Sunday, October 13, 2013

The majority revolution.

I thought that the republican party was the party of Lincoln.  If it is, why were they carrying the confederate flag at that wingnut gathering in Washington, today?

Of course Sarah Palin was there, and so was the de facto leader of the republican party, Ted Cruz.

Sarah and Ted had some Harsh words for this administration. And Sarah, still the genius, wanted to know why there were barricades around the veteran's memorial in Washington. Pssst, Sarah, it's called a shutdown. The park is supposed to be closed. You can't pick and choose what you want to remain open when there is a government shutdown that you and your party initiated.

Larry Klayman, of a group laughably named Freedom Watch, was even tougher on the government than Sarah and Ted were:

"I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to get up, to put the Quran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come out with his hands up,”

There is a lot of talk of revolution these days. Mostly from poor uneducated white folks. These are the people who were told their entire lives that just being white was good enough. Now, though, they look around and see that the most powerful man in their country doesn't look like they do. Maybe, just maybe, the privileges that they thought they were afforded throughout their lives might not be there after all. Heck that would scare me too. (I see you "Joe the Plumber".)

Finally, I was at a legal conference recently, and while there I struck up a conversation with a gentleman who happens to be an African American Judge in our fine city.

We got to talking about crime and things such as stop and frisk, and he let me know in no uncertain terms that he was not immune from racial profiling.

"Hey man, when those cops pull me over they don't know that I am a sitting Judge. All they see is another black man in a nice car."

And it's not just a black man sitting in a car that has to worry about overly aggressive police officers, sadly, profiling can take many forms.

Anyway, I thought about that conversation when I read two stories from my local paper last week.

"NO ONE GOT PUNCHED in the face - this time - but YouTube has given the Philadelphia Police Department another black eye, proving once again that smartphones are a bully cop's worst nightmare.

Let's just hope that Officer Philip Nace doesn't land in the city's tourism department when the dust settles.

"Don't come to f---ing Philadelphia. Stay in Jersey."

That's one of Nace's rage-induced zingers that were recorded in a disturbing 16-minute YouTube video of a recent stop and frisk.
The video, dated Sept. 27, shows Nace, 46, and another police officer from North Philly's 25th District stopping two unidentified men, apparently after they said hello to a third man on the street.

"You don't say 'Hi' to strangers," Nace said as he confronts the two pedestrians. "Not in this neighborhood," his partner added.

The cops then push one of the men against their cruiser. The second man, who is videotaping the incident and starts to walk away, is ordered to put his phone in his pocket and get against the car for a frisk. The phone, however, continues recording, apparently on the hood of the car.

"Don't f---ing fight . . . we'll kick your ass, too," Nace said. He threatened the other man, saying he would "split your wig open."

Nace called one of the men a "f---ing dirty ass." When they protest that they haven't done anything wrong, he shouted: "Why don't you shut the f--- up! Everyone thinks they're a f---ing lawyer, and they don't know jack s---."
"You're jaywalking, by the way," the second officer later added, apparently in an attempt to justify the stop.

At one point, Nace told one of the men: "We don't want you here, anyway. All you do is weaken the f---ing country."

"How do I weaken the country? By working?" the man asked.
"No, freeloading," Nace said.

When the man said he's a server at a country club, Nace responded, "Server. Serving weed?"

The video is titled "Police unlawful harassment and racial profiling," but the race of the two pedestrians is unclear. Nace and his partner are white." [Source]

And then there was this poor guy:

"HERBERT Spellman gave nearly 20 years of his life to the Philadelphia Police Department, retiring in 2008 after a driver rear-ended his police cruiser, knocking him unconscious and sending him to the emergency room.

His body still hurts as a result of the injuries sustained in the crash. But Spellman's pride took a beating more recently.

On Sept. 10, walking to a bus stop in West Oak Lane, Spellman found himself on the other side of the police department's controversial stop-and-frisk policy, he said.

"Demeaning," "nasty," "ridiculous" and "illegal" are the words that come to his mind when he recounts the incident. They weren't police tactics he recognized from his time on the force.
"I'm walking, and the cops come up on an angle. Two officers jump out of the car and grab me by my shirt and pants," Spellman said. "I asked them why they stopped me, and the driver said, 'Why did you look at us and turn and walk away?' "

Spellman, 50, a married father of four, said the officers went through his wallet without his permission, forcefully frisked him and put him in the back of the police cruiser. He said they asked why he was "so far from home," accused him of being on drugs and told him to "shut the f--- up" when he asked why he was being stopped. His cellphone screen was shattered in the process.

