Monday, October 14, 2013

"Impeach Obama"

*Thanks to recent e-mail I received (Shout out to Michael B), I read an interesting article by Hendrik Hertzberg from The New Yorker, which, given the current climate in Washington, I believe is quite apropos.

"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.
—Amendment XIV, Section 4."

"By the time that long-obscure, lately apposite sentence became part of the Constitution, on July 9, 1868, the insurrection that occasioned it had been thoroughly, and bloodily, suppressed. Throughout the Civil War and afterward, Republicans in Congress had enacted some of the most forward-looking legislation in American history: a national currency, the Homestead Act, a transcontinental railroad, support for higher education, the definitive abolition of slavery—all thanks to the extended absence of delegations from the self-styled Confederate states. Now that era was about to end.
The party of Lincoln, grand but not yet old, feared the mischief that Southern senators and representatives might get up to when their states were readmitted to the Union. The Republicans’ foremost worry was that Congress might somehow be induced to cut funds for Union pensioners or pay off lenders who had gambled on a Confederate victory. But the language of the Fourteenth Amendment’s framers went further. Benjamin Wade, the president pro tem of the Senate, explained that the national debt would be safer once it was “withdrawn from the power of Congress to repudiate it.” He and his colleagues didn’t say just that the debt could not be put off, or left unpaid. They said that it couldn’t even be questioned.

The new insurrection is different from the old one, and not only because this time it’s the Republicans who are the insurrectionaries. The old insurrectionaries wanted to destroy the government; the new ones wish merely to decimate it. The old ones’ weapons of choice were muskets and bayonets; the new ones confine themselves to mendacity, demagoguery, and obstructionism. The old ones were exclusively white and Southern; the new ones, while overwhelmingly white, are more widely distributed. The old ones no longer wished to be citizens of the United States; the new ones, some of them, profess to wonder if the President is a citizen at all.

Still, there are similarities. Prominent among them is a belief that a federal law need not be repealed in order to be nullified. Equally noteworthy is an apparent inability to be reconciled to the results of an election. Last November, after a campaign that turned largely on the issue of health care, Barack Obama was reëlected with a popular majority of five million. In Senate races, Democrats drew ten million more votes than Republicans. In the House of Representatives, Republicans, whom Democrats outpolled by a million and a half, retained their legislative majority only by dint of the vagaries of districting and redistricting. The Confederates had a better case: in 1860, Abraham Lincoln got barely thirty-nine per cent of the vote, a smaller share than any Presidential winner since.
In the current imbroglio, Republicans threatened that, unless their demands were met, they would (a) shut down most of the government and, more alarmingly, (b) deny the Treasury the ability to borrow the money it needs to pay expenses that Congress has already authorized. The first threat was carried out on October 1st. As for the second, John Boehner, the Speaker of the House, suddenly offered last Thursday to postpone the deadline for carrying it out—but with conditions, and for a mere five weeks. The new proposed deadline is November 22nd, the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

The ransom demands kept changing. At first, it was the Affordable Care Act: in exchange for a few weeks of fiscal peace, repeal it; defund it; delay it; dismember it. Then the price ballooned, with some two dozen additional conservative fever dreams: plutocrat-friendly tax cuts, Medicare means-testing, a green light for environmental depredations, financial regulatory rollback, even the end of Internet neutrality. Then it was immediate “entitlement reform” (meaning cuts in social insurance) and “tax reform” (meaning lower rates for corporations and the rich). “We have to get something out of this,” one bewildered backbencher finally bleated, “and I don’t know what that even is.”
When Lincoln faced secession if he continued to resist slavery’s expansion, he remarked, “A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear and mutters through his teeth, ‘Stand and deliver, or I shall kill you—and then you will be a murderer!’ ” Obama updated Lincoln, minus the lethal imagery: “If you’re in negotiations around buying somebody’s house, you don’t get to say, ‘Well, let’s talk about the price I’m going to pay, and if you don’t give the price then I’m going to burn down your house.’ ” Neither quip quite captures the perversity of the extortionists. They propose to shoot themselves as well as their hostage, and the house they would burn down is their house, too.

At the weekend, as public esteem for the Republican Party plunged to record lows, the elephants stampeded for the exits, raising clouds of dust. At this rate, the government shutdown may itself have been shut down by the time these words are read, with or without a fig leaf to cover the pachyderms’ privates. But the fanatical denialism of a large faction of the Republican Party is such that a default or the serious possibility of one may still be in the not too distant future. What then?

