Sunday, September 29, 2013

The voting revolution.

Yesterday was the anniversary of the "Opelousas Massacre", so this is a good time to talk about that GOP leader in Nevada who gave us some insight into how modern day republicans feel about Negroes having the right to vote.

"Probably where we had a million voters turn out in 2012; we'll have like 700,000 [in 2014]. A lot of minorities, a lot of younger people will not turn out in a non-presidential year. It's a great year for Republicans!" [Source]

Sorry Mr. Hickey, just hoping that African Americans won't turn out to vote is not a good way to attract minorities to your party.

Anyway, you Negroes out there need to understand that your right to vote is precious, and you should exercise it every chance you get. Too many people died for you to have that right for you to take it lightly.

I am not only talking about national elections, I am talking about voting in local elections as well. Vote for your block captains, your school board members, your city council members, and damn near everything else that calls for you to pull the lever for the candidate of your choice. The best way to start a revolution in these divided states is from a voting booth. At least for now.

Anyway, speaking of a revolution, it looks like some of the folks in congress are trying to start one down in Washington.

They voted last night to delay for a year something that has already been declared the law of the land and potentially shut down the government. They want to defund a law that doesn't depend on congressional funding, so the ploy will not work; even if the government shuts down, Obamacare will still go forward. Oh the irony.

Anyway, a shutdown of the government still seems inevitable at this point. All we can do is cross our fingers and hope for the best.


  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Mr. Hickey doesn't want to win over minorities to his party.

    He is living in a fantasy land where minorities can somehow have their right to vote revoked, or better yet, can all be deported.

  2. President Uh-Obama8:36 PM

    Uh oh, those uppity Republicans are defying our Dear Leader. Time to pull out some lynching photos and scare the negroes!

    The fact is, we are five years into his administration, and President Obama has added six-and-a-half trillion dollars to the national debt, and has nothing to show for it. Now he wants to add trillions more which will only ruin healthcare for the vast majority of Americans, and Field thinks it's treason to oppose it.

    The CBO’s most recent calculations estimate that in 2023, a decade after the implementation of Obamacare, there will still be over 30 million people uninsured — or about the population of Canada. That doesn’t sound terribly “universal,” and I would bet it’s something of a low-ball figure: As many employers are discovering, one of the simplest ways “to meet the requirements of the new laws” and still stay just about solvent is to shift your workers from family plans to individual plans, and tell their spouses and children to go look elsewhere. Does it achieve its other goal of “containing costs,” already higher than anywhere else? No. Avik Roy reports in Forbes that Obamacare will increase individual-market premiums by 62 percent for women, 99 percent for men. In America, “insuring” against disaster now costs more than you’d pay in most countries for disaster.

    Barack Obama is a disaster for America.

  3. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Dear Mr Field, just read about a family murder of siblings and mother in your great state of PA. From the sound of the violence and shootings that family has to be Black.

    This isn't going to sit well with voters in the upcoming elections across the USA. The Republicans will win more seats and probably unseat some Democrats. This is going to be a terrible defeat for Obama and the Dems...not that he was doing so well in the first place.

    There will be an all-white Senate and 96% white House of Republicans next election. Sorry to tell you that. I know it hurts and you will lose a lot of sleep.

    But you must realize that Blacks won't give a damn about voting. You should know this truth. They only voted in mass for Obama because he is Black, at least that is what Blacks thought. It turns out he is not Black in terms of heart.

    I worry greatly about the black race. All signs are pointing to its demise and it's depressing the hell out of me. We should listen to Don Lemon and Bill O'Reilly on how to survive...Please, brother.

  4. Boss Hogg8:45 PM

    "Sorry Mr. Hickey, just hoping that African Americans won't turn out to vote is not a good way to attract minorities to your party."

    Who is trying to attract minority voters to their party? That would be a ridiculous waste of time, as minorities are firmly on the democrat plantation.

    Better to appeal to all Americans in a race-neutral way and attract people smart enough to vote their interests.

