Thursday, September 05, 2013

Debating for dummies, and they are still standing their ground in Florida.

We can all discuss, cogitate on, and ponder the wisdom of an attack on Syria, and whether this administration is taking us down a very Bush like road to another conflict in the Middle East. But what is not debatable is the stupidity of some folks on the right as they place themselves in the middle of the debate.

Take, for instance, Liz Cheney:

 "Cheney filled her 90-minute speech and question-and-answer session with red meat for the conservative crowd. She compared herself to Winston Churchill standing up to Adolph Hitler and suggested members of both parties in Congress are hiding information about Obamacare from the public.Booooooooo.

Cheney also says Obama is incompetent because he didn't bomb Syria years ago, but since she is a Cheney that is really not news. And she says that she would not vote for bombing Syria if she were in Congress now, because she is a Republican and holy hell, they just cannot wrap their minds around this notion of Obama doing something that they've been calling for him to do for years, even if it means they get to bomb someone they have been itching to bomb—trying to decide between the two has broken what was left of their brains.
“The press will try to portray this Syria debate as a battle between wings of the Republican Party,” she said. “Don’t believe them.”  [Source]

You all know who her daddy is, right? 

Then there is this doozy from Joe "You lie" Wilson:

"Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) -- the congressman who yelled "you lie" during President Obama's 2010 State of the Union speech -- asked Wednesday if the administration's decision to attack Syria was made to distract from other "scandals" like Benghazi and the IRS.

'On April 25, the White House legislative director Miguel Rodriquez wrote that ... the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons. With the president's red line [crossed], why was there no call for military response in April?' he asked Secretary of State John Kerry at a Foreign Relations Committee hearing.
'Was it a delayed to divert attention today from the Benghazi, IRS, NSA scandals; the failure of Obamacare enforcement, the tragedy of the White House-drafted sequestration, or upcoming debt limit vote?'" [Source]

If there is a god, please have mercy on our souls.

Finally, the latest from the state of Florida and their crazy "stand your ground" law.

"A Florida man who shot up a neighbor's barbecue last year, killing two and injuring another, is looking to have murder charges dismissed under the state's "Stand Your Ground" law as well as the "Bush Doctrine," which gives the U.S. license for preemptive strikes, according to a report.

William T. Woodward, 44, is facing murder and attempted murder charges for ambushing Gary Lee Hembree, Roger Picior and Bruce Timothy Blake as they lounged at a backyard Labor Day party in Titusville on Sept. 3, 2012, Florida Today reported.

Hembree and Picior were killed. Blake, who was hit 11 times, survived, the newspaper said.

Cops said Woodward and Hembree had beefed in the past and had even brought their dispute before a judge. [Source]

OK, if you are from Florida, you will have to take a pass on this Syria debate as well.



  1. The irony is that Joe Wilson was right when he said "You Lie" to President Obama.

    In these times of creeping tyranny, we should all have the good sense and brave spirit of Rep. Wilson.

  2. STEPHEN....Do you really believe people care about what Darth Vaders wife thinks ???

  3. I just came home from a Democratic clambake fundraiser (it's New England) and the elected state officials with whom I spoke are saying the number one Republican push back in the 2014 & 2016 elections will be Obamacare & how to repeal it. I asked why the President & staff have not done a better job outlining the benefits of the AHCA,? One state rep told me our state rec'd $5MM from the Fed govt earmarked specifically for educating our state populace about the features & benefits. The implementation of monies had to pass both houses of our state legislature. It passed the House, now w/ a Democratic majority, but was stopped in the Senate by a 2 vote margin.

    They sent the money back.

  4. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Field, where the hell did you get those photos from? They look like ghosts from the grave. As a matter of fact, those photos have me looking a white people all together differently....

  5. California Girl said...
    "One state rep told me our state rec'd $5MM from the Fed govt earmarked specifically for educating our state populace about the features & benefits."

    That sound like propaganda, doesn't it?

    If it is so good, how come they have to spend millions to convince people?

    How come all of Obama's political allies get to be exempt from Obamacare?

