Thursday, September 26, 2013

Calling for the WASA.

It's sad that I have to write about the non- stop carnage that continues on our city streets.

Here in Philly we have had four murders over the past 24 hours. It seems like professional ball players, heart surgeons, and homicide detectives are the highest paid folks in our city these days.

It's gotten so bad in cities all across America, that our Mayor is calling for a domestic security agency" to fight the madness. Yep, desperate times call for desperate measures. Just look at the faces of those folks in the picture after a loved one was killed in Chi-town.

"Speaking alongside New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu on Thursday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Nutter said the United States needs to take domestic violence as seriously as terrorism.

"What if our response to domestic terrorism is as thorough and as engaged as our response to international terrorism," he asked.

Nutter said the 2,977 victims of 9/11 brought numerous changes, including creation of the Department of Homeland Security, and that 14,827 murders across last year merit a Domestic Security Agency.

"From the 9/11 Commission we created the TSA, the Transportation Safety Administration. Well maybe now we need the WASA, the Walking Around Safety Administration," Nutter said. "This is serious, because we have a violence problem in America." [Source]

And it's not only those people in urban America who need to worry about catching a bullet. Unless you have been living under a rock you know that there is no place in Amurderca that's safe from violence and mayhem. We are all potential victims.

Finally, speaking of murder, I see that the wife of a certain killer from South Florida has her doubts about his innocence. (Welcome to my world, Shellie.)

"In the midst of divorce proceedings against husband George Zimmerman, Shellie Zimmerman said she has doubts about what really happened in the shooting death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin last year, she told Matt Lauer in an exclusive interview. 
"I'm conflicted on that,'' Shellie told Lauer on TODAY Thursday. "I believe the evidence, but this revelation in my life has really helped me take the blinders off and start to see things differently."

Lauer pressed further, asking, "So you now doubt his innocence, at least the fact that he was acting in self-defense on the night that Trayvon Martin was killed?"

"I think anyone would doubt that innocence because I don't know the person that I've been married to," Shellie responded. "I have doubts, but I also believe the evidence." 

Despite these doubts, Shellie vehemently denies that George profiled the teen.
"He did not profile Trayvon Martin," she said.

The "revelation" Shellie referenced came after a domestic dispute between the Zimmermans. 

On Sept. 9, authorities in Lake Mary, Fla., were summoned to the house the couple once rented from Shellie’s father, after she called 911 to report George was threatening her with a gun, according to police reports, which provide a conflicting picture of the sequence of events. Neither side filed a complaint over the incident, and Shellie said that she now wishes she had pressed charges. 

"In hindsight I should've, and I really regret that, but I'm on probation and the officers made it very clear that day if I pressed charges we were all going to go to jail and I would've been the only one to stay there,'' she told Lauer.  

TODAY reached out to George Zimmerman's representatives, and they said they were not interested in commenting. [Source]

No comments needed. We have heard enough.


  1. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Field said, "And it's not only those people in urban America who need to worry about catching a bullet."

    LOL. Nice try, Field but everyone knows about the thousands who are killed each year in the inner cities. So don't try to make it seem like there is a run on violence in the suburbs because it just ain't so. You're trying to 'minimize' the violence and murders Blacks do to Blacks.

    Again, nice try but the stats each year bear out the truth: Black on Black killings and crime are at EPIDEMIC PROPORTIONS. Blacks fear for their lives in their own community because the criminals and kids run it.

    You ought to be looking for solutions like Don Lemon and Bill O'Reilly have been doing. But you won't. The only thing you will do is try to downplay a very serious situation by trying to lump in the white suburbs with the inumane evil crap going on in the city.

    BTW, WHERE do you live? LOL.

  2. see...THIS is why i wanted to give it a minute.

    the posts themselves don't lend themselves to the necessary convos.

