Friday, August 09, 2013

Paula beats out Dr. King.

I have a lot of friends who live in the Atlanta area. It's a nice city with some good people. But then you think about the state that it is in and you have to step back a little bit. Not the Pistolvania is much better, but as bad as some of the folks are here, I am pretty sure that you would not have the following kind of poll numbers in the Keystone state:

"Paula Deen may have lost support from her sponsors, the Food Network, and much of the public but, according to a recent poll, there’s one area in which she’s still going strong: among Georgia Republicans.

According to Public Policy Polling, the embattled Southern cooking mogul has a whopping 73% favorability rating with Georgia Republicans, even following her recent and well-publicized “fall from grace” involving her past use of racist language.

Deen previously admitted to using the “n-word” during a suit filed by a former employee alleging “violent, sexist, and racist” behavior from both the chef and her brother “Bubba.” She also received strong criticism for her expressed desire to have a “Southern plantation-style” theme wedding for her brother complete with all-black waitstaff, apparently harkening back to the days of slavery in the American South. Following this admission, and the ensuing controversy, the Food Network (which airs her show Paula’s Home Cooking) and numerous other businesses have ceased relations with the chef.

The real kicker here is that, according to the PPP, her favorability is markedly higher than another famous southerner –Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He garnered 59% favorability among self-identified Republicans in the state." [Source]

Hmmm, 73% for the racist Queen of fried chicken and 59% for Dr. King. Kind of why I am keeping as far away from that republican tent as possible. No wonder their minority outreach isn't going too well.

Finally, I am glad to see Eric Holder's Justice Department reviewing the Ramarley Graham case up in New York. What happened to that young man was just wrong. Shot in his own home by a New York police officer who claims that he feared for his own life. Of course the young man was unarmed, and the officers kicked in his door and initiated the confrontation.

A Judge in New York dismissed manslaughter charges against the officer and he is now free to go back to the streets and do his thing.

"There was something haunting about the moment in the Bronx courtroom when the decision was announced regarding the charges against the police officer who shot and killed Ramarley Graham. As the judge dismissed the manslaughter charges against the officer, Constance Malcolm, the mother of the dead 18-year-old, shrieked in grief and shouted so heatedly at the judge that she was removed from the courtroom.

“I am angry and cannot express my feelings alone,” she said, speaking to reporters afterward. “I am ready to take it to the streets and the highest of the highest. Please be prepared for a major protest.” She was later hospitalized after the emotion of the experience.

Acting Justice Steven Barrett, of the State Supreme Court of New York, said in his ruling that the prosecution failed to give precise instructions to the grand jury that indicted
Richard Haste, the police officer who faced manslaughter charges.

The judge further explained that the members of the grand jury were not provided sufficient information that Haste had been told that the teenage Graham might have been carrying a weapon. “With not great pleasure, I’m obliged in this case to dismiss the charges.”

There remains a huge problem here. An 18-year-old young man is now dead, killed by an overzealous police officer who soon discovered that Graham was unarmed. With the justice’s decision, no one has yet been held accountable for the death of this young man." [Source]

Sound familiar?


  1. Wesley R10:18 PM

    As someone who used to work in the court system, I would love to see some of these judges held accountable for their decisions. I've seen alot of judges with blood on their hands with the dumb rulings that they've made. The case you wrote about Field is an example. Screw this idea that they're the judge and that's it.

  2. Anonymous11:54 PM

    The reason Paula Deen is at 73% is due to Blacks crossing over to the Republican side but not giving a hoot about MLK. This is because there are fewer Blacks who know our history or of MLK.

    We are our worst enemies in crime, oow, education or unity. Field, you need to get back to something that far more important to the future of our race. Thus far, you keep posting stuff that isn't going to do a damn thing for us.

  3. Anonymous12:04 AM

    I would say something about Oscar Grant and the need to bring his case back, but considering you won't even do a post on "FRUITVALE", you could care's a waste of time with you.

  4. Constance Malcolm my heart breaks for you. it is my prayer that the strength and power of Almighty be with you.

    folks...slavery has NOT ended. there HAS been a new deal. those that don't know their history...repeat it while crying out in confusion.

    may all doctors/nurses charged with the care of Constance Malcolm, be servants of Yahweh Almighty.

    the hospitals are also killing fields...

    the dirty judges, cops, attorneys, politicians, teachers, etc work in unison. it would be great if folks woke up to what is really going down. right now.

    missing folks are being sacrificed. folks are being hunted. baal/lucifer has ALWAYS required human sacrifices...just because folks won't recognize and call it...does not mean it is not going down.

  5. Anonymous12:56 AM

    "Finally, I am glad to see Eric Holder's Justice Department reviewing the Ramarley Graham case up in New York. What happened to that young man was just wrong. Shot in his own home by a New York police officer who claims that he feared for his own life. Of course the young man was unarmed, and the officers kicked in his door and initiated the confrontation."

    Field, you just don't get it, do you? Graham was a bm. BM routinely get shot by Whites without consequences. Do you really think Holder is going to do anything? Of course not.

