Friday, September 06, 2013

The pacifists of convenience.

"Don't pull the thang out, unless you plan to bang
 Bombs over Baghdad!
 Yeah! Ha ha yeah!
Don't even bang unless you plan to hit something

 Bombs over Baghdad!" ~Outkast~

Ok, maybe not Baghdad, but you get the point.

I am not riding with O with these bombs over Syria scenario, although I understand why he is doing it. If you are the most powerful man in the free world and you tell someone not to cross a line and they cross it, you will look like you are just selling woof tickets if you don't act. But hey, maybe you shouldn't have drawn that line in the first place.

I understand that the world community frowns on the use of chemical weapons, but they should frown on mass genocide as well.

Where were we when Hutus were slaughtering Tutsis in Rwanda? (I see you Bill. Monica got more attention than the Akazu.) If America has a conscience and cares about mass atrocities and genocide, what prevented (or is preventing) us from acting in Sudan? (O, that question is for you.)

Still, I don't want to hear s*** from all the George Bush apologists and cheerleaders for the war in Iraq. In fact, if you were not as vocal and outraged about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, you need to shut the hell up now. These folks have the audacity to be outraged that O wants to go all Gap Band on Syria but they were either silent or they supported the war in Iraq.

The wingnuts rationalize their pretzel logic by saying that they trust one commander in chief but not the other. They oppose this guy because they hate him so much, not because they thought it out and it is the right thing to do.

They oppose him for one crass reason: politics.

Some even went as far as to use this crises in the Middle East to do a little fund raising.

 "As your voice in Washington, I will continue to listen and take a stand for you. Donate today to stand with me to strongly oppose military action in Syria," reads a fundraising pitch Grimm sent around to supporters.

An email asks supporters to donate $25 ore more to "stand with" the congressman in opposing "President Obama's plan."
Grimm made headlines Thursday when he shifted positions on Syria. 
Initially in favor of military action, he said that he withdrew his support because Obama "showed his hand when he should have kept it close" in deciding to pursue congressional approval for military action before moving forward with attacks.

"Now that the [President Bashar] Assad regime has seen our playbook and has been given enough time to prepare and safeguard potential targets, I do not feel that we have enough to gain as a nation by moving forward with this attack on our own," he said in a release.

In the fundraising email, he further explained his position and accused Obama of "failing to show strength" on Syria.

"President Obama has failed to show strength at this critical moment in time. While the debate in Congress continues, our nation’s credibility grows weaker and weaker. After much deliberation and prayer, I have decided to withdraw my support. I do not feel that our country has enough to gain by moving forward with this attack," he said.

The chances of a resolution to approve the use of military force in Syria passing the House look slim at this point, with liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans alike expressing opposition." [Source]

For those of us who are morally and ideologically consistent, we opposed the last war and we oppose anything resembling another one. For the rest of the hypocrites and charlatans who are now embracing a dove like persona; we call bull s**t!

*Rwanda pic from


  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Dear Field, your great politician Obama is losing ground in this Syrian mess. It's worse and worse. I have never seen anything like this ever before against a President. Is this what you call a "sharp' politician? I just realized that you see Obama as your great Black Hope. That's too bad that you haven't set your sights of character higher.

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Field, have you heard about the lawsuit over the n-word by Blacks? I am really glad to see this happening. The N-word is the dirtiest filthiest word ever used. But Blacks have boxed themselves into double standards where Whites can't use the word, but Blacks can degrade one another with it. It's sick.

    Anyway, a jury in NYC awarded $300,000 to a black employee who was abused by another Black in using the N-word...Some Blacks are standing up for their dignity as a human being:

  3. Anonymous9:36 PM

    The wingnuts rationalize their pretzel logic by saying that they trust one commander in chief but not the other. They oppose this guy because they hate him so much, not because they thought it out and it is the right thing to do.

    And the Far Left Kook Moonbat Fleabaggers rationalize their call to bomb and kill people by saying they trust one commander in chief and not another.

    Do you ever choke on your own hypocrisy or is this something certain black people can't smell?

    If you had a clue you would know WWIII is around the corner with Russia and China and Obama the boob is not the leader to handle these delicate negotiation. Jesus man the guy struck back at Putin by calling him names and attacking his gay rights policies; he is going to get us into a major war with his incompetence.

