Wednesday, September 04, 2013

America is full of surprises.

Some things in life still surprise me, and some things, well, not so much.

For instance, I was surprised to learn that most people on food stamps live in the burbs. The way some folks go at those urban dwellers you would think that they are the only ones living off the government dole these days.

"When talking about food stamps (or SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, as it’s now called), many people imagine that it’s primarily an urban benefit—think Ronald Regan’s “welfare queen” living on the South Side of Chicago. That image still persists today: When talking about government nutrition assistance, news stories are often illustrated with images of single mothers of color or older retirees in large urban housing developments. Seldom do the suburbs—the land of cul-de-sacs, strip malls, and minivans—come into play in regards to SNAP.

But increasingly, the ’burbs are becoming the defining image of food stamps. The number of Americans living in suburbs who receive SNAP doubled between 2007 and 2011, and the majority recipients nationwide—55 percent—now live there, according to an analysis of American Community Survey data by the Brookings Institution." [Source]

So that was all a bit surprising, but I was not surprised to read that George Killerman is in trouble with the law again. (Can you say O.J. boys and girls?

"George Zimmerman has been pulled over for speeding in central Florida.
Lake Mary police report that Zimmerman was stopped and ticketed Tuesday morning for going 60 mph in a 45 mph zone.

Zimmerman was previously pulled over on July 28 near Dallas, Texas, but was let go with a warning." [Source]

I was also not surprised to learn that the monster in Ohio who held those three young ladies captive for years in his home checked out a little sooner than we all expected. Or maybe not.   

"He was sentenced to life in prison plus 1,000 years for a heinous crime, but in the end he cut that life short.

Ariel Castro, convicted of kidnapping and raping three women, as well as murder, committed suicide in his prison cell Tuesday night, the Franklin County, Ohio, coroner's office said.
The discovery of the three women who had been Castro's captives in his Cleveland home for about a decade was shocking from the outset, and surprising in its end.
Castro, 52, hanged himself with a bedsheet, Coroner Dr. Jan Gorniak told CNN on Wednesday. He was being held at the Correctional Reception Center in Orient. " [Source]
I guess there is something to this wages of sin is death thing after all.
I was also not surprised to read that a person of the cloth has a lot of love for those folks in the majority population.
"North Carolina pastor Makeda Pennycooke sent out a mass email asking that 'only white people' greet visitors at the 9:00 a.m. service at Freedom House Church and her congregation has raised holy hell.
“I was floored,” recalled church member Carmen Thomas. ”Like it was a jaw dropper. You can put a white face all over the front door. But when you come through those doors, you’re going to see African Americans, you’re gonna see Asians. You’re going to see people of color.”
Pennycooke serves as the Executive Pastor of Operations for Freedom House Church, located in Charlotte, North Carolina." [Source]
I know you work in the lord's house Ms. Pennycooke, but I am about to send you to another one.
Finally, I was surprised to read about a man getting kicked out of Universal Studios because he wore a t-shirt with "POLICE STREET CRIME UNIT" written on it.
"A family man says he got kicked out of Universal Studios in Orlando for wearing a T-shirt that reads, "Police: Street Crime Unit."

Christian Jarosz, of Jupiter, Fla., brought his family to the amusement park to surprise his daughter for her Sweet 16 on Saturday night, but the real shocker came from park officials.

"He just basically said you can't have that shirt in the park," Jarosz told local station WPTV.

Jarosz, who is not a police officer, got the shirt from his brother, a cop in New York. He has worn it to Disney World without incident and was cleared by Universal security before entering." [Source]

I would say that this was a case of reverse racism, but it was Universal Studios who refused to show my man any love. That's  just a case of white on white profiling, and in this case it wasn't right.

Mr. Jarosz, you might want to go for the solid t- shirt look next time.



  1. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Karma is working on Zimmerman. It won't be long now before he ends up in real trouble, like another "stand your ground" murder.

  2. Espesito10:39 PM

    "For instance, I was surprised to learn that most people on food stamps live in the burbs."

    That's because more and more blacks are moving out to the suburbs.