    Since Obama has been in power, it's OPEN HUNTING SEASON ON BLACK MEN. We are hunted and shot down like rabid dogs. Don't expect ANYTHING from the DOJ....have they done anything about the murder of Trayvon Martin? Oscar Grant? Anybody?


    Stop and Frisk is clearly a violation of civil rights and the DOJ has done nothing. Holder is all mouth, much like Obama. Blacks in power cannot be trusted...period. At least Whites have a conscience and will act on their guilt. Our peeps don't give a damn. If we did, our community, kids, and race would not be in an epidemic crises in so many areas.

  6. Anonymous1:03 AM

    FP, missing folks are being sacrificed. folks are being hunted. baal/lucifer has ALWAYS required human sacrifices...just because folks won't recognize and call it...does not mean it is not going down.

    12:51 AM
    The greatest trick the devil has played on humans is to make them think he doesn't exist. So yeah, it's going down, but very few suspects,or sees anything.

  7. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Field said...
    Sounds familiar?
    All too familiar.

    It's the same thing over and over again.

    Like a hunting season,on humans :(

  8. With the justice’s decision, no one has yet been held accountable for the death of this young man." – Field Negro
    And no one will ever be held responsible for his death. Sshhh,… all empires eventually fall due to their over-reach in brute force against the people in an attempt to reassert themselves with the authority they once held. Look what happened to the empires of Pharaoh and the roman emperor Augustus.

  9. "...all empires eventually fall due to their over-reach in brute force against the people in an attempt to reassert themselves with the authority they once held."

    Now that was quote worthy.

  10. @Field Negro, I had a feeling that you'd agree.

  11. Anonymous1:00 PM

    @7:17 AM Black Sage said...
    "With the justice’s decision, no one has yet been held accountable for the death of this young man." – Field Negro
    And no one will ever be held responsible for his death. Sshhh,… all empires eventually fall due to their over-reach in brute force against the people in an attempt to reassert themselves with the authority they once held. Look what happened to the empires of Pharaoh and the roman emperor Augustus."

    1. Who's being held responsible for the massive black genocide throughout the motherland of Africa?
    2. Who's being held responsible for the 10,000+ black brothas that are murdered by fellow black brothas in America every year from coast to coast?

    You can't see the forest for all the damn trees, fool!

  12. Where's the Outrage1:59 PM

    School bus beating in FL – where’s Obama?
    A viral video showing the beating of a 13-year-old white boy by three African-American youths in Florida has left hundreds of thousands of viewers horrified, but critics say the case doesn't seem to be attracting much sympathy from self-styled civil rights activists.
    In the chilling video, three 15-year-old boys repeatedly beat and kick a victim police said was left with a broken arm and two black eyes.
    Although Florida came under fire in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting and George Zimmerman's acquittal by activists Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson - who called it an "apartheid state" - neither has spoken publicly about the bus incident. But one reason the case has not become as racially charged as other attacks may be that many news outlets have either not shown the first few seconds, before the victim goes down behind a seat, and others blur out his face to the point his race is no longer apparent.
    The bus driver, 64-year-old John Moody, can be heard frantically calling a radio dispatcher for help, although he was criticized in some quarters for not physically intervening.
    "No, you've got to get somebody here quick, quick, quick," Moody pleads on his phone as the assailants take turns landing windmill punches and vicious kicks on the cowering victim. "They about to beat this boy to death over here."
    "They about to beat this boy to death over here."
    - Florida bus driver John Moody
    The attack took place July 9 in the St. Petersburg-area community of Gulfport. But the horrific cell phone and surveillance video only came out recently. Police say the three youths, all African-American, attacked the boy after he told officials at their dropout prevention school that one of them had tried to sell him marijuana.
    Most of the focus has so far been on Moody, who retired two weeks after the incident. Moody went on CNN earlier this week to defend himself.
    "Me jumping in the middle of that fight with three boys, it would have been more dangerous for other students on the bus for as myself," he told Morgan. "There's just no telling what might have happened."
    Moody stopped the bus, and police said the suspects used the emergency exit of the bus to escape. Joshua Reddin, Julian McKnight, and Lloyd Khemradj, all 15 years old, were arrested a short time later. All three were charged with aggravated battery and have since been released. Reddin is also charged with unarmed robbery.
    Pinellas County school policy does not require a driver to intervene and prosecutors have said Moody will not face charges, but Gulfport Police Chief Robert Vincent told WFLA that Moody should have stepped in.
    "There was clearly an opportunity for him to intervene and or check on the welfare of the children or the child in this case, and he didn't make any effort to do so," Vincent said.

    Read more:

  13. Just watching Fox News, didn't stay long just flipping channels in the hotel, and a panel of all whites was asked about Oprah's comments about Trayvon. Typical responses but the women on the panel were a bit measured while the white male brought up the tired conservative meme about where were Jesse and Al. This fool went on to say that only Sean Hannity was covering the beatdown the white kid got unaware of the obvious irony of his statement. Conservatives are tone deaf and apparently uanable to process irony. I guess Hannity, Fox News, Stormfront and all the other racist sites aren't enough for their tastes but what do you expect? This is the same crowd that asked Dr. King why he wasn't fighting against Blah discrimination against whites in '64. Same clowns different circus.