    FN...IF you do a post on the navy shipyard soul. then subsequent reports surface that indicate that the man says he was being manipulated+ mind controlled with electro magnetic ultra low frequencies...why not mention it?

    what the man's note indicates REALLY happens to folks. get familiar here:

    does silence about obvious slowly being revealed Truths= sane? it appears that way.

    it appears if you are an BO-mite folks can't see anything.

    if folks can see BO there are other glaring blindspots where apparently silence = sane in that camp as well.

    i addressed the kinsey report/study convo that never happened + fall out here:

    i needed to take a moment and not come storming through here adjusting wayward demons that lie to themselves thinking they have something in their little tired arsenal that would 'slay' Almighty's Word. IF those statements escape the lips of an 'educator' i understand why smart folks are home schooling their children+ looking at teachers as co-conspirators in the brainwashng of american children.


    folks...the police state is here. that is the subject of FN's post. of course, the house of Yahuthim ALWAYS feels it first.

    the purpose of the curses is to wake us up. appears my people, in large numbers, would rather suffer than heal. would rather believe the nightmarish white lie, or worship idols, rather than hear the Truth of who we are as a nation.


    Black Sage-

    while i don't owe you an apology, because it is just in me to stand up when a women is getting a man.


  3. Koolaidria Johnson9:46 PM

    "Unless you have been living under a rock you know that there is no place in Amurderca that's safe from violence and mayhem."

    How unsafe an area might be is directly attributable to the percentage of the population that is black. There are still portions of the country that are very white and very safe.

    The solution to all this mayhem is clear: Gun control for black people.

  4. Anonymous9:57 PM

    "It's gotten so bad in cities all across America, that our Mayor is calling for a domestic security agency" to fight the madness. Yep, desperate times call for desperate measures."

    When our community leaders and we get desperate enough then WE will become our own security agency. WE will have our own "neighborhood watch" for the safety of all. Until then, the pain of losing love ones will have to get much much more painful before our peeps will get off their asses and do something. These killings have been going on for decades and NO ONE has stepped forward to try to do a damn thing.

    We are a weak,of disgustingly fearful bunch of cowards. But we've been that way since slavery... We talk a good game but everyone inside and outside our race know it's all talk...BULLSHIT.

    And when someone inside and outside our community offer solutions , we 'attack' and 'criticize' them. It's crazy.

  5. Anonymous10:04 PM

    fp-"while i don't owe you an apology, because it is just in me to stand up when a women is getting a man.


    9:41 PM
    What do you mean?

  6. FP said: " Black Sage- while i don't owe you an apology, because it is just in me to stand up when a women is getting a man. however...

    I'm totally in the dark here FP, help me out.

  7. Green Parsley10:15 PM

    FP wants you to manhandle her.

  8. i WILL say this...

    earlier this week, i learned first hand what some men mean when they say, some women act like men and jump up to get beat down like true fools.

    it makes perfect 'sense' that a woman with a wife would act like an abusive man when her whole card gets pulled.

    sortta like some hateful queens will man up in a new york minute, when pretending they can go toe to toe verbally with a upset woman does not pan out for them. they knuckle up with the quickness. i have seen THAT before and already know to treat it all like menfolk business.

    it occurred to me that the way you addressed the resident wildman yet femme woman...might be the only way she can hear. despite being an 'intellect' +'scholar' she degenerated to the same bad man behavior that she was quick to label lewd, sexist, pornographic, etc. lol. while missing the whole point of convo and staying on her gay rights no matter what agenda.

    the fact that she is a woman acting like a sexist, lewd, pornographic badly behaved MAN, according to her own assessment, is only more confusion, in a world jammed packed with it. My Father is NOT the author of i opt out of dealing with it.

    i have said before dealing with some lesbians can be complicated, because despite being women, they don't feel woman rules apply to them. which is why i would rather encounter an ill behaved man before encountering a bad behaved woman under any circumstances.

    the lady that looked like Pat from snl, that would NOT stop trying to MAKE me dance with her as i sat there talking to someone else was box shaped and wearing bad plaid and lumberjack boots. looking back...shortly before she head butted me as a way of dealing with her reject, the cool lesbian i was sitting there talking to, with other friends, told me i might need to clock lumberjack Pat. lol.

    those days are behind me. going back to that foolishness would be like dining on it is written. no thanks.

    homo hater label slappers please know...het women that act like ill behaved dudes are quickly shunned as well-especially black ones. if a few get it togethers don't produce results...i gotta go. foolishness is for...fools.