  4. Wesley R9:54 PM

    The Bushies need to shut the fuck up. They are a bunch of discredited losers.

    I've been watching AlJazeera America. They had a show on the effects that agent orange has on children born even today. The show on HBO, 'Vice' showed the effects the war in Iraq has had on children. Our bombs and chemical agents are killing and deforming people where ever we go and we always deny it. When someone comes and hit us we don't have a clue as to why they would do it. Then we come up with, they hate us for our 'freedom'
    Freedom doesn't mean being 'free' to be 'dumb'. The war being proposed today is bullshit.

  5. Anonymous9:54 PM

    anons, i agree. this president is committing political suicide for himself and for our country around the world. He mirrors our desperation for a worthy leader.

    These are scary strange times when it comes to the WH. I have never seen anything like it before. God help us if we end up in a war.

    Clearly, Obama is in waaay over his head, domestically and internationally.

    Everybody pray!

  6. Osama bin Biden9:56 PM

    "For those of us who are morally and ideologically consistent"

    You are consistently a partisan hack.

    You accuse the Republicans of hypocrisy (btw the GOP leadership all support Obama on this), but ignore all the rabid anti-war folk of the last decade who are conspicuously silent this time around.

    At least Iraq had oil and Bush got a few allies to help out; the only ally Obama could get are the people who brought down the WTC 12 years ago.

  7. Wesley R said...
    I've been watching AlJazeera America. They had a show on the effects that agent orange has on children born even today. The show on HBO, 'Vice' showed the effects the war in Iraq has had on children. Our bombs and chemical agents are killing and deforming people where ever we go and we always deny it

    Wesley watches an enemy propaganda outlet and learns how evil America is.

    You sound dumb enough to vote for Obama.

  8. Anonymous10:10 PM

    "Still, I don't want to hear s*** from all the George Bush apologists and cheerleaders for the war in Iraq. In fact, if you were not as vocal and outraged about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, you need to shut the hell up now. These folks have the audacity to be outraged that O wants to go all Gap Band on Syria but they were either silent or they supported the war in Iraq."

    No Field, they don't have any audacity to be outraged about Obama bombing Syria. What they have is the experience of mistakes made in Iraq and Afghanistan. We ALL have that knowledge.

    "If you can't remember your history, you are doomed to repeat it again and again." Santayana

    My question is, "why can't Obama remember?" Whatever the Bushes are saying is irrelevant. They are the past. Obama is the President, so why is Field whining about Bush instead of Obama?

    We have a President about to commit us to another war and Field is criticizing the Bushes. That's insane. It has nothing to do with NOW.

  9. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Yeah, the President can find the political will to fight for the right to bomb Syria but he has no will to do anything for the South Side of Chicago. Imagine that.


  10. There ain't no helping the South Side of Chicago

  11. Initially in favor of military action, he said that he withdrew his support because Obama "showed his hand when he should have kept it close" in deciding to pursue congressional approval for military action before moving forward with attacks. – Rep. Michael Grimm

    The right of the US Congress to wage war has never been abrogated. And it’s never been a right of the President to do so. Article II, Section 2, the constitution says the president is commander in chief of the armed forces. However, Article I, Section 8, it assigns the right to declare war to Congress. ObomBer is required by law to get consent from Congress before getting this empire into another clash of arms incident. Rep. Grimm, YOU’RE AN IDIOT!

  12. "ObomBer is required by law to get consent from Congress before getting this empire into another clash of arms incident."

    Tell that to Ghaddafi.

  13. As a veteran suffering from my year in Vietnam and exposure to much Agent Orange, I have seen the useless measures of a conflict where we may not be "in it, to win it".

    What's with the Congress being able to work in concert when it comes to killing. But can't function when it comes to so many social and economic needs.

    Again the society call people "heros", warriors to get them pumped up for their wars. But can't provide good care in a timely manner at the Veterans Administration.


    complete with BO's mark of the beast provision in his 'care' package...

    AB, i got your responses. patience i work according to His order.

    much LOVE to ALL!

  15. Joshua12:44 AM

    Obama is the anti-Christ.

  16. Joshua, pray that the angels from the tea party strike him with their wings.....dope!

    Anon@10:10, why didn't we call on the knowledge from other wars to be prudent in Iraq and Afghanistan? Rhetorical question. I know why. Because u are partisan hack and you supported the other guys.