"It demeans you. It made me feel like I was a piece of meat," Spellman said. "This is new to me: someone on you, manhandling you. Don't tell me to 'shut the f--- up.' The whole thing shouldn't have happened. I'm a grown man trying to catch the bus."

Spellman was not charged with a crime. He said he had left the ACT Academy Cyber Charter School, where his son was taking a computer class, so he could let his wife into their home in Olney. She had forgotten her key. He said he showed the officers his retired police ID, but it didn't help.

"I don't know what's going on with this police department, but it's terrible," he said.

Lt. Thomas Fournier of Internal Affairs confirmed that Spellman had filed a complaint with his office, but said he couldn't comment on the case.
The experience made Spellman realize what can happen to innocent civilians when they become suspects in the eyes of cops. Spellman, who is black, still doesn't know why he was targeted, but he couldn't help but notice that the two cops who stopped him and the four or five backup officers who arrived were white.

"I don't want to turn it into a racial issue, but that's what it felt like," Spellman said of racial profiling. "When my son leaves the house, I'm going to tell him to be more careful of cops than crooks. Me, being an injured officer with ID, and they're giving me that much trouble? I can't imagine someone without credentials." [Source]

Just keep those confederate flags off of our police cars.




  1. GrannyStandingforTruth1:23 AM

    Those folks are crazier than a road lizard. Smh!

    I wonder how many of those folks waving confederate flags went to use their foodstamps in the last couple of days and couldn't because of the government shutdown? The GOP is holding poor people hostage and wants to starve them to death over a healthcare law that's already been passed, official, and in effect. Smh! None of them stopped to think or care that those people's food barely last until the end of the month. Why should they care, their refrigerators are loaded down with food.

    People that receive foodstamp need to go the GOP Congress folk's office and tell them that they hope they have a big refrigerator at their house because they're coming to dinner. I bet they'll open up the government then.

    Now is the time for those Mega churches whose preachers are wearing 3 carat diamond rings, expensive suits, and living like kings to step up to the plate and help the poor, instead of robbing the poor. Yep, and all those so-called charities that claim they're feeding the poor, time for them to step up too.
    *ahem, cough, cough, cough*

    Welp, next election, the Democrat Party is gonna save a whole lot of money in campaign funds because there is going to be a overwhelming cleansing in Congress like never before.

    As for Mr. Spellman's incident with the white supremacist police force, well what did folks expect would happen when white supremacist invaded the police force? Cleaning up the police departments all over America is long overdue. We're back to the days of the slave patrollers and a time when black and brown males freedom of movement was controlled and they needed a pass from Massa to go anywhere.

    Sarah Palin needs to go and sit her racist azz down somewhere, with her golddigging self. I don't know which one is the dumbest, her or Bachmann, both of those demon possessed, cock-eyed hussies are sick in the head and troublemakers.

    Hate is like a cancer, it spreads, consumes, causes deterioration, and devastation.

  2. GrannyStandingforTruth1:33 AM

    Are the GOP trying to commit mass genocide of poor people on the sly by starving them to death while they play political games?

  3. Cops suck. That is all.

  4. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Well, well, well. The police force of Philly continues its Rizzo legacy of terrorizing Blacks.

    I am so glad I no longer live in that brutal town where Blacks are politically "powerless". Never mind they have an over-abundance of 'Black Lawyers', they are STILL powerless against the law. The police and the justice system continue to piss on Blacks. That ought to tell you the worth of professional Blacks in Philly....notta.

    The police can do anything they want to Blacks and you can be sure there will be no consequences--even though there are video recordings. Remember Rodney King? They got it all on camera showing the cops beating the hell out of Rodney. And guess what? They held a trial in Orange County and set those wretched cops free. Only when the riots started in Watts did they have another trial.

    But in Philly, we won't have to worry about a riot. Blacks in that town are so docile and weak, they make slaves on a plantation look aggressive. This is very sickening...we are vulnerable 24/7 to a crooked dishonest police force. And we are paying their salaries with our tax dollars. It's too bad we don't have the guts to refuse to pay taxes for our abuse.

