where there is spiritual darkness.

    you are also correct that there is much profit to be made from the suffering of bm and bw...humanity really. everybody else is getting some as well. black folks are just further along and only focused on theirs and blaming white folks...who are darned bewildered to find white is not stretching as far as it used to in good ole of free, home of brave, indigenous holocaust, and home of the slave. they are waking up. hating them is not in my heart.

    instead of being angry with one another...understanding, love and compassion will help get us there. DOing what we know we are supposed to do as opposed to only what feels good to us.

    when one learns that pretty much everything ever taught has been a lie, a nasty whitened one at that...when folks spew their digested can an enlightened soul truly get mad?

    this is why i say apologies are not necessary here.

    for angry 'educated' anon...sounds like you read Dr. Bobby Wright's book. understand mentacide if you can. many, both genders, are dropping like flies as a result.

    i made the mistake of reading in this order:

    1)the psychopathic racial personality and other essays

    2) isis papers

    3) people of the lie

    needless to say...i was angry as all hell walking around looking at pale people like they were genetically recessive, melanin deficient, mutants with a heavy dollop of sociopath/psychopath disorder. in fact the clinical definition of psychopath describes their collective to a tee.

    then one day...clear as a hit me. i was not built to hold anger. walking around with it is like cutting your own throat when someone ticks you off. who does that? mentacide. it's about Love. the demons don't know Love and it frankly confuses them...all colors.

    i don't know how you will get to a place of Love. i urge you to make that your objective. i have made up my mind as well as my choice. haters can't relate. they think it's 'fake' because hate rules their their little worlds. they will be alright if they choose to be.

    here's what i learned through study...even when you take the mark of cain lie and flip it upright...we are STILL not called to hate. there is a penalty for taking out the cains among us.

    the antidote to hate is love. if you would UNwhiten Scriptures, you would see Black History. because you believe a lie...if a Black American, all you can do is fumble around in darkness...looking to those that instinctively follow/copy your lead, as they hate you, to lead you.

    that probably won't make sense to you either. i have done the best i could do with what little of substance you stepped to me with...from here all i can do is pray for you...not to tick you off...though intuition cautions that might just your thing...

    was reading this last evening...if you think trouble is only at the Black Nation's house...think again. what is done to the least, will be done to the greatest.


    that's the link i forgot to add in my multitasking haste.

    msm floods us with what ails black folks...notice...what ails us as human beings...ails e'erbody else...if you pay attention...e'erbody else is now getting some.

    he, too, like the other real jew news guy WON'T touch white supremacy as he makes his assessments. i have called him on the carpet for it. he ignores me;) lol. until he bans me, i see nothing changing.

    nevertheless...he is breaking it down while doing nothing to disturb his white privilege. i get that. time doesn't permit...but he has an article about the heterosexual contract...most have forgotten it. if you go to the becomes quite interesting.

    which is why when men show up lamenting how women just want money. i remind them that men usually are in women's faces looking for sex. women are wilding out...just as men are. only a devilish woman will run circles around a devilish man. this is why the virtuous helpers try to call it be accused of being 'jealous.'

    as modern women morph to whores...complete with uniform, the modern man becomes a pitiful john...BOTH that fall in end up debased, dehumanized, and degraded. flip it. put some clothes on. reconnect to virtue. pull your pants up. you are not a mindless sexual beast that just can't help himself. if you act like you are a mindless animal, when you are baby daddy to the porn star with all the videos on line to prove the assertion, with two small children (know a man in these shoes right now)...really...why you mad? when he 'ain't about nothing' yet you got three kids, too much to do and not enough of what you need to get it done...why you mad? folks get what their hands call for.

    the wages of sin is death.

    homosexuality=inability to form intimate bond with members of opposite sex.

    this definition applies to quite a few hets today. i never met a homosexual in real life that wanted children or to be married either, outside of AB.

    what they wanted was for folks' families not to come in and bulldoze them during trying times...which happened.

    those that now are in the life with children that i know, at one point were living as het., married to opposite sex and all. i can only speak of my experiences. i know tv would have us to believe otherwise. which is why i don't believe.

    my understanding from homosexuals is that they want the right to live, be free, and do what they please without threat/fear of violent torment. how could i, or any sane person, have a problem with that?

    folks trying to act like speaking the word homosexual=a mathew shepard moment need to calm and sit it on down somewhere.

    enjoy being out of the closet. i won't be shoved in since it now sits empty...i never thought anyone belonged in a frigging closet to begin with and will NOT pay for the sins of others.

    nor will i tolerate futile attempts to silence me on the topic. i have spent a great deal of time around gays...and being gay and discriminated against does NOT prohibit gays from being racist, sexist, and down right evil. all gay folks are not 'gay'-old school definition. nor are they nice. and some will put all rolling with them in danger trying to flip straight men that DON'T want to be bothered. this type is usually bitchy as all get out and other gays usually end up arguing with them. lol. ask me how i know?

    freedom of speech. as long as the illusion remains...i intend to speak up.

    the gay mafia biting off the civil rights folks can look at you and see you are gay...need to grab a few seats. and since they are so fond of folks being silent...those spouting the above irking nonsense will need to show me by their example how 'silent' is done.