    Someday Field, you'll look out the window of the Master's house and all the negroes will have done run off the plantation. Telling scary stories about the klan can only work for so long.

  5. Wesley R8:54 PM

    The Democrats have numbers advantage so they needed to get organized yesterday to get people to the polls next year. There are laws that are trying to keep people who normally vote on their side from voting, but they can beat all of those efforts.

    The Eagles are lucky that so far their entire division sucks.

  6. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Boss Hogg, are you saying Field has been lying to us about those scary kkks? I've been having nightmares. I don't sleep so well because of those stories. I feel pressured and on constant hyper-vigilance. I can't keep this up for much longer....this is no way for a bm to live.

    Mr Boss-man, why do Whites hate us?

    What can a bm do to make things better, think like Shelby Steele and marry a ww?

    Please, Mr Bossman, tell me what I must do. I am tired of being a bm, and I'm tired of listening to the bullshit from Field and his FN disciples.

    Nobody should have to live like this, esp in a democratic and 'free' capitalistic society like America.

    Somebody help me.

  7. Anonymous8:57 PM

    "The Eagles are lucky that so far their entire division sucks."

    That's not true. The Redskins are holding their own and so are the Giants. And wait until Dallas gets on a roll.

  8. Boss Hogg9:08 PM

    "Mr Boss-man, why do Whites hate us?"

    "Whites" don't hate you.

    One group of whites hates another group of whites. In order to get over on this other group, the first group of whites has enlisted all non-whites by convincing them this other group hates them.

    It is a lie.

    This other group hates what is being down to them with the help of minorities, they hate being called names like "Rednecks" and "White Trash", and they hate being falsely accused of being racist. But they know that it is really the ruling group of whites that is to blame, not the minorities, who are just being used.

    You don't have to live in fear. You don't have to be chained to an identity assigned to you for political purposes. Stop being the tool of the progressives who are fundamentally changing this country into a tyranny, and white America will welcome you as an equal partner.

  9. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Thanks for the knowledge, Field. As usual, good advice. I make it a rule to always bring someone different with me. Looking forward to watching the tea bag crazies go down the tube (even their own party doesn't want them) this year and those following. I probably ought to send Cruz a thank you card for all the voters he's driving to the Democrats.
    Have a good night. Thanks for all the knowledge.

  10. Chairman Soetoro9:35 PM

    "Thanks for all the knowledge."

    No, thank you for obeying and for not thinking for yourself. It is people like you that will make this Brave New Fundamentally Changed America possible.

    Good night. Don't bother locking the door.

  11. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Lord have mercy, I am scared like the rest of my brother and sisters. I had hoped someone would have found a way to come together but no such luck. Lord have mercy.

    Mr Bossman, what shall we do? Oh Lawd, what shall we do? Field has disappeared on us...we are in deep doo-doo. Oh Lawd.

    Mr Field, look what you and Obama has done to us. Oh Lawd.

  12. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Have you noticed that Desertflower has been conspicuously missing and mute? That means Field has seriously eff'd up with his R chasing.

    Thanks for letting us know Desert.

  13. I agree that voting should be thought of as a treasured thing. However, what good is it to vote blindly for either party without certain demands being a part of the platform? What good is it to vote for any numb nuts politician, because history tells us as soon as he/she sets foot into the office of interest they forget about their constituents and their demands?

    In the alternative, I wholeheartedly believe in just the opposite way of doing things. To me, certain things that are near and dear to a people’s heart should be placed on the political platform first, then you’ll get my vote secondly.

    Personally, this is how precious I consider my vote. The politician must not be heartless nor wimpy and expect my vote without doing something up-front in advance. Or on the other hand, the politician must deem him/herself worthy of my beloved vote.

    Sorry about that Mr. super HICK, pardon me, …… I meant to say Mr. Hickey!

  14. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Have you noticed that Desertflower has been conspicuously missing and mute? That means Field has seriously eff'd up with his R chasing.
    Thanks for letting us know Desert.
    10:17 PM"
    Leave me alone, it's 120F over here! I'M MEEEEELTIIIIING! x(

    Psssst,everybody's running around naked in their houses,shhhhh! So freakin hot!