  5. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Dear Brother Field, I can no longer read your posts. This stuff doesn't help anyone to become a better person, which is what Blacks sorely need.

    Your posts darken and weaken Black minds. It's depressing.

  6. Sorry Anon@7:56 AM, just trying to give you the news in America. Don't get depressed, get to work.

  7. parvenu8:53 AM

    Field. this question is expressly for you - where is Mayor Mike Nutter is all this police stop and frisk activity. What about the current police commissioner? Stop and frisk is a directed policy which is not only implemented but is managed from the executive levels in city government. We know all of the stop and frisk management in New York, but not so much when it comes to Philly.

  8. Anonymous9:31 AM

    kudos to tc!!!!!!

    it is indeed tragic that black deaf blind hobama nazis are MORE poor than the tea party rebels...

    and yet no black tea parties/black revolutions!!!!

    cc hobama's STILL NONEXISTENT black agenda/jobless/homeless/ndaa/africom etc

    hobama is slaying adoring blacks globally...
    and u see that as some source of nazi pride????

    cc that racist hobama's global/militarized kkkops

  9. Anonymous9:34 AM

    reps = dems

    ignoring hobama's pre-austerity game show/shutdown will NEVER protect u hobama nazi drones...

    cc the misery index far beyond 2016

    shame on u fn!
    shame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous9:56 AM

    there is no deeper hatred than self hatred

    and DEAF BLIND blacks who love that racist bankster hobama
    prove that daily

    cc the cbc/africom/jobless/homeless/agendaless etc


  11. "You can't pick and choose what you want to remain open when there is a government shutdown that you and your party initiated. "

    You can pick and choose what you want to close down. Which is what dear leader did.

    "went to use their foodstamps in the last couple of days and couldn't because of the government shutdown?"

    The shutdown had nothing to do with Democrat voters not being able swipe dey ebt.

    Talk about uneducated.

  12. Anonymous10:10 AM

    "freedom watch" is an ideal name

    hobama has torched the constitution and stolen more freedoms than any prez ever

    only black hobama nazis are happy slaves anew....shame!!!!!!!

    cc hobamascare/fema/dhs/ndaa/tsa/nsa/fbi/cia/gun grabs etc

    cc the aclu/chris hedges etc

  13. "Stop and frisk" Was put into place by Democrat masters field and other house negros obey. White Democrats have always wanted to keep their hands on their house negros.

    Phiily and New York. Two liberal Democrat cities.

    "The GOP is holding poor people hostage and wants to starve them to death."

    Sorry Granny..... It's Obama's polices that are starving the poor.

    Step off the Democrat plantation and see how the poor and middle are hurting.

    Truths field negro won't talk about.

    "These are the people who were told their entire lives that just being white was good enough"

    Who were telling these people this? Examples please. Don't have any? Didn't think so......

  14. Anonymous10:32 AM

    more on that racist bankster/massa hobama

    and his new slavery via hobamascare


  15. Anonymous10:34 AM

    The parks aren't supposed to be closed because the Federal Government doesn't own them, the United States owns them! Seriously, think about that. The majority of what you post is short-sighted and not actually thought out but only parrot what you hear in the media and assume.

  16. Anon, you might be right, maybe the "United States" owns the parks. Why don't u and your wingnut friends volunteer to work at the parks as tour guides etc?

    Where do u think the money to pay people who work in the parks come from?

    Seriously, are wingnuts really this stupid?

    parvenu, u are right, leadership starts at the top, I will leave it at that.

    Still, there is a certain group of folks within the police dept. here who have been getting away with this type of stuff for years. Fortunately there are some folks who work within the system who are starting to see the light.

  17. Anonymous11:29 AM

    correction fn:

    no one is hating hobama because HALF of him does not look like them

    they DO hate him because he has stolen HALF of their income via taxes/wars/bankster scams/hobamascare/green corp scams etc

    and because HALF of their income looks invisible....etc!!!

    shame on the WHOLE of u racist clueless blind deaf dumb black hobama nazis!!!!!!!!!!!

    cc hovama;s marial law/ndaa/global killer kkkops etc

  18. Anonymous11:30 AM

    cc hobama's marial law/ndaa/global killer kkkops etc

  19. Anonymous11:31 AM

    cc hobama's martial law/ndaa/global killer kkkops etc

  20. Loving the ability to ignore all the bs12:17 PM

    Blah blah blah 'symptoms of serious derangement' blah blah blah 'I need to post the same thing over and over to validate myself' blah blah 'Nazi'

    Zoom out

    Minimize post, smile, move on. Hope for rational post, keep reading.

