Saturday, October 05, 2013

"Dumb & Dumber"

"Games people play
Night or day they're just not matchin"

I hear you Spinners, but these dudes sure are trying.

"Kentucky Senators Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell were caught on a hot mic in the Capitol Wednesday evening pitching a strategy to pivot to a more compromising tone in hopes of forcing Democratic lawmakers to negotiate an end the government shutdown.

“I just did CNN and I just go over and over again ‘We’re willing to compromise, we’re willing to negotiate,’” Paul said, having just concluded an interview with Erin Burnett. “I don’t think they [Democrats] poll tested, ‘We won’t negotiate.’ I think it’s awful for them to say that over and over again.”

“Yeah, I do too,” said McConnell, who himself had just been at a “candid” meeting with President Barack Obama and other congressional leaders, during which little progress on the stalemate was made. “I just came back from that two hour meeting with them and that was basically the same view privately as it was publicly.”

“I think if we keep saying, ‘We wanted to defund it, we fought for that, but now we’re willing to compromise on this,’ they can’t—I know we don’t want to be here, but we’re gonna win this, I think,” Paul said." [Source]

Yes, but if you win and the people suffer ,what kind of victory is that?

Finally, I am sad to report that Herman Wallace has passed away. He died "less than a week" after being released from a Louisiana prison which kept him locked up under conditions that would have violated most international human rights standards.

His freedom was short lived, but the struggle to treat human beings better than animals continues. Because I am quite sure that authorities in Louisiana's Angola Prison treat their pets better than the prisoners they are charged to watch.  




  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Mr Field said, "Finally, I am sad to report that Herman Wallace has passed away. He died "less than a week" after being released from a Louisiana prison which kept him locked up under conditions that would have violated most international human rights standards."

    Mr Wallace is free now. No more white abuse simply because the color of his skin was Black. R.I.P. and have a nice trip beyond this racist white hell hole called America.

    Mr Field said, "His freedom was short lived, but the struggle to treat human beings better than animals continues. Because I am quite sure that authorities in Louisiana's Angola Prison treat their pets better than the prisoners they are charged to watch."

    What freedom? He never had any. As far as Whites treating and caring about their pets more than Blacks, don't have to be in prison for that to happen. It's part of our society. Whites definitely care more about their pets than Blacks. Just ask Michael Vick.

    As a matter of fact, DON'T ask Vick...just take a drive thru town or some white neighborhoods and you will see for yourself. Black kids are hungry and need clothes but their pets are well fed and even have more clothes than black kids.

    Whites and their pets are absolutely obscene.

  2. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Wallace was innocent. He was railroaded in prison because he was a Black Panther. That's a damn shame but that's what it is...being a bm in America. That wretched evil racist justice system...

    I'm so tired of the injustices against Blacks.

  3. Anonymous9:05 PM


    There is someting about the way you write and the way you express yourself that makes me feel unclean when I read it. Are you really Black or just role playing?
    I think its the snide way you insult a whole race of people whenever you place your filthy fingers to keyboard. I honestly don't think your writing style is Black or White. Doggoneit... I don't think it's even human. I know. If I don't like it, then don't read it. Good advice. I won't.

  4. We all know what time it is. These guys have license to destroy the economy if it means hurting the legacy of the blah guy in the WH. No way he can be credited from bringing the economy back from the brink, taken there by a gop white guy no less. No way he can be credited for getting millions health care after a generation of dems were unable to do so. You called it earlier, full onset ODS. I have no illusion that these fools won't cause a default and the whole time dodging any blame because then they can say that for the forst time in the history of the country we are now deadbeats. You can almost see the trolls here writing gleefully such right now. The game is rigged and we know it and now we just get to sit back and wait for the inevitable.

  5. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Anon9:05pm The truth can be ugly and funky, esp when you are part of a lineage that supports an injustice system. You can bank on me being Black. I sure as hell am not White. But fret not. Field has the same problem as you do about me. The problem is called 'Truth'.

    I can't stand your white justice system. It incarcerates many Blacks many of whom are innocent. That is pure racism. And, "racism" is a dirty filthy state of mind. That kind of mind lies within Whites...there's no denying that and that state of inhumane mind permeates the history of our nation.

    Still feel dirty? GOOD. and CONGRATULATIONS! Most of you folks don't feel a damn thing. Remember the bm killed by a white cop on the BART? there's a movie out about it. Remember Trayvon Martin? How about Miriam, the unarmed bw shot dead in DC? Even you would have to admit that had Miriam been a ww, she would still be alive.

