Saturday, September 28, 2013

Who will swerve first?

I love the scenes in action movies when cars go hurtling towards each other from opposite directions and none of the drivers seem like they are going to back down. Of course at the last minute someone always decides that it's better to live than to die in a fiery ball of smashed metal, and then they swerve their vehicle out of the way to avoid sure death.

So this is where we are in America. In one car we have tea party right wing extremists, and in the other car we have the President of these divided states. Both are determined to keep driving, and they are boldly telling anyone who will listen that they are not turning their car off the road. Bring on the fiery crash.

Laughably, to the right wingnuts, this fight is akin to the civil rights struggle back in the day. (Yeah, I know. I am still laughing at that one.) To republicans, this Affordable Care Act is like Bull Conner's dogs and Jim Crow. The thing is, though, ninety percent of them have never read the act and don't really understand it. When you live in an age of sound bites and 24 hour cable news echo chambers, your thirst for real knowledge tends to become limited. (We see you Ted Cruz. Just telling a shameless lie on the Senate floor is not a good look.) Of course, most of us know that their unwillingness to accept what has already become the law of the land is motivated by something else.

In the other car is President Obama. He has vowed that he will not back down, because, to him, nothing in his signature piece of legislation known as Obamacare is negotiable. Right wingnuts believe that he will, because they see the polls and his latest foreign policy blunders and think that they are looking at a wounded president who is ready for the taking. This is how it works in Washington. Forget the fact that our government is on the verge of a shut down and that bad things will happen. (Soldiers not getting paid come to mind.) As long as they cripple the Kenyan Socialist and his presidency nothing else matters.

"At least 43 conservatives want the GOP leadership to go for broke, asserting that Obama has been damaged by stumbles over Syria and by several delays in implementing the Affordable Care Act.

The GOP’s internal battle pits lawmakers who want the party to take a calculated risk against leaders who fear it would be a big losing bet.
Democrats say there is no chance that they or the president will agree to hollow-out their signature domestic achievement.

The White House did not comment for this story, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) last week said the Senate would reject any attempt to defund the law.

Still, the GOP’s roll-the-dice faction is undaunted.
“I think the president’s too weak to shut the government down … I think we will win,” Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.) said.

“Syria has hurt him significantly … it is a factor in the CR going forward, it is a factor in the debt ceiling,” Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said.

Conservatives cite recent polling to buttress their case. Following Obama’s aborted attempt to get congressional backing for an attack on Syria, Fox News found public disapproval of Obama’s job performance at an all-time high of 54 percent and his approval rating at 40 percent, equal to his all-time low." [Source]

Easy there wingnuts, remember what happened the last time you watched those FOX News polls? (Mitt by a landslide).

Anyway, I hope that Obama holds on to the wheel. It's time he grew a pair. He has been playing nice to his political enemies too long. The ACA didn't go far enough, but it's a start. The fact that elected officials would try to overturn what has already been declared law in this country is frightening. Could a revolution where citizens take up arms be far behind? The Koch Brothers might be funding their own army somewhere in North Dakota as I write this.

The cars are getting closer. Mr. President, you better not turn that wheel. In fact, you might want to press harder on the accelerator.

*Pic with this post from


  1. FN said...
    tea party right wing extremists

    Good to see that even on Saturday mornings you are able to get the extreme left wing talking points and regurgitate them to your fans.

    It would be interesting if you wrote a post about Obamacare. Maybe highlight the parts of his speechs where he said you can keep your doctor. Or maybe the lie that it won't increase the cost of medical care. Adding 50 million people won't raise the cost. Speak about this FN.

    Ah, never mind.

    Speaking truthfully about Obamacare isn't part of your agenda.

  2. Akhbar11:23 AM

    Obama will negotiate with the Iranians, but not the Republicans.

    This mess is all on him.

  3. Exchequer11:37 AM

    Conservatives have finally realized that, as it’s currently constituted, they have no home in the Republican party, which is the Washington Generals to the Democrats’ Harlem Globetrotters, the designated losers who nevertheless are rewarded handsomely for their sham opposition.