  14. Holder is at it again. My man.

  15. Anon 1:03 AM-

    you are so correct. folks don't believe in Him or their enemy.

    calling things what they are...very important.

    'And out of the ground the Sovereign Almighty formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them...'-Genesis 2:19

    if folks can't even call things what they are...what's the likelihood of victory in overcoming them? wisdom and common sense point to exercise in futility.

  16. GrannyStandingforTruth5:37 PM


    Well, you know how some white folks are, they want to control anyone speaking in behalf of nonwhite groups that are not controlled by them. They want to word what comes out of their mouths and whose behalf they are speaking in and it must always be in behalf of whites. All other groups are considered nonessential.

    It's all about playing by their rules, which tend to be only in their favor, but are always stacked against people of color. Yet they are quick to hollar freedom of speech, freedom this and freedom that when it's their paid mouthpieces who tell untruths, stir up division, and belittle non-white folks, and push their white supremacist ideology, but all others must be controlled.

    When people in other groups stand up and speak the truth, that's when they want to silence them. Therefore, they go to great lengths in sullying their reputation, so they use the media and false news stations like Fox We Make It up News as a tool to poison the well. They'll even go so far as using the FBI...COINTEL to plant false information or have them assassinated. Look how they did Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, David Walker, MLK, Megar Evers, any many more.

    It's not good for any one group to have total control or absolute power over other groups because it leads to selfishness, greed, hatred, war, oppression and all end up in total destruction.

    Word for today: Ye shall not therefore oppress one another; but thou shalt fear thy God: for I am the LORD your God.

  17. Amen Granny. You read the latest about the Tea Party boycott of Ebony Magazine? Now that's funny but it goes to your point of others trying to tell us how we should feel about issues. In our own magazine directed to us and our views. You may not agree with how most blah folks feel about certain issues but shit at least respect the fact we have an opinion and don't need you to tell us what to think and feel.

  18. Anonymous7:01 PM

    FP-"folks...slavery has NOT ended. there HAS been a new deal. those that don't know their history...repeat it while crying out in confusion."

    It's amazing how blind our peeps are. They don't even know they are still slaves. What's that quote from Harriett Tubman?

    "I freed thousands of slaves, and could have freed thousands more, it they had known they were slaves."
    --Harriet Tubman

  19. Anon, did u say "our people"? Come on now, Stevie Wonder can see through you.

  20. Where's the Outrage said...
    School bus beating in FL – where’s Obama?

    Typical low-information, false-equivalence response. You well know the 3 black kids who assaulted the white kid were arrested and are awaiting trial. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT???

    I also see you got off-topic: the topic was about an unarmed young man who was shot and killed by a police officer. What do you think about that...or are you gonna sit this one out?

  21. Cmon Man-Friend, conservatives are known for being low info, false equivalence topic changing types. It's their M O.

  22. GrannyStandingforTruth9:32 PM

    @PilotX, sorry it took me so long to respond, but every time I think about them wanting to Boycott Ebony I can't stop laughing. Trust me, they wouldn't even be able to get Uncle Ruckas to give up his Ebony subscription. Ebony has sometimes been referred to as the Black man's bible, not in practice, and not in replacement of KJV,but well, you Blah folks know what I mean.

  23. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Ebony is the bm's Bible? It makes sense because the Bible sure isn't. Our behaviors toward one another and the world proves that. THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY....Blacks threw that out a long time ago=70% OOW; THOU SHALT NOT KILL=Black on Black murders "daily"; THOU SHALT NOT STEAL=Black on Black crime; THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY NEIGHBOR'S WIFE=Well, we all know that doesn't mean shit to us!

    And, of course, there's the "BIG ONE" that we've thoroughly have violated:


    Not only have we thrown that one out, many of us have rejected GOD.... period...

    Yep, Ebony is the new Bible for Black folks. We are in a very sad state for a race of people. I wonder and fear that we have gone way too far from HIM and about to perish. Meanwhile, we keep arguing with the wm about our sad state of affairs...of which we have 'yet' to do anything about. Instead, we criticize others for talking about it. How pathetic that is!

  24. FP-"folks...slavery has NOT ended. there HAS been a new deal. those that don't know their history...repeat it while crying out in confusion."

    It's amazing how blind our peeps are. They don't even know they are still slaves. What's that quote from Harriett Tubman?

    "I freed thousands of slaves, and could have freed thousands more, it they had known they were slaves."
    --Harriet Tubman

    7:01 PM

    and that's why she's my girl!

    when He sends me to flow through...folks actually get mad when i come with the wake up salts. yes...there is supposed to be a jolt. got your attention? think about it.

    who do you love? who will you serve while here? there are only two choices, Him or something else. just as we personally are wrathful with this type of behavior on a personal is He.

    i think that if you arrive at a place of love, without accepting and practicing all manner of evil in the service of mammon/lesser g-ds (folks come talking love ready to act cut throat. look. see.) then i think we can walk in agreement. where you end up in eternity is between you and Him. i am in the business of minding my business of being about my Father's business.

    truth be told, i am happy i don't have the duty of judging and handing out justice. that's a LOT. His yoke for me is truly easy. if you don't believe and bear all rotten spiritual fruit...cut off is the endgame/plan for it is written. it is written that obedience is worth more than sacrifice. i get that and have no questions. on purpose, i avoid vexatious spirits.

