Sunday, October 06, 2013

The puppet masters.

Here Is
the real reason that your government has been shut down.

"Freedom Works has signed on to the following Memo to the Movement by the Conservative Action Project:

Current Event:

The current continuing resolution (CR) funding the government expires on March 27, setting up an opportunity for Congress and President Obama to honor the bi-partisan sequester savings already agreed upon.  It also presents an opportunity to achieve even more savings by defunding and stopping the implementation of Obamacare, which the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently reported will force 7 million Americans out of their existing health insurance.

  • Conservatives cannot support a CR that is above the sequester level of $974 billion annually.  While many conservatives would prefer reprogramming defense cuts to other areas of discretionary spending (dollar for dollar cuts in the same year), the current sequester savings are better than none at all.
  • Conservatives should not approve a CR unless it defunds Obamacare.  This includes Obamacare’s unworkable exchanges, unsustainable Medicaid expansion, and attack on life and religious liberty.
A mere “date-change CR” is unacceptable.  Although the Obama administration and others will argue the CR is not the appropriate legislative vehicle to defund Obamacare, it is easily done through a series of appropriation riders.  Because the CR represents one of the best vehicles possible to delay the implementation of Obamacare, it must not be used to bargain on the upcoming sequester.

Issue in Brief:
On October 1, 2013, open enrollment begins for the federally backed health care exchanges. On January 1, 2014, new money from Washington will begin flowing to states and individuals, all but ensuring that these new entitlements will become a permanent fixture of life in America. The window of opportunity to stop the implementation of these massive new subsidies is closing.
Although many of Obamacare's provisions are now the law of the land, many of the law's most damaging and irreversible provisions do not take effect until 2014.

Once implemented, the new spending contained within Obamacare, primarily the Medicaid expansion and exchange subsidies, will cost taxpayers more than $1.6 trillion over the next decade, according to the latest CBO estimates.  Given the history of federal entitlement programs and the back-loaded nature of Obamacare spending, some estimate the full implementation cost could reach  $2.6 trillion over ten years. It will increase the federal government's health spending by 15 percent.

The issue is far from settled in the states, which are tasked with either implementing the wide-ranging mandates and invasive requirements put forth by Obamacare, or deferring such choices to the bureaucrats in Washington.

The fractured opinion amongst the states is one reason the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has continually pushed back the deadline for states to make a decision on the exchanges and Medicaid expansion.

The invasive elements of Obamacare are not set in stone; in fact, elements of the law are already under assault from Republicans and Democrats alike. The CLASS Act was repealed and there is bipartisan support for eliminating the devastating Medical Device Tax.

Blueprint to Defunding Obamacare

Obamacare’s funding mechanisms are as complicated as the law itself, but they can be stopped through the appropriation process, which includes the upcoming continuing resolution.
  • Federally Backed Exchanges.  An appropriations rider must eliminate the refundable tax credits for premiums and the cost sharing subsidies that are essentially used to support insurance purchased in the Obamacare exchanges, which starts January 1, 2014.
  • Medicaid Expansion.  An appropriations rider must eliminate the enhance match funding for the Medicaid expansion, which takes effect January 1, 2014.
  • Permanent Appropriations.  Obamacare contains items called “permanent appropriations” which guarantee funding for the Community Health Center Fund (CHCF) and Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPHF).  An appropriations rider turns off funds for these so-called permanent appropriations, which are already in effect.
  • Implementation.  An appropriations rider must block the implementation of Obamacare, covering salaries, rulemaking, enforcement, etc.
  • Life and Religious Liberty. Obamacare is an unprecedented attack on life and religious liberty. An appropriations rider must repeal the HHS mandate that attacks the religious values and principles of countless Americans.
  • Miscellaneous Programs.  An appropriations rider must block all funding for newly authorized discretionary programs contained in Obamacare and return reauthorized programs back to their pre-Obamacare levels.
Edwin Meese III
Former Attorney General
President Ronald Reagan

Chris Chocola
Club for Growth

Jenny Beth Martin
Tea Party Patriots

Penny Nance
Concerned Women for America

The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell
Constitutional Congress, Inc.