    1. Jaaylah1:29 PM

      Thats not true.Its because people are struggling and its only going to get worse.A lot of people in the burbs especiall white.people cant.afford to live in the burbs any longer.But instead of moving they stay and keep up the facade.Actually a lot of blacks who make money live in the hood or less desireable areas why Im not sure.Its a fact due some research.I lived in the hood and went to private school we had money.But we didnt the ignorance of some well to do people.

  3. Zimmerman was driving over the speed limit? OMG. It's probably just a matter of time until he's doing Purple Drank and robbing houses. Someday he'll jump an armed neighborhood watch guy and bang! Karma bitch!

  4. Fry Mumia10:48 PM

    "I guess there is something to this wages of sin is death thing after all"

    If Castro was black he would have had people marching for him outside the jail. You know he would.

  5. Wesley R10:50 PM

    Zimmerman is doing too much just like O.J.. He needs to lay low for a while. Male or Female, we have too many fake pastors in our community. If I hear another sermon about money....

  6. You are right field, only black people should be allowed to greet churchgoers at every church in America, every Goddamned Sunday of the year.


  7. "Mr. Jarosz, you might want to go for the solid t- shirt look next time."

    I would suggest an "I choked Linda Lovelace" t-shirt, a timeless classic.

  8. Hey, at the local schools, they just ask the kids to turn their shirt inside out for the rest of their "visit."

  9. Sandy24812:25 AM

    Interesting how Killerman simply scoffs at laws. He does listen to dispatchers and he does obey speed limits.

  10. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Field, you are obsessed with Zimmerman because he made a liar out of you and your so-called legal reasoning that he would be found guilty. You lost...get over it.

    Zimmerman is free and will live to a ripe old age, much longer than you. Speaking of black life, your Killadelphia meter is low, AGAIN.

  11. Long Juan Plata12:31 AM

    Zimmerman can speed all he wants as long as he keeps ridding the world of budding thugs.

  12. I'm sur ethere are some upset prisoners in Ohio tonite. They had some plans for Mr. Castro. My guess is Rev. Pennycooke isn't the brightest bulb in the pack, she could have just very well chosen an all white cast and then acted surprised when someone brought it to her attention. Happens all the time. Stuff like that makes me sure of my choice to avoid religion.

  13. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Mr Smooth, "I would suggest an "I choked Linda Lovelace" t-shirt, a timeless classic."

    11:02 PM
    Anybody who choked LL, is too big for human sex.

  14. Anonymous12:43 AM

    What was Rev Pennycooke's thinking behind having all White greeters? I bet the Rev was just trying to help the congregation to develop more awareness that we are all the same. In any case, the Rev ought to be able to run her church anyway she wants.

    hmmmmm. I wonder what FP thinks about this FN attack on the poor Rev?

  15. Anonymous12:50 AM

    I have decided that the only safe place from racism in America is Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. There you can eat great cheese and marry anyone you like. It is true America....But so is Green Bay, WI.

  16. "What was Rev Pennycooke's thinking behind having all White greeters? I bet the Rev was just trying to help the congregation to develop more awareness that we are all the same. In any case, the Rev ought to be able to run her church anyway she wants"

    This is the New America, where you can run your life however you want as long as what you want conforms with the current temporary government's ephemeral cultural allegiances.

    'Diversity' is the Law now.

    'Diversity' does not mean different types of people, it means less whites.

    'Diversity' is Good.

    Therefore, less whites is Good.

    By trying to include whites in her church service, Rev. Pennycooke did something bad, she sinned against 'Diversity'.

    She is a "House Negro".

    She must confess her sins to Rev. Sharpton and pay for forgiveness. If she commits her life to the ideal of less whites, she can be a "Field Negro".


  17. Sandy2482:57 AM

    I typed in my post that Killerman DOES NOT listen to dispatcher and he DOES NOT obey speed limits. Not sure why my contractions were autocorrected.

  18. Anon@12:30, please provide a link where I declared that Killerman would be found guilty.

    Take all the time u need, I will wait.......

  19. "Long Juan Plata", if u had a father he would look like George Killerman.

  20. Field:

    Its not a surprise to me The stats have long stated that cave people and burbers get more free stuff than others Jaja
    However bottom line they pay for it in the long run when they vote for the very ones who hate them and lavel them

    As for Trays killer Eche has his back and is riding him 24/7 Its just a matter of when the Afrikan hurricane rises up and heads west

    Glad that you posted abou the sister REV
    i thought i would fall off Maestro (my horse)while reading it on a morning ride hehehehe Nothing is better than watching stuff crumble!