  90. Anonymous4:09 AM

    @Focused Purpose said:
    "homosexuality=inability to form intimate bond with members of opposite sex."


    "this definition applies to quite a few hets today. i never met a homosexual in real life that wanted children or to be married either, outside of AB."

    Alicia Banks, now you know what your sista/friend REALLY thinks of all LGBT people (except you, the exceptional lesbian).

    Well, well well. Historically, we've always had the exceptional negro/black, now we have the exceptional lesbian. In FP's world, only one lesbian (Alicia Banks) is "good" (i.e., exceptional) all gay men in FP's world are BAD. Got it. Yeah, girlfriend FP is a HOMOPHOBE just as I thought all along.

    In addition, FP is an anti-Semite. Why is anyone listening to this BIGOT.

  91. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Anon4:09am, looks like your investigative detective skills have paid off. You finally got her. It's all over.

  92. Anonymous4:38 PM


    You said:

    "...but the truth is there are large groups of industries , and others that are heavily rooted in profiting off of the black community's dysfunction , and they absolutely REFUSE to give that up. It has tentacles embedded in every major issue that plagues Black America."

    Let me attempt to address this matter free of discursive religious fanaticism (read: psuedo-religious, psuedo-spiritual psycho-babble) borne of JudeoChristian claptrap.

    Black people/"members of the parent African human species" are in complete denial about this SciFi horror flick that they find themselves in, but the sista (Sophia Stewart, The Third Eye -copyright 1981) who originally composed the story of "the Matrix" and successfully sued the story-stealing movie-makers to where they settled the suit out of court understood this. She clearly equated the Caucasoid, this mutant, to the matrix, itself, which isn't human. I argue similarly, but from a purely scientific perspective with the Caucasoid's very own scientists telling us that they are not only an accident of nature due to DEVOLUTION, but are also a virulent, amoral, invasive subspecies of human (due to color mutation not Albinism) that also knows that they are a mutation that is dying out because nature did NOT plan for them to be here. In fact, the Caucasoid coined a term, 'lethal mutation,'that identifies other mutations that are likewise dying out (think Blade Runner's Roy Batty---and they've known this for awhile, to my knowledge, politically, even back in the 50s).

    Please google the term.

    The long and the short of it is that the Wurm Ice Age and it's harshness that spawned this mutant hardwired or made said mutant to be biologically determined to be amorally, remorselessly racist, sexist, and xenophobic, tools of oppression that the mutant deploys to parasitically control/dominate any and everything that it perceives to constitute existential threats due to its dwindling, genetically recessive reality (imagine white males holding up signs that read, "NO RACE-MIXING!"). The aforementioned is more commonly referred to as Darwinism. For those of us who have been around this entity, who have seriously studied this entity, we know that it will absolutely rationalize anything and everything, especially "deliberate, socially engineered" heinous and depraved acts, of which this slow burn genocide that it's put Black Folk and Native Americans in definitely qualifies. Therefore, those of us with a modicum of knowledge, intelligence and understanding (like how the Germans came to America to learn how to set up the ghettos that they cast the Jews in) in the "deliberate, socially engineered destruction" that these "creatures" have laid out must control for that reality, just like solving for 'X' in a math problem where the 'Y' (like hegemonic genocide)is held constant. Thus, it is with this understanding that I evaluate the following three things that you broached:

  93. Anonymous4:39 PM


    1. Drug War has to end
    Nixon started it in '72, but it was the 2nd part the plan with the first part being that the "Good Shepard," CIA agent George Bush Sr., during the 60s "established" America's drug economy as a state-sanctioned plan of pacification/neutralization of BOTH the Civil Rights and Hippie Movements (See also Sam Yette's "The Choice"). It's been said Bush Sr. used his oil platforms as drug depots and that the movie "American Gangster" implicated just how the coke and heroin was shipped by the metric tonnage from Laos and Cambodia as the pathogen within this covert U.S. domestic policy. As an aside, many online sources even implicate Bush the assassination of JFK, but I digress. Bush Sr. has been quoted as saying, "If the American people knew what we'd done, we'd be strung up by the nearest lamp posts." This strategy is called saddling birds with sandbags and then shooting said birds because they can't fly. America's prison system has grown by 700% since 1970 and 800% since 1980. Someday, Black Scholars, upon comparing the Boxer Rebellion/Opium Wars the Chinese faced in dealing with the Caucasoid with how mutants deliberately established the drug economy during the 60's, 70's, and 80s within the Black communities in the U.S., will begin rightfully placing or elevating U.S./state sanctioned drug dealing/incarceration right alongside Slavery, Colonialism, Jim Crow as overt tools of genocidal oppression.