  9. ps. fighting with a bw over the racist wm's gay rights illuminati like fighting with a bw over racist ww's 'feminist'illuminati agenda-which i have done before. it is all too dumb to pretend it makes sense for me at this point. if bw think any of that mess is about them at this will. Almighty respects it and so do i.

    who has that kind of time?

    let me back up and take a quick glance at the carnage. i AM hopeful the BO focused ladybug came to the realization that she can post as many 'het ped' links as she wants...dig deep enough and there is plenty homo activity there as well. i guess i am the only one that notices married het women with girlfriends. then back to men. then back to women. and the men routinely do what and whoever, too. now ALL/EVERYBODY is just waiting to get to the children. exactly NO ONE is neutral or able to pretend to be spiritual switzerland. the decent folks must stand up and choose a side. Truth. Lies. if folks knew the Truth they would not even pretend switzerland is neutral. this is all a big devilish production.

    to all the folks in bum slave deals that rep hard in public, yet slip a number on the side...i will still call you. in order to come will BOW DOWN in Spirit and Truth. that's a heads up, though i don't think folks hear. when i stand on His Word+ mine, folks act all shocked like we just met and they never heard what i am saying before.

    forgive any typos.

    blessings all!

  10. Anonymous10:23 PM

    "This is serious, because we have a violence problem in America."

    When black leaders like Frank Melton (Mayor of Jackson) try to get serious about this issue, they get stomped downed by the New York Times, the ACLU and the NAACP.

    If Nutter does too much to clamp down on crime in Philly, they'll boot his ass out too.

    Liberalism is committed to ensuring black destruction.

  11. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Green Parsley, that can't be what fp is saying. You are a trouble maker, trying to stir up trouble. Show some respect, you piece of doodoo.

  12. negro off the democrat plantation10:27 PM

    no mention lakim faust?

    not surprising. fields racism chasing only goes in the white-minority direction.

    there's just some racism fields won't chase.

  13. negro off the democrat plantation10:34 PM

    "Aaron Alexis has now allegedly joined a long line of American mass murderers by using his AR-15 to wreak carnage on a naval civilian facility in Washington D.C. today. "

    there was no ar-15 used. when are going to correct your post?

    "It's gotten so bad in cities all across America, that our Mayor is calling for a domestic security agency"

    sure fn. in 5 mins. you and your democrat masters would be calling said agency racist.

  14. Anonymous11:10 PM

    focusedpurpose said...
    who has that kind of time?
    10:22 PM

    Sweet Brown and you lol

  15. Black Sage-

    i don't know anything about you other than your name here.

    let me hip you to some game though. i cannot apologize for standing up and would probably do it again truth be told...but i will say this:

    though i UNDERSTAND why some gays get the snot beat from them or worse...just as i understand why some het women are found in the trunk of burned out cars...i don't EVER advocate said behavior. there are folks that respect boundaries from all walks of life that on bad days secure split wigs. that's not the walk of His Set Apart Mighty Ones. we are NOT soft targets, though. just meek...due to inherit the earth.

    meek = bridled strength.

    it is snatching someone's cool play in their mentals to the point where they come undone and lose their composure. folks that can do that to you...control you. LOL. anyone that needs that memo feel free to cc it all over.

    a man fighting a girl never looks good for that man. some women will deliberately try to take men there. refuse to go. i have a son and tell him the same thing... avoid ALL set ups.

    as His witness, the enemy is always seeking to say, got cha!


    devils that will mock you for your belief will hit you with Scripture the moment you are in violation of the Law.



    Proverbs 25:28- He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.


    when i did the whole can i take the devil's head off convo with my heavenly Father...He said no. then He sat me down and gave me His Law until my blood filled eyes turned to laughter and compassion.

    the spirits are subject to us. we are NOT subject to them.