    'The greatest mistake of movement has been trying to organize a sleeping people around specific goals. You have to wake the people up first, then you'll get action.' -Malcolm X

    between Scriptures, prophets like the one i just quoted---what more do we need?!!

    IF we take it to is IMPOSSIBLE to not see that those are our people. it is the white supremacy locked brain...shackled ALL the way down...that blinds folks from seeing it.

    of course, it doesn't help that we got folks going about sharing the information in all the wrong ways. Galatians 3:28 makes it REAL clear to me that we are ONE.

    ps...little devils and their labels/duality duties/projection need to take it on back to hell in defeat and the Power of His Name. stat. that statement is all inclusive of the demons threads back that got busy with no response. time is short. time management.

    for those that think my words are 'inadequate', by your very confession you think He is 'inadequate' and what He says debatable. that is not my business. i urge you to go to Him and talk about it. what you come up with is between you and Him. i promise you i.don' who you have sex long as i am not committed and married to him. for real. for real.

    treat me with respect/love and that is what i will be giving back to you. this flow is not as hard as people are making it. truth is simple. the lies and bs make things complicated.

  25. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Anon, did u say "our people"? Come on now, Stevie Wonder can see through you.

    7:19 PM
    If you don't know I'm Black, then you are as blinder than Stevie Wonder.

  26. 'Anon, did u say "our people"? Come on now, Stevie Wonder can see through you.' is hard to distinguish between Anons. that said, i REALLY hope you are not talking about the wide awake, sane, knows mental slavery is maintained today by the thoughts/points of view you keep spouting Anon.

    you have been trying to whip him into to slave slumber by revoking his 'Black card' (as if you gave it to him and can take it away.) like a good wanna be whipcracka for a longer than a minute. that's why He sends me to leverage your hits with His Word homie;) flipping the script, planting seeds to wake up the people. realizing fully there is a cost for it. i understand where we are in history. i have made up my mind to stand. He promised we win. good enough for me. we all dying eventually, might as well make it count...only what you do for Him counts in the end.

    if you would take that same revoke folks' claim to Blackness your attentions to BO. then look at his consistent lying, demonic behavior...surely you would see that he deserves more than Anon to be tossed out of office+claims of Blackness, since you think you got it like that. toss MO out, too. lol. the grandparents can stay and work out the next gen;) there's still hope for them...

  27. happy birthday AB!!!

    i pray you and fam are making it your best one yet!

    much love sis.

  28. I'm still laughing too Granny. A tea partier boycotting Ebony is like me boycotting the nazi/klan convention. I'm sure their subscriptions won't be missed.

  29. StillaPanther21:40 AM

    Amen to that-Brother Pilot X and Sister Granny. Ebony and Jet was there when we needed them the most. Now there is a lot of glorifying our actors and athletes, which may be necessary to keep a revenue stream. The time they were at their peak- Ebony, Jet- was when we as a people had a singular goal, which was to take the boot off our necks. The magazine celebrated our competitive achievements albeit the decks were stacked. As a "civil rights baby boomer" it saddens to see imbalance news of what some athlete buys or who is sleeping with whom. There got to be more new and upcoming fighters for the cause to write about. I guess when the whites allowed us certain favors we ended the race short of the finish line. It's easy to report and mimic the few "stars" the whites have allowed for our examples of fulfilling "the American Dream". I wish my "bible" would take on our social maladies and call to order the need to finish this race in America. Now this is only one of our organization that aided our march to equality. I still task myself and others to get back in the race.

    Power to MY people. The others are doing fine. StillaPanther2

  30. Anonymous1:42 AM

    FP, is this what they are wearing to church in Cali these days? lol.. Lord have mercy.

  31. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Whoa. Here's somebody either serious about laying their lives down for GOD, or they are just plain crazy:

  32. Brotha Panther, we have many avenues to communicate real issues (this blog being one). Ebony and Jet have long been basically entertainment weeklies/monthlies. As a kid I would just look at page 35 in Jet and keep it moving or was it 34 I can't remember ha!

  33. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Where are the massive protests in the streets by blacks whenever black men and boys shoot each other in the urban streets each day and take innocent bystanders with them? You don't hear a damn thing from the mothers, the fathers, the ministers, the bloggers or the so called black leaders.Blacks keep hooping and hollering about how the justice system has no god(&%%$# respect for blacks. But blacks have no respect for themselves either. But yet they seem surprised that the judicial system doesn't respect them either. Why won't black men take back their streets and save their own black children from destroying themselves?
    Hell you may not be able to changed the justice system but you can definately change the "family system." As long as blacks keep pointing the finger at someone else it gives them an excuse not to have to fix their own problems. We've been talking about this problem for the last 40 years. Are we going to be talking about this problem for the next 40 years too?

  34. GrannyStandingforTruth4:10 AM

    Anon 2:43:

    Evidently, you don't live in a black neighborhood or have zero contact with Blacks for you to make that statement and say you don't hear anything from mothers, fathers, ministers, bloggers, or Black leaders about Black boys killing each other. Because if you did you would hear it 7 days a week and know about the many meetings and marches that have been held to discuss it all around the country from those same folks you claim are silent. They talk about it all the time and there are a lot of those same folks that you accuse of not saying anything that are working together to try and solve that problem.