    Keep up the good work, Field. And you're right; still plenty of work to do...

  21. field negro said...
    Where do u think the money to pay people who work in the parks come from?

    From the rich people democrats keep hating on.

    "The rich pay majority of U.S. income taxes
    The top 10 percent of taxpayers paid over 70% of the total amount collected in federal income taxes in 2010,"

    It's certainly not the bottom 47% that gets, not gives to the government.

    Oops, what you asked was a rhetorical question, you already knew the rich people are responsible for keeping the country going.

  22. wanted to know why there were barricades around the veteran's memorial in Washington. Pssst, Sarah, it's called a shutdown. The park is supposed to be closed.


    It's easy to understand doors/gates won't be unlocked, no government workers there to unlock them.

    Can you explain the use of government workers to erect temporary barricades from stopping people from doing what they could freely do 24/7/365 a week before?

  23. Anonymous1:02 PM

    "OFF THE PIGS!" may sound and feel good at first; but "naah", that won't work 'cause young gangsta thugs haven't the balls - they'd much rather prey on the vulnerable. And, we so-called "Negro" men haven't the balls to protect our own.
    BTW, FN, how WOULD you have us "get to work"? Christ! You can't keep right-wing toads and the ubiquitous uber right-wingnut, "AB"-aka-"Aunt Jemima" from infesting your blog site.
    Ted Cruz = young Hitler; Tea Party people = Nazi brown-shirts. It would behoove us to read (now that's funny) and relearn how Nazism/Hitler grew in post-war Germany. They too thought, "It can't happen here". And like the Jews there, "No-groes" here are sleeping and/or singin' and prayin'

  24. Anonymous1:21 PM

    cc hobama's new austerity's misery index...

    kudos to fox news!!!


  25. control+halt+delete1:27 PM

    "These are the people who were told their entire lives that just being white was good enough."

    "Who were telling these people this?"

    The same people who said Columbus discovered america.

    Happy "prelude to genocide and slavery" day!

    Is it just me or does anyone else think cruz looks like Grandpa Munster...sorry that's the next creepy blank holiday...halloween.

  26. Anonymous1:34 PM

    cc that racist elitist warmongering bankster hobama/the slayer in chief

    poverty is colorless!!!!
    blacks are THE MOST impoverished via hobama!!!
    just why are ONLY white poor people protesting???

    why do foolish racist deaf blind black hobama nazis see this as a black asset????

    cc broke/jobless/homeless/hopeless/hobamascare etc


  27. Anonymous1:40 PM

    that blackish racist bankster hobama looks and acts exactly like legendary traitor akhenaten

    grandpa munster was fictional

    that mf hobama is a real global monster

    cc africom/libya/syria/yemen/ww3/ndaa...

  28. I posted the NBC poll yesterday showing 51 said Obama was putting his own political agenda before the good of the country.

    I made the comment that 51 means that it’s not only republicans seeing that in Obama anymore. It's worse.

    I screwed up, I assumed the poll was 50% reps 50% dems. Just like fox and thinkprogress over-samples their minions, so does NBC.

    Obama Voters – 44
    Romney Voters -35

    Identify as Democrat - 43
    Identify as Republican - 32

    Obamacare, good idea or bad-
    Good – 38
    Bad - 43

    Just imagine IF republicans were oversampled, and Colorado would vote to recall 2 democrat politicians for towing the party line.

  29. Anon@1:02pm, this is a B.L.O.G., it is not real life, and as much as I love blogging, I still have to keep it in perspective.

    You might want to do the same.

    As for AB, well....what can I say? If she is a real person, her Obama obsession should go into the Guinness Book of Records. It's honestly kind of scary.

  30. Bill, I really respect your best to spin this fiasco for the republicans in a positive light, but honestly dude, it's over. Give it up. They have lost this fight. Time to retreat and get ready for the next battle.

  31. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Field, "parvenu, u are right, leadership starts at the top, I will leave it at that.