  6. Oh excuse me....

    Do people really care what Darth Vaders Daughter thinks....??,0,3133038.story

  7. Anonymous10:12 PM

    You are right, Cheney and that Florida man are idiots. But so is Obama for even thinking about bombing Syria, plus going to Congress for a vote on bombing Syria when NOBODY in the world wants to do such a thing? Yep. Obama is every bit as dumb as Cheney.

    The man has no business being President of anything. This man is about to start a war we'll be embroiled in for years.

  8. Jean Fraude Kerry10:15 PM

    "Yep. Obama is every bit as dumb as Cheney."

    More so, as Obama has failed to learn from Cheney's example.

  9. A 26-year-old "expert" informing McCain's and Kerry's views on Syria is herself an advocate for the Syrian rebels:

    The woman whose opinion lawmakers are relying on to go to war in Syria is also a paid advocate for the war-torn country’s rebels.

    On Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry encouraged members of the House of Representatives to read a Wall Street Journal op-ed by 26-year-old Elizabeth O’Bagy — an analyst with the Institute for the Study of War — who asserted that concerns about extremists dominating among the Syrian rebels are unfounded.

    “Contrary to many media accounts, the war in Syria is not being waged entirely, or even predominantly, by dangerous Islamists and al-Qaida die-hards,” O’Bagy wrote for the Journal on Aug. 30. “Moderate opposition groups make up the majority of actual fighting forces,” she wrote.

    But in addition to her work for the Institute for the Study of War, O’Bagy is also the political director for the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), a group that advocates within the United States for Syria’s rebels — a fact that the Journal did not disclose in O’Bagy’s piece.

  10. Wag the Dog11:03 PM

    Prediction: Nothing will happen in Syria, as Obama has no intention of actually doing anything. This is all just a distraction from all the scandals - Benghazi, IRS harassment, and NSA spying on Americans.

  11. Joe Wilson is from S.C. where their elected officials are banned from critical thinking.
    As far as Cheney, it doesn't sound as if the folks in Wyoming are too fond of her.

  12. BTW, didn't Joey read the staement verbatim off his sheet? Oh, SC must be so proud.

  13. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Wag the Dog, I think you are right. Obama NEVER had any intention of acting on Syria. BUT, he had to cover his ass about the "red line" threat he made, without getting us embroiled in a war. Like I said before, Obama isn't too bright when it comes to working in the world and politics. He has to be the weakest and dumbest President in the history of America.

    But there is someone dumber...Field! Mr Field actually claimed in a past post that Obama is one of the best politicians he has EVER seen! Can you believe it? Lord have mercy.

  14. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Zimmerman's wife, filed for divorce today. I never noticed before but she is a knock out! Very striking! Way to go George! The man has good taste.

  15. Anonymous11:50 PM

    dear mr field, i will be in philly sometime in september. so how about that lunch on broad st at a vendor? I can taste those hot dogs and mustard pretzles already.

    BTW, do they still make Philly steaks? someone told Philly quit making philly steak sandwiches because it was too much trouble. That's a damn shame.

  16. A virtue of a dominant culture is that it doesn’t have to be imposed. It polices itself. During my five years in rural Virginia, we all had guns. The substantial number of blacks in the county had guns. Nobody ever shot anybody else, either on purpose or accidentally. It wasn´t something we did. It wasn´t in the culture. White or black.

    When the dominant culture doesn´t condone crime, there will be very little crime. This is why the European-American constitution of Tom Jefferson could specify trial by jury. A jury trial takes a lot of time and effort, which a society can afford only when there is little crime. Today we have trial by plea bargain because jury trials for our rate of crime would have the entire country empanelled constantly.

    This is why as cultures break down, or mix with less civilized cultures, more and more police become necessary. So do locks, bars, alarms, cameras and, for the remaining virile, carry permits.

    Here is one reason why multiculturalism seldom works. Suppose that one culture has a strong work ethic, fairly strict sexual morality, low illegitimacy, low crime, respect for study and proper use of the national language. Suppose that another culture is precisely opposite, or approximately opposite, as for example the Moslems in France. If the first group is truly dominant, and imposes its standards—you will do your homework, kid—the second group may successfully assimilate.

    But suppose that the dominant group isn´t really that dominant and can´t, or won´t, impose its values. How—in a school, say—do you mix the toilet-mouthed with the well-spoken, girls who expect to marry before giving birth with fifteen year old single mothers pushing strollers into class? Or if the courts have decided that “motherfucker· is an entire language to itself, and that eradication of the word would constitute imperial culture-abuse? The effect will always be to lower the civilized group to the uncivilized.