William Wilson
Americans for Limited Government

Duane Parde
National Taxpayers Union

Susan Carleson
American Civil Rights Union

Andrea Lafferty
Traditional Values Coalition

Alfred S. Regnery
The Paul Revere Project

Lewis Uhler
National Tax Limitation Committee

Brent Bozell

Matt Kibbe

Marjorie Dannenfelser
Susan B. Anthony List

David Williams
Taxpayers Protection Alliance

The Honorable David McIntosh
Former U.S. Representative

David Bozell
Executive Director

Colin Hanna
Let Freedom Ring

Stuart Epperson
Council for National Policy

Heather Higgins
Independent Women's Forum

Cindy Chafian
The Mommy Lobby

Gary Bauer
American Values

Mike Needham
Heritage Action for America

David Bossie
Citizens United

Mathew D. Staver
Liberty Counsel Action

James Martin
60 Plus Association

Erick Erickson

T. Kenneth Cribb
Former Domestic Advisor
President Ronald Reagan

Becky Norton Dunlop
Former White House Advisor
President Ronald Reagan

Grace-Marie Turner
The Galen Institutue

Myron Ebell
Freedom Action

Craig Shirley
Reagan Campaign Biographer

Rev. Lou Sheldon
Traditional Values Coalition

Richard Rahn
Inst. for Global Economic Growth

Lee Beaman
Nashville, TN

Bob Reccord
Executive Director
Council for National Policy

Angelo M. Codevilla
Professor Emeritus
Boston University

Tom Donelson
America's PAC

Brian Baker
Ending Spending

Kay R. Daly
Coalition for a Fair Judiciary

Don Devine
Senior Scholar
The Fund for American Studies

Gary Aldrich
Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty

Ralph Benko
Center for Civic Virtue

Andresen Blom
Senior Strategist
Center for Civic Virtue

Joe Gregory
Gregory Management Co.

Rebecca Hagelin

(All organizations listed for Identification purposes only)" [Source]
The above public service announcement was brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Field Negro. (h/t twitter fam, Rhonda) 


  1. Nora Carrington9:11 PM

    field, do you know where Rebecca Hagelin is from? (wondering if your list got truncated a tad...)

    I ask because I'm thinking of sending a link to the Bruno Gianelli smackdown from the West Wing. It may just be the Dems will finally grow a spine this time.

  2. Nora Carrington9:13 PM

    "...from the West Wing *TO ALL OF THEM."

  3. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Sounds good to me. Looks like they figured this all out through careful thinking and consideration of 7 million citizens who will be out of healthcare.

    Those Republicans really have their stuff together. It's the Dems who don't understand. Field thank you for ONCE posting something that favors the GOP.:)

  4. Anonymous9:28 PM

    I am thoroughly confused. Who is the evil one and who is the good one? These are trying times that feels like hell.

  5. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Mr Field, did you know the state of Louisiana indicted Herman Wallace again, even after his death?

    That's the final insult isn't it? The justice system insults a bm while alive and then further insults him in death.

    FYI: Herman was a Black Panther. Not that that means anything to anybody on FN.

    Whatever happened to StillaPanther2? Did he die too? I thought he was a committed to the Panther cause? Guess not.

    Anyway, I am very bothered by what they did to Herman. It was the same final insult they did to Trayvon Martin after his death...No Justice.

  6. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Brother Field, has it occurred to you that Obamacare might just hurt America very badly? Have you and your FN leftist Negroes ever thought of that?

    Of course not. that's because Dems and Blacks on the Dem Plantation don't think at all.

    This whole thing is a damn mess and I'm afraid there is no way out now. This could be America's Waterloo....The End. I hope it's not here yet, but it wouldn't surprise me if this Shutdown Standoff is the end.

  7. Hey, I'd sign that too. We need to put adults in charge of the country again.

  8. to Anonymous 9:58 pm. Thanks for being concerned about my whereabouts. I am still above ground and yes... I am still a Black Panther.

    In regards to my brother Brother Wallace the present day Blacks can see how brutal the governments/people still are. They MAY be fearful of the messages and truths from the past. Brother Wallace was in solitary for 40 years. Think about what he had to endure. Another beret is laid to rest. I for one admire his ability to represent so long. Peace Brother.

    PS... I did inform my People about three-four days ago about Bro.W. I do know that an anonymous person reading my comment early this week found one word -(hate, I used "hated" like the youngsters that constantly flip words.) -that was not to his likings and wrote this; " hated is a not a word. You are 'racist'", Now if a person finds one word out of frame and he deduces that I am racist, there is little need to comment daily. And oh yes, I do have heath issues related to my adventures in Southeast Asia. 1969-70. presently taking treatments Agent Orange at Richmond, Va VA. And I too will die a Panther.

    Yes, I still read the Field Negro daily

  9. to Anonymous 9:58 pm. Thanks for being concerned about my whereabouts. I am still above ground and yes... I am still a Black Panther.

    In regards to my brother Brother Wallace the present day Blacks can see how brutal the governments/people still are. They MAY be fearful of the messages and truths from the past. Brother Wallace was in solitary for 40 years. Think about what he had to endure. Another beret is laid to rest. I for one admire his ability to represent so long. Peace Brother.

    PS... I did inform my People about three-four days ago about Bro.W. I do know that an anonymous person reading my comment early this week found one word -(hate, I used "hated" like the youngsters that constantly flip words.) -that was not to his likings and wrote this; " hated is a not a word. You are 'racist'", Now if a person finds one word out of frame and he deduces that I am racist, there is little need to comment daily. And oh yes, I do have heath issues related to my adventures in Southeast Asia. 1969-70. presently taking treatments Agent Orange at Richmond, Va VA. And I too will die a Panther.