  17. "ObomBer is required by law to get consent from Congress before getting this empire into another clash of arms incident." - Blakksage

    Tell that to Ghaddafi. – Muumar

    Don’t you get it, that’s my point, Obomber is damned if he adheres to the law and still damned if he doesn’t!

  18. Wesley R9:34 AM

    Bagdad Bob,

    The propaganda channels are NBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox. But someone as 'smart' as you believes everything that those networks say.

  19. Hotep Field:

    Have a movie entitled Baghdad Cafe" Have you ever seen it?
    Its about as hilarious as Pres Obamas debaucle

    Eye for one am always against any war, and esp against a people who have done nothing but support this dump in the past..There is a method to the GOP madness and its all about Islam! Only about Islam!

    My other thought is, Barry is caught up in trying to make some folks think he is tough and others think he is compassionate The brother is an arrigant dumb ass who needs to bee-bop his ass out of the white house and never look back First he has done nothing for his own people LET me stop! ;(

    Now, i am against any country including Cuba, when it comes to HR viol but who can prove that this is the case with Syria John Mccain?

    I do not, will not, and cannot trust the sources that have alleged wrong doing..There is something deeper
    As a matter of fact it was lie that caused Rumsfedlt Cheney and Bush to act as they did..

    Still looking for WMD's?

    Sorry Son i cann feel a thing I cann reach!

    This is kind of like Trayvons killer gets stopped twice in less that 30 days in a truck without a reg or ins. And on the first stop he had a gun and admitted he had on Suffice that,
    There was no arrest.. (insurance and no reg) and no questions about the gun in TX!!! Had he been an Afrikan? Please let me stop!

    Field you know the law!!(i am well versed the law) WTF? ooooops, The po po are in anamardo de el! LMAO NOT!

    This will come back to haunt pres and Trayvons killer

    Peace see ya next week

  20. Wesley R said...
    Bagdad Bob,

    The propaganda channels are NBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox. But someone as 'smart' as you believes everything that those networks say.

    I believe nothing my enemies say and question everything my friends say.

    If you know why something is being said, you can find the truth hidden in the lie.

    I put Al Jazeera America in the camp of my enemies, along with NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, PBS and the New York Times.

    I put Fox in the camp of fools.

    You sound like a thinking person. Don't rely on propaganda prepared for the unthinking masses.

  21. Hambonian12:50 PM

    Hey Field:

    Obama has failed to rally world opinion to strike Syria, like Bush did prior to attacking Irag. The Canadians, the Aussies and the Brits have always been our best allies--and they are not there this time.

    This has to be due to racism, right? Help out a white President, but stiff the black one.

  22. This is classic:

    CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Charlotte-Mecklenburg police said four people were shot Thursday night at an anti-violence memorial for an alleged robber who was shot and killed by a store clerk in Charlotte last week.

    People were gathering near Pinckney Avenue and Matheson Avenue to remember Javon Booker. Booker was shot and killed while trying to rob a convenience store in Hidden Valley last Thursday night.

    Witnesses told NBC Charlotte that mourners were dispersing when shots were fired.

    Police have not made any arrests.

    That's right, four people shot at an anti-violence rally for a guy shot while conducting a hold-up.

  23. FN said...
    ...outraged that O wants to go all Gap Band on Syria but they were either silent or they supported the war in Iraq.

    Are you outraged about the anti-war protestors that have gone crickets with a democrat in the white house?
    *IF* only you could hold the people you vote for to the same high standard you hold the people you hate to.

    When did being pro-peace become anti-black?

    “Ed Asner Explains Hollywood Silence on Obama, Syria: They 'Don't Want to Feel Anti-Black'”

  24. You know what's amazing for anyone who vaguely remembers all the support the dems gave bush over Iraq? The Democrats and press saying that not supporting the President hurts the US in the world.

    The audacity of audacity.

  25. "When did being pro-peace become anti-black?"

    This is Black Run America. Everything must first be looked at as how it affects black people.

    It has already been established than any opposition to anything President Obama wants is motivated primarily by racism.

    Therefore, if you feel that you must oppose something on principle, you'd better keep your mouth shut or you will be called a racist.

    These are the rules of BRA.