    Here we are, and there is no turning back. All that made the old culture what it was is now held to be elitism, sin most dreadful, and all that we held to be wrong is now said to be “authentic,” whatever that means, or else the consequence of ineluctable social forces

  17. Anon@11:26 pm, as we like to say on the playing field,"look up at the scoreboard". He has beaten u, TWICE. Still don't think he is a good poli-trickster? You must be a republican.

    Anon@1:09 am, you are an idiot.

  18. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Fred, well-spoken, and true. Blacks and Whites should never integrate.

  19. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Dear Mr Field, Obama won the second time around by Republican "default". That is, the Republicans gave away the election, that's all. Romney certainly was not a good Republican candidate....

    A monkey could have beaten Romney. So don't be so proud of the your President's political skills. Again, he won by "default"....there just wasn't any opposition to speak of.

  20. Do u realize how dumb you sound? By 'default"?

    Why did they pick flipper as their candidate?

  21. voice of reason7:25 AM

    If the U.S. attacks Syria, I propose Liz Cheney and her father Dick Cheney lead the charge, on horseback, in full confederate regalia if they like.

    Florida leads the country in convictions of public officials — 781 — between 2000 and 2010, according to Department of Justice figures.

  22. bathroom etiquette8:56 AM

    Judging a book by its black cover...

    Boy, 13, charged in rape of 8-year-old girl at New York Public Library

    The suspect was charged with second-degree rape and unlawful imprisonment, sources say. During the sickening 20-minute assault, the boy forced her to perform oral sex on him before he raped and sodomized her, the source said.

    By Rocco Parascandola , Barry Paddock , Corinne Lestch AND Bill Hutchinson / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

    Thursday, September 5, 2013

    On Thursday, cops searched for evidence at the Countee Cullen Library branch in New York, investigating the rape of 8-year-old girl who allegedly was lured into a bathroom at the Harlem library by her 13-year-old attacker.

    A 13-year-old boy was charged Thursday with the shocking rape of an 8-year-old girl in a New York Public Library branch in Harlem, after the victim told her mother she was lured into a bathroom and attacked.

    The suspect, whose name is being withheld by the Daily News because he is a minor, was charged with second-degree rape and unlawful imprisonment after being questioned at the 32nd Precinct stationhouse, sources said.

    A source said the boy was caught on security cameras at Countee Cullen Library on W. 136th St. near Lenox Ave. leading the girl into a bathroom Wednesday afternoon.

    The gruesome attack occurred at 4:15 p.m., shortly after the young victim arrived at the library with her 8-year-old brother and her 54-year-old female babysitter, sources said.

    The suspect was caught on security cameras at W. 136th St. library in Harlem, according to a source.

    The girl apparently wandered away from her brother and babysitter as they were perusing books, sources said. She went up to the second-floor mezzanine where she encountered the suspect, whom she recognized from previous trips to the library, according to sources.

    “He verbally lures her into the bathroom,” a law enforcement source told The News. “Once they’re inside the bathroom, he locked the door so she couldn’t get out.”

    During the sickening 20-minute assault, the pubescent perp, described by sources as a troubled foster child who’s been bounced from home to home, asked the girl for a kiss then forced her to perform oral sex on him before he raped and sodomized her, the source said.

    The boy immediately fled the library following the assault. The girl didn’t tell her mother of the rape until about 8 p.m. Wednesday.

    The mother sensed something was amiss with her daughter and questioned the girl until she told her the sickening details of what happened, sources said.

    The devastated parents immediately took the girl to the 32nd Precinct stationhouse to report the rape.

    Read more:

  23. bathroom etiquette said...
    Judging a book by its black cover...

    Stop trying to attribute the criminality of individuals to the entire black race...

    If you kept with that standard you should be judged by the actions of Jefferey Dahmer...

    Silly anon...

  24. Anonymous10:19 AM

    As far as that triple shooting, seems to me it's just another case of white-on-white crime. What's the big deal?

    These people kill each other every day - and when they get tired of that they go to other communities and hell, even other countries and kill people.