    I write straight to the point and don't apologize for it. Live with me on this blog or find a softer more embracing blog where excuses and exceptions are made for an apathetic soul- crushing white hostile society couched in a justice system that's prejudiced against black men and women.

    I hope you will continue to read my comments. My writings have been known to awaken some Whites and precipitate a conversion to the extent they become 'part of'' the spectrum of humanity, instead of 'separate and better' than the rest.

    But don't get me wrong. Some of this racism is so toxic in the white race even God Himself has doubts about some of you.

    I apologize. No, not really.

  6. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Herman Wallace was a Black Panther. I don't why so many Panthers were incarcerated for trying to keep peace. There should be a Federal Investigation about the injustices going on in that racist state. We know, however, that won't happen.

  7. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Dear FN Negroes, which insurance plan do you consider better, Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act? I am trying to get smart brothers and sisters such as yourselves to join in this discussion as a way of helping our people.

    Desert, please feel free to join in. Purple Cow, you probably don't have a clue but give it a shot anyway.

    brother hotwatercornbread

  8. "Yes, but if you win and the people suffer ,what kind of victory is that?"

    What a scoop. This eavesdropping on Rand and McConnel shows the Republicans are truly acting on principal and are the ones who are willing to negotiate.

    Obama on the other hand is the ideologue who refuses to compromise. A senior administration official (link below) was quoted as saying:

    "We are winning...It doesn't really matter to us" how long the shutdown lasts "because what matters is the end result."

    On top of that, our petty President is playing games, closing parks, threatening to cancel football games, and generally making this situation much worse than it has to be:

    The Park Service appears to be closing streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.
    “It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”

    So tell me Field, who is it really that is willing to make people suffer just so they can 'win'?

  9. Reggin Esaelp12:15 AM

    PilotX said...
    We all know what time it is. These guys have license to destroy the economy if it means hurting the legacy of the blah guy in the WH.

    Obama is the one strangling the economy with excessive regulations, tax hikes, crony subsidies that kill competition, and out of control health insurance costs

    No way he can be credited from bringing the economy back from the brink, taken there by a gop white guy no less.

    No, he can't. The economy was crashed by democrat slush funds Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the way paved by Clinton's repealing the Glass-Steagall act. And he has run the economy for FIVE YEARS and we still haven't recovered!

    No way he can be credited for getting millions health care after a generation of dems were unable to do so.

    No one had healthcare before Lord Obama bestowed it upon us? WTF? Everyone had healthcare in America, no one was being tossed out into the streets to die. Only 5% of people (who wanted it) did not have health insurance. Now Obama has ruined healthcare coverage for everyone. That's an accomplishment? They rammed this abomination of a bill through in the dead of night, against the will of the majority of Americans, using parlimentary tricks, and on a strict party line vote. That is a recipe for conflict and strife for a generation.

  10. Anonymous12:46 AM

    So, the truth is beginning to come out: it's Obama and the Dems who caused the shutdown. I was hoping it would not be the case. I am so tired of our peeps involved in wrong doings. Obama stays in wrong doings. We are just not ready for prime time in America.

    As Desert often says, "it's sad, so sad." Yes, Desert, Blah people are a sad bunch and PilotX and Black Sage are poor representations of Blah people. I mean, it's embarrassing.

  11. Philly Poll Worker12:48 AM

    You need photo ID to access ObamaCare. Will Eric Holder expand his anti-photo ID lawsuits to include HHS? Because we all know that requiring a photo ID is racist.

  12. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Reggin Easaelp, "No one had healthcare before Lord Obama bestowed it upon us? WTF? Everyone had healthcare in America, no one was being tossed out into the streets to die. Only 5% of people (who wanted it) did not have health insurance. Now Obama has ruined healthcare coverage for everyone. That's an accomplishment? They rammed this abomination of a bill through in the dead of night, against the will of the majority of Americans, using parlimentary tricks, and on a strict party line vote. That is a recipe for conflict and strife for a generation."

    12:15 AM
    Reggin! Reggin! Reggin!!! Get a grip. It's not that bad. The sky isn't falling. Think of all the Latinos who will now have health insurance. Are you not happy that so many of your peeps will be covered? Be happy, man.

    A President like Obama only comes along once in a lifetime. Fall on your knees and thank God for El Obama. Ask Field or PilotX. They'll tell you how fortunate we are to have Obamacare.

  13. Anonymous1:04 AM

    "Think of all the Latinos who will now have health insurance."

    Even the illegal ones. Even the ones who haven't snuck in yet. Free healthcare for everyone! What could go wrong? Arriba! Undelay!