    Yes, I still read the Field Negro daily

  10. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Jeez, you negroes and your thug worship. Wallace robbed 5 banks, stole a car, escaped jail several times, and murdered a guard. Per negro logic, he's a hero. Since he's dead now, here are the names of some new accused child murderers you can all rally around, Matthew Fulgence, Laderika Smith, Devalon Armstrong, Chelsea Thornton. I'm sure white racism is to blame for all killings. Not.

  11. Anonymous9:26 AM

    your hopeless hobama nazi denial will never protect u or any peer drone/fooled fleeced sheeple

    u lie like the puppeteer in chief hobama

    who is the chief puppet of the banksters who own and rule him

    the govt was shit down for 2 stark reasons:

    1. to usher in hobama's "grand bargain" and dupe hobama nazi drones into blaming repubs for said evil deal set in 2006

    2. to mask the gross failures of hobamascare/layoffs/mk ultra false flags etc


    cc ndaa/africom/ww3/assata...

    The government shutdown battle is more like a Civil War reenactment than the real thing. A face-saving bargain will soon be struck, returning 825,000 furloughed federal employees to their jobs at wages that have been frozen for the past two years – not by the Republicans, but on President Obama’s orders. The clock has been stuck with both hands on “austerity” since Obama came fully out of the closet as a GOP fellow-traveler following the 2010 midterm elections. From that moment on, Republican-imposed gridlock has been the only barrier to Obama’s long-sought Grand Bargain to eviscerate entitlement programs. When the current theatrics are over, Obamacare will remain intact and the president will be back on his ever-rightward stride. The GOP will take Obama up on his offer, earlier this year, to cut Social Security and will probably be offered other bits and pieces of the social safety net in the interest of “shared sacrifice” and domestic peace.

    In the interim, while the reenactors haul their cannons around the cow pasture, waiting for the rich people who call themselves “markets” to signal an end to the charade, rest assured that national security is sacrosanct.

  12. Anonymous9:55 AM

    more proof that this shutdown is bs

    cc the opulent hobamas

  13. Anonymous10:03 AM

    hobama and hobamascare have both failed horridly!

  14. Anonymous10:05 AM

    hobama inc cannot even run a website...

    but hobama nazi fools trust them to run their healthcare


  15. Anonymous10:47 AM

    more on hobama's rabid racism and martial law

    cc mk ultra/false flags


  16. Anonymous11:25 AM

    serial mk ultra masks will not erase the epic fails of

    hobamascare/layoffs/militarized police/martial law/the coming ruthless evil "grand bargain"/brutal fleecing of the sheeple 3.0


    cc nsa/ww3/africom/syria/poverty/homelessness etc

  17. Anonymous11:56 AM

    more on the inept failed hobama/hobamascare...


  18. Anonymous12:43 PM


  19. Anonymous12:59 PM

    cc that ruthless bankster hobama

    cc hobamascare/layoffs/pt temp nation etc


  20. Anonymous1:37 PM

    shame on that lying bankster hobama/bilderbergs' pinnochio!!!!!!!

  21. Anonymous1:47 PM

    hobama the cia bankster celebutante has failed to lead!!!!

    cc misery index/shudown games/ hobama;s gitmo ii in benghazi/layoffs/jobless/homeless/ndaa/drones/africom/syria...

  22. Hey FN,
    I see your little graphic with Koch Industries.

    Did you see the other day when I educated PilotX about where in the pecking order of political donors Koch Industries was, below the Pilots union PilotX pays his dues to.

    Do you have anything to say about the 100% democrat donors listed above Koch Industries?

  23. Hey AB,

    Free country, keep posting what you want.

    How about consolidating all your informative posts into one gigantic post? That would be helpful.


    I like that clicking on a posters name collapses the entire post.

  24. StillaPanther22:32 PM

    Some people find it hard now (present) to allow another person to have their heroes versus what heroes they deem you should have. Any information that you here in 2013 have about events that happened 40 plus years are suspect. You rednecks have as heroes George Washington. Was he not a thief and abuser of mankind? How about General Custer. Was he not a thief, murderer and a terrorist to my people? Now I can go on and on about who you rednecks worship, you hear me? Now I can be current with your heroes that makes Brother Wallace deeds very puny> How about the US Army. Did your heroes killed, raped and pillaged a people that could not bring them no harm? (I am a Vietnam veteran so I speak from firsthand knowledge look me up L Armstrong, 159th Dust Off, 25th Inf Div 1969-70. It on the internet). Now to bring closure to who Negroes (your demeaning label) should have as heroes; are you aware as to how the legal system was in the 60s and 70s? If a Black was arrested back then, he was guilty regardless of the charges. I was there during these times and the courts had all whites as judges, bailiff, prosecutors and most disturbing juries of all whites. So yes Brother Wallace may or may not be what you deem as a hero, but I respect how Brother Wallace did 40 years in "the hole" and came out truly penitent.