    1. Anonymous12:43 AM

      People are smart enough to discern redneck, racist oppositional behavior to this POTUS, relative to factual substantive disagreement. For instance, I can present a sound, substantive critique from an FDR Democrat's perspective as to just why this POTUS is not only an abject scoundrel, but exactly just why he's a Democrat-in-Name-Only,Opportunist-in-Chief Moderate Republican. Andrew Sullivan, Republican writer for the Daily Beast admitted that this POTUS was a moderate republican and that the only reason that this POTUS wasn't on Mt. Rushmore was because he was Black.

  26. Black Sage said...
    "ObomBer is required by law to get consent from Congress before getting this empire into another clash of arms incident." - Blakksage

    Tell that to Ghaddafi. – Muumar

    Don’t you get it, that’s my point, Obomber is damned if he adheres to the law and still damned if he doesn’t!

    So why wasn't he "bound by law" over attacking Libya without congressional approval? Are you saying he should be impeached?

    Being president means leading. Even if you get congressional approval, if things go south, you should own it. Bush got congressional approval, but was damned regardless. Obama did not bother with congress over Libya, but the press worked overtime to cover for him over Benghazi.

    Both congress and the president have been operating lawlessly. It is time they are held accountable.

    1. Anonymous1:19 AM

      The press made a big to-do about the scoundrel POTUS leading from behind regarding Libya and as much as I do not like the scoundrel DINO POTUS, in as much as Gaddafi, Black Africa's only friend in the Arab world, btw, is a HUGE loss (Incidentally, he'd still b alive had he done as the SaudisQataris/UAE's and paid/shared wealth amomg every man, woman and child to stave off the Arab Spring.), he cannot be charged because the Sweet Crude that Gaddafi supplied saw a coalition come together, quickly. Unfortunately, MKG nationalizing oil prod'n i, what, ''71 and threats to take OPEC off of the dollar standard such that we wouldn't be talking petrodollars, but, rather, petroeuros, accrued MKG some powerful enemies.... As for Beghazi, see Mitt Romney openly pleading for his "October Surprise," which were the assassinations of the ambassador et al, at the CIA safehouse there in Benghazi, courtesy of his boy, Bibi Netanyahu, via Mossad, whom Robme visited in July when he was DOWN in the polls. Surprise, surprise - after the Mossad orchestrated Nenghazi assassinations, Robme caught up in the polls. You do know that it's commonly said that there are no coincidences during an election year.

  27. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Of course the libtards won't say anything about the Pres because he is black and it is racist, the mental gymnastics they perform is Olympic worthy.

    1. Anonymous1:38 AM

      The word 'libtard' is mutant-speak (Parent to the more popular offshoot, Orwellian Doublespeak) for, primarly, those among the Caucasoid subspecies of human who dare aspire to be human and it's meant to be a pejorative or slur, if you will. Mutants like the above commenter will lazily apply it to Black people or members of the parent African human species, as well. Now that that bit of confusionvis cleared up, there are many Blacks (Rep Charles Rangel, forvone) who are adamantly opposed to a Strike on Syria. Your wild-eyed mutant mind simply precludes this because your hardwired racial bigotry is dialed way up!

  28. Ed Asner1:56 PM

    White people are racist because they won't let a black man bomb brown people.

    1. Anonymous2:00 AM

      No, white people are racist because they are genetically predisposed to being or biologically determined to being or hardwired to being racist, sexist, and xenophobic, which are all defense mechanisms that white people, a devolved, genetically recessive subspecies of human, feel compelled to deploy in or to botj subjugate melanated peoples, globally, and insure their genetic survival, despite them being a lethal mutation, which means that they are dying out according to the U.S. Census and news outlets around the world. Thus, all of the aforementioned comstitites a more functional, no, actionable reason as to why white people (read: mutants via natural selection & adaptation spawned from this process of Devolution within the Wurm Ice Age) are racist. Hope that clears things up for you

    2. Anonymous2:09 AM

      Erratum: should've read, "feel compelled to deploy in order to both subjugate melanated peoples, globally, and to insure the genetic survival of white people..."

  29. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Rahm said...
    There ain't no helping the South Side of Chicago

    10:39 PM
    You are right, our peeps in Chicago are in hell and there is no getting out. They sold their souls to the devil and now they are reaping what they have sown.

    Someone on this blog has indicated that Blacks are the 'chosen' people, not the Whites. Well, it might be 'one' interpretation but it looks quite the opposite in this world. Blacks are killing each other in Chicago like no tomorrow. People like that cannot possibly be the "Chosen ones"...Period.