  25. Field:

    What can one expect from people whom are afraid?

    We just lost a brother who was a true freedom fighter along the tradition of Afrikan liberation.
    I met this brother in 1973 while still a nurse and after a visit to New Orleans to attend an affair.

    Over the last 40 yrs we (he and our familes) have connected many times but never as traumatically/dramatically as after Katrina

    Field i know that you may have known this brother and perhaps your aware of his transition.
    If not here are a few of his achievements Shared by Akinyele
    Kojo Livingston :
    He is a 22 year veteran journalist who has written for , designed and edited local and national newspapers and magazines. His current and past affiliations include Christian Unity Baptist Church (New Orleans), the U.N.I.A., the Republic of New Afrika, Amnesty International, SCLC, the New Orleans Committee Against Apartheid and others.

    Through the years Liberation Zone/Destiny One has worked with many groups and individuals including:

    Ashe' Cultural Arts Center
    Community Book Center
    The Nation of Islam
    The Guste High Rise Resident’s Council
    The African American Leadership Project
    National Association of Brothers & Sisters Inside and Out (NABSIO)
    Neighborhood Unity
    Zion Trinity
    Lafitte Resident Council
    National Assoc. of Black Social Workers
    Black Arts National Diaspora
    Truth Universal
    The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond
    Gov. Nicholls/N. Johnson Faith in Action
    Nubian Express Books (Shreveport)

    Akinyele, met him in the 70's well. He was probably the first Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika workers that we met.
    With his transition, we look forward to the continuation of his life work


  26. Field:

    Not happening! he is done he gets no walk on this one

    Finally, the latest from the state of Florida and their crazy "stand your ground" law.

    "A Florida man who shot up a neighbor's barbecue last year, killing two and injuring another, is looking to have murder charges dismissed under the state's "Stand Your Ground" law as well as the "Bush Doctrine," which gives the U.S. license for preemptive strikes, according to a report.

    William T. Woodward, 44, is facing murder and attempted murder charges for ambushing Gary Lee Hembree, Roger Picior and Bruce Timothy Blake as they lounged at a backyard Labor Day party in Titusville on Sept. 3, 2012, Florida Today reported.

    Hembree and Picior were killed. Blake, who was hit 11 times, survived, the newspaper said.

    Cops said Woodward and Hembree had beefed in the past and had even brought their dispute before a judge. [Source]

  27. Field:

    Is little dick butt fucking Anonymmous still here? lol i figured that? jaja I knew that once i shamed him he would vanish typical creppy crakka

  28. Tacitus11:14 AM

    field negro said...
    Do u realize how dumb you sound? By 'default"?

    Why did they pick flipper as their candidate?

    Because both parties are controlled by the same people. The Republicans role now is to lose.

    That will change, but the course of the nation will not. We are being run by a hostile elite bent on our destruction.

  29. Anonymous11:45 AM

    What does killing people on a mass scale, who kill people on a mass scale solve? All it really proves is that the whole world is surrounded by millions of mass scale murderers. Why not introduce Syria to John Legends' "Who Do We Think We Are", and some damn good soul music? What happened to DISCUSSION? Why is humanity so damn hateful and crazy? Religion's not working for ANYONE, ANYMORE! Folks ought to try worshiping Santa Clause. Might get better results. Just a thought!!

  30. Anonymous11:52 AM


    How you doin?

    The unemployment rate in the African American community climbed from 12.6 percent in July to 13.0 percent in August, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    At the same time, the number of African Americans 16 year or older who held jobs dropped from 16,318,000 in July to 16,108,000 in August–a decline of 210,000.

    The labor force participation rate in the African American community dropped from 61.4 percent in July to 60.8 percent in August. The 60.8 percent African American labor force participation rate in August was the lowest that rate has been since July 1982.

  31. Anonymous11:53 AM

    MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...


    Is little dick butt fucking Anonymmous still here? lol i figured that? jaja I knew that once i shamed him he would vanish typical creppy crakka

    I bet you would be the same person who gets upset when other races call you stupid, vulgar and racist.

  32. Anonymous11:53 AM

    MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...


    Is little dick butt fucking Anonymmous still here? lol i figured that? jaja I knew that once i shamed him he would vanish typical creppy crakka

    I bet you would be the same person who gets upset when other races call you stupid, vulgar and racist.