The President is constitutionally sworn to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” but if he enforces the debt ceiling, established by one law, he cannot meet obligations that other laws command him to fulfill. Nor can he submit to blackmail, lest the Constitution be informally amended to provide that any law, duly passed by the House and the Senate and signed by the President (and, if challenged, upheld by the Supreme Court), may be effectively voided by the action of one faction of one party in one half of the national legislature. And he absolutely cannot permit default, the consequences of which would be global and catastrophic.

It is widely said that the Obama Administration has “ruled out” recourse to the fourth section of the Fourteenth Amendment. Not so. In 2011, when the Republicans test-drove their debt-ceiling gambit, Timothy Geithner, then the Secretary of the Treasury, read the section to a breakfast gathering of reporters. A squall ensued; the President calmed it, saying that “lawyers” had advised him that the Fourteenth was not a “winning argument.” Similarly cagey equivocations have been forthcoming this time around. Obama has been careful to keep the option on life support. At his news conference last Tuesday, he noted that there had been some discussion about his powers, under the amendment, to “go ahead and ignore the debt-ceiling law.” He continued:

Setting aside the legal analysis, what matters is that if you start having a situation in which there’s legal controversy about the U.S. Treasury’s authority to issue debt, the damage will have been done even if that were constitutional, because people wouldn’t be sure. . . . What matters is: what do the people who are buying Treasury bills think?
What also matters, of course, is: compared with what? In the end, Obama could have no honorable choice but to invoke the Fourteenth. There is little doubt that he would prevail. The Supreme Court would be unlikely even to consider the matter, since no one would have standing to bring a successful suit: when the government pays its bills, who is damaged? The House Republicans might draw up articles of impeachment, adopt them, and send them to the Senate, where the probability of a conviction would be zero. This would not be a replay of Bill Clinton and the intern. President Clinton was not remotely guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, but he was guilty of something, and that something was sordid. Yet impeachment was what put Clinton on a glide path to his present pinnacle as a wildly popular statesman. President Obama would be guilty only of saving the nation’s economy, and the world’s. It would be all he could do to head off a post-Bloombergian boomlet to somehow get around another amendment, the Twenty-second, and usher him to a third term. " [Article]

Imagine the outcry if America's first Negro president invoked the Constitution's 14th Amendment. Of course he won't do it. He is still trying too hard to be the good guy. The friendly harmless Negro who just wants to get along.

I have been saying from the start of Ted Cruz's shutdown that the president should not move off of his position. As Washington now scrambles to find a deal, it seems more and more than O and the dems might blink just a little.

That would be a shame, because the republicans are looking for a life boat, and the president and his party should be the last people to give it to them.

*Pic courtesy of The New Yorker



  1. can't impeach an illegal alien

  2. Obama-

    The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.

  3. "He is still trying too hard to be the good guy. The friendly harmless Negro who just wants to get along."

    Herein lies the warped psychology that Black America has been expected to swallow in a nutshell...

    The man is a Trojan Horse...

    This will be the last Boot to the gut so that everyone wakes up..

    Just like Deniro said to the Pit Boss in "Casino"

    "Either your stupid... Or your in on it...Either way I cannot have you working here"

    He should've already unleashed that nuclear can of whip ass on the GOP...

    However theres always another solution.

  4. "These are the people who were told their entire lives that just being white was good enough"

    Purple Cow-

    "Well I’ll give you some while you are waiting.

    Their parents
    Their school teachers
    Their preachers
    The print media
    T.V. shows like ‘Little House on the Prairie’, ‘Dynasty’, ‘The Waltons’, ‘Friends’, and ‘Dallas’.
    99% of America’s politicians"

    Really? Little House on the Prairie? Dallas? 99% of America’s politicians?

    So it should be easy to find a example of whites being told this.

  5. Wesley R9:51 PM

    He should invoke the 14th Amendment and let the courts decide. The Boner won't bring the Senate agreement to the floor anyway becuase he is the weakest house leader of my lifetime.

    Funny that Foxnews spotlighted the World War 2 vets storming DC, but didn't make one mention of the over the top bullshit the teabaggers were shouting and cheering about. Just that they were part of the protest.

    In the crowd was the fake ass white boy, Rafeal Cruz.