    Much like so many other people, Black and White, faith has been lost in the South Side of Chicago...i.e., Blacks.

  30. parvenu2:19 PM

    Field the problem most Americans have when it comes to politics is SHORT TERM MEMORY. Barack Obama's (BO) SUPPORT problems began back mid-way through his first term when he disappointed his base by not following through on his campaign promises to (1) not go after Bush and Cheney for their crimes associated with the Iraq war and illegal domestic wiretapping, and (2) his re-authorization of Bush's original (FISA related) executive order, the Classified National Security Information order. (This act really inflamed all of those liberal anti-war Democrats who worked tirelessly in the Obama election campaign.) (3) BO initially agreed to another troop surge in Iraq which again frustrated much of his base who were expecting BO to end both wars with speed and dispatch. In all of these political blunders, not once did BO reach out to his base. What infuriated the liberal base even more was the way that BO continued to ignore them as if they did not exist. Further they were totally exasperated with his continuous obsession with trying to curry favor with the Republicans who had turned the use of well publicized racial slurs against BO into an art form. Especially galling for his liberal supporters was BO's endless rhetoric about being "the president of ALL the people".

    Obama's re-election in 2012 was NOT DUE to his strength among his base but rather to the gross stupidity among the Republican field of presidential nominees. Many of his previous Democratic supporters Blogged that they intended to "sit the election out" and not work for BO in the campaign.

    Thus the election actually came down to America choosing between a unprincipled corporate raider in Mitt Romney, and a sitting president who had been able to capture and kill America's most hated enemy.

    However, when BO recently signaled that he was ready to order military action against Syria for Assad's use of Nerve Gas against rebel held neighborhoods the liberal anti-war Democratic base was totally fed up, and immediately organized a widespread Internet campaign against BO's proposal.

    Therefore with this brief political history it should be clear that BO brought his current lack of political support on himself. As the old folks used to say, "never forget where you come from and you'll be alright".

    In BO's case we can mark it Q.E.D.

  31. When referring to a potential Syrian military strike, Muumar said: “So why wasn't he "bound by law" over attacking Libya without congressional approval? Are you saying he should be impeached? - Muumar

    Quite frankly, I don’t give a hoot about politics. However, if Congress is unable to restrain some Presidents when they begin to walk down the path to war and on the other hand, suffer a case of amnesia when applying the same principle to another president, is nothing short of gymnastic, selective reasoning. I still believe that if you’re a lawbreaker, well then, …. you’re a lawbreaker, DemoMob or RepubMafia. But don’t attempt to foster the appearance that ObomBer is the first President to get involved in a clash of arms without approval.

    Pres. Bill Clinton bombed Sudan, Afghanistan and Kosovo without Congressional approval and Ronald Reagan bombed Libya and Grenada.

  32. Pardon you3:31 PM

    parvenu said...
    Field the problem most Americans have when it comes to politics is SHORT TERM MEMORY. Barack Obama's (BO) SUPPORT problems began back mid-way through his first term when he disappointed his base by not following through on his campaign promises to (1) not go after Bush and Cheney for their crimes associated with the Iraq war and illegal domestic wiretapping,

    What? There were no "crimes" committed by the Bush administration. Bush got congressional approval before striking Iraq, and he complied with the requirements to get judicial approval for FISA wiretaps.

    In contrast, Obama has initiated military operations without the approval of congress, and he has expanded NSA snooping to include warrantless wiretapping of all American citizens.

    You look at things from such a blind angle....

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Aside from the treasonous outing of Valerie Llame, stemming from the boldface lying about the yellow cake uranium used to trump up the whole War Profiteering Fiasco that her husband uncovered, the entire Bush cabinet, just like Joseph Kony of "Kony 2012" infamy, have arrest warrants issued for them by the International Criminal Court at the Hague, Netherlands ,where Charles Taylor was tried, and where the Nuremberg trials for the Nazis were held. How many other U.S. Presidents and their ENTIRE cabinets likewise have arrest warrants issued and remain fugitives from justice? Thus, when one considers that the real body count from the war profiteering ($600 million was straight "jacked" outta the green zone in Iraq) Iraq fiasco was between 1.4 to 1.5 million Iraqis killed, and this POTUS did nothing to bring the Bush Kakistocracy to justice, P was exactly right. Of course the psychopathic thug killers who epitomize the re"THUG"lican party beg to differ. Go figure.