    His Chosen Mighty Ones have dominion over all.

    this song WITH the little/GIANT lie left in is PERFECT as is for folks pushing an agenda where they are NOT the enemy UNLESS you want the truth to see.

    i flipped the song back and would really like for folks to understand...i AM not the enemy unless you are His enemy and hate Him+ His...even then i will pray for you to turn before you meet with His Wrath.

    while i wait patiently for His Word to bring it to you in multiple of tens.. FULL FORCE. we ALL have assignments;) know this and bank on it. we.can't.lose. when we flow with Him. UNIVERSAL LAW.

    i have made t-shirts so folks can stop coming up saying rude things to me. if you see my shirt step accordingly. online devils are MUCH bolder than the ones that you see standing face to face i have found. some non bfolks are wide awake, too, and looking for US.

    i saw a serious looking brother with a tee that read, 'i am THAT One.' LOL! he looked so serious and i had been spiritually slugging it out with my microwave devils, reversing zaps sending them back with 10x freq they would have me to feel permanent stick, to where my gangstalking neighbor was limping the next day. LOL. since i was hyped with my roaring lion tee and he was scare wfolks straight faced, and what?! with it, i left him alone. lol! the revolution won't be televised. it is underway folks.

    i wanted to know what his shirt meant to him? whatever Almighty does the enemy copies+perverts. kind of like whatever the Blessed Black do...other copy and pervert...while denigrating us Psalm 83 style.

    we just need to peep the game. know who we are. love Almighty. obey Him and be returned to our rightful places as kings + queens that rule with Him. those that want to flow with His Spirit and Truth can get some of what i speak of as well. those pretending they are the head...we the tail...not so much. lies won't make it inside. that little/GIANT white lie is messing folks UP.

    the enemy to our souls calls it 'new' world order. it is actually Ancient World Order of the uncorrupted/unperverted/un-inverted kind that has been released to the earth. Almighty's Kingdom- Matthew 6:9-13.

    ask me how i know?;)

  16. Anonymous11:13 PM

    negro off the democrat plantation, I am Field's assistant. First, on behalf of Mr Field, let me apologize for the error in his post. It was a typo that I made. I should have apologized much earlier, but quite frankly, I forgot about bad. But thank you for reminding FNto correct its error.

    For the record, 'and' your peace of mind, FN apologizes for the error and regrets any stress caused to you and other Negroes who may be losing it because of this error.

    I sincerely hope this letter of apology will bring you 'peace of mind' and give you the attention you feel you deserve.

    On behalf of Mr. Field, I can assure you that Field doesn't 'often' ignore his commenters but simply forgets to respond. He has so much to do he forgets. Also, early on-set of Alheimer's could be plaguing him. Who really knows what makes these Philly lawyers forget? Working in Philly as a lawyer can make you forget your mama and your wife. Fortunately, it hasn't gotten 'that' bad for Mr Field yet. But give it a couple of years and we'll see.

    Field's Assistant,
    A Loving Volunteer

  17. correction:

    there are folks that DON'T respect boundaries from all walks of life that on bad days secure split wigs.

  18. Anon@9:57pm said: “When our community leaders and we get desperate enough then WE will become our own security agency. We are a weak,of disgustingly fearful bunch of cowards. But we've been that way since slavery... We talk a good game but everyone inside and outside our race know it's all talk...BULLSHIT.”

    I agree with some of your semi-rant. I agree that as a group, we have too many Thomas Sowells, Clarence Thomases and Stephen like House Negroes who are agents of the empire and will snitch on you quicker than a New York minute. This always persistent fear of having someone who present himself as a friend, but the real underpinning of their objective is to deceive you in order to get information and pass it along to the appropriate personnel. This type of fear is the real causative factor in keeping people from rising up.

    Additionally, this is what Ernest Wither did, a well known black civil rights era photographer who covered the movement. He also doubled as an FBI agent who would follow King around from various cities and report back to the FBI (alphabet police) regarding his whereabouts and what he was up to. I’d add parenthetically here that he was paid quite handsomely for his efforts.

    There is nothing more that strikes an abundance fear within the hollow halls of an empire than an agitated, persistent and well organized group of people. Even more so if the group is black!

    However, and on the other hand, I disagree with how loosely you utilize the word “coward”. In relation to this word, you should speak for yourself and no one else. Furthermore, just because the white man has been successful at breaking you down like a Mossberg shotgun throughout your life, don’t attribute your personal anecdote to others.