  33. Anonymous12:08 PM

    global war trumps local racism!

    stand global ground against hobama's africom!

    cc those standing ground on africom

    cc ndaa/syria/wwiii etc


  34. Anonymous2:14 PM

    MilagrosGVillamil Esq.10:44 AM
    Is little dick butt fucking Anonymmous still here? lol i figured that? jaja I knew that once i shamed him he would vanish typical creppy crakka


    I jes luvs it! Milli Vamili's a spunky kinda wamins! Go wamins, lits it awl heng outs nah!

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaw! Thas mah kahna looyer

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaw! Yu wans de cais yu show doos gal!


  35. "Do u realize how dumb you sound? By 'default"?"

    Maybe it's not as crazy as it sounds. Would you want to be in the WH now?

  36. BARBBF2:28 PM

    It has happened that all of the questions about the IRS, NSA and the murder of the 4 Americans in Libya have all disappeared from the MSM. I did think how very convenient...

    Guest Post: Is Obama Starting A War With Syria Just A Distraction From All The Scandals?

    Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

    Well, isn't that convenient? At the moment when the Obama administration is feeling more heat then ever before, it starts another war. Suddenly everyone in the mainstream media is talking all about Syria and not about the IRS scandal, Benghazi, NSA snooping or any of the other political scandals that have popped up in recent weeks.

    As if on cue, Obama made headlines all over the globe on Thursday by claiming that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against the rebels "multiple times", and that the U.S. was now ready to do more to assist the rebels. That assistance is reportedly going to include "military support" for the rebels and a no-fly zone over at least part of Syria is being discussed. Without a doubt, these are acts of war, and this conflict is not going to end until Assad has been ousted. But Assad will not go quietly.

    And all it would take is for Assad to fire a couple of missiles at Tel Aviv for a huge regional war to erupt in the Middle East. And what happens if Russia or China decides to get involved in the conflict in Syria? Obama is playing with fire, but he has shown again and again that he is willing to do virtually anything if it will benefit him politically.

    As far as the Obama administration is concerned, there is no such thing as a coincidence. The timing of this announcement regarding Syria was not an accident. If Obama wanted to use chemical weapons as an excuse to go after Syria he could have done it weeks ago, or he could have waited several more months before taking action. He chose to do it right now for a reason, and hopefully the American people will be able to see right through this.

  37. Anonymous3:53 PM

    kudos to all who see the 4th reich's nazi in chief hobama

    kudos to kp

  38. Anonymous4:08 PM

    more proof that hobama/gwb 3.0
    is FAR worse than gwb!

    cc africom/syria/ndaa/wwiii...


    How does a Nobel Peace Prize winner justify launching missile strikes in Syria? Or for that matter, a five-year drone war in the Middle East? Kirsten Powers says: he simply can’t.

    A Swedish reporter asked President Obama Wednesday, “Could you describe the dilemma to being a Nobel Peace Prize winner and getting ready to attack Syria?”

    But we don’t even need to look at Syria to conclude that the decent thing would be for Obama to return the prize that he never deserved in the first place.

    There’s the obvious problem of Obama escalating a pointless and failing war in Afghanistan. From 2001 to the end of the Bush presidency in 2009, 625 American troops died because of the war. Under Obama’s watch, more than twice that many, some 1,500 soldiers, have died. Tens of thousands of civilians have been killed as well.

    But nothing undermines the notion of Obama as a leader for peace more than his five-year Middle East drone war. According to the New America Foundation, since 2004, there have been 361 American drone strikes in Pakistan. Of those, only 48 occurred during the Bush administration.

    It shouldn’t be that hard to figure out that killing civilians and writing them off as ‘collateral damage’ just creates more terrorists.

    The president has also misled the public on who the drone campaign targets. His administration long maintained that it was only targeting senior leaders of al Qaeda and allied groups. But leaked intelligence documents show that it “targeted and killed hundreds of suspected lower-level Afghan, Pakistani and unidentified ‘other’ militants” including people who weren’t even suspected of being affiliated with terrorist groups. Worse, the documents revealed that the U.S. actually doesn’t know who it is killing, despite Obama’s claims to the contrary. McClatchy reported, “The CIA killed people who only were suspected, associated with, or who probably belonged to militant groups.”