  33. Black Sage said...
    Pres. Bill Clinton bombed Sudan, Afghanistan and Kosovo without Congressional approval and Ronald Reagan bombed Libya and Grenada.

    If you are saying our constitutional republic ended some time ago, I agree.

    We need to get it back.

  34. Southside of Chicago is doing just fine, well as of this morning. I live there so I would know.

    As far as Syria I'm gonna have to go John Lennon. Maybe we should see what happens when we let political and diplomatic pressure work. Who knows. I mean B did win the Nobel Peace Prize afterall.

  35. PilotX said...
    Southside of Chicago is doing just fine, well as of this morning. I live there so I would know

    How's Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown doing?

  36. Anonymous6:57 PM

    PilotX said, "Southside of Chicago is doing just fine, well as of this morning. I live there so I would know"

    You have GOT to be the first Southsider to claim everything is ok. Blacks on the Southside don't agree with you, and I am one of them. You have got to be the devil's right hand disciple to LIE in the face of truth.

  37. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Blogger field negro said...
    Well said, parvenu.

    3:20 PM
    Does this mean you no longer think of Obama as the best politician you have ever seen? Face it. He should have never been President. He is not a leader.

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      One of this POTUS's strategists, of course a white male, stated, "Leaders don't get re-elected." My rejoinder was "wither FDR?" whose image this POTUS pimped on the cover of both the New Yorker and Time Magazine in order to hoodwink FDR Democrats into believing he was down for the cause, despite his mancrush on Ronald "Iran Contra" Reagan and his record in the Illinois state Senate wherein he mostly sided with the re"THUG"licans. Lastly, you're 100% correct. This abject scoundrel should NEVER, EVER had become POTUS and the Dems blew it by not nominating Wesley Clark rather than this Opportunist-in-Chief who presently occupies the white house.

  38. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Here is an excellent interview with Charlie Rangel re: Syria and Obama:

  39. control+halt+delete8:51 PM

    "Training" Bra said

    "Everything must first be looked at as how it affects black people."

    That's an interesting observation. Voting rights, Stop and Frisk, Redlining ,School closings, the "New Jim Crow" this what you're talking about? What effects do you think they have?

    But, I have to agree with you, because blanks do think of ways to "affect" Black people."
    It is no coincidence the rate of violent crimes and substance abuse have risen in the Black community in the last 40 years.

    34C said

    "Therefore, if you feel that you must oppose something on principle, you'd better keep your mouth shut or you will be called a racist."

    It's not what one says that makes one a racist; only what one does.

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Well said, CHD.

      Ufortunately, Blacks have always been the canary in the coal mine when it comes covert and overt tyrannical U'S. Domestic Policy, such as:

      Bush Sr. while in the CIA during the 60s (and, heck, in the 70s when he headed the agency and while Veep thru Iran Contra) imported cocaine & heroin from Laos and Cambodia by the metric tonnage (using his oil platforms as drug depots, according to some online sources) in order to destroy the Civil Rights Movement. Then, there was CointelPro, the precursor to the NSA scandal. In each previous crime against humanity, neither were an issue until they adversely effected white people.

  40. Leroy is doing fine. A bit long in the tooth and wears dentures but no worse for wear.

  41. control+halt+delete said...
    "It is no coincidence the rate of violent crimes and substance abuse have risen in the Black community in the last 40 years."

    This is because black people, freed from the constraints of Jim Crow, made wards of the State, and given implicit license to exact revenge on the white populace, descended into the abyss of idleness, violence and amorality.

    Blacks are a sledgehammer wielded against the very foundations of white society. One must ask the question: Who swings the hammer?



    a look @ Syria w/ the Law of Universe perspective.

    for those that don't believe Blacks are the Blessed Black, Chosen Mighty Ones of's a heads up to you:

    until you get clear on WHO the Chosen Mighty Ones will NOT be able to see clearly. you must know the Law as is not about the tv or your so-called 'education' either. all of that is a grip of white GIANT lies.

    folks have no problem with there being a Chosen long as they are white skinned. hence the non stop madness happening in the land of Canaan/Palestine.

    white supremacy is bad for mankind. it is particularly bad for those that fight to maintain it.

    i share this Truth because that is what i AM called to Love.


    those are your options. what you choose is your choice. it is not my business frankly, what you ultimately decide. i pray you will look for Truth.

    blessings all.