    Barack Obama and the Democrats have had success because of the liberal losers who have controlled the Republican party since Bush I.

    As Obama's policies crumble into a heap of failure, this situation is coming to an end. There is new leadership in the GOP, whether the party wants to admit it or not: Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions, and the others who stepped into the breach to spell the senator from Texas.

    To that end, conservatives understand that rather than form a third party, their only hope is to seize control of the corrupt, rotting hulk of the GOP, which they now can do with the help of a reinvigorated Tea Party — especially with Lois Lerner’s IRS off its back.

    The Cruz faction in the Senate, and its allies in the House (whose leadership is now up for grabs) must now press their advantage. The louder the Democrats squawk, the more they are wounded; the one thing they’ve long feared is a direct assault on their core beliefs as translated into actions, and the deleterious effects of Obamacare, just now being felt by the population, are the most vivid proof of the failure of Progressivism that conservatives could wish for.

    Win or lose, the battle is now joined: First the struggle for the GOP and then the battle for control of Congress and the presidency. Cruz just struck at the kings he could reach — the Republican “leadership” — and has most likely dealt them a fatal blow.

    Any party that cannot successfully sell freedom and personal liberty doesn’t deserve power. The trick will be to explain — by word and deed — that the Democrats’ Manichaean choice (Big Brother or the orphanage) is a false one, that less can be more, and that the restoration of a Republic of self-reliant citizens will benefit all Americans — not simply the government class and its clients.

    Ted Cruz is the threat to the furtherance of Progressive movement to stamp out individual liberty, and thus he will the focus of the DemoMedia's daily Two Minute Hate for the foreseeable future. I'm sure Field will fall right in line like a good boy. He has no idea of who he works for.

  4. Anonymous11:53 AM

    The crux of Obamacare, the most basic thing essential to its success, is that millions of people have to do something that is not in their economic interest. They have to act against themselves, or the program doesn’t work.

    It’s really a wealth transfer, but this time from a group – the young – who don’t have a lot of wealth. But it’s even more a perversion of our capitalist system than the usual method – taxation – which at least doesn’t try to contort our behavior. If telling people to make economic decisions they don’t want to make isn’t Socialism, I don’t know what is.

    Obamacare relies on people making bad choices

    Obamacare is designed not to work.

    The problems are a feature, not a bug. The whole thing is designed to destroy the private health insurance industry to pave the way with a single payer, 100% government nightmare healthcare system.

    Do you like being played like this Field? If Socialism is so damn good for us, why does it need to be instituted through lies?

  5. Anyone who knows anything about insurance (or human nature) knew from the start that Obamacare was never designed to function. These problems are a feature, not a bug.

    Insurance is a risk transfer contract and is priced accordingly. Obamacare is an obligation transfer contract, which no rational price can cover.

    Insurance is not rocket science. The people who passed this bill and the media who sold it knew this was a sham. Our government is so thoroughly corrupt and our culture so thoroughly debased that a lie any thinking adult should have laughed at was bought by a majority of the citizenry. We have the government we deserve.

  6. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Field said...
    I love the scenes in action movies when cars go hurtling towards each other from opposite directions and none of the drivers seem like they are going to back down.
    It must be something built into you guys that youzz all love that type stuff!

    I don't like it. I don't like the feeling of impending doom. It's a very scary pall of gloom to throw over a people. It's an act of violence, emotional violence. No bueno...

  7. Hey FN…
    Why do you support a program (Obamacare) where the rich white people you voted for exempted themselves, family and staff from it. Do you believe that one system for the rulers and a crappy system for the peons is just?

    If opposition to Obamacare is based on racism and republicans, how do you explain all those democrat supporting unions now as they learn what's in it are complaining about the bill?

    Of course republican opposition to Obama’s immigration bill is based on racism. How racist of those republicans to favor black americans get jobs before new immigrants. Do you believe adding a couple million low skilled workers is going to help or hurt black unemployment?