    BTW, what are whites going to do about those sporadic mass murders with guns and bombs in public places such as schools, theaters, parking lots,etc.? I don't hear anything being said about that either, except it's our constitutional right to have a gun and don't take our guns away. I dunno I guess it's okay to have bombs, since they tend not to mention those much, and bombs are used too.

    It's not Black folks protesting or having a hissy fit to keep guns. Speaking for myself, they can take all the guns in America and toss them in a pile and burn every single one of them. I wouldn't miss a single one of them, including police guns, the george zimmerman types, street killers.

  35. GrannyStandingforTruth4:24 AM

    PilotX, I wouldn't say that. Ebony discusses more than entertainment. They discuss politics, social issues, civil rights issues, financial matters,and much more. It highlights successful Blacks and their achievements because you know that is a no no in mainstream America's magazines or news media. Although, folks do have certain sections that they like to read and do skip some of it. It depends on the person...different strokes for different folks.

    I like to read the whole magazine. Sometimes I read many of their old issues online to compare them with today and measure progress in the Black community. There is one old issue that I've been trying to get. I had a collection of old Jet magazines when they were smaller in length and width size that go way, way back, which would be considered a collectors item now, but they disapeared when I moved back some years ago.

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  37. I have been given the right to give and take away black cards by the "Drop Squad", and that Anon fraud above is not black.

    fp, feel free to give him a. Christian card if u like, but that black card is just not going to be forthcoming. Sorry.

  38. GrannyStandingforTruth8:49 AM

    "As long as blacks keep pointing the finger at someone else it gives them an excuse not to have to fix their own problems. We've been talking about this problem for the last 40 years. Are we going to be talking about this problem for the next 40 years too?"

    Well, I guess Blacks must get it from racist whites who've been pointing a finger at Blacks for the last 364 years, 2 months, and 11 days. as an excuse to keep from talking about and owning up to their white supremacist ideology, inequality, injustice, discrimination, racism; ugly, brutal, and psychopathic history in their treatment of various groups of people of color. It's been a 364 years, 2 months, and 11 days habitual practice of whites to point a finger at Black people to justify their racism and distract folks from looking at their fig leaves/nakedness (wrong doing).

    Their favorite choice of weapons is stereotypes which they also have used to label all groups of people such as Native Americans, Asians, Latin/Spanish Americans, Iranians, Arabs, Africans, and Polynesians to CONTROL at one time or another. Each one of these groups has been called "savages”, their women attacked and labeled "hypersexual" women having too many babies at one time or another in America’s history.

    Whenever whites want to gain control of a certain group of people for something those folks might have that they covet or to annihilate them (population control), they tend to pull out the old stale stereotypes of "dangerous males" and "irresponsible hypersexual women are having too many babies”. This tendency of whites to want to annihilate nonwhite people is a spirit of Herod. Yep, he was that fellow in the bible that ordered people's babies to be killed. Like the message they've sent out now that it's legal (stand your ground) to kill young black males. Control is a spirit of witchcraft. Yep, it's all demonic in nature, but year after year white supremacist and hatemongers fight to keep those demonic spirits alive instead of repenting and confessing their sins, so that they can be healed and frankly the whole world, so that peace and prosperity can reign instead of death and destruction. Btw, repent literally means CHANGE YOUR WAY OF THINKING.

  39. GrannyStandingforTruth8:51 AM

    Yet, white supremacists paint themselves with flawless purity paint. In fact, they paint themselves as gods who must control other human beings because if they lose control they think it makes them inadequate. In a way, it reminds me of small children given a pie to divide among themselves. The oldest child is greedy and wants the pie all to his self, so he bullies the children smaller than him in power and hogs the whole pie. Their blinded by greed and lust. And selfishness and arrogance makes them deaf.

    Rush, Hannity, and Beck are all nothing but your Hamans in the bible who insist on building a hangman's gallows for nonwhite people. Haman means noise and tumult, which tells you about their personality or spirit. In the bible, Haman insisted on building a hangman's noose and gallows for Mordecai, but it backfired and the king had Haman hung on that same gallows he built for Mordecai. Haman wanted to annihilate all of Israel's children and Mordecai and was constantly scheming and trying to set them up. There is nothing new under the sun.