  15. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Black Sage, by your comment, your precious vote should always be Republican because you can always count on them delivering. A voter can NEVER count on the 'promises of CHANGE' by a Democrat like Obama.

    From henceforth, use your vote for the 'right' politician, not because he is Black. Please pass this valuable information on to your brothers and sisters on FN, esp Field. WE have to become smarter on how we vote. One way to smarter voting is to realize that "all skin folks ain't kin folks". I think Obama has proven that...wouldn't you agree?

  16. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Desert, "Psssst,everybody's running around naked in their houses,shhhhh! So freakin hot!"

    Well, naked or not, it's too hot to f..k.

  17. Anonymous12:50 AM's never too hot, or too cold for that!

  18. "Anyway, you Negroes out there need to understand that your right to vote is precious, and you should exercise it every chance you get. Too many people died for you to have that right for you to take it lightly."

    Amen brother!

  19. PilotX said...
    Too many people died for you to have that right for you to take it lightly:

  20. AcornX1:28 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Anyway, you Negroes out there need to understand that your right to vote is precious, and you should exercise it every chance you get. Too many people died for you to have that right for you to take it lightly."

    Amen brother!

    You think someone is trying to take your vote away?

    Are you really that dumb?

  21. "You think someone is trying to take your vote away?"

    Read carefully and slowly.

    "Too many people died for you to have that right for you to take it lightly."

  22. Anon 12:35am said: “Black Sage, by your comment, your precious vote should always be Republican because you can always count on them delivering.”

    Nope, you’ve gotten my comment more twisted than a pretzel. To me, the only thing the RepubMafias seem to always to consistently deliver is further restrictions targeting the citizenry. Just like shutting down the government to deliver services and just like further chipping away at the people’s voting rights ACT.

  23. Anonymous9:24 AM

    hobama is stark living proof than many persons of all races should NEVER be allowed to vote...

    cc africom/hobamascare/ww3/NDAA etc


  24. Anonymous9:40 AM

    hobamascare is a pharma corp casino

    hobama is a cia bankster drone

    wtfu someday

    anyone who is STILL blind to this coup should NEVER be allowed to vote

  25. BARBBF10:13 AM

    During the last 20 years I worked for the federal government..the government was shut down 15 different times, by both the Dems and the Repubs. I hardly noticed the difference. This threat of dire consequences a non-threat. I do marvel at the spin the MSM is putting on the shutdown...and that although the Repubs provided funding for all the government agencies, and no funding for ObamaCare, the Dems and MSM are spinning the reality into blaming the Repubs..although Obama is the one declaring he will veto the spending bill hat does not include funding for ObamaCare. The problem is, ObamaCare passed w/o Republican support. They claimed from the start it was a bad bill. I think they were right. Ms Nancy P. said you had to pass the bill so you could read it. Well, the public has started to read it..and they don't like it. Even the Obama-loving Mort Zuckerman declared that because of businesses concerned with the negative (costly)effects of ObamaCare, 88% of the jobs for the past year have been part-tine jobs. Even the unions are crying now and want exemptions, although they were the main supporters...praising ObamaCare. got passed and I guess they finally got to read it. One part of ObamaCare that should really appeal to the exemption that any ILLEGAL ALIENS get from the penalty fines for not purchasing health insurance.

  26. Anonymous11:09 AM


    kudos to ma!


    cc that unarmed child kkkiller gz
    he will kkkill again asap

  27. @BARBBF:

    I honestly believe that the Obamacare was never intended to work, that it was a bridge to a 100% government run healthcare system. The purpose of Obamacare is to destroy the functionality of the private insurance industry and force healthcare providers to depend on the government for payment.