    Still, there is a certain group of folks within the police dept. here who have been getting away with this type of stuff for years. Fortunately there are some folks who work within the system who are starting to see the light."

    10:44 AM
    That stuff has been going on in the police dept since Rizzo some 40-50 years ago. The fact that it STILL goes on in Philly pretty much defines the police dept and the city. The "City of Brotherly Love" is mocked by its law enforcement and the people who live there, both Black and White. The Blacks mocks the city's name because they do NOTHING about the police brutality and harassment that is directed specifically at them. The Whites mock Philly's name because they do NOTHING about the harassment and brutality of its black citizens.

    The saddest part of this is Philly is heavy with black lawyers who do NOTHING about it. In fact, they make their living off of Blacks. It's outrageous and Blacks need to get out of that sorry city.

    The mayor of Philly is nothing but an uncle Tom who could give a shit about his own people....TNB in Philly from those in power positions and in the legal profession.

  32. field negro said...
    Bill, I really respect your best to spin this fiasco for the republicans in a positive light


    Have you seen me post positive links for republicans, talk good about a republican?

    Why do you believe this isn't also a fiasco for the democrats?
    A democrat-over-sampled nbc poll, 51 says Obama put political agenda before the best of the country.

    Can we agree that democrats blindly vote democrat, republicans blindly vote democrat. What makes the difference in elections are the independents that don;t pledge their allegiance to either party.

    What are the polls saying about independents?

  33. Heres ....STEPHEN ... right on time making sure Partisan Politricks is the ONLY thing he can report on....

    Heres a simple question for you STEPHEN....

    Why hasnt O-Bomber invoked the 14th amendment and ended the Republican party for good... ???

    Then when 2014 rolls around... Both houses would be Dem controlled....

    Wouldnt that be nice STEPHEN???


    The Republicans are teetering over the damm cliff waiting for a BIG Spartan Boot to go off the edge....

    and what is O-Bomber gonna do...??

    Hes gonna OFFER CUTS.....CUTS... CUTS..

    Watch him FOLD the Royal FLUSH, and tell the public....

    "Its The Best I Could Do"

  34. Anonymous5:44 PM

    u lie like hobama fn:

    it is hobamascare that should frighten u fool

    god is watching u lie u soulless sucker for massa hobama

    u r a lying beta male bitch
    u have all of my private contact info

    this is what makes u a nigger for massa hobama

    we see u boy

    and we see that i am as real as the real truths i post about hobama

    the very same one u ignore as u libel me

    u would rather lie about me
    than post ONE mere truth about hobama/ndaa.poverty/wars/DC etc


    do the alpha males at BAR and UHURU scare u as i do when they post the SAME truths about that mf hobama?

    eff u u lying sexist dog bitch

  35. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Yo! Field-Homeslice, what up son! Check it yo: if wingnuts bother you, then separate from cracker-america and form your own state/nation/autonomous zone, whatever. then you won't have to look at these wingnuts!

    Or, perhaps you prefer to stay among wingnuts for some reason?

  36. Anonymous5:50 PM

    cowardly lying ass fn:

    be very afraid of that mf hobama u scared mf

    yap, shiver, and and piss here asap fn

    cc your sexist bs to alpha males glen ford/bruce dixon/cornel west/tavis smiley/chris hedges/tariq ali/ron paul/alex jones/jeff rense/webster tarpley/gerald celente/dr. ben carson etc...

    asap u silly hobama nazi bromance drunken bitch!!!!!!!

    hobama is NOT into u!!!!
    cc ndaa/africom/ww3 etc

  37. Anonymous5:52 PM

    fn is afraid of how i slay him and hobama daily

    reps = dems

    but reps have slain hobama as they have won this act in the show

    wtf will u hobama nazi fools say soon when hobama announces:

    "the reps won....they made me activate my auterity etc....say hello to our grand i could do....wink wink"


  38. Anonymous5:57 PM

    massa bankster hobama/gwb 3.0 is a liar


    fn is a lying blind deaf dumb nigger coward


  39. "These are the people who were told their entire lives that just being white was good enough"

    Who were telling these people this? Examples please. Don't have any? Didn't think so......

  40. ”Who were telling these people this? Examples please. Don't have any? Didn't think so......”

    Well I’ll give you some while you are waiting.