  40. let me clear this up for folks that need labels...

    i am a follower of Him. i don't follow man...he will lead you into a ditch then blame you for being 'stupid' enough to follow him. this is the pitiful condition of modern men-particularly large numbers of bm. i think most will agree that 'religion' is man made. usually by those with a desire to be 1) rich 2) in control 3) laid as often as possible by the children/young adults in the congregation-both genders.

    most men don't know who they are and the fact that He has ALREADY given them dominion and they seek to assert their dominion through perverted means. no bueno.

    i study and read Scriptures at home. i fellowship/encourage/am encouraged by other like spirits that He sends to cross my path. i give where i see a need and to do His work as He leads me. damn a committee and folks taking from the poor to floss and play boss. the system is corrupt and invalid. i heard Him, clearly, when He said come out from among them.

    all the rest of the business/brand of church...where folks have e'erthing BUT Him going on...i avoid. like the plague.

    i suppose folks have missed my saying again and again that Messiah's name could NOT have been 'Jesus'. there was no letter j. period. i do NOT follow 'Jesus'...because i study and know that when you get right down to it...he morphs into zeus/baal. nope. i don't want any. thanks.

    more spiritually complacent sleeping 'Christians' better wake up, considering there is salvation in the Name of Messiah. how you going to let folks CHANGE the name and you keep going like business as usual. folks truly perish for lack of the information age, no less.

    i follow Yahweh Almighty, Yahushua Messiah and keep Sabbath. sun day is for the sun worshippers, which is strictly prohibited according to my understanding.

    so, please, find an appropriate label, since folks just need them. or not. rest assured, i won't be losing too much sleep over folks to ignorant to call things what they is a consistent pattern on this blog. that's why folks think if you tell the truth about're racist or pretending to be Black. lol.

    i am not affiliated with the Hebrew Israelites. bless them and their efforts...i just don't do well with yelling and rank sexism.

    the poor souls that keep coming for me from the sect that worship Hulon Mitchell, Jr. as g-d. no. there will be none of that for me. not ever.

    so...hope that helps folks get a better understanding. as i have told other folks trying to tamper with my light and harness my man, woman, nor idol will come between Him and me. i made up my mind.

    now, for those making the American holocaust kill lists...please pay attention:

    come for me, if you must; however, get my list right. i study to show myself approved and know that 'Christ/Christian' is a part of the deception. the appropriate list for me is powerful, protected, highly favored daughters of Yahweh Almighty. put me on that list...then bring it, if you don't think He is real.

  41. who now OWNS ebony, jet, essence, bet, etc?

    folks are mentally masturbating themselves into this pleasant place that never really existed. they were there when we needed them? huh?

    Andrew Hacker has broke this all down for those that will take a minute to read it.

    the true tea party was eaten from within. (just as occupy wall street was.) folks' racism/prejudice was flipped against them to shut them down. what you see is deliberate, demonic and not real. it is designed to maintain this low level, divisive level of discourse.

    a house divided against itself will never stand...humanity is the house...

    Anon 1:42am- there is another layer to what you see in whorelywood.

    i can never laugh at the suffering of another. Britney Spears is a highly paid mind controlled slave. if only folks knew...

    folks thinks 'celebrities' are spoiled and ungrateful. when in truth, they are heavily controlled, manipulated, tortured, exploited, etc. there is an element of fear that one can cut with a knife. NONE of what you see on tv is real for the most part. every now and again, folks will get rebellious and throw some Truth out...but outside of that the folks you see on tv are programmed and a part of the larger program...some knowingly...some just useful idiots as they are called by those that hate us all.

    folks have 'entourages' that in reality are their handlers. those folks are not there for their protection. they are there to protect the unseen powers that be secrets.

    i think Roseanne is controlled opposition...that said, she is dropping a few truths. what she says has enough clues for one to seek additional information, if they truly want to know the Truth about the world in which we live.

    'the nail that stands hammered down.' that nugget by Roseanne summarizes the rank cowardice we see all around us. plus most are programmed to different degrees. folks coming with truth and light, jack other folks' program. the programmed then act as reinforcers of the program...those that speak out and against it are quickly labeled as 'crazy', 'christian' or something;)

  42. GrannyStandingforTruth9:29 AM

    Fp, who are you talking to? Who is coming for you or labeling you? No one is here posting right now, accept me and Field.

  43. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Blogger field negro said...
    "I have been given the right to give and take away black cards by the "Drop Squad", and that Anon fraud above is not black.

    fp, feel free to give him a. Christian card if u like, but that black card is just not going to be forthcoming. Sorry."

    LOL. Well, go ahead with your bad self. The anon is definitely Black, but what does it matter? Field has spoken. GOD, the Creator, is color blind. LOL.

  44. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Dear field, 'how' do you tell who is NOT Black? Why do you need permission of the "drop Squad" for people who are NOT Black?

    I thought the drop squad was for people like Jesse Lee Peterson, and Charles Barkley, or maybe even MJ? I mean, 'where' do you(and your drop squad) draw the line?

    PS. The "drop Squad" was a movie. It's not real life.

  45. Anonymous10:08 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Fp, who are you talking to? Who is coming for you or labeling you? No one is here posting right now, accept me and Field.

    9:29 AM
    Granny, I was waiting for you to start throwing insults. That's your trademark. Someone needs to send the drop Squad for you. Do you have dimentia? I bet you do.

    Field, send the drop squad!

  46. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I've said it many times before, "it's no fun being Black". There are many Whites against Blacks, and 'many' Blacks against Blacks. Both of these ungrateful folks signal their to the Creator their dissatisfaction of Blacks on this earth.