    It depends on young people buying coverage they don't need at prices they can't afford, and ensures they won't buy it by making the fines much smaller than the premiums. Because 'existing conditions' can no longer be used to refuse someone from buying insurance, they can just wait util they need it to buy it. It's like not buying car insurance for $100 month and paying a $10 fine, then paying the $100 dollars a few years later AFTER you wreck your car. The insurance company gets $100 from you but has to pay $10,000 for your car. You can see how this is not a viable business model. Insurance is supposed to be a risk transfer contract; Obamacare turns it into an obligation transfer contract.

    Now that those who do buy insurance will have to pay so much more for those who do not, premiums will skyrocket (this is already happening). More and more employers who provided healthcare coverage benefits will be forced to dump their employees into the Obamacare exchanges. This is positive feedback loop that will quickly collapse the private insurance industry.

    The 5% of people who were frozen out of private health insurance will be able to get coverage, but at what cost? The 95% of people who were fine with their insurance situation will lose their coverage and be forced into something much less. The 5% at the top of course will be fine, because they won't have to mess with this at all. Once again, the middle class gets crushed.

    This is what they wanted.

  28. BARBBF said...
    "One part of ObamaCare that should really appeal to the exemption that any ILLEGAL ALIENS get from the penalty fines for not purchasing health insurance."

    To that end, the government is aggressively marketing Obamacare to illegal aliens:

    Our healthcare system is being sacrificed for political advantage.

  29. BARBBF, what about not raising the debt ceiling? Do u consider that serious?

    Donald, repeat after me: I. Will. Stop. Watching. Fox. News.

  30. Anonymous12:45 PM

    speaking of r-chasing- why no mention lakim faust?

    "Aaron Alexis has now allegedly joined a long line of American mass murderers by using his AR-15 to wreak carnage on a naval civilian facility in Washington D.C. today. "

    there was no ar-15 used. when are going to correct your

  31. Anonymous12:58 PM

    field negro said...
    "Donald, repeat after me: I. Will. Stop. Watching. Fox. News."

    What is it about Fox News that so threatens your world view?

    If they are reporting from a different perspective, doesn't that imply that everyone else is preaching from the same bible? Wouldn't it be the pariah who was preaching Truth to Power, rather than the crowd?

    Methinks you and the Mainstream Media Complex doth protest too much.

  32. hey Field, I know you saw my man Holder went after NC. What took so long? That was an obvious attempt to suppress the blah and young vote. Stevie could see that one.

  33. Is Faust the guy who targeted white folks at Wal Mart?
    What does that tell u about Wal Mart? That place would drive anybody crazy.

  34. PilotX, I love that dude. Best AG ever.

  35. field negro said...
    BARBBF, what about not raising the debt ceiling? Do u consider that serious?

    Donald, repeat after me: I. Will. Stop. Watching. Fox. News.

    Why are you so scared to address the issue?

    Obama said one thing attacking a white president and the complete opposite when doing it himself.

    The usual democrat SOP of do as I say, not as I do.

    Just like you... You acted white and got a law degree as you cry racism every time a white man suggests blacks do as you did and stay in school.

  36. Anonymous1:39 PM

    all of the -isms are related

    cc the homohaters/racists and other kindred fools


  37. TyrrantX1:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    hey Field, I know you saw my man Holder went after NC. What took so long? That was an obvious attempt to suppress the blah and young vote. Stevie could see that one.

    The President orders the IRS to suppress the Tea Party vote by harassing and fining legitimate political organizations, but to you, trying to stem rampant voter fraud by asking for an ID is the real voter suppression.

    And you cheer an overtly racist Attorney General in his efforts to defend voter fraud by his "people".

    What a hyper-partisan, dishonest loon you are.

  38. field negro said...
    What does that tell u about Wal Mart? That place would drive anybody crazy.

    Walmart only drives rich elitists crazy.

    Poor people love to shop there.

  39. I agree that too many people died for blacks to have the right to vote. But on the other hand, why would someone vote blindly for a politician that merely cares for your precious vote and not have your economic, political and social interests at the center of his or her heart. Certainly this is will be a wasted, precious vote!