    By the way I believe some honorable whites had a hand in his freedom. Thank God for enough "good whites" to balance the extremist.

    Again I say look at history as a white man tool to boost his people versus demonizing other people. By the way I am 40% Meharrin and if you want me glorify your people and not mine. NOT! That's one of the major issues in Black race now. WE have allowed our oppressors to teach our kids. Needless to say you see the results. I am not pointing fingers at your race be this comes under the heading of " They didn't listen to the Panthers then (60s) and still resistant to some common principles of living sane in a country that brought us over here to pick crop- now we are the crop.

    My brother was a teacher in the Norfolk, VA school system and he could tell many tales of how the Black child is mishandled. I still contend integration was not used to advance a people as a group. America still allow oneness. One Oprah, one Lebron, one Steve Harvey, on and on. The common thread is that these people serve to entertain the white race. So allow me to have my heroes such as: Nat Turner, Sitting Bull, Geronimo, Deacons for Defense, Brother Wallace and of course the Black Panther Party brothers. So you have yours and I have mine's. They all were imperfect.

    And Brother Wallace was a product of the times. Remember your heroes were bombing, dropping chemicals, shooting and killing her own people. No I am not talking about the Nam. Kent State, Detroit, LA,. Oh yeah was it noble to spray Agent Orange on us knowing ...? StillaPanther2

  25. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Bill said...
    Hey FN,
    I see your little graphic with Koch Industries.

    Did you see the other day when I educated PilotX about where in the pecking order of political donors Koch Industries was, below the Pilots union PilotX pays his dues to.

    Do you have anything to say about the 100% democrat donors listed above Koch Industries?

    1:54 PM
    dear Bill, what did PilotX have to say about his union that he dearly loves and gives his hard earned money to? He SHOULD BE ASHAMED!

    However, he IS from the Southside of Chicago, which means he acts 'shameless' to cover up his raging shame. That's why the 'kill count' is highest there...NO CONSCIENCE....

    PS: I love the way you handle PilotX. I don't know why he keeps trying to out-think you. It's no contest. It's like watching brother Buckwheat trying to beat Bobby Fisher at chess. It's ludicrous but comical at the same time.

  26. Anonymous2:49 PM

    the country is less free than ever before


    that is my rebel inspiration herein

    cc hobama/the new hiltler of the 4rh reich

    cc africom/ww3/ndaa etc

    see condensed posts here:


  27. Anonymous2:50 PM

    StillaPanther, "I am not pointing fingers at your race be this comes under the heading of " They didn't listen to the Panthers then (60s) and still resistant to some common principles of living sane in a country that brought us over here to pick crop- now we are the crop."

    Yes. What you say is so true. 'We once picked the crop and now we are the crop.'....Well saidl

    As a people, we have never really taken our own lives into our own hands. We continue to "default" to the ways of Whites who don't give a damn about us. In fact, they are out to destroy us...

    PS I was in Nam 69-70 also.

  28. Anonymous3:09 PM

    4 racist retarded revisionists:

    see how europe's "boost" was founded upon stolen africans and raping african soil....

    cc every fortune 500 corp in amerikkka that began/thrived via centuries of free slave labor

    cc massa hobama 2013/africom

    cc the free african labor that built every

    get a history/econ lesson asap!!!

  29. Anonymous3:16 PM

    cc the free african labor that built every capitalist empire in amerikkkka!

  30. Anonymous3:20 PM



    on that rascist hobama's msm and racist pookie thugs:

  31. Anonymous said...
    dear Bill, what did PilotX have to say about his union that he dearly loves and gives his hard earned money to? He SHOULD BE ASHAMED!

    He says his union benefits both pilots and the flying public.

    I'm glad he's happy paying union dues to fund politicians.

    PilotX belongs to a non-government union so his union allegiance doesn't bother me. His union, although a bigger political donor than koch industries lacks the power to force me to purchase airline tickets with his airline. Hhmm, I thought that about health insurance companies that donated to democrats too.

  32. Anonymous4:13 PM


    rip tm

  33. Field, this is why I contacted you regarding a Super PAC in PA. Our folks really need to get involved in the money side of politics.

    Minds like yours would be great. I never did hear back from you if you saw the massage.

  34. Anonymous12:35 PM

    shameless shakedown = soulless sham

    cc the emaciated hoopster bankster hobama

  35. Anonymous12:38 PM

    amoral austerity looms

    cc hobama's new misery index swag asap

  36. LVBN, hit be up again.