  47. FN-

    i don't recognize the authority of the 'drop squad'...and the fact they can't see BO and get you on the urgent task of snatching his black card...the drop squad sounds invalid, powerless+ blind.


    repentance is more than changing your thinking. it ALSO requires one to change their BEHAVIOR. that part of repentance is what has folks STUCK. 'Christianity' as preached...has folks believing if they just think it in their heads...their g-d knows their hearts...and they can just carry on with business as usual. you know he did away with the law-that's what churches are teaching folks. that one right there, gets me every time. i feel a strong desire to laugh and cry at the same time...and get away from whoever is committed to telling folks that big fat lie.

    white folks hollering about their guns understand things at a different level than most Blacks. truth be told...most Blacks are at first grade level when the game is more phd. this is why Blacks have a hard time being taken seriously. technically indentured servants, but hey, that's NOT free. yet, Black folks keep pointing to our history in the land of bondage as an excuse to remain on spiritual/mental lockdown.

    when folks come here and say that Blacks are spiritually lost yet keep blaming others...truth. your enemy will tell you the unvarnished truth, because they are not bound by 'polite' like your friends and family that care more about your feelings than the telling it straight. rare is the friend that kicks it 100%.

    Anon that asked about Britney Spears...more on mind control:

    notice, what we saw they abducted the girl back in...they said she attacked the burly female officer. she did no such thing...yet, folks will still believe it. notice the walt Disney references...all a part of mind control programming. notice also that she indicated one of the cops were there when someone was murdered.

    CB is trying to let folks know that he is marked for death. he has been wearing way too much cheetah print lately too. those that know what it means understand it is all bad. instead of ridicule...these souls need prayer. watch CB...

    Prince is breaking it down! we are under attack folks. he, too, knows there were 8 presidents before the first one we were taught about.

    he is Jehovah Witness. he will work that out with his Creator...he is kicking the real, and i support anyone willing to do that without hurting my interests. we need to stop looking for a way to be divided...and find a way to see how we can agree. there are no permanent friends nor enemies folks...only permanent interests.

    incidentally, Prince was singing about 911 at least a year before it happened. the illuminati slaves...know the plans...folks just won't listen and understand when they are courageous enough to give clues.

    this is happening all the time...ish is real...all written on the back underneath the masonic seal of your dollar bill...

  48. Granny-

    FN here mislabeled me a 'Christian'...

    hate for this to be a newsflash...maybe you blog as a hobby. those talking in ways that is not a part of the program and encouraging others to think, talk, and walk in other ways outside the program...have folks dispatched to intimidate them. google gangstalking. this is how i know He is real. i have watched Him push folks back when it was my turn to experience intimidation. that got flipped all up when the Hebrews showed up in force.

    on blogs, some are paid to slander folks. did you really miss all of that a few posts back? the gay mafia comes with 'homophobe hater' with the quickness.

    who am i talking to? anyone with an ear to hear.

  49. "PS. The "drop Squad" was a movie. It's not real life."

    Wrong! The "Drop Squad" is real, and I am a member.

    "Dear field, 'how' do you tell who is NOT Black? Why do you need permission of the "drop Squad" for people who are NOT Black?"

    It's called a black detector,and you have to be a member of the "Drop Squad" to get one.

  50. Granny-

    the news won't run the stories where armed citizens shut down those that would come into places terrorizing folks with violence.

    it does not support the gun control narrative. Europe got bundled first. Europeans are warning americans to not allow guns to be soon as they are...the other shoe will drop. only bfolks focused on slavery are missing what is going down right now. bfolks still talking about MLK...most without even knowing his legal name waa not even Martin was Martin and he was hand picked and controlled from jump. when he stopped being controllable...he was tossed from the freedom train.

    rose color glasses to view history is for child like people. forbidding folks to tell the truth...devilish. i won't play along as long as i have free will.

  51. GrannyStandingforTruth10:52 AM

    Just as I discerned, Fp is anonymous. Oh my. Smh! No my dear, it appears that you're the one that likes to throw out the insults, but you do it disguised as anonymous.

    Smh! At least, since you say my trademark is to throw out insult, I do it under the same identity and do not try to hide behind another identity to say what I have to say. I feel sorry for you in all sincere honesty and believe it or not I have prayed for fp/anonymous. You speak ill words to people that had no ill will towards you. smh!

  52. GrannyStandingforTruth11:03 AM

    Fp, blogging is not my life, I have a life outside of blogging. I have observed all the sock puppets and games they've played on this blog and other blogs. But I could care less because I do not have to depend on anyone...white or black to keep a roof over my head, food on my table, or clothes on my back.

  53. Anonymous11:11 AM

    My dear FP, thank you so much for the links, esp the one about Prince! To know there are more than just the two of us recognizing this spiritual war happening-is uplifting. I am sure there might be others but I don't know of them. Maybe it's because I'm a newcomer to the battle?

    One thing I know: Other than yourself and AB, there are no other folks, (or "Field Negroes" as they are called here) that seem to an 'inkling' that something is very wrong, and we reallly need to investigate and discontinue our decades of ineffective thinking and inaction...because it is KILLING US.