    This is part of the central problem we have in this country when it comes to voting relating issues. The DemoMobs and RepubMafias are both ensconcely entrenched in their respective corners throwing petty insults at each other causing further gridlock. Mean while, the PEOPLE become wary and suffer further due mostly to incompetent and ill-advised decision making by politicians.

  40. Anonymous1:48 PM

    the only real aim EVER for hobamascare was to destroy all employer insurance and thus hand the govt baksters a monopoly/total control over all health care

    hear hobama in ci admith that years bfore his prez selection by soros/bilderbergs

    this is why hobama hates fox news:

  41. Boss Hogg1:50 PM

    Black Sage said...
    I agree that too many people died for blacks to have the right to vote

    Those people died so that the Party of Slavery and Jim Crow could get 98% of their votes.

    Funny how things work out.

  42. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    "Anyway, you Negroes out there need to understand that your right to vote is precious, and you should exercise it every chance you get. Too many people died for you to have that right for you to take it lightly."

    Amen brother!

    1:12 AM
    Brother PilotX, for the life of me I can't think of one person who died for my right as a Negro to vote. Please tell me "who died for me to vote?"

    I mean, look at all the Negroes who went to the polls to vote for Obama. What did that get us as a group? NOTHING. In fact, we're futher behind today than ever. We would have been better off NOT voting for Obama. At least under Republicans we didn't lose any ground like we have lost under Obama. Hell, Bush had as many Blacks in power positions as Obama, maybe even more.

    The point is, whether Blacks vote or not, it isn't going to make any difference. We will still end up in the ditch, which is where we've always been anyway. Except this time it's the gutter with Obama. THAT'S WITH OUR VOTES!

    What so many of you advocates for voting Negroes NEED to do is to risk your OWN lives and get your black asses out there and stop the carnage that's going on in our communities...THAT'S WHAT YOU NEED TO DO! But Negroes like won't do that. All you do is criticize folks like Don Lemon and O'Reilly for offering solutions. The fact is, you don't want a solution because folks like you benefit more from the carnage. You are like ugly Condors, scavengers who will feed off their own...


    Ronald Reagan used scare tactics to oppose "socialized medicine" but it never happened and medicare is one of the most popular programs in the country. The paranoid right won't scare folks who understand history. There is no way the insurance companies who represent one of the largest lobbies in DC will give up one red cent in this deal.

  44. "Brother PilotX, for the life of me I can't think of one person who died for my right as a Negro to vote. Please tell me "who died for me to vote?"

    Ha! Calls me "brother and refers to itself as a "negro". Field, you certainly have some entertaining trolls on your blog. I do like the comedy relief. And to top it off some of these fools are still using the faux news talking points about the maufactured "scandals". IRS? Bengazi? Give it a rest, the dude won't be impeached. If those are the best scandals they can produce he will skate through the next three years, well excelt for the fact the gop will stop at nothing to tank the economy to make him look bad. SMDH


  45. "I mean, look at all the Negroes who went to the polls to vote for Obama. What did that get us as a group?"

    hmmm, let's see. It got US an AG that is trying to stop filling up our jails with young blah and brown bodies for non-violent drug offenses. It got us an AG that is working to stop blah folks from being disenfranchised. It got us an EPA chief that takes the climate and the environment seriously and not rubber stamp whatever the Koch brothers want ala the GOP.

    "At least under Republicans we didn't lose any ground like we have lost under Obama. Hell, Bush had as many Blacks in power positions as Obama, maybe even more."

    Uhhhhhh, Obama IS blah soooooooo. Bad point. So instead of being in charge we should want Mr. Charlie to put us in positions of power. Yeah, let me sign up for that program right away. Republicans are speeding full speed ahead to take away the voting rights of blah folks, make have no illusions about that. If you want to play the "I'm a blah person and we should vote Republican" game have at it but as a grown man who pays attention this is old and a losing hand. Good luck.

  46. Anonymous2:41 PM

    "Brother PilotX, for the life of me I can't think of one person who died for my right as a Negro to vote. Please tell me "who died for me to vote?"