  14. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Pilly Poll Worker, you have it wrong. You don't need a photo ID. Only after the first two years will it be required.

  15. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Wow! Obamacare has a lot of good features to it. But so does the Affordable Care Act. Here in Detroit we are having trouble deciding which one to sign up for. Any suggestions?

  16. Community Activist2:09 AM

    The Affordable Care Act costs money. Sign up for Obamacare, it's free.

  17. "No, he can't. The economy was crashed by democrat slush funds Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the way paved by Clinton's repealing the Glass-Steagall act. And he has run the economy for FIVE YEARS and we still haven't recovered!"

    Partly factual kinda not. Freddie and Fannie contributed to a small percentage of the financial meltdown, large Wall Street firms bundling supposed safe investments were largely to blame. Yes Clinton did sign the repeal of Glass-Steagall but who was in charge of the House at the time? You mean Slick Willy did that all by himself without GOP help? Just like the crashed economy will all be blamed on Barack, at least that's what gopers are hoping for. Can't let the blah guy succeed now can we? And aren't the Bush era tax cuts still in place? So much for the false statement about tax hikes and job killing regulation. Fewer regulations now than in the last 20 years. Lack of facts is a conservative staple.

  18. . And he has run the economy for FIVE YEARS and we still haven't recovered!"

    Congress holds the purse strings in the country. We can blame the gop led house for some of that right? But anyway, there is a slow but steady recovery in case you haven't noticed.



    I knew Herman ( i visited him several times in the past when we lived in NO and prior to his encasement, entrapment and anhilation by the PTB) I knew him as a strong Afrikan who was more than a BP, he was voice for our people. One thing that amazed me most was how he never gave up and did not die in shackles
    UP, UP you might Afrikan, onward to meet our ancestors and sit amongst KINGS King Herman! FREE AT LAST" Gracias

    We in the movement are awaiting the info on interment..My tears have finally sudsided

    Thanks Field

  20. Field:

    When i first me Bro Chokwe he made me remember how much our people need to have our own This was back in the 90's when he was a small Atty in Detroit

    I will throw my support behind this continuous idea 100% regardless of what racist naysayers think.
    None of them have been there!
    And most dummies, uncle thoms/sinas, and the can't we get along creepy crakkas are only concerned about where our $$ will be spent if a Afrikans become successful/independent

    Now Son i realize that everything(including the end to slavery disenfranchisement), land, self gov and independence is not possible/ probable for some, and to me that is simply because many of our people *( and some of them) are either TOO old tooo comfy or tooo afraid to try new ideas. Those people need to GET the hell out of the way!

    Which brings me to something said in the movie Shawshank redemption : Start living or start/keep dying!

  21. I hopwe that the fam and or Attys will be asking for an Autopsy on Herman

  22. I don't think wingnuts realize that the ACA and Obamacare are the same. Not surprising, They are not that bright.

  23. Anonymous11:30 AM

    ACA and Obamacare are the same? Why I never....

    You know, don't in the hood and in black community, NOBODY knows they are the same. In fact, you will have a hard time convincing Blacks that they are the same.

    Blacks are for OBAMACARE, not that ACA stuff that forces you to pay.

    Brother Field, you should know this. BTW, I vote Democrat automatically every election except when voting is a waste of time.

    Anyway, you have a nice blog. I feel really comfortable sharing here. No one criticizes me. That's the kind of 'togetherness' WE need in our communities.

  24. PilotX said...
    Partly factual kinda not. Freddie and Fannie contributed to a small percentage of the financial meltdown, large Wall Street firms bundling supposed safe investments were largely to blame.

    In your opinion, what changed that prompted all these wall street bankers to all start giving out loans to home buyers with questionable credit and no down payment?

    Some people on the right blame the community reinvestment act that encouraged non-qualified people to buy homes and that freddie and fannie would stand behind those loans.
    The idea? If Joe Blow is making his $1000 a month rent payment, removing the down payment and credit checks would allow him to use his $1000 to build equity in a family home instead of paying rent. The problem, property taxes, home insurance, upkeep and repair. What once was a call to the landlord is now $$ leaving Joe's pocket to pay the plumber, the roofer, etc. A big expense he never could afford in the first place. The logical thing happened, Joe defaulted on his home loan. A loan that if not guaranteed by the federal government would have NEVER been given to Joe.

    My question is, why did wall street after decades of credit checks and down payments start giving out loans to the unqualified?

  25. field negro said...
    I don't think wingnuts realize that the ACA and Obamacare are the same. Not surprising, They are not that bright.

    I thought the troll was mocking the affordable obamacare.