  6. Republicans have a message for 99% of America... Their Government will not help you.

    Their Government is dedicated to defending and succoring the Rich.

    And the Rich want a smaller Government. Small enough to fit in their pocket.

  7. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Hendrik Herrzberg has been an insufferable douchebag for decades.

    Obama's chickens are coming home to roost. The Democrats never should have forced through their unpopular takeover of healthcare. Now the whole fucking country is falling apart.

    I say good. We are ruled by progressive fascists. Time to burn the whole thing down.

  8. FN said: "Of course he won't do it. He is still trying too hard to be the good guy. The friendly harmless Negro who just wants to get along."

    I would argue that he is doing and will continue to try to do just what he promised to do if elected: to be the president of all of the people by representing the interests and consulting the opinions of as broad a swath of Americans as possible. That he continues to do so in the face of outright legislative vandalism to his government and the constitution is remarkable. It shows the depth of his conviction that he should be every bit the president of those who voted against him as he is of those who did. That's a pre-Reagan value that is worthy of revival.

  9. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Thank you Whitey, I've missed your comments.

  10. StillaPanther23:16 AM

    "our country is falling apart" (one commenters observation). Evidently for the last 400 years, somehow there must have been some signs that the country was "falling apart" for this situation to exist. Blaming the present president and his party for the current situation gives them way too much power. You mean to tell me that a "junior flip" newby politician can come to Washington and destroy your country in four years? Wow!, I should bow to this man because he has destroyed a country that so many others have been trying for decades to destroy. now to be honest , I am not going to say he was alone in taking down America; check out all the whites that have his "back".

    With all this power that Emperor O has, the constitution means nothing. Why did not I see this - a Black man taken over the richest and defenseless country-coming?
    Hail to Obama.

  11. Quote Anonymous 7:17

    "PC, what is this news that you can't finish HS in the UK?"

    While this obsession with my educational history amuses me greatly, I have to say you nazi-types need to work on your reading and comprehension skills.

    What I said was that in the U.K. it is impossible NOT to finish high school. MEANING, there is no mechanism by which a child cannot graduate high school.

    So I (like everybody else) graduated high school, then I graduated sixth form college with three 'A' levels. I then went to technical college to get a H.N.D. in electrical engineering. Deciding on a change of direction I went to university and got a Degree in Diagnostic Imaging. Then later on I went to night school in Amsterdam to get an M.B.A.

    (Incidentally I'd like to see you obtain a Master's Degree studying in a foreign language - but I guess I'm digressing now.)

  12. Republicans:Helping Slaves Off The Democrat Plantation said...

    The fact that we are here today to deb

    I wonder why no one wants to address the flip-flopping of Obama.



    For extra cricket credit, please also ignore-
    [ ] You can keep your doctor
    [ ] It will lower the deficit
    [ ] It will lower premiums for a family
    [ ] You can keep your health care.
    [ ] Obamacare will create jobs

    If I was allowed to say my car can go 180mph, get 90miles per gallon and never needs washing I could sell a crappy car for lots of money.
    It's easy to sell anything if you can get away with lying.

    Lucky for Obama democrats only care about republicans lying, some kind of democrat double standard.

  13. Anonymous10:24 AM

    that cia thug bankster hobama is a serial global war criminal who should have been impeached long ago...

    cc ndaa/gitmo ii at benghazi/libya/syria/africom etc


  14. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Excellent post! Field, you continue to educate and school. Your argument (and vocabulary) put it down in black and white for all to see and comprehend. Thank you so much for what you do. I don't write as eloquently as you, so I won't try. Just wanted to say it was another great piece and thank you.

  15. The Purple Cow said...
    What I said was that in the U.K. it is impossible NOT to finish high school. MEANING, there is no mechanism by which a child cannot graduate high school.

    Britain's Neets shame: New study reveals UK has one of worst dropout rates in developing world

    fifth of British teenagers 'drop out of school at 16'

    Revealed: Britain's 100,000 'invisible' teenage dropouts

    "it is impossible NOT to finish high school."

    Can you please explain how it is impossible to NOT finish high school AND have one of the worst drop-out rates in the developing world at the same time?