    Ha! Calls me "brother and refers to itself as a "negro". Field, you certainly have some entertaining trolls on your blog. I do like the comedy relief. And to top it off some of these fools are still using the faux news talking points about the maufactured "scandals". IRS? Bengazi? Give it a rest, the dude won't be impeached. If those are the best scandals they can produce he will skate through the next three years, well excelt for the fact the gop will stop at nothing to tank the economy to make him look bad. SMDH

    2:09 PM
    PilotX, instead of going off on a tangent about the IRS, Benghazi, and accusing anon of not being Black, why don't you answer the brother's question? Let me answer that for you. You can't because even you, a racist, can't come up with one black name who died so Blacks could vote.

    It's not the trolls that are comical, it's YOU who can't back up your bullshit statements. I have been on FN for years and I have yet to hear you answer a question directly. It's always been Negro circumlocutions that has nothing to do with the question.

  47. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Uhhhhhh, Obama IS blah soooooooo. Bad point. So instead of being in charge we should want Mr. Charlie to put us in positions of power. Yeah, let me sign up for that program right away. Republicans are speeding full speed ahead to take away the voting rights of blah folks, make have no illusions about that. If you want to play the "I'm a blah person and we should vote Republican" game have at it but as a grown man who pays attention this is old and a losing hand. Good luck.

    2:16 PM
    Well, you immediately accepted the word "blah" for Black folks by a white Republican. Your behavior and name calling of Blacks mirrors exactly what the GOP thinks of us. Soooo, you have morally and unconsciously signed up for it anyway.

    FYI: the respectful and proper name is BLACK, not Blah. Blah is very disrespectful. Of course, a Negro like you wouldn't know that.... Ignorance is bliss.

  48. George3:26 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...
    The paranoid right won't scare folks who understand history.

    The history of leftism is scary - 100 million dead last century alone.

    I have worked all of my life and have had my own insurance that has worked well for my family. Obama is taking that away and forcing me onto a government system that I am certain will one day kill me. It will not be long before the government, in the name of 'equality', will decide to address the "health gap" by prioritizing resources for 'minorities' and denying expensive procedure to whites.

    And if you think that is "paranoia", just look up the concept of disparate impact. The government already has achievement gap, discipline gap, and incarceration gap intitiatives.

    When I am old and they have gotten all of my money, some liberal bureaucrat will decide I'm not worth it.

    And in the end it will be worse even for you. No government run program ever improves things. But at least we'll have "social justice".

  49. Nancy Pelosi, 2013: I never promised you a rose garden

    Nancy Pelosi, 2010: YOU'RE ALL GETTIN' A ROSE GARDEN!

    This law sucks, but I would rather see it implemented for everyone, as written, then just be delayed a year. They should void all the exemptions for government workers, White House and congressional staffers, unions, and Obama's crony corporations.

    It's ridiculous that they get to stick us with this while they exempt themselves and their friends.

  50. America is so fucked, it's politicians are half insane, the majority of its people are delusional. Move to Canada peeps, or Barbados if you like the weather warm, the girls hot and the beer cold.

    If you watched the Vikes-Steelers game I was on your TV yesterday. I was shadowing my new buddy Alan, who is in charge of the Vikings defence. I didn't understand much of what was going on, but I had big fun.

  51. When referring to Black Sage, non exercising Boss Hogg said: "Those people died so that the party of slavery and Jim Crow could get 98 percent of their votes."

    Get back to your air conditioned out-house immediately Boss Hogg!

    By the way, Daisy said she wouldn't go out on a date with you for a million bucks!

  52. Black Sage said...
    ...Mean while, the PEOPLE become wary and suffer further due mostly to incompetent and ill-advised decision making by politicians.

    Strange, you believe that politicians are bought/paid and yet you write it's incompetence and ill advised decisions causing suffering.

    I disagree!

    I believe the democrats exempted themselves, family and staff from Obamacare was based in competence and a smart decision.

    Remember, the people you vote for are richer than you for a reason and it's not incompetence/ill advised decisions.