    Two weeks after a drone attack killed Anwar al-Awlaki, the U.S. blew up his 16-year-old American son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, in a separate attack. Eric Holder said that he was "not specifically targeted." What does this mean? Was he “un-specifically” targeted? When asked about the killing of this innocent 16-year-old, Obama’s press secretary Robert Gibbs quipped that the boy should have had a “more responsible father.”

    Carelessly killing innocents, creating more hatred against America, and glib statements by your key aides about blowing up children do not add up to a peaceful agenda. If Obama won’t return the peace prize, then the Nobel Committee should revoke it.

  39. Celia Bowers-Wilkerson, B.A.4:21 PM

    Stop criticizing Obama over Syria - remember, he won the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE.

  40. Celia Bowers-Wilkerson...

    Dont get the Obama-Bots allll riled up...

    They are still trying to figure out how to be Anti-War/ Pro-Obama supporters....

    Kind of like being a "Drug Free" Crack addict....

  41. Rochs6:35 PM

    New job numbers out today indicate a rosy picture for the economy. The ‘low information’ unemployment rate dropped to 7.3%. Great, right? Maybe not. The real story, as CNBC reports, is 312,000 people dropped out of the labor force, changing the calculus and giving us the ‘best’ unemployment number in months, and lowest labor force participation rate since 1978.

    The only one who should be happy is Jimmy Carter, who is no longer the worst jobs President in history.

  42. My guess is if there is any there there in the IRS, NSA and Bengazi "scandals" Darryl Issa and co will be sure to get it back on Fox. Those stories had fizzled out long before this Syria talk. You can't manufacture a scandal with nothing to it and then blame the press when they don't cover it.

  43. bathroom etiquette6:58 PM


    Stop trying to attribute the criminality of individuals to the entire black race...If you kept with that standard you should be judged by the actions of Jefferey Dahmer...

    News flash, there's only ONE Jeffrey Dahmer, and he was killed in prison.

    The said reality of blacks and crime is the extraordinarily high crime rate in the black community.

    Blacks commit murder at 10 TIMES the rate of whites. So, wake up to the reality and ask yourself why blacks are so prone to violence.

    Haiti? Jamaica? Every sub-Sahara African nation. Slaughter-houses.

    Rape is so prevalent the cops don't bother investigating. Women have largely given up reporting sexual assaults.

    Of course, we know all the criminal activity is offset by the incredible number of Nobel Prizes won by blacks.

  44. bathroom etiquette7:04 PM

    Wow. What a shocker. The baby shooters are black!

    Cops arrest pair who ‘shot baby in stroller’

    By Larry Celona, Aaron Feis and Jamie Schram

    September 6, 2013

    Two suspects in the gang-related shooting of a 16-month-old baby on a Brooklyn sidewalk are in custody in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., where cops tracked them this morning after a multi-agency, tri-state manhunt.

    Parolee and accused triggerman Dequan Breland, 23, and his alleged accomplice, Dequan Wright, 19, had been hiding out at the apartment of Breland’s cousin, and gave themselves up after cops knocked at the door at daybreak, cops said.

    “They knocked on the door and the occupants refused to open it,” Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said in a press conference today.
    Modal Trigger

    Dequan Wright, alleged accomplice of Antiq Hennis shooter Dequan Breland.

    “The officers breached the door to gain entry. In the rear bedroom they found Dequan Breland on the floor and Dequan Wright lying on the bed,” Kelly said.

    Adorable Antiq Hennis was being pushed in his stroller by his father, Anthony, 21 — a reputed Cripp — along Bristol Street near Livonia Avenue in Brownsville on Sunday when Breland allegedly opened fire, with Wright at his side and from close range.

    Sources have alleged that Breland and Wright were targeting the dad, who has a lengthy record of drug and other offenses and with whom they had a beef — but missed and struck the baby instead.

    Meanwhile, the dad is continuing not to cooperate with police, Kelly said. No weapon has been recovered, though there were four 45-caliber shell casing at the scene of the homicide.

    Breland is on parole for a 2011 armed assault in Cayuga County in upstate New York; Wright has numerous sealed juvenile arrests, mainly for assault, sources said.