  19. Anon 10:24pm-

    i love you! thank you;) regulate.

    to the other got it wrong. NEITHER Sweet Brown nor i have time for that.

    as she said:

    ain't NOBODY got time for that!

    get it right. some folks stay twisted...not a good look, my friend.

    though i am happy you are here. i love my enemies and those that hate me without cause. you jokers i learn from. plus you keep me on my toes as i wrestle with wrath;) thank you for growing me.

  20. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Wait a min... did she just say that she was threatened by the authorities on NOT turning Zimmerman in... on penalty of jail? She calls the cops on him... she goes to jail. Hmmm..sounds familiar.

  21. Mr. Rational1:03 AM

    The clown who can't even change the timestamp format in his comments to include the date wrote:

    It's sad that I have to write about the non- stop carnage that continues on our city streets.

    Whose city streets are they?  The streets in Whitopias don't have such carnage.  This is all the work of... people like you.

    Nutter asked,

    "What if our response to domestic terrorism is as thorough and as engaged as our response to international terrorism."

    If this is terrorism, then young Black men are the terrorists.  I agree:  you are terrorists.

    We are all potential victims.

    But who are the potential victimizers of the "random" victims, FN?  Almost NEVER White people.  When someone goes seeking targets because of race hatred, the perps are almost always "people of color".  Blacks randomly killing Whites, Indios/Mestizos killing Blacks to take over territory (and get the freedom from Black pathology that was forbidden de jure by Shelley vs. Kraemer, but achieveable de facto due to the pathologies of the "civil rights" system... but only by non-Whites)... the perps are not White.

    I see that the wife of a certain killer from South Florida has her doubts about his innocence.

    Women are prone to irrationality, and Shellie Zimmerman has been persecuted for standing up for her husband (while Rachel Jeantel was given a pass despite blatant perjury on the stand).  The upside is that the kangaroo court was so obviously trying to convict an innocent man that not even a jury of women could fail to vote "not guilty".

    Now, FN, if you want to be respected in wider society there are a few things you can do:
    1.  Stop standing up for criminals just because they are of your race.
    2.  Stop claiming that "we can all be victims" without regard to the probability and its relationship to proximity to people of your race.
    3.  Stop accepting murders and other crimes as "sad facts of life" and start treating the perpetrators as the scum of the earth that they are.  Demand that everyone, including YOUR immediate and extended (racial) family, TESTIFY against these scum to put them in prison and SHUN them when they come out!  If anyone has a party to celebrate the release of one of their own from prison... you should ALSO treat them as scum.

    Peace requires much more than prayer.  It requires acting against those who breach it.  If you won't, you do not deserve peace and your complaints are so much hypocrisy.

    And DAMN, so many of your commenters post in word salad that I wonder about the sanity of all of them.  Yes, including me:  "Never argue with an idiot.  People might not be able to tell which is which."  Though I always have had a thing for lost causes....

  22. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Black Sage@11:24p, I agree with everything you said. I have found that the ones who have hurt me the most in life have been my own people! I am sure many Blacks can attest to this. This not only breeds fear but more importantly, mistrust. That's the dark cloud that has been over our heads as a race since the days of slavery. As you mentioned we have quite a few sell-outs in our race who will sell-out in a NY minute.

    Consequently, we will never be united. If you can't trust one another, why bother? The result is disunity and weakness. Mistrust is what keeps us divided. In fact, mistrust is what destroyed the Black Panthers during the 60's and 70's.

    We are a cursed race with no one to turn to...not even ourselves.

  23. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Wow, Mr Rational, just wow! You are so rational I am speechless.

    Such is life. Please excuse my word salad.

    BTW, have you read "The New Jim Crow?" You might find some interesting facts regarding our prison system. Check it out, if you dare.



    54 pages...if you have women or children in your life you care about, it may be worth a quick glance.

    injustice to anyone is a threat to justice for everyone...there are thieves in the temple. satan is coming in the backdoor, literally, for the menfolk.


    folks are so caught up in the bread and circus of it all, they are not putting it all together.

    scan those 54 pages...then think back to the miley cyrus release the peds ritual. she was built like a child dry humping gross 'ole blurred lines guy. it was no accident i pointed out before that rapey guys bottom looked rounder.

    connect the dots folks. understand WHY the laws are so relaxed right now for those that would harm children.

    i am still looking for information that would allow one to classify kinsey a 'hero'... is ALL related folks. looking in the direction the puppet masters' help suggest is the BEST way to remain distracted.

    ignorance is NOT bliss.