    I find it strange that you don’t push the same values that you believe in. Obviously you had no problem "acting white" and getting an education. No problem "acting white" and pulling your pants up. No problem as Samuel Jackson would say about you ability to "act white" and conjugate. But instead you need to play the part of the racebaiter to keep the other negros out of the house. Why is that?

  8. Anonymous1:42 PM

    no mention lakim faust?

    not surprising. fields racism chasing only goes in the white-minority direction.

    there's just some racism fields won't chase.

    "Aaron Alexis has now allegedly joined a long line of American mass murderers by using his AR-15 to wreak carnage on a naval civilian facility in Washington D.C. today. "

    there was no ar-15 used. when are going to correct your post?

  9. parvenu2:15 PM

    Field, the first move in politics is to look beyond the obvious. The media is totally obsessed with the looming government shutdown and the follow-on debt ceiling fight. A quick analysis of the Tea Party House members shows that their gerrymandered district status means that anything that they do to kill the government or damage President Obama will enable their re-election back home. Thus their no-compromise tactics win for them big time back home. This group of 80 Tea Party Republicans are in complete control of the house. This was verified this week by Senator Ted Cruz rushing over to the House to meet and plan the next step in the current federal budget battle with the Tea Party caucus, completely ignoring the existing Republican Leaders of the House. (Cruz's move of going directly to caucus with House members has never been done before in the history of American politics, which means if he fails in his current battle against President Obama he will be flushed down the American political toilet forever.)

    Here is the Republican game plan to KNOCK OUT Obama. (1) Maximize the public drama every step of the way. (2)Shut down the government by refusing to pass a "clean" Continuing Resolution for funding the government. (3)Load up the upcoming legislation to increase the DEBT CEILING from the House of Representatives with amendments for every thing that Obama is firmly against, from executive order to kill or delay indefinitely the Affordable Care Act, to the authorizing the Keystone Pipeline, to the erection of a statue to honor the memory of Jesse Helms, to issuing a letter of appreciation to the KKK! The assumption of the Tea Party House members is that such legislation on the one hand will be highly toxic to Obama. However on the other hand Obama will come under tremendous pressure from Wall Street interests to invoke Article 14 of the Constitution as a means of bypassing Congress, thereby enabling the critical increase in the debt ceiling to happen, so the federal bills can be paid thereby maintaining the " good faith and credit" of the American government.

    Once President Obama makes this move (which is legal under the Constitution) the Tea Party Republicans will immediately spring into action to bring articles of impeachment against Obama claiming executive usurpation of power, namely that he far exceeded the Constitutional authority of his office.

    This plain and simple is what the Obama racist haters have desired from the first day that Obama assumed the office of president of the U.S. If the Republican strategy gets to this point Ted Cruz will be ecstatic because at this point he will be guaranteed the nomination for president for the 2016, mainly for his role in "kicking the Negro out of the White House".


  10. "Obama will negotiate with the Iranians.."

    Why would he "negotiate" with wingnuts about something that is already law?

  11. "Win or lose, the battle is now joined: First the struggle for the GOP and then the battle for control of Congress and the presidency. Cruz just struck at the kings he could reach — the Republican “leadership” — and has most likely dealt them a fatal blow."

    Good luck with your battle. You might want to choose a flag.

    How about this one?

  12. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Bull Conner (...and, by the way, the spelling is "Connor" are welcome) was a Democrat and Jim Crow laws were a Democratic Party invention.

    "Soldiers not getting paid come to mind." Soldiers will get paid. They were paid during the CLinton shutdown....I was one of them.

    "The fact that elected officials would try to overturn what has already been declared law in this country is frightening."

    Did not the Chicago Jesus declare -- from the Oval Office -- that certain parts of the ACA would not be enforced for one year?

    And, again, it is apparent that honesty is not part of your make-up, "Field Negro."

  13. Wesley R11:44 PM

    The Boner isn't the 'leader' of the house anymore. It's Rafael Cruz, Jim Demint, and Eric Cantor. Boner needs to make a choice, either put the Senate Bill up for a vote, which would pass and avoid a shutdown, or follow the fools over the cliff. His speakership is done either way so he might as well do the right thing and keep the Government open for business.