  53. Bull Connor4:48 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    America is so fucked, it's politicians are half insane, the majority of its people are delusional.

    No shit. How do you think Obama got elected?

  54. PilotX said...
    still using the faux news talking points about the maufactured "scandals". IRS? Bengazi? Give it a rest, the dude won't be impeached.

    True, Obama won't be impeached.

    Neither was bush for his fake scandals.

    Strange, this seems to be the first fake scandal where the person responsible for targeting right-wing groups quits her job. Someone less trusting of the government might make them say "ah." Funny, right around the same time the irs agent is quitting the guy behind the video that caused Benghazi is getting released from prison.

  55. BARBBF4:57 PM

    "Blogger field negro said...
    BARBBF, what about not raising the debt ceiling? Do u consider that serious?"

    NY Times Poll: People Prefer Default to Increasing the Debt Limit Without Cuts

    by John Sexton
    26 Sep 2013


    43. As you may know, there is a debate in Washington about raising the federal debt ceiling, which is the amount of money that the federal government can borrow to pay its bills. Which of these comes closest to your feelings about raising the debt ceiling now? 1. It should be raised without conditions, because the government must pay its existing bills and obligations; OR 2. It should be raised, but only with the condition that the government also cuts spending to offset it; OR 3. It should not be raised under any condition even if that means the U.S. could default on its loans and obligations.

    Here are the results for each of those three options:

    Raised without conditions - 17
    Raised with spending cuts - 55
    Not raised - 24
    Don't Know - 4

    As you can see, not raising the debt limit, even with the explicit possibility of default, is more popular than raising it without conditions, 24-17. People would rather go over the cliff than get nothing.

    But the big majority of people in the middle want cuts to offset any increase in the limit. In other words, a majority expect Democrats to cut a deal.

  56. Hmmm, "acting white to get a law degree". And here I thought I was acting like the son of two educated Jamaican doctors who rarely saw American white people growing up.

    Go figure.

    News flash: White is not always right. :)

  57. When CNN announced they were making a documentary about Hillary to help her get elected President, the Republicans told them they would freeze the network out of the 2016 debates. CNN didn't care about that and proceeded with the film. Now however, it has apparently been cancelled due to pressure form the Clintons themselves.

    Director Charles Ferguson had an opportunity to speak privately with the former president:

    I asked him about the financial crisis. He paused and then became even more soulful, thoughtful, passionate, and articulate. And then he proceeded to tell me the most amazing lies I've heard in quite a while.

    For example, Mr. Clinton sorrowfully lamented his inability to stop the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which banned all regulation of private (OTC) derivatives trading, and thereby greatly worsened the crisis. Mr. Clinton said that he and Larry Summers had argued with Alan Greenspan, but couldn't budge him, and then Congress passed the law by a veto-proof supermajority, tying his hands. Well, actually, the reason that the law passed by that overwhelming margin was because of the Clinton Administration's strong advocacy, including Congressional testimony by Larry Summers and harsh public and private attacks on advocates of regulation by Summers and Robert Rubin.

    Wow, I thought, this guy is a really good actor. And I also saw one reason why Hillary Clinton might not be thrilled about my movie.

    The Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, along with the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, were largely to blame for the housing and credit bubbles that eventually led to the 2008 financial collapse.

    Clinton, contrary to what he told Ferguson in June, was a strong proponent of both bills as was an overwhelming majority of Democrats.

    But as the financial markets along with the economy collapsed in 2008, the media withheld this inconvenient truth from the public opting instead to blame it all on President George W. Bush and the Republican Party.

    This assisted Barack Obama's ascendancy to the White House.

    Now, as the Clintons try to get themselves back into the Oval Office, they most certainly don't want the truth about their involvement in that financial crisis to be broadcast.

    As such, you can understand why they wouldn't want a documentary made that might include the facts.