  43. Question:

    'Blacks are a sledgehammer wielded against the very foundations of white society. One must ask the question: Who swings the hammer?'


    Almighty Himself. that 3/5 vicious lie/accusation against Him has to be reckoned with... hence the lady pastor a few posts back having white folks start to take their rightful positions of service to a diversely hued people...

    last shall be first is around the corner.

    know you folks not the Golden Rule as written in Scriptures? be thankful that we must walk as Messiah and according to His Law...which states we are to Love our enemies...

    know you folks not that what you put out comes back two fold as written in Scriptures?

    lying about who is Yacob and Esau won't change the Truth. NO lie stands forever.

    the GIANT little white lie is being revealed...if folks would kill their noisy scripts and pay attention.

    i pray all with an ear to hear...hear.

    blessings all.

  44. Anonymous1:38 AM

    FP-"last shall be first is around the corner."

    I've been hearing this 'around the corner' for a long time. It always brings up the question of 'WHEN' in my mind. It's been 400 years of oppression and injustices done to us by Whites but mostly by us to ourselves. It's as if we are helping Whites prove that we are less than anyone.

    So what do you mean the last shall be first is just around the corner? How can God consider us worthy when we don't consider ourselves worthy? Isn't that a great sin in itself?

  45. Anonymous2:01 AM

    FP, "white supremacy is bad for mankind. it is particularly bad for those that fight to maintain it."

    I agree with you, but I am not sure things would be any better if Black Supremacy reigned. From the present behavior of our people: betrayal, self-hatred, sell-outs, black on black killings, oow, splintered families, unconscious worship of Whites coupled with a loathing of ourselves, violence.

    PRIDE and SHAME are the guardians of our race. They keep us separated from ourselves, GOD. and humanity. Imo, we are already in hell without much hope of getting out. We are guarded on all fronts by evil sinful lies our society accepts as a normal way of life. It is not normal nor healthy.

    Nevertheless, it is what it is. It's called politics and the rule of law by the powers that be, and SILENCE by the fearful. It IS HELL.

  46. hobama is worse than gwb!

    africom trumps apologies


  47. hobama = gwb 3.0

    that nullifies any bogus apology due


    hobama escalated iraq
    hobama lied about uraq ending
    just as gwb had done before

    then hobama opened his very own gitmo II in begnghazi...
    then lied about a video etc1!!

    no apology due!!!

    cc syria/africom

  48. control+halt+delete8:11 AM

    At around 3:42 in the video be advised...mature content only!


    I'll bet you have brown eyes.

  49. Control+alt+delete said:
    At around 3:42 in the video be advised...mature content only!

    Bra, I'll bet you have brown eyes
    Thanks control+alt+delete, that’s a wonderful demonstration on how easy it is to condition one set of people to discriminate against another group people simply due to a small difference in physical or biological makeup. It should do some good for some folks to see this video on this board. Pardon me, ….. the unlearning curve is just too darn deep for most of them to unravel, never mind!

  50. Dammm found the courage to say something against O-Bombers Syria agenda...

    I could care less about the GOP bashing.. I guess you just have to fight somebody...

    You should really go a lil deeper into why you dont support O on Syria...

    Whenever you oppose the "EMPIRE" you become more like a a true Field Negro and less of a "STEPHEN"

  51. Hambonian11:45 AM

    UnFocusedporpoise said...
    "Almighty Himself. that 3/5 vicious lie/accusation against Him has to be reckoned with... "

    Anyone who believes the 3/5 compromise somehow defined blacks as 3/5 human is an idiot.

    The compromise was to limit the power of the slave states, who wanted blacks counted fully (5/5) in order to increase their congressional representation and share of federal spending, even though slaves could not vote.

    The north thought slaves should not be counted, since they weren't allowed to vote.

    3/5 was the compromise. It was in regard to counting for political apportionment, not in regards to their worth as humans.

  52. Black Sage said...
    Thanks control+alt+delete, that’s a wonderful demonstration on how easy it is to condition one set of people to discriminate against another group people simply due to a small difference in physical or biological makeup

    Or it could be due to one group's much higher propensity for violence and criminality, for not taking care of their property, and in general being poor neighbors.

    Someone who looks different is not a problem. Someone who will kill you is.