    The LSU/Georgia game was as good as it gets.

  14. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Well, the economy is headed for financial ruin. It's too weak to withstand a government shutdown. Goodbye to an improving economy.

    It's too bad the American people don't know how to vote for politicians who care about them. America is on the verge of civil war and people like Field and the Republicans don't even know it.

    Of course, politicians only care about themselves, not the American people and the American people only care about themselves, not the country. Capitalism breeds selfishness.

  15. 'The cars are getting closer. Mr. President, you better not turn that wheel. In fact, you might want to press harder on the accelerator.'


    pretty much...though it is in violation of the Law to want to expedite this madness. thanks BIB for helping me to understand this Truth.

    if folks liked 1984...2014 will be wild.


    it does not matter who enters into any of the uber corrupt offices/positions in this uber corrupt system. His Word is Truth and will come to pass. what folks choose to believe is their personal business. Almighty Himself is speaking, in the following passage-notice our forefather's name was not even blessed Abraham, yet. there are no sneak attacks, folks...


    Genesis 15:13-14

    13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;

    14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.


    the judgment is lining up. those of us that love + know Him...are not worried about a thing.

    ps. we know the u.s. belongs to US. some more of our stuff is described here:


    Genesis 15:18- In the same day the Sovereign made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto they seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:


    when Psalm 83 folk try to break you down- they are checking to see if you know who you are. are you enlightened, or a fool?

    most folks operate from a mindset of: see of fool? bump his head. lol. look around and tell me folks (bfolks, too) haven't given themselves FULL LICENSE to whack deadhead bfolks on the head repeatedly...

    His People, my people...this is all a test. who will you love, trust, believe + obey?

    because He is AWESOME...if you love a lie, you got double lie coming at you from the Universe. no bueno.

    those that love the white lie, will perish with it. Ancient World Order is well underway...

  16. for those of US familiar with the NAU (north american union=canada, us, mexico.)...we understand immigration and why america is being plowed with those running from the devastating effects of global imperialism.

    i believe the protocols of the learned elders of zion IS anti-semitic. it gives abundant reason for any rational, sane, none evil person to watch closely those that run through here lying, stealing, and killing 'goy animals' as a part of their 'religion'...while mandating complete silence from their victims/survivors. or else there is the 'anti semite' label slapped all over everything. keep an eye on feinstein. she wants to make it a federal offense to speak about the evil those that call themselves Hebrews but are not, described in Rev. 2:9 and Rev. 3:9 do.

    i don't believe the protocols information is a hoax...unless it is a hoax that just so happen to be happening as we speak world wide.

    may Almighty flip the situation so that they see it should be a federal offense to do what the state of is ra el is doing to the american masses.

    eliminate dual citizenship. this encourages non stop treason...

    ALL those of the 13th tribe are NOT bad people. however, there are enough 13th tribe bad people running around steering the death/sex/mammon straight to hell for eternity ship for more decent, good, none evil jews to stand up and speak out. IF they could lose the white supremacy/denial of who the Mighty Chosen Ones are while they stand up and speak out...that would be great. big wave to Makow, realjewnews, David Duke and others. David Duke is like we didn't do it! slavery = jews!!!! lol! but won't tell the whole story, like a true Psalm 83'er just as all the rest.

    what happens in canada and elsewhere is a coming attractions trailer for what we may expect in the invert america show/op.

    take a look and understand why BO thinks teaching 'sex education' to small children makes good sense. teaching children about sex prematurely is child abuse. full stop. early mandatory priming for the abundant predators nonstop porn, rapey music, and do what thou wilt heathen ways produce.

    the 'educators' in large numbers are in on the scam/sex cult activities. in america we have the education, legal, entertainment (think occultist perv racist walt disney), law enforcement, political, religious systems all subverted + working to push defeated captain satan's agenda.


    in america, we may thank kinsey for laying the groundwork for infant, sheep, same sex brides. folks can get as mad as they want. i came to tell it. a look at the facts will show all- kinsey, gay rights hay and nambla dude were all in on the 'scientific' fraud melee that is being leverage to create utter societal chaos.

    statement of historical fact is NOT a gay bash. the hets are straight insane in large numbers.