    Here's another similar Prince and Dick Gregory video link:

    What's more important is to 'de-Black' must be a threat to Field. Relax Mr Field, you have NOTHING I want. In fact, I'm beginning to think you might be in bed with the devil yourself. lol

  54. FN-

    'Wrong! The "Drop Squad" is real, and I am a member.'

    now, why does that have the ring of truth to it? your being an officer of the court and all...


    don't take the bait sweetie. i don't have a problem saying what is on my mind. i would not need to feign 'anon' to say what i mean.

    please know, folks are paid to de-rail peace and progress. those that come through with my flow are the targets. we have been posting here for years with no problem. in case you have not gleaned...i operate from a place of don't start none...won't be none.

    your discernment is off and you are mistaken as a result. if i have something to say to you...i will attach my name to it. trust. believe. you can't condemn my soul to hell, therefore i have no reason to fear you. please understand this truth. as soon as more will be a whole new day for humanity. fearing man holds a snare.

  55. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Blogger field negro said...
    "PS. The "drop Squad" was a movie. It's not real life."

    Field replied, "Wrong! The "Drop Squad" is real, and I am a member."

    You have just confirmed what I have always suspected: YOU are deluded.

    Anon said, "Dear field, 'how' do you tell who is NOT Black? Why do you need permission of the "drop Squad" for people who are NOT Black?"

    Field replied, "It's called a black detector,and you have to be a member of the "Drop Squad" to get one."

    Your 'black detector' is broken. It needs new batteries or something.

    Try stepping out of your all-white neighborhood and go see a real life awakened brother or a sister who is fighting in the trenches for GOD and us...and beg to get your detector fixed. However, I personally believe it won't matter for you-I've observed your Black and White contradictions for many years.:) Good Luck.


  56. GrannyStandingforTruth11:23 AM

    Okay, Fp, I believe you. I apologize to you too. After I posted that message and happen to read your message after what I said, I felt like I might have been wrong.

  57. Correction:

    MLK's legal name was Michael...just as his father's.


    your lack of care for folks that don't put food on your table is a part of the problem. the MISleaders clearly have this same attitude toward the people. as long as they are paid...who cares? think al Sharpton among many others.

    indifference is worse than hatred.

    blogging is not my life either. i have a business to run. however, when i put in effort/energy, i am focused purposeful on His message for the people that have an ear to hear. i love my people. i love humanity.

    when whites and others come here and urge folks to get in the game...they are not being racist. they are being waaaay too polite. plain talk. bad manners. that's where we are though. time to make it plain, get real, and wake up.

  58. GrannyStandingforTruth11:35 AM

    Fp, I'm not on anyone's payroll. That's what I meant by that.

  59. Granny-

    support your claim that i have ill will/words for folks that don't approach me in that manner?

    an accusing spirit is never constructive.

    by the name Granny, i take you are an elder. please don't get caught up. all syrupy sweetness is NOT sweet. you would do well to consider that sometimes, folks can see things that you can't. some of us are not afraid to boldly call things what they are.

  60. Granny-

    apology unnecessary. i appreciate the kind stress. truly, it is all love.

    Anon 11:11 am- you are welcome. thanks for the link. i wanted to check that one out.

    i urge you to understand mk. as you go in search of information...i only caution that information may be triggering. it is best to be prayed up and prayerful as you read. i ask Him to protect me as He shows me what He wants me to know.

    Anon, there are many more like us. He always saves a remnant. He doesn't want any of us to be lost. as many as would like to know...i pray to use the time that the internet is still open to spread His message and information to my sleeping folks around me.

    create a beautiful day...that's my plan;)

  61. Anon@11:22am, I am going to stick my neck out on this one and declare that god doesn't need anyone fighting for him/her.

  62. Yeah, but a lot of folks like to speak for him/her.

  63. Anonymous2:43 PM

    @Focused Purpose
    "on blogs, some are paid to slander folks. did you really miss all of that a few posts back? the gay mafia comes with 'homophobe hater' with the quickness."

    FP, hate speech against LGBT people will not be tolerated by me.

    The last time I checked, this blog is NOT a church. If it were, I would not be here. Since this blog is not a church, I get to respond when a homophobe says "the bible says that homosexuality is a sin". I cannot let that stand unchallenged in a secular space like this blog.

    And where and who is this "gay mafia"? A LGBT person who stands up for himself and his group is now the "mafia"? Are you that unused to a gay man who stands up for himself. You think all gay men are like Antoine (or however you spell his name)?

    The real mafia are straight people who harass, stalk, attack and kill LGBT people on a daily basis in this country. I just wanted to point that out.

  64. Anonymous3:38 PM

    @Focused Purpose
    I just thought I needed to say this again: the real "mafia" is the STRAIGHT MAFIA who harass, stalk, attack and KILL LGBT people on a daily basis in this country.

  65. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Anon@11:22am, I am going to stick my neck out on this one and declare that god doesn't need anyone fighting for him/her.

    12:46 PM
    Oh, the irony of your statement.:))))

  66. As a lawyer could you please explain to me why "negligent homicide" does not apply in these cases? or could not apply?

    I feel that if someone ends up dead; that without very, very strong reasons, a wrong has been committed.

    (I just read your Comments section. You have my sympathy.)

  67. شركة الفا لنقل عفش واثاث شركة نقل عفش بجدة شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض شركة نقل عفش بالدمام شركة نقل عفش بالطائف