    'if a nation expects to be ignorant and free. it expects what never wa and never will be.'

  25. ... it expects what never was and never will be.

  26. Tingles Matthews9:48 AM

    Regardless of the facts, liberals always attribute anyone who disagrees with Obama (or their agenda) as being motivated primarily by racism.

    But refusing to admit that a Black President is a failure, despite his being a failure, is plainly animated by racial condescension.

    Liberals are the real racists.

  27. FN said...
    Yep, desperate times call for desperate measures.

    Looking at Philly, Chicago, Oakland, etc., how is voting Democrat working out for you?

    Maybe because your Democrat rulers know that blacks will vote (D) no matter what they don't have to pander to blacks like they do other "groups," like the gay population. Pander meaning do something to reduce violence and black unemployment.

    Democrats keep insisting republicans vote for their own best interests, isn't it time blacks get the hint and vote for their best interests?

    Vote Democrat. After all, what's the difference between chains and welfare?

  28. Anonymous11:19 AM

    "Vote Democrat. After all, what's the difference between chains and welfare?"

    Chains can be taken off the body; welfare dependency traps the soul.

  29. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Field said...
    "It's sad that I have to write about the non- stop carnage that continues on our city streets."
    Sad indeed! and it's exactly the same here. Every day, 3 people shot here, 4 shot there, 2 shot over here and on and on and on. Every day the news brings more lifeless bleeding bodies on street corners.

    It's astounding. Entire generations being wiped out!

    And nada! Occasionally when an innocent middle class or well to do bystander is innocently caught in the crossfires, or killed because of mistaken identity, or they were merely transiting and were hit by a stray bullet.

    They get lots of media attention, gov condolences, funeral expenses paid and some "victim money".

    and it's back to the everyday carnage as usual.

    Yes it is sad, very sad. Too sad...

  30. FN said...
    Yep, desperate times call for desperate measures.

    STEPHENS idea of a desperate measure is voting for Billary... in 2016

    Thats about as Revolutionary as he gets....

  31. Anonymous1:13 PM

    BIB, "STEPHENS idea of a desperate measure is voting for Billary... in 2016

    Thats about as Revolutionary as he gets.... "

    I agree. The saddest part about this is the 'majority' of Blacks are just as Revolutionary. They won't take it upon themselves to make sincere efforts to stop the carnage that has been going on for 'decades'.

  32. Anonymous1:44 PM

    kudos to sz!

    may she tell the truth at that kkkiller gz's next murder trial...asap!


    do all of the global blacks' murders by that blackish drone man hobama upset u too fn???

    cc africom


  33. Jose Ole3:05 PM

    Viva Zimmerman! Hispanics will save this country!

  34. Anon @11:19 foolishly said: "Vote Democrat, after all, what's the difference between chains and welfare?"

    Ssshhhh, in short, you're passively stating that the RepubMafias have all the answers to what this empire needs as a cure all solution to all of our ills and as if there is a difference between the two parties. The Repubs and the DemoMobas are part and parcel to the problems. Moreover, they both cater to their puppet master, .... the always out of sight oligarchy!

  35. Jose Ole Poncho Via said: "Hispanics will save this country."

    Huh, ... Hispanics are unable to save their own darn countries. And by the way, how would you propse that Hispanics will save this country?

    Puhleeeez, ... don't tell me that a taco shop will be built on every corner!

  36. Anonymous4:50 PM

    more proof that hobama rules all msm

    what a gd shame!

    kudos to tc!!!!!!!

  37. Anonymous5:01 PM

    no holy evil demonic buybull bs/hypochristian lies live forever

    cc ALL of the homohating hets
    especially the loudest ones!!!!!!!
    like that legally wed tree jumper for jesus eddie long

    cc the dl hobama too

  38. Anonymous5:03 PM

  39. Anonymous5:04 PM

  40. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Blogger Black Sage said...
    Jose Ole Poncho Via said: "Hispanics will save this country."

    Huh, ... Hispanics are unable to save their own darn countries. And by the way, how would you propse that Hispanics will save this country?