  16. Anonymous10:32 AM

    nixon left no corpses
    and spied on one ofc
    hobama spies on millions each day via his nsa
    hobama left american corpses in libya
    hobama's drones slay countless children and women daily

    nixon was impeached for far less
    impeach that warlock warlord bastard bankster hobama NOW!!!!

    cc hobama's illegal global gun running

    cc syria/mexico/nsa/daily scandals/irs gestapo/hobamascare's mafia swag/casinos

    cc hobama's 9/11 osama ruse etc


  17. Anonymous10:43 AM

    reps = dems
    both are bilking and enjoying the shutdown show

    only morons like fn are being played by hobama and his peers in DC

    soon even u hobama nazi fools will be the superstars of hobama's austerity show

    and u will be as mum then as u about ndaa...
    u masochistic suicidal adoring snoring hobama nazi mfs

    that evil hoax mf hobama is the best repub ever


    “When the current theatrics are over, Obamacare will remain intact and the president will be back on his ever-rightward stride.”

    The government shutdown battle is more like a Civil War reenactment than the real thing. A face-saving bargain will soon be struck, returning 825,000 furloughed federal employees to their jobs at wages that have been frozen for the past two years – not by the Republicans, but on President Obama’s orders. The clock has been stuck with both hands on “austerity” since Obama came fully out of the closet as a GOP fellow-traveler following the 2010 midterm elections. From that moment on, Republican-imposed gridlock has been the only barrier to Obama’s long-sought Grand Bargain to eviscerate entitlement programs. When the current theatrics are over, Obamacare will remain intact and the president will be back on his ever-rightward stride. The GOP will take Obama up on his offer, earlier this year, to cut Social Security and will probably be offered other bits and pieces of the social safety net in the interest of “shared sacrifice” and domestic peace.

    In the interim, while the reenactors haul their cannons around the cow pasture, waiting for the rich people who call themselves “markets” to signal an end to the charade, rest assured that national security is sacrosanct.

    For example, the pause in some government spending will have minimal effect on the National Security Agency’s spying on Americans and the rest of the Earth’s inhabitants. The NSA circulated a memo stating that its “intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance activities required to support national or military requirements necessary for national security” are exempt from the fiscal exercise, as are all programs that are necessary for “protection of life and property.” Presumably, that means President Obama can still spend next Tuesday morning selecting the week’s victims for his Kill List.

    Protection of property being the prime directive of both wings of the Corporate Party, democracy will remain in shutdown mode in Detroit and all of Michigan’s largely Black cities, whatever happens on Capitol Hill. The markets are hungry to devour the nation’s pension funds, and have chosen Black locales to perfect the model, secure in the knowledge that nobody of consequence will raise a finger to stop them from filching the nest-eggs of the undeserving classes

    Therefore, for the sake of the almighty dollar (blessed be its name) – and because the shutdown has already achieved its purposes – the GOP will call a halt to its action before any money-changers get hurt. The Republicans will have shown their willingness to fight The Obama. Obama will appear to be defending the people from The Republicans. And then they will both slash away at social spending, as was the intention, all along.

  18. Anonymous10:44 AM

    and u will be as mum then as u about ndaa now....

    shame on all of u masochistic suicidal adoring snoring hobama nazi mfs

    karma is real

    cc kwame k

  19. Anonymous10:45 AM

    and u will be as mum then as u are about ndaa now....

    shame on all of u masochistic suicidal adoring snoring hobama nazi mfs

    karma is real

    cc kwame k

  20. Wesley R said...
    Funny that Foxnews spotlighted the World War 2 vets storming DC, but didn't make one mention of the over the top bullshit the teabaggers were shouting and cheering about. Just that they were part of the protest.

    More fear-mongering by the democrats about the scary tea party.

    I remember a time when democrats were insisting the tea party was calling members of the CBC the n word. But no video despite all those cameras.

    Strange that the challenge from Brietbart about anyone providing evidence use of the "n" word directed at members of the CBC brietbart would donate $100,000 to United Negro College Fund went uncollected.


    So brietbart posted the sherry sherod video showing the audience at a NAACP event clapping/cheering when Sherod said she treated white people badly because of their color.

    The audience clapped and cheered when told about Sherry acting racist.

    What kind of people clap/cheer when told of someone acting racist?

    I'll ask that one again...

    What kind of people cheer/applaud when told of someone acting racist?


  21. BARBBF11:03 AM

    "He is still trying too hard to be the good guy. The friendly harmless Negro who just wants to get along."