  94. Anonymous4:41 PM


    2. Complete total re vamp of public education in relation to Black children. There are systematic flaws built into the current system mainly because of the practices of the racially discriminatory policies Vis-à-vis the "War on Drugs"

    The politics of domination within the U.S. mandates that Black people, like the Jews, take full responsibility for their OWN education. There are two vital components to this education that the larger society will thwart and fervently seek to derail, pretty much the same way the state of Louisiana (which, incidentally, has a lock-up/incarceration rate that's 5 times greater than Iran) is trying to teach Creationism in it's schools. One vital component is that Black children need to understand that the ancient Egyptians, the pyramid and sphinx-builders were indeed Black/African/human and that Cheikh Anta Diop's "Iodine-melanin dosage test on the mummies" confirmed this until the Arab invaders who presently infest the place forced him to stop (and that was WAY back in the 50s). Understanding the penultimate of African achievement is imperative for the healthy internal motivation and esteem of all members of the parent African human species, whether they be continental or Diasporan in naturalization, especially seeing as how the creatures seek to promulgate lie after lie and even passively aggressively seek to insult by creating TV shows giving extraterrestrials from outer space!

    The other vital aspect of education that all members of the parent African human species must know is just how these creatures referred to as whites have come into being, just what they are (read: lethal mutation), and just how the process of Devolution (regressive mutation through natural selection and adaptation within the Wurm Ice Age) brought them into being and how their Psychopathic Racial Personality results from Darwinism---and is the way nature hardwired them to be.

    Will finish this later...

  95. Anonymous12:55 AM


    You're writing sucks and it's not worthy of rebuttal. You're discursive and seem entire incapable of coherent structure. Your responses to my argument don't constitute an adequate rebuttal. Your pseudo-spiritual, psychobabble does bring to mind one of my Catholic school teacher's pronouncement that, "empty vessels make the most noise!" Alas, I won't argue with a nutjob.

  96. It's obvious that OW was profiled and as a result of that profiling she was not offered that specific purse.
    From the point of the seller, she was profiled as the kind of woman not paying $38,000 for a purse, possibly offended by being offered that, being clearly a much too savy shopper and thus she was offered purses with more reasonable price tags.
    The seller profiled her correctly, but to OW being profiled and not being sold something because it is too expensive, meant getting the "Look nigra, cann't ya read this here invisible [No Negroes] sign"treatment? It was a misunderstanding, but one in which poor Oprah did really experience racism, racism that was one of her forming experiences.

  97. Anonymous1:44 AM


    And the sad part about it is that she could've surreptitiously or not to surreptitiously have bought the building or the boutique and have evicted the owner and or fired the employee---all without having let the media know, if she so chosen. She could've held that mutant accountable, rather than let her get away with making bow down to the imaginary sign that you quite astutely observed. What the point of accruing billions if you can use some of it that could've been felt around the world?

  98. Anonymous, what good would that do? That Swiss shop is not the problem, too much reasonable doubt and all, the problem is that the social circumstances in her home country have taught her to read this situation as racist.

  99. Anonymous12:50 AM


    You must be a mutant if you cannot see the culpability of of those fellow mutants in Switzerland.

  100. Anonymous1:29 PM

    The problem is that Oprah had the power to do something about being denied the ability to "make and enforce a contract," which is the black-letter law definition of discrimination, by the way, but she didn't. She could've put the screws to the mutant offender and her mutant apologist employer by buying the building and evicting the boutique---and she could've done it all quite stealthily with none the wiser until she chose to divulge the info. When people are swiftly held accountable for their transgressions, there needn't be any "she said-she said" back and forth. At some point and time, members of the parent African human species must hold this virulent scourge of invasive, mutant humanity accountable when they can. For instance, the Miami Heat players have the ability to hold the state of Florida, no the entire U.S. accountable by refusing to play, boycotting the NBA until Zimmerman is brought up on federal charges. These creatures don't understand anything other than financial loss and members of the parent African human species on these shores has the ability to make them pay. Thus, we've reached the point that members of the parent African human species must stand up and hold these mutant creatures accountable rather than belly ache about hardwired, biologically determined bigotry of the mutant on these shores.