    Puhleeeez, ... don't tell me that a taco shop will be built on every corner!

    4:14 PM
    'a taco shop on every corner' is the most racist remark i have ever heard.

    You should STFU when it comes to screaming racism.

  41. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Just read that OJ was caught red-handed stealing cookies from the prison cafeteria. It will be interesting to hear what his punishment will be. Poor OJ. The man can't even have a few extra cookies to keep from losing weight.

  42. Cellularphoniqua7:44 PM

    I'll bet they were Vanilla Wafers.

    Just sayin'.

  43. not related, but this could be the end of Bathhouse Barry !
    "Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh says that the raid which killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011 is “one big lie” and that “not one word” of the Obama administration’s narrative on what happened is true."

    Bin Laden bin dead since 2001

  44. Thank u assistant for all your fine work,but could u please review these troll resumes again? Thanks.

  45. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Cellularphoniqua said...
    I'll bet they were Vanilla Wafers.

    Just sayin'.

    7:44 PM
    Nope. They were gooie oatmeal cookies. The best made cookies in prison. Everybody wants them. Hell, OJ could have sold them and made a nice piece of change if the guards hadn't eff'd it all up for him.

    Field should do a post about "Cookies and OJ". Now that's a post that will get a lot of attention. People never get tired of OJ, esp white folks. They have a love hate relationship with OJ. Well, now it's mostly hate but I bet underneath all the white hate is white love for OJ.

    I'm still not clear how Blacks feel about OJ, and I'm Black. It's always been confusing for me. I wish and pray that Field will do a post that will 'clarify' things like everyone of his posts do... I know BIB will vouch for Field's post as clear.

  46. Anonymous1:09 AM

    I have it on good authority that they were Samoas okay!!! SAMOAS!

    He can't help himself. When it comes to Samoas he becomes a COOKIE MONSTER!

  47. Anonymous2:59 AM

    focusedpurpose said...

    ... it expects what never was and never will be.

    Onwards to the never - Sounds like Obama's slogan.

    By the way Field, you should be convinced Zimmerman isn't white by now. He keeps breaking the law and getting pulled over by the cops.

  48. Black Sage said...
    Ssshhhh, in short, you're passively stating that the RepubMafias have all the answers to what this empire needs as a cure all solution to all of our ills

    Anyone believing the government has any answers is proof government schools have failed.


    Dear Idiots and Guttersnipes!
    SIMPSON DIDN'T KILL ANYONE!! Those people were killed because of basehead Faye Resnick! Who ran up a huge tab with her connection (the mob) and was hiding out at Nicole's just before the hit came down; and how she managed to get her slimy ass out of danger just in time and never testified.

    White racist a-hole Mark Fuhrman is the SOB who started the whole "Simpson did it" ball rolling, after planting evidence on his property.

    Even when people came forward with solid exculpatory evidence the pigs angrily blew them off; the White racist anglogencia driven by racism simply refused to look anywhere other than Simpson


    Dear Idiots and Guttersnipes!
    SIMPSON DIDN'T KILL ANYONE!! Those people were killed because of basehead Faye Resnick! Who ran up a huge tab with her connection (the mob) and was hiding out at Nicole's just before the hit came down; and how she managed to get her slimy ass out of danger just in time and never testified.

    White racist a-hole Mark Fuhrman is the SOB who started the whole "Simpson did it" ball rolling, after planting evidence on his property.

    Even when people came forward with solid exculpatory evidence the pigs angrily blew them off; the White racist anglogencia driven by racism simply refused to look anywhere other than Simpson

  51. Anonymous4:56 PM

    "He did not profile Trayvon Martin," she said.

    Who was it who said, "These assholes, they always get away" when he stepped out of the car?

    Coulda sworn that was ol' Zimm.

    Maybe Shellie doesn't read the papers.


  52. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!!10:18 PM

    Anon @4:56:
    Racist Killerman under his breath said on the 911 tape: "These fucking
    COONS always get away!" Audible proof of his racial profiling. The Neo-Confederate Sunshine state screwheads who covered up this pertinent fact all need to be jailed and or disbarred. Holder better not F this up!!!