    Their parents
    Their school teachers
    Their preachers
    The print media
    T.V. shows like ‘Little House on the Prairie’, ‘Dynasty’, ‘The Waltons’, ‘Friends’, and ‘Dallas’.
    99% of America’s politicians

  41. Anonymous7:14 PM

    BIB, "The Republicans are teetering over the damm cliff waiting for a BIG Spartan Boot to go off the edge....

    and what is O-Bomber gonna do...??

    Hes gonna OFFER CUTS.....CUTS... CUTS..

    Watch him FOLD the Royal FLUSH, and tell the public....

    "Its The Best I Could Do"

    4:23 PM
    BIB, you are beautiful. You tell it like it is. Unfortunately, when you lay this much truth and insight on Field, he can't handle it. He runs for cover.

    Nevertheless, I appreciate your insights and wisdom. It's refreshing because Lord knows, there isn't a whole lot of wisdom on FN. Thank you for making FN blog look a little bit better instead of a complete waste of time. Deep down inside you must have some compassion for STEPHEN, or maybe it's pity?

  42. Anonymous7:17 PM

    PC, what is this news that you can't finish HS in the UK? Is it because you don't have the brains and stomach for high school? Is it too hard for you?

  43. Sandy2487:21 PM

    I love how the tea baggers are all crowded together trying to make a couple hundred people look like bigger than it is. Anytime I see the confederate flag it just reminds me that the south lost and that flag is the flag of losers.

  44. Anon@7:14pm
    I thank you for your comments..

    Its good to know someone else sees things for what they are , and NOT what they could be.

    I sometimes read FN blog ,and I just shake my head ...

    The constant cheer leading for either side is what causes me to opine the way I do.

    You have trillions of dollars in derivatives traded openly by the the 5 Big Banks A.K.A. "Too Big To Fail" much more than the national deficit , and neither party has the GUTS to implement a 1% sales tax on all derivative transactions...

    There is a new party emerging...and its called The
    "Tax Wall Street" Party..

    Logical solution...

    However Which Feckless Spineless Politician has the guts to implement this?

  45. Anonymous12:33 AM

    There goes Granny again, it's always about the poor black man. She still thinks black men are the only people suffering within the black race.

  46. Anonymous12:35 AM

    "Anytime I see the confederate flag it just reminds me that the south lost and that flag is the flag of losers."

    Sandy honey,
    If that were true you and your ilk wouldn't expend so much energy hating on it.

  47. Anonymous12:37 AM

    As for that black retired cop, for years he thought he was special. News flash negro, I bet you witnessed and even helped encouraged that mess too. Now it's your turn. Suck it up. I hate cops, they are all f---ing bullies.

  48. Field, we put that flag away long ago. When will you put it away?

  49. BARBBF10:12 AM

    "The park is supposed to be closed. You can't pick and choose what you want to remain open when there is a government shutdown that you and your party initiated."

    The National Park Service implemented this month's government shutdown in a political way that would inconvenience the public and make the shutdown as painful and visible as possible.

    The Park Service barricaded national monuments like the Lincoln Memorial and the Vietnam and World War II memorials and prevented veterans' visits when it would have been easy for them to admit pedestrians.

    In the Cleveland area, the Cuyahoga Valley National Park has been closed during the shutdown, furloughing its employees and disrupting local events such as the Towpath Marathon, which has been rescheduled for Nov. 3.

    "An open air monument was guarded by the same number of people to prevent Americans from getting in as would have safely allowed them to go in and out," said House Government Reform and Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa of California. "It is disgusting and despicable that the Park Service would be ordered to do this."

    The National Park Service erected barricades to shut down parking lots surrounding Mount Vernon despite the fact that the tourist destination is privately owned, another example of how the feds are deliberately worsening the government shut down.

    Mount Vernon is the former plantation of George Washington and is owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, which doesn’t receive any government funding. The attraction’s official website reads, “NO SHUTDOWN HERE – The Federal government may be shut down, but Washington’s home remains open. Mount Vernon has remained a private non-profit for more than 150 years.”

    However, a dispute began when the National Park Service began putting up barricades to block off the facility’s car park, blockading the entrance as well as a spot where tour buses turn around.

    The parking lots are co-owned by Mount Vernon and the NPS, but require no immediate maintenance at all, meaning the decision to close them down was completely unnecessary.