    A "good guy" does not maintain his own personal kill list. A "good guy" does not target American citizens and their children for assassination..nor does a "good guy" use US taxpayer $$$ to invade a sovereign nation with the old, white, ex-colonial power establishment and cause the deaths of 30,000 Libya civilians..women men and children. A "good guy" does not ignore the targeted killing of Black Libyans and African immigrants..not does a "good guy" send US predatory drones over Africa and the Middle East..incinerating thousands of people ..including hundreds of children.

    Do you really think this is a good guy? Were you being hypocritical?

  22. Anonymous11:03 AM

    cc irs/nsa/hobamascare/ww3...

    impeach hobama now!!!!!!!

  23. Bill, every time I get a grip on how stupid I think you are, you say something more stupid, and I have to downgrade my assessment.

    It is illegal for children in the UK not to be in full time education or training up to the age of 18. The articles that you linked to actually acknowledge that. Try reading the articles before you post them next time.

  24. Quote Dimbulb-Bill

    I wonder why no one wants to address the flip-flopping of Obama. Anyone? Crickets."

    I will.

    I don't know if Obama has flip-flopped or not, but as a rule I prefer politicians who flip-flop, and as Bill Clinton pointed out, all the evidence suggest the people at large prefer a flip-flopper.

    Flip-Flopping is a sign of sophistication. The world is a complicated place, the fog of political war often clouds complicated issues. Flip-Flopers are saying "Hey I used to think that, but now having learned more and spoken to other intelligent people I now realise I was wrong.

    Flip-Flopping is what mature, sophisticated thinkers do.

    Being steadfast is what Ideologues do. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Reagan, Pol Pot and Thatcher were all steadfast.

  25. Anonymous11:20 AM

    no prez has ever EARNED impeachment like that cia bankster mf hobama

    impeach hobama now!!!!!!!

    kudos to dbc

    cc martial law/fema/dhs/irs/nsa/fbi
    hobamascare/africom/ndaa/ww3 etc

  26. "Really? Little House on the Prairie? Dallas? 99% of America’s politicians?

    So it should be easy to find a example of whites being told this."

    Oh it is. Every single episode of every single show I linked said that and very little else.

    Take a look at any episode you like of 'Friends' for instance, do you know of any city in America that was as monoracial as theirs?

  27. Anonymous11:27 AM

    it is "little houses on the federal auction blocks"
    that vex me

    hobama has LITERALLY erased the black middle class via foreclosures!!!

    and hobama nazis could not care less...

    what a gd shame!!!!!

  28. Nixon personally ordered the killing of 4 Americans at Kent State

    Nixon left 20,000 Americans dead in Vietnam

    Under Ronnie Raygun, the Iraqis killed 37 sailors but Reagan, that mentally-addled, terrorist-loving, cut-and-run Chickenhawk, tax-raising, war criminal, tool of the Plutocrats, was too much in a stupor to do anything.

    In May 1987 the USS Stark came under attack by 1 Iraqi F1 jet which launched two missles and killed 37 US sailors.

    Two separate Terrorist Attacks in Beirut in 1983 using the same tactics and because the Marines were personally placed on guard without ammo. On April 18, 1983 the Beirut Embassy Car Bombing killed 17 Embassy personnel (and 46 Lebanese) and the follow on Truck Bombing attack 6 months later on October 23, 1983 at the US Barracks in Beirut killed 241 Marines, Soldiers and Sailors.

  29. Anonymous11:32 AM

    ss is an anti-racist shero!!!
    she gave the best ANTI racist speech ever

    that racist ab edited it to make it sound racist

    karma is real
    ss was framed by breitbart
    and she was slain by hobama

    ab has already paid
    hobama will too


  30. Anonymous11:34 AM

    ss was tagged team and dually slain by 2 racists:
    hobama and ab

    may ab's widow pay ss her DUE asap!!!!!!!


  31. Anonymous11:58 AM

    no lies live forever

    even the mega lie that is hobama and all that he is/touches

    impeach that liar hobama now!!!!!!!

  32. The Purple Cow said...
    It is illegal for children in the UK not to be in full time education or training up to the age of 18.

    " it is impossible NOT to finish high school."

    You wrote it is impossible not to finish school.

    The impossible happened

    Kids dropped out.

    So the truth is it IS possible to not complete high school.
    Why are you arguing this fact?