    Investigators with US Marshals Service and the New York/New Jersey Regional Fugitive Task Force joined with detectives from the 73rd Precinct and Brooklyn North Homicide in tracking the pair, both of whom have ties to Wilkes-Barre.

    At least one eyewitness has implicated Breland as the shooter and told cops that Wright handed the gun to Breland just before he pulled the trigger, the commissioner said.

    If the two waive extradition, they would be arraigned in Brooklyn as early as tomorrow; if not, an extradition hearing would be held in Wilkes-Barre sometime within the week, officials said.

    The boy’s wake and funeral are tonight.

  45. PilotX said...
    You can't manufacture a scandal with nothing to it and then blame the press when they don't cover it

    So, if the liberal media refuses to cover stories that reflect badly on Obama and the democrats, then the story means "nothing"?

    Ambassador Stevens and three other embassy staffers were not killed? The Obama administration did not lie about what happened and then prevented survivors from testifying? If MSNBC won't say anything about it, I guess it must not have happened.

    The IRS must not have really systematically harassed, intimidated and fined conservative groups and individuals, grossly abusing the power that was invested in the agency, even though the President said at first that it was a very serious matter. The proof is that CNN and ABC news won't run any stories on it.

    And despite volumes of evidence, including admissions by the agency itself, indicate the NSA repeatedly and purposefully broke the law by spying on American citizens, it's not a real "scandal" because CBS and the New York Times refuse to cover it.

    For you, facts only exist if they further the Narrative of the liberal progressive media complex. You're a good boy.

  46. No snitchin'!7:11 PM

    "Meanwhile, the dad is continuing not to cooperate with police, Kelly said"

    Can't be talking to the police, even when someone shoots your baby.

    Now that's keepin' it real!

  47. Anonymous bathroom etiquette said...

    ONE Jeffrey Dahmer


    Silly Anon...

    If we start posting all of the "White" Serial killers we could be here for days...LOL

    What difference does it make if the did or did not Kill with the veracity of say "Jefferey Dahmer"

    The stats are skewed because 1.Racial Profiling exists

    2. A large portion of the most populated black community's are over policed ,and flooded with narcotics.

    Your little news stories are interesting but one could do the same say towards a white criminality if one chose to.

    But carry on if you choose to keep a log of sorts and rationalize whatever you need to.

  48. ''The only one who should be happy is Jimmy Carter, who is no longer the worst jobs President in history."

    You are right; that would be George W. Bush.

    "Wow. What a shocker. The baby shooters are black!"

    Not this one. White man shoots black 8 year old in the face.

    Isn't it crazy how that works?

  49. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Wait, that guy did NOT seriously invoke the "Bush Doctrine" to justify shooting some people!

    Hilarious, if it's really true.

  50. "You are right; that would be George W. Bush."


  51. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Do u realize how dumb you sound? By 'default"?

    Why did they pick flipper as their candidate?

    7:03 AM
    Actually Field, anon spoke the TRUTH. But considering how disconnected you are to 'reality', 'truth' sounds dumb and weird to you. BUT, as they say, "Truth can be stranger than fiction" esp when you have been a 'liar' most of your life.:) Hang in there, STEPHEN.

  52. You are right; that would be George W. Bush.

    If O-Bomber continues on this crazy Syria mission he will have trumped Bush jr....

    What say you now Field..??

    as John (Skull & Bones) Kerry says openly that O-Bomber can do whatever he wants...

  53. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Field is committed to Obama as a consummate politician, or as Field claims "Obama is the best politiician I have EVER seen." Hmmmm. I wonder if Obama's skin color had anything to do with his decision?

    What will Field say after the Congress knocks down Obama's plea on Syria? Will Obama still be the best 'convincing' President after a vote "NO" by the Congress? Remember, no President in the history of the US was voted down on matters such as this.

  54. bathroom etiquette8:57 PM


    If we start posting all of the "White" Serial killers we could be here for days...LOL

    Whites do win the prize for Sandy Hook, Aurora type shootings.

    However, as horrible as those crimes are, the death toll from ALL of them for the last 50 years is less than the murder of blacks by other blacks in NY City for ONE YEAR. So, don't get itchy about facing the black violence problem.