    Chess anyone ( or perhaps the less strenous dominoes?

    Have a great week

  21. FN said...
    For instance, I was surprised to learn that most people on food stamps live in the burbs.

    Most people are surprised to find out there are more white people on welfare.

  22. "Most people are surprised to find out there are more white people on welfare"

    Most people don't understand the difference between absolute numbers and relative numbers (ratios).

    There are six times as many white people as there are black people in America, yet the numbers receiving welfare are about the same.

    Therefore, blacks are six times more likely to be on welfare than whites.

    If you can't understand that, you should not be allowed to vote.

  23. Crazy, urine soaked Cuban woman said...

    Its not a surprise to me The stats have long stated that cave people and burbers get more free stuff than others

    Nearly 12 percent of Americans receive aid—28 percent of blacks, 15 percent of Latinos and 8 percent of whites….Half of Americans receive food stamps, at least briefly, by the time they turn 20. Among black children, the figure was 90 percent.

  24. Whites constitute 72.4 percent of America's population but constitute 35.6 percent of all recipients of Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC). Blacks constitute about 12.9 percent of America's population but constitute 37.2 percent of AFDC recipients. One argument loudly forwarded by demagogues and sophists is that whites make up the majority of welfare recipients. That fact is true from an absolute numbers perspective, but not from a percentage of the American population perspective.

    America now spends 15 percent of its Gross Domestic Product on welfare. Welfare is now the third most expensive government spending program. Welfare spending has outpaced spending on Social Security, Medicare, education, and defense.

    And welfare rolls and spending continue to expand. Welfare spending increased on SNAP alone between FY2008 and FY2011 from $39.3 billion to $75.3 billion. Over the next 10 years, welfare spending is projected to cost taxpayers $10.3 trillion. The Obama administration is now working to expand welfare further, spending $2.5 million on an ad campaign to get more people on welfare.

    While campaigning in 2008, Obama said that "the war in Iraq is costing each household about $100 per month." But applying the same spending criteria revealed that welfare cost each household $560 per month in 2009 and $638 per month in 2010.

  25. Black people know this, but it surprises white people... But the majority of recipients of all the social programs are white people. If it was only Black people on them, the white government would just pull the plug.

  26. "If it was only Black people on them, the white government would just pull the plug."

    Wrong. This is BRA. The whole purpose of the government is to serve black people.

    Every facet of life is governed by the principals of Black Run America, which means every institution must promote Black interests above all others.

  27. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Anonymous Bill said...

    FN said...
    For instance, I was surprised to learn that most people on food stamps live in the burbs.

    Most people are surprised to find out there are more white people on welfare.

    Most people aren't surprised to find out most black people are on welfare.

  28. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Hey Field,

    Did you hear the CBC was ordered not to publicy comment about Syria/Obama?

    Gottdamn those White limousine liberals sure do have you guys shucking and jiving like slaves.

    As always, they know better than you.

  29. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Anon@12:30, please provide a link where I declared that Killerman would be found guilty.

    Take all the time u need, I will wait.......

    7:08 AM
    Field, I'm sick and tired of providing you links of what you said. This is your blog, find it yourself.

  30. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Anon4:38p, I heard the same thing. But it doesn't surprise me. The CBC has always been House Negroes for Whites, not Field Negroes for their black constituents. They suck.

  31. "Change"5:04 PM

    It sure is illuminating to see all the liberal politicians, press, and activisits lining up to cheer on and wave the war flags this time, when it is almost the exact same scenario as the Iraq War they found so distasteful - removal of a Middle Eastern Baathist dictator under the pretext of his use of chemical weapons. Even better, they are probably the same WMD's that got moved to Syria from Iraq.

    The only difference this time is that we are now sending our military in harm's way for the benefit of al Qaeda.

    How do the American people allow this to happen?