  33. Anonymous12:06 PM

    nixon was a noble slacker compared to hobama/nixon 2.0


    ndaa/drones/nsa/africom/osama/libya/solyndra/corp scams/swindleus/jobless/homeless/hobamascare/laid off/bilked/riobbed/gmo/frankenfood/agenda 21...


  34. The Purple Cow said...
    I don't know if Obama has flip-flopped or not, but as a rule I prefer politicians who flip-flop,

    Are you implying that flip-flopping is learning something and changing your views?

    I'm good with that.

    I will agree that Obama acknowledging that there is no such thing as shovel ready jobs after using "shovel ready jobs" to push his stimulus bill isn't flip-flopping. After pushing his agenda he learned his agenda wasn't true.

    Now, where has Obama said he learned about the debt limit since his words that bush was a failed leader because of increasing the debt limit?

  35. Anonymous12:18 PM

    no one herein ever praised romney for being a

    more proof that hobama nazis are flipping hypocrities!!!
    what a gd shame!!!!!!!

    cc hobama the fatal flipper

    that mf has flipped on every promise he ever made

    cc ww3/hobamacare/ndaa etc


  36. Bill, simply put Barack is a politician. As a junior senator from Illinois with a large liberal base he would get support by taking an easy position denying Bush funding for his wars (not really but it would earn him stripes from his liberal base). It was an easy position to take because he knew enough of his fellow senators and congressmen had enough sense to not default. The debt limit is ALWAYS passed and only certain key members would take token stances against raising it. C'mon man, Field told you the man is a good politician. Get it, got it, good. Can we move on now?

  37. "So the truth is it IS possible to not complete high school. Why are you arguing this fact?"

    It's possible that the Vikings will win the next Superbowl. Is it going to happen?


    And certainly in my day, (which is what we were talking about before you took us down this ludicrous sidetrack designed to obscure the fact you were losing the debate) it was impossible.

  38. Quote Bill-The-Dimbulb

    "Now, where has Obama said he learned about the debt limit since his words that bush was a failed leader because of increasing the debt limit?"


    "I think that it's important to understand the vantage point of a senator versus the vantage point of a president. When you're a senator, traditionally what's happened is, this is always a lousy vote. Nobody likes to be tagged as having increased the debt limit — for the United States by a trillion dollars. As president, you start realizing, you know what, we, we can't play around with this stuff. This is the full faith and credit of the United States. And so that was just an example of a new senator making what is a political vote as opposed to doing what was important for the country. And I'm the first one to acknowledge it."

    President Obama 15/04/2011

  39. Yesss..

    Lets move onto why the Hell hasnt O-Bomber set the GOP to flames after invoking the 14th ???

    Pilot is he still afraid of what the Republicans might do to him... ??

    Whats the excuse now... ?

    Hasnt hemade his point already??

    Why is he still entertaining the ransom requests..??

    as MUCH as DISLIKE him .. He could literally turn the GOP on its head for years to come...

    Will he do it??

    Nahhh hes TOO SOFT 4 that.....

  40. The Purple Cow said...

    Thanks for the education

  41. Not sure B is B. It may be necessary for him to act to avoid a worldwide economic disaster because I suspect that's exactly what the tea baggers want. They believe nothing good can come from a blah President and they are out to prove it.

  42. Now Pilot... as much as I rag on you on STEPHEN...

    You KNOW what needs to be done...

    What can the GOP do if he invokes the 14th???

    Impeach him for paying the U.S. bills??

    They wont even have standing to bring the case for it...

    and hes a 2 time SITTING President at that...

    I say he either SOFT...or hes in collusion with the crazies...

    His actions sure say otherwise........

  43. If he has to do it I'm sure he will. Pretty sure he has to because some are bent on his demise. Racism is a bitch.

  44. Anonymous3:06 PM

    hobama's wars make gwb look like an afrocentric pacifist!!!!!

    hobama is an unprecedented global serial war criminal!!!

    cc africom

    only the most hopeless and blind hobama nazis blame gwb for hobama's/gwb 3.0's very OWN wars

    cc DRONES!!!!!!!
    cc osama/ndaa/dhs/tsa/fema/africom/libya/syria/ww3/martial law...