    But that wasn't the only lie Ferguson discovered:

    In Arkansas, she joined the boards of Walmart and Tyson Foods. One of the largest donors to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation is the government of Saudi Arabia. The Clintons' personal net worth now probably exceeds $200 million, and while earned legally, both the money's sources and the Clintons' public statements indicate a strong aversion to rocking boats or making powerful enemies...

    [W]hen I approached people for interviews, I discovered that nobody, and I mean nobody, was interested in helping me make this film. Not Democrats, not Republicans -- and certainly nobody who works with the Clintons, wants access to the Clintons, or dreams of a position in a Hillary Clinton administration. Not even journalists who want access, which can easily be taken away. I even sensed potential difficulty in licensing archival footage from CBN (Pat Robertson) and from Fox. After approaching well over a hundred people, only two persons who had ever dealt with Mrs. Clinton would agree to an on-camera interview, and I suspected that even they would back out.

    The Clintons are absolutely the most corrupt people in American politics. I would take a third Obama term over ever seeing them back in the White House.

  58. "No shit. How do you think Obama got elected?"

    I don't give a shit, not my problem.

    I dislike Obama because he's a Conservative and I don't like conservatives, but if you think Obama is your biggest political problem - you are as fucked as anyone I know.

  59. Bull Connor8:54 PM

    If you think Obama is a conservative, you have no idea how fucked you are.

  60. "I have been on FN for years and I have yet to hear you answer a question directly."

    If you've been on FN for years one you should have a handle so you can be identified and two you would know I don't directly communicate with those who don't have an identifiable handle. It cuts down on bullshit back and forth like the one you're trying to have. I at least stick by my identity and can be identified with my comments. Sorry to let you down, not really.

  61. "Strange, this seems to be the first fake scandal where the person responsible for targeting right-wing groups quits her job."

    Bill Bill Bill, you should get your information from some source other than faux. Groups that apply for tax exempt status are supposed to be investigated because overtly political groups are not supposed to receive tax exempt status even though every single one of the conservative tea party type groups did actually get that status. The problem exists in the way the IRS allows such groups to receive such status in the first place. It is not a scandal nor will it ever be. The lady quit because she got tired of the bullshit the gop is throwing trying to make it into something it's not. If this constitutes a scandal for you conservative types no wonder you guys get your panties in a wad over the New Black Panthers. Sad but hey you gotta do something to make the blah guy in the WH look bad I guess. Maybe if we let Cheney have a few more no bid contracts that will throw Issa off the trail huh?

  62. Chicago Style11:42 PM

    PilotX: That was an embarrassingly sycophantic bunch of bullshit apologia that you know is a pack of lies.

    The President of the United States ordered his IRS to attack his political opponents. He criminally abused his power and has dishonored his office beyond recognition. If this country still amounted to spit, he'd be run out of town on a rail.

  63. "The President of the United States ordered his IRS to attack his political opponents"

    Yes, and his name was Nixon and he was impeached. Next!

  64. PilotX said...
    Maybe if we let Cheney have a few more no bid contracts that will throw Issa off the trail huh?

    No mention of the Carlyle Group or Bechtel?

    No surprise.

    Their connection to the democrat party guarantees that partisan hacks like you will never mention them.

    Truth to power or just regurgitating extreme left-wing talking points?

  65. field negro said...
    Hmmm, "acting white to get a law degree". And here I thought I was acting like the son of two educated Jamaican doctors who rarely saw American white people growing up.

    Lucky you.

    In America, too many blacks consider getting an education is acting white. You are lucky you weren't raised in such foolishness.

    But then, your parents being educated is the reason for your success. Something the overwhelming majority of black people aren't lucky enough to enjoy.

  66. (In America, too many blacks consider getting an education is acting white.)

    And you have the nerve to talk about using talking points? This meme is old, tired and untrue. Do you get your ideas about blah America from Good Times?

    (Their connection to the democrat party guarantees that partisan hacks like you will never mention them.)
    Nope, not a Dem. Try again. But I can tell by your use of the pejoritive (democrat) you are a true partisan hack yourself. You,re not ready to debate grownups Bill.