    IF i tell you i AM His Mouth, daughter of Almighty + Abraham...sent to snatch down ALL idols...why folks are tripping is their personal business.

    ps. if you look at the kinsey studies, that demon found through his 'scientific' studies that rape does not harm women/children. 0% of the time...because he was speaking with the RAPISTS.

    'scientific' studies on human sexuality where the main people you speak with are out on the loose stop watch (trained + paid by kinsey himself) practicing peds and imprisoned sex NOT prove that hets are sickos. lol. it proves that kinsey, kinsey stop watched trained, paid+ protected from prosecution peds and imprisoned already sex offenders are sickos.

    i don't claim to be a scholar, intellect, nor scientist yet i promise, NOTHING about that conclusion is a newsflash.

    pretending that you have spoken to the average person without such sick afflictions then changing ALL laws in america based on said pretenses= demonic. not 'heroic'...

    folks want A law. i give you ALL laws:

    as a place to start. there is much more information out there for folks that want to know.

  18. 'Why do you support a program (Obamacare) where the rich white people you voted for exempted themselves, family and staff from it. Do you believe that one system for the rulers and a crappy system for the peons is just?'


    this is where it is all headed.

    there is no white or black- only rich or poor.

    there is ALSO no male or female...just the number of this brave new world these demons have planned.

    they will teach your children this brand new mindset starting very young. the defeated demon world planned is quite androgynous and robotic. transhumanism. police state. chipped creatures thanks to BOcare. chip off for those that don't get with the program. Aaron Russo and others have sounded the alarm + paid with their lives.

    menfolk...if i were you, i would REALLY listen. lol. just think of how many centuries of brutality against women and children many men have given themselves license to commit as a part of their man privilege. what folks put out...comes back two fold. those worshiping themselves and harem bueno.

    folks are NOT being told the truth about rape against men. men typically don't bounce back. they commit suicide. folks may want to take another look at the military. whenever rape in military gets mentioned...there is het slant to it. just as pedophilia has a het slant while folks side step pederast discussions for the most part.

    folks understand what wayward women have on tap today + as wages of sin. it seems these same folks are sleeping when it is time to peep the game the enemy has for the men. i AM simply giving folks a heads up and suggesting they take a closer look.

    studying secret society rituals will give you a clue. there is a theme that runs from oto to harvard's skull and bones...calling it does not make me a 'gay basher'! lol.

    time to wake up and walk accordingly.



    my thoughts on the kinsey studies convo that never was.

    i took the sage advice to speak with a sane gay person (lol, that was a hint that i erred with my original thought that i WAS speaking with a sane gay) and was advised to stop engaging internet crazies. lol!

    in all truth, the whole episode is hilarity to me. there is a part of me (pray for me) that wants to set off another firestorm just for kicks, giggles+ i can. LOL!!!

    but i won't...the end of the linked post is most important to me;)

    blessings all!

  20. lest anyone take it wrong- those that survive rape are not wayward. in our society is just appears that folks try to see if the woman 'deserved' it...before they care. we have politicians straight faced trying to make some rapes acceptable. blurred lines rapey guy trying to make it fashionable/trendy.

    that was my mindset behind my choice of words.

  21. field negro said...
    Why would he "negotiate" with wingnuts about something that is already law?

    For the same reason that when Democrats said slavery was the law of the land republicans died to free the slaves.

    Since slavery was a law, do you resent the republicans for fighting against what republicans saw as a unjust law?

  22. Bill, are u comparing slavery to having universal health care? Interesting.

    I think I understand the wingnut mindset now.

  23. Chairman Soetoro2:18 PM

    Forcing people to buy healthcare coverage they may or not want and forcing some people to pay for other people's healthcare insurance may not be slavery, but it is tyranny.