  45. Anonymous3:41 PM

    cc the opulent bankster hobama


  46. Anonymous4:20 PM

    dissent = patriotism

    kudos to the tea party!!!

    hobama has failed
    impeach hobama now!!!!!!!

    cc post austerity pookies

  47. Anonymous4:24 PM

    when will jobless hungry homeless black hobama nazis HINALLY ever brew some rebel tea??????????


    stop the tea party hate!!!

    stop africom!!!!

    stop drones/eternal wars!!!

    stop hobamascare!!!

    impeach hobama now!!!!!!!

  48. Anonymous4:25 PM

    when will jobless hungry homeless black hobama nazis FINALLY ever brew some rebel tea??????????


  49. Tacoma4:27 PM

    White boy said...
    "I would argue that he is doing and will continue to try to do just what he promised to do if elected: to be the president of all of the people by representing the interests and consulting the opinions of as broad a swath of Americans as possible"

    This has to take the prize for the most absurd comment of the day. Obama has worked every day of his life to divide America, to fracture the country into voting blocks by pitting one group's interest against another. He has specifically attacked whites as the "enemy" and waged unrelenting War on the Middle Class. Motherfuck him and Motherfuck you.

    1. I know I'm going to regret this but Tacoma can you provide an example of the President specifically attacking whites as the "enemy"?

  50. Anonymous4:54 PM

    more proof that bankster hobama is the new hitler

    cc our prez goldman sachs


    our veep j.p. morgan

    cc ww3/ndaa/africom...


  51. Anonymous5:06 PM

    NO black agenda shall EVER open the dc mall via the blackish hobama...NEVER!!!

    cc latinos/war vets


  52. Tacoma, please provide a link where Obama attacked whites. Take all the time u need, I will wait........

  53. PilotX, great minds.....:)

  54. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Purple Cow bullshits, "Bill, every time I get a grip on how stupid I think you are, you say something more stupid, and I have to downgrade my assessment."

    Everyone else on this blog knows that Bill is a highly intelligent. Yet, you and Field can't seem to admit that truth. What's with you two that your perceptions are so distorted?

    BTW, I got my degree at the University of Heidelberg. I also got a degree in at a school that spoke in a foreign language...It's not that hard.

    But for YOU, PC, it was probably damn difficult. So difficult your black ass didn't make it past the first year because you flunked out...but I digress..

    Stop trying to make brother Bill look stupid because he's not. You and Field only make yourselves look like racist stupid Negroes by doing that. You are embarrassing our race. This is why we can't get ahead. It's because of Negroes like you two.

  55. Anonymous5:40 PM

    hobama ONLY attacks blacks as enemies


    cc africom/his horridly degrading pookie speech to morehouse grads etc/his slaying of shirley s etc...


  56. Anonymous5:45 PM

    BIB, "I say he either SOFT...or hes in collusion with the crazies...

    His actions sure say otherwise........"

    2:28 PM
    BIB, your words express my sentiments exactly. I have always felt that Obama is in collusion with the GOP. There just cannot be any other explanation for his behavior. I mean, a moron wouldn't do what Obama has done to favor the Tea Party and Republicans. In fact, NO ONE would do that, and I'm including 'idiots'.

    I'm hoping Obama will prove my theory wrong, but I am scared to death that he will prove it right.

  57. field negro said...
    "Tacoma, please provide a link where Obama attacked whites. Take all the time u need, I will wait........"

    Sure field, soon has you provide a link to back this up "These are the people who were told their entire lives that just being white was good enough".

    Take all the time u need, I will wait........

  58. "Sure field, soon has you provide a link to back this up "These are the people who were told their entire lives that just being white was good enough".

    Take all the time u need, I will wait........"

    I already di that, numbnuts.

  59. Quote Anonymous/Bill

    "Everyone else on this blog knows that Bill is a highly intelligent. Yet, you and Field can't seem to admit that truth. What's with you two that your perceptions are so distorted?"

    You know Bill, when you have to invent a black man to vouch for your supposed intelligence - that's not a good sign.

    "BTW, I got my degree at the University of Heidelberg. I also got a degree in at a school that spoke in a foreign language...It's not that hard."

    Really? It's a small world. I know a couple of guys who work at Heidelberg, one of my clients had me interview a couple of researchers in the I.T.P. a few months back for a branding project. Which department did you study in? Who were you studying under? My guys might know him..

    "But for YOU, PC, it was probably damn difficult. So difficult your black ass didn't make it past the first year because you flunked out...but I digress.."

    I'm doin' just fiiiiiiiiine white boy, with or without your approval and belief.