  26. PilotX said...
    Congress holds the purse strings in the country. We can blame the gop led house for some of that right?

    When Obama was elected, the democrats controlled the white house, senate and congress.

    And all we got was a stimulus bill where Obama talked about shovel ready jobs and then years later admitted there were no such things as shovel ready jobs. Where's the money?

    Or the better question, where are the results that Obama and the democrats promised. Do you need me to post a link to the graph Obama used to show what his stimulus bill was going to accomplish.

  27. Tacitus12:19 PM

    PilotX said...
    "And he has run the economy for FIVE YEARS and we still haven't recovered!"

    "Congress holds the purse strings in the country."

    So I guess you must be saying Nancy Pelosi was to blame for Bush's deficits, right?

    The party in charge is the one who holds two out of three of the Presidency, the Senate and the House, although the Presidency carries more weight as to the direction of the country.

    By that metric, the Democratic Party has been in charge since the 2006 election (or January 2007 to be more accurate) when they took over the House and the Senate. This is precisely when our fiscal problems started to increase exponentially.

    After the 2008 election, the Democrats controlled all three for the first two years of Obama's term.

    I don't know how a rational person can look at Obama's economic initiatives and call them a success. The crisis was pretty much focused on the financial sector. We should have bounced back within two years at the latest. I think the bailout was excessive. I think the auto companies should have been forced to reorganize under normal bankruptcy rules. The impact of Obama's policies has been to push structural problems down the road, starve markets of capital, reward banks for not lending, hamper competition by corporate cronyism, hamstring the booming (real) energy sector, and disincentivize growth and job creation.

    As far as regulation goes, our country has never had so much government control and interference in the markets as it has now.

    Why do liberals want an all-powerful central government that controls so much of our lives? There is nothing so precious as personal liberty. America achieved unprecedented prosperity based on the limited government ideal. Local control means you can move over a state if you don't like the rules. Federal control means there is no where to go.

  28. Actually, Obamacare is affordable care. But let's not let the facts get in the way of talking points.

    Anon@11:30, who is "WE"? You are not black.

  29. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I don't know why fake ass Field Negro is pretending as if he was concerned about the plight of Mr. Wallace. This man was I prison for over forty years of his life. His life was interrupted simply because he a member of a revolutionary group, the Black Panthers. Aren’t you a CRIMINAL attorney? Was you apart of his legal team or did you at least attempt to do so? Did you write any brief(s) on his behalf protesting his indictment and subsequent imprisonment? You are so darn full of *ish, fake ass!

    Rest in peace Mr. Wallace!

  30. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Bill said...
    field negro said...
    I don't think wingnuts realize that the ACA and Obamacare are the same. Not surprising, They are not that bright.

    I thought the troll was mocking the affordable obamacare.

    11:54 AM
    Bill, you are exactly right. Field has never been able to discern or get what I say. IMO, he is not sophisticated enough or quick enough to read between the lines. Hell, he can't even tell that I'm Black. That's because he has a stereotypical 'model' in his mind how every Black think and should be. Which is to be like him, PilotX or Black Sage. All three are racists against their own kind and they don't even know it.

    I know, I know. It must be weird to a non-Black observing this off-the-rail thinking and behavior. What is their to say? I have no defense, except to say a lot of inexplicable strange shit happens in my race. For instance, we like killing each other in the streets on a daily basis. Go figure. We have no solution to the killing problem but we attack people like Don Lemon or Bill Cosby who offer solutions. The OOW children, who grow up to kill other OOW children. Isn't that weird? Yet, Field, PilotX and to some extent, Black Sage will get quite 'huffy' when this truth is spoken about our community.

    Well, guess what Field is going to call me now? "Anon, you are not Black." That's his answer to a brother who speaks the truth on

  31. Anonymous6:31 PM

    If dogs were being slaughtered in the manner Africans are, there'd be a revolution in this country.

  32. "Aren’t you a CRIMINAL attorney? Was you apart of his legal team or did you at least attempt to do so?"

    *tipping slowly away*

  33. this is hobama's game

    he is the game master

    cc hobamascare banksters

    u have no soul fn
    u would rather blatantly lie about me

    than admit ANY truths about that master cia warlord gamer hobama


    that is why u r a rabid mf evil inhumane hobama nazi fn....


  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. more on hobama's msm/hobamascare mask games/serial mk ultra dc mall bs...


  36. شركة نقل عفش بمكة شركة نقل عفش بينبع شركة نقل عفش بالخرج شركة نقل عفش ببريدة شركة نقل عفش بخميس مشيط شركة نقل عفش بالقصيم