  24. Todays republiklan is the most disgraceful pack of traitors since the confederate conspiracy plunged the country into civil war a century and a half ago. If there is any justice in this world (a debatable proposition at best) they'll all end up with their dicks caught in a wringer over this bit of national sabotage.

  25. Reading around this morning, the debt ceiling situation looks more than anything like late October last, when the entire klanosphere were as smugly confident of themselves & their fictitious "polls" as Ted Cruz is in front of a pack of cameras. I've been to any number of Teebagger meetings, and the public input portion always goes something like this: Section 8 & public housing, medicaid, welfare & food stamp/ebt benefits= bad; social security, medicare, VA benefits, cops, prisons, national parks & open space, and support for "MY EMPLOYER" = good. Speaker after speaker follows this script without fail: anything perceived to benefit black/brown/immigrant people is bad, but anything perceived to benefit them is good. These aren't anti-government zealots, they're anti minority/immigrant zealots. They're the same people who turned on the GOP 17 years ago when their "good" benefits were shut down with the "bad."

  26. field negro said...
    Bill, are u comparing slavery to having universal health care? Interesting.

    Nope. Why would you even think that?

    My point is that when you said it was the law of the land, that's the same thing democrats said about slavery.

    You know as well as I do how unpopular Obamacare is and the negative effect on people that earn much much less $ than you do.
    You know as well as I do the law (didn't the supreme court call it a tax) was built on lies.

    If you dare, answer honestly...
    When Obama said adding 30-50 million people to healthcare wasn't going to increase costs, did YOU believe him?

  27. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Section 8 & public housing, medicaid, welfare & food stamp/ebt benefits= bad; social security, medicare, VA benefits, cops, prisons, national parks & open space, and support for "MY EMPLOYER" = good. Speaker after speaker follows this script without fail: anything perceived to benefit black/brown/immigrant people is bad

    Section 8 & public housing, medicaid, welfare & food stamp/ebt benefits
    is used by more white people than black/brown people. I understand every time MSNBC talks about republicans cutting welfare the network puts up images of black people. Don't believe their racism.

    If you had been going to the tea party meetings like you said you would have already known that fact.

  28. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Todays republiklan is the most disgraceful pack of traitors since the confederate conspiracy plunged the country into civil war a century and a half ago. If there is any justice in this world (a debatable proposition at best) they'll all end up with their dicks caught in a wringer over this bit of national sabotage.

    Funny how dissent was the highest form of patriotism until Obama got elected. Now for twisted little leftist fascists like Whitey, it's treason.

    Back in the day, Senator Obama voted against funding the troops during a war and justified his voting against raising the debt ceiling by saying it was "a sign of leadership failure" and a "reflection of the government's reckless fiscal policies".

    If only we had strung up traitors then for "national sabotage", we wouldn't be in the fucking mess we are in now.


  29. "When Obama said adding 30-50 million people to healthcare wasn't going to increase costs, did YOU believe him?

    Yes, and so do you. You seem to be a smart fellow. Only a partisan idiot would think otherwise.

  30. "Only a partisan idiot would think otherwise."

    I guess a partisan idiot is someone who knows you can't get something for nothing.

    You must be a partisan moron.

  31. Anonymous8:08 PM

    This entire mess is not going to turn out well for America, the economy, or the world.

    The Republicans are a chilling bunch of people willing to sacrifice the demise of their country. They are NO patriots nor do they give a damn about America. I guess this is what is meant by "the South will rise again!"

  32. Anonymous9:29 AM

    i will pray for all of furloughed fed employees


    hobamascare must be stopped by any means necessary

    kudos to all hobama rebels!!!!

  33. Anonymous9:33 AM

    i have a problem with fools who cannot use birth control or wear belts choosing a horrid ruthless bankster president...twice!!!

  34. field negro said...
    "When Obama said adding 30-50 million people to healthcare wasn't going to increase costs, did YOU believe him?"

    Yes, and so do you. You seem to be a smart fellow. Only a partisan idiot would think otherwise.

    I'll email you. I would like to talk to you about an investment idea I believe would be great for you.