    What difference does it make if the did or did not Kill with the veracity of say "Jefferey Dahmer"

    Veracity? What's "veracity" got to do with it? Perhaps you don't know the definition of veracity?

    The stats are skewed because 1.Racial Profiling exists

    Yeah, as though racial profiling causes blacks to commit crimes. Actually, it might. Wouldn't that be a good subject for some black sociologist?

    2. A large portion of the most populated black community's are over policed ,and flooded with narcotics.

    Aha. So you are suggesting a police presence is a cause of crime. Wow. That's a whopper.

    Flooded with narcotics. Yes, and no doubt you're going to claim white kids from the suburbs are delivering drugs to black neighborhoods because they're part of the government conspiracy to undermine blacks.

    Your little news stories are interesting but one could do the same say towards a white criminality if one chose to.

    You could, and if you did, you'd eventually realize that violence in black neighborhoods occurs at many times the rate of the white neighborhoods.

  55. bathroom etiquette9:05 PM


    The Dallas kid wasn't killed. Thus, for purposes of comparison, the two crimes aren't equal.

    Second, the kid's going to recover.

    Third, the kid's family's going to sue the shooter and strip him of all his assets.

    The kid may not prosper the way Abner Louima did, getting $7 million for undergoing an improper and unwanted colonoscopy, but he's going to come out of this mess ahead.

    The dead baby never had a chance. The shooters have nothing, the father has nothing and probably the father is still a target, so it won't be long before the Post carries a story about his bloody death.

  56. "What will Field say after the Congress knocks down Obama's plea on Syria?"

    Won't matter, he will still bomb Syria. What's your point?

    "If O-Bomber continues on this crazy Syria mission he will have trumped Bush jr....

    What say you now Field..??"

    I say you are a closet wingnut.

  57. "Actually Field, anon spoke the TRUTH. But considering how disconnected you are to 'reality', 'truth' sounds dumb and weird to you"

    Nooo, dumb and weird s*** sounds dumb to me.

    republicans purposely lost an election?!

    Trolls are really stupid people.

  58. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    "Actually Field, anon spoke the TRUTH. But considering how disconnected you are to 'reality', 'truth' sounds dumb and weird to you"

    Nooo, dumb and weird s*** sounds dumb to me.

    republicans purposely lost an election?!

    Trolls are really stupid people.

    9:17 PM
    Oh pleeeze Field. You have lost badly on this one. The anon kicked your ass which wasn't hard to do on this one. Anybody who picks Obama as the best politician around has rocks in his head. YOU are the dumb one, no question about it. You are even dumber by trying to pretend it's the anons who are dumb. You are as weak as Obama. LOSER.

  59. "The anon kicked your ass which wasn't hard to do on this one. Anybody who picks Obama as the best politician around has rocks in his head."

    Get back on your meds.He won, TWICE!

    He became president after a very short political career. You tell me if he is a good politician.

    Calling me a "LOSER" won't change the fact that I am me and you are you: A dumb troll on MY website looking for attention.

    Let that sink in for a minute and then tell me who is the loser.....

  60. bathroom etiquette said...

    "Whites do win the prize for Sandy Hook, Aurora type shootings."

    Lets just let that hang out there for a while...

    In fact lets really investigate your FIRST HONEST TRUTHFUL STATEMENT

    But first lets post some more crime stats, and weird Daily Mall stories.... Whatever makes you feel better about yourself...LOL


    @Bathroom Etiquette

    Suck my black balls, glass-eyed Republikkklan troll! You pig-skinned asswipes can cherry pick all the police blotters you want, but when it comes to crime of ALL types the filthy Caucasian wins the cup and the certificate!! Look at the last 500 years of world history; Whitey is the universal aggressor and oppressor, covered in the blood of our ancestors while self-righteously whining "race card" or "political correctness" and blaming us for daring to call out his tremendous greed and intractible racism.

    Once again, Bathroom Fungus STFU!! You stupid honky BOS!!"

  62. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Duuuuh the burbs is becoming food stamp ridden because when the government got out of the housing industry and stopped building the projects, they gave the welfare queens section 8 vouchers to move and that's when they started spreading out from the inner city to the burbs. And in this economy, the white folks in he burbs are desperate for paying tenants for their "investment" properties that they will rent to anyone.