    1. Jaaylah2:02 PM

      America is falling.Its been falling for decades.While whites were promoting white.supremacy and hating us blacks.Looking at how we are dumb.and.commit crimes.And how we are all on welfare stereotypes that are not true.Guess what whites ur America was being destroyed by ppl who look just like you.America played you.America kept u so distracted with race and hating blacks that you didnt see what was happening.Blacks should have been the.least of you whites problems now its too late.America will be a Third World Country and it you whites faults you should have been focused on your America.that you much.Now you whites are noticing but its.too late.Your minds are slipping.and your choosing suicide as a way out.We had a chance to stop the hate but we ran out of chances.Hell to pay.

  32. Anonymous5:42 PM

    "Change" this is the reason we should never elect a Democratic President. He has no idea what we are in for should we attack Syria.

    A very 'real' possibility is Syria, Iran, Egypt, and Iraq will join in the party. And, may God have mercy on our armed forces should Russia and China join in.

    There is a global fact about 'how' people feel about America and it's not good. It borders on hate. Can you blame them? Who anointed America as the policeman in the Middle East? Hell, we can't even take care of our own people here in the US.

    One would think that we learned a painful lesson in Vietnam. Guess not.

    This attack on Syria could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. People have had 'enough' of us. Sooner or later someone is going to take our bullying ass on and declare war.

  33. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Field's post title says, "AMERICA IS FULL OF SURPRISES."

    What about Syria and Iran and Russia? Could they be FULL OF SURPRISES too?


  35. story will be about Zimmermans wife requesting a divorce...

  36. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Blogger BLACKISBEAUTIFUL said... story will be about Zimmermans wife requesting a divorce...

    No gay sex for you. He is armed remember.

  37. Trayvon Martin Luther King7:00 PM

    BLACKISBEAUTIFUL said... story will be about Zimmermans wife requesting a divorce...

    Definitely. Field's job is to provide distractions and obfuscations to his black readership. A Zimmerman story is perfect for keeping the topic of starting a war with Syria hidden.

  38. Sooo, Anon@4:38 pm, u have no links. You were just making s**t up to keep up your troll face.

    Truly pathetic bunch you trolls.

  39. BRA stated the following canard: “Every facet of life is governed by the principals of Black Run America, which means every institution must promote Black interests above all others.”

    Your deficiency of brain cells is very telling!

  40. Field:

    Finally she has kicked his ass to the curb
    Shellie is a big big!! woman with bad skin, I saw her in court during the trial and you could tell she did not want to be there.

    Now maybe she can tighten up all that flab
    .. From my pov i would argue that the marriage had been one of trials and tribes for a long time
    And that after the argument that fatefull night he left and encountered Tray?

    I also would not doubt that she knows a lot more and that $$ talks..
    She is uneducated like her hus and like him she may have esteem issues, some which may be attributed to his low self worth

    I reach for her (feel) and look for her to climb up and out of that mess with her head up

    Standing by your man has guidelines! GO SHELLIE!

    The wife of George Zimmerman, who was acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin after a murder trial that became the focus of a national debate on race, is filing for divorce from her husband. According to court documents, Shellie Zimmerman, 26, and her husband separated Aug. 13. She told ABC’s “Good Morning America” that her husband has only spent a few nights at home since his acquittal in July.

    In the interview with ABC, Shellie Zimmerman explained some of her reasons for wanting to leave her husband. “I have a selfish husband, and I think George is all about George,” she said, adding that he spoke abusively to her and that the highly public trial had ruined her life.

    She also said that her husband has been making “some reckless decisions.” Police have stopped Zimmerman twice for speeding since his acquittal. He was traveling at 60 mph in a 45 mph zone in Lake Mary, Fla., on Tuesday, police said.

    He was also pulled over in Texas in July. Opinion writer Jonathan Capehart describes that incident:

    George Zimmerman, the killer of Trayvon Martin, was found not guilty of second-degree murder last month. But I find him guilty of committing the super-obnoxious “don’t you know who I am?!” offense.

    The free man who went underground after his July 13 acquittal was stopped for speeding by Texas highway patrol. When asked by the officer where he was headed, Zimmerman can be heard in the dashcam video replying, “Nowhere in particular.” That struck the patrolman curious so he asked why.

    Zimmerman: You didn’t see my name?

    Officer: Nuh-uh. … What a coincidence!
    LMAO!! its coming fatboy the whirlwind is coming!!

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