  53. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Someone needs to bring dueling back. Walk away from each other 5 steps turn around and POW!! May the best asshole win. Keep the populace out of these qualms. You already have enough money and wealth, greedy suckers. Most of us just want to live in gotdamn peace. All the money and wealth you have, it sure doesn't make any of you look like the Cary Grant of yesterday. Wrinkled, old ugly Caucasoid prunes!!!!!!!!!

  54. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Field's sir I was with the 10th mtn at the time the rawandian slaughter occured and instaed of going to Africa we went to Haiti instead because some corporations were pissed that the locals were striking against unfair pay and what not, we should have diverted and went and save those people. cause I can tell you the whole post deployed cause we were a rapid deployment Light unit, it breaks my heart.

  55. "Or it could be due to one group's much higher propensity for violence and criminality, for not taking care of their property, and in general being poor neighbors."

    Yes, poverty will do that to you.

    I wonder why a certain group of people in America is poorer than the rest? Could it be because they were forced to work for free for another group and their family structure destroyed?

  56. "Could it be because they were forced to work for free for another group and their family structure destroyed?"

    No, those people all died before you were born.

    What is destroying the family structure of people today?

  57. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Anonymous BRA said...
    "Could it be because they were forced to work for free for another group and their family structure destroyed?"

    No, those people all died before you were born.

    What is destroying the family structure of people today?

    6:11 PM
    Today is a continuation of the same old attitude and injustices by their racists off-springs. People die but White racism continues to live. That disease is incurable. Hence, the ghosts of the past are visited on the fourth and fifth generations.

  58. Yss, maybe u should teach YOUR "off-springs" not to embrace those ghosts.

  59. BARBBF9:13 AM

    DID OBAMA AND KERRY LIE? We know Bush and Colin Powell did....

    September 03, 2013


    The document released on the White House web site to “prove” to the American people that the Syrian government had used poison gas — allegedly the neurotoxin Sarin — to kill hundreds of civilians, is so flawed and lacking in real proof that if it were being used to make a case against a terrorist group it would be too weak to justify an indictment.

    For starters, there is no documentary proof offered. Only assertions about evidence which is never actually shown. No maps. No satellite or aerial spy-plane or drone surveillance photos. No identified witnesses with verifiable expertise. All there is in this document is a narrative with assertions like: “The United States Government assesses with high confidence that the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburbs on August 21, 2013.”

    There are coy explanations for the lack of any hard evidence, like: “To protect sources and methods, we cannot publicly release all available intelligence – but what follows is an unclassified summary of the U.S. Intelligence Community’s analysis.”

    Remember, we’re talking about a debate over whether to have the US launch a war of aggression against a sovereign nation that poses absolutely no risk either to the US or even to its allies directly abutting Syria. The reality is that this is about launching a war against a country wracked by civil war, not a country that is threatening its neighbors, or US interests and citizens. And make no mistake, a major US bombing campaign against Syria will not be clean and precise. Hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of innocent Syrian men, women and children will be killed, whether by errant bombs and rockets, or by accurate ones that hit targets located near residences.


    The St. Pete's for Peace website has declared Obama has morphed into Bush. I am starting to believe them.

  60. BARBBF9:29 AM

    I understand that the world community frowns on the use of chemical weapons, but they should frown on mass genocide as well.

    Mr. FN..are you having an Eleanor Holmes Norton moment??

    Eleanor Holmes Norton, the D.C. delegate in the House, who doesn’t have a vote, baldly admitted in an interview Tuesday that if she could vote, she would consider supporting the resolution authorizing President Obama to attack Syria — just so Obama wouldn’t be embarrassed.

    “If he gets saved at all, I think it’ll be because of loyalty of Democrats. They just don’t want to see him shamed and humiliated on the national stage,” Norton said on The Bill Press Show.
    “At the moment, that’s the only reason I would vote for it if I could vote on it,” she said.


    Well... I guess that's a good enough reason to kill some more people..especially if the "surgical strikes" are like those in, churches, hospitals, schools...NO Problem!


  61. Some peoples of the world love war and that is the sadness

  62. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Doesn't make any difference what one calls himself, president, leader, asshole, policeman, juror, bailor, sailor; all of humanity is surrounded worldwide by a bunch of murderers and staunch haters. Plain and damn simple. No one's going to be happy until we NO LONGER EXIST ANYWHERE!!!!