    Anyways, let me know about Heidelberg U. I'm interested.

  60. Junior PilotX said...
    I know I'm going to regret this but Tacoma can you provide an example of the President specifically attacking whites as the "enemy"?

    “If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”

    - Barack Obama, October 2010, In a radio interview that aired on Univision.

    Weak minds believe what they are told believe. Motherfuck Field's Mini-me.

  61. The Purple Cow said...
    You know Bill, when you have to invent a black man to vouch for your supposed intelligence - that's not a good sign.

    Projection means that you are doing what you suspect others of doing. How many sock-puppets you posting under PC?

    Having to make up lies about someone isn't a good sign for you.

    Remember how I pointed out FN knew better when he tried the same lame attempt at accusing me of posting under different names.

    I don't think you're as capable as FN to know better.

    Ask FN for help.

  62. Another poll that won't get mentioned by FN.

    Before PC goes all fox news crazy and blames the poll on tea party folks, let me point out it's from huffington post.

    Americans Mad At Everyone Over Federal Government Shutdown, But More Blame Republicans

    Nice headline. Scroll down and read-

    And they differed further from a recent HuffPost/YouGov poll, which yields yet another result partly because it allowed respondents to "check all that apply" from a list of three choices: President Barack Obama, Republicans in Congress, and Democrats in Congress. Initially, slightly more checked only Republicans (38 percent) than checked only Obama, only Democrats or both (34 percent). After a follow-up probed further for the most responsible party, Americans split evenly (43 percent each) on whether Republicans or Democrats were to blame.

    Wow, headline says more blame republicans but their own poll says
    "Americans split evenly (43 percent each) on whether Republicans or Democrats were to blame.."

    but the bigger problem may be that many Americans are hesitant to assign all responsibility for the shutdown to one side or another.

    That's the exact opposite of what the media and FN keeps repeating.

    The bigger problem is the democrat talking points aren't working.

  63. Anonymous9:18 PM

    If the Tea Party diehards in Congress trace their ancestry to Southern, slave holding Senators and Congressmen on the eve of the Civil War, and if we seem to be headed for a correspondingly similar confrontation, then Barack Obama seems more like the paralyzed President James Buchanan than he does Buchanan's successor Abraham Lincoln.

  64. Anonymous10:58 PM

    What is truly sad is African-Americans believe Obama is the great white hope for savior.Keep blaming the Tea Party. This is what they want. To foolish to see the Democrats and the Republicans are one. To foolish to see several states had riots thanks to your President because WIC & EBT Benefits were frozen for more than 10 days.Black America was hit the hardest. Black America is in dire straights. We have the highest unemployment rate,highest drop-out rate and highest pregnancy rate. But our children are snapping their fingers to satanic occult music. No outrage about that.We will watch reality shows instead of dealing with reality. No outrage about that. We stand in line like idiots to purchase $300 sneakers with no money to pay rent. No outrage about that. More than 1 million are locked down yet the conversation is about the Tea Party. White America will never take Black America seriously. We are in worse condition now then when BUSH was in office. Black Americans screamed at the top of their lungs when BUSH was in office. Wanted him out! He raised the debt ceiling, he raised taxes, he used the Patriot Act and we had a number of wars. Well the same thing is happening now and and guess what?The country is falling apart.Black Americans are back in slavery mode. Don't talk about my President. This man shows up to graduations and disrespects graduates. He chooses choice words to describe African-Americans. The Black Caucus can't STAND him. Yet the color of his skin is what we follow. The blinders are on so thick that Blacks can't see when they have been had. Yes we want healthcare that will cover everyone. Now you have a health care plan that triples the premiums three times the limit. Its ok that he uses drones to kill other brown people. Until the day its on American Soil. By then it will be too late. Open your eyes and go past the color of the skin. OBAMA is not Moses and he is not going to save Blacks or the communities they live in. Blacks have become brainwashed and then cry in the dark because they are not getting a piece of the pie. Well keep waiting. By the time this President is finish you will not have any rights,you will be chipped and tracked thanks to the iphone 5 and microchips, won't be able to purchase a home unless your credit score is 900 or higher nor will you be able to feed your families.

  65. Anonymous1:26 PM

    If Americans could line up to be in a boxing match and could mash any politician they would love to mash, millions of Americans would line up!

    / Spied the above next to a photo of Obama! /