  101. Mutant me? You are talking about the five teeth between my upper canines, superior sized brain, thunderstorm predicting supersenses and near immunity from sunburn?

    No, the issue is rather that shopping in Northern Europe is not the same thing as on the United Plantations of America. Oprah, is a nice enough woman, but she is a Black American, the salesperson was a White European, though they may have been speaking the same language, they were not using the same etiquette. I can picture this, an expert in purses, serving Oprah to the best of her ability, profiling her clothing and accesoires-budget expertly and correctly, but insensitive to the special sensitivities of black Americans, and Oprah sensing she was profiled and that certain mechandise was considered as not for her... To her that must have FELT like bad old Jim Crow, with velvet gloves.

    Poor Oprah, it must have been horrible for her.

  102. Anonymous9:38 PM

    If someone refuses you service, regardless of whatever reason, they impede your ability to make and enforce a contract. What you don't understand is that even if the salesperson appraised Oprah's clothing and found her attire wanting, which is unlikely, her refusing to allow Oprah to hold and adjudge the bag's worthiness of purchase was infringed upon. I'm sorry but only mutants attempt to drawn such distinctions as though denying someone the right to see a bad because of how they're dressed is somehow less offensive (we still know that mutants can walk in with holy jeans that are sagging, but still not refused service, but I digress) Were I Oprah, I wouldn't have drawn any distinction between the "why's" and I would've fired her and the owner of the shop, regardless. When mutants erroneously judge a book by its cover, for whatever reason, and violate someone's rights, they should be made to pay, in kind. I appreciate you wanting to apologize for mutants, for whatever reason, because you apparently, evidently identify strongly with discriminating against people, but you remain as wrong as to left shoes...

  103. The problem with you is that you confuse getting respect with the "normal" royal treatment US-consumers are used to. The US is a consumer's Paradise, if you get out in the rest of the world, the rights are often much more balanced. Now everybody carries his or her own culture with him or her, but if you go a long way from home, your culture is not shared anymore. You are assuming a non-existing right for Oprah.

  104. Anonymous5:10 AM

    In the U.S., there is the Commerce Law that forbids discrimination. The point you make is, once again, in legal parlance, a "distinction without difference" as I've pointed out, which you've run from.

    If the treatment was "balanced," then the mutants wouldn't have bothered to apologize, especially the snooty Swiss, according to blood relations who in fact reside Lausanne. Not sure just where the glitch is your brain that prevents you from understanding that the language of commerce and customer service is truly international and why you persist in feigning ignorance in understanding this.

    Regardless of where members of the parent African human species find themselves, it's incumbent upon each and everyone of them to defend themselves against mutants, wherever they find themselves, if they have the power to do so---regardless of any meaningless distinction you wish to make. Being from this land shackled to the name America and being ascended from those who survived the Middle Passage, the Holocaust of U.S. Enslavement, Jim Crow, U.S./State-sanctioned Drug Dealing/Mass Incarceration, makes it an utter failure that Oprah failed to punish the mutants in question, although they remain red-faced.

    You need to read Field's "Duck Dynasty" post above to figure it out...

    Why you mutants pretend to be melanated is truly beyond me...

  105. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I'm a white male and Oprah Winfrey is a million times more privileged than I ever will be.

  106. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Last I read, Erin Burnett was making $2.5 million/year. Sure, it's peanuts when compared to Anderson Cooper's $11 million/year, but at least I can understand Anderson when he speaks. Erin mumbles and speaks so rapidly I have little to no idea what she's talking about. I quit watching her show, but I watched it long enough to agree with the person who said she's not the brightest bulb in the box. She probably genuinely meant that Oprah was talking about race, though that does not excuse Burnett her faux pas.

    Should Oprah have been shopping in that store? Sure! Why not? She could afford the whole store if she wanted it. I lived in Switzerland for 12 years, some of them good, some bad, but I can tell you Oprah was no doubt shopping on Banhofstrasse, which is known as the "most expensive street in the world." It is lined with exclusive shops. The Swiss are about 30 years behind the times they still have discos with twirling silver balls, however, that, of course, does not excuse them their faux pas. The sales clerk probably didn't even recognize Oprah. Swiss TV is the worst in the world.

    There are a lot of blacks in Switzerland. Twenty percent of the population is foreign. Something similar will probably happen to Oprah again some day, which is a shame. She should be allowed to shop until she proves she can't pay, and that's not going to happen.

    As for Burnett, CNN should move her to the morning doing "fluff" pieces or better yet, get rid of her. I don't dislike the woman herself, but she's clearly not cut out to host a hard news show.
